COPS Application Guide

COPS Application Guide


COPS Application Guide

OMB: 1103-0096

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U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services

The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services ( is pleased to
announce that it is seeking applications for funding for the  program. This program furthers the
Department’s mission by addressing the Department’s goal of assisting state, local, and tribal efforts to prevent or
reduce crime and violence.

COPS FY2010 Application Guide:

Specific eligibility requirements will be inserted here
All awards are subject to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.

All applications must be submitted by 

Contact Information
For assistance with the requirements of this initiative, please contact the COPS Office Response Center at
800.421.6770 or via e-mail at
This application must be submitted through the COPS website ( For technical assistance with
submitting the application, please call the COPS Office Response Center at 800.421.6770.

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Bernard K. Melekian, Director

COPS FY  Application Guide:

The COPS Application Guide is designed to assist applicants in applying for COPS grant
programs. This Guide includes general information on the administrative and legal
requirements governing the , as well as detailed program-specific
For more information about COPS grants, please call the COPS Office Response Center at

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530
COPS Online:
February 2010

OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
COPS Office Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
DEADLINE: REGISTRATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
DEADLINE: APPLICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS—Sample Text-Will change with each program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
PROGRAM-SPECIFIC INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
Program Goals—Sample Text-Will change with each program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
Length of Grant Term, Maximum Federal Share,
& Local Share Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
Federal Funding: Allowable and Unallowable Costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
Allowable Costs: Fundable Requests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Unallowable Costs: Requests Will NOT Be Funded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
PERFORMANCE MEASURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
HOW TO APPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
Administrative Requirements Governing COPS Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
Obtaining a DUNS Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
Registering with the Central Contractor Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
Geographic Names Information System ID Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
Helpful Online Resources: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
Electronic Submission of Applications via the COPS Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
Audit Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
Civil Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
lGrant Terms and Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
I. & II. Assurances & Certifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
III. Disclosure of Lobbying Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
IV. Nonsupplanting Requirement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
V. Procurement & Sole Source Justification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
VI. Criminal Intelligence Systems/28 C.F.R. Part 23 Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
VII. Certification to Mitigate Possible Adverse Health, Safety, & Environmental Impacts. . . . . . .  17
VIII. Suspension or Termination of Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
Required Application Documents and Sections for  Initiative Applications. . . . . .  19
COPS APPLICATION ATTACHMENT TO SF424: What An Application Must Include. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
Section 1: COPS Program Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
Section 2: Agency Eligibility Information: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
A. Type of Agency
B. Eligibility Questions
Section 3: General Agency Information:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
A. Applicant ORI Number
B. Applicant Data Universal Numeric System (DUNS) Number
C. Central Contractor Registration
D. Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) ID
E. Cognizant Federal Agency


F. Fiscal Year
G. Service Population
H. Law Enforcement Agency Sworn Force Information
Section 4: Executive Information: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
A. Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive Information:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
B. Government Executive/Financial Official Information: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
Section 5: COPS Officer Request Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
Section 6: Law Enforcement & Community Policing Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
•	 Community Partnerships
•	 Problem Solving
•	 Organizational Transformation
•	 Technology
•	 Community Policing Plan Narrative
Section 7: Need for Federal Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
A. Waivers of the Local Match (If applicable)
B. Explanation of Need for Federal Assistance
C. Fiscal Health
Section 8: Continuation of Project after Federal Funding Ends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
A. For COPS grants with retention plan requirement
B. For COPS grants with no retention plan requirement
Section 9: UCR/School Incident Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
A. UCR Data
B. School Incident Data
Section 10: Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
Section 11: Project Description (Narrative) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
Section 12: Official Partner(S) Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
Section 13: Application Attachments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
Section 14 Assurances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
Section 15: Certifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
Section 16: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
Section 17: Certification of Review and Representation of Compliance with Requirements. . . . . . . .  25
Budget Detail Worksheets (SAMPLE)
Instructions for Completing the Budget Detail Worksheets x
A. Sworn Officer Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
B. Civilian/Non-Sworn Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  x
C. Equipment/Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  x
D. Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
E. Travel/Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
F. Contracts/Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
G. Other Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
H. Indirect Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Budget Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
APPENDIXES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
Appendix A: Glossary of COPS Program Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
Appendix B: Intergovernmental Review Process, Points of Contact by State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31

Program Name ( )

COPS Office Overview
The COPS Office was established as a result of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement
Act of 1994 to assist law enforcement agencies in enhancing public safety through the
implementation of community policing strategies in jurisdictions of all sizes across the
country. Community policing represents a shift from more traditional law enforcement in that
it focuses on proactive collaborative efforts to prevent and respond to crime, social disorder,
and fear of crime.
COPS provides funding to state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies and other public
and private entities to hire and train community policing professionals, acquire and deploy
cutting-edge crime-fighting technologies, and develop and test innovative policing strategies.
We will continue to accomplish our mission by:
•	 creating innovative programs that respond directly to the emerging needs of state, local,
and tribal law enforcement, to shift law enforcement’s focus to preventing, rather than
reacting to, crime and disorder within their communities
•	 developing state-of-the-art training and technical assistance to enhance law enforcement
officers’ problem-solving and community interaction skills
•	 promoting collaboration between law enforcement and community members to develop
innovative initiatives to prevent crime
•	 providing responsive, cost-effective service delivery to our grantees to ensure success in
advancing community policing strategies within their communities.
By funding over 13,000 of the nation’s 18,000 law enforcement agencies, the COPS Office
has helped create a community policing infrastructure across the nation. Approximately
81 percent of the nation’s population is served by law enforcement agencies practicing
community policing.
Additional information regarding the COPS Office can be found at


Program Name ( )

 Overview —Sample Text-Will change with
each program
The use of , a central nervous system stimulant often referred to by its street
names such as crank, speed, ice, or crystal, has been a persistent problem for law enforcement
agencies across the United States in recent years.  is cheap and addictive, and
was traditionally developed in clandestine laboratories which were often located in remote
areas.  spread quickly, most noticeably in rural areas, largely due to the
simple preparation ods used as well as manufacturers having easy access to
the necessary precursor chemicals. In more recent years, changing trends in 
production and distribution have created new obstacles for law enforcement and public health
agencies. While law enforcement efforts and precursor chemical sale restrictions have been
successful in decreasing the domestic production of , foreign drug traffickers
have capitalized on this decreased availability by quickly expanding their avenues of  distribution as users have sought out new, reliable suppliers.*
Since 1998, COPS has invested more than $345 million nationwide to combat the spread
of . In Fiscal Year (FY) 2008, COPS awarded over $40 million to fight the
escalating  problem. COPS  funding supports enforcement,
training, and prevention activities nationwide, but is concentrated in areas with the greatest
need for assistance in combating  production, distribution, and use. The
COPS Office encourages agencies to focus on community policing approaches to  reduction. COPS also works directly with state and local law enforcement agencies
to craft innovative strategies, track and evaluate their implementation, and disseminate
results to other jurisdictions confronting similar challenges. To combat  in
their communities, COPS encourages sites to develop partnerships with other agencies, such
as the Environmental Protection Agency, fire departments, local businesses, mental health
organizations, child protection services, and other local law enforcement entities.
COPS funds are also used by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to provide training
to state and local law enforcement professionals on clandestine lab enforcement operations
including basic certification, officer safety, and tactical training. The DEA also uses COPS
funding to improve the clandestine lab information-gathering capabilities of the El Paso
Intelligence Center, carry out regional information-sharing conferences, and assist state and
local law enforcement in cleaning up  lab sites.
Grant recipients shall promptly refer to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) any credible
evidence that a person has submitted a false claim under the False Claim Act or has committed
a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity or
similar misconduct involving COPS funds. The OIG may be contacted at,, and 800.869.4499.
Please be advised that a hold may be placed on any application if it is deemed that the
applicant agency is not in good standing on other U.S. Department of Justice grants, has
other grant compliance issues that would make the applicant agency ineligible to receive
COPS funding, and/or is not cooperating with an ongoing compliance investigation regarding
a current COPS grant award. A hold may also be placed on any application if it is deemed
that the applicant agency is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws and/or is not
cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation.


