Form Disaster Rent Subs Disaster Rent Subs Disaster Rent Subsidy Contract

Disaster Housing Assistance Program-Ike (DHAP-Ike)


Disaster Housing Assistance Program-Ike (DHAP-Ike)

OMB: 2577-0258

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U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Office of Public and Indian Housing

Disaster Rent Subsidy Contract
Disaster Housing Assistance
Program DHAP-Ike

Use of this form

Instructions for use of the Disaster Rent
Subsidy Contract
This Disaster Rent Subsidy Contract
(DRSC) is used to provide rent subsidy
payments under the Disaster Housing
Assistance Program-Ike (DHAP-Ike). The
DHAP-Ike is a federal housing assistance
grant program implemented by the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) and the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
DHAP-Ike will provide temporary rent
subsidies to assist eligible families displaced
by Hurricanes Ike or Gustav. The following
categories of families may be eligible for
DHAP-Ike assistance: certain previously
HUD-assisted families that cannot return to
their HUD-assisted unit by November 1,
2008; DHAP families displaced from their
units; and previously unassisted families and
individuals referred to DHAP-Ike by FEMA.
The DHAP-Ike is administered by public
housing agencies (PHAs) that are currently
administering a housing choice voucher
program. The DRSC is an agreement
between the PHA and the owner of a unit
occupied by an assisted family. The DRS C
has three parts:
Part A: Contract information (fill-ins)
See section-by-section instructions.
Part B: Body of contract
Part C: Lease addendum
To prepare the DRSC, fill in all contract
information in Part A of the contract. Part A
must then be executed by the owner.

Use of this DRS C is required by HUD.
Modification of the DRS C is not permitted.
The DRSC must be word-for-word in the
form prescribed by HUD. However, the PHA
may add the following: Language that
defines when the rent subsidy payment by
the PHA is deemed received by the owner
(e.g., upon mailing by the PHA or actual
receipt by the owner).Such language must
be added to Part A of the DRS C.
How to fill in Part A
Section-by-Section Instructions
Section 1. Tenant
Enter full name of tenant.
Section 2. Contract Unit
Enter address of unit, including apartment
number, if any.
Section 3. Family Members
Enter full names of all family members.
Section 4. Effective Date of Contract
Enter the effective date of the contract.
Section 5. Initial Lease Rent
Enter the amount of the monthly rent during
the lease term. The PHA must determine
that the lease rent is in accordance with the
DHAP-Ike program requirements.
Section 6. Initial Rent Subsidy Payment
Enter the initial amount of the monthly rent
subsidy payment.
Section 7 Security Deposit Assistance
Enter the amount of the security deposit
assistance payment.
Section 8 Utilities and Appliances
The lease and the DRSC must specify what
utilities and appliances are to be supplied by
the owner, and what utilities and appliances,
are to be supplied by the tenant. Fill in
section 8 to show who is responsible to
provide of pay for utilities and appliances.

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Part A of the DRSC: Contract Information
(Fill out all contract information in Part A.)
1. Tenant

2. Contract Unit

3. Family
The following persons may reside in the unit. Other persons may not reside in the unit
without prior written approval of the owner and the PHA.








4. Effective Date of Contract _____________
The contract terminates in accordance with the DHAP-Ike requirements or upon termination
of the lease. In no instance may the contract be extended after March, 2010.
5. Initial Lease Rent
The initial lease rent is: $ __________
6. Rent Subsidy Payment
The DRSC term begins on the later of November 1, 2008, or the effective date of the DRS C.
At the beginning of the DRSC term, the amount of the rent subsidy payment by the PHA to
the owner is $ __________ per month. The amount of the monthly rent subsidy payment by
the PHA to the owner is subject to change during the DRSC term in accordance with the
DHAP-Ike program requirements.
7. Security Deposit Assistance
The amount of the security deposit charged by the owner is $_________. The amount of the
security deposit assistance payment by the PHA to the owner is $________. The security
deposit assistance payment must be determined in accordance with HUD requirements.
8. Utilities and Appliances
The owner shall provide or pay for the utilities and appliances indicated below by an “O”. The
tenant shall provide or pay for the utilities and appliances indicated below by a “T”. Unless
otherwise specified below, the owner shall pay for all utilities and appliances provided by the

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Utility/Appliance Provided by/Paid by:
Electricity ______________________
Trash Collection___________________
Other (specify)_____________________
Public Housing Agency


Print or Type Name of PHA

Print or Type Name of Owner



Print or Type Name and Title of

Print or Type Name and Title of

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Mail Payments to:

