Overview of NSCAW Child Instrument |
Module |
Construct |
Measure |
Author / Publisher |
Child Age |
Waves |
Information Gathered |
Child Household |
CH |
Child characteristics |
Project-developed questions |
N/A |
All1 |
1, 2 |
Child’s demographic information, and height, weight, and head circumference for children < 4 |
Cognitive Status |
KB |
Developmental / Cognitive status |
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT): Expressive Vocabulary, Definitions, and Matrices |
Kaufman & Kaufman, American Guidance Service, Inc. (1990) |
>4 |
First Wave for CH |
Standardized assessment tool comprised of two subsets: Vocabulary (expressive vocabulary and definitions) & Matrices (ability to perceive relationships & complete analogies). Not administered for Spanish-language interviews. |
Cognitive Status |
BD |
Developmental / Cognitive status |
Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) & Screening Test, Second Edition: Cognitive Skills |
Newborg (2005) |
<4 |
1, 2 |
Cognitive skills; administered to age 4 and older if K-BIT score = 0 |
Neurodevelopmental Impairment |
NI |
Developmental / Cognitive status |
Bayley Infant Neurodevelopmental Screener (BINS) |
Aylward (1995) |
<2 |
1, 2 |
Basic brain function, ability to comprehend and express, and intellectual processes |
Communication |
CO |
Communication skills |
Preschool Language Scales-3 (PLS-3) |
Zimmerman, Steiner, & Pond, The Psychological Corporation (1992) |
<6 |
1, 2 |
Standardized assessment tool comprised of two scales: expressive communication and auditory comprehension; total language score computed |
School Achievement |
WJ |
Academic achievement |
Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement (WJ-III) Children 11 and older:
Children under age 11:
Richard W. Woodcock, Kevin McGrew and Nancy Mather, Riverside Publishing (2004) |
>5, YA, EY
1, 2 |
Standardized test of academic achievement; four subtests used: Letter-Word Comprehension, Passage Comprehension, Calculation, and Applied Problems. Not administered for Spanish-language interviews. |
Community Environment |
CN |
Neighborhood factors |
Adapted from APhiladelphia Family Management Study@ Parent Interview Schedule |
Furstenburg, F. (1990) |
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Behavior of young adults in terms of the environment of their community; items mirror Community Environment module in Current Caregiver Instrument |
School Engagement |
SE |
School engagement |
Drug Free Schools (DFSCA) Outcome Study Questions |
U.S. Department of Education: Office of the Under Secretary |
>6 |
1, 2 |
School achievement; student’s disposition toward learning and school; administered only to children in school (excludes home schooled situations) |
Relationship with Peers |
RP |
Peer relationships, including social rejection |
Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction Questionnaire for Young Children |
Asher, S. and Wheeler, V. (1985) |
5-7 |
1, 2 |
Success in making and keeping friendships; school adjustment; administered only to children in school (excludes home schooled situations) |
Overview of NSCAW Child Instrument (Continued) |
Module |
Construct |
Measure |
Author / Publisher |
Child Age |
Waves |
Information Gathered |
Relationship with Peers |
RR |
Peer relationships, including social rejection |
Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction Questionnaire for Young Children |
Asher, S. and Wheeler, V. (1985) |
>8 |
1, 2 |
Success in making and keeping friendships; school adjustment; administered only to children in school (excludes home schooled situations) |
Protective Factors |
PF |
Protective factors |
Resiliency Scale - LongSCAN |
Runyan, Curtis, Hunter, Black, Kotch, Bangdiwala, Dubowitz, English, Everson, Landsverk (1997) |
>11; YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Resources that a child has that facilitate resiliency |
Parental Monitoring |
PM |
Behavioral Monitoring |
Supervision-Child Scale from Fast Track Project |
Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (1994) |
>10 |
1, 2 |
Extent to which the caregiver monitors the child’s activities |
Independent Living |
IP |
Independent living |
Project-developed questions
N/A |
>14, YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Life skills the youth may have developed and where he/she learned the skill |
Questions for Children in Out-of-Home |
OH |
Child in out-of-home care; Perceptions of Permanency, Disruptions, Contact with Family |
University of California at Berkeley Foster Care Study |
Fox, Frasch, & Berrick (2000) |
>6 |
1, 2 |
Adjustment of children in out-of-home placement, including concerns about how well they fit in with their foster family and how permanent they view the placement |
Family Contact for Adopted and Emancipated Youth |
AO |
Perceptions of Permanency, Disruptions, Contact with Family |
University of California at Berkeley Foster Care Study |
Fox, Frasch, & Berrick (2000) |
>6 |
1, 2 |
Adjustment of adopted and emancipated youth, including concerns about how well they fit in with their adoptive family (if applicable) and contact with biological family |
