Ellen Brown:
FERC-717 is addressed separately
FERC-516 (OMB Control No. 1902-0096) -- Annual Estimates, Related to Final Rule in Docket RM05-5-017 (Issued 4/15/2010) |
IC (Information Collection) & identifier for this table |
No. of Respondents |
no. of responses per respondent |
no. of responses |
hr. per response |
total burden hrs. |
industry cost per response, per ROCIS ($) |
total industry cost for IC, per ROCIS ($) |
difference (ICR related to Final Rule in RM05-5-017 less current OMB inventory) in hrs. |
Current Approved OMB Inventory as of 4/13/2010 [FERC-516] |
Ellen Brown:
On 4/12/2010, ICR 201004-1902-004 was submitted. It is pending and may change the figures if approved before submittal of this request.
Approved from last action (in ICR# 200907-1902-006 ) |
Electric Rate Schedules and Tariff Filings [a] |
1230 |
3.52 |
4,330 |
106.1176 |
Ellen Brown:
Due to rounding and/or truncation, OMB's ROCIS displays $459,489.
459,489 |
Ellen Brown:
The supporting statement for Docket PL09-4 indicates industry cost related to the PL requirements to be $261,000 (1,740 hours X $150/hour). The industry cost for the remainder of FERC-516 is not detailed. However OMB's ROCIS shows $0.
$0.00 |
Ellen Brown:
The supporting statement for Docket PL09-4 indicates industry cost related to the PL requirements to be $261,000 (1,740 hours X $150/hour). The industry cost for the remainder of FERC-516 is not detailed. However OMB's ROCIS shows $0.
$0.00 |
Ellen Brown:
FERC-717 is addressed separately
Requested in OMB Clearance Package for Final Rule in RM05-5-017 [FERC-516 only] |
Ellen Brown:
On 4/12/2010, ICR 201004-1902-004 was submitted. It is pending and may change the figures if approved before submittal of this request.
Current Inventory--Approved from last action (in ICR# 200907-1902-006) |
Electric Rate Schedules and Tariff Filings [a] |
1230 |
3.52 |
4,330 |
106.1176 |
Ellen Brown:
Due to rounding and/or truncation, OMB's ROCIS displays $459,489.
459489 |
Ellen Brown:
The supporting statement for Docket PL09-4 indicates industry cost related to the PL requirements to be $261,000 (1,740 hours X $150/hour). The industry cost for the remainder of FERC-516 is not detailed. However OMB's ROCIS shows $0.
$0.00 |
Ellen Brown:
The supporting statement for Docket PL09-4 indicates industry cost related to the PL requirements to be $261,000 (1,740 hours X $150/hour). The industry cost for the remainder of FERC-516 is not detailed. However OMB's ROCIS shows $0.
$0.00 |
0 |
Final Rule in RM05-5-017 [new IC] |
FERC-516, Compliance with Phase I M & V Stds. in RM05-5-017 Final Rule [b] |
Ellen Brown:
The 6 are already included in the respondents for other FERC-516 requirements.
6 |
1.00 |
6.00 |
6.00 |
36 |
Ellen Brown:
$370/hour is used, per rule.
$2,220.00 |
Ellen Brown:
$370/hr. is used, per rule.
$13,320.00 |
36 |
Total |
4,336 |
459525 |
$13,320.00 |
36 |