FEMA Form 646
OMB No: 1660-0098
Citizen Corps Council Registration
Public reporting burden for this data collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and submitting this form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number is displayed on this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 20598-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0098) NOTE: Do not send your completed form to this address.
Citizen Corps Council Profile
Please note, this section of the website is for representatives of Citizen Corps Councils to register a new Council or to update their Council Profile information. If you are not an official representative of a Citizen Corps Council, but are interested in participating in Citizen Corps please contact your nearest local or state Council, which can be located by entering your zip code in the [Citizen Corps Council search function.] HYPERLINK THE WORDS IN BRACKETS TO: http://www.citizencorps.gov/cc/searchCouncil.do?submitByZip
By posting information on the National Citizen Corps Website, you will be able to highlight information about your efforts to achieve community resilience, your state and federal partners will be able to share relevant information with you, and interested individuals in your jurisdiction will be able to contact you to get involved.
If you experience any difficulties registering or updating your Council information, please send an email to citizencorps@dhs.gov. Thank you.
Start your submission by providing the following information, then hit Next:
Council Name: *
Select Country: *
Select State *
Jurisdiction By: *
Available Assigned
Overlapping Councils Found
Overlapping jurisdictions
One or more approved or pending Councils report that they operate within the jurisdiction(s) you have selected. While you may continue with completing your Citizen Corps Council Profile, we recommend that you contact your State Citizen Corps Program Manager and the Council(s) listed below to discuss coordinating your efforts. Click on any Council in the list to get their contact information.
Click the "Continue With Profile" button below to continue your submission.
State Citizen Corps Program Manager
* Maine Citizen Corps Council
Overlapping local Citizen Corps Council(s)
* SE Region Citizen Corps Council
Citizen Corps Council Representative Contact Information
Please correct the following errors:
* The e-mail provided is invalid.
* You are required to provide a State / Province for the Council's address.
* You are required to provide a City for your address.
* The zip code provided is invalid.
* A properly formatted phone number is required.
The first step in registering a Citizen Corps Council Profile on the national directory is to establish a user account for the Council representative who will be responsible for registering / maintaining your Council Profile on the National Citizen Corps Website. This information will only be shared with other Citizen Corps Councils and Partners.
Please fill in the following contact information.
Please note; all fields marked with a * are required
First Name: *
Middle Initial:
Last Name: *
Street Address: *
Street Address Cont.:
City: *
Select Country: *
State: *
Postal Code: * - 4 Digit Zip Ext.
Phone Extension
Phone Number: * Ext:
Email: *
Confirm Email: *
Establish New User Password
You are required to establish a password for the system.
Password changes have the following restrictions:
* A password must be greater than 7 characters
* A password must be different than the current password
* A password must contain at least one digit or one of the following non-character values; @#$%^&+=-
Choose A Password: Confirm That Password:
Citizen Corps Council Contact Information
Please provide the name, address, and contact information for your Citizen Corps Council. If the Council address is the same as your Council representative address, you can automatically fill in these fields by clicking on “Populate from contact info”.
Please note: this information will be posted publicly on the National Citizen Corps Website.
Name, Address, & Description
Council Name: *
Street Address: *
Street Address Cont.
City: *
Select Country: *
State: *
Postal Code: * -
Postal Code extension
Phone Extension
Phone Number: * Ext:
Email: *
Confirm Email: *
Council Web Site: http(s)://www.com
Local Sponsoring Official Information
To be approved, your Citizen Corps Council must have the support of the local elected leadership for your Council's jurisdiction - this could be the Mayor, City/Town Manger, County Commissioner - or the Emergency Management Director for your area.
Please note: this information will not be posted publicly on the National Citizen Corps Website
Sponsoring Official Contact Information
First Name: *
Middle Initial:
Last Name: *
Street Address: *
Street Address Cont.:
City: *
Select Country: *
State: *
Postal Code: * -
Postal Code extension
Phone Extension
Phone Number: * Ext:
Confirm Email: *
Public Information About Your Council
In addition to posting contact information for your Citizen Corps Council, we would like to include information about your Council membership and your community’s preparedness activities on the National Citizen Corps Website.
Council History: Month & year your Council was started (month / year drop down)
Citizen Corps Council:
The purpose of the Citizen Corps Council is to foster collaboration between government and civic leaders from all sectors to develop goals and strategies for community resilience tailored to specific community vulnerabilities and population. The membership of the Council should reflect the population composition, the hazard profile, and the infrastructure of the community.
Please select all organizations that participate in your Citizen Corps Council.
