FCC Form 323 Ownership Report for Commercial Broadcast Stations

Ownership Report for Commercial Broadcast Station, FCC Form 323

FCC Form 323 (Aug 2009)

Ownership Report for Commerical Broadcast Station

OMB: 3060-0010

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Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

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FCC 323
1. Definitions. For the purposes of completing this form:
¾ A Licensee is a natural person or an entity that holds a Commission license for a
commercial broadcast station.
¾ A Permittee is a natural person or an entity that holds a Commission construction
permit for a commercial broadcast station.
¾ A Respondent is any person or entity that is required to file Form 323.
2. Filing Requirements: Non-Biennial Ownership Reports. Licensees and Permittees of
commercial AM, FM, or full power television stations must file Form 323 to report all
attributable interests in the Licensee or Permittee as follows.
(A) Transfers of Control/Assignment of License. Licensees and Permittees must file Form
323 following the consummation of a transfer of control or an assignment of a
commercial AM, FM, or full power television station license or construction permit.
Note: FCC consent is required prior to consummation of transfers of control /
assignments of broadcast authorizations.
(B) Post-grant of Construction Permit. A Permittee of a new commercial AM, FM or full
power television broadcast station must file Form 323 within 30 days after the grant of
the construction permit.
(C) Application for Station License. A Permittee of a new commercial AM, FM, or full
power television broadcast station must file Form 323 to update the initial report or to
certify the continuing accuracy and completeness of the previously filed report (see item
(B), above) on the date that the Permittee applies for a license to cover the construction
In the case of organizational structures that include holding companies or other forms of indirect
ownership, a separate FCC Form 323 must be filed for each entity in the organizational structure
that has an attributable interest in the Licensee.
3. This form is not to be used to request a transfer of control or assignment of license or
construction permit. The appropriate forms for use in connection with such transfers or
assignments are FCC Forms 314, 315 and 316. See 47 C.F.R. Sections 73.3540 and 73.3541. It is
the responsibility of the Licensee or Permittee to determine if a given transaction constitutes a
transfer of control or an assignment. However, for purposes of example only, and for the
convenience of interested persons, there are listed below some of the more common types of
transfers. A transfer of control takes place when:

All previous versions obsolete.

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Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

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(a) An individual stockholder gains or loses affirmative or negative (50%) control.
(Affirmative control consists of control of more than 50% of voting stock; negative
control consists of control of exactly 50% of voting stock.)
(b) Any family group or any individual in a family group gains or loses affirmative or
negative (50%) control.
(c) Any group in privity gains or loses affirmative or negative (50%) control.
The following are examples of transfers of control or assignments requiring prior Commission
(a) A, who owns 51% of the Licensee’s or Permittee’s stock, sells 1% or more thereof. A
transfer has been effected.
(b) X corporation, wholly owned by Y family, retires outstanding stock which results in
family member A’s individual holdings being increased to 50% or more. A transfer has
been effected.
(c) A and B, husband and wife, each owns 50% of the Licensee’s or Permittee’s stock. A
sells some of his stock to B. A transfer has been effected.
(d) A is one of the partners in the Licensee. A sells any part of his interest to newcomer B
or existing partner C. An assignment has been effected.
(e) X partnership incorporates. An assignment has been effected.
(f) Minority stockholders form a voting trust to vote their 50% or more combined
stockholdings. A transfer has been effected.
(g) A, B, C, D, and E each own 20% of the stock of X corporation. A, B, and C sell their
stock to F, G, and H at different times. A transfer is effected at such time as 50% or more
of the stock passes out of the hands of the stockholders who held stock at the time the
original authorization for the Licensee or Permittee corporation was issued.
4. Filing Requirements: Biennial Reports. Licensees of commercial AM, FM, and full power
television broadcast stations, as well as Licensees of Class A and Low Power Television stations
must file FCC Form 323 every two years, no later than November 1 of the applicable filing year,
and must report information accurate as of October 1 of that year. The first such filing deadline
is November 1, 2009. See 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3615(a); In re Promoting Diversification of
Ownership in the Broadcasting Services, Report and Order and Fourth Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 09-33, 24 FCC Rcd 5896 (2009).
Licensees must include all reportable interests on FCC Form 323. Reportable interests include
(1) all attributable interests in the Licensee (for a description of attributable interests see the
instructions below and 47 C.F.R Section 73.3555 Notes); (2) all minority stock holding interests
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Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

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equaling five percent or more of the outstanding voting stock of a corporate Licensee; and (3) all
interests in the Licensee that are attributable under the Equity/Debt Plus attribution rule whether
or not the investment is in an Eligible Entity.
File a separate Form 323 for each entity that holds a reportable interest in a Licensee of a station
for which the Form 323 must be filed biennially. In the case of organizational structures that
include holding companies or other forms of indirect ownership, a separate Form 323 must be
filed for each entity in the organizational structure that has a reportable interest in the Licensee.
In the case of a Licensee of multiple stations or other Respondent with reportable interests in a
Licensee of multiple stations, where the ownership structure of each station is identical and the
information submitted is equally applicable to each station, a single Form 323 may be filed for
the Licensee or Respondent listing all such stations. If there has been no change in the
information submitted since the filing of the last biennial report, a Licensee or other Respondent
may electronically validate and resubmit its previously filed Form 323.
5. Electronic Filing of FCC Form 323. All Form 323 filings must be submitted electronically.
Use the Media Bureau Electronic Filing system (http://www.fcc.gov/mb/elecfile.html)

SECTION I – General Information (All Respondents Must Complete)
Questions 1 and 2: Names/Addresses. Enter the legal name, address, contact information and
FCC Registration Number of the Respondent. If the Report is filed on behalf of more than one
station, enter the call sign and Facility ID Number of one of the stations in the relevant group.
Enter the contact information for the Respondent’s representative, as appropriate, in Question 2.
Licensees/Permittees: The name of the Licensee or Permittee should be stated exactly as it
appears on the station’s existing license or construction permit. The current street address or post
office box used by the Licensee or Permittee for receipt of Commission correspondence should
be set forth. Any change in the name of the Licensee or Permittee, which does not involve a
change in ownership requiring prior Commission approval, can be communicated to the
Commission by letter. Changes in the mailing address previously used by the Licensee or
Permittee should be promptly transmitted to the Commission. See 47 C.F.R. Section 1.5. To
report any changes in the mailing address, use the Media Bureau Electronic Filing system
(http://www.fcc.gov/mb/elecfile.html). Licensees or Permittees can also mail in the form entitled
“Change in Official Mailing Address for Broadcast Station” (Form 5072).
FCC Registration Number (FRN). To comply with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of
1996, the Respondent must enter its FRN number, a ten-digit unique entity identifier for anyone
doing business with the Commission. The FRN can be obtained through the FCC Registration
System, CORES, which is listed among the FCC E-Filing systems (http://www.fcc.gov/e-file/).
Questions concerning the FCC Registration Number can be directed to the Commission’s
Registration System help desk via email at CORES@fcc.gov or by calling 1-877-480-3201
(Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).

