Private Sector

Questionnaire for Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Guidelines (New)

Part I_022210.xls

Private Sector

OMB: 2040-0281

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Part I Table of Contents
Part I Instructions
Part I Section 1
Part I Section 2
Part I Section 3
Part I Section 4.1
Part I Section 4.2
Part I Section 5.1
Part I Section 5.2
Part I Section 5.3
Part I Comments

Sheet 1: Part I Table of Contents


Plant ID: Enter Plant ID
OMB Control Number: XXXX-XXXX

Plant Name: Enter Plant Name
Expiration Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Steam Electric Questionnaire
Second FRN Version Draft


Table of Contents

Section Title

Tab Name

Part I Instructions
Part I Instructions
Immediate Parent Economic and Financial
Part I Section 1

Primary Immediate Parent Firm Economic and
Part I Section 2
Financial Information

Ultimate Parent Economic and Financial Information
Part I Section 3
Basic Plant Economic and Financial Information
Part I Section 4.1
Detailed Plant Financial Information
Part I Section 4.2
Basic Steam Electric Generating Unit Economic and
Part I Section 5.1
Financial Information

Steam Electric Generating Unit Operating Information

Part I Section 5.2
Planned and Forced Outages and Annual Operating Cost

Part I Section 5.3
Part I Comments
Part I Comments

Sheet 2: Part I Instructions

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Instructions

Plant ID: Enter Plant ID

Plant Name: Enter Plant Name



Complete Part I of the questionnaire for your plant. As you are completing the electronic form, note the following: When you enter your plant name and plant ID on the Part I TOC tab, all name and ID fields throughout Part I will automatically populate. Refer to the overall questionnaire instructions, the glossary, and the acronym list for assistance with completing Part I.

Refer to the separate glossary for definitions of selected economic and financial terms used in this Part.

You may wish to assemble the following documents in order to efficiently fill out this part of the questionnaire:

(1) For the entity/entities that own your plant: income statements, balance sheet statements, and cash flow statements for the last three fiscal years.

(2) For your plant: data on electricity generated, operating expenses, income statement, balance sheet, and other operational statements for the last three fiscal years of operation.

Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

Use the Part I Comments tab to do the following: provide additional information as requested in certain questions within Part I; indicate atypical data (e.g., if the analytical data provided from the sample collection is not representative of normal operations); and note methods used to make estimates based on professional judgement in the event that exact data are not available.

Sheet 3: Part I Section 1

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: 1. Immediate Parent Economic and Financial Information

Instructions: Throughout Section 1, provide financial information for the immediate parent firm or, in case where multiple entities have financial participation or interest in the plant, for every entity with an equity stake (or any other form of financial participation or interest) in this plant. For the purpose of this questionnaire, the immediate parent is the first entity in the plant’s ownership structure. A plant may have more than one immediate parent if more than one firm owns or has another form of financial participation or interest in the generating units located at the plant. Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

In Table I-1, provide the following information for the immediate parent firm or, in case where multiple entities have financial participation or interest in the plant, for every entity with an equity stake (or any other form of financial participation or interest) in this plant. If the financial participation shares vary by generating units at the plant, please estimate the plant-level share based on the relative electricity generation capacity (nameplate capacity) of all units at this plant.

Table I-1. Intermediate Parent Firm Financial Information

Number Name of Immediate Parent Mailing Address % Ownership or Financial Interest in Plant in 2009 NAICS DUNS Number Fiscal Year Year Total Revenue (‘000$) Revenue from Electricity Generation (‘000$) Total Employment (FTE) Total Electricity Sales (MWh)

Start (mm) End (mm)

Example ABC LLC 123 A Street, City, State, ZIP 34.50% 2211 123456789
2007 1,200,000 800,000 1,100 15,400,400

2008 1,560,000 851,000 1,200 15,851,700

2009 1,720,000 867,000 1,200 15,110,890

Example EFG Inc. 12500, Some Blvd., City, State, ZIP 45% 2211 587426985
2007 552,000 502,800 358 6,570,000

