Att_Supporting Statement section B

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National Title I Study of Implementation and Outcomes: Early Childhood Language Development (ECLD)

OMB: 1850-0871

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Mathematica Policy Research



Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods
The goal of the sampling plan is to obtain a sample of 100 Title I elementary schools that

include prekindergarten through grade three, with 50 consistently high-performing and 50
consistently low-performing schools as measured by student reading comprehension scores in grade
three. The sample design must balance the cost effectiveness of data collection with adequate sample
variation and precision to detect relationships between teacher practices and children’s development
during the school year.
To meet these criteria, we will identify 10 diverse geographic locations with large numbers of
Title I students and variability in grade three reading comprehension achievement across the schools
in the area. To reduce the number of different school districts in the study, the sample will be drawn
from seven to eight of the largest districts with a substantial Title I population, which in most cases
will include all or a large part of a major city. In addition, because some states (Mississippi, for
example) have large Title I populations without having a very large city, we will select two to three
states to represent such areas, as long as they have variation in reading comprehension achievement.
Within each of the 10 locations, we will group elementary schools as high- or low-performing,
identify schools that include prekindergarten through grade three, and sample and recruit 5 schools
from each group, for a total of 100 schools across all 10 locations. We discuss each step in the
sampling process below.
Selecting locations for the study. Locations included in the study should be geographically
diverse, have Title I eligible schools with prekindergarten programs, and have variation in the
performance of these schools (that is, high- and low-performing schools).


Mathematica Policy Research


We will use school districts to define the urban location and focus on the largest urban areas
and school districts. For states, we will combine sets of demographically similar and geographically
proximal school districts to form potential locations within the state. Within these geographic areas,
we will analyze school-level data on state reading assessments to ensure that the locations selected
have sufficient variability in performance, controlling for the percentage of Title I students. We will
examine data for additional locations should any of the original locations turn out not to meet the
criteria or refuse to participate.
Schools with consistently high-achieving students might not be more effective than schools
with low-achieving students if the high-achieving students are less disadvantaged. To construct a
sample that is likely to include schools that vary in their effectiveness (performance), we will
categorize schools along two dimensions: (1) the reading achievement of the students attending the
schools and (2) the extent to which those students are disadvantaged. The study will draw on two
sources of information to identify districts with sufficient variability in reading comprehension
achievement, described below.
The first is the Common Core of Data (CCD), the Department of Education’s primary
database on public elementary and secondary schools in the United States. The CCD provides an
official listing of schools and school districts in the nation and provides data on Title I status,
enrollment, and student characteristics. The CCD will be used to identify districts with enough Title
I elementary schools to support the selection of schools in the study.
The second source of data is state education data downloaded from, a
service of the Council of Chief State School Officers, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation. The website provides the annual results of state third-grade reading tests at the school
level. These results will be used to determine whether the district elementary schools have enough
variation in performance to have “high” and “low” performers, controlling for the economic status


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of their students. Schools will be categorized as consistently high or low performing based on their
reading proficiency rates over several years relative to other schools in the same state (because
definitions of proficiency vary widely by state). For example, schools could be categorized as
“consistently high performing” if they are in the top third of study-eligible schools in their state in
reading proficiency for each of the past three years. The exact definition of “high” and “low”
performing will depend of the variation observed in schools and may vary from state to state.
Using the data from, we can create four categories: (1) schools that are low
achieving and more disadvantaged, (2) schools that are high achieving and more disadvantaged,
(3) schools that are low achieving and less disadvantaged, and (4) schools that are high achieving and
less disadvantaged. Locations selected for the study will ideally yield sufficient sample in each of the
four categories to support the selection of approximately one-quarter of the sample from each
category across and, to the extent possible, within the 10 locations.
To ensure that the sampled schools meet the study criteria (in particular, inclusion of preschool
through grade three), we will obtain a list of Title I schools with preschool through grade three from
each district. We discuss district recruiting and the request for school-level information in the next
With the information on Title I schools in the district containing preschool through grade three,
and the achievement data from, we will randomly select five consistently highachieving and five consistently low-achieving schools within each location, stratifying the list of
schools eligible for selection by a measure of the proportion of disadvantaged students they serve.
To maximize the variability in achievement across the selected schools within location, we plan
to exclude from selection those schools that do not meet the definition of consistently highachieving or consistently low-achieving. We plan to select backup schools within each location


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should schools refuse to participate or turn out not to meet the study criteria; however, these
backups will be selected as random replicates that are released as part of a probability sample.
Within each selected school, we plan to select up to three classes in each of five grades
(prekindergarten, kindergarten, first, second, and third grades). If a grade has more than three
classes, we will randomly choose three for inclusion in the study. Within each selected class, we plan
to randomly select seven children in the fall of 2011, with the expectation that six of these will
receive parental consent, and five of these will remain in the school by spring of 2011. The target
number of schools, classes, and children to be included in the sample is shown in Table 1. Section
B.2 below discusses the power of this sample to estimate relationships between teacher and school
practices and children’s growth.