Address (Street, City, State, Zip)

Page 3 of 12

Part B of DRSC: Body of Contract
1. Purpose
a. This is a DRSC between the PHA and
the owner. The DRSC is entered into in
order to provide assistance for the
family under the DHAP-Ike.
b. The DRSC only applies to the family
and contract unit specified in Part A of
the DRSC.
c. During the DRSC term, the PHA will pay
rent subsidy payments to the owner in
accordance with the DRSC.
d. The family will reside in the contract unit
with assistance under the DHAP-Ike.
The rent subsidy payments by the PHA
assist the tenant to lease the contract
unit from the owner for occupancy by
the family.
2. Lease of Contract Unit
a. The owner has leased the contract unit
to the tenant for occupancy by the family
with assistance under the DHAP-Ike.
b. The PHA has approved leasing of the
unit in accordance with requirements of
the DHAP-Ike.
c. The lease for the contract unit must
include word-for-word all provisions of
the lease addendum required by HUD
(Part C of the DRSC).
d. The owner certifies that:
(1) The owner and the tenant have a
written lease for the unit and have
executed the DHAP-Ike lease
addendum; and
(2) The lease is consistent with State
and local law.
e. The owner is responsible for screening
the family’s behavior or suitability for
tenancy. The PHA is not responsible for
such screening. The PHA has no liability
or responsibility to the owner or other
persons for the family’s behavior or the
family’s conduct in tenancy.
3. Maintenance, Utilities, and Other
a. The owner must maintain the contract
unit and premises in accordance with
the DHAP-Ike requirements.
b. The Owner must ensure that the
contract unit is decent, safe and sanitary
The PHA will conduct an inspection of







the unit to ensure it meets the PHA
inspection standards.
The owner must provide all ownersupplied utilities needed to ensure the
unit is decent, safe and sanitary.
If the owner does not maintain the
contract unit in a manner that is decent,
safe and sanitary, the PHA may
exercise any available remedies. PHA
remedies for such breach include
recovery of overpayments, suspension
of rent subsidy payments, abatement or
other reduction of rent subsidy
payments, termination of rent subsidy
payments, and termination of the DRSC.
The PHA may not exercise such
remedies against the owner because of
a breach of the standards established
by the PHA in accordance with DHAPIke requirements for which the family is
responsible, and that is not caused by
the owner.
The PHA shall not make any rent
subsidy payments if the contract unit
does not meet the inspection standards
required by the PHA, unless the owner
corrects the defect within the period
specified by the PHA and the PHA
verifies the correction.
The PHA may inspect the contract unit
and premises at such times as the PHA
determines necessary to ensure that the
unit meets the PHA inspection
The PHA must notify the owner of any
defects shown by the inspection.
The owner must provide all housing
services as agreed to in the lease.

4. Term of DRSC
a. Relation to lease term. The term of the
DRSC begins on the effective date as
specified in part A of this Contract and
terminates on the earlier of the last day
of the term of the lease or March 31,
b. When DRSC terminates:
(1) The DRSC terminates automatically
if the lease is terminated by the
owner or the tenant.
(2) The PHA may terminate DHAP-Ike
assistance for the family for any
grounds authorized in accordance
with requirements under the DHAPIke. If the PHA terminates DHAP-

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Ike assistance for the family, the
DRSC terminates automatically.
If the family moves from the contract
unit, the DRSC terminates
The PHA may terminate the DRSC
if HUD determines, in accordance
with DHAP-Ike requirements, that
available DHAP-Ike funding is not
sufficient to support continued
assistance for families in the
The PHA may terminate the DRSC,
after notice to the owner and
opportunity to cure, if the PHA
determines that the unit does not
meet all requirements of the PHA
inspection standards, or determines
that the owner has otherwise
breached the DRSC.
When the rent subsidy amount
equals $0, the DRSC terminates.

5. Provision and Payment for Utilities
and Appliances
The lease and Part A of this contract must
specify what utilities and appliances are to
be provided or paid by the owner or the
tenant. The lease shall be consistent with
the DRSC.
6. Security Deposit Assistance
a. The PHA may pay security deposit
assistance to the owner on behalf of the
family in accordance with DHAP-Ike
b. The security deposit assistance
payment amount must be determined in
accordance with DHAP-Ike
requirements, and may never exceed
the security deposit charged by the
c. The owner may not collect a security
deposit in excess of private market
practice, as determined by the PHA, or
in excess of amounts charged by the
owner to unassisted tenants.
d. If the family moves out of the contract
unit, the owner must return the security
deposit assistance payment (minus any
amounts the owner may retain under the
terms of the lease and state and local
law) to the PHA.

