398/424 Forms and Instructions (Electronic)

Research and Research Training Grant Applications and Related Forms


398/424 Forms and Instructions (Electronic)

OMB: 0925-0001

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PHS 398 Instructions for Data Tables

Table 1. Membership of Participating Departments/Programs

Provide the total number of current faculty members, predoctoral trainees, and postdoctoral trainees in each participating department/program. Indicate the number of faculty members participating in this training grant application, the numbers of predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees with the participating faculty, and in parenthesis put the number of these trainees who are Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE). For renewal applications, include the number of trainees currently supported by the training grant. Faculty members may count as part of both their primary department and an interdepartmental program(s). Predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees count only once and should be associated with a single department or program. Include the number of TGE predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees who are from underrepresented groups that fulfill the diversity requirement: TGE predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees who are underrepresented minorities (Group A), who are individuals with disabilities (Group B), or who are individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds (Group C). Individuals may be counted in more than one of these groups as appropriate.

Rationale: This table provides insight into the environment in which training will take place. It allows reviewers to assess whether the program has the "critical mass" (trainees, faculty and other research personnel, and representation/distribution of scientific disciplines) to be successful.

Table 2. Participating Faculty Members

List each training faculty member with his/her degree(s), academic rank, primary departmental affiliation and secondary appointments, role in the proposed training grant program, and research interests that are relevant to this program.

Rationale: This information allows reviewers to assess the distribution of junior versus senior faculty and clinical versus basic scientists participating in the training program, as well as their distribution by department. The data concisely summarize the scientific areas of the training faculty.

Table 3. Institutional Training Grant Support Available to Participating Faculty Members, Department(s), or Program(s)

List all current and pending training support available to the participating faculty members, department(s) or programs(s). For each grant, include the title of the training grant; funding source and complete identifying number; status (active or pending) and dates of the entire project period; name of the program director and department; number(s) of training positions (predoctoral, postdoctoral, and short term), number of participating faculty members; and list overlapping participating faculty members, who are also named in this application.

Rationale: This table will permit an evaluation of the level of support for training available to each of the participating departments/programs and the extent to which the proposed training grant overlaps with or duplicates available training grant support. It is useful in determining the number of training positions to be awarded.

Table 4. Grant and Contract Support of the Participating Faculty Members

For each participating faculty member, list active and pending research grant and contract support from all sources (including Federal, non-Federal, and institutional research grant and contract support) that will provide the context for research training experiences, but excluding research training grants. If none, state "None." Include the source of support and grant number; title; status (active or pending) and dates of the entire project period; and the current year annual direct costs. If part of a larger project, identify the principal investigator, the role of the faculty member in the grant, and provide the above data for that portion of the project available to the faculty member. For grants with major budget changes in future years such as clinical trials, include data for each budget year.

Rationale: This table provides evidence of the strength of the research environment, the availability of funds to support research conducted by the trainees, and the appropriateness of the participating faculty members in terms of their active research support.

Table 5. Pre- and Postdoctoral Trainees of Participating Faculty Members

For each participating faculty member, list in groups all past and current predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees for whom the faculty member was/is the thesis advisor or sponsor (past 10 years only). Indicate in parentheses under the trainee name where the pre- or postdoctoral training with the faculty member occurred, if at a different institution. Exclude medical interns and residents unless they are heavily engaged in laboratory research. For each trainee indicate: whether at the predoctoral or postdoctoral level; the training period; previous institution, degree, and year awarded prior to entry into training; title of the research project; and for past students, their current positions or for current students, their source of support. In renewal applications, denote trainees who were or are supported by this training grant with a double asterisk (**).

Rationale: The data in this table permit an evaluation of the success of the proposed faculty in facilitating the progression of students in their research careers, the ability of the faculty to commit appropriate time to mentoring additional trainees, and the institutions from which their trainees are selected.

Table 6. Publications of Research Completed by Trainees (or Potential Trainees)

List ALL publications of predoctoral and (or) postdoctoral trainees resulting from their period of training in the faculty member’s laboratory or in association with the training program for the past 10 years. List abstracts only if a more complete publication has not appeared and label these clearly as abstracts. Boldface the trainee’s name in the author list. For Renewal applications list ALL trainees currently or previously supported by the training grant (and representative trainees who are clearly associated with the training program) for the past 10 years. For New Applications, for representative potential trainees, list ALL publications resulting from their period of training with the participating faculty mentors or the training program. Designate Kirschstein-NSRA training grant eligible trainees (TGE) by an asterisk (*). Designate those supported by this training grant with a double asterisk (**). Group predoctoral trainees separately from postdoctoral trainees. Group past trainees separately from current trainees. Sort entries within each group by year of entry into graduate program or postdoctoral position. In parenthesis, include the year the trainee started graduate or postdoctoral studies, and if appropriate, when they completed their program. Indicate the trainee’s current mentor(s) if chosen, then list trainee publications, followed by abstracts in chronological order.

