Form #5 Form #5 Online Survey

Evaluation of AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program

Attachment E2-Online Survey-Stakeholders

Online Survey with EHC Program Users and Stakeholders

OMB: 0935-0160

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Attachment E: Online Survey Questionnaire

Online Survey Questionnaire





Potential Answers

Form Approved
OMB No. 0935-XXXX
Exp. Date XX/XX/20XX

The Effective Health Care Program (EHC) at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is undertaking an evaluation of the program’s governance process and outcomes. There are various components to this analysis. This survey will solicit feedback about the EHC program’s governance from a broad and diverse group of individuals. The goal of the survey is to capture a robust view of the EHC program governance system from the vantage point of all stakeholders and within certain stakeholder groups, particularly related to the following topics:

• EHC program Goals
• Research Topic Selection Process
• Priority Conditions and Populations
• EHC program Research Impact
• Engaging Stakeholders

Your participation is extremely valuable to this evaluation and is greatly appreciated.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to 10-15 minutes per response on average, the estimated time required to complete the survey. Please send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: AHRQ Reports Clearance Officer. Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (0935-XXXX) AHRQ, 540 Gaither Road, Room # 5036, Rockville, MD 20850.

Which best describes your affiliated organization? [check all that apply]

  1. The EHC program Stakeholder Group

  2. Employer or Health Related Business Group

  3. Federal Partner

  4. Healthcare Industry

  5. Healthcare Provider

  6. Patient/ Consumer/ Advocacy Organization

  7. Pharmacy & Therapeutic

  8. Policy Maker

  9. Professional Organization

  10. Researcher

  11. Third Party Healthcare Payer

  12. Other (please specify)

Does your organization have a vested interest in research on any of the following specific conditions? [ check all that apply]

  1. Muscle, bone, and joint conditions

  2. Cancer

  3. Heart and blood vessel conditions

  4. Brain and nerve conditions

  5. Mental health

  6. Developmental delays, ADHD, autism

  7. Diabetes

  8. Functional limitations and physical disabilities

  9. Infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS

  10. Obesity

  11. Digestive system conditions

  12. Pregnancy and childbirth

  13. Breathing conditions

  14. Alcohol and drug abuse

  15. None of the above


The EHC program was established as a part of a mandate to provide objective, timely, and rigorous assessments of therapeutics and other health care interventions.

Do you agree that the EHC program is providing objective assessment of therapeutics and other interventions?

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neither agree or disagree

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly Disagree

Please, elaborate on your response.

Open ended

Do you agree that the EHC program is providing timely assessment of therapeutics and other interventions?

Please, elaborate on your response.

Open ended

Do you agree that the EHC program is providing rigorous assessment of therapeutics and other interventions?

    1. Strongly Agree

    2. Agree

    3. Neither agree or disagree

    4. Disagree

    5. Strongly Disagree

Please, elaborate on your response.

Open ended


Do you agree that the EHC program assessment of therapeutics and other intervention is useful?

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neither agree or disagree

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly Disagree


Please elaborate on your response.

Open ended

Do you agree that the EHC program provides effective translations of complex research findings into publications for policymakers?

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neither agree or disagree

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly Disagree


Please, elaborate on your opinion.

Open ended response requested


Do you agree that the EHC program provides effective translations of complex research findings into publications for health care providers?

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neither agree or disagree

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly Disagree


Please, elaborate on your opinion.

Open ended


Do you agree that the EHC program provides effective translations of complex research findings into publications for consumers/patients?

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neither agree or disagree

  4. Disagree

  1. Strongly Disagree


Please, elaborate on your opinion.

Open ended



What has been your role in suggesting topics for research? [check all that apply]

  1. Solicited by the EHC program to nominate a research topic

  2. Collaborated with the EHC program to nominate a research topic

  3. Nominated, without solicitation from the EHC program, a research topic

  4. Other – please specify

  5. No role



Do you have any interest in suggesting topics for research?