7. Vacancy Payments
a. The PHA shall pay a vacancy payment
to the owner of up to two months if:
(1) the family requests to terminate the
tenancy and vacate the unit during the
term of the lease in order to end the
family’s participation in the DHAP-Ike to
return home to their pre-disaster
housing; and
(2) the owner and the tenant mutually agree
to terminate the lease.
b. The vacancy payment amount is
determined in accordance with the
DHAP-Ike requirements.
8. Lease Rent to Owner: Reasonable Rent
The least rent may not exceed the
reasonable rent to owner as determined in
accordance with DHAP-Ike requirements.
With the exception of subparagraph c, this
section does not apply to: 1) FEMA rental
assistance families that transition to DHAPIke by staying in their previously FEMA
assisted units. For all other families, the
following applies:
a. The PHA may not approve a lease until
it determines that the lease rent is
b. In order to be reasonable, the lease rent
may not exceed the rents charged for
comparable unassisted units in the
private market and comparable
unassisted units in the premises.
c. During the term of the DRSC, the PHA
must also re-determine the reasonable
rent before approving any increase in
the lease rent.
9. PHA Payment to Owner
a. When paid
(1) During the term of the DRSC, the
PHA must make monthly rent
subsidy payments to the owner on
behalf of the family at the beginning
of each month.
(2) The PHA must pay rent subsidy
payments promptly when due to the
(3) Rent subsidy payments shall only
be paid to the owner while the family
is residing in the contract unit during
the term of the DRSC. The PHA
shall not pay a rent subsidy
payment to the owner for any month
after the month when the family
moves out. The owner must

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promptly notify the PHA when the
family moves out. The owner retains
the full subsidy payment for the
month that the family vacates the
Owner compliance with DRSC.
Unless the owner has complied with all
provisions of the DRSC, the owner does
not have a right to receive rent subsidy
payments under the DRSC.
Amount of PHA payment to owner
(1) The amount of the monthly PHA
rent subsidy payment to the owner
must be determined by the PHA in
accordance with HUD requirements
for a tenancy under the DHAP-Ike.
(2) The rent subsidy payment for the
first month of the DRSC term may
be pro-rated for a partial month.
(3) The amount of the PHA rent subsidy
payment is subject to change during
the DRSC term in accordance with
HUD requirements. The PHA must
notify the family and the owner of
any changes in the amount of the
rent subsidy payment.
(4) Commencing May 1, 2009, and for
each month thereafter, the PHA will
reduce the subsidy payment each
month by $50 in accordance with
DHAP-Ike requirements and such
reduction shall incrementally
increase each month thereafter until
the program concludes as of March
13, 2010, unless the family qualifies
for a hardship exception. The
DHAP-Ike participating family is
responsible, each month beginning
May 1, 2009, for the amount of the
subsidy reduction.
(5) Rent subsidy payments may
terminate the earlier of 6 months
following the effective date of the
initial DRSC or July 31, 2009,
unless the family qualifies for
continued assistance in accordance
with DHAP-Ike requirements.

d. Application of payment. The monthly
rent subsidy payment shall be credited
against the monthly lease rent for the
contract unit.
e. Limit of PHA responsibility
(1) The PHA is only responsible for
making rent subsidy payments to
the owner in accordance with the

DRSC and HUD requirements for a
tenancy under the DHAP-Ike.
(2) The PHA shall not pay any portion
of the lease rent in excess of the
rent subsidy payment. The PHA
shall not pay any other claim by the
owner against the family.
f. Overpayment to owner. If the PHA
determines that the owner is not entitled
to the rent subsidy payment or any part
of it, the PHA, in addition to other
remedies, may deduct the amount of the
overpayment from any amounts due the
10. Owner Certification
During the term of this DRSC, the owner
certifies that:
a. The contract unit and premises are
maintained in accordance with the PHA
inspection standards, as applicable.
b. The contract unit is leased to the family.
The lease includes the lease addendum
(Part C of the DRSC), and is in
accordance with the DRSC and DHAPIke requirements. The owner has
provided the lease to the PHA, including
any revisions of the lease.
c. Except for the lease rent, the owner has
not received and will not receive any
payments or other consideration (from
the family, the PHA, HUD, or any other
public or private source) for rental of the
contract unit during the DRSC term.
d. The family does not own or have any
interest in the contract unit.
e. To the best of the owner’s knowledge,
the members of the family reside in the
contract unit, and the family is not
residing in any other unit..
f. The owner (including a principal or other
interested party) is not the parent, child,
grandparent, grandchild, sister, or
brother of any member of the family,
unless the PHA has determined (and
has notified the owner and the family of
such determination) that approving
rental of the unit would provide a
reasonable accommodation for a family
member who is a person with
11. Prohibition of Discrimination
In accordance with applicable equal
opportunity statutes, Executive Orders, and

