Comment Number |
Source of Comment: CMS/ Organization/Region |
Application Part |
Application Section (Number/ Header) |
Application Page Number *Please note #s may vary by 1-3 pgs based on revised pagination |
Description of the Issue or Question |
Comments & Recommendation(s) from Source |
Type of Suggestion (Insertion Deletion, or Revision) |
Additional Comments |
Description of CMS Response (Rationale) |
CMS Decision (Accept, Reject, Clarify) |
Revision Topic |
3 |
RO2 |
General Info |
1.2 |
4 |
Link to fact sheets is incorrect |
Revision |
The link will be verified. |
Accept |
URL Verification |
4 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.2 |
4 |
Application lists State Licensed PSOs as a type of Coordinated Care Plan, which implies that we accept a PSO application just as we do the others in the list: LPPO, HMO, RPPO, etc. CMS does not accept PSO applications; these organizations must apply as HMOs. |
Remove PSO from the list or add a caveat that PSOs must complete the HMO application. |
Deletion |
RO9 had to convince an applicant to withdraw its PSO application (it had also submitted an HMO application) and had a difficult time convincing the applicant that we would not review the PSO application. |
Accept |
Process |
RO2 |
General Info |
1.2 |
4 |
Fact Sheets |
Did not see any link to Product Fact sheets on this webpage. |
Revision |
The link will be verified. |
Accept |
URL Verification |
5 |
RO2 |
General Info |
1.3 |
5 |
Link for manuals incorrect | |
Revision |
The link will be verified. |
Accept |
URL Verification |
6 |
RO2 |
General Info |
1.4 |
5 |
Regional Staff contact list |
The phone numbers for RO2 are incorrect on in application and the list on the web. |
Revision |
For RO2,telephone number should be 212-616-2353 on both lists. |
Accept |
Process |
8 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.4 |
6 |
RO7 listing is in ALL CAPS, which is not the same format as the other addresses. |
Change RO7 description to match the others. |
Revision |
Accept |
Stylistic |
9 |
RO2 |
General Info |
1.4 |
7 |
The link for general information is Not sure if this is correct. |
Check to see if the address should be |
Revision |
Accept |
URL Verification |
11 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.5 |
7 |
Under Section B, the application states "Applicants are required to provide prompt entry and ongoing updates of data in HPMS. By keeping the information in HPMS current, the applicant facilitates the tracking of its application throughout the review process and ensures that CMS has the most current information for application updates, guidance and other types of correspondence." I don't understand what that means. |
Suggested revision: "Applicants must promptly enter organizational data into HPMS and keep the system accurate. This ensures that CMS has timely information and is able to provide guidance to the appropriate contacts within the organization." |
Revision |
Accept |
Grammatical |
12 |
RO2 |
General Info |
1.6 |
7 |
Access to data link did not work |
Revision |
The link will be verified. |
Accept |
URL Verification |
14 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.6 |
7 |
The very end of the second paragraph refers to a "new MAO number". What is that? Do we mean "new contract number"? |
Revision |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
109 |
RO 9 |
General Info |
1.9 |
RO 9 recommends that the zip code reduction (resulting in a full to partial county) come in no later than the second upload and that it must include the partial county justification.
RO9 also recommends that if CMS requires an applicant to drop some zip codes, resulting in a partial county, later than the second upload, then we not require the partial county justification since we are the ones requesting that the service area only be partial county. Having said that, we certainly wouldn’t want to publicize the second point and open the door up for a plan to strategize their way into having us reduce their service area for them and avoid the justification.
The revised section will now read, "Applicant organizations seeking to withdraw an entire pending application or seeking to withdraw counties from a pending application’s service area must submit a written request to such effect on the organization’s letterhead and signed by an authorized corporate official by May 21, 2010 (tentative date). Zip code withdrawal requests must likewise be requested through a written request by an authorized official, though must be submitted to CMS by April 5, 2010 (tentative due date for an organization’s response to the application deficiency email). Additionally, any applicant seeking to withdraw zip codes (rendering their application a “partial-county” request) must also submit through HPMS a partial county justification as explained in the application instructions. " |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
22 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.5 |
12 |
In the third paragraph, we fail to make it clear that our on-site visits can occur at any time during the application process as well as after contract signature and throughout the operational life of the organization. |
Suggest extending the first sentence of the third paragraph to include, "…throughout the application process, as well as at any time both prior to and after the start of the contract year." |
Insertion |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
26 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.5 |
13 |
The paragraph under the section heading "Types of Application" does not seem to fit here as it does not discuss application types but instead encourages plans to research their requirements. RO9 thinks this language is important, but it should not be included here. |
Suggest moving the paragraph, "CMS strongly encourages…revised guidance documents" to section 2.1 |
Revision |
Accept |
Format |
30 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.6 |
15 |
Chart 1 Required Attestations: Should there be a column under SAE for MSA Demo? |
Insertion |
Accept |
Substantive Content Change |
HSD 01 |
RO2 |
HSD Table 1 |
2.7 |
1 |
Specialty type: Gerontology |
A gerontologist is not a physician. The term gerontology needs to be changed to geriatric. Geriatrics is a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of the elderly. Geriatricians must be a MD and geriatrics is a sub specialty of Internal Medicine requiring Board certification. Gerontology is the scientific study of the process of aging and the problems of aging and is multidisciplinary. Social Workers, psychologists, Registered Nurses can obtain a PHD in gerontology and be considered gerontologists. Being a MD is not required. |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
The word "gerontologist" was changed to "geriatrician." |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
HSD 11 |
RO2 |
HSD Table 3 |
2.7 |
12 |
Only list providers who provide Medicare required services. |
Recommend changing to "Only list the Medicare-Certified providers who provide the Medicare required services". Also recommend instructions to list the name of the provider and not the parent corporation; for example a plan may list ABC Corporation for the name of a SNF or hospital instead on Okay Nursing Home or Best Medical Center. |
Revision |
CMS agrees that if the facility is part of a system, the applicant will name the individual facility name and not the parent organization. |
Accept |
Process |
58 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.05 |
28 |
#8-plan should include procedures to report…noncompliance |
LEGAL-last sentence-"This compliance plan should include procedures to voluntarily self report potential fraud, misconduct, or noncompliance related to the Part C program to CMS or its designee." |
Revision |
Accept |
Legal |
60 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.07 |
30 |
Upload section |
There is no section B which itemizes required uploads. |
Revision |
Subpart B for section 3.7 has been added to this version of the application. |
Accept |
Format |
61 |
RO10 |
Attestations |
3.08 |
31 |
Require a narrative description of the service area |
Require Plans to submit a narrative description of a service area or each county, describing physical boundaries, barriers to access such as rural roads and conditions, where concentration of benefits and services are located, patterns of care, absence of specialties or facilities in the area etc. |
Insertion |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
106 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.16 |
50-51 |
It is unclear why we are specifically referring to PSO requirements throughout this section as CMS is not accepting PSO applications and the PSO organization that submits an HMO application must meet the HMO requirements. |
Delete references to PSO |
Deletion |
Accept |
Substantive Content Change |
89 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.17 |
54 |
Table item #5 |
CLARIFICATION - Should be submitted to CMS within 7 calendar days per Medicare Managed Care Manual, Chapter 2. |
Revision |
The revised attestation #5 reads, "Applicant will submit enrollment, disenrollment and change transactions to CMS within 7 calendar days to communicate membership information to CMS each month" |
Accept |
Process |
91 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.23 |
58 |
Does this section apply to all applicants or just RPPOs? |
Clarify which applicants must complete this section of the application. |
Revision |
CMS has revised heading to read: "RPPO Access Standards." |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
95 |
RO7 |
Document Upload Templates |
4.03 |
80 |
Privacy and Accuracy of records section - add citation to end |
CLARIFICATION - at end add "422.504(a)13" |
Revision |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
99 |
RO7 |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
101 |
Top of page - remove pre-populated responses from response section |
Revision |
Accept |
Process |
IND 045 |
Humana |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
114-128 |
For 2011, CMS is providing the following downloads for completion and uploading with the proposal: - D-SNP and C-SNP upload docs - S-SNP State Medicaid Agency Contract Matrix - ESRD Waiver Request Upload Document - Quality Improvement Program Matrix Upload Document
The instructions do not clearly state this but it seems that we need to have a written care management plan that includes the MOC components and the Quality Improvement Plan components which are to be referenced in the matrix provided. If this is correct, then we recommend that CMS is much clearer with these instructions. |
Revision |
CMS will review current instructions and ensure that they clearly identify which uploads needs to be completed and which ones are in place for guidance. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 046 |
Humana |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
93-128 |
Many other sections list an upload instruction as if it were a separate question. In actuality, there is no question, it is simply an instruction which is tied to the previous question. |
These instructions for the uploads should be included in the related question. |
Insertion |
CMS will review current instructions and ensure that they clearly identify which uploads needs to be completed and which ones are in place for guidance. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 047 |
Humana |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
99 |
The following question needs to be reworded since contracts may not yet be "approved": "Applicant's service area is equal to or less than the counties approved in the State Medicaid Agency(ies) contract.' |
Recommend changing wording as follows: Applicant's proposed service area is equal to or less than the counties included in the approved or pending State Medicaid Agency(ies) contract. |
Revision |
Accept |
Process |
IND 086 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
119-125 |
Model of Care and Quality Improvement Program Upload Documents offer SNPs an opportunity to clarify and explain Models of Care which is a substantial improvement over last year’s process. |
Revision |
Accept |
Process |
IND 089 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
93 |
States not obligated to contract with SNPs. |
CMS has indicated its support of integration on numerous occasions. While MIPPA specifically relieves states of any obligation to contract with SNPs, and it is appropriate to ensure that states understand they are not obligated, CMS has strongly emphasized this point on numerous occasions with no effort to encourage integration via SNPs. The Alliance also urges CMS to take a more balanced approach by encouraging states to at least explore opportunities and potential benefits of integration, with SNP contracts being one vehicle for achieving integration. |
Revision |
This is currently happening. CMS, through various vehicles has been communicating best practices, answering questions, and offering suggestions that allow for States to determine how SNP partnerships can strengthen Medicaid programs. These conversations occur on a daily basis which allows for a balanced approach. CMS has already conducted training for States, established a Resource Center to assist States in developing contracts for integrated services, and has conducted conference calls with States to clarify MIPPA requirements for integrating Medicare and Medicaid services. CMS will continue to work with States interested in pursuing contracts for integrated services. |
Accept |
Process |
100 |
RO7 |
Appendix II - Employer/Union-Only Group Waiver Plans (EGWP) MAO "800 Series" |
6.3 |
131 |
Middle of page beside box, second sentence |
LEGAL - should read "No OTHER TYPES of plans will be offered to individual Medicare beneficiaries under this contract number." |
Revision |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
16 |
RO7 |
General Info |
1.7 C |
10 |
Protecting Confidential Information section. Last sentence - clarify that CMS will not release information IF applicant has shown it meets requirements for exemption. |
LEGAL - New last sentence "Consistent with our approach under other Medicare programs, CMS will not release information that would be considered proprietary in nature IF APPLICANT HAS SHOWN IT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS ABOVE FOR FOIA EXEMPTION 4." |
Revision |
The word " FOIA" was added to the suggested revision to ensure clarity. |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