Elected Leadership
Mayor, City/Town Manager, County/Parish Elected Leader
Emergency Responders
Emergency Management
Law Enforcement
Fire Service
Emergency Medical Services
Public Health Service
Hospitals and Health Care Facilities
Emergency Communications (e.g. Alerts/Warning Systems, PSAP / 911 Call Centers)
Hazard Materials Coordinator
Public Works
Public Utilities
Government / Government-Sponsored Organizations
Public Schools System / School Board
Community College / Public Universities
Land-grant Institution Extension Agent (Extension Disaster Education Network)
Ports and Waterways
Prisons / Correctional Facilities
Uniformed Armed Forces / National Guard
Human Services Agencies (e.g. aging, disability, low income)
Public Housing
Building Codes and Permits
Veterans Affairs
Post Office
Internal Revenue Service
Surveyor's Office
Weather Service / NOAA
Local Emergency Planning Committees
Community Emergency Response Teams
Medical Reserve Corps
Volunteers in Police Service
Fire Corps
Neighborhood Watch and other Watch Programs
AmeriCorps / Senior Corps / Learn and Serve / VISTA
Civic Organization / Private Non-Profit Representatives
Volunteer Response Organizations
American Red Cross
Voluntary/Community Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD / COAD)
American Radio Relay League (ARRL) / Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) / Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) / other
Salvation Army
Civic Organizations (Rotary, American Legion, VFW)
Volunteer Center
Chamber of Commerce / Jaycees
Neighborhood / Community / Homeowners Associations
Parent Teacher Associations
211 Services
Humane Society / Animal Advocacy
Youth-Based Organizations
Language / Cultural Organizations
Disability Advocacy Organizations
Private Sector
Privately Owned Critical Infrastructure (e.g. power, transportation)
Entertainment / Sports Venues
Shopping Centers / Malls
Private Schools / Universities
Private Hospitals / Assisted Living Facilities
Private Security Firms
Banking / Mortgage Institutions
Hotel / Tourism
Faith or Interfaith-Based Organizations
Faith or Interfaith-Based Organizations
Places of Worship
Philanthropic Organizations
United Way
Community Foundation
Preparing the Public and Organizations in the Community
Educating and involving the public is a critical element of community resilience. Please provide information on what your community is doing to elevate the knowledge, skills, and participation of community residents to prepare for community threats and hazards.
How does your community ensure residents have the information, skills, supplies they need to be prepared for community threats and hazards? Please check all that apply.
Preparedness Action Public education materials Training/Demonstrations
Local alerts/warnings:
Protective response for no-notice hazards:
Family Plan:
Supplies in multiple locations:
First Aid:
Local information on evacuating:
Local information on sheltering:
Guidance on drills:
Mitigation measures for property:
Prevention measures (crime):
Prevention measures (public health):
Cyber safety measures:
For which hazards do you provide public education/training?
Natural disasters
Public Heath
Hazardous Materials
Nuclear / Radiological Events
Household Emergencies
In which locations do you offer training/demonstrations in preparedness?
Places of Worship
Civic / Non-profit Organizations
Community events
For which targeted populations do you provide public education/training?
General public
Frail elderly
Pet Owners
Diverse Language and Cultures
Economic Factors
People with Disabilities
For which types of drills and exercises do you offer guidance?
Building evacuations
Community evacuations
Sealing a room (aerosol protections)
Sheltering in place (staying where you are)
Community sheltering (mass care shelters)
Continuity of Operations
How do you increase public awareness of personal preparedness?
Printed materials
Radio announcements
Television announcements
Talking points for community leaders
Does your community participate in National Preparedness Month?
Yes No
Volunteer Opportunities
Is there a process for individuals to register interest in volunteering to support community safety and disaster preparedness in your area? Yes No If there is a website to register for local volunteer opportunities, please provide a link:
In which areas are there volunteer opportunities in your jurisdiction?
Preparedness Outreach
First Aid / CPR / AED Training
Emergency Management
Fire Service
Law Enforcement
Public Health and Medical Services
Human Services
Transportation Safety
Search and Rescue
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Public Works
Public Lands / Public Spaces
Language and Cultural Outreach
Pet/Animal Issues
Does your jurisdiction have volunteer programs for surge capacity disaster response roles? Yes/No
Do surge capacity volunteers receive training in the Incident Command System? Yes/No
Have volunteers from your jurisdiction helped to respond to disasters in your area? Yes No
Have volunteers from your jurisdiction helped to respond to disasters outside of your area? Yes No
Does your jurisdiction include volunteers with a response role in community/government response exercises? Yes No
Does your jurisdiction include the general public in community/government response exercises?
Yes No
Awards and Recognition
How does your Citizen Corps Council recognize the contributions of volunteers and community leaders?
Awards ceremony
Public acknowledgement through newspapers or other media
Presidential Volunteer Service Award
Additional Information – Not Publicly Accessible
In addition the information on your Citizen Corps Council that will be posted on the public National Citizen Corps Website, we would like to request some more detailed information about your Council activities.
Please note: Answers to the following questions will NOT be posted on the public website, but will be posted on the password protected section of the site - accessible only to other Citizen Corps Councils and Partners. This data will help us all better understand how Citizen Corps is being implemented around the country and will help with growing and expanding community preparedness efforts.
Council Administration
How often does your Citizen Corps Council meet?
As needed
What is the participation of the local Emergency Manager?