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Washington, D. C. 20554

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Facility ID Number. Facility ID numbers can be located by using the “Station Search” at the
Media Bureau Electronic Filing system (http://www.fcc.gov/mb/elecfile.html). In addition, the
Facility ID Number is included on all broadcast authorizations and postcards.
Question 3: Select the appropriate button to indicate the nature of the Respondent, e.g., a
Licensee, Permittee, or an entity required to file a Form 323 because it holds a reportable interest
in the Licensee or Permittee.
Question 4: Fees. By law, the Commission is required to collect charges for certain of the
regulatory services it provides to the public. A fee is required to be paid and submitted with
the filing of a Licensee’s biennial ownership report only. All other Form 323 Reports are feeexempt Reports. Amendments to filed Reports do not require payment of additional fees.
In cases where there has been no change in information since the last filing of a station’s biennial
ownership report, and a Respondent electronically validates and resubmits its previously filed
Form 323, such resubmission constitutes the station’s biennial ownership report for that year and
the required fee must also be submitted. The fee for the biennial ownership report (whether on a
new Form 323 or as a resubmission) is payable by the Licensee and is calculated on an
individual station basis. It is the number of stations for which a report is filed that determines the
total fee due; not the number of Form 323’s filed to provide a complete set of ownership
Fee Exemption: Entities With Reportable Interests. Respondents that are not Licensees but
that are required to File Form 323 because they have a reportable interest in a Licensee are not
required to pay the Biennial Report fee. Such filers should select the option marked “Feeexempt Report” in response to Question 4.
Fee Exemption: Governmental Entities. Governmental entities, which include any possession,
state, city, county, town, village, municipal corporation or similar political organization or
subpart thereof controlled by publicly elected and/or duly appointed public officials exercising
sovereign direction and control over their respective communities or programs, are exempt from
payment of a fee in connection with the filing of any Form 323. Such filers should select the
option marked “Governmental Entity” in response to Question 4.
Question 5: Enter the “accurate as of” date in this field. The date entered must comply with the
requirements of 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3615(a) when a Respondent is filing a biennial ownership
report (i.e., the information contained in the Form 323 must be accurate as of October 1st of the
applicable filing year). Other (non-biennial) Ownership Report filings must provide data
accurate as of a date no more than 60 days prior to the filing of the Form 323.
Question 6: Purpose. Indicate in the checkboxes provided whether the Report is (a) filed to
satisfy the Biennial filing requirement; (b) a validation and resubmission of a previously filed
Biennial Report (certifying no change from the previously filed Biennial Report), (c) filed in
connection with a transfer of control or assignment, (d) a Report by a Permittee within 30 days
after the grant of a construction permit; (e) an update or certification of accuracy of an initial
Report filed by a Permittee; or (f) for the purposes of amending a previously filed Report.
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Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

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Question 7: Licensee and Station Information. All Respondents must enter the name and
FCC Registration Number (FRN) of the Licensee for all stations listed on the Report. Also enter
the call sign, Facility ID Number, community of license location, and class of service for each
Question 8: Indicate the nature of the Respondent by selecting one of the checkboxes.
SECTION II-A—Non-Biennial Ownership Report
Question 1: Contract Information. Licensees and Permittees are required to file with the
Commission any contract or modification of contract relating to the ownership, control, or
management of the Licensee or Permittee or to its stock. See 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3613. Section
73.3613 requires the filing of all contracts of the types specified and is not limited to executed
contracts, but includes options, pledges, and other executory agreements and contracts relating to
ownership, control, or management.
Licensees or Permittees of commercial AM, FM, and full power television stations should enter a
listing for each contract and other instrument required to be filed by 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3613
in the fields provided, including a brief description of the contract/instrument, the name of the
person or organization with whom the contract/instrument is made, the date the
contract/instrument was executed, and the date the contract/instrument expires. If the agreement
is a local marketing agreement (LMA) or a radio joint sales agreement (JSA), or if the agreement
is a network affiliation agreement, check the appropriate box; otherwise, select “Other” for other
types of agreements. Each contract/instrument must be identified and listed directly in the fields
provided. Enter the month and year of the date of execution, and the month and year of the date
of expiration. If the agreement is perpetual or does not have a fixed expiration date, select “No
Expiration Date.” For the purposes of completing Question 1, only the listings of each
contract/instrument are required. Do not attach copies of the contracts/instruments to the
Only Licensees, Permittees, and entities with a majority interest in or that otherwise exercise de
facto control over a Licensee or Permittee must respond to this question. All nonLicensee/Permittee Respondents should select “Not Applicable” in response to this question.
Question 2: Capitalization. Only Licensees, Permittees and Respondent entities with a
majority interest in (or that otherwise exercise de facto control over) a Licensee of a commercial
AM, FM, or full power television station must enter the capitalization information in Question 2.
For each type of stock, enter the class of stock, indicate whether the class is voting or non-voting,
and enter in the number of authorized shares in the applicable category field(s) (Authorized,
Issued & Outstanding, Treasury and Unissued).
Question 3: Ownership Interests. As used in Question 3, an attributable interest is an
ownership interest in or relationship to a Licensee or Permittee which will confer on its holder
that degree of influence or control over the Licensee or Permittee sufficient to implicate the
Commission’s ownership rules. In responding to Question 3, Respondents should review the
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Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

