Split Panel Pretest for the Postdoc Data Project (PDP)

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Split Panel Pretest for the Postdoc Data Project (PDP)

OMB: 3145-0174

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Division of Science Resources Statistics

Postdoc Data Project:

Survey of Early Career Researchers

Preliminary Draft Questionnaire

June 25, 2009

The postdoc questionnaire was prepared by the Survey Sciences Group, LLC under contract to the Division of Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation, as part of Phase 2 of the Postdoc Data Project.

This questionnaire will be administered by web only for the pretest. This paper version is for review only and does not reflect all of the skip patterns and question numbering that the respondent sees via the web.

Table of Contents

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Postdoc Data Project

Survey of Early Career Researchers

Introduction and Confidentiality Statement


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS) is conducting a study to learn about the goals, choices, experiences, transitions, and opportunities of early career researchers including postdoctoral researchers (postdocs). The Survey Sciences Group, LLC is conducting this survey on behalf of NSF/SRS.

This information is solicited under the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 as amended, and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002. The information that you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential. Your response is voluntary and failure to provide some or all of the requested information will not in any way adversely affect you.

The average time to complete this survey is about 30 minutes. Please send any comments on the time required to complete this survey to the National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 295, Arlington VA 22230, Attn: NSF Reports Clearance Officer.

Thank you in advance for completing this survey. The resulting survey data is expected to not only benefit you but also the scientific community by expanding knowledge and improving data about early career researchers.

Educational Background

A1. The first set of questions is about each educational degree that you have received. Please start by thinking about your highest degree. What type of degree is it?

[REPEAT WHEN A5=1]: What other type of degree did you receive?

1 Doctorate degree (e.g., PhD, DSc, Candidates of science, Doctorates of science, etc.)

2 Professional degree (e.g., MD, DO, DDS, DVM, etc.)

3 Master’s degree (e.g., MS, MA, MPH, Diplom, etc.)

4 Undergraduate degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)

97 Other degree (please specify)

[If A1>2, go Section Q Demographics and then end survey]

A2. In what month and year was this degree awarded?

A2a. Month: [Drop down box]

A2b. Year: __ __ __ __

A3. What was the primary field of study for this degree? [Drop down box with fields from the SED as response options]

A4. What is the full name and location of the institution from which you received this degree?

A4a. Institution name:

A4b. Branch or city:

A4c. State or province:

A4d. Country: [Alphabetical drop box]

A5. Have you received any degrees other than [FILL A1 iterations]?

1 Yes

2 No

[For each degree received, the questionnaire will loop through question items A1-A4]

A6. When you received your doctorate degree, how much money did you owe that was directly related to your education?

1. $10,000 or less

2. $10,001 - $20,000

3. $20,001 - $30,000

4. $30,001 - $40,000

5. $40,001 - $50,000

6. $50,001 - $60,000

7. $60,001 - $70,000

8. $70,001 or more (please specify)

First Position After Earning PhD

B1. Now for questions about your work and research positions after receiving your [FILL: IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional”] degree.

Since receiving your [FILL: IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional”] degree in [FILL A2a A2b] how many different full-time paid positions, including your current position have you had?

Please include any postdoc appointments.

Full-time paid positions: _________

[If the respondent has not had a full-time paid position (B1=0), go to Section Q Demographics and then end survey.]

B2. Thinking about your first full-time job or postdoc after receiving your [FILL: IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional”] degree in [FILL: A2b]. In what month and year did this position begin?

B2a. Month: [Drop down box]

B2b: Year: _ _ _ _

B3. In what month and year did this position end?

B3a: Has not ended, still in the position

B3b. Month: [Drop down box]

B3c: Year: _ _ _ _

[If the respondent has had only 1 position (B1=1) and still in position (B3=B3a), go to C2.]

B4. Was it a postdoc appointment?

1 Yes

2 No

B5. What was the official title of this [FILL: IF B4=1 display “postdoc”; IF B4=2 display “position”]?

Title: _____________________

B6. What is the full name and location of the organization where you held this [FILL: IF B4=1 display “postdoc”; IF B4=2 display “position”]?

If your employer had more than one location, report the location that employed you.

If you worked for a contracting or consulting company, report the name of that company, not the client organization.

B6a. Full name of the organization:

B6b. Department or division:

B6c. City:

B6d. State or territory or province:

B6e. Zip Code:

B6f. Country: [alphabetical drop down box]

B7. Which of the following best describes the employer's main business or industry? (Select only one answer.)

If your principal employer had more than one type of business, report the type of business primarily performed at the location where you worked.