Rationale: This information provides an indicator of trainee productivity, research quality, and priority of authorship; and the success of faculty members in facilitating trainee publication.

Table 7A. Admissions and Completion Records for the Participating Departments and Programs During the Past Five Years (Predoctoral Applicants)

List for each participating department/program for each of the past 5 years, the following information: number(s) of individuals who have formally applied for training; have been accepted for admission; enrolled; are still in the program; completed the program; and left the program. In parenthesis put the number of the trainees in each group who were Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE). Include the number of TGE trainees who were underrepresented minorities (Group A), the number of the TGE trainees who were individuals with disabilities (Group B), and the number of the TGE trainees who were individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds (Group C). Do not include students admitted solely to obtain master’s degrees. For those who left the program without completing their training, include the reason for leaving the program. Sort applicants by department/program and then by year.

Rationale: These data permit evaluation of the participating departments/programs abilities to recruit and retain predoctoral trainees through the completion of their PhD requirements. The data permit separate analyses of total trainees, TGE trainees, and the diversity of the trainees. These data are useful in determining the selectivity of the admissions process, the success of recruitment and retention of trainees from diverse backgrounds, and the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded.

Table 7B. . Admissions and Completion Records for the Participating Departments and Programs During the Past Five Years (Postdoctoral Applicants)

List for each participating department/program for each of the past 5 years, the following information: number(s) of individuals who have formally applied for training; have been accepted for admission; enrolled; are still in the program; completed the program; and left the program. In parenthesis put the number of these trainees in each group who were Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE). Indicate the number of the TGE trainees who were underrepresented minorities (Group A), the number of the TGE trainees who were individuals with disabilities (Group B), and the number of the TGE trainees who were individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds (Group C). Do not include students admitted solely to obtain master’s degrees. For those who left the program without completing their training, include the reason for leaving the program. Sort applicants by department/program, year of application, and type of degree.

Programs that select postdoctoral trainees exclusively from candidates who apply to academic department(s) or programs (e.g., Department of Hematology or Interdepartmental Program in Cancer Therapeutics) rather than into individual laboratories, should provide data for each participating department/program. Include only those postdoctoral applicants who could be considered candidates for the proposed training program. Programs that select trainees exclusively from candidates who are recruited directly to the laboratories of the proposed faculty mentors should list only those candidates who were actually in the laboratories of the faculty mentors and considered for the program. Please indicate in a footnote which system of recruitment is used by this program.

Rationale: These data permit evaluation of the abilities of the participating departments/programs to recruit and retain postdoctoral trainees through the completion of their training. The data permit separate analyses of total trainees, TGE trainees, and the diversity of the trainees. These data are useful in determining the selectivity of the admissions process, the success of recruitment and retention of trainees from diverse backgrounds, and the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded.

Table 8A. Qualifications of Recent Predoctoral Applicants

List the qualifications and application outcomes of predoctoral applicants to each participating department/program for the most recent year. Applicants should be listed anonymously and identified by a number in sequence, rather than by name, to safeguard privacy. Indicate applicants who are Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE) with an asterisk (*). For each applicant, provide: previous institution(s) attended, degree(s) and year awarded; GRE scores (and/or percentiles) or MCAT scores; and GPA normalized to a 4.0 scale. Indicate which applicants were or were not interviewed; accepted; and enrolled. For those who declined an offer of admission, indicate the institution in which they enrolled, if this is known. For renewal applications, indicate those applicants who have been or are currently supported by this grant. Sort applicants by department/program and then in the following order: 1) those who enrolled; 2) those who were accepted, but did not enroll; 3) those who were interviewed, but not offered admission; and 4) any additional applicants that would have been seriously considered for admission, if sufficient funds were available to support them.

At the bottom of the table include summary statistics: average GRE and/or MCAT scores and average GPAs of all applicants listed; and total numbers of students interviewed, offered admission, and enrolled. Indicate the numbers in each group who were TGE. Average GRE and/or MCAT scores and average GPAs for students who were accepted, and for those who enrolled, would also be useful to include.