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The owner must not discriminate against
any person because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age,
familial status, or disability in connection
with the DRSC.
The owner must cooperate with the PHA
and HUD in conducting equal
opportunity compliance reviews and
complaint investigations in connection
with the DRSC.

12. Owner’s Breach of DRSC
a. Any of the following actions by the
owner (including a principal or other
interested party) is a breach of the
DRSC by the owner:
(1) If the owner has violated any
obligation under the DRSC,
including the owner’s obligation to
maintain the unit in accordance with
the PHA inspection standards..
(2) If the owner commits fraud, bribery
or any other corrupt or criminal act
in connection with any Federal
housing assistance program.
(3) If the owner engages in any drugrelated criminal activity or any
violent criminal activity.
b. If the PHA determines that a breach has
occurred, the PHA may exercise any of
its rights and remedies under the DRSC,
or any other available rights and
remedies for such breach. The PHA
shall notify the owner of such
determination, including a brief
statement of the reasons for the
determination. The notice by the PHA to
the owner may require the owner to take
corrective action, as verified or
determined by the PHA, by a deadline
prescribed in the notice.
c. The PHA’s rights and remedies for
owner breach of the DRSC include
recovery of overpayments, suspension
of rent subsidy payments, abatement or
other reduction of rent subsidy
payments, termination of rent subsidy
payments, and termination of the DRSC.
d. The PHA may seek and obtain
additional relief by judicial order or
action, including specific performance,
other injunctive relief or order for
e. Even if the family continues to live in the
contract unit, the PHA may exercise any


rights and remedies for owner breach of
the DRSC.
The PHA’s exercise or non-exercise of
any right or remedy for owner breach of
the DRSC is not a waiver of the right to
exercise that or any other right or
remedy at any time.

13. PHA and HUD Access to
Premises and Owner’s Records
a. The owner must provide any information
pertinent to the DRSC that the PHA or
HUD may reasonably require.
b. The PHA, HUD and the Comptroller
General of the United States shall have
full and free access to the contract unit
and the premises, and to all accounts
and other records of the owner that are
relevant to the DRSC, including the right
to examine or audit the records and to
make copies.
c. The owner must grant such access to
computerized or other electronic
records, and to any computers,
equipment or facilities containing such
records, and must provide any
information or assistance needed to
access the records.
14. Exclusion of Third Party Rights
a. The family is not a party to or third party
beneficiary of Part B of the DRS C. The
family may not enforce any provision of
Part B, and may not exercise any right
or remedy against the owner or PHA
under Part B.
b. The tenant or the PHA may enforce the
lease addendum (Part C of the DRSC)
against the owner, and may exercise
any right or remedy against the owner
under the lease addendum.
b. The PHA does not assume any
responsibility for injury to, or any liability
to, any person injured as a result of the
owner’s action or failure to act in
connection with management of the
contract unit or the premises or with
implementation of the DRSC, or as a
result of any other action or failure to act
by the owner.
c. The owner is not the agent of the PHA,
and the DRSC does not create or affect
any relationship between the PHA and
any lender to the owner or any
suppliers, employees, contractors or
subcontractors used by the owner in

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connection with management of the
contract unit or the premises or with
implementation of the DRSC.

16. Written Notices. Any notice by the PHA
or the owner in connection with this
contract must be in writing.

15. Assignment of the DRSC
The owner may not assign the DRSC to a
new owner without the prior written consent
of the PHA.

17. Entire Agreement: Interpretation
a. The DRSC contains the entire
agreement between the owner and the
b. The DRSC shall be interpreted and
implemented in accordance with HUD
requirements for the DHAP-Ike.

