A.1 Circumstances Necessitating Data Collection 2
A.2 How, by Whom, and For What Purpose the Information is to be Used 3
A.3 Use of Technology to Reduce Burden 4
A.4 Efforts to Identify Duplication 4
A.5 Methods to Minimize Burden on Small Businesses 4
A.6 Consequences of Less Frequent Data Collection 5
A.7 Special Circumstances for Data Collection 5
A.8 Federal Register Notice and Consultation Outside the Agency 5
A.9 Payment of Gifts to Respondents 5
A.10 Confidentiality Assurances 5
A.11 Additional Justification for Sensitive Questions 6
A.12 Estimates of the Burden of Data Collection 6
A.13 Estimated Cost to Respondents 7
A.14 Estimates of Annualized Costs to Federal Government 7
A.15 Changes in Burden 7
A.16 Tabulation of Publication Plans and Time Schedules for the Project 7
A.17 Approval Not to Display OMB Expiration Date 8
A.18 Exceptions to OMB Form 83-I 8
B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods 9
Appendix 10
This is a justification for the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA’s) request for approval to revise the existing reporting and recordkeeping requirements for the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program.
The proposed revision of OMB 1205-0392 is designed to provide a single integrated collection format that will meet all of the new reporting requirements listed in amendments to the Trade Act of 1974 (19 USC 2311) through the Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009 (TGAAA), which is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
Specific statutory requirements that will be met by the proposed revision include:
Individual data elements that track individual benefits and services provided to TAA participants under the new law.
Collection of data on TAA performance outcomes for participants.
A requirement to make TAA participant and outcome data available on a public website according to selective criteria such as industry, State and National totals.
Accountability for states to provide information on “efforts made to improve outcomes for workers under the Trade Adjustment Assistance program,” and
Standards that states must implement to ensure data reported are valid and reliable.
Specific data elements have been added to the report format for OMB 1205-0392 that will satisfy the individual element requirements needed to comply with #1 and #2 above.
In order to provide information on participant activity activities and outcomes required for a breakout by industry cited in #3 above, reporting must be broken down from state level aggregates currently provided on two of the three TAA participant reports: ETA-563 (OMB 1205-0016), Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance Activities Report (OMB 1205-0459). This reporting structure consolidates information previously collected under three separate data collections: ETA-563 (OMB 1205-0016), Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance Activities Report (OMB 1205-0459), and the Trade Act Participant Report, or TAPR (1205-0392). As a result of this consolidation, OMB 1205-0016 and OMB 1205-0459 will be cancelled upon approval of OMB 1205-0392.
Also a result of this consolidation, data previously collected through OMB 1205-0016 and OMB 1205-0459 have been added to the individual record format provided through the format of the information collected under OMB 1205-0392. This individual record format will provide “real time” information on recent activities for individuals and participants related to TAA, and provide the in-depth information on individual participation to meet the objectives of #4 and #5 above.
To the extent possible, many of the data elements in this collection conform to data elements previously approved for collection on TAA participants as part of OMB 1205-0469 Workforce Investment Standardized Record Data (WISRD), which is a component of Workforce Investment Performance Report (WISPR). This collection was designed to provide characteristics, activities and outcomes for participants that are served by several workforce programs, including TAA, WIA, Wagner Peyser, and National Emergency Grants. This collection includes TAA data elements modeled after WISPR elements, but also elements that track TAA participants that may be served through other programs administered at the state level. Tracking this kind of “co-enrollment” in partner programs is essential to the effective analysis and encouragement of integrated service delivery that is part of an effective response to the economic, educational, and reemployment needs of TAA eligible individuals.
The accuracy, reliability, and comparability of program reports submitted by states using Federal funds are fundamental elements of good public administration, and are necessary tools for maintaining and demonstrating system integrity. The use of a standard set of data elements, definitions, and specifications at all levels of the workforce system helps improve the quality of performance information that is received by the Department.
