Form 294 FAA OoA 294 FAA OoA 294 FAA Ofc of Airports

American Customer Satisfaction Index "Customer Satisfaction Surveys"

2010 294 FAA Office of Aiports CSI Survey Final

294 FAA Ofc of Airports, 295 FinCEN Secure Outreach, 296 FinCEN Compliance, 297 FinCEN Regulatory

OMB: 1090-0007

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FAA Office of Airports

Customer Satisfaction Survey 2010

Questionnaire Notes:

  • Survey to be administered via the web.

  • Items in BOLD will not be seen by the respondents.

  • Section headers and question numbers will not appear in the web survey.

  • Question numbers will not appear on screen.

  • All questions will have a ‘Don’t Know/Not Applicable’ response option.

Survey Introduction

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey, which will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. CFI Group, an independent research and consulting firm, is conducting this study. Your responses will remain strictly confidential and anonymous. CFI Group will aggregate your responses with others before reporting the data to the FAA Office of Airports. Please be candid in your responses.

Feel free to make copies of this survey to distribute to the appropriate divisions or departments within the airport and submit a consolidated response at the end.

This survey is authorized by Office of Management and Budget Control No. 1090-0007.

Please click on the “Next” button below to begin. If you experience any technical difficulties while taking the survey, please write

Introduction Questions

I-1. Please select your state location from the below menu. (listing of states provided)

I-2. Which of the following best describes you? (select all that apply)

    1. Primary Commercial Service (>10,000 annual boardings)

    2. Non-primary Commercial Service (between 2,500 and 10,000 annual boardings) General Aviation/Reliever

    3. Planning or State Aviation Agency

    4. Airport Consultant

I-3. (Ask only if I-2=e) Please indicate the number of airports with which you currently work. (skip to I-5)

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. 5 or more

I-4. (Ask only if I-2=a) Select the response below that best describes your airport.

  1. Large hub

  2. Medium hub

  3. Small hub

  4. Non-hub

I-5. (Ask only if I-2=b, c, or d) Select the local FAA Airports District Office (Region/ADO or Airports Office) that serves your airport. (Select all that apply) (Full listing of ADOs provided)

I-6. Please select your region from the list below. (Drop down provided)

I-7. Do you have a primary contact at the local FAA Office of Airports that you can go to regarding issues at your airports?

  1. Yes

  2. No

I-8. Do you receive assistance from the local FAA Office of Airports on other FAA issues such as coordinating with air traffic, flight standards, or civil rights, etc.?

  1. Yes

  2. No

I-9. Please think about the different processes at your airport that require interaction with the FAA Office of Airports. Which of the following areas do you have experience with and/or knowledge regarding your airport’s working relationship with the FAA Office of Airports? (Select all that apply)

  1. Planning issues

  2. Environmental actions applicable to airport issues

  3. Airport Improvement Program (AIP)

  4. Passenger Facility Charge (PFC)

  5. Airspace Studies (e.g., coordination of hangars, terminal buildings and other buildings on airport property)

  6. Engineering standards

  7. Certification and Safety (FAR Part 139)

  8. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

  9. Compliance with Federal Grant Assurances and Surplus Property Obligations

  10. None of the above (Note: Respondents will receive the following survey exit message: Thank you for your participation. That is all the questions we have for you. The FAA Office of Airports sincerely appreciates your input. Have a nice day!)


(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = a)

Q1_1. Please think about the planning processes at your airport and the level of interaction with the FAA Office of Airports. Select the response below that best describes your relationship with them:

  1. Our airport has a dedicated planning staff, so the local FAA Office of Airports provides more of an overview role with our plans

  2. Our airport relies on the FAA Office of Airports to help us develop our plans

  3. Our State’s Aviation Department deals primarily with the FAA Office of Airports

  4. We are an airport handled by the State Aviation Department under a state block grant program

Please think about the interactions you have with the FAA Office of Airports staff regarding planning issues. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q1_2. Knowledge

Q1_3. Timeliness of responses

Q1_4. Consistency of responses

Q1_5. Accuracy of information provided

Q1_6. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q1_7. The Region/ADO or Airports Office’s coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Now, think about the planning process itself, including development of Airport Layout Plans (ALP), Airport Master Plans (AMP), the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS), and Aviation Forecasts. On the same scale, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the degree to which the process:

Q1_8. Is easily understood

Q1_9. Is flexible

Q1_10. Is considerate of local airport interests

Q1_11. Is considerate of state interests

Q1OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding planning issues.

