Afriss Pia

0701-0150 PIA.pdf

Air Force Recruiting Information Support System (AFRISS)


OMB: 0701-0150

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DoD Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
1. Department of Defense (DoD) Component.
United States Air Force (USAF)
2. Name of Information Technology (IT) System.
Air Force Recruiting Information Support System – Reserve (AFRISS-R)
3. Budget System Identification Number (SNAP-IT Initiative Number).
4. System Identification Number(s) (IT Registry/Defense IT Portfolio Repository
5. IT Investment (Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11) Unique
Identifier (if applicable).
Not Applicable.
6. Privacy Act System of Records Notice (SORN) Identifier (if applicable).
A SORN is expected to be published in the Federal Register by 2009.
7. OMB Information Collection Requirement Number (if applicable) and
Expiration Date.
- Department of Defense (DD) Form 1966/1, March 2007 - Record of Military Processing
- Armed Forces of the United States - Office of Management and Budget (OMB) No.
0704-0173, OMB approval expires March 31, 2010
- DD Form 2807-2, March 2007 - Medical Prescreen of Medical History Report
- OMB No. 0704-0413, OMB approval expires March 31, 2010
- Standard Form 180, Rev. 4-07 - Request Pertaining to Military Records - OMB No.
3095-0029, Expires 9/30/2008
- Standard Form 86, Revised September 1995 - Questionnaire for National Security
Positions - OMB No. 3206-0007, ICR Reference No: 199804-3206-005, 02/28/2002
8. Type of authority to collect information (statutory or otherwise).

- Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) Subtitle E Section 10202 - Armed Forces,
Reserve Components, Organization and Administration, Administration of Reserve
Components, Regulations
- Title 10, U.S.C. Subtitle E Section 10205 - Armed Forces, Reserve Components,
Organization and Administration, Administration of Reserve Components, Members of
Ready Reserve: requirement of notification of change of status
- Title 10, U.S.C. Subtitle E Section 10174 - Armed Forces, Reserve Components,
Organization and Administration, Reserve Component Commands, Air Force Reserve
- Title 10, U.S.C. Subtitle E Section 10110 - Armed Forces, Reserve Components,
Organization and Administration, Reserve Components Generally, Air Force Reserve:
- Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-20, Accession of Air Force Military Personnel
- Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2115, Assignments within the Reserve Components
- Executive Order (EO) 9397 (Social Security Number - SSN)
9. Provide a brief summary or overview of the IT system (activity/purpose, present
lifecycle phase, system owner, system boundaries and interconnections, location of
system and components, and system backup).
AFRISS-R provides Air Force Reserve Command Recruiting Service (AFRCRS)
recruiters with a recruiting automation system that meets the distinct set of required
features essential for AFRCRS to meet mission objectives. The system gives AFRCRS
management personnel the tools needed to better respond to and guide the recruiting
environment and process.
Present lifecycle phase is Operational/maintenance.
The hardware, software application, and data are owned and maintained by
Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command, Recruiting Service (HQ AFRC/RS).
The system boundaries/interconnections are the AFRC Enterprise Network,
Blaine-Warren Advertising Agency, United States Military Entrance Processing
Command (USMEPCOM), Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Information
Reporting System (MIRS), Defense Security System (DSS) Joint Personnel Adjudication
System (JPAS), and the Air Force Recruiting Information Support System (AFRISS).
The core resources are located in the AFRC Network Operations and Security
Center (NOSC) at Robins Air Force Base (AFB), Georgia (GA).
Backups are also maintained.
10. Describe what information in identifiable form will be collected and the nature
and source of the information (e.g., names, Social Security Numbers, gender, race,