1 Education

2 Government other than education

3 Private sector other than education (e.g., business, nonprofit, self-employed)

97 Other (please specify)

98 Don’t know

B7a. [If B7=1] Was the employer…

1 A medical school including a university-affiliated hospital or medical center?

2 A university or a 4-year college other then medical school?

3 A university-affiliated research institute?

4 A community or two-year college?

5 A preschool, elementary, middle, secondary school or school system?

B7b. [If B7=2] Was the employer…

1 U.S. federal government?

2 U.S. state government?

3 U.S. local government?

4 Foreign government?

B7c. [If B7=3] Was the employer…

1 A non-profit organization (including tax-exempt and charitable organizations)?

2 A for-profit company or organization?

3 Yourself (were you a self-employed individual or a business owner)?

B7d. [If B7c=1] Is the organization at which you held this [FILL: IF B4=1 display “postdoc”; IF B4=2 display “position”] a …

1 Research institute, including medical research organization

2 Hospital, medical care facility, or community health system

3 Professional or technical society

4 Advocacy group

5 Private foundation

97 Other (please specify)

B7e. Is the organization where you held this [FILL: IF B4=1 display “postdoc”; IF B4=2 display “position”] a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC)?

1 Yes

2 No

B8. Thinking about this [FILL: IF B4=1 display “postdoc”; IF B4=2 display “position”], which of the following did you receive?

1 Yes

2 No

B8a. Dental insurance

B8b. Health insurance

B8c. Paid sick days

B8d. Paid vacation days

B8e. Paternity or maternity leave

B8f. Retirement plan

B8g. Childcare subsidy

B8h. No benefits are offered

B8i. Other (please specify)

B9. What was your basic annual salary before deductions on this [FILL: IF B4=1 display “postdoc”; IF B4=2 display “position”]?

Do not include bonuses, overtime, or additional compensation for summertime teaching or research.

If you were not salaried, please estimate your earned income.

$ ______________________

B10. [If B9 left blank] Which category best describes the basic annual salary for this position?

Do not include bonuses, overtime, or additional compensation for summertime teaching or research.

If you are not salaried, please estimate your earned income.

1 $30,000 or less

2 $30,001 - $35,000

3 $35,001 - $40,000

4 $40,001 - $50,000

5 $50,001 - $60,000

6 $60,001 - $70,000

7 $70,001 - $80,000

8 $80,001 - $90,000

9 $90,001 - $100,000

10 $100,001 - $110.000

11 $110,001 – above

98 Don’t know

B11. How many months did this salary cover?

Months: _______________________

B12. To what extent was this [FILL: IF B4=1 display “postdoc”; IF B4=2 display “position”] related to your [FILL IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional”] degree?

1 Closely related

2 Somewhat related

3 Not related

B13. [B3a =still in position] What was the primary reason you left this [FILL: IF B4=1 display “postdoc”; IF B4=2 display “position”]?

1 Pay

2 Working conditions (e.g. hours, equipment, and working environment)

3 Change in professional interests

4 Family-related reasons (e.g., children, spouse’s or partner’s job location)

5 Location of position (unrelated to family reasons)

6 Job terminated

7 Funding not renewed

8 Term-limited position ended

9 Lack of employment benefits (e.g., health insurance, vacation days)

10 Not enough opportunity to conduct your own research

11 Not enough opportunity to publish

12 Not enough opportunity to teach

13 Visa issues (please specify)

97 Other (please specify)

Current Employment Status

C1. [IF B1>1 Display “We are interested in learning about your current work or research. Are you currently working for pay?”] [IF B1=1 AND B3a <>still in position, Display “Just to verify, are you working for pay?]

1 Yes

2 No

C2. Are you currently engaged in any research activities?

1 Yes

2 No

C3. Are you a postdoctoral researcher (i.e., “postdoc”)?

1 Yes

2 No

C3a. How many postdoctoral appointments, in total, have you had? A postdoctoral appointment or “postdoc” is a temporary position primarily for training in research.

[IF C3=1] Include your current postdoc.

Postdocs: _______

C3b. Is a postdoc appointment expected in your field?

1 Yes

2 No

[If C1=2 and C2=2 and C3=2, go Section Q Demographics and then end survey; otherwise continue with C4 below.]

C4. What field of study [FILL: using C1, C2 and C3, web survey will appropriately display “are you currently working in”; “conducting research” in; “is your postdoc in”]? [Drop down box with fields from the SED as response options]

C5. To what extent is the field of study of your current [FILL: IF C3=1 display “postdoc”; IF C3=2 display “position”] related to the field of study of your [FILL IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional”] degree?

1 Closely related

2 Somewhat related

3 Not related

C6. [If C5=3] Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area outside the field of your [FILL IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional”] degree?

