Schools Principals, Teachers, State Directors, SFA, SFSM

Food and Nutrition Service Evaluation of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)

AppendixC CNA survey

Schools Principals, Teachers, State Directors, SFA, SFSM

OMB: 0584-0556

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Appendix C: Survey of State Child Nutrition Agencies





Child Nutrition Director:

Telephone Number:

E-mail address:

This survey of all State Child Nutrition Agencies is being conducted as part of the Evaluation of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). We are interested in understanding the process of selecting schools for the FFVP, the guidance and oversight of the FFVP by your agency, the partnerships with non-Federal agencies at the State level, the data collected by your agency on FFVP costs and operations at the school level, and the costs and staffing of State-level FFVP administration.

The questions in this survey refer to FFVP operations in the current school year, SY 2009-2010. A follow-up survey in the fall of 2010 will collect final cost data for SY 2009-2010 and data on FFVP school selection for SY 2010-2011.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. There are no penalties if you do not participate. You can refuse to answer any question and may even stop the survey at any time. The evaluation report and public-use data files will include individual State responses to this survey and other data for individual States. However, the names and contact information of respondents will not be published.

Please correct the information above if needed. If someone other than the Child Nutrition Director completed this survey, please provide the respondent’s name and contact information below.

Name of person completing survey (other than Child Nutrition Director):

Telephone Number:

E-mail address:

Thank you in advance for completing this survey. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Abt Associates, Inc. at [toll-free number] or by e-mail (

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-xxxx. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Research and Analysis, 3101 Park Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302.

A. Selection of FFVP schools

The following questions are about the application and selection of schools to participate in the FFVP during the 2009-2010 school year (SY 2009-2010).

1. When did your State announce the availability of FFVP applications for SY 2009-2010?

Announcement date: ___/___/___

2. When were applications for the FFVP due? (If the due date was extended, specify the final date.)

Application due date: ___/___/___

3. What was the date when approved schools could begin spending funds allocated for the the 2009-2010 FFVP program year?

  • July 1, 2009

  • Other date (Please specify Start date__/__/2009)

Note: The following questions refer to the time period covered by the most recent FFVP applications as SY 2009-2010. If your agency solicited applications for a different time period, such as Federal Fiscal Year 2010, provide your responses for that period.

4. How did your agency solicit applications from school food authorities (SFAs) for their schools to participate in the FFVP for SY 2009-2010? Please check all that apply:

  • Announcement or invitation to apply on website
     State Child Nutrition Agency website
     General State Grants information website
     Other (specify) _________________________________________________

  • Application form and instructions or on-line application made available on website
     State Child Nutrition Agency website
     General State Grants information website
     Other (specify) _________________________________________________

  • E-mail or electronic newsletter announcement
     All SFAs
     SFAs meeting minimum FFVP eligibility requirements
     SFAs targeted for recruiting to participate in the FFVP

 School principals

 Other interested parties (potential partners, advocates, etc.)

  • Announcement or letter of invitation by mail
     All SFAs
     SFAs meeting minimum FFVP eligibility requirements
     SFAs targeted for recruiting to participate in the FFVP

 School principals

 Other interested parties (potential partners, advocates, etc.)

  • Application materials by mail
     All SFAs
     SFAs meeting minimum FFVP eligibility requirements
     SFAs targeted for recruiting to participate in the FFVP

 School principals

 Other interested parties (potential partners, advocates, etc.)

  • Meeting where SFAs or others could learn about FFVP and get application materials
     All SFAs
     SFAs meeting minimum FFVP eligibility requirements
     SFAs targeted for recruiting to participate in the FFVP

 School principals

 Other interested parties (potential partners, advocates, etc.)

  • Visits by State personnel to SFAs or other locations
     All SFAs
     SFAs meeting minimum FFVP eligibility requirements
     SFAs targeted for recruiting to participate in the FFVP

 School principals

 Other interested parties (potential partners, advocates, etc.)

  • Other (specify below)

5. How did SFAs apply for their schools to participate in the FFVP? Please check all that apply:

  • Paper application

  • Electronic application (such as Microsoft Word © or PDF form) submitted by e-mail or upload

  • On-line application

6. What was your Agency’s approach to selecting schools to participate in the FFVP? Please check the response that fits best.