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Commission’s multiple ownership attribution policies and standards which are set forth in the
Notes to 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3555, as revised and explained in Review of the Commission’s
Regulations Governing Attribution of Broadcast and Cable/MDS Interests, 14 FCC Rcd 12559
(1999), recon. granted in part, 16 FCC Rcd 1097 (2000). See also Report and Order in MM
Docket No. 83-46, 97 FCC 2d 997 (1984), recon. Granted in part, 58 RR 2d 604 (1985), further
modified on recon., 61 RR 2d 739 (1986); In re Promoting Diversification of Ownership in the
Broadcasting Services, Report and Order and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 23
FCC Rcd 5922, FCC 07-217 (2008).
Part (a): This Question requires Respondents to enter detailed information about ownership
interests by generating a series of subforms. Answer each question on each subform. The first
subform listing should be for the Respondent itself. If the Respondent is not a natural person,
also list each of the officers, directors, stockholders, non-insulated partners, members and other
persons or entities with a direct attributable interest in the Respondent. (A “direct” interest is
one that is not held through any intervening companies or entities.) In the case of vertical or
indirect ownership structures, report only those interests in the Respondent that also represent an
attributable interest in the Licensee or Permittee for which the Report is being submitted.
List each person or entity with a direct attributable interest in the Respondent separately. Entities
that are part of an organizational structure that includes holding companies or other forms of
indirect ownership must file separate ownership reports. In such a structure, do not report or file
separate reports for persons or entities that do not have an attributable interest in the Licensee or
Permittee for which the report is being submitted.
The following interests are attributable and the holder of such interest should be reported in
response to Question 3(a):
If a CORPORATION: Each officer, director, and owner of stock accounting for 5% or more of
the issued and outstanding voting stock of the Respondent is considered the holder of an
attributable interest and must be reported. Where the 5% stock owner is itself a corporation, each
of its stockholders, directors and executive officers (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer
or their equivalents) is considered a holder of an attributable interest, UNLESS the Respondent
submits as an exhibit a statement establishing that an individual director or officer will not
exercise authority or influence in areas that will affect the corporate Respondent or the station. In
this statement, the Respondent should identify the individual by name and title, describe the
individual’s duties and responsibilities, and explain the manner in which such individual is
insulated from the corporate Respondent and should not be attributed an interest. Such
statements should be attached as Exhibit 4 on Form 323.
A person or entity holding an ownership interest in the corporate stockholder of a corporate
Respondent is considered to have an attributable interest in the Respondent ONLY IF that
interest, when multiplied by the corporate stockholder’s interest in the Respondent, would
account for 5% or more of the issued and outstanding voting stock of the Respondent. For
example, where Corporation X owns stock accounting for 25% of the Respondent’s votes, only
Corporation X shareholders holding 20 percent or more of the issued and outstanding voting
stock of Corporation X have a 5% or more indirect interest in the Respondent (.25 x .20 = .05)
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Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

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and, therefore, are considered to have an attributable interest in the Respondent. In applying the
multiplier, any entity holding more than 50% of its subsidiary will be considered a 100% owner.
Where the 5% stock owner is a partnership, each general partner and any limited partner that is
not insulated, regardless of the partnership interest, is considered to have an attributable interest
that must be reported.
Stock subject to stockholder cooperative voting agreements accounting for 5% or more of the
votes in a corporate respondent will be treated as if held by a single entity and any stockholder
holding 5% or more of the stock in that block is considered a holder of an attributable interest.
If a single entity holds more than 50% of the voting stock, and a simple majority is all that is
required to control corporate affairs, no other stockholder need be reported for purposes of nonbiennial filings of the Ownership Report, unless that entity’s interest is attributable under the
Commission’s Equity/Debt Plus attribution standard described below.
An investment company, insurance company or trust department of a bank is not considered a
holder of an attributable interest, and a Respondent may properly certify that such entity’s
interest is non-attributable (see Question 3(b), below), IF its aggregated holding accounts for less
than 20% of the outstanding votes in the Respondent AND IF such entity exercises no influence
or control over the corporation, directly or indirectly; and such entity has no representatives
among the officers and directors of the corporation.
If a PARTNERSHIP: All partners, including all limited partners, are considered attributable
interest holders. However, a limited partner in a limited partnership is not considered an
attributable interest holder IF the limited partner is not materially involved, directly or indirectly,
in the management or operation of the media-related activities of the partnership and the
Respondent so certifies (see Question 3(b), below). Sufficient insulation of a limited partner for
purposes of this certification would be assured if the limited partnership arrangement:
(1) specifies that any exempt limited partner (if not a natural person, its directors,
officers, partners, etc.) cannot act as an employee of the limited partnership if his or her
functions, directly or indirectly, relate to the media enterprises of the company;
(2) bars any exempt limited partner from serving, in any material capacity, as an
independent contractor or agent with respect to the partnership’s media enterprises;
(3) restricts any exempted limited partner from communicating with the Licensee or the
general partner on matters pertaining to the day-to-day operations of its business;
(4) empowers the general partner to veto any admissions of additional general partners
admitted by vote of the exempt limited partners;
(5) prohibits any exempt limited partner from voting on the removal of a general partner
or limits this right to situations where the general partner is subject to bankruptcy
proceedings, as described in Sections 402 (4)-(5) of the Revised Uniform Limited

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Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