Chairs the Council
Very involved
Somewhat involved
Provides an endorsement only
Is not at all involved
What is the participation of the local elected leader?
Chairs the Council
Very involved
Somewhat involved
Provides an endorsement only
Is not at all involved
The Citizen Corps Council Point of Contact posted on the public website is:
A local government employee
An employee of a non-profit organization
A private sector employee
A volunteer
Other ___________
Approximately what percentage of the Council Point of Contact's time is devoted to Citizen Corps?
No Time
25% of the Time
50% of the Time
75% of the Time
100% of the Time
Does your Citizen Corps Council the following (check all that apply):
____ Charter
____ Executive Order
____ By-laws
Please consider emailing the above documents to citizencorps@dhs.gov to be posted as a resource on the National Citizen Corps Website.
Is your Council registered as a 501c3 organization or is it associated with a 501c3 organization? Yes No
How do you fund your activities? Check all that apply.
Homeland Security funding through the State
Other federal funding through State
Direct Federal funding
State government funding
Local government funding
Private Sector donations
Foundations or Philanthropic Organizations
General Fundraising
Collaborative Planning
Please indicate the topics that have been discussed, reviewed, or revised by your Citizen Corps Council within the past year:
Community Vulnerability / Risk Assessments
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Emergency Operations Plan
Mitigation Plan
Homeland Security Strategy
Continuity of Operations
Alerts and Warnings Systems
Evacuation Planning
Shelter Planning
Integration of non-governmental resources in government protocols
Consideration for persons with functional needs
Emergency Support Functions
Please indicate which Emergency Support Functions in the jurisdiction's Emergency Operations Plan formally include non-governmental resources: For information on Emergency Support Functions please visit: http://www.fema.gov/emergency/nrf/
ESF # 1: Transportation Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 2: Communications Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 3: Public Works and Engineering Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 4: Firefighting Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 5: Information and Planning Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 6: Mass Care Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 7: Resource Support Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 8: Health and Medical Support Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 9: Urban Search and Rescue Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 10: Hazardous Materials Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 11: Food Yes No Don't Know
ESF # 12: Energy Yes No Don't Know
Volunteer and Donations Management Annex Yes No Don't Know
Private Sector Annex Yes No Don't Know Other
How have you exercised your emergency plan? Check all that apply.
Table-top exercise
Full scale exercise
Actual response
Public briefing
Have not exercised the plan
When was the last exercise or actual event?
Within the past 12 months
1-2 years ago
Over 2 years ago
Have not exercises the plan or had an event
Volunteer Opportunities
Does your community maintain a database or electronic listing of volunteers from your jurisdiction?
Yes / No
If you have a database of volunteers, do you track their willingness to deploy outside of the local jurisdiction? Yes No
Does your community conduct background checks on participants in volunteer programs or response efforts? Yes No
Does your community track skills and credentials of volunteers? Yes No
Does your community offer Incident Command System (ICS) training for volunteers with a response role? Yes No
Has your jurisdiction ever used volunteer contributions as a soft match requirement for a grant?
Yes No
How are legal protections offered to volunteers?
Federal Volunteer Protection Act
State Good Samaritan Laws
State Legislation protecting volunteer actions
Through a Local Agency
Not offered
Evaluation and Assessment
How do you evaluate the impact / success of your efforts?
Conduct surveys
Track data collected from existing sources, e.g. crime reports
Assess performance in exercises
Number of volunteers
Number of volunteer hours
Anecdotal feedback from government/community leaders
Response capabilities in an actual event, e.g. evacuation times, numbers sheltered, number of volunteers
What is the single greatest factor contributing to the success of your Citizen Corps Council efforts?
Dedicated leadership
Dedicated Council membership
Regularly scheduled meetings
Local government support
State government support
Public interest
Identify the three greatest obstacles to the success of your Citizen Corps Council efforts?
Insufficient Funding
Low membership involvement
Lack of public interest
Lack of local government support
Infrequent and/or irregular meetings
Lack of dedicated leadership
Insufficient state government support
Identify the three areas your Citizen Corps Council could most use assistance?
Outreach and communicating with the public
Conducting drills and exercises
Data management
Developing/reviewing local emergency response plans
Determining the level of risk in your jurisdiction
Integrating homeland security into emergency plans
Coordination with state and federal agencies
The Citizen Corps Council has had a positive impact on the safety and resiliency of my community.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Congressional Involvement
Are your Congressional representatives aware of your activities? Yes No
Have your Congressional representatives ever participated in a community preparedness event in your area? Yes No
If any of the above information changes, if you have any questions about Citizen Corps or if you would like to share a success story or a lesson learned, please send an e-mail to citizencorps@dhs.gov
By submitting this form, the sender individual or organization consents to release of his or her name, address and contact information only to other communities or partners participating in Citizen Corps. If you do not agree, please click on "Cancel" below.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Citizen Corps Council Profile |
Last Modified By | FEMA Employee |
File Modified | 2009-11-25 |
File Created | 2009-07-17 |