States and grantees will be expected to implement new recordkeeping and reporting requirements with funds provided for administration of the TAA program. The implementation of the proposed TAPR reporting requirements will better organize participant data that are already being collected and help standardize the measurement of performance. Attachment A contains the TAPR Data Preparation and Reporting Handbook that includes the quarterly reporting formats and instructions as well as a full listing of the individual data elements to be collected in the Trade Act Participant Report (TAPR). At a minimum, information collected and reported through the quarterly reports and records will be used by state and local workforce investment areas and Federal agencies for the following purposes:
To provide annualized TAA program and performance information to the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives;
To make TAA benefit, services and performance information available to the public through a searchable format available through the TAA website administered by USDOL.
To continuously improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of job training and employment-based programs to job seeker and employer customers;
To provide management information for use in Federal program administration and oversight, including grant-specific participation, service, and outcome summaries. Selected demographic information will also be used by grantees to demonstrate compliance with equal opportunity provisions in the law, and to prepare and maintain state management reports;
To measure compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
In order to comply with the Government Paperwork Elimination Act, ETA is streamlining the collection of program participant data and performance reports to the extent feasible by providing uniform data elements and data definitions to states, and through the use of technology. All TAPR reports will be submitted to ETA via the Internet. However, it is left to the states and local areas to decide the best technology for collecting individual case management data given their unique circumstances and resource availability. States collect, retain, and report all information electronically.
The use of UI wage records as the primary source of data on wages and employment-related outcomes will result in decreased burden hours for many states who administer TAA programs. ETA will continue to work with the states to access and exchange UI wage records among the states. ETA is also planning to upgrade existing reporting software for states that will import participant data, check for data errors and out of parameter records, and produce the TAPR in both printable and electronic data transfer formats.
The TAPR is the only report on TAA participants that requires data on individual participants. Except where individuals are registered in other programs and outcomes are reported for them under those programs, there is no duplication of data. Where participants are reported on under other programs, for example the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) dislocated worker program, standardized data elements such as demographic information, services, and common outcome measures may be easily copied and transferred for use in the TAPR.
No small businesses or entities are impacted.
States and grantees are required to submit TAPR records to ETA electronically, and to upload aggregate performance outcome information into ETA’s Enterprise Business Support System (EBSS) on a quarterly basis as required by statute. If states do not comply with these requirements, the funding for these programs would be compromised to the detriment of the individuals that benefit from services provided through these programs. ETA’s responsibility for reporting, oversight, and monitoring will be severely hampered because there is no other vehicle for judging program performance and participant outcomes for TAA. The agency will also be unable to fulfill its reporting responsibilities mandated by TGAAA and under GPRA.
These data collection efforts do not involve any special circumstances. The proposed reporting system is consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5.
The revision of OMB 1205-0392 incorporates the data collected under the current collection and incorporates data from OMB 1205-0459, OMB 1205-0016 and OMB 1205-0469. The statutory deadline for implementation of Section 249B of TGAAA (19 USC § 2311 et seq.) is August 17, 2009; an emergency clearance is necessary for this collection because there is not sufficient time for the processing of the standard three year OMB clearance. An emergency review notice was published in the Federal Register to allow the public to comment on these proposed revisions.
Significant time and effort was made by the Employment and Training Administration to consult with state respondents in order to develop data elements for OMB 1205-0392 that will be clearly defined, justified, and attainable. During the emergency clearance process, and up until the subsequent PRA submission for a final three year clearance, telephone conferences and live presentations will continue to be conducted by the agency in order to ensure that all stakeholders connected with this collection are engaged in its development.
There are no payments to respondents other than the formula funds and incentive funds provided for in the authorizing statutes.
ETA is responsible for protecting the confidentiality of the TAPR data and will maintain the data in accordance with all applicable Federal laws, with particular emphasis upon compliance with the provisions of the Privacy and Freedom of Information Acts. TAPR data will not contain any individually identifying information. States will submit records on individuals, but they will submit them under an individual identifier, which must not include the individual’s social security number.
