Completion Report for ENERGY STAR Modular Home
a) Rater primary contact b) Rater field tester (if different from primary contact)
Company Name |
Company Name |
Address |
Address |
City State Zip |
City State Zip |
Telephone Email |
Telephone Email
c) Factory d) Builder
Corporate Parent |
Company Name
Plant name |
Address |
Plant City Plant State Zip |
Zip |
City State Zip |
Telephone Fax |
e) Homeowner f) Home location
Name |
Address |
Telephone |
City State Zip |
Was this home tested? Yes No If No, skip to question 4. Conditioned space sq. ft.:
House tightness (must fill in and check to pass)
ACH50. Measured: ______________ (must be ≤ 7.0 in CZ 1-2 | ≤ 6.0 in CZ 3-4 | ≤ 5.0 in CZ 5-7 | ≤ 4.0 in CZ 8)
DUCT TIGHTNESS (must fill in and check ONE to pass)
Duct leakage to outside at 25 pascals. Measured: ______________ (must be ≤ 4 cfm to outdoors / 100 sq. ft.)
ducts and air handling equipment are in conditioned space and
envelope leakage tests
≤ 3 ACH 50 or ≤ 0.25 cfm 50 per sq. ft. of
building envelope.
QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) LABEL (must check ONE to pass)
SBRA quality assurance (QA) ENERGY STAR Modular Home Label is
affixed to the home interior and signed
and dated by a factory
This home is one of the factory’s initial three certification homes (QA label will be affixed with site label – see below)
PASSES: No discrepancies were identified.
FAILS: Discrepancies are described on the following sheet.
Signature of Rater: Date:
Complete all applicable items and send with a completed copy of the Inspection Checklist for ENERGY STAR Qualified Modular Homes and, if home passes, a check for $40 (or $140 if this is one of the initial three factory certification homes) to: Systems Building Research Alliance, 2109 Broadway, Suite 200, New York, NY 10023.
Description of problems/discrepancies and remediation actions
Item number: _____ |
Discrepancy |
Remediation |
Item number: _____ |
Discrepancy |
Remediation |
Item number: _____ |
Discrepancy |
Remediation |
Item number: _____ |
Discrepancy |
Remediation |
Star Modular Homes Rev.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | 110 |
Author | jdentz |
Last Modified By | ctsuser |
File Modified | 2009-09-17 |
File Created | 2009-09-09 |