2008 550,000 513,100 369 6,858,000

2009 487,000 479,200 358 6,253,000

Example XYZ Corp. 789 Z Street, City, State, ZIP 20.50% 2211 925486982
2007 126,000 20,000 250 235,200

2008 120,000 10,000 265 259,100

2009 89,000 11,500 207 231.985













Sheet 4: Part I Section 2

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: 2. Primary Immediate Parent Firm Economic and Financial Information

Instructions: Throughout Section 2, EPA is interested in obtaining financial and economic data regarding the plant owner to support a detailed evaluation of the economic impacts of the regulations on firms that own steam electric power generation assets. When answering questions in Section 2, please provide data for the immediate parent firm and not only for the steam electric plant covered in this questionnaire.

If the plant has multiple owners (immediate parent firms identified in Question I1-1), please report detailed information in Questions I2-1 through I2-13 only for the entity that has the largest equity stake (or the largest share of financial participation or interest) in the steam electric portion of the plant when answering the rest of the questions in this section. This immediate parent firm is referred to as the “primary immediate parent” firm in the remainder of this section.

For example, a hypothetical steam electric plant has three generation units, two of which are steam. Table I-2 below provides the distribution of plant capacity and ownership shares for this plant. Since ABC LLC has the largest ownership share in the steam electric capacity at this hypothetical plant, the detailed information requested in the remainder of this section would be provided for ABC LLC.

Table I-2. Distribution of Plant Capacity and Ownership Shares for Example Plant

Plant Unit 1 (non-steam) Unit 2 (steam) Unit 3 (steam) Ownership Share of Plant Steam Electric Capacity

% of Plant Total Capacity 45% 35% 20%

Immediate parent firm Ownership Share

EFG Inc. 100%


70% 50% 63%

XYZ Corp.
30% 50% 37%

CBI? I2-1. Please indicate the type of ownership for the primary immediate parent firm.

Other, specify:

CBI? I2-2. Please indicate the state in which the primary immediate parent firm is organized as a legal entity.

CBI? I2-3. Please indicate the legal structure of the plant’s ownership.

CBI? I2-4. Has the primary immediate parent firm engaged in revenue generating activities other than electricity generation during the period of FY 2007 through FY 2009?

NOTE: Economic activities other than generation of electricity may include, but are not limited to, production activities, waste combustion, or the leasing of land. Please include only those economic activities that are carried out by the plant’s owner; do not include activities carried out on the plant’s property by third parties for which the plant’s owner does not incur cost or receive revenue.

(Continue to Question I2-5)

(Skip to Question I2-6)

CBI? I2-5. Please provide a description of each of the entity’s revenue generating activities other than generation of electricity and the revenue and costs associated with this(ese) activity(ies).

Table I-3. Description of Each Entity's Revenue Generating Activities

FY Description of Economic Activity Revenue (‘000$) Costs (‘000$)

Economic activities indirectly associated with electricity generation (e.g., waste combustion, sale of steam or ash)




Economic activities not associated with electricity generation (e.g., manufacturing production, leasing of land)




Has the immediate parent firm submitted data to FERC in Form 1 for the period of FY 2007 through FY 2009? FERC Form No. 1 (FERC Form 1) is an annual regulatory requirement for Major electric utilities, licensees and others (18 C.F.R. § 141.1) and is designed to collect financial and operational information from electric utilities, licensees and others subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. If you answer YES, please attach a copy of your FERC Form 1 report for 2009 in pdf format to your submittal to ensure that EPA has the most recent data for your firm. EPA will be using the data you already reported on your FERC Form 1 filing for 2007 and 2008 to support its economic impact and other analyses.

(Skip to Question I2-12)

(Continue to Question I2-7)

CBI? I2-7. In Table I-4, please provide the income statement information for the immediate parent firm. This information may be available from SEC filings, depending on how the firm presents its statement, if your immediate parent firm is a publicly traded company.