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District recruitment and sample frame development. Before contacting districts, we will
send them a letter and notification packet that includes documents to identify the study sponsor and
research team. The packet contains a list of frequently asked questions, a study fact sheet, a data
collection schedule, a study brochure that provides additional details about the study, and brochures
for Mathematica and DIR (see Appendix E). We will also explain the purpose and importance of the
study; list the data collection activities, respondents, and burden estimates that participation will
entail, along with incentives that will be provided in recognition of the burden imposed on the
schools, teachers, students, and parents; convey appropriate guarantees regarding data
confidentiality; highlight potential benefits to students, schools, districts, and education
policymakers; and describe informative briefs on the overall study findings that we will provide them
when the study is completed.
Followup phone calls will be made a few days after the notification packets have been sent.
While we will not use a call script during the initial calls with the districts, topics presented during
the call will include a brief description of the study, the benefits of participating, and the data
collection plan. We will address any concerns districts have about the data collection procedures and
the study in general. Whenever conditions look unfavorable, we will arrange a meeting with district
personnel, such as the superintendent (or a designee), and anyone else the superintendent indicates,
such as a top human resource official, the person responsible for district research and assessment,
school board members, or a teachers union representative.
If the district requires approval by an institutional review board (IRB), we will prepare and
submit all necessary materials to secure such approval. Once the district has agreed to participate in
the study, we will ask them to sign an agreement noting the responsibilities of both Mathematica and
the district and identifying contact people to ensure smooth communication during the study.


Mathematica Policy Research


Once the agreement is signed and we have secured the approval of the district IRB, if such
approval is required, the district official will be asked to supply information about schools in the
district that will support sampling. This information is necessary because the CCD may be missing
information in relevant areas. For example, prekindergarten programs that are not supported by
local and state education funds are sometimes excluded from the data, such as the programs in
California that are funded through First Five tobacco settlement money.
To ensure that our information about the grade levels and presence of preschool is accurate, we
will request a list of schools in the district that include preschool through grade three and the
number of students and classes at each grade level. Appendices B and C show the district letter and
the School Data Form to be completed.
The list of schools from the districts will be matched with the data on reading achievement and
Title I student population to create sampling frames within each district or group of districts.
School recruitment. Sampling of schools will proceed as discussed above and in B.2. Once
schools are selected, we will send notification letters to the district identifying those schools and
asking permission to contact them regarding their participation (see Appendix F). We will call the
school district (the superintendent or research director) to discuss the selections and confirm
permission to speak directly with the schools.
In early 2011, we will send letters and information packets to each of the sampled schools (see
Appendix G). The letter will identify the study sponsor and research team, explain the purpose of
the study, notify schools of the district’s approval of the study, outline data collection activities,
highlight the benefits of participation, and provide contact information for the study team. The
information packet will include the same materials found in the district’s notification packet (a list of
frequently asked questions, a study fact sheet, a data collection schedule, a study brochure, and
brochures for Mathematica and DIR).


Mathematica Policy Research


The letter will be followed up with a phone call to the school principal. During the call we will
describe the study in more detail, answer any questions the principal may have about participation,
and identify the principal’s designated point of contact at the school.
Once a school agrees to participate, we will discuss possible approaches for ensuring teachers
are supportive of the project and the approach that will be used to secure the consent of the study
students’ parents. In general, we will attempt to contact principals directly, but we recognize that
some districts may want to deal directly with their own schools. We will formally confirm schools’
commitments to cooperate with the study by requesting principals to sign an agreement by May 1,
2011, at the latest.