15 |
RO2 |
General Info |
1.7 D |
9 |
Access to data link did not work |
Revision |
The link will be verified. |
Accept |
URL Verification |
IND 050 |
HSD Instructions |
2.7 Health Service Delivery Tables Instructions |
16 |
Timing of issuance of default values and training. The draft indicates that CMS intends to make the default values for the network adequacy measures available in November each year. CMS states that the purpose of making required minimum values available is to allow applicants to “gain a better understanding of the required values (i.e., providers and facilities required in each county, in addition to time and distance standards).” It is our understanding that a number of organizations are likely to begin market analysis as early as the spring of the year prior to submission of the application and to be actively engaged in network development by the fall. |
Accordingly, for 2011 applications, we recommend that CMS issue the measures as soon as possible this fall and conduct training on both the measures and the pre-assessment tool no later than early November, so that organizations can use the standards to guide their network development and take full advantage of the pre-screening tool. We also support continued availability of the January training on the applications and application process. |
Revision |
Guidance and training will be provided in October. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 051 |
HSD Instructions |
2.7 Health Service Delivery Tables Instructions |
16 |
Network adequacy measures. The draft signals that CMS will add time and distance values to the network adequacy criteria and allow applicants to include providers from surrounding counties as part of a county’s proposed network of services. |
We support this policy and recommend that when the values are released, CMS provide an explanation of the methodology used to determine these and other elements of the network adequacy measures. A detailed understanding of the measures will permit organizations to take the most effective action to meet them or to most appropriately request exceptions and provide the necessary documentation to support exception requests. |
Revision |
Guidance and training will be provided in October. |
Accept |
Process |
68 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.10 |
34 |
Effective January 1, 2010 |
Suggest removing this phrase. |
Revision |
CMS deleted the sentence that starts with : "Effective January…42 CFR 422.504(g)(1)." |
Accept |
Substantive Content Change |
75 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.11.A |
38 |
At the top of the attestation table, following our instructions, "PLEASE RESPOND "YES" OR "NO" TO EACH…" we list out the applicants to which this section applies ("For all CCP Applicants including…") Yet we don't include this specific guidance in most other similar instructions. |
Suggest including the specific contracts to which the section applies in ALL the attestation instructions. |
Insertion |
CMS deleted the sentence that starts with: "For all CCP…network." |
Accept |
Substantive Content Change |
IND 027 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.13.A |
43 |
Attestation 9.d and 12 appear to be duplicative. |
Recommend using only one of the attestations - attestation 9.d. |
Deletion |
CMS has already addressed this revision. |
Accept |
Duplicative |
81 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.13.A.A.12 |
44 |
Attestation #12 is a repeat of the information in Attestation #9d |
Suggest removing attestation #12 |
Deletion |
CMS has already addressed this revision. |
Accept |
Duplicative |
85 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.13.B |
46 |
Table item #2 - last sentence - should it be ID card (not IC card)? |
Revision |
Accept |
Grammatical |
84 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.13.B.A.1 |
46 |
We should be more specific in Attestation #1 that we are referring to enrollment, disenrollment and eligibility. |
Suggest changing #2 to read, "Applicants will comply with all CMS regulations and guidance pertaining to enrollment, disenrollment and eligibility, including, but not limited to the managed care manual…" |
Revision |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
87 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.13.B.A.9 |
47 |
In the event of a termination, the applicant should also agree to notify plan members of alternate MA options that are available (not just Part D). |
Suggest changing #9 to read, "…alternatives for obtaining alternative MA coverage as well as prescription drug coverage under Part D…" |
Revision |
Accept |
Grammatical |
86 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.13B.A.2 |
46 |
In #2 do you mean ID card? |
Change "IC card" to "ID card" |
Revision |
Accept |
Grammatical |
88 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.14.A.1-2 |
49 |
It is unclear what the differences are between attestations #1 and #2 |
Clarify these two attestations or remove one of them. |
Revision |
Attestation #2 was deleted and attestation #1 was revised to include the following bullets: "• Identify payers that are primary to Medicare • Identify the amounts payable by those payers; and • Coordinate its benefits or amounts payable with the benefits or amounts payable by the primary payers." |
Accept |
Duplicative |
36 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.2.A.3 |
19 |
This statement asks about current commercial business. If we are not requiring commercial membership (and as of this date, we are not) then what response are we expecting? Neither one will lead to a deficiency. |
If either YES or NO is appropriate and we are only using this as an information gathering attestation, then we need to make sure we don't create a deficiency code for this attestation. |
Revision |
Accept |
Process |
102 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.2.A.A.4-9 |
19-20 |
The applicant should be able to meet all of these statements at the time of application, so we should specify the timing. |
Recommend changing the beginning of each attestation to read, "Applicant currently has…" |
Revision |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
90 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.20.A.7 |
56 |
Referring to attestation #7: It might be specific to Part D rules (which would still apply to an MA-PD plan), but the applicant cannot include any portion of the SSN in the health plan ID card number. |
Suggest changing attestation #7 to read, "Applicant agrees not to use any part of an enrollee's Social Security Number (SSN) or Medicare ID Number on the enrollee's identification card." |
Revision |
Accept |
Legal |
HSD 13 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.23 Access Standards |
59 |
Access Standards for Specific Provider Types (#4) |
The second bullet asks for access standards for primary care providers. Primary care providers include General and Family practitioners, Internal Medicine and Geriatricians. Why is a separate access standard required for Internal Medicine? |
Deletion |
Delete (contracted specialist) internal medicine |
Primary Care Physicians include general and family practitioners, internal medicine and geriatricians. CMS recognizes that there are no separate access standard required for Internal Medicine physicians. |
Accept |
Process |
HSD 14 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.23 Access Standards |
60 |
See above |
See above |
Deletion |
In section 3.23, CMS will remove the specialty "Internal Medicine" as a category for Contracted Specialists. |
Accept |
Process |
107 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.29 MSA Demo |
69-70 |
Repetitive questions |
Remove the HPMS upload items from chart on page 69 as they are listed on section B on page 70 (or should be). |
Revision |
In efforts to streamline the application process and minimize burden to the applicant, CMS will delete Attestations # 10-16.
Consequently, CMS will create a standard attestation, which reads "Applicant attest that all contracts within this provision meets all requirements and CMS regulations under 42 CFR 422.504…"
Accept |
Duplicative |
IND 017 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.3.A |
21 |
For states whose licenses renew after the first Monday in June, applicant must upload into HPMS no later than the final upload opportunity a copy of its completed license application and comment that this application was timely submitted to the relevant State licensing authority. |
Some states have different renewal requirements besides filing a renewal application. For those states that we do not file a renewal application, what do we need to submit? Many of our licenses automatically renew, what do we need to provide? |
Revision |
CMS will add language to this attestation. The revised attestation will read, "Applicant must provide evidence that the organization has followed the appropriate renewal processes (e.g., submit renewal receipt)." |
Accept |
Process |
47 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.3.A.B |
22 |
The fifth and sixth bullet calls for State Licensure information specific to RPPOs, but section 3.3 of the application only applies to "CCP, PFFS and MSA Applicants". |
Suggest removing the 5th and 6th bulleted statements from this section. |
Deletion |
Accept |
Substantive Content Change |
48 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.3.A.B |
22 |
The last paragraph, beginning with "Note:…" repeats the same statement already included in the 4th attestation. |
Suggest removing the NOTE section (or removing the attestation #4) |
Deletion |
Accept |
Duplicative |
103 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.3AB & 3.3BB |
22-23 |
Structure |
Why not make the structure of these two the same. It looks odd that one is bulleted and the other is A-F. |
Revision |
Accept |
Stylistic |
55 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.5.B |
27 |
The Note section repeats Attestation #1 in this section (3.5.A) |
Suggest removing the NOTE section |
Deletion |
Accept |
Duplicative |
56 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.6.A.1 |
27 |
Attestation #1 strays from the format of beginning with "The applicant…" |
Suggestion changing attestation #1 to begin with, "The Applicant has provided in the HPMS Contract Management / …" |
Revision |
The language for this attestation has been revised to read, "The applicant has submitted in the HPMS…" |
Accept |
Stylistic |
57 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.6.A.2 |
27 |
Attestation #2 asks the applicant to affirm that it "will provide" the position descriptions, etc. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" this information. |
Suggest changing the attestation #2 to read, "Applicant has uploaded in HPMS position descriptions…" |
Revision |
The language for this attestation has been revised to read, "The applicant has submitted in the HPMS…" |
Accept |
Stylistic |
63 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.8.D |
32 |
The Note section repeats Attestation #3 in this section (3.8.A) |
Suggest removing the Note statement. |
Deletion |
Attestation #3 will become will the Note for this topic. Attestation #2 will also be revised to say, "Applicant has indicated information on the proposed service area in the HPMS." |
Accept |
Duplicative |
IND 023 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.9.A |
32 |
Requirement under A.1 and A.8 are duplicative. |
Delete the attestation under A.8. |
Deletion |
CMS will delete attestation #8. |
Accept |
Duplicative |
65 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.9.A.3 |
32 |
Attestation #3 should emphasize the need for the applicant to have these contracts already in place NOW. |
Suggest changing the beginning of attestation #3 to read, "Applicant currently has executed…" |
Revision |
The word "currently" will be added to this attestation. |
Accept |
Substantive Content Change |
67 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.9.D |
34 |
Re: the Note section, while CMS is still working on the specifics around requesting signature pages, we can offer some clarification to this part. |
Suggestion changing the NOTE to read, "As part of the application process, Applicants will need to provide signature pages for provider contracts that the CMS reviewers select. Reviewers will provide specific instructions during the application review. |
Revision |
Accept |
Substantive Content Change |
IND 034 |
Humana |
Document Upload Templates |
4.2 - Provider Contracts Matrix |
70 |
The instructions state that the Provider Participation Contracts and/or Agreements should be completed by MA applicants and should reflect the 1st tier, downstream and related entity contracts and/or agreements. |
Recommend changing "should" to "must" since this is a requirement of the application. All applicants must provide the completed matrix. |
Revision |
CMS will change the work "should" to "must" because this is a requirement of the application. |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
96 |
RO2 |
Document Upload Templates |
4.5 State Certification |
84 |
Shouldn't the instructions precede the form? |
Make the instructions for completing form the first page under section 4.5. |
Revision |
Accept |
Format |
IND 048 |
Humana |
Appendix II - Employer/Union-Only Group Waiver Plans (EGWP) MAO "800 Series" |
Certification #10 |
133 |
Certification states that the applicant will submit employer group marketing materials to CMS at the time of use. |
According to Chapter 9, Section, beginning with contract year 2009, MAOs are no longer required to submit informational copies of these disclosure materials to CMS at the time of use. Recommend changing the certification to adequately reflect the guidance in the Medicare Manual. |
Revision |
The language will be revised. Additional information will be provided to say, "Applicant understands that dissemination/disclosure materials for its EGWPs are not subject to the requirements contained in 42 CFR 422.80 or 42 CFR 423.50 to be submitted for review and approval by CMS prior to use. Applicant also understands CMS reserves the right to review these materials in the event of beneficiary complaints or for any other reason it determines to ensure the information accurately and adequately informs Medicare beneficiaries about their rights and obligations under the plan. (Section 3.14.A.1 of the 2011 Solicitation for New Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan (MA-PD) Sponsors)."