1 Yes

2 No

C6a. Pay

C6b. Working conditions (e.g., hours, equipment, working environment)

C6c. Change in professional interests

C6d. Family-related reasons (e.g., children, spouse’s or partner’s job location)

C6e. Location of position (unrelated to family reasons)

C6f. Position in doctorate field of study not available

C6g. Opportunity for training outside doctorate field of study

C6h. Some other reason (please specify)

C7. What is the official title of your [FILL: IF C3=1 display “postdoc”; IF C3=2 display “position”]?


[If B1=1 and B3=B3a, go to C9]

C8. During what month and year did you begin this [FILL: IF C3=1 display “postdoc”; IF C3=2 display “position”]?

C8a. Month: [Drop down box]

C8b: Year: _ _ _ _

C9. When you were offered this [FILL: IF C3=1 display “postdoc”; IF C3=2 display “position”], were you provided with information about…

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don’t Remember

4 Not Applicable

C9a. Salary?

C9b. Benefits?

C9c. The end date of the position?

C9d. Research project(s) that you would be working on?

C9e. The responsibilities of the position?

C10. [IF C3=1] How does your institution classify your postdoc appointment?

1 Employee

2 Student

97 Other (please specify)

98 Don’t know

Professional Activities

D1. Now for a few questions about what you do in your position. Since the beginning of your current position, how many…



Papers have you published in conference proceedings?


Papers have you (co)authored for presentation at regional, national, or international conferences other than those published in conference proceedings? (Do not include papers published in conference proceedings.)


Articles have been accepted for publication or already published in a peer-reviewed journal?


Articles have you submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal but were not accepted for publication or published? (If you have submitted one paper multiple times, count it only once.)


Books or book chapters have you published?

D2. Since the beginning of your current position have you…

1 Yes

2 No

D2a. Written technical reports or working papers other than those presented at conferences or submitted for publication?

D2b. Attended professional conferences when you were not presenting papers?

D2c. Served as a reviewer for a conference, journal, or an agency, institution, or organization?

D2d. Supervised any of the following: graduate students, postdocs, or research staff?

D2e. Taught courses?

D2f. Developed marketable products?

D2g. Worked with researchers not a part of your department or lab?

D2h. Served as the principal or co-investigator on currently funded grants?

D2i. Prepared grant proposals funded or not in which you are listed as the principal or co-investigator (include fellowship proposals)?

D2j. Prepared grant proposals funded or not in which you are not listed as a principal or co-investigator?

D3. What are your primary and secondary work activities? (Select one primary activity and one secondary activity.)

[Web formatting will apply.]

Primary Activity

Secondary Activity




Research and development




Management or administration


Professional services to individuals


Other (please specify)

D3 Alternate Version for Split Panel Test

D3_1. The next question is about activities performed in your current position. Which of the following activities occupies at least 10 percent of your time during a typical work week?

1 Yes

2 No

D3_1a. Accounting, finance, contracts

D3_1b. Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake

D3_1c. Applied research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need

D3_1d. Development – using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices

D3_1e. Design of equipment, processes, structures, models

D3_1f. Computer programming, systems or applications development

D3_1g. Human resources – including recruiting, personnel development, training

D3_1h Managing or supervising people or projects

D3_1i. Production, operations, maintenance (e.g., chip production, operating lab equipment)

D3_1j. Professional services (e.g., health care, counseling, financial services, legal services)

D3_1k. Sales, purchasing, marketing, customer service, public relations

D3_1l. Quality or productivity management

D3_1m. Teaching courses

D3_1n. Other (please specify)

D4_1. During a typical week in this position, which two activities do you work the most hours on?

[Display the items selected in D3_1]

D4_1a. Activity with the most hours

D4_1b. Activity with the second most hours

D5. During a typical week in this position, how many hours do you [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “conduct research”]?

Hours: _________

D6. Since the beginning of your current position, have you been named as an inventor on any application for a U.S. Patent?

1 Yes

2 No [Go to D7]

D6a. [If D6=1] Since the beginning of your current position, how many applications for U.S. patents have named you as an inventor?

Patent applications:

D6b. [If D6a>0] Since the beginning of your current position, how many U.S. patents have been granted to you as an inventor?

Patents granted:

D6c. [If D6b>0] Since the beginning of your current position, how many U.S. patents have been granted to you as an inventor?

Patents granted:

D6d. [If D6c>0] What type of patent(s) has been granted to you as an inventor?

1 Yes

2 No

D6d_1. Utility patents (i.e., patents for inventions)

D6d_2. Plant patents (i.e., patents for fundamentally altered plant species)

D6d_3. Design patents (i.e., patents for appearance)

D6e. [If D6c>0] Since the beginning of your current position, how many of these patents resulted in commercialized products or processes or have been licensed?

Patents that resulted in commercialized

products or processes or have been licensed:

D7. Since the beginning of your current position, have you been named as an inventor on any application for a foreign patent?