Satisfaction with Caseworker Services |
SW |
Satisfaction with Caseworker services |
Project developed satisfaction questions |
N/A |
>11 |
1, 2 |
Degree of satisfaction with caseworker services |
Future Expectations |
FE |
Future expectations |
Adapted from Expectations About Employment, Education, and Life Span Section from Adolescent Health Survey |
Bearman, Jones, and Udry (1997)Carolina Population Center, University of NC-Chapel Hill (1998) |
>10 |
1, 2 |
Expectations related to children’s life experiences |
Social Support |
SU |
Social support and other family resources, including assistance with child-rearing |
Adapted from Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire. |
Broadhead, Gehlbach, deGruy, and Kaplan (1988) |
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Perceived social support for emancipated youth; items mirror Social Support module in Current Caregiver Instrument |
Physical Health |
PE |
Physical health |
Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12 SLAITS The National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs II |
Ware, Kosinski & Keller (1998) Blumberg, Olson, et al. (2003) |
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Physical health status of emancipated youth; items mirror Physical Health module in Current Caregiver Instrument |
Child Health and Services
YH |
Health and disabilities Services received by young adult |
Child and Adolescent Services Assessment (CASA); Child Health Questionnaire from National Evaluation of Family Support Programs; Brief Global Health Inventory; Questionnaire for Identifying Children with Chronic Conditions – Revised (QuICCC-R) and project developed questions on services |
Burns, Angold, Magruder-Habib, Costello, & Patrick (1996) Stein, Bauman, and Silver (2001)
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
History of health, injury, and disability status of young adult; services received by the young adult |
Depression |
CD |
Mental health |
Children=s Depression Inventory |
Kovacs, Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (1992) |
>7 |
1, 2 |
All aspects of well-being, including behavior problems. Not administered for Spanish-language interviews. |
YD |
Mental Health - Depression |
Composite International Diagnostic Interview Short-Form (CIDI-SF) - module for depression Modified from National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) |
Kessler, Andrews, Mroczek, Ustun, & Wittchen ( 1998) Kessler (2000) |
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Young Adult’s experiences that indicate symptoms of depression |
Overview of NSCAW Child Instrument (Continued)
Module |
Construct |
Measure |
Author / Publisher |
Child Age |
Waves |
Information Gathered |
Trauma |
TR |
Mental health |
Adapted from Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children - PTSD Section; Adapted from Trauma Symptom Checklist for Adults – Intrusive Experiences and Dissociation |
Briere (1996) |
>8, YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Indicators of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder |
Youth Activities |
YA |
Participation in activities |
Youth Self Report - Social Competence Scale |
Achenbach, University Associates in Psychiatry; Burlington, VT (2001) |
>11 |
1, 2 |
Involvement in activities which may promote social skills or cognitive development |
Youth Behavior |
YB |
Behavior problems |
Youth Self Report - Syndrome and Total Problems Scale; Adult Self Report - Syndrome and Total Problems Scale |
Achenbach, University Associates in Psychiatry; Burlington, VT (2000); Achenbach, University Associates in Psychiatry; Burlington, VT (1991) |
>11; YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Magnitude of aggressive behavior and impulse control |
Employment – Resources to Live
ER |
Employment History and Economic Well-being |
Questions are project-developed and from the Three State Survey, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY97) the Current Population Survey (CPS) and the Precarious Families Study |
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Formal and informal work history of the young adult |
YI |
Income |
Project-developed questions |
N/A |
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Financial resources available to the young adult’s household |
ACASI Introduction |
AC |
N/A |
Project-developed practice questions |
N/A |
>11 |
1, 2 |
N/A |
Relationship with Caregiver(s) (ACASI) |
RC |
Relationship with parents and other significant adults |
Rochester Assessment Package for Schools (RAPS) |
James P. Connell (1990)Lynch, M & Cicchetti D. 1991 |
>11 |
1, 2 |
Degree of supportive relationships between child and adult |
Closeness to Caregiver(s) (ACASI) |
CL |
Relationship with parents and other significant adults |
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, In-Home questionnaire |
Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2002) |
>11 |
1, 2 |
Degree of supportive relationships between child and adult |
Exposure to Violence (ACASI) |
EV |