Please think about the agency standards and guideline materials currently provided regarding planning issues (e.g., Advisory Circulars, handbook, best practices, etc). On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q1_12. Accessibility

Q1_13. Accuracy of information provided

Q1_14. Ease of understanding

Q1_15. Flexibility

Q1_16. Comprehensiveness


(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = b)

Please think about the interactions you have with the local FAA Office of Airports staff regarding environmental issues applicable to airport actions. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q2_1. Knowledge concerning environmental rules and regulations

Q2_2. Timeliness of responses

Q2_3. Consistency of responses

Q2_4. Accuracy of information provided

Q2_5. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q2_6. The Region/ADO or Airports Office’s coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Q2OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding environmental issues.

Please think about the agency standards and guideline materials currently provided regarding environmental issues (e.g., Advisory Circular, handbook, etc). On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q2_7. Accessibility

Q2_8. Accuracy of information provided

Q2_9. Ease of understanding

Q2_10. Flexibility

Q2_11. Comprehensiveness

Airport Improvement Program (AIP)

(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = c)

Please think about the interactions you have with the local FAA Office of Airports staff regarding AIP issues. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q3_1. Knowledge

Q3_2. Timeliness of responses

Q3_3. Consistency of responses

Q3_4. Accuracy of information provided

Q3_5. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q3_6. The Region/ADO or Airports Office’s coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Now, please think about the AIP process. On the same scale, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the degree to which the process:

Q3_7. Is easily understood

Q3_8. Is flexible

Q3_9. Is considerate of local airport interests

Q3_10. Is considerate of state interests

Q3OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding the AIP Process.

Please think about the current agency standards and guideline materials currently provided regarding AIP issues (e.g., Advisory Circular, handbook, etc). On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q3_11. Accessibility

Q3_12. Accuracy of information provided

Q3_13. Ease of understanding

Q3_14. Flexibility

Q3_15. Comprehensiveness

Please rate the following on the same 1 to 10 scale, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent:

Q3_16. The effectiveness of the Airport Capital Improvement Planning process in getting your eligible capital needs into the FAA’s programming process

Q3_17. The timeliness of the grant reimbursement process

Q3_18. The accuracy of the grant reimbursement process

Q3_19. The cooperation and involvement of the FAA in your post-grant process (preconstruction conference, construction inspection, final grant closeout, etc.)

Passenger Facility Charge (PFC)

(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = d)

Please think about the interactions you have with the FAA Airports staff regarding PFC issues. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q4_1. Knowledge

Q4_2. Timeliness of responses

Q4_3. Consistency of responses

Q4_4. Accuracy of information provided

Q4_5. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q4_6 . The Region/ADO or Airports Office’s coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Now, please think about the PFC process. On the same scale, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the degree to which:

Q4_7. FAA helps to make the process understandable

Q4_8. The process is flexible

Q4_9. The process is considerate of local airport interests

Q4_10. The process is considerate of state interests

Q4OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding the PFC process.

Please think about the guideline materials currently provided regarding the PFC (e.g., handbook, program updates, etc). On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q4_11. Accessibility

Q4_12. Accuracy of information provided

Q4_13. Ease of understanding

Q4_14. Flexibility

Q4_15. Comprehensiveness

Airspace Studies (e.g., coordination of hangars, terminal buildings, and other buildings on airport property)

(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = e)

Q5_1. Have you been involved in any type of project or construction that required an airspace study (e.g., coordination of hangars, terminal buildings, and other buildings on airport property) in the last year?

  1. Yes

  2. No (skip to next section)

Please think about the interactions you have with the local FAA Office of Airports staff regarding airspace issues (e.g., coordination of hangars, terminal buildings, and other buildings on airport property). On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q5_2. Knowledge

Q5_3. Timeliness of responses

Q5_4. Consistency of responses

Q5_5. Accuracy of information provided

Q5_6. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q5_7. The Region/ADO or Airports Office’s coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Now, please think about the airspace review process (e.g., coordination of hangars, terminal buildings, and other buildings on airport property). On the same scale, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the degree to which the process:

Q5_8. Is easily understood

Q5_9. Is flexible

Q5_10. Is considerate of local airport interests

Q5_11. Is considerate of state interests

Q5OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding airspace issues (e.g., coordination of hangars, terminal buildings, and other buildings on airport property).