other component IT systems, IT systems from agencies outside Department of
Defense (DoD), etc.).
Name, Social Security Number, marital status, name of dependents, number of
dependents, sex of dependents, address, telephone number, civilian educational degrees
and major areas of study, school and year of graduation, home of record, age and date of
birth, present assignment, race/ethnic origin and educational level. Information is user
11. Describe how the information will be collected (e.g., via the Web, via paperbased collection, etc.).
Information gathered is both paper-based and electronic.
12. Describe the requirement and why the information in identifiable form is to be
collected (e.g., to discharge a statutory mandate, to execute a Component program,
The information is collected to facilitate execution of the AFRC recruiting
program. The information collected is the minimum required in executing the AFRC
recruiting mission.
13. Describe how the information in identifiable form will be used (e.g., to verify
existing data, etc.).
Information will be used to determine basic eligibility for Reserve accession.
14. Describe whether the system derives or creates new data about individuals
through aggregation.
Examples of AFRISS-R derived data are as follows: Applicant qualification for
accession in the Air Force Reserve; applicant qualification for Air Force Specialty Code
selection in the best interest of the Air Force Reserve; and security clearance eligibility,
qualification, or validation.
15. Describe with whom the information in identifiable form will be shared, both
within the Component and outside the Component (e.g., other DoD Components,
Federal agencies, etc.).
The information in identifiable form will be shared with the Blaine-Warren
Advertising Agency, USMEPCOM/MIRS, DSS/JPAS, and AFRISS.
16. Describe any opportunities individuals will have to object to the collection of
information in identifiable form about themselves or to consent to the specific uses
of the information in identifiable form. Where consent is to be obtained, describe
the process regarding how the individual is to grant consent.

The requester shows and, upon request, gives the affected individual a Privacy
Act Statement for each form, format, or form letter used to collect personal data before
asking for the information. Individual signatures grant consent.
17. Describe any information that is provided to an individual, and the format of
such information (Privacy Act Statement, Privacy Advisory) as well as the means of
delivery (e.g., written, electronic, etc.), regarding the determination to collect the
information in identifiable form.
The requester shows and, upon request, gives the affected individual a Privacy
Act Statement for each form, format, or form letter used to collect personal data before
asking for the information. The statement is delivered in written format.
18. Describe the administrative/business, physical, and technical processes and
controls adopted to secure, protect, and preserve the confidentiality of the
information in identifiable form.
18.1. The PIA is based on proper implementation, validation, and verification of the
baseline information assurance controls for CONFIDENTIALITY in accordance with
Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 8500.2, Information Assurance (IA)
Implementation. The controls address the administrative, physical, and technical controls
required to secure, protect, and preserve the confidentiality of information in identifiable
18.2. AFRISS-R is a mission assurance category (MAC) III system with a confidentiality
level of “Sensitive.” AFRISS-R is fully certified and accredited and has
implemented/validated the DoDI 8500.2 baseline controls for systems with a
confidentiality level of “SENSITIVE.”
Baseline IA controls validated for AFRISS-R:

Boundary Defense
Public Wide Area Network Connection
Remote Access for Privileged Functions
Remote Access for User Functions
Affiliation Display
Audit Record Content – Sensitive Systems
Audit Trail, Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting
Encryption for Confidentiality (Data at Rest)
Encryption for Confidentiality (Data at Transmit)
Interconnections among DoD Systems and Enclaves
Least Privilege
Marking and Labeling
Conformance Monitoring and Testing


Encryption for Need-to-Know
Resource Control
Audit Record Retention
Tempest Controls
Warning Message
Account Control
Group Identification and Authentication
Individual Identification and Authentication
Access to Information
Maintenance Personnel
Access to Need-to-Know Information
Information Assurance Training
Access to Computing Facilities
Clearing and Sanitizing
Data Interception
Physical Protection of Facilities
Physical Security Testing
Workplace Security Procedures
Visitor Control to Computing Facilities
Acquisition Standards
Specified Robustness – Medium

SORN Review: A SORN is expected to be published in the Federal Register by 2009.
19. Identify whether the IT system or collection of information will require a
System of Records notice as defined by the Privacy Act of 1974 and as implemented
by DoD Directive 5400.11, DoD Privacy Program, May 8, 2007; and DoD 5400.11-R,
Department of Defense Privacy Program, May 14, 2007. If so, and a System Notice
has been published in the Federal Register, the Privacy Act System of Records
Identifier must be listed in question 6 above. If not yet published, state when
publication of the Notice will occur.
A SORN is expected to be published in the Federal Register by 2009.
20. Describe/evaluate any potential privacy risks regarding the collection, use, and
sharing of the information in identifiable form. Describe/evaluate any privacy risks
in providing individuals an opportunity to object/consent or in notifying individuals.
Describe/evaluate further any risks posed by the adopted security measures.
There are no identifiable risks to report.
21. State classification of information/system and whether the PIA should be
published or not. If not, provide rationale. If a PIA is planned for publication, state
whether it will be published in full or summary form.

Unclassified. This PIA will be published in full.

Privacyy Impact
Assessment Approval
g forAir Force Recruiting
g Information Support
– Reserve (AFRISS-R)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2008-09-15
File Created2008-09-15

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