1 Yes

2 No [Go to D8]

D7a. [If D7=1] Since the beginning of your current position, how many applications for foreign patents have named you as an inventor?

Foreign patent applications:

D8. Since the beginning of your current position, have you attended any training workshops or training courses about the following topics?

1 Yes

2 No

D8a. Grant writing

D8b. Publishing

D8c. Orientation to various career paths

D8d. Supervising people

D8e. Project management

D8f. Teaching

D8g. Intellectual property

D8h. Research ethics

D8i. Other training workshops or training courses (please specify)

Postdoc Definitions

E1. Listed below are common characteristics of early career research positions. For each characteristic, indicate whether or not it is applicable to your current position.

1 Yes

2 No

The position…

E1a. Requires a Ph.D. or an equivalent doctorate degree (such as a Sc. D., M.D., D.V.M, or D.D.S.)

E1b. Requires that the doctorate was recently awarded

E1c. Is temporary

E1d. Is intended to provide training in research

E1e. Is intended to advance professional skills

E1f. Requires a full-time commitment to research

E1g. Requires that you work under the direction of a senior scholar

E1h. Is for a defined period of time

E1i Requires publication of research in scholarly journals

E1j. Requires mentorship for professional development

E1k. Is intended to prepare you for an independent career in research

E2. Are you a...

1 Yes

2 No

E2a. Clinical researcher?

E2b. Clinical fellow?

E2c. Clinical practitioner?

E2d. None of the above

Current Employer Demographics

F1. What is the full name and location of the organization at which you [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “conduct research”]?

If you have more than one position, report the one for which you work the most hours.

If your employer has more than one location, report the location that employed you.

If you work for a contracting or consulting company, report the name of that company, not the client organization.

F1a. Full name of the organization:

F1b. Department or division:

F1c. City:

F1d. State or province:

F1e. Zip Code:

F1f. Country: [drop down box]

F2. Which one of the following best describes the type of organization where you currently [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “conduct research”]? (Select one.)

[FILL: F1b. Department or Division

F1a. Full name of the organization]


10 Self-employed individual or a business owner


1 Medical school including university-affiliated hospital or medical center

2 University or a 4-year college other than medical school

3 University-affiliated research institute

4 Community or two-year college

5 Preschool, elementary, middle, secondary school or school system

GOVERNMENT (other than an educational institution)

6 U.S. federal government

7 U.S. state government

8 U.S. local government

9 Foreign government

PRIVATE SECTOR (other than an educational institution)

11 A non-profit organization (including tax-exempt and charitable organizations)

12 A for-profit company or organization

OTHER (not self-employed, not the private sector, not a government agency, or not an educational institution)

97 Other (please specify)

F3. [If F2=11] Is the organization at which you [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “conduct research”] a …

1 Research institute, including medical research organization

2 Hospital, medical care facility, or community health system

3 Professional or technical society

4 Advocacy group

5 Private foundation

97 Other (please specify)

F2 Alternate Version for Split Panel Test

F2_1. Which of the following best describes your employer's main business or industry? (Select only one answer.)

If your principal employer has more than one type of business, report the type of business primarily performed at the location where you worked.

1 Education

2 Government other than education

3 Private sector other than education (e.g., business, nonprofit, self-employed)

97 Other (please specify)

98 Don’t know

F2_1a. [If F2_1=1] Is the employer…

1 A medical school including a university-affiliated hospital or medical center?

2 A university or a 4-year college other than medical school?

3 A university-affiliated research institute?

4 A community or two-year college?

5 A preschool, elementary, middle, secondary school or school system?

F2_1b. [If F2_1=2] Is the employer…

1 U.S. federal government?

2 U.S. state government?

3 U.S. local government?

4 Foreign government?

F2_1c. [If F2_1=3] Is the employer…

1 A non-profit organization (include tax-exempt and charitable organizations)?

2 A for-profit company or organization?

3 Yourself (are you a self-employed individual or a business owner)?

F3_1. [If F2_1c=1] Is the organization at which you [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “conduct research”] a …

1 Research institute, including medical research organization

2 Hospital, medical care facility, or community health system

3 Professional or technical society

4 Advocacy group

5 Private foundation

97 Other (please specify)

F4. Is the organization where you currently [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “conduct research”] a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC)?

1 Yes

2 No

[Respondents who work or conduct research outside of the U.S. are directed to Section Q Demographics.].


G1. Thinking about your current position, which of the following do you receive?

1 Yes

2 No

G1a. Dental insurance

G1b. Health insurance

G1c. Paid sick days

G1d. Paid vacation days

G1e. Paternity or maternity leave

G1f. Retirement plan

G1g. Childcare subsidy

G1h. No benefits are offered

G1i. Other (please specify)

G2. What is your basic annual salary before deductions for this position? Do not include bonuses, overtime, or additional compensation for summertime teaching or research. If you are not salaried, please estimate your earned income.