Please think about the agency standards and guideline materials currently provided regarding airspace studies (e.g., coordination of hangars, terminal buildings, and other buildings on airport property), such as Advisory Circulars, handbook, etc. On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q5_12. Accessibility

Q5_13. Accuracy of information provided

Q5_14. Ease of understanding

Q5_15. Flexibility

Q5_16. Comprehensiveness

Engineering Standards

(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = f)

Please think about engineering standards, and on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the following:

Q6_1. The effectiveness of the local FAA Office of Airports review of safety and phasing plans in maintaining safe airport operations during construction

Q6_2. The value of the local FAA Office of Airports participation in design and construction meetings

Please think about the interactions you have with the FAA Airports staff regarding engineering standards. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q6_3. Knowledge

Q6_4. Timeliness of responses

Q6_5. Consistency of responses

Q6_6. Accuracy of information provided

Q6_7. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q6_8. The Region/ADO or Airports Office’s coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Q6OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding engineering standards.

Please think about the agency standards and guideline materials currently provided regarding engineering standards (e.g., Advisory Circulars, handbooks, Orders, etc). On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q6_9. Accessibility

Q6_10. Accuracy of information provided

Q6_11. Ease of understanding

Q6_12. Flexibility

Q6_13. Comprehensiveness

Q6_14. Consistency with other external (FAA, government, and industry) regulations, standards, and guidelines.

Certification and Safety (FAR Part 139)

(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = g)

Q7_1. Do you have a Part 139 Certificate?

  1. Yes

  2. No (skip to next section)

Please think about the local FAA Office of Airports involvement in certification and safety for your airport. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the following:

Q7_2. Helpfulness of the local FAA Office of Airport’s review of airport specific plans (e.g., wildlife management, snow removal) in making airport operations run more smoothly

Q7_3. Fair and consistent application of Part 139 inspection criteria among inspectors

Please think about the interactions you have with the local FAA Office of Airports staff regarding airport certification and safety. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q7_4. Knowledge

Q7_5. Timeliness of responses

Q7_6. Consistency of responses

Q7_7. Accuracy of information provided

Q7_8. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q7_9. The Region/ADO or Airports Office inspectors’ coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Q7OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding airport certification and safety.

Please think about the agency standards and guideline materials currently provided regarding certification and safety (e.g., Advisory Circular, handbook, etc). On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q7_10. Accessibility

Q7_11. Accuracy of information provided

Q7_12. Ease of understanding

Q7_13. Flexibility

Q7_14. Comprehensiveness

DBE Program

(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = h)

Please think about the interactions you have had with FAA staff regarding the DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) Program. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q8_1. Knowledge

Q8_2. Timeliness of responses

Q8_3. Consistency of responses

Q8_4. Accuracy of information provided

Q8_5. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q8_6. The Region/ADO or Airports Office’s coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Q8OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding the DBE Program.

Please think about the agency standards and guideline materials currently provided regarding the DBE Program (e.g., Advisory Circular, handbook, etc). On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q8_7. Accessibility

Q8_8. Accuracy of information provided

Q8_9. Ease of understanding

Q8_10. Flexibility

Q8_11. Comprehensiveness

Compliance with Federal Grant Assurances and Surplus Property Obligations

(Note: Respondents receive this section only if I-9 = i)

Please think about the interactions you have with the FAA Airports staff regarding the Federal compliance obligations. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q9_1. Knowledge

Q9_2. Timeliness of responses

Q9_3. Consistency of responses

Q9_4. Accuracy of information provided

Q9_5. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q9_6. The Region/ADO or Airports Office’s coordination with other lines of business within the FAA

Q9OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports regarding compliance issues.

Please think about the current agency standards and guideline materials currently provided regarding compliance issues (e.g., FAA website, Advisory Circulars, policy statements (revenue use and rates and charges, etc)). On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate them on the following:

Q9_7. Accessibility

Q9_8. Accuracy of information provided

Q9_9. Ease of understanding

Q9_10. Flexibility

Q9_11. Comprehensiveness


(Note: All respondents receive)

Q10_1. During the last 12 months, describe the frequency with which you used the following to access information from the FAA Airports:




Every six months

Did not use

a. Internet

b. Newsletter, bulletin or other printed information

c. Telephone calls to FAA

d. In-person agency visits

e. FAA sponsored conferences

f. Advisory Circulars

g. Other airport sponsors

h. State DOT – block grant states

i. Program guidance letters

Q10_2. Is there any FAA guidance that you depend on for the effective operation, development or administration of an airport that you feel could be improved?

a. Yes

b. No (skip to Q10_4)

Q10_3. Please identify the specific means of guidance, such as Advisory Circulars, and indicate how you would like to see that improved.