Table I-4. Income Statement Information

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Total revenue (‘000$)

Revenue from electric power generation and sales

Other revenue (i.e., total revenue from activities described in Question I2-5)

Total operating expenses (‘000$)

Operation expenses

Maintenance expenses

Depreciation, depletion, and amortization expense

Interest expense (Total. Firms with debt should have interest expenses)

Income taxes (Total federal, state, and local income taxes)

All other expenses

After-tax income (Subtract Total operating expenses from Total revenue)

CBI? I2-8. In Table I-5, please provide the following balance sheet information for the immediate parent firm. This information may be available from SEC filings, depending on how the firm presents its statement, if your immediate parent firm is a publicly traded company.

Table I-5. Balance Sheet Information

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Assets (‘000$)

Inventories (Raw materials, supplies, fuels, etc.)

Other current assets (Prepared expenses, cash, accounts receivable, etc.

Land and buildings (Original land cost and cost of buildings, including expansions and renovations, net of depreciation)

Other non-current assets (Equipment, machinery, other physical capital and intangibles, capital stocks and bonds, etc., net of depreciation and amortization)

Liability/Equity (‘000$)

Current liabilities (Liabilities due for payment within the reporting year)

Non-current liabilities (Including long-term debt, such as bonds, debentures, and bank debt)

Owner equity (Total assets minus total (current and non-current) liabilities)

CBI? I2-9. In Table I-6, please provide the following cash flow information for the immediate parent firm. This information may be available from SEC filings, depending on how the firm presents its statement, if your immediate parent firm is a publicly traded company.

Table I-6. Cash Flow Information

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Cash flow from operating activities (‘000$)

Net Income from operations

Non-cash charges (credits) to income

Depreciation and depletion

Amortization of electricity generating plants

Net change in accounts receivable/ accounts payable

Change in inventories

Net change in other current assets/ current liabilities

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

Cash flow from investing activities (‘000$)

Capital expenditures

Capital expenditures for electric plant and equipment


Other cash flows from investing activities

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

Cash flows from financing activities

Net increase/decrease in cash

CBI? I2-10. In Table I-7, please provide the following information regarding the immediate parent’s sources of energy. This information may be available from SEC filings, depending on how the firm presents its statement, if your immediate parent firm is a publicly traded company.

Table I-7. Sources of Energy

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Gross energy generation (MWh)

Purchases from utilities and power marketers (MWh)

Cost of purchases from utilities and power marketers (‘000$)

Purchases from nonutilities (MWh)

Cost of purchases from nonutilities (‘000$)

Total sources of electricity (MWh)

CBI? I2-11. In Table I-8, please provide the following information regarding the immediate parent’s disposition of energy. This information may be available from SEC filings, depending on how the firm presents its statement, if your immediate parent firm is a publicly traded company.

Table I-8. Disposition of Energy

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Sales for resale (MWh)

Revenue from sales for resale (‘000$)

Sales to end users (MWh)

Revenue from sales to end users (‘000$)

Electricity furnished without charge (MWh)

Electricity used by the parent (MWh)

Total uses of electricity (MWh)

CBI? I2-12. In Table I-9, please provide the following information regarding the fraction of the immediate parent’s electricity sales (on a MWh basis) subject to different pricing terms.

NOTE: EPA is looking for information regarding the approximate share of electricity that is sold under various terms and conditions to help in conducting economic impact and other types of analyses. You may provide approximate shares based on information readily available from immediate parent’s filings and statements.

Table I-9. Electricity Sales

Example FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

% sales subject to cost-of-service based regulated pricing 60%

% contracted sales 30%

% sales subject to short-term auction pricing 10%

TOTAL 100% 100 % 100 % 100 %

CBI? I2-13. If the share of contracted sales indicated in Question I2-12 is greater than 0%, please indicate in Table I-10 the approximate shares of the immediate parent’s contracted electricity sales (on a MWh basis) that are of different durations and terms.