Loss, violence and other stressors in and out of the home |
Violence Exposure Scale (VEX-R) - Home Set |
Fox & Leavitt (1995) |
>8 |
1, 2 |
Violence observed and experienced in the home |
Services Received (ACASI) |
SV |
Services received |
Project-developed questions |
N/A |
>11 |
1, 2 |
Factors that affect the service provision process; includes items administered only at Wave 4 for emancipated youth |
Substance Abuse (ACASI) |
SA |
Substance abuse |
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS); The CRAFFT; The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health |
CDC (2005); Knight, Sherritt, Shrier, Harris, Chang (2002); Harris, Florey, Tabor, Bearman, Jones, and Udry (2003) |
>11 |
1, 2 |
Misuse of controlled substances as associated with depression and maltreatment |
Sexual Activity (ACASI) |
SX |
Sexual behavior |
LongSCAN |
Runyan, Curtis, Hunter, Black, Kotch, Bangdiwala, Dubowitz, English, Everson, Landsverk (1997) |
>11; YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Early sexual activity |
Delinquency (ACASI) |
DE |
Delinquency |
Modified Self Report of Delinquency; Denver Youth Survey |
Elliott and Ageton (1980); Elliott and Ageton (1995) |
>11; YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Participation in delinquent or criminal activities; includes items added at Wave 4 on reasons for recent arrests |
Deviant Peer Affiliation (ACASI) |
PA |
Deviant peer affiliation |
Deviant Peer Affiliation Scale |
Capaldi and Patterson (1989) |
>11 |
1, 2 |
Involvement with peers who engage in risky or deviant behaviors |
Injuries (ACASI) |
IJ |
Maltreatment |
Injury Questions from Child Health and Illness Profile-Adolescent Edition |
Starfield, Riley, Green Ensminger, Ryan, Kelleher, Kim-Harris, Johnson Crawford (1995) |
>11; YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Nature and extent of injuries in the past 12 months |
Overview of NSCAW Child Instrument (Continued)
Module |
Construct |
Measure |
Author / Publisher |
Child Age |
Waves |
Information Gathered |
Victimization (ACASI) |
VC |
Victimization |
Incidence and Prevalence of Drug Abuse Among Runaway and Homeless Youth Study – Shelter Sample Questionnaire |
Research Triangle Institute (2002) |
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
Youth=s victimization, including things that may have happened to the youth since he/she started living on own (e.g., robbery sexual assault). We are not asking VC1-VC6a that came from the CH version of Victimization. |
Involvement with the Law (ACASI)
YL |
Criminal Involvement of Parents |
Project-developed questions |
N/A |
YA , EY |
1, 2 |
Young adult criminal history and involvement with the criminal justice system |
Discipline and Child Maltreatment (ACASI) |
YM |
Behavioral Monitoring and Discipline |
Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC) with Neglect and Substance Abuse questions added |
Straus, Hamby, Finkelhor, Moore, & Runyon (1998) |
YA , EY |
1, 2 |
Methods and frequency of discipline measures used by the young adult on their own child during the last 12 months; administered only to young adults who report having children of own who currently live with them |
Domestic Violence (ACASI)
YV |
Domestic Violence in the Home |
Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) – Physical Assault Subscale
Straus, M.A. (1990) |
YA , EY |
1, 2 |
Type and frequency of violence occurring in the home and directed toward female young adult in the last 12 months, and subsequent use of services |
Child Maltreatment (ACASI) |
CM |
Maltreatment |
Adaption of Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale |
Straus, M.A., Hamby, S.L., Finkelhor, D., Moore, D.W., & Runyan, D (1998) |
>11 |
1, 2 |
Additional maltreatment information in order to better understand the effects of the severity and specific type of abuse |
ACASI Finish |
AF |
N/A |
Project-developed script to close ACASI module |
N/A |
>11, YA, EY |
1, 2 |
N/A |
Locator Form |
LO |
N/A |
Project-developed questions to track respondent for future interview waves |
N/A |
≥16, EY |
1, 2 |
Locator information for emancipated youth and up to 3 contact persons |
Data Linkage |
LK |
N/A |
Project-developed script requesting permission for researchers to link NSCAW data to data from other sources |
N/A |
>13, EY |
1, 2 |
N/A |
Verifications |
VO |
N/A |
Project-developed script informing respondent of potential recontact for interview QC purposes |
N/A |
YA, EY |
1, 2 |
N/A |
Child Interview Close |
CC |
N/A |
Project-developed end-of-interview script |
N/A |
All |
1, 2 |
N/A |
1Child household information was provided by caregivers for very young children.
Note: “YA” and “EY” stand for Young Adults and Emancipated Youth, respectively. At the follow-up wave, a subset of the sampled children will have “aged up” to adulthood (age 18 and older). At both waves, we expect to encounter youth who are legally emancipated from their parents.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well Being |
Author | dbond |
Last Modified By | DHHS |
File Modified | 2009-06-23 |
File Created | 2009-06-23 |