Accept |
Process |
IND 091 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Definitions |
Page 1 |
Definition of Medicaid subset |
Please clarify whether “Medicaid subset” includes any dual population designated in a state contract, including “all duals.” |
Revision |
Medicaid subset is clearly defined in CMS regulations, implementation guidance, and will be clarified in application training. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 084 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
HSD Tables |
HSD Tables |
17 |
Last year changes were being made to HSD table content up until 2 days prior to the application due date. These changes, especially late date changes, can be extremely inefficient when related to programming changes (additional cost). |
All efforts should be made to bring to a close any HSD table requirement revisions prior to the Application release. |
Revision |
CMS does not anticipate major changes to the HSD tables. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 092 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Model of Care Goals |
103 |
Number 2: Improve access to “affordable” health care |
We believe it is inappropriate to include policy objectives with no basis for measurement in the list of attestations and request that this be deleted. Alternatively, delete “affordable” and link access to health care services. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 108 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Model of Care Training |
108 |
5: Per CMS 2009 guidance, there are a number of methods for documenting that training materials have been disseminated to all providers. Obtaining “sign-off” that model of care training was completed by every contracted provider is not realistic. |
We urge CMS to stand by guidance provided to SNP Alliance members on 4/8/09 conference call with DSP staff: “There is a great deal of flexibility about how plans will verify compliance with this requirement. Plans are not required to provide face-to-face training for all providers, nor are they required to provide CMS with written documentation directly from the providers that verifies the training has been conducted, however, documentation such as survey tools, listings of mailings, and evaluations specific to provider education should be used as verification. Direct training is required to all employees involved in the SNP operations. There are a number of ways plans can meet the training requirement; for example: 1. Education about the plan’s care management structure and program could be provided via a newsletter that goes to employees, contractors, provider network members, etc.; 2. Plans may offer computer-based training for employees or others as an option.; 3. Documentation that the training has taken place and that the provider understands the model of care requirements could be conducted via an annual provider satisfaction survey.; 4. Documentation that the training has taken place could be offered via databases that track who the newsletter or other training materials were sent to.; 5. Plans could obtain feedback about training via provider relation visits.” |
Revision |
CMS will provide an addendum to provider contracts that just states they have read the information pertaining to the model of care and will comply with the structure. CMS expects the plan to put in place a mechanism that ensures updates and changes to the model of care are communicated through normal provider education means. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 102 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Provider Network |
107 |
37: Credentialing |
Recommend credentialing every 3 years, not annually, consistent with NCQA requirements. |
Revision |
Accept |
Process |
IND 105 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Provider Network |
107 |
44: Enrollee Contacts |
This statement appears to have two parts: first – does the enrollee contact in or out of network providers to schedule services and second, is the beneficiary required to notify the plan and/or inter disciplinary team. Please separate these attestations into two separate items – plans may do one or the other but not both. |
Revision |
CMS will separate these attestations into two questions. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 058 |
HSD Instructions |
Requesting Exceptions |
18 |
Under this heading CMS indicates that plans requesting exceptions to the access standards will be informed via a drop down menu in HPMS regarding what types of documentation must be submitted in connection with such a request. According to the General Instructions on page 2, such exception requests will have to be submitted “at the time of the initial application submission only.” |
To assist plans preparing for submission of the required documentation, AHIP recommends that CMS provide in the application instructions a description of the types of allowable exceptions and the documentation required to support the exception request. |
Revision |
The four allowable exceptions will be available through a drop down menu in HPMS. Further guidance and training will be provided in October. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 073 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.10 Contracts for Administrative & Management Services |
35 |
Subsection A/3rd bullet on page: References “Medicare” products. |
Shouldn’t this reference be “Medicare Advantage” products? |
Insertion |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
IND 074 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.10 Contracts for Administrative & Management Services |
36 |
Subsection A/3rd bullet on page: There is a “2)” reference within language, but there is not a “1)”. |
Need to either add a “1)” within the language; or remove the “2)”. |
Revision |
Accept |
Stylistic |
IND 076 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.11 Health Services Management & Delivery |
39 |
Subsection A.7: Tense inappropriate in language. |
Should be “…general coverage guidelines included in original…” |
Revision |
CMS will edit this grammatical issue. |
Accept |
Grammatical |
IND 077 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.12 Quality Improvement Program |
40 |
Lead paragraph/2nd sentence: Duplicative period at end of sentence. |
Need to remove duplicate period at end of sentence. |
Deletion |
CMS addressed this comment internally. |
Accept |
Grammatical |
IND 078 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.12 Quality Improvement Program |
41 |
Subsection A.11: Duplicative period at end of sentence. |
Need to remove duplicate period at end of sentence. |
Deletion |
CMS addressed this comment internally. |
Accept |
Grammatical |
IND 081 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.13A Marketing |
43 |
Subsection A.12: Appears to be a duplicate of the #9d attestation. |
Delete item #12. |
Deletion |
Comment already addressed with a previous CMS decision. |
Accept |
Duplicative |
IND 080 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.13A Marketing |
43 |
Subsection A.6: Hours of operation for call center. |
To clarify level of importance, move the statement concerning the AEP so that it precedes the statement related to the March 2nd – November 15th period |
Revision |
CMS will modify this attestation. The third sentence will start with the timeframe. |
Accept |
Format |
IND 065 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.6 Key Management |
27 |
Subsection A.#1: References “…for the following applicant contacts.”; however, the list is in a separate section “below”. |
Wouldn’t it be clearer to actually indicate “…for the applicant contacts in Subsection B. below.”? (Or comparable language.) |
Revision |
CMS will make this change. Additional clarification to the instructions will be added. |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
IND 070 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.9 Provider Contracts & Agreements |
32 |
Subsection A.#8: Appears to be a duplicate of the #1 attestation on previous page. |
Delete item #8. |
Deletion |
CMS will delete attestation #8. |
Accept |
Duplicative |
IND 071 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.9 Provider Contracts & Agreements |
34 |
Note: States applicants provide a “template” of provider contract signatures. |
Wouldn’t it more appropriate to indicate “sample” or “copy” for a signature? |
Revision |
CMS has already addressed this language revision. |
Accept |
Additional Language Clarification |
IND 012 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
Section D |
12 |
Table HSD-3 Summary & Detail- Explanation #6 |
Hours of Operation per Week - this information is not currently maintained in Aetna's credentialing system and/or our provider database(EPDB). significant manual research and outreach to each facility will have to be initiated resulting in additional time and resources to accommodate this new requirement. Recommend CMS specify in the data measures a target # of hours required to assist plans when contracting with providers but not request this data be included in the HSD tables. |
Revision |
This data request will be deleted from the HSD tables. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 013 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
Section F |
14 |
Table HSD-3a Instructions |
CMS did not provide this table in the revised HSD table file. Should we assume that because it was not included there were no changes to this table and it will still be required? Please confirm. |
Revision |
HSD Table 3A is required and will be part of the final application. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 014 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
Section F |
14 |
Table HSD-3a Detail Explanation #2 |
Reference to Tab Name - the use of "tab name' is confusing because MAOs no longer submit hard copy contract templates and instead must upload a zip file containing all contract templates used by the MAO. Each template is named in accordance with the CMS required naming convention required, which makes no reference to "tab". We have historically used the following contract references in the tab name column on this table to signify the type of contract template used to contract the providers reflected on HSD3 and recommend that CMS adopt or clarify what is acceptable: ANCILLARY, FACILITY, TRANSPLANT, HOSPITAL |
Revision |
The use of tab names is no longer required. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 101 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Staff Structure |
105 |
Number 41: Medical Chart Reviews |
Population-wide chart reviews are not a standard function. “Targeted” medical chart reviews would be more accurate and offer plans a greater comfort level for an affirmative response. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 053 |
HSD Instructions |
1 |
Inclusion of providers from surrounding counties in county-level tables and maps. A number of items in the detailed instructions for the HSD tables, as well as the requirements for maps that appear in Section 3.8 of the application, concern county-level provider information that must be submitted. It is unclear how CMS anticipates that the tables and maps will accommodate the permissible inclusion of providers located outside the county to meet network adequacy requirements. |
We recommend that as CMS refines the detailed instructions and application and develops the 2011 HPMS User Guide for the Part C Application, special attention be focused on ensuring that items referencing county-level provider information (including provider mapping) contain explicit instructions addressing network providers that are outside of the county. |
Revision |
Guidance and training will be provided in October. |
Accept |
Process |
IND 060 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Please ensure the “attestation” language in HPMS, where plans actually complete attestation response, agrees with the language on the hard copy application. For CY2010, there were attestations that were: a) worded differently between HPMS & Application, b) included on HPMS, but not on the Application, and c) included on the Application, but not on HPMS. Results in inefficiencies when keying data from the Application that was used by plans as the source to actually obtain/compile responses from multiple business partners within their organization (i.e. time spent in determining if simply a language revision/ no real content change or substantive in nature, time spent addressing substantive language revisions or attestation additions with the related business partner(s), etc.). |
Revision |
Accept |
Process |
7 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.4 |
5 |
Application states that "CMS Central and Regional Office staff are available to provide technical support to all Applicants during the application season." This contradicts the guidance CMS provides to RO reviewers -- that the RO should not advise the applicant outside of the HPMS system dialogue (i.e., formal letters). |
Advised applicants that they should contact Central Office for application guidance while preparing the application and the Regions only for very specific things in response to their deficiency letters. |
Revision |
Accept |
Process |
17 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.8 |
10 |
It seems out of order to discuss application withdrawals (1.7E) and appeal rights (1.7F) before application due dates (1.8) |
Suggest moving 1.7E and 1.7F to follow 1.8 |
Revision |
Section 1.7E will become section 1.9.
Section 1.7F will become section 1.10. |
Accept |
Format |
20 |
RO7 |
General Info |
1.8 |
12 |
Add deadline timeframe to February 25, 2010 line |
Legal - add "no later than 11:59pm EST" |
Insertion |
The "no later than 11:59 EST" is implied with the phrase "by" |
Accept with modification
Additional Language Clarification |
21 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.1 |
12 |
Laura Castelli:
use of "we" needs to be reworded
In the second paragraph, we are once again leaving ourselves open to the applicant not actually attesting to what it HAS IN PLACE but what it intends to have -- and intentions can be faulty. We need to commit the organization to attesting to each individual statement and we can make each statement specific for a current requirement (e.g., valid provide contracts) vs. a future requirement (e.g., compliance plan). |
Suggest changing the second paragraph to read: In preparing a response to the prompts throughout this application, the Applicant must mark "Yes" or "No" in sections organized with that format. By responding "Yes", the Applicant is committing its organization to being operationally compliant with the relevant requirement according to the timing the requirement stipulates. Some requirements are immediate, others are for a future date, such as when the organization signs the Medicare contract with CMS." |
Revision |
New language will be added to the current language. This sentence will be revised by adding, "By responding "Yes", the applicant is responding that it will be compliant as of the date of the contract, unless it is stated in the attestation or application that it requires an earlier compliance date." |
Accept with modification
Substantive Content Change |
23 |
RO7 |
Instructions |
2.1 |
13 |
3rd paragraph, last sentence not clear |
Clarification - Correction to what? This is unclear |
Revision |
Language was revised to read, "If these issues are not corrected in a timely manner…" |
Accept with modification
Additional Language Clarification |
101 |
RO2 |
Instructions |
2.5 |
13-14 |
Clarify what is considered an initial application |
The bullets on pp 13-14 really do not state clearly that initial applications are for those who simply do not have a contract with CMS, though it is sort of implied. If an applicant reads the first bullet stating they are seeking a contract for the first time, some may latch on to that and assume they are not initial applicants. What about those who previously had contracts but now don’t? In the last app period Red Medical did not consider its app as initial because they previously had a contract. It didn’t occur to them that the fact that they do not currently have a contract made this again an initial. In the organization & experience section they wrote N/A for questions related to initial applicants . |
Revision |
Revised the bullets to say, "Applicants that are seeking a MA contract to offer a MA product for the first time, or to offer a MA product they do not already offer. • Existing MA contractors that are seeking a MA contract to offer a type of MA product they do not current offer.
Accept with modification
Additional Language Clarification |
29 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.6 |
15 |
Chart 1 Required Attestations: Is an RPPO SAE not required to respond to attestations regarding Service Area, Provider Contracts & Agreements, and Contracts for Administrative and Management Services? |
Insertion |
Chart 1 will be revised to include the following attestation topics for RPPO SAE's: Provider Contracts, Contracts & Admin, Health Service Mgmt, and service area |
Accept with modification
Substantive Content Change |
37 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.0 |
19 |
Attestations (in general) |
Many of the attestations require that the applicant confirm that it "will provide" or "will upload" documentation that is required as part of the application. We should revise all such attestations to state that the application "has provided" or "has uploaded" to emphasize that this isn't something that the applicant can do at a later date. |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted" |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
33 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.01 |
18 |
In the first sentence, we say "The purpose of this section is to allow all applicants an opportunity…" but this section only applies to initial applicants, not SAEs. |
Suggest the change: "The purpose of this section is to allow initial applicants…" |
Revision |
This paragraph will be revised to read, "The purpose of this section is to allow applicants…" |
Accept with modification
Additional Language Clarification |
54 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.05 |
27 |
#3-add DIRECT employee of the applicant |
LEGAL - next to last sentence -"This requirement cannot be delegated to a subcontractor (first tier, downstream, NOR related entities). The applicant's compliance officer must be a DIRECT employee of the applicant." |
Revision |
Accept revised language as: "The applicant's compliance officer must be an employee of the applicant." |
Accept with modification
Legal |
IND 028 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.14 |
48 |
Attestation A.1 and A.2 appear to be duplicative. |
Recommend using only one of the attestations - attestation 3.14.A.2. |
Deletion |
Delete attestation #2 and revise attestation #1. Attestation #1 will now say, "Applicant agrees to identify, document and report to CMS relevant coverage information for working aged, including: <insert bullets> Identify payers that are primary to Medicare, Identify the amounts payable by those payers, Coordinate Medicare benefits with primary payer benefits" |
Accept with modification
Duplicative |
94 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.28 |
70 |
Note below table - not clear what section this is referencing |
CLARIFICATION - identify correct section of the application |
Revision |
Delete MSA notes below table |
Accept with modification
Additional Language Clarification |
35 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.01.A.2 |
18 |
This statement is not written to require a YES or NO. |
Suggest revision: "Applicant has uploaded in HPMS a brief summary…" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted" |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
73 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.10.A.13 |
35 |
Attestation #13 asks the applicant to affirm that it "must provide" various pieces of information. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" this information. |
Suggestion changing attestation #13 to begin with, "The Applicant has uploaded in the HPMS …" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted" |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
76 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.11.A.5 |
39 |
Attestation #5 asks the applicant to affirm that it "must provide" various pieces of information. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" this information. |
Suggestion changing attestation #5 to begin with, "The Applicant has uploaded in the HPMS …" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted." |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
78 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.11.B |
40 |
Just as in Attestation 3.11.A.5 (see previous comment), the language is not clear. |
Suggest either referring the applicant to Attestation #5 or repeating the statement, "Applicant must submit a separate set of tables for each county in the service area. Applicants offering multiple plans (plan benefit packages) must submit separate tables for each plan if the plan restricts members to a subset of the entire provider network." |
Revision |
A new note will be added to sub section B. NOTE: Applicants offering provider specific plans must submit separate HSD Tables |
Accept with modification
Process |
79 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.12.A.12 |
41 |
Attestation #12 asks the applicant to affirm that it "will upload" various pieces of information. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" this information. |
Suggestion changing attestation #12 to begin with, "The Applicant has uploaded…" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted." |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
80 |
RO10 |
Attestations |
3.13.A |
43 |
For alternative technology for Saturday, Sundays, and holidays, define what CMS includes as holidays. Also, specify hours from November 15 - March 1, 8 am to 8 pm. |
Insertion |
Language was revised to read, "An alternate technology…on Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays." |
Accept with modification
Additional Language Clarification |
IND 029 |
Humana |
Attestations |
57-59 |
Nothing to indicate that these sections apply to RPPO. |
Recommend adding "Regional PPO Applicants Only" before 3.23 begins - similar to how the PFFS looks. |
Insertion |
The heading for section 3.23 is revised to read, "RPPO Access Standards" and section 3.24 is revised to "RPPO Essential Hospitals."