There are no sensitive questions included in the proposed data collection. Individual records, which contain wage record information, may be submitted using a unique personal identifier or pseudo-social security number.
The annual national burden for states for TAA reporting is comprised of two parts: 1) the burden of collecting participant data, and 2) the burden of preparing the TAPR submission.
In order to establish a realistic estimate of burden of collecting data for revised OMB 1205-0392, TAA staff informally polled 5 states. These responses were summed and averaged to arrive at an estimated hour burden per state. An estimate of individual participant records per state was then calculated given historical activity, and then increased by 30% to account for an anticipated increased participation under new statutory provisions. This estimated participant data record estimate was then divided into the state hourly burden estimate to arrive at the estimates provided below.
TAA Burden |
Hrs. Per TAPR Record |
Hrs per TAPR Submission |
Total Annual Participant Record Estimate |
Annual TAPR Burden Hours |
Applicable Hourly Rate |
Annual TAPR Burden Dollars |
TAPR Submission |
.02 |
45 |
450,000 |
9000 |
$39.17 |
The burden for preparing the TAPR submission is based on the assumption that each of the 50 states will prepare a quarterly TAPR submission, for a total of 200 reports per year. (It is possible that one or more state agencies will have no terminees during a quarter and therefore will not be required to submit a report.) States require an average of 2.5 hours to prepare each quarterly TAPR submission.
TAA Burden |
Hrs. Per TAPR Submission |
States Submitting Per Quarter |
Annual TAPR Burden Hours |
Applicable Hourly Rate |
Annual TAPR Burden Dollars |
TAPR Submission |
2.5 |
50 |
500 |
$39.17 |
$19,585 |
Burden hours and associated costs for the three reports that will be consolidated in the revised OMB 1205-0392 are below:
ETA-563 |
Cost per Hour |
$32.50 |
$15.00 |
$32.50 |
---- |
Hour Burden |
166 |
60 |
9500 |
9726 |
Cost Burden |
$5,395.00 |
$900.00 |
$308,750.00 |
$315,045.00 |
A comparison of the revised OMB 1205-0392 in comparison with the current reporting is as follows:
Cost per Hour |
$32.50 ($15 for 563) |
$39.17 |
-- |
Hour Burden |
9726 |
9500 |
-226 |
Cost Burden |
$315,045.00 |
$372,115.00 |
+$57,070.00 |
* Combined burden for ETA-563, ATAAAR, and previously approved TAPR totaled in previous table.
The result of the consolidation of the three reports is a reduction of burden of 226 hours. With regard to the previous burden estimate of the TAPR, the proposed revision burden estimate is the same.
A.13 Estimated Cost to Respondents
Since the current TAPR, ETA-563 and ATAAAR have been in operation for several years, states now have data collection and reporting mechanisms in place. In addition, states were provided dedicated three year funds at the end of 2006 specifically for the purpose of updating reporting systems to accommodate WISPR elements that are currently incorporated into the revised TAPR. Finally, 19 USC 2285 stipulates that a portion of significantly increased administrative funds distributed to states should be used to address necessary reporting system upgrades needed to accommodate new statutory provisions under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended TGAAA.
ETA will collect and store the data in house, through its Office of Performance and Technology. Since the current TAPR has been in place for several years and the mechanism for collecting and storing the data will remain the same, with only the addition of nine fields, the cost to the Federal government will be minimal. It is estimated that staff spend 5 hours per quarter monitoring the data and providing technical assistance for a total of 20 hours per year. Using an average hourly staff rate of $32.50, the estimated annual cost to the Federal government is $650.00.
The change in burden is due to the consolidation of TAA participant reporting from 3 reports to a single integrated format. It constitutes a net reduction of 226 burden hours even with the additional data elements. The increased cost difference of $57,070 may be attributed to increased salary costs that are reasonable to assume over time.