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Partnership Act, is adjudicated incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction, or is
removed for cause, as determined by an independent party;
(6) bars any exempt limited partner from performing any services to the limited
partnership materially relating to its media activities, with the exception of making loans
to, or acting as a surety for, the business; and
(7) states, in express terms, that any exempt limited partner is prohibited from becoming
actively involved in the management or operation of the media businesses of the
Notwithstanding conformance of the partnership agreement to these criteria, the requisite
certification cannot be made IF the limited partner’s interest is attributable under the
Commission’s Equity/Debt Plus attribution standard described below; or IF the Respondent has
actual knowledge of a material involvement of a limited partner in the management or operation
of the media-related businesses of the partnership. In the event that the Respondent cannot
certify as to the noninvolvement of a limited partner, the limited partner will be considered as an
attributable interest holder and the interest must be reported.
If a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: The Commission treats an LLC as a limited
partnership, each of whose members is considered to be an attributable and therefore reportable
interest holder. However, where an LLC member is insulated in the manner specified above with
respect to a limited partnership and where the relevant state statute authorizing the LLC permits
an LLC member to insulate itself in accordance with the Commission’s criteria, that LLC
member is not considered an attributable interest holder. In such a case, the Respondent should
certify “Yes” in response to Question 3(b).
Equity/Debt Plus Attribution Standard. Certain interests held by substantial investors in, or
creditors of, the Respondent may also be attributable, and the investor must be reported, if the
interest falls within the Commission’s equity/debt plus (“EDP”) attribution standard. Under the
EDP standard, the interest held is attributable if, aggregating both equity and debt, it exceeds 33
percent of the total asset value (all equity plus all debt) of the Respondent – a broadcast station
licensee, cable television system, daily newspaper or other media outlet subject to the
Commission’s broadcast multiple ownership or cross-ownership rules – AND the interest holder
also holds (1) an attributable interest in a media outlet in the same market, or (2) supplies over 15
percent of the total weekly broadcast programming hours of the station in which the interest is
held. For example, the equity interest of an insulated limited partner in a limited partnership
Respondent would normally not be considered attributable, but, under the EDP standard, that
interest would be attributable if the limited partner’s interest exceeded 33 percent of the
Respondent’s total asset value AND the limited partner also held a 5 percent voting interest in a
radio or television station licensee in the same market.
In some cases an interest holder may exceed the 33 percent EDP threshold without triggering
attribution where the investment would enable an Eligible Entity (as that term is defined by the
Commission) to acquire a broadcast station provided that: (1) the combined equity and debt of
the interest holder in the Eligible Entity is less than 50 percent, or (2) the total debt of the interest
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Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

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holder in the Eligible Entity does not exceed 80 percent of the asset value of the station being
acquired by the Eligible Entity and the interest holder does not hold any equity interest, option,
or promise to acquire an equity interest in the Eligible Entity or any related entity. See In re
Promoting Diversification of Ownership in the Broadcasting Services, Report and Order and
Third Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 23 FCC Rcd 5922 (Mar. 5, 2008).
FRN Numbers. For non-biennial Ownership Reports, each Respondent must list in Question
3(a) the FRN of all persons and/or entities, which hold a direct attributable interest in the
Respondent that is also attributable in the Licensee. FRN information may be located from the
FCC Registration System, CORES, which is listed among the FCC E-Filing systems
Part (b): Respondents must indicate that the information provided in part (a) of Question 3 is
complete by certifying that all equity and financial interests not reported in response to Question
3(a) are non-attributable.
Part (c): List any broadcast stations, other than those for which this Report is filed, in which the
Respondent has an attributable interest. Also list any daily newspapers in which the Respondent
has an attributable interest and that are located within the pertinent in-market signal contours of
any broadcast stations for which this Report is filed. See 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3555. Enter the
identifying information for the applicable ownership interest:
(1) For broadcast interests, enter the call sign, community of license, and Facility ID
number of each station, the nature and size of the ownership interest, and the positions
held into the applicable fields.
(2) For newspaper interests, enter the name of the newspaper publication and location,
the nature and size of the ownership interest, and the positions held into the applicable
Part (d): Indicate whether any individuals listed in Question 3(a) are related as parent-child,
spouse, or siblings. If the answer is “Yes,” enter the names of the related individuals and select
the applicable checkbox indicating the familial relationship.
Part (e): If the Respondent seeks an attribution exemption for any officer or director with duties
unrelated to the Licensee or Permittee, select “Yes” and enter the name and title of the officer or
director in the applicable fields. If the answer selected is “Yes,” attach an exhibit describing that
individual’s duties and responsibilities, and explaining why that individual’s interest should not
be attributed. Attach any such explanation as Exhibit 4.
SECTION II-B—Biennial Ownership Report
Question 1: Contract Information. Licensees are required to file with the Commission any
contract or modification of contract relating to the ownership, control, or management of the
Licensee or to its stock. See 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3613. Section 73.3613 requires the filing of all
contracts of the types specified and is not limited to executed contracts, but includes options,
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Washington, D. C. 20554

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pledges, and other executory agreements and contracts relating to ownership, control, or
Licensees of commercial AM, FM, full power television stations, Class A and LPTV stations
should enter a listing for each contract and other instrument required to be filed under the FCC’s
rules in the fields provided, including a brief description of the contract/instrument, the name of
the person or organization with whom the contract/instrument is made, the date the
contract/instrument was executed, and the date the contract/instrument expires. If the agreement
is a local marketing agreement (LMA) or a radio joint sales agreement (JSA), or if the agreement
is a network affiliation agreement, check the appropriate box; otherwise, select “Other” for other
types of agreements. Each contract/instrument must be identified and listed directly in the fields
provided. Enter the month and year of the date of execution, and the month and year of the date
of expiration. If the agreement is perpetual or does not have a fixed expiration date, select “No
Expiration Date.” For the purposes of completing Question 1, only the listings of each
contract/instrument are required. Do not attach copies of the contracts/instruments to the
Only Licensees and entities with a majority interest in or that otherwise exercise de facto control
over a Licensee must respond to this question. All non-Licensee Respondents should select “Not
Applicable” in response to this question.
Question 2: Capitalization. Only Licensees and Respondents with a majority interest in (or that
otherwise exercise de facto control over) a Licensee of a commercial AM, FM, full power
television, Class A, or LPTV station must enter the capitalization information in Question 2. For
each type of stock, enter the class of stock, indicate whether the class is voting or non-voting,
and enter in the number of authorized shares in the applicable category field(s) (Authorized,
Issued & Outstanding, Treasury and Unissued).
Question 3: Ownership Interests. This Question applies to Licensees of LPTV and Class A
TV stations, as well as Licensees of commercial AM, FM and full power television stations. All
attributable as well as certain non-attributable interests are reportable. See below for a
discussion of non-attributable (but reportable) interests that must be disclosed on Biennial
As used in Question 3, an attributable interest is an ownership interest in or relationship to a
Licensee which will confer on its holder that degree of influence or control over the Licensee
sufficient to implicate the Commission’s ownership rules. In responding to Question 3,
Respondents should review the Commission’s multiple ownership attribution policies and
standards which are set forth in the Notes to 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3555, as revised and explained
in Review of the Commission’s Regulations Governing Attribution of Broadcast and Cable/MDS
Interests, 14 FCC Rcd 12559 (1999), recon. granted in part, 16 FCC Rcd 1097 (2000). See also
Report and Order in MM Docket No. 83-46, 97 FCC 2d 997 (1984), recon. granted in part, 58
RR 2d 604 (1985), further modified on recon., 61 RR 2d 739 (1986); In re Promoting
Diversification of Ownership in the Broadcasting Services, Report and Order and Third Further
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 23 FCC Rcd 5922, FCC 07-217 (2008).