$ _____________________

G3. [If G2 left blank] Which category best describes basic annual salary for this position? Do not include bonuses, overtime, or additional compensation for summertime teaching or research. If you are not salaried, please estimate your earned income.

1 $30,000 or less

2 $30,001 - $35,000

3 $35,001 - $40,000

4 $40,001 - $50,000

5 $50,001 - $60,000

6 $60,001 - $70,000

7 $70,001 - $80,000

8 $80,001 - $90,000

9 $90,001 - $100,000

10 $100,000 - $110,000

11 $110,000 – above

98 Don’t know

G4. [If G2 or G3 is not left blank] How many months did this salary cover?

Months: ____________________

Decision to Take the Current Position

H1. How did you find your current position?

1 Referred by a colleague

2 Referred by PhD advisor

3 Directly contacted by current supervisor

4 You directly contacted your current supervisor

5 An advertisement in a journal, publication, or website

6 A conference job center or career fair

7 Professional recruiter

97 Other (please specify)

H2. Were you offered other positions at the time you accepted your current position?

1 Yes

2 No

H2a. What type of position were you offered at the time you accepted your current position?

1 Permanent position(s)

2 Postdoc(s)

3 Temporary position other than a postdoc

H3. Now, we would like to know how important the following factors were in your decision to choose your current position.

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

H3a. Opportunity to publish

H3b. Opportunity to conduct your own independent research

H3c. Opportunity to increase knowledge in PhD field of study

H3d. Opportunity for training outside of PhD field of study

H3e. Opportunity to [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1 <> 1 display “conduct research”] with a particular researcher

H3f. Likelihood of receiving a fellowship

H3g. Success of your current supervisor’s former staff (e.g. postdocs, research staff)

H3h. Prestige of the institution

H3i. Opportunity to [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1 <> 1 display “conduct research”] in a particular lab or department

H3j. Opportunity to teach

H3k. Other positions not available

H3l. Promotion opportunities

H3m. [IF a sample file preload variable to identify citizen shows <> U.S. citizen] Need for U.S. training to advance career in home country

H4. [If any H3a – H3m > 1] Which of these factors was most important in your decision to choose this position?

[Display items H3a-H3m > 1]

Most important factor: _______________________

H5. How important were the following personal factors in your decision to choose your current position.

1 Not important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

H5a. Benefits provided by the institution (e.g., health insurance)

H5b. Family-related reasons (e.g., children, spouse’s or partner’s job location)

H5c. Location of position (unrelated to family reasons)

H5d. Opportunity to maintain legal status in the U.S.

H5e. Working conditions (e.g. hours, equipment, and working environment)

H6. [If any H5a – H5e > 1] Which of these factors was most important in your decision to choose this position?

[Display items H5a-H5f >1]

Most important factor: _______________________

H7. Overall, what factor was more important to the reason you chose your current position?

[Display items selected in H4 and H6]

Most important overall factor: _______________________

H8. Please provide other factors that were important to your decision to take your current position that were not previously mentioned.

Other factors: _______________________

Evaluation of Current Position

K1. How much does your current position meet your expectations in the following areas?

1 Less than expected

2 As expected

3 More than expected

4 No expectations

5 Not applicable

K1a. Increase subject matter knowledge

K1b. Research opportunities

K1c. Publishing

K1d. Presentation of papers at professional conferences

K1e. Teaching experience

K1f. Supervisory experience

K1g. Grant writing experience

K1h. Grant submissions under your name

K1i. Conduct your own independent research

K1j. Exposure to an interdisciplinary research environment

K1k. Networking with colleagues

K1l. Development of marketable products or technologies

K1m. Laboratory management experience

K2. How satisfied are you with your current position?

1 Very dissatisfied

2 Dissatisfied

3 Satisfied

4 Very satisfied

K3. [If K2=1] Describe the aspects of your current position you feel could be improved.


K4. [If K2=4] Describe the aspects of your current position you feel are the most successful.


K5. [If C3=1] Does your organization have…

1 Yes

2 No

98 Don’t know

K5a. A postdoctoral association?

K5b. A postdoctoral office?

K6. [If C3=1 and K5a=1] How often do you participate in activities sponsored by your organization’s postdoctoral association?

1 Never

2 Once a year

3 Several times per year, but not every month

4 Once a month

5 More than once a month

K7. [If C3=1 and K5b=1] How often do you participate in activities sponsored by your organization’s postdoctoral office?

1 Never

2 Once a year

3 Several times per year, but not every month

4 Once a month

5 More than once a month

Professional and Personal Life Balance

L1. Would you say that your current position is…

1 Not stressful

2 Somewhat stressful

3 Very stressful

4 Extremely stressful

L2. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about balancing your current professional and personal responsibilities.

