in Docket No. RM10-13-000, the
Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) to amend
its regulations under the Federal Power Act Section 206, to reform
credit practices in organized wholesale electric markets to ensure
that credit practices result in jurisdictional rates that are just
and reasonable. Credit practices are particularly important in the
organized energy markets, in which regional transmission
organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs) must
balance the need for market liquidity against corresponding risk.
In order to ensure that credit policies result in jurisdictional
rates that are just and reasonable, FERC proposes to require RTOs
and ISOs to adopt tariff revisions reflecting these proposed credit
US Code:
USC 824e Name of Law: Federal Power Act
US Code: 16
USC 824(d) Name of Law: Federal Power Act
FERC is issuing this NOPR to
reform credit practices in organized wholesale electric markets.
The recent turmoil in financial markets has emphasized the
importance of sound credit practices that provide competitive
markets with adequate access to capital without excessive risk and
without excessive cost. Credit policies are particularly important
in the organized energy markets, in which regional transmission
organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs) must
balance the need for market liquidity against corresponding risk.
In order to ensure that credit policies result in jurisdictional
rates that are just and reasonable, the Commission proposes to
require RTOs and ISOs to adopt tariff revisions reflecting these
proposed credit reforms.
Christina Hayes 202 502-6194
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