The first questions are about your organization, [NAME OF ORGANIZATION OR ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT].
Which of the following best describes your organization?
Check one only.
Local or state agency: Specify agency type:__________________
Health care organization other than a hospital
Health plan
National model developer or support organization for home visiting program model
Community-based service provider
Other non-profit organization
Other (specify):
What are the main activities conducted by your organization?
Check all that apply.
Direct health care or social service delivery
Technical assistance and training
Monitoring and certification
Research and evaluation
Funding for health care or social services
Regulation of health care or social services
Program planning and policy development
Other (specify):
How many years has your organization been in operation?
Your best estimate is fine.
Less than 2 years
2 to 5 years
6 to 9 years
10 to 19 years
20 years or more
How many years has your organization been involved in home visitation?
Your best estimate is fine.
to Q5.
here if your organization is not involved in home visitation:
Less than 2 years
2 to 5 years
6 to 9 years
10 to 19 years
20 years or more
How many years has your organization been involved in child abuse prevention?
Your best estimate is fine.
to Q6.
here if your organization is not involved in child abuse prevention:
Less than 2 years
2 to 5 years
6 to 9 years
10 to 19 years
20 years or more
What is your organization’s annual operating budget?
Your best estimate is fine
$__ __ __, __ __ __, __ __ __.00
How many full-time equivalent employees does your organization have?
Your best estimate is fine
Less than 10
500 or more
Organizations involved in [GRANTEE PROGRAM NAME] make contributions at different levels. Which statement below best describes the primary level at which your organization works in relation to the [GRANTEE PROGRAM NAME]?
Check one only.
The level of direct home visiting services and daily supervision of those activities
The level of home visiting agency administrative management and external collaboration with other service agencies
The community or county level with funders, administrators, or other stakeholders
The level of state agencies or other statewide organizations
The level of national program developers, federal project officers, or other federal staff
At what other levels does your organization work in relation to the [GRANTEE PROGRAM NAME]?
Check all that apply.
The level of direct home visiting services and daily supervision of those activities
The level of home visiting agency administrative management and external collaboration with other service agencies
The community or county level with funders, administrators, or other stakeholders
The level of state agencies or other statewide organizations
The level of national program developers, project officers, or other federal staff
Please tell us how involved your organization is in the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME]’s activities for each of the areas below. Is your organization highly involved, somewhat involved, or not involved at all?
Highly Involved |
Somewhat Involved |
Not Involved at All |
The questions in this section are about the organizations that participate in [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME]. When answering these questions, please ignore the row that lists your own organization.
The organizations that participate in the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] are listed below. Which organizations had your organization worked with before [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] began?
If any organizations that participate in the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] are missing, please record them in the rows provided. Please include organizations that you interact with, as well as those you do not.
Worked with Organization/Units |
Organizations / Organizational Units |
Yes |
No |
Other (specify below): |
Please list up to three organizations that you think should participate in the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] but are not, and describe why they should have been included.
here if there are no additional organizations that you think should
to Q13.
a. Organization Name:
Organization Type: _____________________________________________
Reason organization should have been included:
b. Organization Name:
Organization Type: _____________________________________________
Reason organization should have been included:
c. Organization Name:
Organization Type: _____________________________________________
Reason organization should have been included:
In Column A, please indicate how frequently people from your organization have been in contact about [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] with the organizations listed below, in the past 12 months.
In Column B, for each organization that people from your organization has been in contact with, please indicate the type of contact you have had. Check all that apply.
Organizations |
Column A
Frequency of Contact |
Column B Type of Contact |
Committee or workgroup meetings |
One-on-one meetings |
Phone calls |
[Dropdown]* |
Other (specify below): |
* Response choices in dropdown menu will be:
Every day or almost every day
Every week or almost every week
Every month or almost every month
A few times over the past twelve months
No contact
Don’t know
Organizations involved in the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] work together on different kinds of activities. For each organization listed, please indicate which activities you have worked with them on in relation to the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME], in the past 12 months.
Strategic planning or other program development activities |
Program outreach, intake, home visiting, or referral services |
Fiscal planning or fundraising activities |
Communicating program information to program partners, stakeholders or the public |
Other (specify below): |
14. (continued) Organizations involved in the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] work together on different kinds of activities. For each organization listed, please indicate which activities you have worked with them on in relation to the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME], in the past 12 months.
Developing formal and informal program partnership or collaborations |
Building community awareness or political support for the program |
Providing training, coaching, supervision, or other technical assistance to home visitors and other staff |
Program monitoring, evaluation, or quality improvement activities |
Other (specify below): |
To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements about the collaboration among organizations working on the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME]? For each, please indicate if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Which of the following best describes the organizations you work with on the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME]?
Check one only.
We interact primarily for the purpose of exchanging information and communication
We provide helpful resources to support each others’ interests and goals--there is some joint planning and activity but resources are separate
We work together on goals that are complementary--there is coordination and some sharing of resources
We share (or are working toward) a common vision that links diverse interests-- actions are jointly created and resources, and authority and decision making are controlled in the group.
When did your organization first begin participating with [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME]?
[month dropdown] [year dropdown]
What kind of roles has your organization played in the past 12 months on the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME]?
Check all that apply.
Attended meetings regularly
Talked at
meetings (make comments, express ideas, etc.)
Served as member of a committee or task force
Worked on [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] outside of meetings
Helped organize activities (other than meetings)
Directed the implementation of a particular program
Chaired/led a committee or sub-group
Served as an officer other than chair (e.g., treasurer, secretary)
Chaired/co-chaired the entire group
To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements about the nature and content of the relationships among organizations participating in [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME]? For each, please indicate if strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Please list your organization’s three main goals for the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] in their order of importance and, for each goal, indicate how effective you think [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME] has been in working toward the goal in the past 12 months.
Main Goals (in order of importance) |
Not effective |
Somewhat effective |
Very effective |
1. |
2. |
3. |
To what extent do the other organizations share your organization’s goals for the [GRANTEE PROJECT NAME]?
Organization |
Not at all |
To some extent |
To a great extent |
Can’t assess |
Other (specify below): |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Marissa Strassberger |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-03 |