Section 3.25 only applies to PFFS. |
Accept with modification
Additional Language Clarification |
92 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.23.A.4 |
59 |
Attestation #4 asks the applicant to affirm that it "will provide" various pieces of information. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" this information. |
Suggestion changing attestation #4 to begin with, "The Applicant has provided…" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted."
CMS deleted attestations #4-6 as it is repeated in subsection B. |
Accept with modification
Duplicative |
93 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.27.A.8 |
66 |
Attestation #8 asks the applicant to affirm that it "will provide" various pieces of information. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" this information. |
Suggestion changing attestation #8 to begin with, "The Applicant has provided…" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted." |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
45 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.3.A.A.4 |
21 |
Attestation #4 is written in such a way that an applicant responding "no" may be saying that it does not have a license that expires / renews after the first Monday in June or it could be saying that it has such a license but that it has not agreed to upload the document into HPMS. |
Suggest rewriting that attestation (#4) to read, "Applicant's state / territory license renews after the first Monday in June. [and then bulleted below that] If the response is "Yes", the applicant must submit the new license to the Regional Office promptly upon renewal." |
Revision |
CMS would like to suggest more emphasis on plans to self-identify and disclose if their plan will be undergoing license renewal mid-year. |
This point is already addressed in its current form.
"Applicant must submit the new license to the Regional Office promptly upon renewal." |
Accept with modification
Additional Language Clarification |
49 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.3.B.A.3-4 |
23 |
Attestations #3 and #4 ask the applicant to affirm that it "will provide" the state licensing table and the state licensure attestation. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" these documents. |
Suggest changing attestations #3 and #4 to begin, "Applicant has uploaded in HPMS…" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted." |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
50 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.5.A.3 |
25 |
Attestation #3 includes some redundant statements. |
Suggestion changing the language of #3 to read, "Applicant will implement a compliance plan that designates an employee as the compliance officer as well as a compliance committee accountable to senior management. Note: These requirements cannot be delegated to a subcontractor (first tier, downstream, and related entities). |
Revision |
CMS accepted the revised language in the note section. |
Accept with modification
Duplicative |
59 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.7.A.1 |
28 |
Attestation #1 asks the applicant to affirm that it "will provide" the financial documentation. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" this information. |
Suggest changing the attestation #1 to read, "Applicant has uploaded its most recent…" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted." |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
64 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.9.A.2 |
32 |
What are "the following CMS required contract provisions" mentioned in the attestation #2? |
Revision |
In efforts to minimize burden to the applicant, CMS has revised the attestation to read, "Applicant agrees that all provider and supplier contracts or agreements contain CMS required contract provisions that are described in the CMS Provider Participation Contracts and/or Agreements Matrix template." |
Accept with modification
Substantive Content Change |
104 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.9.A.5-7 |
32-33 |
Attestations #5-7 asks the applicant to affirm that it "will provide" various pieces of information. CMS should be asking for affirmation that the applicant "has uploaded" this information. |
Suggestion changing attestations #5-7 to begin with, "The Applicant has upload in the HPMS …" |
Revision |
Language was revised to include the phrase, "has submitted." |
Accept with modification
Stylistic |
IND 039 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
HSD 2 - Provider List of Physicians and Other Practitioners by County |
8 |
Medical Group Affiliations (MGA): Does CMS wish to see the entity with which the applicant holds the contract through which the provider is par? For example, provider John Smith is part of ABC Cardiology. ABC Cardiology has contracted with Kentucky IPA. Kentucky IPA is contracted with the applicant for Medicare PPO. Does CMS intend MGA to list the entity with whom the applicant has contracted (in this case, Kentucky IPA)? |
CMS provide clearer definition of Medical Group Affiliation. We recommend the CMS address this question in the instructions. |
Revision |
On HSD Table 2, CMS requires that the applicant list every provider that is included in HSD 1. On HSD 2, there is an opportunity to identify if the provider is affiliated with a medical group. CMS will be able to identify the group affiliation through the signature authority grid. |
Accept with modification
Process |
IND 041 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
HSD 2 - Provider List of Physicians and Other Practitioners by County
HSD 3 - List of Facilities and Services |
7 and 10 |
There is a small percentage of providers who have been assigned multiple NPIs. Which of these NPIs should be entered on the tables? Do all NPIs for a provider need to be listed? The NPPES file does not currently cross-map provider group NPIs to the NPIs for their affiliated providers. In instances where a provider only bills under his/her group NPI, we may not have the individual NPI on record. |
Outside of a manual lookup process, what can CMS do to help simplify this process?
CMS should develop a standard table for determining the single reference list of "counties served" for each provider, by NPI. This will eliminate discrepancies (over/under-representing service areas) that would impact (No Suggestions) recommendations. In this way, if 2 payers have the same Home Health agency under contract, the counties served data would not vary. |
Revision |
Health plan should enter the provider/s assigned NPI number. If the provider is a part of the medical group use the provider individual NPI number. |
Accept with modification
Process |
IND 069 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.9 Provider Contracts & Agreements |
32 |
Subsection A.#2: The attestation references “…contain the following CMS required contract provisions.”; however, the provision do not follow. |
Add the outline of each required contract provision. |
Insertion |
In efforts to minimize additional burden for the applicant, CMS has eliminated the detailed requirements for this attestation.
The revised attestation will read, "Applicant agrees that all contracts for administrative and management contain the required contract provisions that are described in the CMS Administrative Contracts Matrix template." |
Accept with modification
Duplicative |
IND 057 |
HSD Instructions |
Table HSD-3 SUMMARY: Arrangement for Care with Facilities & Services and Table HSD-3 DETAIL: List of Facilities and Services. |
12 |
Both of these tables include new columns that require applicants to provide information on the “Number of Staffed, Medicare Certified Beds” for acute inpatient hospital services, critical care services (intensive care units), surgical services (outpatient or ASC), inpatient psychiatric facility services, and inpatient substance abuse services, as well as the “Hours of Operation per Week” for acute inpatient hospitals, outpatient dialysis facilities, outpatient infusion/chemotherapy facilities, and laboratory services. The corresponding tables in the 2010 application did not require this information. |
We are concerned that these proposed additions to the application would be duplicative of information already maintained by CMS, because Medicare Advantage organizations must use Medicare certified providers who meet the standards for providers under the Medicare fee-for service program. Further, it is our understanding that this information is not commonly stored in applicants’ provider databases and adding it to the HSD tables would necessitate a manual process that would be highly resource-intensive. In addition, it is unclear how CMS intends to utilize the information on the number of Medicare certified beds in evaluating network adequacy. AHIP, therefore, recommends that CMS not include these proposed new columns in the HSD tables for 2011 applications. If the agency believes that additional network adequacy standards are needed for the specified provider types, we recommend that CMS explore alternative approaches, provide an explanation of proposed criteria, and provide an opportunity for comment to ensure that practical issues can be addressed. If the agency retains the proposed new columns for the HSD-3 tables, we recommend that CMS provide a means for applicants to access CMS data and allow sufficient time for organizations to develop systems capabilities to incorporate the data into the HSD tables. |
Revision |
The number of Medicare beds is critical for evaluating network adequacy. Although plans were not previously required to submit this data, it has always been considered by CMS in making this determination. CMS is deleting the request for hours of operations. J105 |
Accept with modification
Process |
IND 040 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
Table HSD-3 DETAIL: List of Facilities and Services |
13 |
Can CMS provide more information regarding the business contact address required for DME and HH on HSD3? |
Due to nature of DME business, the contact information for DME’s is usually a 800 number that services large areas. For mail order DME’s we recommend listing corporate headquarters contact information that usually resides outside the servicing area. Home health services are provided in member’s home. A physical service address does not apply.
For example, a DME warehouse may exist in MI, but a member that lives in CA can call their 1-800 number to order medical supplies and have them shipped. For Home Health, the nurse travels to the members’ home, which may be located outside of the county the corporate facility is physically located, but will still provide services.
We suggest eliminating the mapping requirements for the two above mentioned specialties. |
Deletion |
The maps will no longer be required for specialties.
With regards to the contact/address, CMS believes that the guidance is clear, noting that the address should be "corporate address", |
Accept with modification
Reject |
Maps |
HSD 02 |
RO2 |
HSD Instructions |
2.7 |
1 |
Issue-County boundaries no longer apply |
If county boundaries no longer apply, does this mean a plan does not have to contract with entities located in the county? For example, there is an outpatient dialysis facility located in the county, but the plan feels members can use a facility in another county if it meets the time/distance criteria. |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
These are process questions. CMS will be providing guidance to this regional office at the training event. |
Clarify |
Process |
HSD 03 |
RO2 |
HSD Instructions |
2.7 |
2 |
Issue-Exception requests |
If a plan submits an exception request and the request does not meet CMS criteria, will the application be rejected or will the plan be allowed to rebut the decision? |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
These are process questions. CMS will be providing guidance to this regional office at the training event. |
Clarify |
Process |
HSD 04 |
RO2 |
HSD Instructions |
2.7 |
3 |
Issue - Service area |
The first Exception listed is "Insufficient number of providers/beds in service area. How is service area defined; is each separate county its own service area or is the service area the aggregate of all counties comprising the application? |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
These are process questions. CMS will be providing guidance to this regional office at the training event.
The service area is defined as what the plan applies for. |
Clarify |
Process |
HSD 05 |
RO2 |
HSD Instructions |
2.7 |
3 |
Issue - Insufficient number of beds |
The first Exception listed is "Insufficient number of providers/beds in service area." What criteria determines an adequate number of beds? |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
These are process questions; CMS will be providing guidance to this regional office at the training event |
Clarify |
Process |
HSD 06 |
RO2 |
HSD Instructions |
2.7 |
3 |
Issues - Alternate provider/facility |
Who/how is it determined what constitutes an alternate provider/facility? |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
These are process questions. CMS will be providing guidance to this regional office at the training event. |
Clarify |
Process |
HSD 08 |
RO2 |
HSD Table 1 |
2.7 |
4 |
Note states for Oncology providers, Hematology/Oncology providers should be included. |
Based on the format of HSD 1, specify whether Hematology oncology is included under Oncology-Medical, Surgical or Oncology-Radiation/Radiation Oncology. |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
Hematology oncology is included under Oncology-Medical |
Clarify |
Process |
HSD 10 |
RO2 |
HSD Table 3 |
2.7 |
10 |
Number of Staffed Medicare-Certified Beds (Column 6) |
Recommend providing a source for plans to obtain the required information. |
Insertion |
Defer to training. |
CMS suggests that regional offices utilize or state information to confirm this information.
This is not relevant to the application or the instructions. |
Clarify |
Process |
41 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.0 |
19 |
Attestations (in general) |
What guidance should be provided to applicants on this point? |
Revision |
Training and guidance will be provided in October. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 030 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.25 |
59 |
The rules for 2011 states that CMS will not accept a non-network or partial network application that includes any of the areas identified as "network area".
Can we have a partial network in the non-CCP counties or do we have to offer the deemed product? |
Recommend CMS provide detailed guidance on the types of PFFS plans that can be offered in non-CCP counties since this is a new guideline for 2011. The earlier this information is made available to the industry, the better.
Revision |
CMS will be issuing guidance around PFFS but not within the context of the application. Additional guidance will be provided to industry regarding the new MMA provisions related to PFFS. |
Clarify |
General Comment |
IND 031 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.25 |
59 |
Applicants wishing to offer both network PFFS products and non or partial network PFFS products must do so under separate contracts
Currently we have partial network PFFS under 2 contracts. With the PFFS network for 2011, will we be able to convert our partial network contract numbers to a full network contract or will new contract numbers be assigned? |
Currently Humana has partial network contracts and deemed contracts.
For 2011 since most of the counties under our partial network contract are classified as CCP counties, we recommend that CMS allow us to change the designation of the partial network contract to a full network contract and not assign a new contract number for the full network plan. This will reduce the amount of new contracts that are assigned and eliminates moving the majority of our members from the partial network contract to the full network contract. In 2010 it was a manual process to move members from our deemed contract to the newly assigned partial network contract. This manual process caused a lot of confusion.
For those counties under our partial network contract that are not classified as CCP counties, we recommend changing the designation of our deemed contract to a partial network contract and moving those counties/members to this contract. As stated above most of the counties under our partial network contract fall under the CCP designation.