Table I-10. Approximate shares of the Immediate Parent’s Contracted Electricity Sales

Example FY 2009

% contracted sales in FY 2009 subject to contract pricing under contracts of one year or less duration. 80 %

% sales in FY 2009 subject to contract pricing under contracts more than one year in duration 20 %

Contracted sales under contracts more than one year in duration that include clauses permitting price adjustments based on changes in environmental regulatory requirements and their associated costs


Sheet 5: Part I Section 3

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: 3. Ultimate Parent Economic and Financial Information

Instructions: Throughout Section 3, please provide information for the ultimate parent firm of each immediate parent firm identified in Question I1-1 or, in case of joint ownership or partnership in the immediate parent firm, for the entity having the largest equity stake in the immediate parent firm. Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

For the purpose of this questionnaire, the ultimate parent firm is the highest level domestic business entity in a plant’s ownership structure. A firm that is owned by another U.S. firm is not an ultimate domestic parent firm. In contrast, a U.S. firm that is owned by a foreign firm is an ultimate domestic parent firm.

NOTE: EPA is interested in financial information about ultimate parent firm of entity(ies) that own or have financial participation or interest in your plant to conduct regulatory and economic impact analyses and to identify the relevant firm size category for corporate entities potentially affected by the regulations.

CBI? I3-1. Is (are) the ultimate U.S. parent(s) the same as the immediate parent(s) identified in Question I1-1?

(Skip to Section 4.1)

(Continue to Question I3-2)

In Table I-11, please provide the following information for the ultimate parent firm of each immediate parent firm identified in Question I1-1 or, in case of joint ownership or partnership in the immediate parent firm, for the entity having the largest equity stake in the immediate parent firm. If the ultimate parent is the same as the immediate parent, you may indicate so in column 2 and do not need to provide the information requested in columns 3 through 10 of the table. This information may be available from SEC filings, if your immediate parent firm is a publicly traded company.

Table I-11. Ultimate Parent Firm Financial Information

Immediate Parent (from Question I-1) Name of Ultimate Parent Mailing Address % Financial Interest in Immediate Parent in 2009 NAICS DUNS Number Fiscal Year Year Total Revenue (‘000$) Total Employment (FTE) Total Electricity Sales (MWh)

Start (mm) End (mm)

EFG Inc.




ABC LLC. U.S. DIAMOND CORP 2255 5th Avenue, City, State, ZIP 85% 5239 885785963
2007 52,358,000 25,875 45,400,400

2008 55,582,000 25,786 45,851,700

2009 56,889,200 26,850 55,110,890

XYZ Corp.













Sheet 6: Part I Section 4.1

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: 4.1 Basic Plant Economic and Financial Information

Instructions: Throughout Section 4.1, please provide the requested economic and financial information for the plant. Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

NOTE: For Section 4.1, EPA is interested in obtaining financial and economic data regarding the specific plant covered by this questionnaire.

CBI? I4-1. What is the Fiscal Year period covered by plant-level financial and operational information provided in this section?

Start (dd/mm) /

End (dd/mm)

CBI? I4-2. In Table I-12, please indicate the number of months in each fiscal year for which you have financial and operational information for your plant. In some cases, such as new plants, records may cover only part of a year.

Table I-12. Number of Months in Each Fiscal Year

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Number of Months

CBI? I4-3. At any time during the three reporting years, did the plant engage in revenue generating activities other than generation of electricity?

NOTE: Economic activities other than generation of electricity may include, but are not limited to, production activities, sale of steam, coal or ash, waste combustion, or the leasing of land. Please include only those economic activities that are carried out by the plant’s owner; do not include activities carried out on the plant’s property by third parties for which the plant’s owner does not incur cost or receive revenue. If such third party activities are significant, you may note them in the comments section at the end of Part I.

(Continue to Question I4-4)

(Skip to Question I4-7)

CBI? I4-4. In Table A-13, please provide a description of each of the plant’s economic activities other than electricity generation.

Table I-13. Description of Economic Activities

Fiscal Year Description of Economic Activity

Economic activities indirectly associated with electricity generation (e.g., waste combustion, sale of steam or ash)




Economic activities not associated with electricity generation (e.g., manufacturing production, leasing of land)




CBI? I4-5. Is(are) this(ese) business activity(ies) associated with (a) specific generating unit(s)?

