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Experimental Studies of Nutrition Symbols on Food Packages

symbol STUDY 2 appendices 021210 clean

OMB: 0910-0655

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Appendix C. Nutrition Labeling Schemes for Study 2

Study 2, Scheme 1 (Schemes 1-3, the line “Amount Per Serving” to be replaced by “Each Serving (insert household unit) Contains”)

Study 2, Scheme 2

Study 2, Scheme 3

Study 2, Scheme 4

Study 2, Scheme 5

Study 2, Scheme 6

Study 2, Scheme 7

Study 2, Scheme 8

Study 2, Scheme 9

Study 2, Control 1

Study 2, Control 2

No symbol on the front of the package.

Experimental Studies of Nutrition Symbols on Food Packages

Appendix M

Studies 1 and 2


Form Approved: OMB No. 0910-0655

Expiration Date: 1/31/2013

PUBLIC Disclosure Burden Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:

Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
CFSAN/PRB Comments/HFS-24
5100 Paint Branch Parkway
College Park, MD 20740-3835.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Hello, my name is xxx and I work for Research Triangle Institute, a local research firm. We're doing research for the Food and Drug Administration about food labels and nutrition. If you are eligible and you agree to participate, we will give you $75 to complete an in-person interview that should last about an hour. In order to find out if you are eligible to be interviewed, I’d like to get some background information.

Before I proceed, I must make sure that you are at least 18 years old.


18 OR OLDER :___:

1. Do you work either full- or part-time in health services research, or for a food or nutrition company?


NO :___:

2. How long have you been using the Internet?






Are you male or female?

FEMALE :___:


MALE :___:


18-24 :___:

25-39 :___:

40-54 :___:

55-64 :___:

65 OR OLDER :___:


5. What is the highest level of education that you have completed? [CODE INTO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES].







6. Do you consider yourself to be…..

White :___:

Black/African American :___:

Hispanic or Latino :___:

Asian, or :___:

Something else? :___:



7. What is your occupation?



Thank you for answering all my questions. I’d like to invite you to participate in an in-person that will take about an hour to complete. We’ll pay you $40 for your time with us. Let me give you some available times and you tell me what would be best for you.


The interview will be held at (location). I would like to send you directions. Where can I send them? Also, may I please have your phone number in case we need to get hold of you for any reason?


Name: _____________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: __________

Phone: ________________________________________

In case you need to contact me for any reason, you can reach me at 1-800-xxx-xxxx.

Appendix I. Questionnaire for Study 2 (Cognitive Interview)

Experimental Studies of Nutrition Symbols on Food Packages

Study 2


Form Approved: OMB No. 0910-0655

Expiration Date: 1/31/2013

PUBLIC Disclosure Burden Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:

Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
CFSAN/PRB Comments/HFS-24
5100 Paint Branch Parkway
College Park, MD 20740-3835.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Study Introduction: Thank you for agreeing to participate. You will be asked to rate some common food products based on the front and back labels you might see on these products in the store. It usually takes people about 15 minutes to complete the study.

Please click the “NEXT” button to begin the study.

Each respondent is randomly assigned to one cell of a 4 X 11 X 2 (product category x nutrition labeling scheme x hard/easy choice) experimental design.

Each respondent is first shown first two package labels consistent with the assigned cell.

The two labels are shown side by side to enable easy comparison. Each label is for a recognizable food type with an appropriately descriptive name (e.g., chicken frozen dinner). Each label has a fanciful brand name with an appropriate food image. Each label should resemble a generic brand knock off of a familiar food product.

The pair of products seen are randomly assigned according to the following scheme. There are three products in each product category (A, B or C). A and B have clearly better nutrition profiles than C. The nutrition profile differences between A and B are small, but A is considered slightly better than B. Half the respondents are randomly assigned to an (A,B) pairing (hard) and half the respondents are randomly assigned to either a (A,C) or (B,C) pairing (easy).

Take a moment to look at these products because you will be asked some questions about them.

The elapsed time clock should begin when the two images are shown on the screen. The images should remain on the screen during the next set of questions.

A0. If you were shopping for (product name), which of these two products would you be more likely to buy?

Response categories: A, B, or Can’t Tell.

A1. Based on what you can see on the labels, if you wanted to buy a healthy product for your family, which of these two products would you select?

