476 NASA CSI Surve 476 NASA CSI Survey 2011_Final

American Customer Satisfaction Index "Customer Satisfaction Surveys"

2011 476 NASA CSI Survey 2011_Final

470 USDA Rural Development Q's; 474 BCA; 475 Asylum - OPS 7 26 2011, 476 NASA CSI Survey 2011

OMB: 1090-0007

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NASA Earth Observing System

Data and Information System

2010 2011 Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire


Category headers will not appear

[DCA] Data center name


NASA would like to hear from its customers about the services we provide you at our Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data centers.

Click here for a list of EOSDIS data centers

Although you may have accessed EOSDIS data centers other than [DCA], please complete the following survey thinking about your current experiences at [DCA].

The survey should take no longer than 10 to 1515 to 20 minutes to complete.

All submitted information is collected and processed by CFI Group, an independent research and consulting firm. When you finish the survey, your responses will be sent directly to a database located on CFI Group's server, which cannot be accessed through any NASA online system. Your responses will be held completely confidential, and you will never be identified by name. This survey is authorized by Office of Management and Budget Control No. 1090-0007.

Questions or problems with the survey? Email NASASurvey@cfigroup.com.


  • Q1. How did you become aware that you could acquire Earth science data from NASA? (select any that apply)

  1. Colleague

  2. Reverb/Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST)

  3. Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

  4. NASA or Data Center Web Site

  5. NASA Sponsored Research/Data Provider/Affiliated Research Community

  6. Science Conference/Workshop/Meeting

  7. Scientific Literature

  8. University (Graduate School, Course work, Classroom, Professor, Lecture, etc.)

  9. Web Search

  10. Other (please specify)

Include USA and change “Taiwan, Province of China” to “Taiwan”

  • Q3. Which browser(s) do you use most often? (select any that apply)

  1. Internet Explorer

  2. Firefox

  3. Safari

  4. Google Chrome

  5. Mobile device (Please specify mobile device and browser)

  6. Other (Please specify)

  • Q4. For which general areas/disciplines do you need or use Earth science data and services? (select any that apply)

  1. Atmosphere

  2. Biosphere

  3. Cryosphere

  4. Land

  5. Human dimensions

  6. Near-real-time applications

  7. Ocean

  8. Space Geodesy

  9. Calibrated radiance

  10. Other (please specify)

    • Q5. For which specific areas/disciplines do you need or use Earth science data and services? (select any that apply)

  1. Agriculture

  2. Air quality

  3. Atmospheric Composition

  4. Atmospheric Dynamics

  5. Carbon Cycle

  6. Climate

  7. Climate Change

  8. Cryosphere – Glacier

  9. Cryosphere - Permafrost

  10. Cryosphere - Sea ice

  11. Cryosphere - Snow

  12. Ecological Forecasting

  13. Ecosystems

  14. Energy

  15. Geology

  16. Hydrology

  17. Land Cover

  18. Land Use

  19. Lightning

  20. Modeling (please specify)

  21. Natural Disasters/Natural Hazards

  22. Ocean Color Radiometry

  23. Ocean (sea surface height, sea surface temperature, ocean wind, etc.)

  24. Population

  25. Public Health

  26. Resources (Forestry, Mining, etc.)

  27. Socioeconomics

  28. Solid Earth

  29. Space Geodesy

  30. Space Weather

  31. Sun-Earth Connections

  32. Sustainability

  33. Water Resources

  34. Weather

  35. Other (please specify)

    • Q6. Have you done any of the following <from data center>: searched, requested, ordered, visualized, and/or downloaded data or services?

  1. Yes: Continue

  2. No: Skip to Documentation


  • Q7. How did you search for the data products or services you were seeking?

    1. Data center’s or data-specific specialized search, online holdings or datapool (Please specify) (DADDI, Data Miner Tool, Giovanni, GloVis, HyDRO, LAADS, Mercury (Advanced Product Search), Mirador, MISR Order Tool, MIST, MODIS Land Products Subsets, NEREIDS, NOESIS, OPeNDAP, POET, Polaris, SeaDAS, SNOWI, Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT), URSA, WebGIS, Other (please specify)

    2. Direct interaction with user services personnel

    3. Global Change Master Directory

    4. IceBridge Portal

    5. Internet search tool (e.g., Google Earth, Google)

    6. LANCE

    7. Reverb/Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST)

    8. Other (please specify)

    9. Did not search (skip to Order)

    • Q8. Were you searching for multiple datasets for the same geographic region, temporal range, etc.?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    • Q9. Please comment on your experience with the search method you used. Please include whether you found the search site content organized logically and if there are other search methods that were not available that you would prefer.