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Part (a): This Question requires Respondents to enter detailed information about ownership
interests by generating a series of subforms. Answer each question on each subform. The first
subform listing should be for the Respondent itself. If the Respondent is not a natural person,
also list each of the officers, directors, stockholders, non-insulated partners, members and other
persons or entities with a direct attributable or reportable interest in the Respondent. (A “direct”
interest is one that is not held through any intervening companies or entities.) In the case of
vertical or indirect ownership structures, report only those interests in the Respondent that also
represent an attributable or reportable interest in the Licensee for which the Report is being
List each person or entity with a direct attributable or reportable interest in the Respondent
separately. Entities that are part of an organizational structure that includes holding companies
or other forms of indirect ownership must file separate ownership reports. In such a structure, do
not report or file separate reports for persons or entities that do not have an attributable or
reportable interest in the Licensee for which the report is being submitted.
The following attributable interests are reportable and the holder of such interest should be
reported in response to Question 3(a):
If a CORPORATION: Each officer, director, and owner of stock accounting for 5% or more of
the issued and outstanding voting stock of the Licensee is considered the holder of an attributable
interest and must be reported. Where the 5% stock owner is itself a corporation, each of its
stockholders, directors and executive officers (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer or
their equivalents) is considered a holder of an attributable interest, UNLESS the Respondent
submits as an exhibit a statement establishing that an individual director or officer will not
exercise authority or influence in areas that will affect the corporate respondent or the station. In
this statement, the Respondent should identify the individual by name and title, describe the
individual’s duties and responsibilities, and explain the manner in which such individual is
insulated from the corporate Respondent and should not be attributed an interest. Such
statements should be attached at Exhibit 5 on Form 323.
For purposes of biennial filings, all minority shareholdings amounting to 5% or more of the
outstanding voting stock of the corporation must be reported. A person or entity holding an
ownership interest in the corporate stockholder of a corporate Respondent is considered to have
an attributable (and therefore reportable) interest in the Respondent ONLY IF that interest, when
multiplied by the corporate stockholder’s interest in the Respondent, would account for 5% or
more of the issued and outstanding voting stock of the Respondent. For example, where
Corporation X owns stock accounting for 25% of the Respondent’s votes, only Corporation X
shareholders holding 20 percent or more of the issued and outstanding voting stock of
Corporation X have a 5% or more indirect interest in the Respondent (.25 x .20 = .05) and,
therefore, are considered to have an attributable interest in the Respondent. In applying the
multiplier, any entity holding more than 50% of its subsidiary will be considered a 100% owner.
For such ownership structures, report on Form 323 only interests that amount to 5% or more of
the issued and outstanding voting stock of the Licensee after the multiplier is applied. Where the
5% stock owner is a partnership, each general partner and any limited partner that is not

FCC 323 Instructions


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

Not Approved by OMB

insulated, regardless of the partnership interest, is considered to have an attributable interest that
must be reported.
Stock subject to stockholder cooperative voting agreements accounting for 5% or more of the
votes in a corporate respondent will be treated as if held by a single entity and any stockholder
holding 5% or more of the stock in that block is considered a holder of an attributable interest.
An investment company, insurance company or trust department of a bank is not considered a
holder of an attributable or reportable interest, and a Respondent may properly certify that such
entity’s interest is non-attributable (see Question 3(b), below), IF its aggregated holding
accounts for less than 20% of the outstanding votes in the Respondent AND IF such entity
exercises no influence or control over the corporation, directly or indirectly; and such entity has
no representatives among the officers and directors of the corporation.
If a PARTNERSHIP: Each partner, including all limited partners, are considered attributable
and therefore reportable interest holders. However, a limited partner in a limited partnership is
not considered an attributable interest holder IF the limited partner is not materially involved,
directly or indirectly, in the management or operation of the media-related activities of the
partnership and the Respondent so certifies (see Question 3(b), below). Sufficient insulation of a
limited partner for purposes of this certification would be assured if the limited partnership
(1) specifies that any exempt limited partner (if not a natural person, its directors,
officers, partners, etc.) cannot act as an employee of the limited partnership if his or her
functions, directly or indirectly, relate to the media enterprises of the company;
(2) bars any exempt limited partner from serving, in any material capacity, as an
independent contractor or agent with respect to the partnership’s media enterprises;
(3) restricts any exempted limited partner from communicating with the Licensee or the
general partner on matters pertaining to the day-to-day operations of its business;
(4) empowers the general partner to veto any admissions of additional general partners
admitted by vote of the exempt limited partners;
(5) prohibits any exempt limited partner from voting on the removal of a general partner
or limits this right to situations where the general partner is subject to bankruptcy
proceedings, as described in Sections 402 (4)-(5) of the Revised Uniform Limited
Partnership Act, is adjudicated incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction, or is
removed for cause, as determined by an independent party;
(6) bars any exempt limited partner from performing any services to the limited
partnership materially relating to its media activities, with the exception of making loans
to, or acting as a surety for, the business; and