Program Name ( )

The applicant must register online by .

Applications for this program must be submitted online via the COPS website by .

Upon receiving notification of your award, your agency was e-mailed or faxed a Background
Information Form (BIF), which you were required to complete and return prior to receiving
access to this application kit via Since the COPS Office has received your BIF,
we are now providing access to this application kit to your department’s primary Law
Enforcement Executive for completion by August 24, 2009. Your completed proposal will
be reviewed and processed, and your department will be contacted for any clarifications or
additional information needed. Subsequently, the COPS Office will send an award package
to your department’s Law Enforcement Executive. It is required that the designated Law
Enforcement and Government Executives sign and return the award document within 90 days
of the mail date shown on the award congratulatory letter.
For additional information, please contact your COPS Grant Program Specialist by calling the
COPS Office Response Center at 800.421.6770.

All awards are subject to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.

Program Goals—Sample Text-Will change with each program
The COPS  Initiative seeks to address the growing problem of  abuse by assisting localities in collaboration with other service providers and
stakeholders to:
•	 establish or enhance existing comprehensive  reduction efforts
through coordinated prevention, intervention/treatment, and enforcement activities
•	 increase the use of community policing strategies (including problem-solving,
partnerships, and organizational changes) to reduce the manufacture, distribution, and
use of 
•	 increase the coordination, information sharing, and collaboration among local, state, and
federal public and/or private entities involved in prevention, intervention/treatment, and
enforcement activities related to .


Program Name ( )

Length of Grant Term, Maximum Federal Share,
& Local Share Requirements
The COPS  grant is <# of years> years in duration, and there <”is a” or “is no”>
local match. The amount of funding available to specific grantees is designated in the  Act,  (P.L. ).
The COPS Office will review reasonable requests made for no-cost time extensions in the
event that all funds granted have not been expended within the three-year grant period.
Extension worksheets will be sent to law enforcement departments approximately 90
days prior to the award end date. Any extensions granted will be for time only, and not for
additional funding. Please be advised that all extension requests must be received by the
official grant award end date.
At present, this is a one-time funding opportunity and COPS expects that all items, personnel,
and/or training requested will be purchased or hired and the project implemented within the
three-year grant period.

Federal Funding: Allowable and Unallowable Costs—Sample
Text-Will change with each program
All items requested will be considered on a case-by-case basis during the budget review
process. Items under the initiative must be purchased using the legislative guidelines
established by the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009 (P.L. 111-8). Additionally, each item
must programmatically link to the anti- activities described in your proposal.
To the greatest extent practicable, all equipment and products purchased with these funds
must be American-made.

Allowable Costs: Fundable Requests—Sample Text-Will change with
each program
Applications should include a clear and demonstrated plan for implementing comprehensive
anti- strategies. Each grant application must explain how the proposed
project would fit into an overall effort to increase and/or enhance  reduction
efforts. All items under this  grant must be purchased using the legislative
intent established by the Omnibus Appropriations Act, .
Budget requests may be made in the categories of:
•	 Sworn Officer Positions (Salaries and Benefits): Sworn officer salary and fringe benefits
apply to new, full-time entry-level sworn career law enforcement officers not already
funded in the applicant’s local budget. A “career law enforcement officer” is a person
hired on a permanent basis who is authorized by law, or by a state, local, or tribal agency,
to engage in or oversee the prevention, detection, and/or investigation of violations of
criminal laws. Officers must be hired on or after the award start date, and positions must
directly relate to the  project. Officers previously employed by your
agency may be re-hired using  grant funds, but funding requests must be
limited to your agency's entry-level salary and benefits. [Please note: Overtime for sworn
officers engaging in -related activities is an allowable cost; however,
any overtime expenses requested for either sworn officers or civilian positions must be
listed in the “Other Costs” section of your application’s budget proposal.]


Program Name ( )

•	 Civilian/Non-sworn Personnel (Salaries and Benefits): Civilian salary and fringe
benefits apply to new personnel not already funded in the applicant’s local budget.
Staff must be hired on or after the award start date, and positions must directly relate
to the  project. Examples of allowable personnel and fringe benefits
costs include those for prosecutors (directly for  prosecution), civilian
 project coordinators, or /drug problem analysts.
•	 Equipment/Technology: Equipment and/or technology costs shall provide agencies
with the ability to purchase new or enhance existing equipment exclusively related to
 prevention, treatment, enforcement, or drug intelligence sharing. All
items requested must be clearly linked to the enhancement or implementation of the
•	 Supplies: Generally, supplies include any materials that are expended or consumed
during the course of the  project. Such costs may include training
manuals, paper, printer ink, pens, postage, etc.
•	 Travel/Training: Travel/training costs include grant-related travel costs for the grantee
or other (non-grantee) individuals to attend -related training and
technical assistance conferences, seminars, classes, or to visit a site specified in the
application. Expenses for transportation, lodging, meals, and incidental expenses (if
travel is more than 50 miles from the program location) will be reviewed in accordance
with applicable guidelines as part of the application process.
•	 Contracts/Consultants: Contract/consultant costs may include costs to provide onetime training to staff for equipment operation/usage, and contracting/consulting services
that provide such things as needs analysis, installation, and testing. Compensation for
individual consultant services procured under a COPS grant must be reasonable and
allocable in accordance with OMB cost principles, and consistent with that paid for
similar services in the marketplace. Unless otherwise approved by the COPS Office,
consultant rates will be based on the salary a consultant receives from his or her primary
employer, as applicable, up to $550 per day. For consultant or contractor rates which
exceed $550 per day, the COPS Office requires written justification if the consultants or
contractors are hired through a noncompetitive bidding process. The grantee agency
must provide justification for any such rate in excess of $550 per day and receive COPS
Office approval of that rate before drawing down grant funds. Determinations will be
made on a case-by-case basis.
•	 Other Costs: Other costs may include such items as software and prepaid warranties or
maintenance agreements (not to exceed 36 months), overtime costs for sworn officers
engaging in -related activities, or other miscellaneous items that
have a direct correlation to the overall success of a grantee’s project objectives (such as
awareness campaigns) and are necessary for the project to reach full implementation.
Departments will be notified of any points of clarification the COPS Office may require.
Requests may be made only for items or positions that are not otherwise budgeted with state,
local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) funds, and would not be funded in the absence of the
In addition, any publication material developed and/or purchased with federal grant funds
must contain the following designation: “This project was supported by Grant #___________,
awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
The opinions contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the
official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. References to specific companies,
products, or services should not be considered an endorsement by the author(s) or the U.S.
Department of Justice. Rather, the references are illustrations to supplement discussion of the

Program Name ( )