Rationale: The data provided in this table will permit an evaluation of the quality and depth of the applicant pool. The data permit separate analyses for TGE and non-TGE applicants. These data are useful in determining the selectivity of the admissions process, the competitiveness of the program, and the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded.

Table 8B. Qualifications of Recent Postdoctoral Applicants

List the qualifications and application outcomes of recent postdoctoral applicants to each participating department/program. Applicants should be listed anonymously and identified by a number in sequence, rather than by name, to safeguard privacy. Indicate applicants who are Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE) with an asterisk (*). For each applicant, provide: previous institutions(s) attended, degree(s) and year awarded; thesis research topic or other research topic (if relevant) and research advisor; and residency training (when appropriate), including area of specialization, institution, and PGY. Indicate whether applicants were or were not offered admission and whether they entered the program. For renewal, indicate those applicants who have been or are currently supported by this grant. Sort applicants by department/program, year of application, and then list those who entered followed by those who did not enter.

Programs that select postdoctoral trainees exclusively from candidates who are recruited to academic department(s) or programs (e.g., Department of Hematology or Interdepartmental Program in Cancer Therapeutics) rather than into individual laboratories, should provide data for each participating department/program. Include only those postdoctoral applicants who could be considered candidates for the proposed training program. Programs that select trainees exclusively from candidates who are recruited directly to the laboratories of the proposed faculty mentors should list only those candidates who are in the laboratories of the faculty mentors and considered for the program. Please indicate in a footnote which system of recruitment is used by this program.

Rationale: The data provided in this table will permit an evaluation of the quality and depth of the applicant pool. The data permit separate analyses for TGE and non-TGE applicants. These data are useful in determining the selectivity of the admissions process, the competitiveness of the program, and the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded.

Table 9A. Qualifications of the Current Predoctoral Trainees Clearly Associated with the Training Program

List the qualifications of ALL predoctoral trainees currently participating in the activities of the program (including trainees who have not yet chosen a mentor), regardless of source of support or year of training. Trainees should be listed anonymously and identified by a number in sequence, rather than by name, to safeguard privacy. Indicate applicants who are Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE) with an asterisk (*). For renewal applications, include all trainees supported by the training grant in any year of their studies and include equivalent trainees from the same training cohort. For New Applications, include trainees whose training experience is similar to that for the proposed training grant program. For each trainee, list: department/program of entry; previous institutions(s), degree(s) and year awarded; GRE scores (and/or percentiles) and/or MCAT scores; undergraduate GPA; current research mentor; and years in the training program. For renewal applications, list years of support for those appointed to the training grant. Sort trainees by year of admission into the program, then by department/program through which they were recruited. Group Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE) trainees first, followed by non-TGE trainees. At the bottom of the table, include summary statistics: average GRE and/or MCAT scores and average GPAs of all trainees and summary totals for all trainees and TGE trainees.

Rationale: These data are useful in determining the number and quality of all trainees currently enrolled in the program, and their distribution by department and mentor. For renewal applications, these data highlight the selectivity of appointments to the training grant over time. These data are useful in determining the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded.

Table 9B. Qualifications of the Current Postdoctoral Trainees Clearly Associated with the Training Program

List the qualifications of ALL postdoctoral trainees currently participating in the activities of the program (including trainees who have not yet chosen a mentor), regardless of source of support or year of training. Trainees should be listed anonymously and identified by a number in sequence, rather than by name, to safeguard privacy. Indicate applicants who are Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE) with an asterisk. For renewal applications, include all trainees supported by the training grant in any year of their studies and include equivalent trainees from the same training cohort. For new applications, include trainees whose training experience is similar to that for the proposed training grant program. For each trainee, list: department/program of entry; previous institution(s), degree(s) and year awarded; thesis research topic or other previous research experience (if relevant) and research advisor; current research mentor; and years in the program. For renewal applications, list years of support for those appointed to the training grant. Sort trainees by year of admission into the program, then by department/program through which they were recruited. Group Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE) trainees first, followed by non-TGE trainees. At the bottom of the table, include summary totals for all trainees and TGE trainees.

Rationale: These data are useful in determining the number and quality of all trainees currently associated with the program, and their distribution by department and mentor. For renewal applications, these data highlight the selectivity of appointments to the training grant over time. These data are useful in determining the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded.

