State-Level Technology Based Learning Survey

Quick Turnaround Surveys on Workforce Investment Act Implementation


State-Level Technology Based Learning Survey

OMB: 1205-0436

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DOL TBL Survey - State Workforce Agencies

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Technology-based learning (TBL), also known as distance learning and/or e-learning, is defined as any learning via electronic technology. This survey is designed to obtain information about the current status of TBL development and implementation in the public workforce investment system. To review the letter introducing this data collection effort, please click here: <Print the introductory email>.

The US Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration and Abt Associates appreciate State Workforce Agency Administrators’ assistance in providing information that can improve services for the clients of the public workforce investment system. Thank you in advance for diligently and thoroughly completing this survey. Please send any inquiries, comments or questions, and supporting information requested in the survey to the <TBL_DOL Solutions Desk at Abt Associates> or call the Solutions Desk at 855/295-5528 (toll free).

For general information about ETA's TBL Initiative, please contact Michelle Ennis, Division of Research and Evaluation, Office of Policy Development and Research, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor at

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such a collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1205-0436. Participation in this information collection is voluntary; however this is the single point of data for each state’s context for and use of TBL. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instruction, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. Any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this form should be submitted in writing to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Policy Development and Research, Room N-4511, Washington, D.C. 20210.

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State Workforce Agency Administrators have one month to complete the 2012 TBL Survey. By [the deadline to be determined once the survey is sent out] 2012, please complete and submit this survey. State Workforce Agency Administrators will complete this survey and should, as needed, draw upon appropriate state or local personnel, their staff, or, any related data resources (e.g., the state's Eligible Training Provider List) to obtain the requested information. Survey completion requires consulting the state ETPL.

The survey is estimated to take 30 minutes to complete, but completion time may vary from agency to agency. To review the entire survey before beginning, please use the button below (“Review Responses”) to access a printable version of the survey.

To ensure confidential access to and completion of the survey, each State Workforce Agency Administrator has been sent an email with a personalized link to the survey. The web address sent to each State Workforce Agency Administrator is linked to each specific state and can be shared with staff if they are assisting with the survey. However, the link should not be shared outside of that state. State Workforce Agency Administrators will respond to three short sections in this survey:

  • State Policy, Guidance, and Support for TBL: General questions about the context of TBL in your state;

  • TBL and Your State's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL): Questions about the use of online or distance learning to support eligible training providers' training programs in your state. These questions may require consultation with staff responsible for the state ETPL;

  • TBL Challenges or Barriers: Questions about the adoption and use of TBL in your state workforce investment system.

To navigate through the survey, use the navigation buttons at the bottom of each page of the survey. Do not use the browsers' navigation buttons. If, while working on the survey, it is not possible to navigate to the next page, please make sure that all the required questions are answered. A required question that is not answered when the "Next" button is clicked will have a pink bar above it to indicate that the question must be answered to proceed to the next page.

The survey can be completed over multiple sessions. To complete the survey at a later time, please use the "Save and continue later" button at the bottom of each page. All responses will be saved and the web link that can be used to resume the survey will be displayed. To complete the survey, use either that link or the identical one provided in the original email.

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Instructions (Continued)

Abt Associates may require clarification or additional information regarding survey responses. Please provide your contact information below:

Name: _________________________________________________________________

Title: __________________________________________________________________

Organization: ___________________________________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________________________

If needed, survey respondents should consult with other staff (e.g., staff responsible for the state ETPL) or data sources within the state in order to complete all questions.

Please identify the individuals or data source(s) consulted to complete this survey. Respondents will have the opportunity to confirm or update this information at the end of the survey.:

Individual(s) (name, title, and organization): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Data source(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________

Please send any inquiries, comments or questions, and supporting information requested in the survey to the <TBL_DOL Solutions Desk at Abt Associates>.

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Terms Used in this Survey Print this page

Please review the following definitions of the terms that will be used throughout this survey. Some of the definitions will be repeated just prior to the questions in which they appear, with the key terms in italics. Click the button to the right to print these definitions for later reference.

