Download: html From: Axt, Kathy [] Sent: Monday, April
16, 2007 1:55 PM To: Potter, Rachel F. Cc: Rudolph,
Kim Subject: FW: OMB comments on FSA generic clearance master plan
Importance: High
Follow Up Flag: Follow
up Flag Status: Red
Rachel, here is FSA's response to OMB
comments. Kathy
-----Original Message----- From: Potter, Rachel F.
[] Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007
10:53 AM To: Axt, Kathy Cc: Rudolph,
Kim Subject: OMB comments on FSA generic clearance master plan
Attached please
find OMB's comments on the subject collection. Please respond no later
than COB Wednesday, April 11th. Thanks.
In the IC list,
we cannot open the file entitled "" (it
appears to be corrupted). Can you reupload a new copy to
ROCIS? [Axt, Kathy] Another copy has been updated into
In order to
ensure that all relevant information is included in generic clearance
requests, OMB has been working with agencies to develop a template for
generic clearance requests. This statement should be detailed so that
all necessary information is included, and can be submitted in lieu of a
full supporting statement or the outdated 83-C. A full
submission would, therefore, include the statement and the instrument, plus
any other data required by ROCIS; we would like to move this FSA
collection to this process. I have attached a sample template document
used by another agency. Please review and let us know if all
of the necessary data for FSA submissions would be captured by this
template. If you have suggested edits to the template, please submit
back to us in tracked changes and we will review. [McGinnis, Colleen] I have
reviewed the suggested template. Since our current format has the
same information included, we have absolutely no problem transferring
to this new template.
Please identify
the types of focus groups that FSA plans to conduct under this generic
approval.[McGinnis, Colleen] Student groups, parent
groups, and financial aid officers regarding changes to FAFSA;
students, schools, financial partners regarding e-Government initiatives;
schools and financial partners regarding any program changes due to the
Reauthorization of the HEA.
Please explain
the policy rationale behind FSA's decision to submit more surveys and hold
more focus groups in the next three years. That is, what is driving
the need to collect more customer data? Will this inform a particular
initiative at the Department?[McGinnis,
Colleen] The 1,500 hours is in anticipation of program
changes due to reauthorization and/or other legislation (such
as HERA).
Please note the terms of clearance that OMB plans to issue
for this collection and let us know if ED has questions about the generic
clearance process. This generic clearance for ED/ FSA customer
satisfaction focus groups and surveys is approved under the following
conditions: 1) FSA shall use the generic clearance to collect customer
satisfaction data (via surveys, focus groups or software usability testing
sessions) where the agency seeks to gather information for general service
improvement, not for publication or for the purpose of informing significant
policy or resource allocation decisions. 2) Focus groups should be of
limited size and scope. 3) For individual surveys or focus groups, FSA
shall submit a generic clearance request in ROCIS along with an abbreviated
supporting statement in the template agreed to by OMB and Education. This
statement shall include all relevant information, including a statement of
need, intended use of information, description of respondents, information
collection procedures, expected response rate, justification for incentive,
estimated burden. 4) OMB will respond with clearance or questions within
10 working days.[McGinnis, Colleen] FSA has no problems with these terms
of clearance that OMB plans to issue for this collection.