  • All schools eligible under Federal rules that applied were approved. (Federal rules restrict the FFVP to elementary schools with NSLP and at least 50% of students approved for free/reduced-price (FRP) meals, except for secondary schools participating in SY 2008-2009) (SKIP TO QUESTION 7.)

  • Eligible schools that applied were ranked by percentage of students approved for FRP meals, and schools were selected in this order until the expected allocation equaled the available funds.

  • Eligible schools that applied were ranked by score on their application, and schools were selected in order until the expected allocation equaled the available funds.

  • Other selection approach (please specify below)

6a. In addition to the Federal requirements, what other criteria were considered when selecting schools to participate in the FFVP? Please check all that apply.

  • Percentage of students approved for free/reduced-price meals

  • FFVP school in School Year 2008-2009

  • Satisfactory performance if selected as FFVP school in prior year

  • Number of schools applying from the same SFA

  • Number of days per week/month for FFVP to be offered

  • Quantity of nutrition education for FFVP

  • Presence or number of partners

  • Cash or in-kind contributions by SFA or partners

  • Participates in Team Nutrition

  • Has implemented a satisfactory school wellness policy

  • Satisfactory Coordinated Review Effort/School Meals Initiative (CRE/SMI) review

  • Grades served by school

  • Geographic region

  • Other (specify below)

6b. What did your State do if an eligible school submitted an application that could not be approved as submitted? Please check the response that fits best.

  • Application was rejected, no opportunity to resubmit

  • School or SFA was notified of the problem and give the opportunity to resubmit

  • Other (specify below)

7. Did your agency have a target for the average dollar amount allocated per student for SY 2009-2010, based on the total FFVP funds available for distribution to schools?

  • Yes

  • No (SKIP TO 8)

7a. What was your agency’s final target for the average FFVP dollar amount allocated per student for SY 2009-2010?
$_______average per student

8. Did your agency make sure that each approved school had a minimum total amount of FFVP funds for SY 2009-2010?

  • Yes

  • No (SKIP TO 8)

8a. What was the minimum total FFVP funds per school?

$_________minimum total for each school

  • Minimum total varied by school enrollment (e.g., minimum for schools under 500 students vs. 500-750 etc.)

9. Please enter the requested FFVP application statistics for SY 2009-2010 (or other period specified in Question 3).


Number of Schools in Category

Total Enrollment in These Schools

a. Schools that applied for the FFVP and were eligible under Federal requirements (see Q6)

b. Elementary schools approved to operate the FFVP

c. Elementary schools operating the FFVP (any time in SY 2009-2010)

Question 9 - continued

Number of Schools in Category

Total Enrollment in These Schools

d. Secondary schools approved to operate the FFVP (for SY 2009-2010 only)

e. Secondary schools operating the FFVP (any time in SY 2009-2010)

f. Schools approved for FFVP with 60 to 75% of students approved for free/reduced-price

g. Schools approved for FFVP with over 75% of students approved for free/reduced-price

9h. What the smallest free/reduced percentage of students in schools approved for FFVP?

______ minimum free/reduced price percentage in FFVP-approved schools

10. For each of the following possible challenges for SFAs, please indicate whether, based on your communications with SFAs, it was not a problem, a minor problem, or a major problem for the typical SFA in the application process. Please explain if any of these challenges was a major problem.

Not a problem for SFAs

Minor problem for SFAs

Major problem for SFAs

a. Having enough information about the application process.

a1. Explanation if a major problem:

b. Getting cooperation from principals or other officials

b1. Explanation if a major problem:

Not a problem for SFAs

Minor problem for SFAs

Major problem for SFAs

c. Preparing implementation plans for the FFVP

Explanation if a major problem:

d. Submitting complete and accurate applications

d1. Explanation if a major problem:

e. Submitting applications on time

e1. Explanation if a major problem:

f. List any major problem not specified above

11. Was the number of schools applying for the FFVP for SY 2009-2010 less than, the same as, or more than your agency expected?