Attachment A contains a listing of the reporting elements based on the following five categories, including relevant modifications and justifications if applicable:
Correspondence with legacy TAA report element (ETA-563, ATAAAR, TAPR)
Correspondence with WISPR data element
New statutory element
New element (not statutory)
States will submit the TAPR reports on a quarterly basis to DOL within 45 days after the end of each program year quarter. Reports are due on the following dates:
Report Quarter |
Due Date |
1st Quarter FY October to December |
February 14 |
2nd Quarter FY January to March |
May 15 |
3rd Quarter FY April to June |
August 14 |
4th Quarter FY July to September |
November 14 |
Quarterly report data are analyzed by ETA and VETS staff. Data analysis is used to identify strategies for continuous improvement and areas where additional federal guidance is needed. DOL uses these data to prepare GPRA reports, management and budget reports, OMB’s PART, and other ad hoc reports.
Each year, the Department issues an annual report summarizing program performance against the Secretary’s goals. Some of the data included in the Department’s annual report are generated from the TAPR reports. Additionally, ETA will prepare an annual report for TAA based on the data collected through the TAPR. To satisfy its requirements under Title 38, the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) publishes an annual report that focuses on services delivered by DVOP and LVER staff. The Department’s annual report, ETA’s TAA annual report, and VETS annual report are submitted to Congress. All reports will be available on the Internet and accessible to the general public and interested stakeholders.
The expiration date for OMB approval will be displayed. We are not seeking approval to have this concealed.
A.18 Exceptions to OMB Form 83-I
No exceptions are requested in the “Certification of Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions.”
This information collection request does not contain statistical methods.
Revised TAPR Element |
TAA Legacy Element |
WSPR No. |
Data Element Name |
Explanation of new/modified data collection (if applicable) |
100 |
TAPR-2 |
Unique Participant Identifier |
101 |
TAPR-1 |
State Code of Residence |
102 |
102 |
Zip Code of Residence |
103 |
103 |
County Code of Residence |
104 |
105 |
ETA-Assigned Local Workforce Board/Statewide Code |
Section A.02: Equal Opportunity Information |
200 |
TAPR-3 |
Date of Birth |
201 |
TAPR-4 |
Gender |
202 |
202 |
Individual with a Disability |
203 |
203 |
Category of Disability |
204 |
TAPR-6 |
Ethnicity Hispanic / Latino |
205 |
TAPR-7 |
American Indian or Alaskan Native |
206 |
TAPR-8 |
Asian |
207 |
TAPR-9 |
Black or African American |
208 |
TAPR-10 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
209 |
TAPR-11 |
White |
Section A.03: Veteran Characteristics |
300 |
Covered Person Entry Date |
PER OMB 1205-0468 |
301 |
Date 45 Days Following Covered Person Entry Date |
PER OMB 1205-0468 |
302 |
Eligible Veteran Status |
PER OMB 1205-0468 |
301 |
Campaign Veteran |
304 |
302 |
Disabled Veteran |
305 |
303 |
Transitioning Service Member |
306 |
305 |
Date of Actual Military Separation |
Section A.04: Employment and Education Information |
400 |
TAPR-13 |
Employment Status at Participation |
401 |
TAPR-13 |
400 |
UC Eligible Status |
402 |
TAPR-15 |
401 |
Highest School Grade Completed |
Section A.05: Public Assistance Information |
500 |
600 |
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) |
501 |
601 |
Supplemental Security Income(SSI) / Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) |
502 |
602 |
Other Public Assistance Recipient |
503 |
TAPR-16 |
Pell Grant Recipient |
Section A.06: Additional Reportable Characteristics |
600 |
TAPR-14 |
Limited English Language Proficiency |
601 |
TAPR-14 |
703 |
Most Recent Date of Qualifying Separation |
602 |
TAPR-18 |
707 |
Tenure with Employer at Separation
Section B.01: One-Stop Participation Data |
700 |
Date of Eligibility Determination |
This element is necessary so that ETA can access information on the total number of TAA applicants. This number, known as the "take up" rate, allows for a calculation of how many individuals that are declared group eligible through a petition certification that actually come in for benefits. This number is highly valued by a variety of monitoring government entities and is useful to establish outreach needs for the program. |