FCC 323 Instructions


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

Not Approved by OMB

(7) states, in express terms, that any exempt limited partner is prohibited from becoming
actively involved in the management or operation of the media businesses of the
Notwithstanding conformance of the partnership agreement to these criteria, the requisite
certification cannot be made IF the limited partner’s interest is attributable under the
Commission’s Equity/Debt Plus attribution standard described below; or IF the respondent has
actual knowledge of a material involvement of a limited partner in the management or operation
of the media-related businesses of the partnership. In the event that the Respondent cannot
certify as to the noninvolvement of a limited partner, the limited partner will be considered as an
attributable interest holder and the interest must be reported.
If a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: The Commission treats an LLC as a limited
partnership, each of whose members is considered to be an attributable and therefore reportable
interest holder. However, where an LLC member is insulated in the manner specified above with
respect to a limited partnership and where the relevant state statute authorizing the LLC permits
an LLC member to insulate itself in accordance with the Commission’s criteria, that LLC
member is not considered a reportable interest holder. In such a case, the Respondent should
certify “Yes” in response to Question 3(b).
Equity/Debt Plus Attribution Standard. Certain interests held by substantial investors in, or
creditors of, the Respondent may also be attributable, and the investor reportable, if the interest
falls within the Commission’s equity/debt plus (“EDP”) attribution standard. Under the EDP
standard, the interest held is attributable if, aggregating both equity and debt, it exceeds 33
percent of the total asset value (all equity plus all debt) of the Respondent – a broadcast station
licensee, cable television system, daily newspaper or other media outlet subject to the
Commission’s broadcast multiple ownership or cross-ownership rules – AND the interest holder
also holds (1) an attributable interest in a media outlet in the same market, or (2) supplies over 15
percent of the total weekly broadcast programming hours of the station in which the interest is
held. For example, the equity interest of an insulated limited partner in a limited partnership
would normally not be considered attributable, but, under the EDP standard, that interest would
be attributable if the limited partner’s interest exceeded 33 percent of the Respondent’s total
asset value AND the limited partner also held a 5 percent voting interest in another radio or
television station licensee in the same market.
Reportable Non-Attributable Interests for Biennial Reports– “Eligible Entities”: Certain
types of interests otherwise deemed non-attributable for the purposes of the Commission’s
attribution rules nevertheless must be reported in Question 3. Specifically, in some cases an
interest holder may exceed the 33 percent EDP threshold without triggering attribution where the
investment would enable an Eligible Entity (as that term is defined by the Commission) to
acquire a broadcast station provided that: (1) the combined equity and debt of the interest holder
in the Eligible Entity is less than 50 percent, or (2) the total debt of the interest holder in the
Eligible Entity does not exceed 80 percent of the asset value of the station being acquired by the
Eligible Entity and the interest holder does not hold any equity interest, option, or promise to
acquire an equity interest in the Eligible Entity or any related entity. See In re Promoting
Diversification of Ownership in the Broadcasting Services, Report and Order and Third Further
FCC 323 Instructions


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

Not Approved by OMB

Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 23 FCC Rcd 5922 (Mar. 5, 2008). While such interests are
deemed non-attributable for the purposes of the Commission’s ownership rules, the Commission
requires reporting of such interests on Form 323 Ownership Reports for purposes of the biennial
filing requirement.
Reportable Non-Attributable Interests for Biennial Reports– Single Majority Shareholder
Corporations: Respondents must report all voting stock interests of 5% or more in a corporate
Licensee, including those held in a corporation with a single majority shareholder.
FRN Numbers—Biennial Reports. For Biennial Ownership Reports, each Respondent that
holds an attributable or reportable interest in the Licensee must list in Question 3(a) the FCC
FRN of any person or entity which holds a direct attributable or reportable interest in the
Respondent that is also attributable in the Licensee. Respondents may locate FRN information
from the FCC Registration System, CORES, which is listed among the FCC E-Filing systems
((http://www.fcc.gov/e-file/). For any listing that includes the name of a person or entity
reported on multiple Ownership Reports, Respondents must ensure that the FRN information is
consistent among all such Ownership Reports. Respondents should coordinate with each other to
ensure such consistency.
Race/Ethnicity Information. Among other things, Question 3(a) seeks information as to those
persons to which the Commission’s minority and female ownership policies have historically
applied. In addition to gender information, the race/ethnic categories are:
a. American Indian or Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains
tribal affiliation or community attachment.
b. Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East,
Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China,
India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
c. Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups
of Africa.
d. Hispanic or Latino. A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central
American, or other Spanish Culture or origin, regardless of race.
e. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the
original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
f. White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle
East, or North Africa.
g. Two or More Races. Select if applicable.

FCC 323 Instructions


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

Not Approved by OMB

Part (b): Respondents must indicate that the information provided in part (a) of Question 3 is
complete by certifying that all equity and financial interests not reported in response to Question
3(a) are non-attributable and not reportable.
Part (c): List any broadcast stations, other than those for which this Report is filed, in which the
Respondent has an attributable interest. Also list any daily newspapers in which the Respondent
has an attributable interest and that are located within the pertinent in-market signal contours of
any broadcast stations for which this Report is filed. See 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3555. Enter the
identifying information for the applicable ownership interest:
(1) For broadcast interests, enter the call sign, community of license, and Facility ID
number of each station, the nature and size of the ownership interest, and the positions
held into the applicable fields.
(2) For newspaper interests, enter the name of the newspaper publication and location,
the nature and size of the ownership interest, and the positions held into the applicable
Part (d): Indicate whether any individuals listed in Question 3(a) are related as parent-child,
spouse, or siblings. If the answer is “Yes,” enter the names of the related individuals and select
the applicable checkbox indicating the familial relationship.
Part (e): If the Respondent seeks an attribution exemption for any officer or director with duties
unrelated to the Licensee, select “Yes” and enter the name and title of the officer or director in
the applicable fields. If the answer selected is “Yes,” attach an exhibit describing that
individual’s duties and responsibilities, and explaining why that individual should not be
attributed an interest.
Question 4: Respondent’s Interests Held. Each Respondent other than a Licensee should list
the name and FRN of all entities in which the Respondent holds a direct attributable or reportable
ownership interest, where that listed entity has an attributable or reportable ownership interest in
the Licensee of the stations associated with the Report. Respondents may locate FRN
information from the FCC Registration System, CORES, which is listed among the FCC EFiling systems ((http://www.fcc.gov/e-file/). For any listing that includes the name of an
entity reported on multiple Ownership Reports, Respondents must ensure that the FRN
information is consistent among all such Ownership Reports. Respondents should
coordinate with each other to ensure such consistency. Licensees should select “N/A” in
response to this question.
Question 5: Licensee Ownership Structure Chart. Licensees must include as an attachment a
chart or similar document showing the Licensee’s vertical or other ownership structure including
the Licensee and all persons/entities that have attributable or reportable interests in the Licensee.
Any chart format is acceptable provided that it (a) meets the technical requirements for the
submission of attachments via the Commission’s online filing system; and (b) accurately depicts
the Licensee’s complete ownership structure, as described above. Non-Licensee Respondents
filing separate Form 323 Biennial Reports should select “N/A” in response to this question. If
FCC 323 Instructions