Response categories: A, B, or Can’t Tell.

Elapsed time is recorded

A2. Why did you decide to choose this product?

Open-ended response: ___________________________________

Now we want to ask you a few questions about the product you chose/one of the products (Wording depends on answer to A1). At any point during the next few questions, you may want to click on the button provided on the screen to see the Nutrition Facts of the product for more information.

The label of the product chosen in A1 is shown by itself, or if the respondent gave a “can’t tell” response to A1, the product with the better nutrition profile is shown.

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, now much do you agree with the following statements.

A3. I consider (product name) to be a healthy food.

A4. Regularly eating (product name) may contribute to my risk of gaining weight.

A5. Regularly eating ((product name) may contribute to my risk of coronary heart disease.

A6. Regularly eating ((product name) may contribute to my risk of high blood pressure.

A7. Regularly eating ((product name) may contribute to my risk of diabetes.

A8. Regularly eating (product name) will improve my overall diet.

A9. If I regularly ate ((product name) I would have to be careful about how much of it I ate.

Record any click to see nutrition facts panel during A3-A9. After A9 is answered reset the nutrition facts panel screen so that it is no longer available.

Now we want to ask you a few questions about the nutrient levels in the product you chose/one of the products (Wording depends on answer to A1). At any point during the next few questions you may want to click on the button provided on the screen to see the Nutrition Facts of the product for more information.

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is none or a little and 5 is a lot, how much of each of the following things would you say this product has?

A10. Calories

A11. Sugar

A12. Fat

A13. Saturated Fat

A14. Sodium

A15. Cholesterol

A16. Fiber

A17. Calcium

Record any click to see nutrition facts panel during A10-A17.

Now we want you to look at a new pair of products and answer the same kinds of questions.

Each respondent will be shown a new pair of brand products constituted as follows; the product not chosen from the first pair paired with the remaining product from the category that was not included in the first pair. In this way, each respondent will see all three brand products from each category when making choices and will rate individually at least two of them. Essentially the same procedure is followed for the second pair as for the first. Since the constitution of the second pair is contingent on the selection made in the first pair, the hard/easy factor is not independently manipulated for the second choice.

Take a moment to look at this new pair of products.

The elapsed time clock should begin when the two images are shown on the screen. The images should remain on the screen during the next set of questions.

B0. If you were shopping for (product name), which of these two products would you be more likely to buy?

Response categories: A, B, or Can’t Tell.

B1. Based on what you can see on the labels, if you wanted to buy a healthy product for your family, which of these two products would you select?

Response categories: A, B, or Can’t Tell.

Elapsed time is recorded

B2. Why did you decide to choose this product?

Open-ended response: ___________________________________

Now we want to ask you a few questions about the product you chose/one of the products (Wording depends on answer to B1). At any point during the next few questions you may want to click on the button provided on the screen to see the Nutrition Facts of the product for more information.

The label of the product chosen in B1 is shown by itself, or if the respondent gave a “can’t tell” response to B1, the product with the better nutrition profile is shown.

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, now much do you agree with the following statements.

B3. I consider (product name) to be a healthy food.

B4. Regularly eating (product name) may contribute to my risk of gaining weight.

B5. Regularly eating ((product name) may contribute to my risk of coronary heart disease.

B6. Regularly eating ((product name) may contribute to my risk of high blood pressure.

B7. Regularly eating ((product name) may contribute to my risk of diabetes.

B8. Regularly eating (product name) will improve my overall diet.

B9. If I regularly ate ((product name) I would have to be careful about how much of it I ate.

Record any click to see nutrition facts panel during B3-B9. After B9 is answered reset the nutrition facts panel screen so that it is no longer available.

Now we want to ask you a few questions about the nutrient levels in the product you chose/one of the products (Wording depends on answer to B1). At any point during the next few questions you may want to click on the button provided on the screen to see the Nutrition Facts of the product for more information.

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is none or a little and 5 is a lot, how much of each of the following things would you say this product has?

B10. Calories

B11. Sugar

B12. Fat

B13. Saturated Fat

B14. Sodium

B15. Cholesterol

B16. Fiber

B17. Calcium

Record any click to see nutrition facts panel during B10-B17.

Now that you have a chance to some products, we have a few questions about the labels that you just saw.