701 |
Determined Eligible |
This element is necessary so that ETA can access information on the total number of TAA applicants. This number, known as the "take up" rate, allows for a calculation of how many individuals declared group eligible through a petition certification who actually come in for benefits. This number is highly valued by a variety of monitoring government entities and is useful to establish outreach needs for the program. |
702 |
Date of First Case Management and Reemployment Service |
703 |
Date of Most Recent Case Management and Reemployment Service |
This field will track the “last” service at program exit. |
704 |
TAPR -23 |
TAA Participation Date |
705 |
901 |
Adult (local formula) |
706 |
902 |
Dislocated Worker (local formula) |
707 |
908 |
Rapid Response |
708 |
909 |
Rapid Response (Additional Assistance) |
709 |
910 |
NEG Project ID |
710 |
911 |
Second NEG Project ID |
711 |
912 |
Special ETA Project ID |
712 |
913 |
Rapid Response Event Number |
714 |
TAPR-20 |
TAA Application Date |
715 |
TAPR-21 |
Petition Number |
716 |
918 |
Veterans' Workforce Investment Program |
717 |
921 |
Vocational Education |
718 |
922 |
Vocational Rehabilitation |
719 |
923 |
Wagner-Peyser Act |
720 |
927 |
Other WIA or Non-WIA Programs |
721 |
TAPR-42 |
Date of Exit
722 |
TAPR-43 |
Other Reasons for Exit (at time of exit or during 3-quarter measurement period following the quarter of exit) |
723 |
1412 |
Liable/Agent State Identifier |
This field is needed to identify participants that are being served TAA benefits and services in more than one state, which results in a record for the same participant in more than one state report. |
Section C.01: Intensive Services |
800 |
Date Individual Service Plan Created |
This field identifies whether the participant received a comprehensive assessment, which is often an essential prerequisite to developing effective provision of benefits and services, including training. |
801 |
1001 |
Most Recent Date Received Career Guidance/Counseling Services |
Section C.02: Training Services |
900 |
Adversely Affected Incumbent Worker |
This field will be used to identify the total number of a newly established pool of participants who may begin training prior to their trade affected dislocation. |
901 |
Part-Time Training |
Per Section 249B of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended |
902 |
Distance Learning |
Per Section 249B of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended |
903 |
563-O thru S |
Date Entered Training #1 |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking.
904 |
563-O thru S |
1209 |
Type of Training Service #1 |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. Prerequisite and Apprenticeship training have been added to training types as these constitute new training types for TAA participation as identified by the Trade Act of 1974, as amended by TGAAA. |
905 |
TAPR-29 |
1210 |
Occupational Skills Training Code #1 |
906 |
TAPR-26 |
1211 |
Training Completed #1 |
907 |
563-AF |
1212 |
Date Completed, or Withdrew from, Training #1 |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
908 |
563-O thru S |
1213 |
Date Entered Training #2 |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
909 |
563-O thru S |
1214 |
Type of Training Service #2 |
Prerequisite and Apprenticeship training have been added to training types as these constitute new training options for TAA participation as identified by the Trade Act of 1974, as amended by TGAAA. |
910 |
1215 |
Occupational Skills Training Code #2 |
911 |
TAPR-26 |
1216 |
Training Completed #2 |
912 |
563-AF |
1217 |
Date Completed, or Withdrew from, Training #2 |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
913 |
563-O thru S |
1218 |
Date Entered Training #3 |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking.
914 |
563-O thru S |
1219 |
Type of Training Service #3 |
Prerequisite and Apprenticeship training have been added to training types as these constitute new training types for TAA participation as identified by the Trade Act of 1974, as amended by TGAAA.