Unallowable Costs: Requests Will NOT Be Funded —Sample Text-Will
change with each program
The items listed below are generally considered to be unallowable, and may only be funded
under extremely limited and extenuating circumstances and at the discretion of the COPS Office
based on clear demonstration of a direct link between the requested item and the applicant's
 project. Before including any of these items in your project proposal, please
contact your Grant Program Specialist at 800.421.6770.
This is not an inclusive list, and items not listed below will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
The COPS Office reserves the right to deny funding for items that may not be included on this
list. Agencies are expected to request items that show a direct link between the requested
item and the applicant’s  project. All requests must contribute directly to the
specific purpose of the grant project are relate to the parameters stipulated in the Omnibus
Appropriations Act, 2009 (P.L. 111-8).
•	 Salaries and benefits of existing employees
•	 Salaries and benefits of grant writers or other staff who do not directly contribute to the
implementation of the program
•	 Please note: Restrictions on overtime costs are listed under “Supplies and Other Costs”
•	 Animals
•	 Bicycles
•	 Body wire equipment
•	 Bulletproof vests and accessories
•	 Bunker shield(s)
•	 Cellular or satellite phone airtime
•	 Communications towers
•	 Construction and renovation costs
•	 Dictation systems
•	 Funding for buy-back and/or confidential informant purposes
•	 General police vehicles (including patrol cars and leased vehicles)
•	 Handcuffs, weapons, and ammunition (including training ammunition)
•	 Office equipment (copiers, fax machines, etc.)
•	 Office furniture (desks, file cabinets, etc.)
•	 Office rental/lease space
•	 Pagers (including service time)
•	 Phone lines and voice-mail systems
•	 Prisoner transport vehicles
•	 Radar guns/equipment
•	 Standard issue police vehicle equipment (including light bars, cages, and siren packages)
•	 Standard or dress uniforms / uniform accessories
•	 Televisions / VCRs / DVD players / projectors
•	 Local travel costs (lodging, meals, per diem, or transportation costs) within a 50-mile
radius of the program location
•	 Mileage reimbursement, rental cars, parking fees, and/or taxi fare for local travel
•	 Meals and/or refreshment costs associated with meetings
•	 Training in topics that are not directly linked to the  grant

Program Name ( )

•	 Contractual agreements that cannot be directly linked to the  grant
•	 Maintenance and/or service contracts that extend the life of the grant period (multi-year
contracts and extended warranties are allowable, but must be paid in full within the initial
grant period)
•	 Any consultant fees in excess of $550 per day must receive prior written approval from
the COPS Office, contingent upon written justification by the grantee, if the consultant or
contractor is hired through a noncompetitive bidding process
•	 Standard office supplies not directly related to the  grant
•	 Indirect costs
•	 Overtime for personnel not directly involved in the department’s project and that which
exceeds 50% of the total award budget
•	 No more than ten percent of the total award amount may be budgeted for evaluation
This program will not provide funding for any positions or items which are funded in the
applicant agency’s budget with other sources of funding (state, local, or BIA). You may apply
only for otherwise unfunded positions or items to supplement your agency’s law enforcement
Please note: The COPS Office will not fund costs associated with the cleanup of clandestine
drug laboratories utilizing contractors who are not qualified to dispose of hazardous waste
and/or where the applicant does not have DEA-equivalent disposal resources in place
to include contractor oversight plans and procedures. Please refer to the Environmental
Assessment material on our website at for further explanation of qualified

Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation Requirements—All
Federal regulations require that any financial assistance from the federal government be
monitored to ensure that those funds are spent properly. Awarded agencies will be responsible
for submitting Programmatic Progress Reports and quarterly Financial Status Reports.
Programmatic Progress Reports will be required quarterly for special agencies (e.g., profit
or non-profit, private or public university/college, state associations, etc.) and annually for
traditional law enforcement agencies. All agencies will be required to submit a final closeout
report. In addition, the COPS Office is interested in tracking the progress of its programs and
the development of its grantees’ community policing plans. Therefore, all 
grantees will be required to participate in grant monitoring activities of the U.S. Department of
Justice, including but not limited to the COPS Office, the Office of the Inspector General, or any
entity designated by COPS.


Program Name ( )

The COPS Office Monitoring staff may take a number of monitoring approaches, such as site
visits, office-based grant reviews, and periodic surveys to gather information. COPS may seek
information including, but not limited to, your agency’s compliance with nonsupplanting and
financial requirements of the grant and progress toward achieving your community policing
plan. Program and Monitoring Specialists as well as auditors are particularly interested in
confirming that the purchase of approved items is consistent with the applicant’s proposal.
Though a formal assessment is not a requirement, departments are strongly encouraged to
conduct an independent assessment of their respective projects. Project evaluations have
proven to be valuable tools in helping departments identify areas in need of improvement, as
well as providing data of successful processes.
Please feel free to contact your Grant Program Specialist at 800.421.6770 to discuss any issues
or concerns you may have.


Program Name ( )

To assist in fulfilling the Department of Justice’s responsibilities under the Government
Performance and Results Act (GPRA), P.L. 103-62, applicants who receive funding must provide
data that measures the results of their work. Performance measures for the 
Initiative are as follows:


Performance Measures

Data Grantee Provides

Increase the capacity of law
enforcement agencies to implement
community policing strategies that
strengthen partnerships for safer
communities and enhance law
enforcement’s capacity to prevent,
solve, and control crime through
funding for personnel, technology,
equipment, and training.

Average community policing
capacity implementation rating
(0 to 100) of 

Periodic progress reports
providing an overview of
purchases/implementation and
implementation of community
policing strategies.

Average technological capacity
implementation rating (0 to 100) of
Successful purchase and
implementation of all items and/
or services listed in the application
Project and Budget Narratives.	

All COPS Office grants target increasing grantee capacity to implement community policing
strategies within the three primary elements of community policing: 1) problem-solving; 2)
partnerships; and 3) organizational transformation. The COPS Office requires all  applicants to describe how the personnel, technology, equipment, and/or training
requested will assist the applicant in implementing community policing strategies. For more
information on community policing, please go to the COPS website at:
As part of the progress report,  grantees will be required to report on their
progress toward implementing community policing strategies. The COPS Office will not require
that grantees track statistics to respond to the performance measure questions, and the
grantee’s community policing capacity implementation rating and/or technological capacity
implementation rating will not be used in determining grant compliance.
Based on the data collected from grantees, the COPS Office may make improvements to the
 Initiative to better meet the program’s objective and law enforcement
agency needs.


Program Name ( )

Administrative Requirements Governing COPS Programs
Obtaining a DUNS Number
The federal government requires that all applicants for federal grants and cooperative
agreements with the exception of individuals other than sole proprietors have a DUNS
number. The DUNS number is used to identify related organizations that are receiving funding
under grants and cooperative agreements, and to provide consistent name and address data
for electronic grant application systems.

Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number
•	 The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number is a unique nine-digit
identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B).
•	 The DUNS number is site-specific. Therefore, each distinct physical location of an entity
(such as branches, divisions, and headquarters) may be assigned a DUNS number.
Organizations should try to keep DUNS numbers to a minimum. In many instances, a
central DUNS number with a DUNS number for each major division/department/agency
that applies for a grant may be sufficient.
•	 The requestor may obtain an on-the-spot DUNS number assignment by telephone at

Obtaining a DUNS Number
•	 You should verify that you have a DUNS number or take the steps needed to obtain one
as soon as possible, if there is a possibility you will be applying for future federal grants
or cooperative agreements. There is no need to wait until you are submitting a particular
•	 If you already have a DUNS number. If you, as the entity applying for a federal grant or
cooperative agreement, previously obtained a DUNS number in connection with the
federal acquisition process or requested or had one assigned to you for another purpose,
you should use that number on all of your applications. It is not necessary to request
another DUNS number from D&B. You may request D&B to supply a family-tree report of
the DUNS numbers associated with your organization. Organizations should work with
D&B to ensure the right information is on the report. Organizations should not establish
new numbers, but use existing numbers and update/validate the information associated
with the number.
•	 If you are not sure if you have a DUNS number. Call D&B using the toll-free number
866.705.5711, and indicate that you are a federal grant applicant or prospective
applicant. D&B will tell you if you already have a number. If you do not have a DUNS
number, D&B will ask you to provide the information listed on the following page and will
immediately assign you a number, free of charge.
•	 If you know you do not have a DUNS number. Call D&B using the toll-free number
866.705.5711, and indicate that you are a federal grant applicant or prospective
applicant. D&B will ask you to provide the information listed on the following page and
will immediately assign you a number, free of charge.