C1. Did you notice this information panel [show them an example of the FOP graphics they just saw. Image should stay on the screen for the C sequence of questions] on the product packages? YES/NO

If answer to C1 is “yes”, ask C2

C2. Did you find this information panel to be helpful when you selected and rated the different products? YES/NO

If answer to C2 is yes, ask C3

C3. When did you find it most helpful?

Open-ended response: ___________________________________

Open end responses to be coded thematically.

C4. Did you feel at any time when you were answering questions that you needed to know more about the products than you could find on the front of the package?


If answer to C4 is “yes”, ask C5

C5. What questions were those?

Open-ended response: ___________________________________

Open end responses to be coded thematically.

Thinking about the front of package information panel you just saw, how would you rate it on the following scales?

C6. Helpful/Not Helpful

C7. Easy to Use/Hard to Use

C8. Biased/Unbiased

C9. Trustworthy/Not Trustworthy

C10. Not too informative/Very Informative

On a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 is strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree, how much do you agree with the following statements.

D1. I usually am interested in looking for nutritional information on food packages.

D2. I would like to see additional nutritional information on food packages.

D3. On a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 is almost nothing and 7 is a lot, compared to other people, how much do you feel you know about nutrition?

Appendix F. Invitation Email for Study 2 (Pretest and Experiment)

Experimental Studies of Nutrition Symbols on Food Packages

Study 2


Dear Panel Member,

Today I am requesting your household's participation in an important online study. I would like the {Age} year old {Gender} in your household to complete this particular study. We are conducting the study for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA would like to understand consumers’ opinions about some common food products and find better ways to provide useful information to consumers.

The study should take about 15 minutes to complete. I would appreciate it could be completed within the next few days.

To participate in this online study, please have the person identified above click on the link below. Or you may copy and paste the entire URL link into the address line of your Internet browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.). This link will take you directly to the beginning of the study: [link]

Should you exit the study unexpectedly or accidentally close your Internet browser, clicking on the link above will allow you to re-enter the study and continue where you left off.

By taking part in this study you are playing an important role in providing the FDA with useful and valuable information. Thank you for your continued participation!


Panel Director

When you complete the study, you'll earn 250 reward points plus an entry into our monthly sweepstakes (200+ prizes totaling $5,000).

Don't miss a single chance to let your voice be heard! Many Internet service

providers and email programs use filters and "bulk mail" folders to help you

separate the messages you want from unsolicited spam. Please add

to your address book or list of preferred email senders to keep your Consumer Opinion

Panel studies coming!

For details on adding to your list of 'safe' email senders, visit


If you change your e-mail address or have any questions or comments you can e-mail or call 1-800-745-4267. If you experienced a problem with the study, please visit our Troubleshooting Page at for help. If your question is not answered here, please include this original message when replying by e-mail, along with a description of the problem.

If you have a question regarding this e-mail or the online study described above, please include this original message when you reply by e-mail. Please include your Membership ID along with any correspondence.

Your Membership ID is: ${MIQ}

To visit the Synovate Consumer Opinion Panel web site, please go to

If you would like to be removed from the Consumer Opinion Panel please send a

reply message to this e-mail indicating the word "Remove" on the subject line.

Appendix I. Questionnaire for Study 2 (Pretest and Experiment)

Experimental Studies of Nutrition Symbols on Food Packages

Study 2


Study Introduction: Thank you for agreeing to participate. You will be asked to rate some common food products based on the front and back labels you might see on these products in the store. It usually takes people about 15 minutes to complete the study. The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.

Form Approved: OMB No. 0910-0655

Expiration Date: 1/31/2013

PUBLIC Disclosure Burden Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:

Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
CFSAN/PRB Comments/HFS-24
5100 Paint Branch Parkway
College Park, MD 20740-3835.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Please click the “NEXT” button to begin the study.

Each respondent is randomly assigned to one cell of a 4 X 11 X 2 (product category x nutrition labeling scheme x hard/easy choice) experimental design.

Each respondent is first shown first two package labels consistent with the assigned cell.

The two labels are shown side by side to enable easy comparison. Each label is for a recognizable food type with an appropriately descriptive name (e.g., chicken frozen dinner). Each label has a fanciful brand name with an appropriate food image. Each label should resemble a generic brand knock off of a familiar food product.