  • Technology-based learning (TBL): Also known as distance learning and/or e-learning, is defined as any learning via electronic technology. TBL is defined broadly to include online education as well as learning facilitated by other electronic technologies like intranet sites, satellite broadcasts, audio and video conferencing, Internet bulletin boards and chat rooms, web casts, simulations, electronic gaming, podcasting, CD-ROMs, and a variety of mobile options (e.g., smart phone applications or "apps").

  • Participant: An individual who is determined eligible to participate in WIA-sponsored core, intensive, training or Title II services and receives them in either a physical location (i.e., on-site) or remotely through electronic linkages. Participants may include incumbent workers, underemployed and unemployed individuals, and dislocated workers.

  • Eligible training providers: Providers of training services defined in accordance with WIA, Section 122.

    • "In-person programs" indicates programs that rely on face-to-face instruction (i.e., traditional programs). No course or session is held online or by distance.

    • "Distance programs" indicates programs that are delivered online or through electronic linkages only (e.g., videoconferencing).

    • "Blended programs" offer courses or sessions both in-person and through distance.

  • PY2011: Program Year 2011, which encompasses July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012. Please consider any activities or courses occurring at any time during PY2011, even if they will be completed beyond PY2011.

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Please remember that the purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the current use of TBL in WIA-funded workforce development services.

I.  State Policy, Guidance, and Support for TBL

This section asks general questions about the context for technology-based learning (TBL) in your state workforce investment system during the 2011 Program Year (PY2011 is July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012).

  • Technology-based learning (TBL): Also known as distance learning and/or e-learning, is defined as any learning via electronic technology. TBL is defined broadly to include online education as well as learning facilitated by other electronic technologies like intranet sites, satellite broadcasts, audio and video conferencing, Internet bulletin boards and chat rooms, web casts, simulations, electronic gaming, podcasting, CD-ROMs, and a variety of mobile options (e.g., smart phone applications or "apps").


Please list your State Workforce Agency's top policy priorities for PY2011, regardless of whether they relate to TBL.



In PY2011, did your State Workforce Agency consider the use of TBL in your state's workforce investment system a high priority, medium priority, low priority, or not a priority at all? (Select one.)

 High priority

 Medium priority

 Low priority

 Not at priority at all

 Unknown


Which of the following explain the level of priority that your state workforce investment system has given to TBL? (Select all that apply.)

 TBL is already widely used within the state’s workforce investment system

 TBL is a local-level strategic issue

 TBL is not appropriate for the state’s workforce investment system

 TBL was not discussed or considered as a possible component of the state’s workforce investment system

 Other(s): (list below)

 Unknown


Please briefly describe your State Workforce Agency's action plan/and or strategies for promoting the use of TBL in your state's workforce investment system in PY2011.


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I.  State Policy, Guidance, and Support for TBL (continued)


During PY2011, did your State Workforce Agency use TBL or encourage TBL usage as a means to promote or complement existing statewide objectives?

 Yes, we used TBL or encouraged TBL usage to promote or complement existing statewide objectives during PY2011

 No, we did not use TBL nor encouraged TBL usage to promote or complement existing statewide objectives during PY2011

 Unknown


Please indicate if your State Workforce Agency used TBL or encouraged TBL use as a means to promote or complement the following statewide objectives: (Select one for each row.)




Increasing the accessibility of WIA services for the eligible population (e.g., rural populations.)

Attracting priority target groups (e.g., younger populations, disabled populations.)

Making use of emerging or different instructional approaches (e.g., use of virtual classrooms or simulations.)

Increasing individual options and personal flexibility in accessing WIA services (e.g., employed workers seeking services after hours.)

Improving cost efficiency in the WIA delivery system (e.g., limiting facilities costs.)

Promoting greater coordination of services across agencies (e.g., cross-program sharing of development costs for on-line courses.)

Other(s):(list below)

Other statewide objective(s):


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I.  State Policy, Guidance, and Support for TBL (continued)


Does your State Workforce Agency have in place any of the following to guide your state's workforce investment system's specific use of TBL? (Select one for each row.)