(Continue to Question I4-6)

(Skip to Question I4-7)

CBI? I4-6. In Table I-14, please provide the following information for each of these generating units. Use steam electric generating unit IDs assigned in Table A-8.

Table I-14. Financial Data by Steam Electric Unit

SE Unit ID
Revenue (‘000$) Costs (‘000$)

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

CBI? I4-7. In Table I-15, please provide information on total plant employment in terms of full-time equivalent employees (FTE).

Table I-15. Plant Employment Information

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Total Employment (FTE)

CBI? I4-8. In Table I-16, please provide gross and net electricity generated by the plant on a fiscal year basis.

NOTE: If your fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, please indicate so below and skip this question. The requested information is already provided in Question A1-14 of questionnaire on a calendar year basis.

This plant’s fiscal year coincides with calendar years (i.e., fiscal year period is January 1 – December 31). Refer

to answer to Question A1-14 for the requested data.

Table I-16. Gross and Net Electricity Generated by Plant

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Gross Electricity Generated (MWh)

Net Electricity Generated (MWh)

CBI? I4-9. In Table I-17, please provide information regarding capital outlays for plant and equipment for the plant.

Table I-17. Captial Outlays for Plant

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Capital outlays for plant and equipment (‘000$)

Sheet 7: Part I Section 4.2

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: 4.2 Detailed Plant Financial Information

Instructions: In Section 4.2, please provide financial information for the plant. Your parent firm may not customarily compile financial reports at the level of the plant. In that case, you may estimate plant-level information from data reported at the level of reporting closest to your plant. This may be a division, the immediate parent firm, or some other business unit. You should report information about your plant either from existing reports or by estimating plant-level data. If you have to estimate plant-level data, you may use any method and information that, in your judgment, will yield the best estimate of plant-level data. If no such method or information is available, you may follow the default methodology outlined below.

Default Methodology: Please estimate plant-level data by using aggregate data from the financial reports for the business unit that is closest to your plant in terms of business activity performed. Please estimate plant data by multiplying that business unit’s numbers corresponding to electricity generation activities by the ratio of your plant’s net generation to the business unit’s net generation. For example, if you have aggregate data for a business unit consisting of three plants, each with 100 MWh in net generation, the plant-level data are estimated based on 1/3 of the aggregate data.

CBI? I4-10. In Table I-18, please provide the following balance sheet information for the plant. As needed, you may estimate plant-level data based on balance sheet information for the relevant business unit or immediate parent.

Plant-level balance sheet data have been estimated for the purpose of answering this questionnaire.

Table I-18. Balance Sheet Information for Plant

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Assets (‘000$)

Inventories (Raw materials, supplies, fuels, etc.)

Other current assets (Prepared expenses, cash, accounts receivable, etc.

Land and buildings (Original land cost and cost of buildings, including expansions and renovations, net of depreciation)

Other non-current assets (Equipment, machinery, other physical capital and intangibles, capital stocks and bonds, etc., net of depreciation and amortization)

Liability/Equity (‘000$)

Current liabilities (Liabilities due for payment within the reporting year)

Non-current liabilities (Including long-term debt, such as bonds, debentures, and bank debt)

Owner equity (Total assets minus total (current and non-current) liabilities

CBI? I4-11. In Table I-19, please provide the following income statement information for the plant. As needed, you may estimate plant-level data based on income statement information for the relevant division, business unit or immediate parent.

Plant-level income statement data have been estimated for the purpose of answering this questionnaire.

Table I-19. Income Statement for Plant

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Total revenue (‘000$)

Revenue from electric power generation and sales

Other revenue (i.e., total revenue from the economic activities described in Question I4-4) (describe below)

Total expenses (‘000$)

Fuel expenses

Other operating expenses

Total maintenance expenses

Total sales and customer accounts, service, and informational expenses

Cost of contract work

Interest expense



All other expenses, including fixed expenses (describe below)

In Table I-20, please provide the following information regarding the cost of steam electricity generation for the plant. If the information for steam electricity generation is the same as reported above for the plant as a whole, please indicate so below and skip this question.