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D. C. 20554

Not Approved by OMB

the ownership structure of the Licensee does not include holding companies or other forms of
indirect ownership, the Licensee should select “N/A” in response to this question.
SECTION III—Certification (All Respondents Must Complete)
The person certifying the accuracy of the information in this report must be the individual
Licensee or Permittee, a general partner in the Licensee or Permittee partnership, or an
appropriate officer in the Licensee or Permittee corporation or association. If this report is filed
for a Respondent other than the Licensee or Permittee, the person certifying the accuracy of the
information must be a general partner in the Respondent partnership or an appropriate officer in
the Respondent corporation or association. The date of the signature must (1) comply with the
requirements of 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3615(a) when filing a Biennial Ownership Report (between
October 1st and November 1st of the applicable filing year); or (2) be no more than 60 days prior
to the date of filing when filing a non-biennial Ownership Report.
We have estimated that each response to this collection of information will take 1.5 to 2.5 hours.
Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through existing records, gather and
maintain the required data, and actually complete and review the form or response. If you have
any comments on this estimate, or on how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden
it causes you, please write the Federal Communications Commission, AMD-PERM, Paperwork
Reduction Project (3060-0010), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept your comments via
the Internet if your send them to pra@fcc.gov. Please DO NOT SEND COMPLETED
APPLICATIONS TO THIS ADDRESS. Remember - you are not required to respond to a
collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if
we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has been assigned an OMB control
number of 3060-0010.
ACT OF 1995, P.L. 104-13, OCTOBER 1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3507.

FCC 323 Instructions


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554



FCC 323


Section I - General Information
1. Legal Name of the Respondent
Street Address (1)
Street Address (2)

State or Country (if foreign

Telephone Number (include area code)

E-Mail Address (if available)

FCC Registration

Facility ID Number

Call Sign

2. Contact Representative

ZIP Code

Firm or Company Name

Street Address (1)
Street Address (2)

State or Country (if foreign

Telephone Number (include area code)

E-Mail Address (if available)

ZIP Code

3. Nature of Respondent (See Instructions for definitions)
Entity with an attributable or reportable interest
4. If this application has been submitted without a fee, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R. Section
Governmental Entity

Fee-exempt Report


N/A (Fee Required)

(Date entered must comply
All of the information furnished in this Report is accurate as of
with the requirements of 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3615(a) when filing a biennial Report (accurate as of October 1st

FCC Form 323 (Page 1)

Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554


of the applicable filing year) or be no more than 60 days prior to the filing of a non-biennial Report.)
6. Purpose. This Report is filed for: (choose one)


Validation and Resubmission of a previously filed Biennial Report (certifying no change from previous

Transfer of Control or Assignment of License/Permit

Report by Permittee filing within 30 days after the grant of a construction permit for a new commercial
AM, FM or full power television broadcast station
Update / certification of accuracy of an initial Ownership Report filed by Permittee (filing in conjunction
with Permittee’s application for a station license)

Amendment to a previously filed Ownership Report (enter File Number below)

File No.:
If an Amendment, submit as an Exhibit a listing by Section and Question Number the portions of the previous
Report that are being revised.
7. Licensee and Station Information. The stations listed below are all licensed to the following person or entity:
Licensee Name

Licensee’s FCC Registration Number (FRN)

This Report is filed for the following stations:
Call Sign

Facility ID Number

Location (City/State)

Class of service

8. Respondent is:
Sole proprietorship

Not-for-profit corporation

For-profit corporation
General partnership
If “Other,” describe nature of the Respondent in an Exhibit.

Limited partnership

FCC Form 323 (Page 2)

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Washington, D.C. 20554


Section II-A – Non-Biennial Ownership Information
1. Contract Information. List all contracts and other instruments required to be filed by 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3613. (Only
Licensees, Permittees, or Respondents with a majority interest in or that otherwise exercise de facto control over the subject
Licensee or Permittee shall respond. Other Respondents should select “Not Applicable” in response to this question.) If the
agreement is a local marketing agreement (LMA) or a radio joint sales agreement (JSA), or if the agreement is a network
affiliation agreement, check the appropriate box; otherwise, select “Other” for non-LMA/radio JSA or network affiliation
Not Applicable
Description of contract or

Name of person or
organization with
Date of Execution
whom contract is

Date of





Agreement Type (check all
that apply)

LMA / radio JSA
Network Affiliation

Expiration Date
2. Capitalization (Only Licensees, Permittees, or entities with a majority interest in or that otherwise exercises de facto control
over the subject Licensee shall respond.)
Not Applicable
Class of stock (preferred,
common or other)

Voting or Nonvoting





Number of Shares

Issued and



Other (specify:)

FCC Form 323 (Page 3)

Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554


3. (a.) Ownership Interests. This Question requires Respondents to enter detailed information about ownership interests by
generating a series of subforms. Answer each question on each subform. The first subform listing should be for the
Respondent itself. If the Respondent is not a natural person, also list each of the officers, directors, stockholders, noninsulated partners, members and other persons or entities with a direct attributable interest in the Respondent. (A “direct”
interest is one that is not held through any intervening companies or entities.) In the case of vertical or indirect ownership
structures, report only those interests in the Respondent that also represent an attributable interest in the Licensee or
Permittee for which the Report is being submitted.
List each person or entity with a direct attributable interest in the Respondent separately. Entities that are part of an
organizational structure that includes holding companies or other forms of indirect ownership must file separate ownership
reports. In such a structure do not report or file separate reports for persons or entities that do not have an attributable
interest in the Licensee or Permittee for which the report is being submitted.


City / State
Postal / ZIP Code
Country (if not U.S.)
Listing Type

“Other” Interest Holder

Relationship to

Licensee/Permittee (or Officer/Director of Licensee/Permittee)
Person with attributable interest
Entity with attributable interest

Positional Interest
(Check all that apply)

General Partner
Limited Partner
Attributable Creditor
Attributable Investor
Other (please specify):

FCC Registration Number

FCC Form 323 (Page 4)

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Washington, D.C. 20554


Percentage of votes
Percentage of total assets
(equity debt plus)
(b) Respondent certifies that any equity and financial interests not reported in response to Question 3(a) are nonattributable.