  • Less than expected

  • Same as expected (SKIP TO 13)

  • More than expected

  • Did not have an expectation (SKIP TO 13)

12. Why was the number of schools applying for the FFVP for SY 2009-2010 less than or more than your agency expected? Please explain below.

13. Within school districts operating the FFVP, what type of official is the “champion”, that is, the person who leads the effort to get the FFVP going and sustain it? Check all that apply below.

Type of Official

Check all types of “champions” below

Which is the most frequent type of “champion”? Check one below

District superintendent or other chief official

School district food service director

School principal

School-level food service manager

School-level health official (nurse, wellness coordinator, etc.)

Other district-level official (describe)

Other school-level official (describe)

Outside partner (such as local public health director) (Describe)

Don’t know

B. State FFVP guidance and oversight

14. In which of the following areas did your agency establish State-specific guidance or recommended practices for the FFVP, in addition to those established by FNS?

  • Implementation plans

  • Partnerships

  • Farm-to-cafeteria or farm-to-school projects

  • Purchasing cooperatives

  • Promoting the FFVP to students and parents

  • Selecting and purchasing fruits and vegetables

  • Serving fruits and vegetables (distribution methods, time of day, portion sizes)

  • Role of teachers in FFVP

  • Food safety

  • Nutrition education and promotion in connection with the FFVP

  • Performance and expenditure reporting

  • Use of FFVP funds (allowable costs, portion spend on food, etc.)

  • None of the above—only use FNS policies and recommended practices [SKIP TO 15]

14a. Please provide a copy of your agency’s guidance or recommended practices or a link to the web page where they are available

  • Hard copy submitted by mail (use reply envelope provided with your survey invitation)

  • Electronic copy submitted by e-mail to []

  • URL for policies: http:_______________________

15. What types of information on nutrition education curricula or materials did your agency provide to schools specifically for use in conjunction with the FFVP in the last 12 months?

  • FNS FFVP handbook

  • Other list of resources or links to websites

  • Specific nutrition education curricula or materials [IF CHECKED, ANSWER 15A-B.]

  • None of the above

15a. Which of the following topics were included in these nutrition education curricula or materials? (Check all that apply)

  • Role of fresh fruits and vegetables in a complete diet

  • Where fresh fruits and vegetables come from, links to local farms

  • Trying new foods, variety

  • Healthy and less healthy snacks

  • Cooking with fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Eat lower fat foods more often

  • Healthy weight and overweight

  • Physical activity

  • Other (Please specify:___________________)

15b. What audiences were targeted by these nutrition education curricula or materials? (Check all that apply)

  • Pre-school and kindergarten

  • Grades 1-3

  • Grades 4-8

  • Older children

  • Parents

  • Teachers

  • School food service personnel

16. What training, monitoring and technical assistance activities for the FFVP has your agency conducted in the last 12 months, either in-house or through partners? (Check all that apply)

  • In-person orientation, training, or conference

  • Web/conference-call orientation or training

  • Periodic web meetings/conference calls

  • Scheduled site visits

  • Unannounced site visits

  • Help line/assistance on-call from State agency

  • Help line/assistance on-call from partners

  • Review of financial records supporting claims

  • None of the above

C. Non-Federal partnerships

17. Please check all types of non-Federal partners that work with your State agency to carry out the FFVP.

  • Produce for Better Health

  • Fruits and Veggies More Matters

  • Healthcare providers, including hospitals and clinics; doctors, nurses, nutritionists, dieticians/dietetic interns, or other clinicians/practitioners

  • State or Tribal government agency (e.g. health department, agriculture department, etc.)

  • City, County, or other local government agency

  • Cooperative Extension Service

  • Grocers and stores, farmers’ markets, or other food distributors

  • Vocational clubs (e.g., Future Farmers of America, 4-H)

  • Produce associations/commodity groups (e.g., United Fresh Produce Association)

  • Nutrition trade associations (e.g. American Dietetic Association, School Nutrition Associations)

  • Health associations (e.g. State or National affiliates of the American Cancer, Diabetes, or Heart Associations)

  • Universities, colleges, or other higher education institutions

  • Non-profit community/faith-based organizations (e.g., community action agency, food bank, church, etc.)