Legislation specific to TBL within the state workforce investment system

Policies specific to TBL within the state workforce investment system

Other(s): (list below)

Other item(s) your State Workforce Agency has in place to guide your state's workforce investment system's use of TBL:



Please cite and describe the legislation or policy which you consider the most instrumental in shaping your state's workforce development system use of TBL.





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I.  State Policy, Guidance, and Support for TBL (continued)


Does your State Workforce Agency rely on any of the following resources to guide the use of TBL within your state's workforce investment system? (Select one for each row.)




An advisor on educational technology 

A group (e.g., commission, committee or taskforce of experts) focused on educational technology

A digital library to support TBL

Digital content tools to support TBL

Other(s): (list below)

Other resource(s) used to guide the use of TBL within your state's workforce development system:


Q5A [each asked if the answer to the corresponding question above == “yes”]

Please describe how your State Workforce Agency uses an advisor on educational technology:


Please describe how your State Workforce Agency uses a group (e.g., commission, committee or taskforce of experts) focused on educational technology:


Please describe how your State Workforce Agency uses a digital library to support TBL:


Please describe how your State Workforce Agency uses Digital content tools to support TBL:


Please describe how your State Workforce Agency uses the other resources used to guide TBL: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Of those resources chosen above, which do you consider the most instrumental? (Please select one.)

An advisor on educational technology 

A group (e.g., commission, committee or experts body) focused on educational technology

A digital library to support technology-based learning

Digital content tools to support technology-based learning

Other(s) (listed above)

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I.  State Policy, Guidance, and Support for TBL (continued)


Does your State Workforce Agency fund TBL workforce investment initiatives (e.g., incentives or grants for developing TBL programs, funds earmarked for TBL initiatives)?

 Yes

 No

 Unknown


Which of the following groups is eligible to receive the direct funding?




Local Workforce Investment Boards

Local American Job Center Delivery System (e.g., comprehensive American Job Centers, or satellite or affiliated sites)

Training Services Providers


Workforce System Participants

Other(s): (list below)

Other group(s) eligible to receive the direct funding:



What is the source of these funds?




Federal workforce funds (e.g., Workforce Investment Act or Wagner-Peyser funds)

Recovery Act (ARRA) funds, Trade Adjustment Assistance grant, Pathways out of Poverty grant, H-1B Technical Skills training grant

Postsecondary education grants, loans or scholarships 

Other Federal funds:(list below)

Other State funds:(list below)

State tax deductions or credits

Employer-sponsored funding (e.g., tuition reimbursement):(list below)

Grants from private organizations

Loans from private lenders (e.g., banks)

Reduced tuition or fees

Other(s):(list below)

Other Federal funds:


Employer-sponsored funding:


Other State funds:


Other source(s) of funds:



There are Federal guidelines regarding the types of training programs that are eligible for WIA funding. Did your state have any additional restrictions or requirements related to the use of TBL ( e.g., restriction on using funds for online courses) above and beyond the WIA specifications? (select one)

 Yes

 No

 Unknown


Please describe the funding restrictions specific to TBL programs or providers in your state.


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II.  TBL and Your State's Eligible Training Provider List

This section asks about your State's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) and its inclusion of online or distance learning resources during PY2011.

Online or distance learning (e.g., by videoconference) is a common category of TBL.

Training programs may provide the following training services (defined under WIA section 134):

  • occupational skills training;

  • on-the-job training, programs that combine workplace training with related instruction;

  • training services operated by the private sector;

  • skill upgrading and retraining;

  • entrepreneurial training;

  • job readiness training; or

  • customized training.

Please consult with staff responsible for the ETPL or others as appropriate.

Page 11

II.  TBL and Your State's Eligible Training Provider List (continued)


Eligible Training Providers

How many total providers are represented on your state ETPL and are eligible to receive WIA funding?

____ Number of providers on the state ETPL and eligible to receive WIA funding

 Unknown

Is information on the type of provider (e.g., Public post-secondary institution, State or local education agency) available for programs on your state ETPL? (Select all that apply)

____ Yes, it is part of the ETPL application

____ Yes, it is recorded as part of the ETPL data (e.g., database, spreadsheet)

____ Yes, it is recorded in other data (specify): _______________________

No – this information is not available


Eligible Training Programs

How many total programs are represented on your state ETPL and are eligible to receive WIA funding?