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Agree

5 Strongly agree

L2a. In my current position, I can manage the demands of my position and at home.

L2b. Demands at home limit my professional activities (e.g., going to conferences).

L2c. My current work schedule allows me to maintain the overall quality of life I want.

L2d. My current work schedule provides the flexibility to take care of demands at home.

L2e. My supervisor understands when demands at home interfere with my professional responsibilities.

L2f. Demands in my home life have slowed down progress on my work activities.

L3. [If highest degree was earned more than 6 months prior] Since you completed your [FILL: IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional] degree, have you ever taken time off for six months or more…

1 Yes

2 No

L3a. For health reasons?

L3b. To start a family?

L3c. To care for a sick family member?

L3d. To write papers from your dissertation for publication?

L3e. To travel?

L3f. For additional education?

L3g. For some other reason? (please specify)

L4. [If any L3a – L3g =1] How many months or years did you take off?

L4a. Months: or L4b. Years:


The mentoring section is shown for respondents who are:

In a postdoc (C3=1) OR

Not in a postdoc, but in a position with postdoc characteristics:

(1) Have a PhD or equivalent (E1a);

(2) Work in positions that are primarily aimed at training in research (E1d); and

(3) Work in temporary positions that are limited to a defined period of time (E1c or E1h).

M1. Whom do you consider to be your mentor?

1 Current supervisor

2 A senior colleague in the department or lab other than your current supervisor

3 PhD advisor

97 Other (please specify)

99 Do not have a mentor

M2. How often do you and your supervisor meet to discuss your research?

Do not count lab and departmental meetings.

1 Once a day or more

2 At least once a week but not every day

3 At least once a month but not every week

4 At least once a year but not every month

5 Never

99 Do not have a supervisor [Go to N1]

M3. Have you and your supervisor written a plan that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of your position?

1 Yes

2 No

M4. [If M3=2] Have you and your supervisor discussed the option of developing a plan?

1 Yes

2 No

M5. [If M3=1] How much does the plan reflect your personal career development goals?

1 Not at all

2 Somewhat

3 A great deal

M6. Has your supervisor provided you with a performance evaluation (i.e., regularly scheduled, formal feedback either written or oral)?

1 Yes

2 No

M6a. [If M6=2] Do you expect one in the future?

1 Yes

2 No

M7. With regard to your supervisor, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. My supervisor…

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree

3 Neither disagree nor agree

4 Agree

5 Strongly agree

M7a. Provides appropriate recognition for my [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “research”].

M7b. Encourages collaboration with other researchers.

M7c. Encourages increasing independence in my research.

M7d. Encourages presenting [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “research”] outside the department or lab.

M7e. Provides opportunities to work on grant proposals.

M7f. Supports publishing papers.

M7g. Provides career guidance.

M7h. Encourages work-life balance.

M8. Whom do you primarily rely on for career development advice?

1 Current supervisor

2 A senior colleague in the department or lab other than your current supervisor

3 Colleagues

4 PhD advisor

5 Career counselor

97 Other (please specify)

M9. Does your organization have a postdoctoral compact?

1 Yes

2 No


N1. Which of the following sources primarily funds your current position?

1 Federal research grant or contract (e.g., National Institutes of Health (NIH), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy (DOE), National Science Foundation (NSF))

2 Federal fellowship or training grant

3 Private foundation funds

4 State or university funds

5 Non-profit organization (other than a private foundation) funds

6 For-profit business funds

7 Personal funds

8 Foreign (non-U.S.) government funds

97 Other sources (please specify)

98 Don’t know

N2. [If N1=1 or 2] How many [FILL based on N1 responses: grants or contracts and/or fellowships] fund your current position?

Number: _______ 98 Don’t know

N3. [If N1=1 or 2] Thinking about the federal fellowship, grant or contract that primarily funds your current position, to whom is that grant or contract awarded?

If your position is funded by two sources equally, please select answers for both.

1 Directly to you

2 Your current supervisor or the Principal Investigator of the project you work on

3 A research center, consortium, or lab of which your supervisor or Principal Investigator is a member

97 Other (please specify)

98 Don’t know

N4. [If N1=1 or 2] Which federal institution or organization primarily funds your current position?

1 Department of Agriculture

2 Department of Commerce

3 Department of Defense

4 Department of Energy

5 Department of Homeland Security

6 Department of the Interior

7 Department of Labor

8 Department of Transportation

9 Department of Veterans Affairs

10 National Science Foundation

11 National Institutes of Health

97 Other (please specify)

Future Career Plans

P1. Now think about your future career plans. Currently, are you actively looking for another position?