Statistical Methods for Sample Selection and Degree of Accuracy Needed
As described above, districts will not be randomly sampled for the study. Within districts,

schools that meet eligibility criteria (level of disadvantage, inclusion of preschool through grade
three, and level of third-grade reading comprehension proficiency) will be sampled using a stratified
random sampling technique with strata defined by third-grade reading proficiency level and the level
of disadvantage. Assuming most classes within a grade within a school are about the same size, if a
grade has more than three classes, we plan to select a simple random sample of three classes. Within
each class, we plan to select a simple random sample of seven children.
Statistical power considerations. Based on existing research on the relationship between
classroom practices and test score gains, meaningful effect sizes are likely to be modest; thus, to
detect policy-relevant relationships, sample sizes must be relatively large. A broad, composite
summary measure of classroom practices could conceivably explain a large proportion of the
variance in test score gains if it covers a wide range of classroom factors that affect test scores.
However, any individual component (or subscale of related components) will, by definition, explain
a much smaller proportion of the variance. Below, we describe two important considerations in


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specifying a power analysis and follow with estimates of the statistical precision of our proposed
Measurement error. Two recent studies identify this as an underexplored but potentially
serious issue with observational measures of classroom quality (Perez-Johnson et al. 2009; Schochet
2009, draft submitted to IES). Ideally, the observational measures for a given domain would reflect
the true, underlying performance of the teacher on that domain. However, many factors can
generate a large variance in the performance of teachers in an actual observation measure. Practices
vary both within the day and between days, depending on activities, how students are behaving, and
many other idiosyncratic reasons (such as sickness and weather). Raters will also vary, although they
will be trained to achieve a stated reliability standard.
Estimates by Raudenbush et al. (2007) suggest that the reliability of observation-based quality
scores may be quite low—that is, only a small fraction of the variance in observation measures is
actually due to variance in the true underlying quality. They find that the reliability of the quality
scores can be improved by increasing the number of days and time per day that a classroom is
observed. Accordingly, the measurement plan calls for fall and spring classroom observations, each
with two observers rating teacher practice for a half day.
Clustering of students. Students will be clustered within classrooms, classrooms within
schools, and schools within the selected locations. Because students within the same
classroom are exposed to the same idiosyncratic conditions and, hence, are likely to have
correlated outcomes, they cannot be considered statistically independent. This must be
accounted for in the analysis and has the effect of reducing the effective sample size.
For these reasons, it is critical that the sample sizes are adequate to meet the needs of the study.
For ease of interpretation, we calibrate our precision estimates based on R-square values—that is,
the proportion of variation in student gain scores that can be explained by a particular teacher
practice measure.


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Our estimates represent the smallest true R-square value for which we can reliably find a
statistically significant correlation. In classroom settings, our estimates suggest that 15 percent of the
variation in test score gains can be attributed to all differences between classrooms, schools, and
PSUs. However, for any given measure, the proportion is likely to be much smaller. For example, if
the R-square for a given measure is 3 percent, this represents 20 percent of the total variation in test
score gains that can be attributed to schools and classrooms.
Table 2 estimates the minimum detectable R-squares (MDRs) for our proposed design, based
on the methodology developed by Schochet (2009). We estimate that the current design that
includes observing an average of three classrooms per grade, preschool through grade three, all
classrooms twice during the year, and assessing five students by spring in each class, would have an
MDR of 1.7 percent for the full sample and 3.1 percent for grade-specific analyses (second column).
The design would also have MDRs of 2.0 and 2.5 for subgroups comprising 50 and 25 percent,
respectively, of the students—for example, subgroups defined by race/ethnicity, free and reducedprice lunch status, or limited English proficiency. Because of the clustered design, subsampling five
students within each classroom does not greatly increase the MDRs relative to using all or most
students in the class (see column 1). The MDR for the full sample only improves slightly, to 1.5
As noted above, the proportion of total variation in children’s growth that can be attributed to
schools and teachers overall is typically about 15 percent (Schochet 2009). Therefore, if the study
has the power to detect a relationship (R-square) of 1.7 percent, then it can detect practices that are
associated with just over 10 percent (1.7/15) of the total variation that can be attributed to teachers
and schools. For single-grade analyses, where the MDR is 3.1 percent, the study can detect practices
associated with just over 20 percent (3.1/15) of the total variation that can be attributed to teachers
and schools.


Mathematica Policy Research


There are a number of considerations that could improve the power of the study. First,
analyzing two grade levels together when there are common student outcome measures (for
example, preschool and kindergarten) improves the power considerably relative to the single-grade
analysis, to a minimum detectable R-square of 2.2 percent, or 15 percent of the total variation
attributable to teachers and schools. In addition, two particular features of this study may improve
the power to detect relationships between classroom practices and children’s growth, making our
assumptions based on the research to date more conservative than what we will experience in this
1. The sample will include high-performing and low-performing schools but with students
from similar backgrounds. Thus, as a fraction of total variance in student achievement
growth, the variation across classrooms and schools may be greater than the 15 percent
found in previous studies and more of that variation may be due to the school or
classroom practices. We do not reflect this in our power calculations because there is no
empirical basis for estimating the benefits of our sampling approach.