The pair of products seen are randomly assigned according to the following scheme. There are three products in each product category (A, B or C). A and B have clearly better nutrition profiles than C. The nutrition profile differences between A and B are small, but A is considered slightly better than B. Half the respondents are randomly assigned to an (A,B) pairing (hard) and half the respondents are randomly assigned to either a (A,C) or (B,C) pairing (easy).

On the next screen you will see two products. Please take a moment to look at these products because you will be asked some questions about them. Product images will appear on screen when you are being asked questions; you may click on them at any time to enlarge the image.

The elapsed time clock should begin when the two images are shown on the screen. The images should remain on the screen during the next set of questions.

A0. If you were shopping for (product name), which of these two products would you be more likely to buy?

Response categories: A, B, or Can’t Tell.

A1. Based on what you can see on the labels, if you wanted to buy a healthy product for your family, which of these two products would you select?

Response categories: A, B, or Can’t Tell. [IF ‘CAN’T TELL,’ SKIP TO A3]

Elapsed time is recorded

A2. Why did you decide to choose (product)?

Open-ended response: ___________________________________

Now we want to ask you a few questions about product/one of the products (Wording depends on answer to A1). At any point during the next few questions, you may want to click on the button provided on the screen to see the Nutrition Facts of the product for more information.

The label of the product chosen in A1 is shown by itself, or if the respondent gave a “can’t tell” response to A1, the product with the better nutrition profile is shown.

Please indicate how much do you agree with the following statements.

A3. I consider (product name) to be a healthy food.

A4. Including (product name) as part of my diet may lower my risk of gaining weight.

A5. Including (product name) as part of my diet may lower my risk of coronary heart disease.

A6. Including (product name) as part of my diet may lower my risk of high blood pressure.

A7. Including (product name) as part of my diet may lower my risk of diabetes.

A8. Including (product name) as part of my diet will improve my overall diet.

A9. If I included (product name) as part of my diet I would have to be careful about how much of it I ate.

Record any click to see nutrition facts panel during A3-A9. After A9 is answered reset the nutrition facts panel screen so that it is no longer available.

Now we want to ask you a few questions about the nutrient levels in product/one of the products (Wording depends on answer to A1). At any point during the next few questions you may want to click on the button provided on the screen to see the Nutrition Facts of the product for more information.

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is none or a little and 5 is a lot, how much of each of the following things would you say this product has?

A10. Calories

A11. Sugar

A12. Fat

A13. Saturated Fat

A14. Sodium

A15. Cholesterol

A16. Fiber

A17. Calcium

Record any click to see nutrition facts panel during A10-A17.

Now we want you to look at a new pair of products and answer the same kinds of questions.

Each respondent will be shown a new pair of brand products constituted as follows; the product not chosen from the first pair paired with the remaining product from the category that was not included in the first pair. In this way, each respondent will see all three brand products from each category when making choices and will rate individually at least two of them. Essentially the same procedure is followed for the second pair as for the first. Since the constitution of the second pair is contingent on the selection made in the first pair, the hard/easy factor is not independently manipulated for the second choice.

On the next screen you will see two new products. Please take a moment to look at these products because you will be asked some questions about them. Product images will appear on screen when you are being asked questions; you may click on them at any time to enlarge the image.

The elapsed time clock should begin when the two images are shown on the screen. The images should remain on the screen during the next set of questions.

B0. If you were shopping for (product name), which of these two products would you be more likely to buy?

Response categories: A, B, or Can’t Tell.

B1. Based on what you can see on the labels, if you wanted to buy a healthy product for your family, which of these two products would you select?

Response categories: A, B or Can’t Tell. [IF “can’t tell.” SKIP TO B3]

Elapsed time is recorded

B2. Why did you decide to choose this product?

Open-ended response: ___________________________________

Now we want to ask you a few questions about the product you chose/one of the products (Wording depends on answer to B1). At any point during the next few questions you may want to click on the button provided on the screen to see the Nutrition Facts of the product for more information.

The label of the product chosen in B1 is shown by itself, or if the respondent gave a “can’t tell” response to B1, the product with the better nutrition profile is shown.

Please indicate how much do you agree with the following statements.

B3. I consider (product name) to be a healthy food.