    • Using a 10-point scale, on which “1” means “Poor” and “10” means “Excellent,” please rate …

Q10. Ease of finding data

Q11. Ease of using search capability

Q12. How well the search results met your needs

Q13. Ease of understanding the dataset description and options


    • Q14. How frequently during a year do you request/order/download data products? If the order is an automatic subscription, please choose the frequency.

  1. Sub-daily

  2. Near-real-time

  3. Daily

  4. Weekly

  5. Monthly

  6. Quarterly

  7. As needed

  8. Once

  9. Did not order (skip to Documentation question)

  • Q15. Please comment on whether there are other order processing and management functions that you would find useful. (i.e. subscription service, saved user preferences, on-demand subsetting, …)

    • Using a 10-point scale, on which “1” means “Poor” and “10” means “Excellent,” please rate…

Q16. Ease of selecting data products

Q17. Description of data products

Q18. Ease of requesting/ordering data products

    • Q19.Did you use a subsetting tool as part of the process of requesting/ordering/downloading the data or was a subsetting tool part of the subscription process?

  1. Yes, by band

  2. Yes, by channel

  3. Yes, by geographic area

  4. Yes, by geophysical parameter

  5. Yes, by both geographic area and geophysical parameter

  6. Did not use a subsetting tool

  7. No, did not need a subsetting tool


  • Q20. How was your data delivered?

  1. FTP immediate retrieval from online holdings

  2. FTP retrieved after order

  3. FTP via subscription

  4. http-based download from Web

  5. http-based batch download from Web

  6. Web-based visualization tool

  7. Web services

  8. Machine to machine transfer

  9. Physical media

  10. Don’t know

  11. Other (Please specify)

    • Q21. Which method of data delivery do you prefer?

  1. FTP immediate retrieval from online holdings

  2. FTP retrieved after order

  3. FTP via subscription

  4. http-based download from Web

  5. http-based batch download from Web

  6. Web-based visualization tool

  7. Web services

  8. Machine to machine transfer

  9. Physical media

  10. Don’t know

  11. Other (Please specify)

    • Q22. How long did it take for you to receive your data products?

  1. Immediate retrieve

  2. Less than an hour

  3. Less than a day

  4. 1-3 days

  5. 4-7 days

  6. More than 7 days

    • Using a 10-point scale, on which "1" means "Poor" and "10" means "Excellent," please rate the following...

Q23. Convenience of delivery method

Q24. Timeliness of delivery method


  • Q25. In what format(s) were your data products provided to you? (select any that apply)


  2. NetCDF

  3. Binary

  4. ASCII

  5. GeoTIFF


  7. OGC Web services (WMS, WCS, WFS, etc.)

  8. GIS (e00, shp, etc.)

  9. KML, KMZ (KML)

  10. CEOS

  11. Don’t know

  12. Other (please specify and/or comment)

    • Q26. What format(s) would/do you prefer? (select any that apply)


  2. NetCDF

  3. Binary

  4. ASCII

  5. GeoTIFF


  7. OGC Web services (WMS, WCS, WFS, etc.)

  8. GIS (e00, shp, etc.)

  9. KML, KMZ (KML)

  10. CEOS

  11. OPeNDAP

  12. Other (Please specify another format or comment on specific version, etc.)

    • Still using the 10-point scale on which “1” means “Poor” and “10” means “Excellent,” how would you rate…

Q27. Ease of using the data product in the delivered format

Q28. Overall quality of the data product

Q29. Overall usability of the data product


  • Q30. What type of data did you get? (select any that apply)

  1. Socioeconomic data

  2. Satellite data (if not selected, skip next question)

  3. In-situ measurements (e.g., aircraft, field campaign, validation, ground truth observation, etc.)

  4. Model data

  5. Other (Please specify)

    • Q31. What type of satellite data did you get? (select any that apply)

  1. AATSR

  2. AIRS

  3. Altimeter (TOPEX/Poseidon JASON-1, OSTM/Jason-2, etc.)

  4. AMSR-E

  5. ASTER

  6. AVHRR


  8. CCMP

  9. CERES (Terra, Aqua, TRMM)

  10. DORIS

  11. GHRSST

  12. GLAS (ICESat)

  13. GNSS

  14. GOES Imager

  15. GRACE

  16. LIDAR

  17. LIS

  18. MISR

  19. MODIS (Atmosphere)

  20. MODIS (Cryosphere)

  21. MODIS (Land)

  22. MODIS (Ocean)

  23. MOPITT

  24. OMI

  25. OSCAR



  28. Scatterometer (QuikSCAT, ASCAT, NSCAT, SeaWinds)

  29. SeaWiFS

  30. SEVIRI

  31. SLR/LLR

  32. SMMR/SMM/I

  33. TES

  34. VLBI

  35. Other (Please specify)

    • Q32. How many people are using or will use the data you received?