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Part C of DRSC: Lease Addendum


1. Disaster Housing Assistance
Program - Ike
a. The owner is leasing the contract unit to
the tenant for occupancy by the tenant’s
family with assistance for a tenancy
under the Disaster Housing Assistance
Program – Ike (DHAP-Ike) administered
by the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
on behalf of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA).
b. The owner has entered into a Disaster
Rent Subsidy Contract (DRSC) with the
PHA under DHAP-Ike. Under the
DRSC, the PHA will make rent subsidy
payments to the owner to assist the
tenant in leasing the unit from the
2. Lease
a. The owner has given the PHA a copy of
the lease, including any revisions
agreed to by the owner and the tenant.
The owner certifies that the terms of the
lease are in accordance with all
provisions of the DRSC and that the
lease includes the lease addendum.
b. The tenant shall have the right to
enforce the lease addendum against the
owner. If there is any conflict between
the lease addendum and any other
provisions of the lease, the language of
the lease addendum shall control.
3. Use of Contract Unit
a. During the lease term, the family will
reside in the contract unit with
assistance under the DHAP-Ike.
b. The tenant may not sublease or let the
c. The tenant may not assign the lease or
transfer the unit.
4. Lease Rent
a. The lease rent may not exceed the
amount approved by the PHA in
accordance with DHAP-Ike
b. Changes in the lease rent shall be
determined by the provisions of the
lease, DRSC and DHAP-Ike

The lease rent may not exceed the
reasonable rent for the unit as
determined by the PHA in accordance
with DHAP-Ike requirements except the
PHA does not determine if the rent for
the unit is reasonable in the case of a
pre-assigned FEMA rental assistance
family that is transitioning to DHAP-Ike
by staying in-place.

5. Family Payment to Owner
a. The family is responsible for paying the
owner any portion of the lease rent that
is not covered by the PHA rent subsidy
b. Each month, the PHA will make a rent
subsidy payment to the owner on behalf
of the family in accordance with the
DRS C. The amount of the monthly rent
subsidy payment will be determined by
the PHA in accordance with DHAP-Ike
c. Commencing May 1, 2009 and for each
month thereafter, the PHA will reduce
the subsidy payment each month by $50
and such reduction shall incrementally
increase each month thereafter until the
program ends with the March, 2010 rent
subsidy payment, unless the family
qualifies, in accordance with DHAP-Ike
requirements, for the hardship
exception. The DHAP-Ike participating
family is responsible, each month
beginning May 1, 2009, for the amount
of the subsidy reduction.
d. The rent subsidy payment shall be
credited against the monthly lease rent
for the contract unit.
e. The tenant is not responsible for paying
the portion of lease rent covered by the
rent subsidy payment under the DRSC
between the owner and the PHA. A
PHA failure to pay the rent subsidy
payment to the owner is not a violation
of the lease. The owner may not
terminate the tenancy for nonpayment of
the PHA rent subsidy payment.
f. The owner may not charge or accept,
from the family or from any other
source, any payment for rent of the unit
in addition to the lease rent. Lease rent
includes all housing services,
maintenance, utilities and appliances to
be provided and paid by the owner in
accordance with the lease.

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The owner must immediately return to
the tenant any excess rent payment
paid by the tenant.

6. Other Fees and Charges
The owner may not charge the tenant extra
amounts for items customarily included in
lease rent in the locality, or provided at no
additional cost to unsubsidized tenants in
the premises.
7. Maintenance, Utilities, and Other
a. Maintenance
(1) The owner must maintain the unit
and premises in a manner that
ensures they are decent, safe and
sanitary, in accordance with DHAPIke requirements. Maintenance and
replacement (including
redecoration) must be in
accordance with the standard
practice for the building concerned
as established by the owner.
b. Utilities and appliances
(1) The owner must provide all ownersupplied utilities needed to comply
with the DHAP-Ike operating
(2) The owner is not responsible for a
breach of the PHA inspection
standards in accordance with
DHAP-Ike requirements, caused by
the tenant’s failure to:
(a) Pay for any utilities that are to
be paid by the tenant.
(b) Provide and maintain any
appliances that are to be
provided by the tenant.
c. Family Damage. The owner is not
responsible for a breach of the PHA
inspection standards because of damages
beyond normal wear and tear caused by any
member of the household or by a guest.
d. Housing Services. The owner must
provide all housing services as agreed to in
the lease.
8. Termination of Tenancy: Owner
Requirements. The owner may only
terminate the tenancy in accordance with
the lease, state and local law and
requirements under DHAP-Ike.