Mathematica Policy Research


2. Observational measures will be refined to better address the goals of this study: to
identify classroom practices associated with children’s language development,
background knowledge, and comprehension outcomes. This will mean dropping areas
that are of less interest to this study to save observer time to go into areas of interest
(language development, comprehension) in a more detailed way.
In summary, the study design with 100 schools, 1,500 classrooms, and 9,000 (fall 2011) or 7,500
(spring 2012) children is powered to detect relationships (R-square) of 3.1 percent in single-grade
analyses, or practices associated with just over 20 percent (3.1/15) of total variation attributed to
teachers and schools within one grade. Combining two grades at a time would improve power so
that relationships of 2.2 percent can be detected, or practices associated with 15 percent (2.2/15) of
total variation attributed to teachers and schools within two grades. Relationships of these
magnitudes would be meaningful for identifying promising teaching practices to promote reading
comprehension in the early grades of school.


Methods to Maximize Response Rates
To maximize response rates on the teacher student report, the study will offer teachers the

option of completing the form on the web or on hard copy. Based on past experience, we expect a
response rate of 90 percent using this approach. The study will create a special form for the
collection of school records. Schools can use this special form or opt to submit the school records
electronically. We expect to obtain school record data for 90 percent of the students in the study.

Mathematica Policy Research


We anticipate a response rate of at least 85 percent on the teacher survey, the parent interview,
and the principal survey. The combined use of web-based data collection and incentives encourages
high responses on the teacher survey. Teachers will also be given the opportunity to complete the
survey on hard copy. We will conduct non-response follow-up using letters and e-mails, and also
prompt them in person while we are in the schools conducting the student assessments.
Principals will also be offered a multi-mode approach for completing the survey. They will be
given the option of a hard copy survey or meeting with one of the study’s team leaders to conduct
an interview. We will follow up by letter, e-mail, and phone with any principals who have not
completed the survey in a timely manner.
Parent interviews will be conducted over the phone until 9:00 p.m. local time on weeknights
and on Saturday and Sunday, in order to maximize the chance of successfully reaching a respondent
at home. However, we will monitor the frequency with which calls are made to avoid alienating a
potential respondent. We will also offer the option of completing a hard copy of the parent
interview, which will be distributed at school for students to take home. We will provide parents
with postage-paid envelopes to return their completed interviews.
We expect a 90 percent response rate for the fall student assessment and an 85 percent
response rate in the spring. The relatively high fall student testing rate is expected because we will be
in a given site for several days administering tests to students and this will allow us ample time to
conduct make-up sessions for students who are absent during the original test days. The lower
expected spring rate accounts for any students who change schools or who have moved out of the

Pilot Testing
We will pilot test measures that are new, that are adaptations and extensions of existing ones,

that have limited information on reliability and validity for the population in this study, and for


Mathematica Policy Research


which we have concerns about how measures perform combined with others. Each of the pilot tests
will be conducted with no more than nine respondents. Data collection forms and the results of the
pilot testing will be included in the second OMB submission in December 2010.

Individuals Consulted on the Statistical Aspects of the Design
The study’s expert panel will be consulted when finalizing the statistical aspects of the study

design. The panel will be finalized by January 2010 and a list of panel members and their contact
information will be included in the second OMB submission in December 2010. The study sample
and the plans for statistical analyses for this study were developed by Mathematica Policy Research,
including Dr. Christine Ross, project director; Dr. Jerry West, survey director; Dr. Sarah Avellar,
deputy project director; Dr. John Deke, senior researcher; Ms. Barbara Carlson, senior statistician;
and Mr. John Hall, senior statistician.


Mathematica Policy Research


Perez-Johnson, I., K. Fortson, C. Ross, C. Gentile, S. Amin, H. Chiang, and L. Campuzano. “Design
Considerations for a Study to Validate Measures of Teacher Classroom Practices.” Working
paper. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, 2009.
Raudenbush, SW, Martinez, A, Bloom, H, Zhu, P, & Lin, F. (2007). “The Reliability of Group-Level
Measures and the Power of Group-Randomized Studies.” University of Chicago. Working
Schochet, P. “Do Typical RCTs of Education Interventions Have Sufficient Statistical Power for
Linking Impacts on Teacher and Student Outcomes?” Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Education, Institute of Education Sciences, October 2009.







File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorComputer and Network Services
File Modified2009-12-15
File Created2009-12-15

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