1 Yes

2 No

P2. [If P1=1] What type of position are you actively looking for?

1 Permanent position

2 Postdoc

3 Temporary position other than a postdoc

4 All of the above

P3. [If P1=1] Are you looking for a position primarily in…

1 An academic institution

2 A government agency

3 A for-profit business

4 A nonprofit organization

5 Other (please specify)

P4. [If C3=1 and P2=2 or 3 and P2<>4] Why are you seeking a [FILL: if P2=2 display “another postdoc”; if P2=3 display “temporary position”]?

1 Yes

2 No

P4a. Desire time to publish

P4b. Opportunity to conduct your own independent research

P4c. Expected to take [FILL: if P2=2 display “another postdoc”; if P2=2 display “temporary position”] in your PhD field of study

P4d. Increase knowledge in PhD field of study

P4e. Train in an area outside of PhD field of study

P4f. Opportunity to [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “conduct research”] with a particular researcher

P4g. Opportunity to [FILL: IF B3a=still in position or C1=1 display “work”; IF C1<>1 display “conduct research”] in a particular lab or department

P4h. [IF a sample file preload variable to identify citizen shows <> U.S. citizen] Desire additional work experience in the U.S. to advance career in home country

P4i. Maintain legal status in the U.S.

P4j. Family-related reasons (e.g., children, spouse’s or partner’s job location)

P4k. Other position not available

P4l. Other (please specify)

P5. [If P1=1] To what extent, if at all, has your search for another position been limited by...

1 No extent

2 Some extent

3 A great extent

4 Not applicable

P5a. Family responsibilities?

P5b. Spouse’s or partner’s career?

P5c. Burden of educational debt?

P5d. Condition of the job market?

P5e. Visa requirements?

P5f. Desire not to relocate or move?

P5i. Other? (please specify)

P6a. Of the following career paths, which one are you most interested in pursuing in the next 10 years?

1 Tenure-track faculty position with an emphasis on teaching

2 Tenure-track faculty position with an emphasis on research

3 Research position

4 Administrative position

5 Position in journalism/science writing

6 Position in law/patent law/intellectual property

7 Independent consultant or business owner

97 Other (please specify)

P6b. In the next 10 years, do you expect to work in…

1 An academic institution?

2 A medical school at an academic institution?

3 A government agency?

4 A nonprofit organization

5 A for-profit company?

97 Other? (please specify)

P7. In the next 10 years, do you plan to pursue a career in the U.S.?

1 Yes

2 No

P8. Since initially completing your [IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional”] degree, have your career interests changed or stayed the same?

1 Changed

2 Stayed the same

P9. [If P8=1] What is the primary reason for the change in your career interests since completing your [IF A1=1 display “doctorate”; IF A1=2 display “professional”] degree?

1 Change in research focus

2 Obtain autonomy

3 Job market

4 Balance professional and personal life

5 Pay

6 Benefits

7 My spouse’s or partner’s career

97 Other (please specify)

P10. [If P6b>2] Which one of the following reasons primarily draws you to a long-term position outside of academia?

1 Work environment

2 Work hours/schedule

3 Chance to focus on my own research interests

4 Salary

5 Benefits

6 No available academic positions in my field

7 Location of available positions

8 Lack of emphasis on publishing

97 Other (please specify)

P11. [If P6b>2] How well do you feel your current position prepares you for a career outside of academia?

1 Not well

2 Somewhat

3 Very well


Q1. Now some questions about you. Are you…

1 Male

2 Female

Q2. In what year were you born?

Year: __ __ __ __

Q3. Are you a citizen of the United States?

1 Yes, born in the United States

2 Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas

3 Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents

4 Yes, a U.S. citizen by naturalization

5 No, not a citizen of the United States

Q4. [If Q3=1, 2, 3, 4] Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino?

1 Yes

2 No

Q5. [If Q4=1] Which of the following best describes your Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin of descent?

1 Mexican, Mexican American or Chicano

2 Puerto Rican

3 Cuban

97 Other Hispanic

Q6. [If Q3=1, 2, 3, 4] What is your racial background?

1 Yes

2 No

Q6a. American Indian or Alaska Native

Q6b. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Q6c. Asian

Q6d. Black or African-American

Q6e. White

Q6f. Some other race (please specify)

Q7. [If Q3=5] Are you a non-U.S. citizen…?

1 With a permanent U.S. Resident Visa (green card)

2 With a temporary U.S. Resident Visa

Q8. [If Q7=2] What type of visa do you have?

1 H-1B or other H series temporary visa

2 F-1 or other F series temporary visa

3 J-1 or other J series temporary visa

4 O-1 or other O series temporary visa

5 L-1 or other L series temporary visa

6 K-1 or other K series temporary visa

7 V temporary visa

8 TN-1 or other T series temporary visa

97 Other type of temporary visa (specify)

Q9. [If Q3=5] In which country or countries do you hold citizenship?