If “No,” submit as an Exhibit an explanation.
(c) Does the Respondent or any person/entity with an attributable interest in the Respondent also hold an
attributable interest in any other broadcast station, or in any newspaper entities in the same market, as
defined in 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3555?
If “Yes”, complete the information describing the interest.


of License


of Votes

of total

Positional Interest
(Check all that apply)




Limited Partner
Attributable Entity
Other (please

FCC Form 323 (Page 5)


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554


Name of



Percentage of

of total

Positional Interest
(Check all that apply)




Limited Partner
Attributable Entity
Other (please

(d) Are any of the individuals listed in response to Question 3(a) married, related as parent-child, or related as


If “Yes”, complete the information describing the relationship.




(e) Is Respondent seeking an attribution exemption for any officer or director with duties unrelated to the
Licensee or Permittee?


If “Yes”, complete the information in the required fields and submit an Exhibit fully describing that
individual’s duties and responsibilities, and explaining why that individual should not be attributed an


FCC Form 323 (Page 6)

Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554


Section II-B – Biennial Ownership Information
1. Contract Information. List all contracts and other instruments required to be filed by 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3613. (Only
Licensees or Respondents with a majority interest in or that otherwise exercise de facto control over the subject Licensee shall
respond. Other Respondents should select “Not Applicable” in response to this question.) If the agreement is a local
marketing agreement (LMA) or a radio joint sales agreement (JSA), or if the agreement is a network affiliation agreement,
check the appropriate box; otherwise, select “Other” for non-LMA/radio JSA or network affiliation agreements.
Not Applicable

Description of contract or

Name of person or
organization with
Date of Execution
whom contract is

Date of





Agreement Type (check all
that apply)

LMA / radio JSA
Network Affiliation

Expiration Date
2. Capitalization (Only Licensees or entities with a majority interest in or that otherwise exercise de facto control over the subject
Licensee shall respond.)
Not Applicable
Class of stock (preferred,
common or other)

Voting or Nonvoting





Number of Shares

Issued and



Other (specify:)

FCC Form 323 (Page 7)

Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554


3. (a.) Ownership Interests. This Question requires Respondents to enter detailed information about ownership interests by
generating a series of subforms. Answer each question on each subform. The first subform listing should be for the
Respondent itself. If the Respondent is not a natural person, also list each of the officers, directors, stockholders, noninsulated partners, members and other persons or entities with a direct attributable or reportable interest in the Respondent.
(A “direct” interest is one that is not held through any intervening companies or entities.) In the case of vertical or indirect
ownership structures, report only those interests in the Respondent that also represent an attributable or reportable interest
in the Licensee for which the Report is being submitted.
List each person or entity with a direct attributable or reportable interest in the Respondent separately. Entities that are
part of an organizational structure that includes holding companies or other forms of indirect ownership must file separate
ownership reports. In such a structure do not report or file separate reports for persons or entities that do not have an
attributable or reportable interest in the Licensee for which the report is being submitted.


City / State
Postal / ZIP Code
Country (if not U.S.)

Listing Type

“Other” Interest Holder

Relationship to Licensee

Licensee (or Officer/Director of Licensee)
Person with reportable interest
Entity with reportable interest

Positional Interest
(Check all that apply)

General Partner
Limited Partner
Attributable Creditor
Attributable Investor
Other Reportable Investor/Creditor

FCC Form 323 (Page 8)

Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554


Other (please specify):
FCC Registration Number
Gender, Ethnicity, Race and
Citizenship Information
(Natural Persons)

N/A (entity)


Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races
Percentage of votes
Percentage of equity
Percentage of total assets
(equity debt plus)
“Eligible Entity” Exemption
Applies (check one)



(b) Respondent certifies that any equity and financial interests not reported in response to Question 3(a) are nonattributable and non-reportable.


If “No,” submit as an Exhibit an explanation.

FCC Form 323 (Page 9)

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Washington, D.C. 20554


(c) Does the Respondent or any person/entity with an attributable interest in the Respondent also hold an
attributable interest in any other broadcast station, or in any newspaper entities in the same market, as
defined in 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3555?
If “Yes”, complete the information describing the interest.


of License


of Votes

of equity

of total

Positional Interest
(Check all that





Other (please


Name of


of Votes

of equity

of total

Positional Interest
(Check all that apply)





Limited Partner
Attributable Entity
Other (please specify):

FCC Form 323 (Page 10)


Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554


(d) Are any of the individuals listed in response to Question 3(a) married, related as parent-child, or related as


If “Yes,” complete the information describing the relationship.




(e) Is Respondent seeking an attribution exemption for any officer or director with duties unrelated to the
If “Yes,” complete the information in the required fields and submit an Exhibit fully describing that
individual’s duties and responsibilities, and explaining why that individual should not be attributed an




4. Respondent’s Interests Held. Each Respondent other than a Licensee should list the name and FCC
Registration Number of all entities in which the Respondent holds a direct attributable or reportable ownership
interest, where that listed entity has an attributable or reportable ownership interest in the Licensee of the
stations associated with the Report. Licensees should select “N/A” in response to this question.


For any listing that includes the name of a person or entity reported on multiple Ownership Reports,
ensure that the FRN information is consistent among all such Ownership Reports. Respondents should
coordinate with each other to ensure such consistency.
FCC Registration Number
5. Organizational Chart. LICENSEES ONLY: Attach a flowchart or similar document showing the Licensee’s
vertical ownership structure including the Licensee and all persons/entities that have attributable or reportable
interests in the Licensee.


Non-Licensee Respondents should select “N/A” in response to this question.

FCC Form 323 (Page 11)

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Washington, D.C. 20554



I certify that I am
(Official Title)

(Exact legal title or name of Respondent)

and that I have examined this Report and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all statements in this Report
are true, correct and complete.
(Date of the signature below must (1) comply with the requirements of 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3615(a) when filing a
Biennial Ownership Report (between October 1st and November 1st of the applicable filing year); or (2) be no more
than 60 days prior to the date of filing when filing a non-biennial Ownership Report.)


Telephone Number of Respondent (Include area code)


FCC Form 323 (Page 12)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - FCC 323 _OMB Version_ _Cleansed_.docm
File Modified2009-08-11
File Created2009-08-11

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