B4. Including (product name) as part of my diet may lower my risk of gaining weight.

B5. Including (product name) as part of my diet may lower my risk of coronary heart disease.

B6. Including (product name) as part of my diet may lower my risk of high blood pressure.

B7. Including (product name) as part of my diet may lower my risk of diabetes.

B8. Including (product name) as part of my diet will improve my overall diet.

B9. If I included (product name) as part of my diet I would have to be careful about how much of it I ate.

Record any click to see nutrition facts panel during B3-B9. After B9 is answered reset the nutrition facts panel screen so that it is no longer available.

Now we want to ask you a few questions about the nutrient levels in the product you chose/one of the products (Wording depends on answer to B1). At any point during the next few questions you may want to click on the button provided on the screen to see the Nutrition Facts of the product for more information.

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is none or a little and 5 is a lot, how much of each of the following things would you say this product has?

B10. Calories

B11. Sugar

B12. Fat

B13. Saturated Fat

B14. Sodium

B15. Cholesterol

B16. Fiber

B17. Calcium

Record any click to see nutrition facts panel during B10-B17.

Now that you have a chance to some products, we have a few questions about the labels that you just saw.

C1. Did you notice this information panel [show them an example of the FOP graphics they just saw. Image should stay on the screen for the C sequence of questions] on the product packages? YES/NO

If answer to C1 is “yes”, ask C2; If answer to C1 is “no,” ask C2a.

C2. Did you find this information panel to be helpful when you selected and rated the different products? YES/NO

C2a. Would this information panel be helpful to you when selecting different products in the store? YES/NO

Thinking about the front of package information panel you just saw, how would you rate it on the following scales?

C6. Helpful/Not Helpful

C7. Easy to Use/Hard to Use

C8. tries to inform/Tries to sell

C9. Trustworthy/Not Trustworthy

C10. Not too informative/Very Informative

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, how much do you agree with the following statements.

D1. Nutrition information on the back of food packages is import to me.

D2. I would like to see more nutrition information on the front of food packages.

D3. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is almost nothing and 5 is a lot, compared to other people, how much do you feel you know about nutrition?

Appendix L. Reminder Email for Study 2 (Pretest and Experiment)

Experimental Studies of Nutrition Symbols on Food Packages

Study 2


Dear Panel Member,

Recently I requested your household's participation in an important online study that we are doing for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA would like to understand consumers’ opinions about some common food products and find better ways to provide useful information to consumers.

If the study has been completed, please accept my thanks. If not, I would like the {Age} year old {Gender} in your household to complete this particular study.

I would appreciate it if this study could be completed within the next few days. It should take about 15 minutes to complete.

To participate in this online study, please have the person identified above click on the link below. Or you may copy and paste the entire URL link into the address line of your Internet browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.). This link will take you directly to the beginning of the study: [LINK]

Should you exit the study unexpectedly or accidentally close your Internet browser, clicking on the link above will allow you to re-enter the study and continue where you left off.


Panel Director

When you complete the study, you'll earn 250 reward points plus an entry into our monthly sweepstakes (200+ prizes totaling $5,000).

By taking part in this study you are playing an important role in providing the FDA with useful and valuable information. Thank you for your continued participation!

Don't miss a single chance to let your voice be heard! Many Internet service

providers and email programs use filters and "bulk mail" folders to help you

separate the messages you want from unsolicited spam. Please add

to your address book or list of preferred email senders to keep your Consumer Opinion

Panel studies coming!

For details on adding to your list of 'safe' email senders, visit


If you change your e-mail address or have any questions or comments you can e-mail or call 1-800-745-4267. If you experienced a problem with the study, please visit our Troubleshooting Page at for help. If your question is not answered here, please include this original message when replying by e-mail, along with a description of the problem.

If you have a question regarding this e-mail or the online study described above, please include this original message when you reply by e-mail. Please include your Membership ID along with any correspondence.

Your Membership ID is: ${MIQ}

To visit the Synovate Consumer Opinion Panel web site, please go to

If you would like to be removed from the Consumer Opinion Panel please send a

reply message to this e-mail indicating the word "Remove" on the subject line.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSTUDY 2
Last Modified ByJonna Capezzuto
File Modified2010-02-12
File Created2010-02-12

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