Program Name ( )

Managing Your DUNS Number
•	 D&B periodically contacts organizations with DUNS numbers to verify that their
information is current. Organizations with multiple DUNS numbers may request a free
family tree listing from D&B to help determine what branches/divisions have numbers
and whether the information is current. Please call the dedicated toll-free DUNS number
request line at 866.705.5711 to request your family tree.
•	 D&B recommends that organizations with multiple DUNS numbers have a single point of
contact for controlling DUNS number requests to ensure that the appropriate branches/
divisions have DUNS numbers for federal purposes.
•	 As a result of obtaining a DUNS number you have the option to be included on D&B’s
marketing list that is sold to other companies. If you do not want your name/organization
included on this marketing list, request to be de-listed from D&B’s marketing file when
you are speaking with a D&B representative during your DUNS number telephone

Obtaining a DUNS number is absolutely free for all entities doing business with the
federal government. This includes grant and cooperative agreement applicants or
prospective applicants and federal contractors. Be certain that you identify yourself as a
federal grant applicant or prospective applicant.

To Obtain Your DUNS Number
Please call the dedicated toll-free DUNS number request line for federal grant and cooperative
agreement applicants or prospective grant applicants at: 866.705.5711.
The number is staffed from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (local time of the caller when calling from within
the continental United States). Calls placed to the above number outside of those hours will
receive a recorded message requesting the caller to call back between the operating hours.
•	 The process to request a number takes about 5-10 minutes.
•	 A DUNS number will be assigned at the conclusion of the call.
•	 You will need to provide the following information:
•	 Legal Name
•	 Headquarters name and address for your organization
•	 Doing business as (DBA) or other name by which your organization is commonly known
or recognized
•	 Physical address, city, state and zip code
•	 Mailing address (if separate from headquarters and/or physical address)
•	 Telephone number
•	 Contact name and title
•	 Number of employees at your physical location.

Registering with the Central Contractor Registry
In addition to the DUNS number requirement, the COPS Office requires all applicants (other
than individuals) for federal financial assistance to maintain current registrations in the Central
Contractor Registration (CCR) database. The CCR database is the repository for standard
information about federal financial assistance applicants, recipients, and sub-recipients.
Organizations that have previously submitted applications via are already
registered with CCR, as it is a requirement for registration. Please note, however,
that applicants must update or renew their CCR at least once per year to maintain an active
status. Information about registration procedures can be accessed at


Program Name ( )

Geographic Names Information System ID Number
The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) database is maintained by the U.S.
Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior. The database assigns a unique, permanent
feature identifier, the Feature ID that is the only standard federal key for integrating or
reconciling feature data from multiple datasets.

To determine your jurisdiction’s Feature ID number:
•	 Go to: Click on “Search Domestic Names”
•	 From this screen, you can enter the name of your jurisdiction (for example, “Cleveland”)
•	 Select your state (“Ohio”)
•	 Click “Send Query.” The results will show that Cleveland, Ohio is a populated place with a
Feature ID of 1066654.
•	 Enter this 7-digit number into your application form. Some jurisdictions may have Feature
IDs of less than 7 digits; for example, American University is a school in the District of
Columbia with a Feature ID of 531560. In this case, you should place a “0” in front of the
number to ensure that 7 digits are entered into the CHRP application form.

Helpful Online Resources:

DUNS Number information:
Central Contractor Registry (CCR):

Electronic Submission of Applications via the COPS Website
The COPS Office has developed an online application to enable agencies to apply for funding
electronically. Agencies may apply for COPS funding via the COPS website at www.cops.usdoj.
Applicants will be able to print a copy of the application package to reference while
completing the application online via the COPS website. The COPS Office will not accept
applications submitted via mail or email.
Please read the following important information before attempting to submit your application
via the COPS website:
•	 To apply for funding, applicants must have a DUNS number (DUNS numbers are •
required of all agencies requesting federal funding) and have an active registration with
the Central Contractor Registry (CCR). Please see the attached checklist that will assist
agencies in completing all the steps for each registration process.
•	 All applicant documentation must be submitted electronically, via the COPS website.
•	 Applicants must comply with any word and/or field limit requirements described in the
COPS Application Guide.
•	 Applicants must also download the COPS Application Guide (instructions) for completing
the application.
•	 Applicants will have the opportunity to print a copy of the application prior to
completion, and a copy of the application after it has been submitted. Please note
that the application package cannot be submitted until all required fields have been
•	 Do not wait until the application deadline date to begin the application process through
the COPS website. The registration steps may take a few days, and if you wait until the
application deadline date you may be unable to submit your application online.

Program Name ( )

If you encounter difficulty when applying using the COPS website, please contact:
COPS Office Response Center

Audit Requirement
OMB Circular A-133 establishes the requirements for organizational audits that apply to COPS
grantees. Grantees must arrange for the required organization-wide (not grant-by-grant) audit
in accordance with the requirements of this circular.

Civil Rights
All recipients of federal grant funds are required to comply with nondiscrimination
requirements contained in various federal laws. A memorandum addressing federal civil
rights statutes and regulations from the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs
will be included in the award package for grant recipients. All applicants should consult the
Assurances form to understand the applicable legal and administrative requirements.
Please be advised that a hold may be placed on this application if it is deemed that the
applicant agency is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws and/or is not cooperating
with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation.


Program Name ( )

Grant Terms and Conditions— Sample Text - Will change with
program-specific requirements
The following section describes all of the compliance terms and conditions that applicants
should be aware of before applying to COPS programs. The table below further defines which
of the legal requirements are applicable to the program for which you are applying. Please
review each section carefully. The signatures of the applicant’s Authorized Organizational
Representative, Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official, and Government Executive/
Financial Official on Section 14: Certification of Review and Representation of Compliance
with Requirements of the COPS Application Attachment to the SF-424 assures the COPS Office
that your agency will comply with all legal and administrative requirements that govern the
applicant for acceptance and use of federal grant funds.

Key: Y – Yes
FY 20xx

N – No

P – Possibly (dependent upon particular agency regulations or items requested)




Certifications Disclosure
supplanting & Sole Source
of Lobbying

C.F.R. Part 23

Adverse Health,
Safety, and







I. & II. Assurances & Certifications (Also included in Sections 14 and 15 of
this Application Guide and Standard Application forms.)
Applicants to COPS programs are required to sign and submit the standard Assurances and
Certifications forms. Signing these documents assures the COPS Office that you have read,
understand, and accept the grant terms and conditions as outlined in the Assurances and
Certifications. Please read these documents carefully as signatures on these documents
are treated as material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the
Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant. A hard copy of the Assurances
and Certifications, signed by the Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official and Government
Executive/Financial Official named on the COPS Application Attachment to the SF-424, should
be kept in the agency’s files and furnished upon request.

III. Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Also included in Section 16 of this
Application Guide and Standard Application forms.)
This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime
federal recipient, at the initiation or receipt of a covered federal action, or a material change to
a previous filing, pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. section 1352. The filing of a form is required for each
payment or agreement to make payment to any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting
to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or
employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a covered
federal action. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management
and Budget for additional information.


Program Name ( )

If this applies to your agency, you are required to submit the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
(SF-LLL) as an attachment to your application online. Complete all items that apply for both the
initial filing and material change report.