Expenses for steam electricity generation are the same as for the plant as a whole.

NOTE: This information represents a subset of the total expenses reported in Question I4-11; the data are for steam electricity generation more specifically.

Table I-20. Cost of Steam Electricity Generation

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009

Fuel expenses

Other operating expenses

Total maintenance expenses

Total sales and customer accounts, services, and informational expenses



Total administrative and general expenses

Sheet 8: Part I Section 5.1

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: 5.1 Basic Steam Electric Generating Unit Economic and Financial Information

Instructions: Please provide the economic and financial information requested for each steam electric generating unit at your plant. Use steam electric generating unit IDs assigned in Table A-8. Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

CBI? I5-1. In Table I-21, please provide information for each non-retired (as of January 1, 2007) steam electric generating unit of your plant. Use steam electric generating unit IDs assigned in Table A-8.

NOTE: If a generating unit is owned by more than one entity, please provide the name(s) of the immediate parent firm(s) and their respective equity shares (or financial participation or interest) in this generating unit.

Table I-21. Basic Financial Steam Electric Generating Information

SE Unit ID Remaining undepreciated value (‘000$) Immediate parent firm(s) in 2009 Nonutility status of each steam electric generating unit

Example FY 2007 250,000 ABC LLC. (70%)
XYZ Corp. (30%)

FY 2008 225,000

FY 2009 200,000

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

Sheet 9: Part I Section 5.2

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: 5.2 Steam Electric Generating Unit Operating Information

Instructions: Throughout Section 5.2, please provide information regarding operations for each steam electric generating unit. Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

CBI? I5-2. In Table I-22, please provide the following information regarding operations for each steam electric generating unit. Use steam electric generating unit IDs assigned in Table A-8.

Table I-22. Steam Electric Generating Unit Operating Information

SE Unit ID Fiscal Year Primary Energy Source Number of Days in Operation Plan to Continue Operating the Unit During the Next FY? Capacity Utilization (% of rated capacity) Gross and Net Electricity Generated Net Peak Demand on Unit – MW (60 minutes) Quantity of Fuel Burned (Units)a Average Cost of Fuel Per Unit of Fuel Burned ($)

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

a – (coal in tons of 2,000 lbs; oil in barrels of 42 gals; gas in mcf; nuclear or other – indicate)

Sheet 10: Part I Section 5.3

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: 5.3 Planned and Forced Outages and Annual Operating Cost

Instructions: In Section 5.3, please provide information on the duration of planned and forced outages and annual operating cost for each steam electric generating unit. Please provide all free response answers in the highlighted yellow areas.

CBI? I5-3. In Table I- 23, please provide information on the duration of planned and forced outages for each steam electric generating unit. Use steam electric generating unit IDs assigned in Table A-8.

Table I-23. Planned and Forced Outages

SE Unit ID Fiscal Year Total Duration of Planned/Scheduled Routine Maintenance Outages (hours/year) Total Duration of Outages Planned/ Scheduled to Address Major Upgrades a (hours/year) Duration of Forced/Unscheduled Outages for this Unit (hours/year)

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

a – Such as repowering, FGD/SCR installation, etc.

CBI? I5-4. In Table I-24, please provide the following annual operating cost information for each generating unit (use steam electric generating unit IDs assigned in Table A-8).

Table I-24. Annual Operating Cost

SE Unit ID Fiscal Year Total Costs ($) Fuel Costs ($) Variable O&M Costs ($)

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009

Sheet 11: Part I Comments

Steam Electric Questionnaire

Part I. Economic and Financial Data

Plant Name: Enter Plant ID

Plant ID: Enter Plant Name

Part: I

Section Title: Part I Comments

Instructions: Cross reference your comments by question number and indicate the confidential status of your comment by checking the box next to "Yes" under "CBI?" (Confidential Business Information).

Question Number Comment

























File Typeapplication/
AuthorJennifer O'Neil
Last Modified ByESabol
File Modified2010-02-22
File Created2008-05-21

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