  • Other partner type A (specify):___________________________________________________

  • Other partner type B (specify):___________________________________________________

  • Other partner type C (specify):___________________________________________________

17a. For each major type of partner that you have identified, please indicate the roles of the partner below, i.e., did the partner play the role for all FFVP schools, some FFVP schools, or no FFVP schools (i.e., the partner did not play the role). If there is more than one partner of a specified type, check the responses that represents the total scope of what all partners of this type contribute. For example, if two grocery chains are both partners, and together they provide supplies for all FFVP schools in the State, check “all schools.”



Partner Type 1

Partner Type 2

Partner Type N

Encourage schools to participate in FFVP

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Providing educational materials (print, video, audio, etc.)

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Providing instruction or demonstrations for students

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Providing fresh fruits or vegetables

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Providing other foods or supplies

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Providing equipment

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Providing cash

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Advising on nutrition education

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Training teachers/staff

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Other role
(Please specify:


􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Other role
(Please specify:


􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

Other role
(Please specify:


􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

􀂃 All FFVP schools

􀂃 Most schools

􀂃 Some schools

􀂃 None

D. FFVP Costs and Claiming

18. How often does your agency collect the following items of information (if at all) from FFVP schools? Which are available in a State electronic database? Check all that apply. If an item is not collected, leave the “In State electronic database?” column blank.

Q18 Item

How often collected?

In State electronic database?

Number of days that FFVP foods were offered

􀂃 Not collected

􀂃 Annual only

􀂃 Twice a year only

􀂃 Three or four times a year

􀂃 Bimonthly

􀂃 Monthly or more often

􀂃 Yes-all schools

􀂃 Yes-most schools

􀂃 Yes-some schools

􀂃 No

Number of days that nutrition education was offered as part of FFVP

􀂃 Not collected

􀂃 Annual only

􀂃 Twice a year only

􀂃 Three or four times a year

􀂃 Bimonthly

􀂃 Monthly or more often

􀂃 Yes-all schools

􀂃 Yes-most schools

􀂃 Yes-some schools

􀂃 No

Operating cost broken down between food, labor, and supplies

􀂃 Not collected

􀂃 Annual only

􀂃 Twice a year only

􀂃 Three or four times a year

􀂃 Bimonthly

􀂃 Monthly or more often

􀂃 Yes-all schools

􀂃 Yes-most schools

􀂃 Yes-some schools

􀂃 No

Breakdown of food cost by broad category (fruits, vegetables)

􀂃 Not collected

􀂃 Annual only

􀂃 Twice a year only

􀂃 Three or four times a year

􀂃 Bimonthly

􀂃 Monthly or more often

􀂃 Yes-all schools

􀂃 Yes-most schools

􀂃 Yes-some schools

􀂃 No

Food purchase cost detail by item (e.g., total spent on apples, bananas, kiwis etc.)

􀂃 Not collected

􀂃 Annual only

􀂃 Twice a year only

􀂃 Three or four times a year

􀂃 Bimonthly

􀂃 Monthly or more often

􀂃 Yes-all schools

􀂃 Yes-most schools

􀂃 Yes-some schools

􀂃 No

Quantity purchased for each food item

􀂃 Not collected

􀂃 Annual only

􀂃 Twice a year only

􀂃 Three or four times a year

􀂃 Bimonthly

􀂃 Monthly or more often

􀂃 Yes-all schools

􀂃 Yes-most schools

􀂃 Yes-some schools

􀂃 No

Unit size (as purchased) and price for each food item

􀂃 Not collected

􀂃 Annual only

􀂃 Twice a year only

􀂃 Three or four times a year

􀂃 Bimonthly

􀂃 Monthly or more often

􀂃 Yes-all schools

􀂃 Yes-most schools

􀂃 Yes-some schools

􀂃 No

Administrative cost broken down between labor, equipment, and other

􀂃 Not collected

􀂃 Annual only

􀂃 Twice a year only

􀂃 Three or four times a year

􀂃 Bimonthly

􀂃 Monthly or more often

􀂃 Yes-all schools

􀂃 Yes-most schools

􀂃 Yes-some schools

􀂃 No

18a. Please provide a copy of your agency’s monthly claim form and instructions, or a link to the web page (URL) where they are available