IV. Nonsupplanting Requirement
Grant funds may not be used to replace state or local funds (or, for tribal grantees, Bureau
of Indian Affairs funds) that would, in the absence of federal aid, be made available for the
purpose of the grant. Instead, grant funds must be used to increase the total amount of funds
that would otherwise be made available for the grant purposes.
A grant recipient may not use federal grant funds to pay for any item or costs associated
with this request that the recipient is already obligated to pay. Funds allocated to pay for
law enforcement costs irrespective of the grant may not be reallocated to other purposes or
refunded should a COPS grant or cooperative agreement be awarded. Non-federal funds must
remain available for and devoted to that purpose, with COPS funds supplementing those
non-federal funds. Funding awarded cannot be obligated until after the grant award start date
(unless an exception is authorized in writing by the COPS Office). This means that COPS funds
cannot be applied to any agency cost incurred prior to the award start date.
The possibility of supplanting will be the subject of careful application review, possible preaward review, and post-award monitoring and audit. Any supplanting of non-federal funds by
COPS grant funds may be grounds for potential suspension or termination of grant funding,
recovery of misused funds, and/or other applicable legal sanctions.
If you have questions concerning the nonsupplanting requirement while completing this
application, please contact the COPS Office at 800.421.6770 for further information.

V. Procurement & Sole Source Justification
Sole source, or procurement by noncompetitive proposals, is procurement through solicitation
of a proposal from only one source, or after solicitation of a number of sources, competition
is determined inadequate. It must adhere to the standards set forth in the Uniform
Administrative Requirements, 28 C.F.R. § 66.36 or 28 C.F.R. § 70 (as applicable).
For the purchase of equipment, technology or services under a COPS grant award, grant
recipients must follow their own policies and procedures on procurement as long as those
requirements conform to the federal procurement requirements set forth in 28 C.F.R. § 66.36
and 28 C.F.R. § 70 (as applicable). If a grant recipient determines that the award of a contract
through a competitive process is infeasible, and if one of the following circumstances applies:
(1) the item/service is available only from one source; (2) the public exigency or emergency
for the requirement will not permit a delay resulting from competitive solicitation; or (3)
competition is determined inadequate after solicitation of a number of sources, the grant
recipient must seek written authorization from the COPS Office for sole source procurements in
excess of $100,000. Written approval for sole source procurements from the COPS Office must
be received prior to purchasing equipment, technology or services, obligating funding for a
contract, or entering into a contract with grant funds.
Requests for sole source procurements of equipment, technology or services in excess of
$100,000 must be submitted to the COPS Office in writing certifying that the award of the
contract through full and open competition is infeasible. The sole source request must
be prepared on department letterhead. The request should also include the following

Program Name ( )

Section I – A brief description of the project, the amount to be designated for the sole source
procurement, and the purpose of the contract.
Section II – A statement identifying which one (or more) of the three circumstances identified
below apply to the procurement transaction and an explanation as to why it is necessary to
contract in a noncompetitive manner. Include supporting information as identified below
under the applicable section(s).
The item/service is available only from one source.
•	 Uniqueness of items/services to be procured from the proposed contractor or vendor
(compatibility, patent issues, etc.)
•	 How the agency determined that the item/service is only available from one source
(e.g., market survey results, independent agency research, patented or proprietary system, etc.)
•	 Explanation of need for contractor’s expertise linked to the current project
(e.g., knowledge of project management, responsiveness, experience of contractor
personnel, prior work on earlier phases of project, etc.)
•	 Any additional information that would support the case 	
The public exigency or emergency for the requirement will not permit a delay resulting
from competitive solicitation.
•	 When the contractual coverage is required by your department and why
•	 Impact on project if deadline/dates are not met
•	 How long it would take an alternate contractor to reach the same required level of
competence (equate to dollar amounts, if desired)
•	 Any additional information that would support the case
Competition is determined inadequate after solicitation of a number of sources.
•	 Results of a market survey to determine competition availability; if no survey is
conducted, please explain why not
•	 Any additional information that would support the case
Section III – A declaration that this action/choice is in the best interest of the agency.
Upon receipt of the request for sole source authorization, the COPS Office will review to
determine if competition is infeasible, and your agency will be contacted if any of the
identified information is missing or if additional supporting information is required. If the
COPS Office determines that the request does not meet the standards set forth above, the
request will be denied.
Please be advised that conflicts of interest are prohibited under the procurement standards
set forth in 28 C.F.R. § 66 and 28 C.F.R. § 70.
If you have any questions regarding the federal requirements that guide procurement
procedures, please contact your Grant Program Specialist at 800.421.6770.


Program Name ( )

VI. Criminal Intelligence Systems/28 C.F.R. Part 23 Compliance—If
If your agency is receiving COPS funding for equipment/technology that will be used to
operate an interjurisdictional criminal intelligence system, you must agree to comply with the
operating principles found at 28 C.F.R. Part 23. An “interjurisdictional criminal intelligence
system” is generally defined as a system which receives, stores, analyzes, and exchanges or
disseminates data regarding ongoing criminal activities (such activities may include, but
are not limited to, loan sharking, drug or stolen property trafficking, gambling, extortion,
smuggling, bribery, and public corruption) and shares this data with other law enforcement
jurisdictions. 28 C.F.R. Part 23 contains operating principles for these interjurisdictional
criminal information systems which protect individual privacy and constitutional rights.
If you are simply using the COPS funds to operate a single agency database (or other
unrelated forms of technology) and will not share criminal intelligence data with other
jurisdictions, 28 C.F.R. Part 23 does not apply to this grant.	

VII. Certification to Mitigate Possible Adverse Health, Safety,
& Environmental Impacts—If Applicable
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended (Pub. Law 91-190; 42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq) establishes a national goal of protecting the environment. NEPA’s requirements
apply to federal projects, decisions, or actions, including grants in aid, that might have
a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. For example, renovation
and construction projects initiated by state or local law enforcement agencies with grant
funding from the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), U.S. Department of
Justice are subject to NEPA. These projects are usually also subject to related environmental
impact review and consultation provisions within the following environmental statutes and
executive orders: Coastal Zone Management Act; Coastal Barrier Resources Act; Clean Air
Act; Safe Drinking Water Act; Federal Water Pollution Control Act; Endangered Species Act;
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act; National Historic Preservation Act; Farmland Protection Policy
Act; and executive orders related to protection of wetlands, floodplain management, and
environmental justice.
It is COPS’ policy to minimize harm to the environment and we may reject proposals or
encourage the modification of projects which have adverse environmental impacts. No
grant funds may be awarded and/or expended for a specific construction proposal until an
Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been
completed and COPS has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or has approved
the EIS.


Program Name ( )

VIII. Suspension or Termination of Funding
The COPS Office may suspend, in whole or in part, or terminate funding, or impose other
sanctions on a grantee for the following reasons:
•	 Failure to substantially comply with the requirements or objectives of the Public
Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994, program guidelines, or other
provisions of federal law
•	 Failure to make satisfactory progress toward the goals or strategies set forth in this
•	 Failure to adhere to grant agreement requirements or special conditions
•	 Proposing substantial plan changes to the extent that, if originally submitted, would
have resulted in the application not being selected for funding
•	 Failure to submit required or requested reports
•	 Filing a false statement or certification in this application or other report or document
•	 Other good cause shown.
Prior to imposing sanctions, the COPS Office will provide reasonable notice to the grantee
of its intent to impose sanctions and will attempt to resolve the problem informally. Appeal
procedures will follow those in the U.S. Department of Justice regulations in 28 C.F.R. Part 18.
False statements or claims made in connection with COPS grants may result in fines,
imprisonment, debarment from participating in federal grants or contracts, and/or any other
remedy available by law.
Please be advised that grantees may not use COPS funding for the same item or service also
funded by an Office of Justice Programs (OJP) award.