____ Number of programs on the state ETPL and eligible to receive WIA funding

 Unknown

Is the information on the delivery structure (e.g., online/distance, classroom) available for programs on your state ETPL? (Select all that apply)

____ Yes, it is part of the ETPL application

____ Yes, it is recorded as part of the ETPL data (e.g., database, spreadsheet)

____ Yes, it is recorded in other data (specify): _______________________

No – this information is not available


How many programs on your state ETPL are eligible to receive WIA funding and have online offerings? If any aspect of the program is online (e.g., program is offered online and in-person), include that program as having online offerings.

____ Number of programs on the state ETPL which are eligible to receive WIA funding and have online offerings

 Unknown


In the left half of the table, please estimate the number of eligible training programs that have been approved for each of the following broad provider types (as of July 1, 2011). Some providers may be associated with multiple programs. If applicable, indicate the delivery structure of the eligible training programs(check all that apply on the right half of the table). Eligible training providers are defined in accordance with WIA, Section 122.

  • In-person programs indicate programs that rely on face-to-face instruction (i.e., traditional programs). No course or session is held online or by distance.

  • Distance programs indicate programs that are delivered online or through electronic linkages only (e.g., videoconferencing).

  • Blended programs offer courses or sessions both in-person and through distance.

The number of approved eligible training programs associated with your state’s workforce investment system

Delivery structure of the eligible training programs

Total # of eligible programs


# of in-person programs

# of distance programs

# of blended programs


Public post-secondary educational institutions eligible to receive funds under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (e.g., public universities, public 4-year colleges, state community colleges)





Private, non-profit post-secondary educational institution eligible to receive funds under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (e.g., private universities, private 4-year colleges)





Private, for-profit or proprietary schools





State or local education agencies





Registered apprenticeship programs (i.e., programs under the National Apprenticeship Act; employers, employer associations and labor management organizations)





Other non-profit community-based or faith-based organizations





Other(s): (list below)





Other types of providers with programs enumerated above:


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III.  TBL Challenges or Barriers

This final section asks about the challenges or barriers that may potentially deter State Workforce Agencies from promoting the use of TBL in their states' workforce investment systems.


On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is "no barrier" and 5 is a "significant barrier", rate the following potential barriers to the promotion of TBL usage in your state's workforce investment system during PY2011. (Provide a rating for each potential barrier)

Instructional Effectiveness of TBL

No barrier



Moderate barrier



Significant barrier



Incompatibility of TBL programs with training or certification requirements (e.g. requirements for hands-on experience or in-class hours)

Technological compatibility between TBL and other programs offered

Limitations of online instruction

Concerns about the integrity of tests or assessments submitted online

Other issue(s) related to the instructional effectiveness of TBL courses:(describe below)

Other issues related to the instructional effectiveness of TBL:


Required Resources/Costs for service providers in your state

No barrier



Moderate barrier



Significant barrier



Costs or difficulty of developing TBL courses

Costs or difficulty of implementing the necessary technology for TBL courses

Cost or difficulty assessing quality of TBL courses

Shortage of approved providers with TBL programs in my state workforce investment system

Other issue(s) related to required resources or costs:(describe below)

Other issues related to required resources or costs:


Stakeholder acceptance of TBL

No barrier



Moderate barrier



Significant barrier



Acceptance of TBL within the public workforce investment system (e.g., American Job Centers, WIBs)

Acceptance of TBL by state policymakers

Acceptance of TBL by degree- or credential-granting programs

Acceptance of TBL by employers

Other issue(s) related to required acceptance of TBL:(describe below)

Other issues related to stakeholder acceptance of TBL:



Please briefly describe the major factors underlying the current level of TBL usage within your state. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Please confirm the names of the individuals or data source(s) consulted to complete this survey. If no individuals or data source(s) were consulted, the fields may be left blank.

Individual(s) (name, title, and organization): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Data source(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleDOL TBL Survey - State Workforce Agencies
SubjectDOL TBL Survey - State
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-02

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