  1. Very interested

  2. Interested

  3. Moderately Interested

  4. Of Little Interest

  5. Uninterested



Do you know how to nominate a research topic?

  1. Yes

  2. No


In your opinion, can the transparency of the EHC program’s selection of research topics be improved?

  1. Strong Need for Improvement

  2. Some Need for Improvement

  3. No Need for Improvement

  4. No Opinion




What improvements would you recommend to make the selection process more transparent?



The mandated criteria for prioritizing research topics in the EHC program are “health care items or services that:

    • impose high costs on Medicare, Medicaid, or SCHIP programs

    • may be over or underutilized, and

    • those which may significantly improve the prevention, treatment, or cure of diseases and conditions which impose high direct or indirect costs on patients or society.

Do you think the EHC program research selection process has been guided by these criteria?

  1. Always

  2. Usually

  3. Occasionally

  4. Usually Not

  5. Never

  6. No opinion


Beyond the mandated criteria what do you feel significantly affects the selection of research topics?

Open ended


Beyond the mandated criteria what do you feel should affect the selection of research topics?

Open ended


I believe/think that my center has been appropriately engaged by the EHC stakeholders in the topic nomination and selection process.

  1. Strongly Agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neither Agree or Disagree

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly Disagree


Please, elaborate on your response.

Open ended



Which of the following EHC program priority conditions MOST warrant additional research by the EHC program? [you may check up to 3 boxes]

  1. Muscle, bone, and joint conditions

  2. Cancer

  3. Heart and blood vessel conditions

  4. Brain and nerve conditions

  5. Mental health

  6. Developmental delays, ADHD, autism

  7. Diabetes

  8. Functional limitations and physical disabilities

  9. Infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS

  10. Obesity

  11. Digestive system conditions

  12. Pregnancy and childbirth

  13. Breathing conditions

  14. Alcohol and drug abuse

  15. None


Please, explain further what specific research is needed.

Open ended


Which of the following priority populations have the most pressing needs/issues that have not been sufficiently addressed by the research of the EHC program? [you may check up to 3 boxes]

  1. Medicare – elderly population

  2. Medicare – disabled population

  3. Medicaid – children

  4. Medicaid – adults

  5. SCHIP

  6. Other

  7. None


Please, explain further what specific research is needed.

Open ended


Which of the following priority populations have needs/issues that have not been MOST sufficiently addressed by the research of the EHC program? [you may check up to 3 boxes]

  1. Low Income Groups

  2. Minority Groups

  3. Women

  4. Children

  5. Elderly

  6. Individuals with Special Needs

  7. Rural populations

  8. None


Please, explain further what specific research is needed and why.

Open ended



For what purposes have you or your organization used EHC program research publications? [check all that apply]

  1. Aide clinical decision-making

  2. Change practice guidelines

  3. Change formularies

  4. Inform regulation

  5. Inform legislation

  6. Assist with personal health care decisions

  7. Other (please specify)

  8. Have not used publications


For what other purpose(s)?

Open ended


What have you observed as the impact of the EHC program publications? [check all that apply]

  1. Provided new research

  2. Aided clinical decision-making

  3. Changes in practice guidelines

  4. Changes in formularies

  5. Influence on regulation

  6. Influence on legislation

  7. Changes to effective clinical practice

  8. Changes in patient behavior

  9. Improved clinical outcomes

  10. Improved communication between patients/consumers and clinicians

  11. Improved economic outcomes

  12. Improved quality of life

  13. Other (please specify)

  14. No impact


What other impact(s)?

Open ended


Overall, how significant/influential was this impact(s) for your organization?

  1. Very Significant

  2. Significant

  3. Moderately Significant

  4. Of Little Significance

  5. Insignificant

  6. No opinion


What type of EHC program research/publications have you found to be the most useful? [check all that apply]

  1. Effectiveness or comparative effectiveness review

  2. Technical brief

  3. New research report

  4. Summary guide for clinicians

  5. Summary guide for consumers

  6. Summary guide for policymakers

  7. Research method publication

  8. Other (please specify)


What other publication(s)?