We do not plan to have a deemed PFFS product in 2011. |
Revision |
CMS will be issuing guidance around PFFS but not within the context of the application. Additional guidance will be provided to industry regarding the new MMA provisions related to PFFS. |
Clarify |
Process |
34 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.1.A.1 |
18 |
This doesn't allow for the situation where the NOIA was incorrect but the plan actually intends to complete the application it has pulled up -- the application that doesn't match the NOIA. |
Revision |
Applicants can change their NOIA before and up to the time of submission. Once the application is submitted, they must contact the email address listed or Letticia to make the change in the system manually |
Clarify |
Process |
74 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.10.B |
37 |
The Delegated Business Function Table requests the applicant with more than six contracts to list the "five largest". We do not provide any instructions on how to measure the five largest. Is it by $$ amount? |
Provide guidance on what "the five largest" actually means. |
Insertion |
CMS revised the language for this section to say, "the five most significant…" |
Clarify |
Additional Language Clarification |
IND 025 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.10.B |
37 |
Appears that we will not have to provide copies of every delegated contract but that we will only have to the executed contracts for those providers listed on the Delegated Business Function Table. |
What is the Delegated Business Function Table? Is this the same as the delegated function currently in HPMS? Humana supports only having to list the five largest entities and for the 6th, stating Multiple Additional Entities. Assume that this applies to any of the delegated functions like credentialing or sales? |
Revision |
Yes, the Delegated Business Function Table is the same one in HPMS.
Applicant will only need to list the five most significant entities for each delegated business function identified. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 026 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.11.3 |
38 |
Why is this question in the application. Are we going to be able to have deemed PFFS in non-CCP areas? Assume by the question that we will. |
Recommend CMS provide detailed guidance on the types of PFFS plans that can be offered in non-CCP counties since this is a new guideline for 2011. The earlier this information is made available to the industry, the better.
Revision |
Yes. CMS will be issuing guidance around PFFS but not within the context of the application. Additional guidance will be provided to industry regarding the new MMA provisions related to PFFS |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 032 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.27.B |
64 |
Application asks for a Payment Reimbursement grid. |
Assume that this applies to a deemed PFFS since the network PFFS pays according to contractual rates. We should not have to submit a Payment Reimbursement grid for a full network PFFS. |
Revision |
The payment reimbursement grid is required for all PFFS products. A new note was inserted to direct applicants. The new note states that organizations can use any format that best outlines the rates.
Clarify |
Process |
IND 018 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.6.A.2 |
27 |
Applicant will provide position description for key management staff and organizational chart for various departments. Not a new requirement but including this as part of the attestation is new. |
Key management staff for Humana that is managing our current MA HMO, LPPO, PFFS contracts will be responsible for the initial and SAE contracts. In 2010 we were not required to submit position descriptions. Because existing management will be utilized for any initial or SAE, we recommend following the same approach for the 2011 applications. |
Revision |
SAE's applicants do not have to complete the key management section. Only initial applicants need to complete this section.
Clarify |
Process |
IND 007 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
All |
All |
HSD General Instructions: |
The draft instructions do not explain how providers added from adjacent counties should be included and sorted on the new HSD tables. Please update instruction to include this critical information. |
Revision |
Providers that serve more than one county should be listed multiple times to account for each county served on HSD 2 with appropriate State/County code. There is going to be an addition of a column for State/County code added to HSD.
This information used to be collected as a header but will now be a column similar to HSD 1. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 049 |
Overall |
General Comment |
Based upon experience with the review process for the 2009 Medicare Applications, including applications by current contractors for service area expansions, it is our understanding that CMS’ review criteria for the applications has been evolving from year to year. |
We recommend that when CMS finalizes the 2011 applications and conducts related training, the agency provide information about the review criteria, so that applicants will have a clear understanding of the basis for CMS’ evaluation of the applications. Related to this issue, we support the agency’s decision to provide a new pre-assessment screening process for network adequacy and offer several comments below that we hope will contribute to the success of this process. |
Revision |
Training and guidance will be provided in October. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 035 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
General Instructions for CMS HSD Tables |
1 |
According to the instructions, a positive result from the pre-assessment screening does not mean, nor is it meant to imply, that the application has or will be approved. Based on this, should applicants provide a justification even if the pre-assessment comes out positive? Is it possible for CMS to review those specialties with a positive result and come back with a ruling that we do not meet access? If this happens will we have the opportunity to provide a justification in our response to the deficiency? |
Assume that only one provider or facility type not meeting access will result in the network not meeting access which means that we will have to seek an Exception at the time of the initial application submission. Applicants need complete instructions from CMS on the pre-assessment and exception process so we understand what we need to address through the Exception request. The sooner the industry has this information, the better. |
Revision |
Training and guidance will be provided in October. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 036 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
General Instructions for CMS HSD Tables |
2 |
The instructions state that CMS expects to annually post the criteria for determining network adequacy in November of each year, prior to the last date for submitting the Notice of Intent to Apply. Therefore according to this statement the network adequacy requirements for the 2011 application will be released on November 17, 2010. |
Will CMS be utilizing some sort of (Geoaccess) evaluation to determine provider network adequacy? If so, what methodology will CMS use to determine the acceptable distances or driving times from MA plan members' homes to provider service locations?
Recommend CMS holding a conference call to review the methodology with MAO's and to collect feedback/suggestions. This will give the MAO's the ability to run the parameters independently (should the assessment tool be unavailable by October, for example).
Revision |
Training and guidance will be provided in October. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 001 |
HSD Instructions |
HSD Instructions |
1 |
HSD General Instructions, 2nd paragraph |
When will the automated tool and network value measures be available? Recommend CMS provide detailed training for the new access requirements and the automated HSD tool in the early November, not in January when the final applications are normally released. MAOs are currently developing their 2011 networks, therefore having the default adequacy measures for each provider specialty and the tool by fall to begin conducting pre-screening is critical for successful network development. |
Revision |
Training and guidance will be provided in October. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 002 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
HSD Instructions |
1 |
HSD General Instructions, 4th paragraph |
When will the required minimum values be available? Request CMS clarify if network access requirements will continue to be based on 30 minute travel time or if CMS is moving to a miles analysis or both with the new measures and tool. If miles, provide the new criteria and define the values for urban, suburban and rural areas. |
Revision |
This information is expected to be available in November. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 006 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
HSD Instructions |
2 |
HSD Instructions, Bullet 2 |
Bullet 2, please clarify if we are required to enter the actual product plan name, ex: Aetna Medicare Value Plan (HMO) or if we can just enter HMO or PPO. |
Revision |
Plan name is no longer required. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 043 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
HSD 3 - List of Facilities and Services |
12 |
Outpatient mental health, PT, OT, and ST services can be contracted at a facility or a group level.
Part 1) OP mental health: does CMS recognize that the same services are provided at an OP Facility that are provided in a psychiatrist's office? Will CMS determine network adequacy with the understanding that both the OP facilities and the MDs provide the same services and are thus interchangeable?
Part 2) The vast majority of our PT, OT, and ST providers are contracted at a group level as opposed to a facility level. For 2010 filings, PT, OT, and ST providers with group contracts were included on HSD2. However, the lack of OP PT, ST, and OT on HSD3 caused us to receive deficiency notices. |
To avoid confusion for 2011, we plan to list PT, OT, and ST groups on HSD3. |
Revision |
Training and guidance will be provided in October. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 003 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
HSD General Instructions: |
1 |
HSD General Instructions, 4th paragraph |
Draft instructions state county boundaries will no longer apply, allowing MAOs to include providers from adjacent counties to meet access requirements. Aetna supports this approach as it will simplify the table submission/exceptions process used in the past, however CMS needs to factor in the impact to the Service Area maps required that must be produced at the county level reflecting the providers available within the county. CMS will need to develop revised direction for the Maps. We would also appreciate if CMS could advise what software is available to produce the Maps in the various data formats requested in the application. Each year we ask this question and receive no response, but each year we encounter issues with CMS reviewers because we cannot produce a couple of the Maps in the specified format. |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 004 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
HSD General Instructions: |
2 |
HSD General Instructions, 4th paragraph |
Recommend CMS provide detailed training for new access requirements and the new automated HSD tool in the early November, not in January when the final applications are normally released as this will not give MAOs enough time to prepare and communicate the changes to internal business partners involved in the application/MSD development process |
Revision |
Training and guidance will be provided in October. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 005 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
HSD General Instructions: |
2 |
HSD General Instructions, 4th paragraph |
Instructions state "CMS expects to annually post the criteria for determining network adequacy in November of each year, prior to the last date for submitting the Notice of Intent to Apply". Need clarification on this comment, is this information intended to be used for MAOs to evaluate their existing MA network annually? If this information is to be used by MAOs to build their networks for new service areas they intend to file in the coming calendar year than November is to late for this information to be published. Aetna begins conducting market and network analysis in the late spring each year and if CMS expects the data measures to change each year earlier publication will be required. |
Revision |
No. The purpose of this application is to determine the organization's network adequacy for the proposed service area. However, annual adequacy network reviews will conducted outside of this application. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 083 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
HSD Table 3 |
HSD Table 3 Summary – Arrangements for Care with Facilities & Services |
10 and 11 |
Addition of the last 2 columns, “# of Staffed, Medicare-Certified Beds” & “Hours of Operations per Week”, for select facilities: These are not data fields that are maintained by plans as a norm. That being said, this would require extensive first year set-up requirements, such as funding allocation for implementation, programming changes to allow for collection of this data, time to update fields for existing related facilities, and programming changes to pull related reports. This would not qualify as a “no change” in the level of applicant burden. |
If this will be a requirement, plans should be notified with adequate lead-time to implement internal structure to house and obtain the data. Can this be postponed until the CY2012 Application; with notification of impending requirement in CY2011 Call Letter (or other communication)? |
Revision |
The Hours of Operation will be removed from HSD 3. CMS will not use it in the analysis. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 079 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.12 Quality Improvement Program |
41 |
Subsection A.12 & B: References a “Template Timeline”; however, we were unable to locate said table in application upload templates (at end of document). |
Need to add the referenced template to the application. |
Revision |
Applicant should refer to the Table of Contents to locate all Template Uploads in the paper application. For the online version, applicant should review the download section. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 063 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.5 Compliance Plan |
26 |
Subsection A.#7: Additional language compared to CY2010 - “These procedures will be conducted on scheduled basis and the results reported to the CMS Account Manager”. |
Although we are currently required to have internal monitoring & auditing, the addition of a specific schedule and a reporting element will increase the “level of applicant burden” (indicates “N” on summary chart). Since plans have not yet seen the specific requirements related to this portion of the element providing the potential actual hour increase would be difficult. |
Revision |
CMS would like to review the health plan's internal policies and procedures. The health plan will develop their own timeline and schedules and submit it to CMS. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 064 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.6 Key Management |
27 |
Lead paragraph & Subsection A.#1: Executive management submissions provided, and accepted, for our past applications have been in the form of an executive bio versus a position description (unless the position was open). |
Can the language be revised to allow position descriptions or management biographies? |
Revision |
CV's are required as a part of the experience and history document upload template.