(If Q10_1a is selected) Think about the information you have accessed on the Internet provided by the FAA Office of Airports. Using a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, rate it on the following:

Q10_4. Accessibility

Q10_5. Accuracy of information provided

Q10_6. Ease of understanding

Q10_7. Flexibility

Q10_8. Comprehensiveness

(If Q10_1e is selected) Think about the FAA conference(s) you have attended in the last year. Again, using the 1 to 10 scale, rate the following:

Q10_9. FAA conferences provide information on critical organizational topics

Q10_10. FAA conferences are useful to me in performing my job responsibilities

Q10_11. Prior to taking this survey, have you been exposed to the concept of an FAA/GIS (Geographic Information System)?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Q10_12. An FAA/GIS would allow for electronic transmission of information between groups. For example, when an airport layout plan is produced at the airport, the airport could electronically submit the plan to FAA Airports for review, streamlining the distribution system of the necessary documents to the involved parties. If an FAA/GIS system became widely available from the FAA, how likely would you be to use it? Use a 1 to 10 point scale where 1 means Not at all Likely and 10 means Very Likely.

Headquarters/Regional/ADO or Airports Office

(Note: All respondents receive this section)

Q11_1. During the last 12 months, describe your frequency of interaction with the following:




Every Six Months

No Contact

a. Airports Headquarters Office, Washington DC

b. Regional Office – RO

c. ADO or Airports Office

(If Q11_1a interaction) Please think about the interactions you have with the Headquarters Office staff. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q11_2. Knowledge

Q11_3. Timeliness of responses

Q11_4. Consistency of responses

Q11_5. Accuracy of information provided

Q11_6. Consistency of responses between Headquarters Office, Regional Office and ADO or Airports Office

Q11_7. Consideration of my issues/concerns

(If Q11_1b interaction) Please think about the interactions you have with your Regional Office staff. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q11_8. Knowledge

Q11_9. Timeliness of responses

Q11_10. Consistency of responses

Q11_11. Accuracy of information provided

Q11_12. Consistency of responses between Regional Office, ADO or Airports Office and Headquarters Office

Q11_13. Consideration of my issues/concerns

(If Q11_1c interaction) Please think about the interactions you have had with the ADO or Airports Office staff. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, rate the staff on the following:

Q11_14. Knowledge

Q11_15. Timeliness of responses

Q11_16. Consistency of responses

Q11_17. Accuracy of information provided

Q11_18. Consistency of responses between ADO, Regional Office and Headquarters Office

Q11_19. Consideration of my issues/concerns

Q11_20. Proactivity

Q11OE1. Please provide any comments, positive or negative, regarding your interactions and any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the Headquarters Office, Regional Office and ADO.

ACSI Benchmark

Q12_1. Please consider all of the experiences and interactions you had with the FAA Office of Airports. Using a 10-point scale on which 1 means Very Dissatisfied and 10 means Very Satisfied, how satisfied are you with the services provided by the FAA?

Q12_2. Using a 10-point scale on which 1 now means Falls Short of your Expectations and 10 means Exceeds your Expectations, please rate the guidance and services provided by the FAA Office of Airports.

Q12_3. Now, imagine an ideal agency that provides regulatory functions, such as Part 139, compliance, AIP, etc. How well do you think the FAA Airports compares with that ideal? Please use a 10-point scale on which 1 means Not Very Close to Ideal, and 10 means Very Close to Ideal.

Outcome Measures

Q13_1. On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means Not at all Willing and 10 means Very Willing, how willing are you to say positive things about the FAA Airports?

Q13_2. Have you ever formally contacted the FAA Airports to report a problem?

a. Yes

b. No (skip to Q13_4)

Q13_3. On a 10 point scale, where 1 means Poor and 10 means Excellent, please rate the responsiveness of the FAA Office of Airports staff to your problem.

Q13_4. Please provide any comments you may have about areas where the FAA Office of Airports are performing well.

Q13_5. Please any suggestions you may have for improved interactions with the FAA Office of Airports.

Q13_6. Please provide any additional comments you would like to share with the FAA Office of Airports.


Thank you for your time. The FAA Office of Airports sincerely appreciates your input. Please click on the "Finish" button below to submit your answers.


2/3/21 Questionnaire – Page 12

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleFAA Office of Airports Satisfaction Survey
Last Modified Bysgrow
File Modified2010-01-22
File Created2010-01-22

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