Program Name ( )

Required Application Documents and Sections for  Initiative
Applications Sample Text —will change with program-specific requirements
Listed below is a chart that shows the required documentation that must be completed and submitted for your application to be considered
complete. Failure to submit all required documentation at the time of application may delay processing and/or result in the denial of your
application. Unless otherwise noted, each section listed must be completed in its entirety. You can use this chart as an application
checklist to ensure you have met all of the necessary requirements.
Application Documents & Sections

Yes, No or Possible
(dependent upon program)


1.	Standard Form 424



2.	COPS Application Attachment to SF-424



Section 1: COPS Program Request



Section 2: Agency Eligibility Information



Section 3: General Agency Information



Section 4: Executive Information



Section 5: COPS Officer Hiring Request Form


Section 6: Law Enforcement & Community Policing Strategy



Section 7: Need for Federal Assistance



Section 8: Continuation of Project After Federal Funding Ends



Section 9: UCR/School Incident Data




Section 10 : Executive Summary



Section 11: Project Description (Narrative)





Section 13: Application Attachments (Budget Narrative)



Section 14: Assurances



Section 15: Certifications







Section 12: Official Partner(s) Contact Information

Section 16: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
Section 17: Certification of Review and Representation of Compliance
with Requirements
3.	Budget Detail Worksheets


Program Name ( )

What An Application Must Include

Section 1: COPS Program Request
Select the program for which you are requesting federal assistance.

Section 2: Agency Eligibility Information:

Section 3: General Agency Information:
Please provide accurate agency information as this information may be used, along with
other data collected, to determine funding eligibility.
When completing your agency’s general law enforcement agency information, please note
that “budgeted sworn force strength” refers to the number of sworn officer positions your
agency has funded within its budget, including state, BIA and locally-funded vacancies. Do
not include unfunded vacancies or unpaid/reserve officers. “Actual sworn force strength”
refers to the actual number of sworn officer positions employed by your agency as of the

Section 4: Executive Information: 
A. Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive Information:
For Law Enforcement Agencies: Enter the law enforcement executive’s name and contact
information. This is the highest ranking law enforcement official within your jurisdiction
(e.g., Chief of Police, Sheriff, or equivalent). For Non-Law Enforcement Agencies: Enter
the highest ranking individual in the applicant agency (e.g., CEO, President, Chairperson,
Director) who has the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of the applicant agency. If
the grant is awarded, this position would ultimately be responsible for the programmatic
implementation of the award.

B. Government Executive/Financial Official Information:
For Government Agencies: Enter the government executive’s name and contact information.
This is the highest ranking official within your jurisdiction (e.g., Mayor, City Administrator,
Tribal Chairman, or equivalent). For Non-Government Agencies: Enter the name and
contact information of the financial official who has the authority to apply for this grant on
behalf of the applicant agency (e.g., Treasurer). If the grant is awarded, this position would
ultimately be responsible for the financial management of the award. Please note that
information for non-executive positions (e.g., clerks, trustees, etc.) is not acceptable.
Note: Listing individuals without ultimate programmatic and financial authority for the grant
could delay the review of your application, or remove your application from consideration.


Program Name ( )

Section 5: COPS Officer Request Form

Section 6: Law Enforcement & Community Policing Strategy
COPS Office grants must be used to reorient the mission and activities of law enforcement
agencies toward the community policing philosophy or enhance their involvement in
community policing. Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational
strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques,
to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues, such as
crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.
Please complete the questions in this section to describe the types of community policing
activities that will result from COPS funding. For each question, answer on behalf of
the applicant law enforcement agency or (for non-law enforcement applicants) the law
enforcement agency with whom you will collaborate.
In the Community Policing Plan Narrative, please describe your agency’s implementation
plan for this program (if awarded), with specific reference to each of the following elements
of community policing: (a) community partnerships and support, including consultation with
community groups, private agencies, and/or other public agencies; (b) related governmental
and community initiatives that complement your agency’s proposed use of COPS funding;
and (c) organizational transformation – how your agency will use these funds, if awarded, to
reorient its mission to community policing or enhance its involvement in and commitment
to community policing. Your organization may be audited or monitored to ensure that it is
initiating or enhancing community policing in accordance with this plan. The COPS Office
may also use this information to understand the needs of the field, and potentially provide for
training, technical assistance, problem solving and community policing implementation tools.
If your organization receives this grant funding, these responses, along with the previous
questions, will be considered as your organization’s community policing plan. We understand
that your community policing needs may change during the life of your grant (if awarded),
and minor changes to this plan may be made without prior approval of the COPS Office. We
also recognize that this plan may incorporate a broad range of possible community policing
strategies and activities, and that your agency may implement particular community policing
strategies from the plan on an as-needed basis throughout the life of the grant. If your
agency’s community policing plan changes significantly, however, you must submit those
changes in writing to the COPS Office for approval. Changes are “significant” if they deviate
from the range of possible community policing activities identified and approved in this
original community policing plan submitted with your application.

Section 7: Need for Federal Assistance
All applicants are required to provide a brief explanation of their agency’s inability to address
your public safety needs and implement this project without federal assistance. 
A.	 Waivers of the Local Match (Only if applicable under the specific grant program.)
B.	 Explanation of Need for Federal Assistance
C.	 Fiscal Health (Only if applicable under the specific grant program.)


Program Name ( )

Section 8: Continuation of Project after Federal Funding Ends
– Sample text for Hiring grants – text will vary depending on
program requirements
8A. Continuation of Project after Federal Funding Ends (for COPS grants with a retention plan
Applicants for COPS hiring grants which include a post-grant retention requirement must
plan to retain all positions awarded for a minimum of 12 months at the conclusion of federal
funding for each position. Responses to the questions in this section will serve as your
agency’s retention plan. The retained COPS-funded positions should be added to your
agency’s law enforcement budget with state and/or local funds at the end of grant funding,
over and above the number of locally-funded positions that would have existed in the absence
of the grant. At the time of grant application, applicants must affirm that they plan to retain
the positions and identify the planned source(s) of retention funding.
8B. Continuation of Project after Federal Funding Ends (for other COPS grants with no
retention plan requirement)
The questions in this section will be used for programs WITHOUT a retention requirement (i.e.,
earmarks, SOS, TRGP E/T, CSPP) to report any plans to continue the program or activity after
the conclusion of federal funding.

Section 9: UCR/School Incident Data (if applicable) Sample Text
Agencies that seek funding under the SOS program must complete the incident data chart
(Section 9 of the COPS Application Attachment to the SF-424 Form). This section should
contain information from official school discipline, conduct, or crime data from the partner
school(s) participating in this project during the period of September 1, 2008 – August 31,
2009. Your agency is not required to submit supporting documentation with this application;
however, your agency must maintain copies of the records used in this grant submission for
future review in the event of a site visit, audit, or other request.
Please input the total number of incidents for each category listed. Both tables must be
completed for application under the SOS program (“Type of Incident” and “School Data”).
The totals provided must reflect the number of incidents that occurred on school grounds.
Applicants must also provide information on the number of schools involved in the proposed
project and the total student population of these schools.

Section 10: Executive Summary – Sample Text – if required,
will vary by program
Briefly summarize how your agency intends to use this grant funding, including how your
proposed Methamphetamine project will address any or all of the following:
Child Endangerment, Enforcement, Intelligence Gathering, Drug Courts, Partnership
Development, Precursor Chemicals, Prevention, Production, Training, and/or Treatment. This
information may be used to keep Congress or other executive branch agencies informed about
law enforcement strategies to deter crime in your community.


Program Name ( )

Please begin your Executive Summary by listing the following information:
1.	 Agency Name
2.	 State
3.	 Point of Contact Name and Phone Number
4.	 Estimated Award Amount (previously provided to you by the COPS Office)
Please limit your response to 400 words or less.