915 |
TAPR-29 |
1220 |
Occupational Skills Training Code #3 |
916 |
TAPR-26 |
1221 |
Training Completed #3 |
917 |
563-AF |
1222 |
Date Completed, or Withdrew from, Training #3 |
918 |
563 - T thru Y |
Waiver from Training Requirement -Current Quarter |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
919 |
TAPR-37 |
1225 |
Waiver from Training Requirement-Type |
920 |
Current Quarter Training Accrual Expenditures |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
921 |
563-AG |
Total Training Accrual Expenditures |
This is an aggregation of the field above. |
922 |
Training Costs-Amount of Overpayment |
The tracking of overpayments to participants is an essential component of fiscal oversight and program management. |
923 |
Training Costs - Overpayment Waiver |
This field identifies whether repayment of the overpayment by the participant would constitute a hardship for the participant |
924 |
1700 |
Type of Recognized Credential #1 |
925 |
Type of Recognized Credential #2 |
This field allows for tracking a second type of educational attainment within the course of an individual's participation, which is a common occurrence and useful for mapping the full range of relevant credentials achieved during training. |
Section C.03: Related Assistance |
1000 |
1400 |
Received Supportive Services (except needs-related payments) |
1001 |
1401 |
Received Needs-Related Payments |
1011 |
TAPR-28 |
1405 |
Subsistence While in Training |
1012 |
TAPR-29 |
Travel While in Training |
1013 |
563-D |
Date Received First Basic TRA payment |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
1014 |
Date Received Most Recent Basic TRA Payment |
This field will be used to identify the "last" payment after program exit, which will allow for calculation of the average duration of TRA as required by Section 249B of the Trade Act of 1974, as modified by TGAAAA. |
1015 |
563 |
Weeks Paid This Quarter - Basic TRA |
change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
1016 |
Total Weeks Paid Cumulative - Basic TRA |
This field is useful for an understanding of the total TRA payments made to the individual, which is useful for programmatic analysis in combination with other services and outcomes. |
1017 |
563-F |
Amount Paid Current Quarter-TRA Basic |
1018 |
563-F |
Total Amount Paid - Basic TRA |
1019 |
563-H |
Date Received First Additional TRA Payment |
1020 |
Date Received Most Recent Additional TRA Payment |
This field will be used to identify the "last" payment after program exit, which will allow for calculation of the average duration of TRA as required by Section 249B of the Trade Act of 1974, as modified by TGAAAA. |
1021 |
563-G |
Weeks Paid This Quarter - Additional TRA |
This element is modified from a state aggregate to and individual element. |
1022 |
Total Weeks Paid Cumulative - Additional TRA |
This field is useful for an understanding of the total TRA payments made to the individual, which is useful for programmatic analysis in combination with other services and outcomes. |
1023 |
563-J |
Amount Paid This Quarter - Additional TRA |
1024 |
563-J |
Total Amount Paid - Additional TRA |
This field is useful for an understanding of the total TRA costs made to the individual, which is useful for programmatic analysis in combination with other services and outcomes. |
1025 |
563-L |
Date Received First Remedial/Prerequisite TRA Payment |
1026 |
Date Received Most Recent Remedial/Prerequisite TRA Payment |
This field will be used to identify the "last" payment after program exit, which will allow for calculation of the average duration of TRA as required by Section 249B of the Trade Act of 1974, as modified by TGAAAA. |
1027 |
563-K |
Weeks Paid This Quarter-Remedial TRA |
1028 |
Total Weeks Paid Cumulative - Remedial TRA |
This field is useful for an understanding of the total TRA payments made to the individual, which is useful for programmatic analysis in combination with other services and outcomes. |
1029 |
563-N |
Amount Paid This Quarter - Remedial/Prerequisite TRA |
1030 |
563-N |
Total Amount Paid - Remedial/Prerequisite TRA |
This field is useful for an understanding of the total TRA costs made to the individual, which is useful for programmatic analysis in combination with other services and outcomes. |
1031 |
563-AI |
Job Search Allowance-Count |
1032 |
563-AJ |
Job Search Allowance Current Quarter - Costs |
1033 |
563-AJ |
Job Search Allowance -Total Costs |
1034 |
563-AK |
1410 |
Relocation Allowance Current Quarter-Recipient |
1035 |
563-AL |
Relocation Allowance -Total Cost |
This field is useful for an understanding of the total relocation allowance costs made to the individual, which is useful for programmatic analysis in combination with other services and outcomes.