Position descriptions should describe the duties and responsibilities of the position (e.g., compliance officer). |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 009 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
Section A. |
5 |
Table: HSD-1 Instructions/Specialty Tier Column (Rows 44-49) |
HSD-1 (Rows 44-49- Providers Supporting Contracted Facilities), please clarify if MA plans are only to include direct contract providers, providers employed by the hospital (hospital based physicians) or both? The current draft instructions do not address these new provider type additions and we are assuming they would be populated to into HSD2. |
Revision |
HSD Table 2 allows the plans to indicate the type of contract arrangement. Please note that HSD Table 1 should be capture the total number of providers. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 010 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
Section C |
9 |
Table HSD-2a: Instructions |
CMS did not provide this table in the revised HSD table file. Should we assume that because it was not included there were no changes to this table and it will still be required? Please confirm. |
Revision |
Yes. HSD 2A is still required and will be included in the HSD package. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 011 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
Section D |
12 |
Table HSD-3 Summary & Detail - Explanation #5 |
Number of Staffed Medicare-Certified Beds - this information is not currently maintained in Aetna's credentialing system and/or our provider database(EPDB). The addition of this information for the facilities specified will require significant manual workarounds resulting in additional time and resources to obtain this data. Recommend CMS specify in the data measures a target # of beds that should be available in the network but not request these counts be included in the HSD tables. |
Revision |
This information has historically been considered during access assessments, though was not previously required to be submitted by Applicants. HSD automation now requires that this information be submitted along with other basic HSD data. |
Clarify |
Process |
HSD 17 |
HSD Tables |
Table 2; Table 5 |
How to verify when physicians are listed multiple times or for multiple specialties. |
Revision |
There is currently cross-checking that ensure that doctors are not listed multiple times or for multiple specialties. Duplications will be sent back to Applicant for clarification. Applicants must apply for an exception if there are insufficient doctors and some doctors must be listed multiple times. |
CMS is working to clarify the current process and determine what will be available in the future. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 056 |
HSD Instructions |
Table HSD-2a: PCP/Specialist Contract Signature Page Index and Table HSD-3a: Contracts & Signature Page Index, Ancillary/Hospital. |
9 and 14 |
The instructions for Tables HSD-2a and HSD-3a are included in the draft, but the tables themselves are not included in the accompanying Excel file entitled “HSD Tables 2011”. |
We request confirmation that Tables HSD-2a and HSD-3a are unchanged from those included in the 2010 application. |
Revision |
HSD 2A and 3A are required. CMS confirms that these tables have been unchanged from the 2010 application version. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 054 |
HSD Instructions |
Table: HSD-1: County/Delivery System Summary of Providers by Specialty |
5 |
# of Medicare Participating Providers. In the 2010 application, HSD-1 required applicants to provide the “# of Medicare Participating Providers by County.” This column has been removed from HSD-1 in the draft application. |
We support CMS’ decision to remove this column because it is our understanding that the CMS data available to identify the number of Medicare participating providers has not consistently reflected the actual number of each type of provider available in each county for the purpose of Medicare Advantage network contracting. If the Medicare provider data will continue to play any role in CMS’ review of network adequacy, we recommend that CMS include in the instructions an explanation of the manner in which it will be utilized. |
Deletion |
Comment noted. Plans will not be required to provide this information. Plans would only need to address this if requesting an exception based on the lack of available participating providers. |
Clarify |
Process |
IND 055 |
HSD Instructions |
Table: HSD-1:County/Delivery System Summary of Providers by Specialty |
4 |
Specialty Type. The column labeled “Specialty Type” in HSD-1 includes a new category for “Providers Supporting Contracted Facilities” and specifies several provider types. The instructions do not provide an explanation of this category. It is unclear whether this category is intended to include only providers who are affiliated with the facilities with which the organization contracts, so that providers not under direct contract to the organization would not appear here. |
To promote consistent understanding by applicants, AHIP recommends that CMS explicitly address this issue in the instructions. |
Revision |
This category is to capture the organization's contracted provider types that are not otherwise identified on the list. CMS believes that the current guidance describes this process. |
Clarify |
Process |
1 |
RO9 |
Overall |
1 |
We use a lot of passive (vs. active) voice throughout the application, sometimes leaving question about who actually performs certain tasks or who is responsible for certain things. |
RO9 requests a final review of the application that incorporates all the comments in order to change some of the language to active voice in attempt to clarify our instructions or requirements. |
Revision |
Contact Ann Duarte for this action (415-744-3770) |
CMS will be working with RO9 to determine next steps |
Clarify |
Grammatical |
HSD 15 |
HSD Instructions |
Standardization of cross-referencing tables that Applicants submit. |
Request Applicants to provide Medicare Provider Number on the HSD Tables so that CMS can conduct analysis of data provided by the same facility. The information will also help with manual review of applications. |
Revision |
Most of this is done through the automated cross-checking system using NPI and not the Medical Provider Number. |
CMS is working to clarify the current process and determine what will be available in the future. |
Clarify |
Process |
10 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.5 |
7 |
Under the description for HPMS, it seems the primary (Letter A) description of HPMS should be specific to the application process and not include the other things (e.g., bid submission, ongoing oversight, reporting, etc.) |
Make Letter A only about applications. Add the other functions later under Section 1.5 |
Revision |
The HPMS system is the resource that applicants will use to communicate with CMS during the application process. Consequently, section A should remain as written. |
Reject |
Process |
13 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.6 |
7 |
First paragraph, second sentence reads: "Upon submitting the completed form to CMS, the organization will be assigned a pending contract number…" but this does not apply to service area expansions. |
Change the sentence to read, "Upon submitting the completed form to CMS, the agency will assign any new organization a pending contract number…" |
Revision |
The suggested revised language is not operationally accurate. A current plan may get a pending contract number if they are applying for a new type of service. |
Reject |
Substantive Content Change |
19 |
RO9 |
General Info |
1.8 |
11 |
The Review Process milestones skips all the back and forth steps included in the application process |
Include some of the intermediate steps (e.g., revisions due) with general dates, (e.g., early April(what year), TBD) at least to keep them aware of these steps even if we can't give them the exact date at this point. |
Insertion |
Dates are subject to change and have not yet been finalized. This information will be provided in training. |
Reject |
Process |
25 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.5 |
13 |
This section on "Types of Applications" should include a discussion of the actual types of applications: HMO, LPPO, RPPO, etc. |
Include information similar to what is in section 1.2 |
Insertion |
This information is already readily available and is general information section. Furthermore, the applicant should already be aware of the different types of products before applying. |
Reject |
Substantive Content Change |
27 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.5 |
14 |
The last section "Service Area Expansion Applications are for:", we should add that SAEs apply if the product type is also approved. |
Suggest changing the sentence to read, "Existing MAO contractors that are seeking to expand the service area of an existing contract number and approved product type." |
Insertion |
The applicant cannot switch product type. |
Reject |
Substantive Content Change |
28 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.6 |
15 |
Chart 1 Required Attestations: While it seems evident that we would not ask for Key Management Staff to apply to SAEs, if we expand SAEs to include new contracts across the country from the existing organization, there may be instances where the Key Management Staff for the "expansion" area is different from the current staff. This may cause a problem in HPMS with recording this information. |
IF CMS expands the concept of an SAE across state lines, then we need to request Key Management Staff information for an existing organization if any of the staff are different from the current lines of business. |
Insertion |
This suggested insertion would require a major system change. This information is already captured in the request for the main contact information in the Key Management template. Applicant must designate only one POC for on the contract. |
Reject |
Process |
HSD 07 |
RO2 |
HSD Instructions |
2.7 |
3 |
#10-First bullet says to set print area and page set to ensure all columns fit one 8.5 inch by 11 inch sheet of paper |
Recommend instructions for the larger tables (HSD 2 and HSD-3 Detail read "Set print area and page set-up to ensure all columns fit within one 8.5 by 14 inch sheet of paper as it is wasteful to print extra pages and very difficult to match to the original if manual review is required. |
Revision |
Each reviewer can set up their own page according to preference. |
Reject |
Process |
HSD 09 |
RO2 |
HSD Table 3 |
2.7 |
10 |
Number of Staffed Medicare-Certified Beds (Column 6) |
Recommend requiring the number of Medicare-certified dialysis stations to correspond with Row 7 (Outpatient Dialysis). |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
This information is not counted in the HSD analysis. |
Reject |
Process |
HSD 12 |
RO 2 |
HSD Table 3 |
2.7 |
12 |
Number of Staffed Medicare-Certified Beds (Column 5) |
Recommend requiring the number of Medicare-certified dialysis stations to correspond with Row 7 (Outpatient Dialysis). |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
This information is not counted in the HSD analysis. |
Reject |
Process |
31 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.8 |
17 |
We provide loose guidance on application file names. Can't we require certain names for our template documents and then provide guidance on naming additional files? |
Revision |
Many of the applicants never follow the suggested nomenclature. The current upload system has a naming system that CMS will employ. |
Reject |
Process |
32 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.9 |
17 |
Toward the end of the first paragraph, we advise applicants that they can find the Part D application on our website or contact Marla Rothouse or Linda Anders. Will Marla and Linda provide a copy of the application? |
Clarify the guidance that Marla and Linda will provide applicants. |
Revision |
Contact information will be deleted. |
Reject |
Process |
38 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.0 |
19 |
Attestations (in general) |
The legal concept of “attestation” needs to be more clearly defined in the context of the application process not only for applicants, but for CMS reviewers as well, i.e. is the statement true in the present or the future? In the last app season, I had a number of discussions with other reviewers who had varying opinions on what attestation means in this context. While some attestation statements read in the present tense, others are often interpreted to refer to a future condition and not the current state of affairs. For example, if they attest that they have executed agreements (in the present tense) for administrative services. |
Revision |
Defer to application Standard Operating Procedure. |
Reject |
Process |
39 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.0 |
19 |
Attestations (in general) |
a. When they often don’t have them as a result of intensive review verification, but say they do are they being untruthful or are they saying that they will have them in the future? |
Revision |
Defer to application Standard Operating Procedure. |
Reject |
Process |
40 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.0 |
19 |
Attestations (in general) |
b. If the attestation is patently false in the face of what is or is not uploaded, what are the consequences? |
Revision |
Defer to application Standard Operating Procedure. |
Reject |
Process |
42 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.0 |
19 |
Attestations (in general) |
d. What guidance should be provided to reviewers who often find attestations are consistently not true? |
Revision |
Defer to training. |
Reject |
Process |
51 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.04 |
26 |
#1 in table, after "General Services" add Administration. Last sentence- clarify that any member of ANY Entity are bound |
LEGAL - 2nd and 3rd sentences - "Please note that this includes any member of ANY ENTITIES' board of directors, key management or executive staff or major stockholders. The applicant's compliance officer must be a DIRECT employee of the applicant." |
Revision |
CMS added the word "Administration" after "General Services."
It is already implied that an employee has a direct relationship with the applicant |
Reject |
Additional Language Clarification |
52 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.04 |
26 |
#2 in table, first sentence-same as above, should include ANY ENTITIES |
LEGAL - new first sentence "Applicant agrees it does not have any past or pending investigations, legal actions, administrative actions, or matters subject to arbitration brought involving the Applicant (and Applicant's parent organization if applicable OR its subcontractors (first tier, downstream, and related entities), including ANY ENTITIES' key management or executive staff", etc. |
Revision |
The language is already pre-set/determined by CMS. |
Reject |
Additional Language Clarification |
66 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.08 |
33 |
Last table entry |
Need "N/A" option for response to question posed |
Revision |
This has been deleted per a previous suggestion. |
Reject |
Substantive Content Change |
IND 019 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.08 |
30-31 |
The requirement is to submit 4 separate service area maps. |
Humana's preference is to provide map sets per "service area" versus " per "county". We believe it provides CMS with a more comprehensive network perspective. Access to care does not stop at the county line. |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required per CMS decision/discussion above. |
Reject |
Maps |
IND 020 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.08 |
30-31 |
The 1st map should include contracted ambulatory (outpatient stand-alone) facilities with the mean travel times to each location |
For 2009, Humana provided mean travel times only once on map #1 as stated here. We interpreted "ambulatory (outpatient stand-alone) to mean outpatient surgery centers to include free-standing and hospital outpatient surgery centers. Are we interpreting CMS intent correctly, i.e. Mean travel times on this map and depicting outpatient surgery locations? |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required per CMS decision/discussion above. |
Reject |
Maps |
IND 021 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.08 |
30-31 |
Application states that "on the second map, each specialty type should be delineated as a separate color or symbol." |
Should read "facility type." |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required per CMS decision/discussion above. |
Reject |
Maps |
IND 022 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.08 |
30-31 |
Application states that on the fourth map, each type of facility should be delineated as a separate color or symbol, |
This should read 'specialty type". Software limitations allow a legend for decoding 12 plotted specialties and there are over 20 specialties on HSD 1. For 2010, Humana submitted the map legend as a separate file. We recommend that this approach be sufficient for the 2011 applications. |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required per CMS decision/discussion above. |
Reject |
Maps |
97 |
RO2 |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
90 |
Include a NOTE that applicant should determine which dual categories are covered under the respective States in which the applicant operates. This applies to all plans not just SNPs. |
Insertion |
This issue is covered in the State Medicaid agency Contract Matrix portion of the application and will be clarified during industry training. |
Reject |
Process |
98 |
RO7 |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
100 |
Table item #3 - note needs date added |
CLARIFICATION - new note - "NOTE: Applications must have a signed State Medicaid Agency(ies) contract by OCTOBER 1 of the MA application year, etc." |
Revision |
The date for submission of State Medicaid agency contracts has not yet been determined. However, if CMS adds a date, it would coincide with the date for plan benefit package bid submissions which typically occurs by the month of July. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 087 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
119 |
Clarify CMS expectations regarding required responses: The draft 2011 SNP MOC Worksheet distributed to the SNP Alliance last Spring clarified which MOC attestation statements were expected functions by limiting the response options only to “yes” vs. which items were discretionary with “yes/no” options in the “standard” column of the work sheet. |
We request that a final worksheet be provided along with the application and that CMS clarify in an unambiguous way which attestations are actually requirements or conditions of application approval vs. which ones are discretionary. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. CMS will not construct the application in a way that restricts MAOs flexibility to design a model of care that is tailored to the target population. The training will identify recommendations versus mandates. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 088 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
93 |
Plan responsible for “providing, or contracting for benefits to be provided.” |
Given lack of clarity on CMS expectations regarding a plan’s benefit obligation under MIPPA rules, it would be helpful in this section to reference specific CMS guidance on plan obligation in this regard. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 090 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
5 |
94 |
MOC requirement for ALL SNPs to accommodate most vulnerable subsets, including ESRD. |
The SNP Alliance objects to the requirement that ALL SNPs establish special capabilities to serve beneficiaries with ESRD. While this is a reasonable requirement for SNPs targeting diabetics, those with chronic kidney disease and other precursors to ESRD, we believe it is inappropriate to mandate ESRD capacity for ALL SNPs; e.g., SNPs targeting frail elderly subsets, chronic conditions such as heart disease or mental illness, etc. We recommend that the ESRD mandate be limited to conditions related to risk of developing ESRD. |
Deletion |
MAOs may enroll special needs beneficiaries who develop ESRD after enrollment. CMS believes that MAOs must anticipate and plan for the vulnerable beneficiaries who develop ESRD as a progression of their chronic condition. This expectation is clearly stipulated in CMS regulation. |
Reject |
Process |
18 |
RO7 |
General Info |
1.7F |
11 |
The first sentence of the Application Determination Appeals Rights section after citation of SSA Act - put in parentheses (hereinafter the "Act") |
CLARIFICATION - will clarify what you are calling "the Act" throughout the document |
Revision |
"The Act" is not described in other sections of the application. As such, there is no need to use the term "the Act." |
Reject |
Additional Language Clarification |
69 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.10 |
34 |
The opening paragraph refers to beneficiary protection language required in all contracts. Is this also true for administrative and management contracts? |
Revision |
This has been addressed per a previous suggestion. |
Reject |
Process |
70 |
RO2 |
Attestations |
3.10 |
35 |
In #8, should we remove reference to non network PFFS |
Revision |
This is applicable to non-network PFFS.