Section 11: Project Description (Narrative) – Sample text – will
vary by program if required.
Agencies that seek funding under this program are required to submit a separate
narrative addressing how the grant will establish or enhance existing comprehensive
methamphetamine reduction efforts through coordinated prevention, intervention/treatment,
and enforcement activities. Programs may address any or all of the following areas:
Child Endangerment, Enforcement, Intelligence Gathering, Drug Courts, Partnership
Development, Precursor Chemicals, Prevention, Production, Training, and/or Treatment. Your
agency is not required to submit supporting documentation with this application. However,
your agency must maintain copies of the records used in this grant submission for future
review in the event of a site visit, audit, or other request. Data used must be data that was
recorded in official records. Please do not submit any confidential data or reports with your
Failure to respond to any of the points below may delay the processing of your application,
or result in its denial. Use the instructions below to provide a comprehensive summary of all
activities that will take place to permanently reduce the existence of methamphetamine in
your jurisdiction. Agencies should also familiarize themselves with An Evaluation of the COPS
Office Methamphetamine Initiative to help in developing an effective program (www.cops. initiative.pdf ).
Please limit your response to xx characters or less.
Narrative Sections – Sample Text – Actual requirements will vary by program

A. Problem Identification and Justification
Please describe the meth-related problem(s) that will be addressed with this grant, and
provide relevant facts, statistics, or other supporting information that documents the nature,
prevalence, and severity of the problem.

B. Project Goals and Objectives
Define the vision, goals, and objectives that you are ultimately trying to accomplish through
federal assistance and how the proposed project would fit into an overall effort to address the
problems identified above.


Program Name ( )

C. Community Policing Strategies/Crime Prevention Activities
Please provide information on the proposed community policing activities that will be
implemented or enhanced with grant funding. Please address each of the following elements
of community policing: (a) community partnerships and support, including consultation
with community groups, private and/or other public agencies; (b) related governmental and
community initiatives that complement your agency’s proposed use of Meth funding; and
(c) organizational transformation – how your agency will use these funds, if awarded, to help
reorient its mission to community policing or enhance its involvement in and commitment to
community policing.
Agencies that seek funding under this program must provide information on how the
community policing activities described will link to the overall organizational community
policing strategy of the agency.
This response will serve (along with the answers to the community policing questions
answered previously) as your agency's community policing plan. Your agency may be
monitored or audited to ensure that it is initiating or enhancing community policing in
accordance with this plan.

D. Implementation Plan
How will you ensure effective implementation of the project? Include a brief timeline with a
list of key activities and milestones to take place within the life of the grant. Activities may be
grouped by month, quarter, or other format at the applicant’s discretion.

E. Evaluation Plan/Effectiveness of Program
Although a formal evaluation of the COPS Methamphetamine Initiative is not a requirement
for funding, the COPS Office strongly encourages applicants to consider how they will
determine if grant funding was effective in addressing the problems outlined above. If your
agency intends to have an evaluation plan in place, please describe it here.

Section 12: Official Partner(S) Contact Information (if
An official "partner" under the grant may be a governmental, private, school district, or
other applicable entity that has established a legal, contractual, or other agreement with
the applicant for the purpose of supporting and working together for mutual benefits of the

Section 13: Application Attachments (if applicable)
Specific instructions will be added to explain any required
This section should be used to attach any required or applicable attachments to your grant
application (e.g., a Memorandum of Understanding, etc.).
If a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required under the grant, this document
should define the roles and responsibilities of the individuals and partner(s) involved in your
proposed project.
[The program-specific Application Guide will provide further instructions on the MOU or
other application attachments which may be required. The Guide will also specify if optional
attachments are permitted for submission.]

Program Name ( )

Section 14 and 15: Assurances and Certifications
Applicants to COPS programs are required to sign and submit the standard Assurances and
Certifications forms. Signing these documents assures the COPS Office that you have read,
understand, and accept the grant terms and conditions as outlined in the Assurances and
Certifications. Please read these documents carefully as signatures on these documents
are treated as material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the
Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant. A hard copy of the Assurances
and Certifications, signed by the Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive and
Government Executive/Financial Official named on the COPS Application Attachment to the
SF-424, should be kept in the agency’s files and furnished upon request.

Section 16: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime
federal recipient, at the initiation or receipt of a covered federal action, or a material change to
a previous filing, pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. section 1352. The filing of a form is required for each
payment or agreement to make payment to any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting
to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or
employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a covered
federal action. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management
and Budget for additional information.
If this applies to your agency, you are required to submit the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
(SF-LLL) as an attachment to your application online. Complete all items that apply for both the
initial filing and material change report.

Section 17: Certification of Review and Representation of
Compliance with Requirements
The signatures of the Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive and Government
Executive/Financial Official, and any applicable program partners on the Certification of Review
and Representation of Compliance with Requirements:
1.	 Assures the COPS Office that the applicant will comply with all legal, administrative, and
programmatic requirements that govern the applicant for acceptance and use of federal
funds as outlined in the applicable COPS Application Guide; AND
2.	 Attests to the accuracy of the information submitted with this application (including the
Budget Detail Worksheets).
The signatures on this application must be made by the actual executives named on this
application unless there is an officially documented authorization for a delegated signature.
If your jurisdiction has such an official document, it must be attached to this application.
Applications with missing, incomplete, or inaccurate signatories or responses may not be
considered for funding.
Signatures shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be
placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant.
Please be advised that a hold may be placed on this application if it is deemed that the
applicant agency is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws, and/or is not cooperating
with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation, and/or is not cooperating with a COPS Office
compliance investigation concerning a current grant award.

Program Name ( )

Appendix A: Glossary of COPS Program Terms
The following information is provided to assist you with the completion of your COPS grant
program application forms. The list includes some of the most common terms that are used
in the application forms. For additional assistance or clarification regarding any part of the
application, please contact your Grant Program Specialist at 800.421.6770.
Allowable Costs: Allowable costs are costs that will be paid for by this grant program.
Authorized Officials: The authorized officials are the individuals in your organization who
have final authority and responsibility for all programmatic and financial decisions regarding
your application and, if awarded, your grant award. For law enforcement agencies, the listed
Law Enforcement Executive (usually Chief of Police, Sheriff, etc.) and the Government Executive
(usually Mayor, Board President, etc.) are your agency’s authorized officials.
Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR): A person authorized by your E-business
POC to submit applications to This privilege should be provided only to those
individuals who currently have signature authority for submitting grant applications. The name
of the individual designated as an AOR will be populated by the system in grant
application package forms, which require signatures. An organization can assign as many AORs
to use as necessary.
Automated Booking System: An automated booking system captures arrestee fingerprints
and photographic information electronically and often has the ability to transfer that
information to a departmental or statewide database.
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS): An AFIS system is a highly specialized
biometrics system that compares a single fingerprint image with a database of fingerprint
images. Fingerprint images are collected from crime scenes or are taken from criminal suspects
when they are arrested. Fingerprint images may be captured by placing a finger on a scanner
or by electronically scanning inked impressions on paper.
Award Start Date: This is the date on or after which your agency is authorized to purchase
items or hire positions that were approved by the COPS Office. If awarded, the award start
date is found on your grant Award Document. Grantees may not make any purchases or hire any
positions prior to this date without written approval from the COPS Office.
Career Law Enforcement Officer: The COPS statute defines a “career law enforcement officer”
as a person hired on a permanent basis who is authorized by law, or by a state or local public
agency, to engage in or oversee the prevention, detection, or investigation of violations of
criminal laws.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA): The CFDA is an annual government-wide
publication that contains a description and index of all forms of federal assistance. Each
program is assigned a “CFDA number,” which is used by auditors to track grant revenues under
the Single Audit Act. It is also used in participating states by State Single Points of Contact in
conducting the required intergovernmental reviews under Executive Order 12372. The CFDA
number for all COPS programs is 16.710.
Central Contractor Registry (CCR): Institutions receiving any type of award from the federal
government must register with CCR.