  • Hard copy submitted by mail (use reply envelope provided with your survey invitation)

  • Electronic copy submitted by e-mail to

  • URL of State web page for claim form and instructions: http:_______________________

19. What are the minimum qualifications for the FFVP coordinator position in your agency? Check all that apply.

  • Bachelor’s degree in nutrition, public health, or related field

  • Any Bachelor’s degree

  • Master’s degree in nutrition, public health, or related field

  • Any Master’s degree

  • Ph.D or equivalent

  • Registered dietitian or other professional certification

  • Prior experience as school food authority director or assistant director

  • Specified number of years of experience after obtaining required degree
    Number of years of experience required: _____





Child Nutrition Director:

Telephone Number:

E-mail address:

This survey of all State Child Nutrition Agencies is being conducted as part of the Evaluation of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). We are interested in understanding the process of selecting schools for the FFVP, the guidance and oversight of the FFVP by your agency, the partnerships with non-Federal agencies at the State level, the data collected by your agency on FFVP costs and operations at the school level, and the costs and staffing of State-level FFVP administration.

Your agency previously completed a survey about FFVP operations in school year (SY) 2009-2010. In this follow-up module, we ask you to provide final cost data for SY 2009-2010 and data on FFVP school selection for SY 2010-2011.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. There are no penalties if you do not participate. You can refuse to answer any question and may even stop the survey at any time. The evaluation report and public-use data files will include individual State responses to this survey and other data for individual States. However, the names and contact information of respondents will not be published.

Please correct the information above if needed. If someone other than the Child Nutrition Director completed this survey, please provide the respondent’s name and contact information below.

Name of person completing survey (other than Child Nutrition Director):

Telephone Number:

E-mail address:

Thank you in advance for completing this survey. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Abt Associates, Inc. at [toll-free number] or by e-mail (

F1. Please complete the table below summarizing (a) your State’s expenditures from USDA FFVP funds in July 2009 through June 2010, and (b) other known FFVP expenses from other sources. Provide the level of detail that is readily available, and indicate any level of detail that you are unable to provide. If data are available, provide expenses from sources other than USDA FFVP funds, including any State appropriation or private grant for the FFVP, or other Federal or State sources.

a. 7/1/09-6/30/10 Total Expenses from USDA FFVP funds

b. 7/1/09-6/30/10 Total Expenses from other Federal, State, or private sources

Not available or not applicable

Total Expense ($)

Not available or not applicable

Total Expense ($)

Expenses reimbursed to schools:

Fresh fruits

Fresh vegetables

Subtotal: all food

Other operating expenses (preparation labor, supplies)

Administrative expenses (other labor, equipment, etc.)

All expenses reimbursed to schools

State administrative expenses

Grand total

F2. What was the total value of cash donations to the FFVP received from partners (not including USDA-FNS) between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010? (Enter 0 if no cash donations.)


Don’t know

F3. What types of costs for State-level administration did your agency charge to the FFVP in SY 2009-2010? Check all that apply, considering both direct and indirect costs.

  • State FFVP coordinator salary (or portion thereof) (The State FFVP coordinator is the person who has the most responsibility for administering the FFVP at the State level.)

  • Other State Child Nutrition Agency personnel

  • Fringe benefits for State Child Nutrition Agency personnel

  • Travel for State Child Nutrition Agency personnel

  • Training for SFA/school personnel (facilities, materials, audio-visual services etc.)

  • Other services provided by another State agency

  • Other services provided by private contractor (nonprofit or for-profit)

  • Other (please specify): ___________________________________

  • None of the above – no State-level administrative costs charged to the FFVP (SKIP TO F4)

F3a. In SY 2009-2010, what percentage of a full-time position was charged to the FFVP for the FFVP coordinator’s time and other State personnel?