Table 10. Admissions and Completion Records for Underrepresented Minority (URM), Trainees with Disabilities, and Trainees from Disadvantaged Backgrounds Clearly Associated with the Training Program

List anonymously by number all underrepresented minority (URM) trainees, trainees with disabilities, and trainees from disadvantaged backgrounds (previously defined) who have been or are currently clearly associated with the training program for the past 5 years, regardless of their source of support. For renewal applications, include all trainees supported by the training grant in any year of their studies and include equivalent trainees from the same training cohort. For New Applications, include trainees whose training experience is similar to that for the proposed training grant program. Indicate their year of entry, whether predoctoral or postdoctoral trainee, entering department/program, and all sources of support during their training with the program (bold grant number if for this training grant). Indicate their current status (i.e., in training, completed training, or left without completing training). For those who have left the program or completed training, include information about their subsequent career development or employment. Indicate Kirschstein-NRSA training grant eligible (TGE) trainees with an asterisk (*). For mixed training grant programs, list predoctoral trainees first and then postdoctoral trainees in each diversity category.

Rationale: The data provided in this table will permit evaluation of the success of the program in recruiting and retaining URM trainees, and analysis of their support, and begin to establish a record of NIH training of other Diversity Recruitment groups.

Table 11. Appointments to the Training Grant for Each Year of the Past Award (Renewal Applications Only)

For each year of the grant since the last competing application, list the following: 1) total number of positions awarded in each training category and in parenthesis the number of months; 2) number of predoctoral trainees appointed and in parenthesis the number of months of support used; and 3) number of postdoctoral trainees appointed, with entering degrees, and in parenthesis the number of months used. Delete rows that are not relevant to the type of training support awarded. For both types of training position, indicate the number of trainees from underrepresented groups who are appointed and in parenthesis the months of support used. If any trainee positions were not filled, explain the reason in a footnote.

Rationale: For renewal applications, the data provided in this table permits evaluation of the utilization of awarded training positions.

Table 12A. Predoctoral Trainees Supported by this Training Grant (Renewal Applications Only)

List sequentially, by entering year, all trainees who were, or are, supported by this training grant (past 10 years only, if applicable). For each student provide: 1) name; 2) year of entry into the training program; 3) prior institution and degree at entry; 4) in parenthesis name of research mentor and department/program; 5) the source of support during each year of training, e.g., this training grant, another training grant (specify), research grant, university fellowship, individual fellowship (specify), etc.; 6) research topic; 7) degree and year awarded, and 8) for trainees who have completed the program, their current positions, rank and/or title and institutional affiliations, and (optionally) grants obtained. Enter all trainees who received support from this grant including those who did not complete the training program for any reason.

Explain coding of source of support in a footnote. For example: TG = this training grant, RG = research grant, UF = university funds, TA= teaching assistantships, TG2 = another training grant (e.g., Neuroscience training), F = individual fellowships (e.g. university fellow, NRSA, NSF, foundations, etc.).

Rationale: For renewal applications, this table provides detailed information about how predoctoral training positions are used (i.e., distribution by mentor, year in program, years of support per trainee). The data also permit an evaluation of the success of the program in achieving the training objectives of the prior award period(s) for up to 10 years.

Table 12B. Predoctoral Trainees Supported by this Training Grant (Renewal Applications Only)

List sequentially, by entering year, all trainees who were, or are, supported by this training grant (past 10 years only, if applicable). For each student provide: 1) name; 2) year of entry into the training program; 3) prior institution and degree at entry; 4) in parenthesis name of research mentor and department/program; 5) source of support during each year of training, e.g., this training grant, another training grant (specify), research grant, university fellowship, individual fellowship (specify), etc.; 6) research topic; 7) degree or certifications or other relevant outcomes completed during training and year awarded, and 8) for trainees who have completed the program, their current positions, rank and/or title and institutional affiliations, and (optionally) grants obtained. Enter all trainees who received support from this grant including those who did not complete the training program for any reason.

Explain coding of source of support in a footnote. For example: TG = this training grant, RG = research grant, UF = university funds, TG2 = another training grant (Neuroscience training), PGYn = postgraduate year (n) of internship or residence; F = individual fellowships (e.g. university fellow, NRSA, NSF, foundations, etc.); CCF = cancer clinical fellowship.

Rationale: For renewal applications, this table provides detailed information about how postdoctoral training positions are used (i.e., distribution by mentor, year in program, years of support per trainee). The data also permit an evaluation of the success of the program in achieving the training objectives of the prior award period(s) for up to 10 years.

PHS 398: Instructions for Data Tables 7

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File TitlePHS 398 Instructions for Data Tables
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File Modified2007-09-14
File Created2007-09-14

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