Program Name ( )

Closeout: The process in which the awarding agency, the COPS Office, determines that all
applicable administrative actions and all required work and conditions of the award have been
completed and met by the recipient and awarding agency.
Cognizant Federal Agency: The federal agency that generally provides the most federal
financial assistance to the recipient of funds. Cognizance is assigned by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB).
Community Oriented Policing: Community policing is a philosophy that promotes
organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problemsolving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public
safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system: A computer database that can track calls for
service, maintain status of units available, provide various reports, produce address histories,
and support electronic mail. With the installation of integrated CAD systems, officers are able
to receive calls for service on their mobile data terminals rather than over the radio. Radios can
then be used only for serious emergencies.
Consortium: A consortium is a group of two or more governmental entities that agree to form
a partnership to provide law enforcement services to their constituent communities.
COPS Finance Staff: The COPS Finance staff handle your agency’s financial and budgetary
needs related to your application. A Staff Accountant is assigned to your state, and is available
to answer any questions that you may have concerning the financial aspects of your grant,
if awarded. To identify your Staff Accountant, please call the COPS Office Response Center at
800.421.6770, or visit the COPS web site at
COPS Office: The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) is the office within
the U.S. Department of Justice that, if awarded, is your “grantor” or “awarding” agency for your
COPS grant or cooperative agreement. The COPS Office is responsible for administering your
grant for the entire grant period. You can reach the COPS Office at 800.421.6770.
DUNS Number: DUNS stands for “data universal numbering system.” DUNS numbers are issued
by Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) and consist of nine digits. If your institution does not have one,
call 866.705.5711 to receive one free of charge. You can also request your DUNS number online
E-Business Point of Contact (POC): Person who will designate which staff members can
submit applications through When you register with CCR, your institution will be
asked to designate an E-Business POC.
EPIC (El Paso Intelligence Center) National Clandestine Laboratory Seizure Database:
The U.S. Department of Justice maintains this database to track seizure of clandestine drug
laboratories. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported
they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug
laboratories or dumpsites. For more information, please visit
epic.htm or


Program Name ( )

Federally Recognized Tribe: Tribal entities that are recognized and eligible for funding
and services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs by virtue of their status as Indian tribes.
They are acknowledged to have the immunities and privileges available to other federally
acknowledged Indian tribes by virtue of their government-to-government relationship with
the United States as well as the responsibilities, power, limitation, and obligations of such
tribes. Only Federally Recognized Tribes are eligible to apply for COPS grant funds. For further
information, contact: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Division of Tribal Government Services, MS-4631MIB, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20240, 202.208.2475.
Gas Mask: A gas mask is connected to a chemical air filter and is used to protect the face and
lungs from toxic gases.
Global Positioning System (GPS): Global Positioning Systems are a series of 24
geosynchronous satellites that continuously transmit their position. Each system is used in
personal tracking, navigation, and automatic vehicle location technologies.
Grant Number: If awarded, the grant number identifies your agency’s specific grant, and can
be found on your grant Award Document. This number should be used as a reference when
corresponding with the COPS Office. The COPS Office tracks grant information based upon this
Interoperable Communications: Communications interoperability refers to the ability to
talk across disciplines and jurisdictions via radio communications networks on demand, in
real time. Interoperable communications equipment and technology is used to increase
interoperability and data information-sharing among the law enforcement, fire service, and
emergency medical service communities.
Local Budget Cycle: Your agency’s fiscal year. Some common examples include January 1 to
December 31, October 1 to September 30, and July 1 to June 30. Some local budget cycles may
extend up to 24 months.
M-PIN: Password used by your e-business point of contact to designate which staff members
can submit applications to
Matching Funds: What a locality must contribute as a cash match toward total allowable
project costs over the life of the program.
Mobile Data Computer/Laptop: A Mobile Data Computer (MDC) is a computer terminal
mounted in a vehicle that is linked via wireless communication to a network that is often
integrated with a CAD system. MDCs enable officers to complete previously handwritten
reports on a computer. This often eliminates the need to enter duplicate information on
multiple reports.
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS): A comprehensive reporting database.
Agencies provide individual records for eight index crimes and 38 other offenses.
Obligation of Funds: If this application is awarded, the COPS Office “obligates” federal funds
when the grant Award Document is signed by the Director or his/her designated official. For
the grantee, grant funds are “obligated” when monies are spent directly on purchasing items
approved under the grant or cooperative agreement. The term encumbrance is often times
used at the local and state levels to describe this type of transaction. Liquidated obligations
are considered cash outlays or monies actually spent. Unliquidated obligations are obligations
incurred and recorded but not yet paid (accrual basis of accounting) or not yet recorded and
not yet paid (cash basis of accounting).

Program Name ( )

OJP Vendor Number/EIN Number: This is your agency’s nine-digit federal tax identification
number assigned to you by the IRS. Your accounting/bookkeeping department should
have this number. If your EIN previously has been assigned to another agency within your
jurisdiction, the Office of the Comptroller will assign a new OJP vendor number to you. The
new assigned number is to be used for administrative purposes only, in connection with this
grant program, and should not be used for IRS purposes.
ORI (Originating Agency Identifier) Number: This number is assigned by the FBI and is
your agency’s originating agency identifier. The first two letters are your state abbreviation,
the next three numbers are your county’s code, and the final two numbers identify your
jurisdiction within your county. When you contact the COPS Office with a question, you
can use the ORI number, and we will be able to assist you. If you are a previous COPS grant
recipient, you may have been assigned an ORI number through the COPS Office if the FBI had
not previously assigned your agency this identifier number.
Primary Law Enforcement Authority: An agency with primary law enforcement authority
is the agency that is the first responder to calls for service, and has ultimate and final
responsibility for the prevention, detection, and/or investigation of violations of criminal laws
within its jurisdiction.
The Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994:
The COPS Office is charged with fulfilling the mandates of this law. The purposes of the law
are to:
•	 Increase the number of community policing officers on the beat.
•	 Provide additional and more effective training to law enforcement officers to enhance
their problem-solving, service, and other skills needed in interacting with members of the
•	 Encourage the development and implementation of innovative programs to permit
members of the community to assist law enforcement agencies in the prevention of
•	 Encourage the development of new technologies to assist law enforcement agencies in
reorienting the emphasis of their activities from reacting to crime to preventing crime.
Supplanting: COPS grant funds may not be used to supplant (replace) state, local, or Bureau
of Indian Affairs funds that would be made available in the absence of federal COPS grant
funding. Program funds must be used to increase the amount of state, local, or Bureau of
Indian Affairs funds otherwise budgeted for the grant purposes, plus any additional state,
local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs funds budgeted for these purposes.


Program Name ( )

Appendix B: Intergovernmental Review Process, Points of
Contact by State
Executive Order 12372 requires applicants from state and local units of government, or
other organizations or individuals providing service within a state, to submit a copy of the
application to the state Single Point of Contact (SPOC), if one exists, and if this program has
been selected for review by the state. Before the application due date, you must contact your
state SPOC to find out if this program has been selected for review and comply with the state’s
process under Executive Order 12372. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance reference for
this program is number 16.710 “Public Safety and Community Policing Grants.”
A current list of state SPOCs is listed at States
that are not listed have chosen not to participate in the intergovernmental review process, and
therefore do not have a SPOC.


Program Name ( )

The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to one
hour per response, depending upon the COPS program being applied for, which includes
time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspects of the collection of this information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of
Justice, 1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20530; and to the Public Use Reports
Project, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget,
Washington, DC 20503.
You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid
OMB control number. The OMB control number for this application is XXXX-XXXX and the
expiration date is XXXXXXX.


For More Information:
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
1100 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530
To obtain details on COPS programs, call the
COPS Office Response Center at 800.421.6770.
Visit COPS Online at

Created Date: February 2010

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2010-02-18
File Created2010-02-18

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