____ % of full-time position charged to FFVP for FFVP coordinator

____ % of full-time position charged to FFVP for other State personnel

____ total % of full-time position charged to FFVP

F4. As of June 30, 2010, what was the full-time annual salary range for the job classification of the person who was your State FFVP coordinator? This is the total amount paid, not just the amount charged to the FFVP.

$________________ minimum full-time annual salary for FFVP coordinator

$________________ maximum full-time annual salary for FFVP coordinator

F5. Did your agency incur any costs in SY 2009-2010 specifically to administer the FFVP that were not charged to the FFVP?

  • Yes

  • No (SKIP TO F6)

F5a. What types of State costs specific to FFVP administration were not charged to the FFVP? Check all that apply.

  • State FFVP coordinator salary (or portion thereof)

  • Other State Child Nutrition Agency personnel

  • Fringe benefits for State Child Nutrition Agency personnel

  • Travel for State Child Nutrition Agency personnel

  • Training for SFA/school personnel (facilities, materials, audio-visual services etc.)

  • Other services provided by another State agency

  • Other services provided by private contractor (nonprofit or for-profit)

  • Other (please specify): ___________________________________

F5b. How were these costs funded? (Check all that apply)

  • State funds appropriated for the FFVP
    Specify amount appropriated for July 2009-June 2010: $____________

  • State funds for nutrition programs

  • USDA funds other than FFVP

  • Other Federal funds

  • Private cash donations

F6. The following questions are about the application and selection of schools to participate in the FFVP during the 2010-2011 school year (SY 2010-2011).

F6a. When did your State announce the availability of FFVP applications for SY 2010-2011?

Announcement date: ___/___/___

F6b. When were applications for the FFVP due? (If the due date was extended, specify the final date.)

Application due date: ___/___/___

F6c. What was the date when approved schools could begin spending funds allocated for the the 2010-2011 FFVP program year?

  • July 1, 2010

  • Other date (Please specify Start date__/__/2010)

F7. Please enter the requested FFVP application statistics for SY 2010-2011.


Number of Schools in Category

Total Enrollment in These Schools

a. Schools that applied for the FFVP and were eligible under Federal requirements (see Q6)

b. Elementary schools approved to operate the FFVP

c. Elementary schools operating the FFVP (any time in SY 2010-2011)

d. Schools approved for FFVP with 60 to 75% of students approved for free/reduced-price

e. Schools approved for FFVP with over 75% of students approved for free/reduced-price

F7e. What the smallest free/reduced percentage of students in schools approved for FFVP?

______ minimum free/reduced price percentage in FFVP-approved schools

F8. For each of the following possible challenges for SFAs, please indicate whether, based on your communications with SFAs, it was not a problem, a minor problem, or a major problem for the typical SFA in the application process. Please explain if any of these challenges was a major problem.

Not a problem for SFAs

Minor problem for SFAs

Major problem for SFAs

a. Having enough information about the application process.

a1. Explanation if a major problem:

b. Getting cooperation from principals or other officials

b1. Explanation if a major problem:

c. Preparing implementation plans for the FFVP

c1. Explanation if a major problem:

d. Submitting complete and accurate applications

d1. Explanation if a major problem:

e. Submitting applications on time

e1. Explanation if a major problem:

f. List any major problem not specified above

F9. Was the number of schools applying for the FFVP for SY 2010-2011 less than, the same as, or more than your agency expected?

  • Less than expected

  • Same as expected (SKIP TO 10)

  • More than expected

  • Did not have an expectation (SKIP TO 10)

F9a. Why was the number of schools applying for the FFVP for SY 2010-2011 less than or more than your agency expected? Please explain below.


F10. Please provide copies of the FFVP claims for July 2009 through June 2010 for the schools in the sample for the FFVP evaluation (See attached list).

We prefer to receive these data in electronic form, or in a computer printout. However, if the claims include information that is not in the electronic system, such as narrative information, we need copies of the actual claims. You can provide electronic or paper copies of the claims.

Electronic data may be sent by e-mail to If you wish to submit data by secure file transfer, send a request to the study staff by e-mail.

Paper copies of reports or claim forms may be submitted in the prepaid FedEx envelope provided to you.

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByNicholsonJ
File Modified2009-11-20
File Created2009-10-30

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