9. Lease: Relation to DRSC
If the DRSC terminates for any reason, the
lease is not affected by the termination of
the DRSC or rent subsidy payments.
However, upon termination of the DRSC,
this lease addendum shall be void.
10. PHA Termination of Assistance
The PHA may terminate program assistance
for the family, for any grounds authorized in
accordance with DHAP-Ike requirements. If
the PHA decides to terminate program
assistance for the family, the DRSC
terminates and no additional rent subsidy
payments will be made to the owner.
11. Family Move Out
The tenant must notify the PHA and the
owner before the family moves out of the
12. Security Deposit
a. The owner may collect a security
deposit for the rental of the unit. The
owner may not collect a security deposit
in excess of private market practice, or
in excess of amounts charged by the
owner to unassisted tenants.
b. The PHA may make a security deposit
assistance payment on behalf of the
family in accordance with DHAP-Ike
requirements. If the security deposit
charged by the owner exceeds the
security deposit assistance payment,
the owner may collect the remaining
amount from the tenant.
c. When the family moves out of the
contract unit the owner may use the
security deposit assistance payment in
accordance with state and local law.
d. The owner must give the tenant and
PHA a list of all items charged against
the security deposit, and the amount of
each item. Any amount charged by the
owner must first be deducted from the
tenant’s portion, if any, of the security
deposit. Any unused portion of the
security deposit paid by the family, must
be returned to the family. Any unused
portion of the security deposit
assistance payment made by the PHA
must be returned to the PHA.
e. If the security deposit (including the
security deposit assistance payment) is
not sufficient to cover amounts the

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tenant owes under the lease, the owner
may collect the balance from the tenant.
13. Prohibition of Discrimination
In accordance with applicable equal
opportunity statutes, Executive Orders, and
regulations, the owner must not discriminate
against any person because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age, familial
status or disability in connection with the
14. Conflict with Other Provisions of
a. The terms of the lease addendum are
prescribed by HUD in accordance with
HUD and FEMA requirements, as a
condition for Federal assistance to the
tenant and tenant’s family under the
b. In case of any conflict between the
provisions of the lease addendum as
required by HUD, and any other
provisions of the lease or any other
agreement between the owner and the
tenant, the requirements of this lease
addendum shall control.
15. Changes in Lease or Rent
a. The tenant and the owner may not make
any change in the lease addendum.
However, if the tenant and the owner
agree to any other changes in the lease,
such changes must be in writing, and
the owner must immediately give the
PHA a copy of such changes. The
lease, including any changes, must be
in accordance with the requirements of
the lease addendum.
b. In the following cases, rent subsidy
payments shall not be continued unless
the PHA has approved a new tenancy in
accordance with program requirements
and has executed a new DRSC with the
(1) If there are any changes in lease
requirements governing tenant or
owner responsibilities for utilities or
(2) If the family moves to a new unit,
even if the unit is in the same
building or complex.
c. PHA approval of the tenancy, and
execution of a new DRSC, are not
required for agreed changes in the lease
other than as specified in paragraph b.


The owner must notify the PHA and the
tenant of any changes in the amount of
the lease rent at least thirty days before
any such changes go into effect, and the
amount of the lease rent following any
such agreed change must be in
accordance with DHAP-Ike

16. Notices
Any notice under the lease by the tenant to
the owner or by the owner to the tenant
must be in writing.
17. Definitions
Contract unit. The housing unit rented by
the tenant with assistance under the
Family. The persons who may reside in the
unit with assistance under the DHAP-Ike.
DRSC. The rent subsidy payments contract
between the PHA and the owner. The PHA
pays rent subsidy payments to the owner in
accordance with the DRSC.
FEMA. Federal Emergency Management
HUD. The U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development.
DHAP-Ike requirements. DHAP-Ike
requirements are the Inter-Agency
Agreement between FEMA and HUD, the
Operating Requirements for the program,
any applicable HUD notices, Federal
Register Notices, regulations, contracts and
HUD policies for the DHAP-Ike.
Lease . The written agreement between the
owner and the tenant for the lease of the
contract unit to the tenant. The lease
includes the lease addendum prescribed by
Lease rent. The total monthly rent payable
to the owner for the contract unit. The lease
rent is the sum of the portion of rent payable
by the tenant plus the PHA rent subsidy
payment to the owner.
Owner. Any person or entity with the legal
right to lease or sublease a unit to a
PHA. Public Housing Agency. A housing
agency or other HUD designated
intermediary agency that administers the
PHA inspection standards. The standards
for the physical condition of the unit
established by the PHA under the DHAPIke.

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Premises. The building or complex in which
the contract unit is located, including
common areas and grounds.

Program. The Disaster Housing Assistance
Tenant. The family member (or members)
who leases the unit from the owner.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Titledat-DRSC DHAP-Ike 10 20 08 - Finalposted.doc
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2008-10-20

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