The term "non-network" is now hyphenated. |
Reject |
Process |
72 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.10.A.10 |
35 |
Attestation #10 refers to "the Part C program", yet the rest of the application uses "the MA program". |
Suggest replacing "Part C" with "MA" |
Revision |
Reject |
Additional Language Clarification |
105 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.10.A.14 |
35-37 |
Attestation #14 lists a large number of requirements in the admin/mgmt contracts. A "no" response will not provide any information about which provision is missing. |
Suggest breaking out each requirement into a separate attestation. |
Revision |
In efforts to minimize burden to the applicant, CMS will create a standard attestation that will read: "Applicant attest that all contracts within this provision meets all requirements and CMS regulations under 42 CFR 422.504…" |
Reject |
Substantive Content Change |
83 |
RO7 |
Attestations |
3.13.A |
45 |
Table item #6 |
CLARIFICATION - Clarify hours of support required at end of item #6 (24 hours a day). |
Revision |
24 Hour support is not currently available |
Reject |
Additional Language Clarification |
43 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.3.A.A.1 |
21 |
For Attestation #1, can't CMS require that the applicant provide the state licensure requirements for each state in the service area? This would save us time from having to find that information out. |
Suggest adding an uploaded document in which the applicant must provide explanation and evidence of the state licensure requirements |
Insertion |
Please use available resources on the HHS Portal and Regional Managers to research license requirements. |
Reject |
Process |
44 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.3.A.A.2-3 |
21 |
Both these attestations #2 and #3 require the applicant to upload a document, but we don’t specify where to upload it. |
Include more specific instructions to the applicants regarding where in HPMS the applicant should upload documents. |
Insertion |
The system has an upload section and addresses this. Additional information can be found in the instructions section. |
Reject |
Process |
46 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.3.A.B |
22 |
The second bullet requests a "CMS State Certification Form" but this is not always a requirement. |
Suggest adding "as applicable" to the second bullet |
Revision |
The suggested language is incorrect, as it is always applicable. |
Reject |
Substantive Content Change |
53 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.5.A.8 |
26 |
Attestation #8 refers to "the Part C program", yet the rest of the application uses "the MA program". |
Suggest replacing "Part C" with "MA" |
Revision |
CMS prefers to include the term "MA" instead of Part C. |
Reject |
Additional Language Clarification |
62 |
RO10 |
Attestations |
3.8 c-d Service Area |
31 |
Provide example maps |
Provide examples of maps . This is an area that typically requires more than one attempt to get a legible map. If we provide best-practice examples, we have a better shot at receiving adequate and legible maps on the first submission |
Insertion |
Add as an attachment |
Maps are no longer required. Once applicants input address for provider facilities, Quest Analytics system will use population density of beneficiaries to create maps that calculate time and distance. |
Reject |
Maps |
IND 052 |
Attestations |
3.8 Service Area |
30 |
Under Section 3.8, the draft requires plans to submit maps of their service areas, including maps showing the location of their contracted providers. It is unclear how CMS anticipates that the maps will accommodate the permissible inclusion of providers located outside the county to meet network adequacy requirements. |
AHIP recommends that CMS provide explicit instructions addressing mapping requirements for network providers that are outside of the county. We also recommend that CMS provide examples of mapping software that is likely to have the functionality necessary to meet CMS mapping requirements. |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required per CMS decision/discussion above. |
Reject |
Maps |
IND 033 |
Humana |
Document Upload Templates |
4.1 - Experience and Organization History |
68 |
Section 1 states that all applicants (new and existing) must complete this section. Section 1.3 asks for the CVs of all key personnel. |
Key management staff that is managing our current MA HMO, LPPO, PFFS contracts will be responsible for the initial and SAE contracts. In 2010 we were not required to submit position descriptions. Because existing management will be utilized, we recommend following the same approach for the 2011 applications. |
Revision |
Position descriptions are important if management staff changes from year to year. Initials and SAEs are required to submit CV's
SAE's do not need to submit position descriptions |
Reject |
Process |
108 |
RO10 |
Overall |
All |
Want a Cheat Sheet to Determine what Sections of the Application Require Completion |
This was created in the past, 2008 or earlier; Ex. MA-PD wants a SAE; the MAO only has to fill out HSD tables instead of the entire app |
Insertion |
Add as an attachment |
Please see Chart 1. This information is already available |
Reject |
Process |
IND 115 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Care Management for the Most Vulnerable Subpopulations |
111 |
5: ESRD |
Request that worksheet clarify that specialization in ESRD services is only required upfront for SNPs serving populations at risk for this condition. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 037 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
General Instructions for CMS HSD Tables |
1 |
CMS states that county boundaries no longer apply and that contracted providers who meet time and distance requirements can be included in the Part C application to prove network adequacy. However, tables are still set up on a county level basis. In what format does CMS expect to receive data regarding servicing providers who do not practice within the county lines? |
When a network requires supplemental information we recommend that plans submit this information via a corresponding HSD 2 or HSD 3 by county. |
Revision |
If plans fail to meet the criteria during the pre-assessment phase, plans will still have an opportunity to submit supplemental information through the exceptions process. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 109 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Health Risk Assess |
109 |
2: 90 day timeframe |
Please clarify in MOC worksheet or some form of guidance that plans will not be expected to complete new assessments for all existing enrollees within 90 days or by end of first quarter. Existing SNPs with thousands or tens of thousands of beneficiaries would be overloaded. Further, since many beneficiaries receive routine assessments of functional, physical and psychosocial health issues – and at different times of the year – not complete comprehensive assessments once per year, we assume that assessments conducted within the past 12 months could be used to meet this requirement. Please clarify the flexibility CMS will offer on this item. |
Revision |
This flexibility exists and additional information will be provided. CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 110 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Health Risk Assess |
109 |
5: Face to face |
Recommend that face-to-face assessments not be required as paper or telephone assessments for at least some parts of the survey may be appropriate for some targeted SNP populations. |
Revision |
This flexibility exists and additional information will be provided. CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 111 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Health Risk Assess |
109 |
7: Self assessment |
This should not be requirement as some beneficiaries may not be able to comply with this requirement on their own. |
Revision |
CMS has clearly stated in other guidance that the beneficiary or an identified person is able to complete this assessment. CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 112 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Health Risk Assess |
109 |
11: Electronic tool |
Please clarify whether special steps need to be taken to allow all providers to have access to an electronic assessment tool and results to avoid HIPPA compliance issues. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 113 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Health Risk Assess |
109 |
13: Standard tool |
Please clarify that any standardization would be limited to a particular population subset – not a wide variety of beneficiaries with different special needs. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 114 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Health Risk Assess |
109 |
17: Credentialed professional |
Please clarify what is meant by “credentialed health professional.” Does this include MSW, Masters in Gerontology or Human Services? |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 038 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
HSD 2 - Provider List of Physicians and Other Practitioners by County |
7 |
How does CMS distinguish between Cardiac Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, and Vascular Surgery? Is this distinction based on ABMS criteria?
If so, can CMS provide the ABMS classifications that fall into each of these categories? For example, how would CMS classify a provider credentialed in Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery? |
Recommend CMS provide information on the ABMS classifications that fall into each of these categories, if applicable. This information should be released with the network adequacy requirements. |
Insertion |
In general, cardiac surgeons concentrate on CABG and heart valve surgery, while thoracic surgeons concentrate on lung resections, and other non-cardiac thoracotomy procedures. Vascular surgery involves peripheral vascular interventions, particularly carotid, abdominal aorta, and femoral arteries. There is always some overlap (particularly between cardiac and vascular surgery), but commonly thoracic surgeons who perform tumor resections, chest tube insertions/pleurodysis, etc. do not perform CABG or heart valve procedures.
CMS is unable to provide such data with the application. However the data is available through other resources. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 042 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
HSD 3 - List of Facilities and Services |
12 |
How should we display Home health providers who provide PT and OT services? |
For the 2010 applications we listed the Home Health provider and placed an "X" in the columns for Home Health, PT and OT. Since the HSD 3 for the 2011 applications no longer includes the columns where we mark what services a facility may provide, how do we indicate this? |
Revision |
As directed in the instructions, facilities that provide more than 1 service type should be listed once for each such service. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 044 |
Humana |
HSD Instructions |
HSD 3 - List of Facilities and Services |
12 |
Currently applicants can only consider essential hospital status when determining network adequacy for RPPO's. Applicants cannot consider essential hospital status for other network based products such as LPPO or HMO. |
CMS should consider essential hospital status granted to each payer when evaluating network adequacy. In these instances, the hospital is non-par for valid reasons and it should be deduced that by simply changing a product/network name will not change the provider's unwillingness to contract with a payer. |
Revision |
CMs does not have the legal authority to accept the comment and implement this recommendation. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 082 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
HSD Table 1 |
HSD Table 1: County / Delivery System Summary of Providers by Specialty |
4 |
Addition of “Providers Supporting Contracted Facilities”: Applicant organizations contract with groups and not the individual physicians. The groups ensure coverage at par hospitals. Due to the movement of these physicians organizations may have difficulty in providing absolute counts and providing a listing of what physician covers what hospital. The data is available, but extremely time intensive to keep it updated |
Can this be revised to allow segmentation to reflect number of individual physicians and/or physician groups? If the requirement is not revised this would qualify as an “increase” in the level of applicant burden. |
Revision |
CMS has always required plans to list out the individual providers. Therefore, CMS does not anticipate that this will increase the applicant's level of burden. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 085 |
UCare |
HSD Tables |
HSD Tables |
HSD tables are incredibly time consuming to complete and add little value to the application for rural counties in particular. In rural counties, when most health care is accessed in an adjacent county or regional health care hub, HSD tables do not adequately explain where people access care. |
Eliminate the requirement to complete HSD tables and implement a system that uses GeoAccess to map providers to Medicare Beneficiaries – just like the Part D application does. This would eliminate the problems that we experience with the rural counties, when most of the health care is accessed in an adjacent county. |
Deletion |
The information gathered through the HSD tables are critical for CMS to determine the network adequacy. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 093 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Model of Care Goals |
103 |
Number 6 and 7: Assuring “appropriate” utilization and cost-effective delivery. |
Plans cannot guarantee stated outcomes; a more appropriate expectation would be conveyed by terms such as “promote” or “facilitate.” |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 094 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Model of Care Goals |
103 |
Numbers 8, 9, and 10: Improvements to health |
We do not believe these goals are realistic for nursing home residents. We recommend CMS clarify that these goals are not expected for institutional I-SNPs – or that these goals be targeted “where appropriate based on targeted conditions.” |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 095 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Model of Care Goals |
103 |
Number 10: Improve mobility and functional status |
Some special needs beneficiaries such as frail elderly or disabled may be incapable of improving mobility and/or functional status (wheel-chair bound, paraplegics, blindness, amputee, etc.). We recommend as a more appropriate goal that plans “prevent, delay or minimize” functional decline. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 096 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Model of Care Goals |
103 |
Number 11: Pain management |
We recommend that this goal either be expanded or a new goal be established to improve beneficiaries’ outcomes via provision of “palliative care to promote comfort and dignity at the end of life” and supportive care. These could be combined or 2 new separate goals. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 097 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Model of Care Goals |
103 |
Number 13: Satisfaction with health status may be unrealistic goal for very frail, impaired or disabled beneficiaries. |
Satisfaction with health services is a more realistic goal for special needs beneficiaries. |
Revision |
Each individual has a level of quality of life that can be measured. This discussion should occur during the development of than plan of care and the MCO should work towards achieving the stated goals established. CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 098 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Model of Care Goals |
103 |
All Numbers: CMS Expectations |
The SNP Alliance urges CMS to include guidance re CMS expectations regarding improvements in the 15 separate goal areas. Plans should not be expected to demonstrate improvements in all 15 areas every year or to demonstrate the same level of improvement year after year. We recommend that the Model of Care worksheet clarify expectations in two areas: first, that plans should identify a limited number of goal areas for improvement in health care domains each year; second, that plans will be measured under a CQI approach that allows plans to show annual improvements, including incremental gains or stable quality performance once certain benchmarks have been achieved. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 116 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
111-112 |
2-7 Improvements |
At a minimum, plans would need at least two years to demonstrate improvements since the first year would involve establishing a baseline for measuring improvement. Under this method, plans would need to be evaluated on a CQI basis against themselves unless CMS elected to establish benchmarks in each of these areas. |
Revision |