1036 |
TRA Overpayment |
The tracking of overpayments to participants is an essential component of fiscal oversight and program management. |
1037 |
Amount of TRA Overpayment |
The tracking of overpayments to participants is an essential component of fiscal oversight and program management. |
1038 |
TRA Overpayment Waiver |
This field identifies whether repayment of the overpayment by the participant would constitute a hardship for the participant |
1039 |
Date Received First A/RTAA Payment |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
1040 |
Date Most Recent A/RTAA Payment |
Used to comply with average duration of benefits received per as required by Section 249B of the Trade Act of 1974, as modified by TGAAAA. |
1041 |
Number of A/RTAA Payments Current Quarter |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
1042 |
Current Quarter A/RTAA Payments |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
1043 |
Number of A/RTAA Payments Total |
Aggregation of 1041 |
1044 |
Total Amount Paid - A/RTAA |
Aggregation of field 1042 |
1045 |
Frequency of Payments |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
1046 |
Maximum A/RTAA Benefit Reached |
Change from state aggregate to individual tracking. |
1047 |
A/RTAA Overpayment Current Quarter |
The tracking of overpayments to participants is an essential component of fiscal oversight and program management. |
1048 |
Amount of A/RTAA Overpayment |
The tracking of overpayments to participants is an essential component of fiscal oversight and program management.
1049 |
A/RTAA Overpayment Waiver |
This field identifies whether repayment of the overpayment by the participant would constitute a hardship for the participant |
Section D.01: Employment and Job Retention Information |
1100 |
TAPR-44 |
1500 |
Employed in 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1101 |
TAPR-45 |
1501 |
Type of Employment Match 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1102 |
TAPR-57 |
1504 |
Recalled by Layoff Employer |
1103 |
TAPR-47 |
1507 |
Employed in 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1104 |
Occupational Code of Employment 2nd Qtr After Exit Quarter |
1105 |
Industry Code of Employment 2nd Qtr After Exit Quarter |
Per Section 249B of the Trade Act of 1974 |
1106 |
TAPR-48 |
1508 |
Type of Employment Match 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1107 |
TAPR-49 |
1509 |
Employed in 3rd Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1108 |
TAPR-50 |
1510 |
Type of Employment Match 3rd Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1109 |
1511 |
Employed in 4th Quarter After Exit Quarter |
Used to fulfill performance measures per section 239(e) of the Trade Act of 1974 |
1110 |
1512 |
Type of Employment Match 4th Quarter After Exit Quarter |
Used to fulfill performance measures per section 239(j) of the Trade Act of 1974 |
Section D.01: Wage Record Information |
1200 |
TAPR-51 |
1600 |
Wages 3rd Quarter Prior to Participation Quarter |
1201 |
TAPR-52 |
1601 |
Wages 2nd Quarter Prior to Participation Quarter |
1202 |
TAPR-53 |
1602 |
Wages 1st Quarter Prior to Participation Quarter |
1203 |
TAPR-54 |
1603 |
Wages 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1204 |
TAPR-55 |
1604 |
Wages 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1205 |
TAPR-56 |
1605 |
Wages 3rd Quarter After Exit Quarter |
1206 |
1606 |
Wages 4th Quarter After Exit Quarter |
Used to fulfill performance measures per section 239(j) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended. |
D.03 Efforts Made to Achieve Program Performance |
1207 |
Description of Efforts Made to Improve Program Performance |
Used to fulfill reporting requirements per section 239(j) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended. |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | NOTE: (1) PLEASE |
Author | Earline Teasley |
Last Modified By | naradzay.bonnie |
File Modified | 2009-07-16 |
File Created | 2009-07-16 |