Open ended


How would you rate the general awareness of the EHC program’s research and publications among your professional colleagues?

  1. Completely aware

  2. Mostly aware

  3. Slightly aware

  4. Slightly unaware

  5. Mostly unaware

  6. Mostly unaware

  7. Completely unaware

  8. Don’t know



How would you change the representative range of stakeholders (patients, providers, policy makers) involved in the EHC program?

  1. Increase

  2. Leave the same

  3. Decrease

  4. No opinion



Which type(s) of stakeholders would you add?

Open ended



Which type(s) of stakeholders would you remove?

Open ended


The involvement of outside stakeholders in the nomination of research topics should be:

  1. Greater than current level

  2. Current level

  3. Less than current level

  4. No opinion


How would you change their involvement?

Open ended


The involvement of outside stakeholders in the selection of research topics should be:

  1. Greater than current level

  2. Current level

  3. Less than current level

  4. No opinion


How would you change their involvement?

Open ended


The involvement of outside stakeholders in conducting research should be:

  1. Greater than current level

  2. Current level

  3. Less than current level

  4. No opinion


How would you change their involvement?

Open ended


The involvement of outside stakeholders in the translation of research results into tools and publications for the general public should be:

  1. Greater than current level

  2. Current level

  3. Less than current level

  4. Don’t Know


How would you change their involvement?

Open ended


The involvement of outside stakeholders in the distribution of publications should be:

  1. Greater than current level

  2. Current level

  3. Less than current level

  4. Don’t Know


How would you change their involvement?

Open ended


The involvement of outside stakeholders in the implementation of research results should be:

  1. Greater than current level

  2. Current level

  3. Less than current level

  4. Don’t Know


How would you change their involvement?

Open ended


How else could the EHC program involve outside stakeholder groups in order to meet its mandate?

open text

The following set of questions focus on stakeholders. There are two distinct groups of stakeholders in which we are interested. “EHC program Stakeholder Group” refers to an official group of selected members from whom the EHC program seeks input, guidance, and advice. “Outside stakeholders” refers to community members who have an interest in the work of the EHC program but are not members of the EHC program Stakeholder Group.


Are you familiar with the EHC program Stakeholder Group that provides guidance to the EHC program?

  1. Yes

  2. Somewhat

  3. No




The issues on which the EHC program seeks the consultation of the EHC program Stakeholder Group should be:

  1. Expanded

  2. Remain the Same

  3. Reduced

  4. Expanded and Reduced

  5. No opinion




Which issue(s)?

Open ended




Are you aware of the process by which members are selected for the EHC program Stakeholder Group?

  1. Yes

  2. No



I feel the selection process is:

  1. Very Fair

  2. Fair

  3. Unfair

  4. Very Unfair

  5. No Opinion




Do you feel that the composition of EHC program Stakeholder Group fairly reflects the various types of EHC program stakeholders?

  1. Completely

  2. Somewhat

  3. Not at all

  4. No opinion




Which essential stakeholders are unrepresented or underrepresented on the EHC program Stakeholder Group?

Open ended


Do the opinions of and/or the guidance provided by the EHC program Stakeholder Group align with those of outside stakeholders in general?

  1. Completely

  2. Somewhat

  3. Not at all

  4. No Opinion




Where do the opinions differ?

Open ended


Overall, how would you rate your experience as a stakeholder of the EHC program?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Needs Improvement

  5. Poor


Please explain/elaborate on your rating

Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts about the Effective Health Care (EHC) program at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).  Your input and responses will help us build a better, more efficient structure and program. 

We appreciate your valuable time and feedback. 

Should you have any thoughts, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Ying Wang, PhD

Project Director, Evaluation of AHRQ EHC Program Governance and Priority Setting

IMPAQ International

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByYing Wang
File Modified2010-02-19
File Created2009-05-18

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