CMS reserves the right to determine how QI efforts will be monitored. CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 117 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
111-112 |
2-7: Improvements |
CMS should clarify in the worksheet or some other form of guidance that plans can select a few areas for improvement each year in conjunction with their CCIP or QIP requirements, not be expected to tackle each area every year. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 118 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
111-112 |
2-7: Improvements |
CMS should clarify expectations that regarding degrees of improvement from year to year since plans would not progress at same rate each year – esp. once they achieve certain high levels of quality. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 119 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
111-112 |
2-7: Improvements |
Comparison on non-SNP members may be difficult to structure and may require use of FFS benchmarks in some cases. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 120 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
112 |
8-14: Quality and/or improved. |
Please clarify the use of the term “quality or improved.” How is “quality” defined? How will CMS evaluate improvements? |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 121 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
112 |
21: Actions to improve the model of care. |
Please clarify the benchmark for “improving the model of care.” Does this mean from year to year in relation to self-defined model of care goals? |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 122 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
112 |
11-26: Collection, analysis, reporting and measurement. |
We recommend that CMS consider some type of standardization of these elements to reduce the reporting and measurement burden on SNPs and to improve CMS’ ability to benchmark SNPs against other. We also request that CMS work with the SNP Alliance and its plans to identify opportunities to streamline reporting and data collection where possible. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 123 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
112 |
27: Documentation of MOC effectiveness with all stakeholders |
Please clarify CMS’ expectations regarding how plans would share documentation with “all stakeholders” and how this would be accomplished. This seems like an excessive requirement. We urge CMS to consider requiring plans to make information about MOC effectiveness available upon request and to provide it to regulators, but not be required to actively distribute to every possible stakeholder. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 124 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Performance Outcome Measurement |
111 |
1: Model of Care Evaluation |
Plans wish to clarify that a variety of staff functions will be involved in the evaluation of the model of care such as care managers, utilization management staff, quality improvement staff, etc. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 103 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Provider Network |
107 |
42: CPGs |
Please clarify whether this attestation refers to any functions beyond utilization management |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 104 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Provider Network |
107 |
43: Referrals |
To suggest that a beneficiary needs the ICT teams’ permission for a routine doctor appointment seems overly restrictive. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. CMS is not requiring providers to discuss routine care with the IDT, but to communicate significant changes that require update of the individualized care plan. This conceptual issue is best addressed in a training forum. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 106 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Provider Network |
107- 108 |
46, 47, 50, 52, 54: Coordination of Service Delivery |
These items are all potentially delegated functions to providers. Please clarify by indicating that the applicant either performs the function or has a process in place to have the function carried out. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 107 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Provider Network & Interdisciplinary Care Team |
108 |
Provider Network #51; Interdisciplinary Care Team Number 7: Updating on Transitions of Care and Care Plans |
Given the frequency with which transitions can occur and care plans can change, some plans feel that notification of all parties is an unrealistic goal. We recommend that this item be modified to indicate that the care manager (or ICT manager) be notified and that individual can determine which other “stakeholders” need to be notified in what timeframe. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 059 |
HSD Instructions |
Requesting Exceptions |
The draft indicates that exceptions may be requested only at the time of initial application submission, but also explains that the pre-assessment tool is not a substitute for the intensive review conducted by CMS Reviewers, who may identify deficiencies not revealed by the tool. |
Consequently, it appears that in the course of the review process, applicants could learn of unforeseen circumstances that they may be interested in addressing through the exceptions process. We recommend that in such cases, CMS permit exceptions to be submitted during the review process. |
Revision |
Plans will have two pre-assessment opportunities to determine if they need to request an exception, prior to application submission. However, failure to meet other network related requirements (e.g., contracts) could result in a deficiency for county that initially that was found to meet the criteria. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 062 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
General Info |
Section 1.7A Additional Information-Bid Submission & Training |
8 |
First sentence states, “On or before the first Monday of June every year,…”; however, historically the bid submission due date has actually been on the first Monday of June each year. |
Why include “or before”? |
Revision |
Applicant can submit before the due date. This suggestion is not a substantive revision. |
Reject |
Grammatical |
IND 072 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.10 Contracts for Administrative & Management Services |
34 |
Subsection A.#2: Does this include temporary and/or contract staffing agencies used by the plan organization for internal staffing that work with MA data? |
If so, please add language clarifying this requirement includes such relationships. |
Revision |
Yes, temporary staffing is included.
Additional language is not necessary to clarify this attestation. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 075 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.10 Contracts for Administrative & Management Services |
37 |
Subsection B: References a “Delegated Business Function Table”; however, we were unable to locate said table in application upload templates (at end of document). |
Need to add the referenced table to the application |
Revision |
This document is a module built within HPMS. There is no paper version. Only applicants that have access to this section will be able to complete it.
CMS will determine if this table can be added as an exhibit. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 066 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.8 Service Area |
31 |
Subsection A.#2: The attestation description addresses the service area map (1) and the four (4) required county level maps. |
Clarify by segmenting the service area map requirements, then each county map type (4) required map descriptions (i.e. a=Service Area map, b=County map 1, c=County map 2, d=County map 3, e=County map 4). |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required per CMS decision/discussion above. |
Reject |
Maps |
IND 067 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.8 Service Area |
31 |
Subsection D: The description addresses the four (4) required county level maps. |
Clarify by segmenting the each county may type (4) required map descriptions (i.e. a= County map 1, b=County map 2, c=County map 3, d=County map 4). |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required per CMS decision/discussion above. |
Reject |
Maps |
IND 068 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Attestations |
Section 3.8 Service Area |
31 |
General: Can more detailed instructions be added to provide a clearer understanding of the CMS needs/requirements, comparable to Appendix X in the 2011 Part D application? |
Revision |
Maps are no longer required per CMS decision/discussion above. |
Reject |
Maps |
IND 015 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
Section G |
15 |
Table HSD 4 |
Recommend that MAOs who are offering MAPD products not be required to submit outpatient pharmacy information on this table since we are required to submit our entire pharmacy network for approval under the Part D application review process. The addition of pharmacy provider information can significantly increase the size of this HSD table depending on the size of the county. |
Insertion |
This information is vital to CMS' analysis. This is a necessary factor of the Part C access analysis. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 016 |
Aetna |
HSD Instructions |
Section I |
18 |
Requesting Exceptions |
Recommend CMS provide examples in the revised instructions of the type of documentation that will be considered acceptable to initiate an exceptions request. Instructions indicate this will be noted in the drop down menu of HPMS tool, but plans need to know this information in advance. |
Insertion |
CMS cannot provide specific examples in the application. However, CMS is developing special guidance, which will be released in October. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 125 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
SNP Quality Improvement Program Requirements |
113 |
Numbers 3, 4 and 5 |
The SNP Alliance is concerned about the volume of reporting required of SNPs by Medicare, Medicaid and NCQA. We request the opportunity to consolidate wherever possible and eliminating duplicative reporting is a good starting point. MAO Internal QI activities, CCIP requirements and QIP requirements all require the SNP to describe the various quality improvement projects and how they relate to the target population; how they identify the beneficiaries that would benefit from participation in the QI activity, how the benefits and outcomes will be monitored, etc. We strongly urge CMS to work with the SNP Alliance, its members, state Medicaid agencies and NCQA in consolidating QI requirements around a single focused set of QI activities unique to the targeted population and most relevant to improving outcomes. |
Revision |
These reporting requirements are mandated through regulation by various CMS Part C and D components. CMS is currently engaged in an initiative to consolidate quality assurance and performance improvement reporting. Until the agency determines how it will require evidence of performance improvement from its contracted health plans, CMS will expect MAOs to meet the quality reporting requirements currently in regulation. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 099 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Staff Structure |
104 |
Numbers 1-9 and 24-31: Duplicative of standard MA functions. |
Eliminate duplication of other parts of the MA application by deleting these sections and making reference to other section of application where this information is provided; or exempt SNPs from completing the same information in the general MA component of the application. |
Deletion |
The applicant is expected to explain how the SNP model of care differs from the care management systems used in other product lines. As a unique model of care, applicants must describe all elements in relation to the care of special needs individuals. |
Reject |
Process |
IND 100 |
SNP Alliance |
Appendix I - Solicitations for Special Needs Plan Proposal |
Staff Structure |
104 |
Number 10: Survey beneficiaries, plan personal, network providers, oversight agencies and the public. |
Please clarify expectations re surveys of enrollees, staff and providers – is a new requirement being proposed? E.g., aren’t beneficiary satisfaction surveys typically conducted by outside vendor? Also, what surveys of “oversight agencies and the public” are being referred to? Are these requirements standard MA requirements or something specific for SNPs? The SNP Alliance has concerns about existing reporting requirements far in excess of standard MA plans and urges CMS to ensure that any additional requirements clearly provide tangible value. Also, surveys of “oversight agencies and the public” seems like a public sector function, not a plan function and we urge CMS not to impose this requirement on SNPs. |
Revision |
CMS will conduct training and publish guidance on the SNP model of care that will clarify CMS expectations. |
Reject |
Process |
HSD 16 |
CO |
HSD Tables |
Table 2A |
This section of the table was accidentally excluded in the review. |
This table can be distributed during the 30 day comment period or can be uploaded under the Provider Contract section. |
Insertion |
The table section should be reinstated in the location of the HSD tables where it was in 2010 to provide consistency for Applicants. |
Reject |
Process |
24 |
RO9 |
Instructions |
2.3 |
13 |
The heading for Section 2.3 refers to "MAO", yet elsewhere (including 2.2 and 2.4) we talk about "Plans" -- suggest keeping our format the same |
In the section heading, change "MAO" to "Plans" |
Revision |
CMS prefers to include the term "MAO" instead of the plans in this section |
Reject with Modification |
Additional Language Clarification |
71 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.10.A.9 |
35 |
Attestation #9 includes a note that PFFS and MSA plans are not required to perform UM functions. Is this true for network PFFS plans as well as non-network PFFS plans? |
Revision |
Attestation #9 will be split into 2 attestations: Attestation #9 will address operations management. PFFS and MSA's do not have to complete attestation #9. Attestation #10 will address quality improvement operations, which PFFS and MSA have to complete. |
Reject with Modification |
Process |
77 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.11.A.5 |
39 |
The language in attestation #5 is not clear. |
Suggest changing attestation #5 to read, "Applicant has uploaded in HPMS completed HSD tables 1-5, with a separate set of tables for each county in the service area. Applicants offering multiple plans (plan benefit packages) must submit separate tables for each plan if the plan restricts members to a subset of the entire provider network. |
Revision |
Attestation #5 has been deleted since the applicant is required to upload information as requested in subsection 3.11 B. An additional note was added to subsection B, which states that, "Applicants offering provider specific plans must submit separate HSD Tables." |
Reject with Modification |
Process |
82 |
RO9 |
Attestations |
3.13.A. |
44 |
The attestations are missing a requirement about using brokers and agents that meet state licensure requirements. |
Suggest adding a new attestation #16 asking the applicant to affirm that it will employ / contract with agents and brokers that meet state requirements for licensure and/or certification. |
Insertion |
Attestation #15 will be revised to read: "Applicant agrees that brokers and agents selling Medicare products will be trained and tested on Medicare rules and will satisfy all other CMS requirements prior to selling." |
Reject with Modification |
Substantive Content Change |
IND 024 |
Humana |
Attestations |
3.9.A.2 |
32 |
The statement "Providers and supplier contracts or agreements contain the following CMS required provisions" appears to be missing the CMS required provisions |
This statement should have a bulleted list. Recommend adding a bullet with the CMS required provisions. |
Insertion |
In efforts to minimize additional burden for the applicant, CMS has eliminated the detailed requirements for this attestation.
The revised attestation will read, "Applicant agrees that all contracts for providers and supplier contracts contain the required contract provisions that are described in the CMS Provider Contracts Agreement template." |
Reject with Modification |
Duplicative |
IND 061 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Overall |
Please provide the final documents in Word format. Given the attestations, and supporting data files are now submitted via HPMS, the historical risk that existed related to plans potentially changing/revising the document(s) prior to final submission is non-existent. Allows plans to work directly from the document in an electronic format, optimizing time necessary to gather data from business partners. (Word documents are much more user friendly than PDFs.) |
Revision |
CMS will determine if an "editable" .pdf version or word (.doc) version is available. |
Under Consideration |
Process |