  1. 1

  2. 2-4

  3. 5 or more

    • Q33. Are you generally finding what you want in terms of type, format, time series, etc.?

  1. Yes

  2. No (Please specify and/or comment on what you want but are not finding.)

  • Q34. What platform(s) to you use for data analysis? (select any that apply)

  1. PC

  2. Mac

  3. Linux

  4. UNIX

  5. Other (Please specify)

    • Q35. Thinking about your most recent experience…

Did you use software tool(s) or packages to work with the data (e.g., format conversion, analysis, visualization, etc.)?

  1. Yes, Please specify which tool or tools you used to work with the data

    • (ENVI, ArcGIS, ERDAS, IDL, MATLAB, MODIS Reprojection Tool, SeaDAS, Geomatica®, Global Mapper, IDRISI, HDFView, HEG, NCL, GrADS, Other (Please specify))

  2. No, I couldn’t find what I needed (please specify what you were looking for)

  3. No, I couldn’t understand how to use it (please specify what you were trying to use)

  4. No, I did not need software tools


    • Q36. Did you look for or get documentation?

  1. Yes: Continue

  2. No: Skip to Customer Service

    • Q37. What documentation did you use or were you looking for? (select any that apply)

  1. Instrument specifications

  2. Science algorithm

  3. Product format

  4. Tools

  5. Science applications

  6. Data product description

  7. Production code

  8. Other

    • Q38. Was the documentation

  1. Delivered with the data

  2. Available online

  3. Not found (Skip to Customer Services)

    • Still using the 10-point scale on which “1” means “Poor” and “10” means “Excellent,” how would you rate…

Q39. Overall quality of the document (i.e., technical level, organization, clarity)

Q40. Extent to which the data documentation helped you use the data

Customer Service

  • Q41. During the past year Have have you requested assistance from <Data center name>’s user services office during the past yearor interacted with data center personnel at a conference or event?

  1. Yes, continue

  2. No: Go to ACSI

    • Q42. Was it

  1. By phone

  2. By E-mail

  3. Both by phone and e-mail

  4. In person at an event or conference

    • Think about the user services staff you interacted with when you requested assistance from <Data center name> user services. On the same scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means “Poor” and 10 means “Excellent,” how would you rate the user services staff on…

Q43. Professionalism

Q44. Technical knowledge

Q45. Accuracy of information provided

Q46. Helpfulness in selecting/finding data or products

Q47. Helpfulness in correcting a problem

Q48. Timeliness of response


  • Q49. Using a 10-point scale on which 1 means “Very Dissatisfied” and 10 means “Very Satisfied,” how satisfied are you with the data products and services provided by <Data center name>?

  • Q50. Using a 10-point scale on which 1 now means “Falls short of your expectations” and 10 means “Exceeds your expectations,” to what extent have the data products and services provided by <Data center name> fallen short of or exceeded your expectations

  • Q51. Now, imagine an ideal provider of scientific data products and services. How close does <Data center name> come to that ideal organization you just imagined? Please use a 10- point scale on which 1 means “Not at all close to the ideal,” and 10 means “Very close to the ideal.”


  • Q52. Using a 10-point scale on where “1” means “Not at all likely” and “10” means “Very likely,” how likely are you to recommend <Data center name> to a colleague?

  • Q53. Using a 10-point scale, on which “1” means “Not at all likely” and “10” means “Very likely,” how likely are you to use the services provided by <Data center name> in the future?

  • Q54. Have you ever contacted <Data center name> to report a problem?

  1. Yes, continue

  2. No, skip to last question

    • Q55. Using a 10-point scale on which “1” means “handled very poorly” and “10” means “handled very well”, please rate how well the problem was handled.

    • Q56. Were you able to get the help you needed on your first request for assistance?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  • Q57. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions about possible improvements to data (e.g.,near-real-time, ...), data products, services, tools, documentation, or the websites that you would like to share? Are you finding what you need on our websites? (please comment)

You have reached the end of the survey. Please click on the "Finish" button below to send your responses to CFI Group's secure database.

Your survey responses have been received.

NASA appreciates your input and will use this feedback to better serve its customers.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleNASA Earth Observing System
AuthorCarol B
Last Modified Byswalter
File Modified2011-07-27
File Created2011-07-27

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