Country/countries: _________________________

Q10. [If Q3=4 or 5] In what year did you come to the United States for the first time to stay for a period of 6 months or more?

Year: __ __ __ __

Q11. [If Q3=5 and Q7=2] Which of the following factors influenced your decision to come to the United States?

1 Yes

2 No

Q11a. Need for a U.S. position to advance career in home country

Q11b. To work with a particular researcher/individual

Q11c. To work in a particular department/lab/organization

Q11d. Career opportunities

Q11e. Followed the example of other colleagues who moved to the U.S.

Q11f. Encouraged by family or friends in the U.S.

Q11g. Economic conditions in home country

Q11h. Political situation in home country

Q11i. Opportunity to participate in exchange program (institutional exchange, home country government fellowships for study abroad etc.)

Q11j. Other (please specify)

Q12. [If Q3=5 and Q7=2] Before arriving in the United States for the first time, did you plan to return to your home country?

1 Yes

2 No

Q13. [If Q3=5 and Q7=2] How many years in total have you lived in the U.S.?

Years: _________________________

Q14. [If Q3=5 and Q7=2] Were you already in the United States on a visa before applying for your current position?

1 Yes

2 No

Q15. [If Q3=5 and Q7=2 and Q10<2008] Now that you are in the U.S., which factors have had the greatest influence on your decision to stay in the United States?

1 Yes

2 No

Q15a. Need for work experience in the U.S. to advance career in home country

Q15b Career opportunities in U.S.

Q15c. Enjoy living in the U.S.

Q15d. Economic conditions in home country

Q15e. Political situation in home country

Q15f. Other (please specify)

Q16. [If Q3=5 and Q7=2] Do you plan to return to your home country to stay?

1 Yes

2 No

Q17. What is your current marital status?

1 Married

2 Living in a marriage-like relationship

3 Widowed

4 Separated

5 Divorced

6 Never married

Q18. [If Q17=1 or 2] Does your spouse or partner currently have a paid position?

1 Yes

2 No

Q19. Do you have any children?

1 Yes

2 No

Q20. [If Q19=1] How old are your children?

[Web formatting will apply]

Children: _________________________

Q21. [If Q19=1] Do any of them live with you in your household?

1 Yes

2 No

Q22. The next several questions are designed to help us better understand the career paths of individuals with different physical abilities.

What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have with…

1 None

2 Slight

3 Moderate

4 Severe

5 Unable to do

Q22a. Seeing words or letters in ordinary newsprint (with glasses/contact lenses, if you usually wear them)?

Q22b. Hearing what is normally said in conversation with another person (with hearing aid, if you usually wear one)?

Q22c. Walking without human or mechanical assistance or using stairs?

Q22d. Lifting or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds, such as a bag of groceries?

Q23. What is the highest level of education completed by your [FILL: Q32a father (stepfather or male guardian) / Q23b mother (stepmother or female guardian)]?

1 Less than high school diploma

2 High school diploma or equivalent

3 Some college, vocational or trade school

4 Undergraduate degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)

5 Master’s degree (e.g., MS, MA, MPH)

6 Professional degree (e.g., MD, DO, DDS, DVM, etc.)

7 Doctorate degree (e.g., PhD, DSc, candidates of science, doctorates of science, etc.)

97 Other degree (please specify)

98 Don’t know

Q23a. Father (stepfather or male guardian)

Q23b. Mother (stepmother or female guardian)


R1. In case NSF needs to clarify some of the information you have provided, please list phone numbers and email addresses where you can be reached.

R1a. Primary telephone number:

R1b. Alternative telephone number:

R1c. Primary e-mail:

R1d. Alternative e-mail:

R2. The NSF is interested in how education and employment change over time. Therefore, the NSF may want to recontact you. Please provide the name and contact information for two people who are likely to know where you can be reached. Do not include someone who lives in your household.

[Web formatting will apply]

Contact 1

Contact 2

R2a. Street1:

R2h. Street1:

R2b. Street2:

R2i. Street2:

R2c. City:

R2j. City:

R2d. State or province:

R2k. State or province:

R2e. Country:

R2l. Country:

R2f. Zipcode:

R2m. Zipcode:

R2g. Telephone number:

R2n Telephone number:

R2h. E-mail:

R2o. E-mail:

R3. How do you prefer to participate in research surveys?

1 Online/web

2 Telephone

3 Mail

End. Thank you for your participation in this important research about early career researchers.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitlePreliminary Draft Questionnaire, March 6, 2009
AuthorTina Mainieri, Natalia Forrat
Last Modified Bynsfuser
File Modified2009-06-29
File Created2009-06-29

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