American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

Well-being Module Requirements

American Time Use Survey (ATUS)

OMB: 1220-0175

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W ell-being Module Requirements March 13, 2009

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the survey sponsor of the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), is requesting that a supplemental module be created to ask a series of questions about well-being. This instrument will be in the form of a stand-alone, mini-module consisting of the well-being module questions.

Respondents who complete a 24-hour diary will be asked the well-being module. Three activities from the diary will be randomly selected and seven questions related to quality of life (6 affect questions and 1 question about interaction) will be asked about each activity; a few questions about health status will be asked for each case. The order of the six affect questions will be randomly determined, but the questions will be asked in the same order for a given case.


This module is being developed as a stand-alone instrument. An external diary input will be created so that this module can be developed without being integrated with the ATUS interviewing instrument.

Three activities from the completed 24-hour diary will be randomly selected and displayed in the form pane. The activities must meet the following criteria:

  • The activity must be at least 5 minutes in duration

  • Do not select activities reported using the following precodes (activities with these precodes are ineligible for selection):

    • 1-Sleeping

    • 2-Grooming

    • 30-Don't know/Can't remember

    • 31-Refusal/ None of your business

  • The interviewers should be able to skip certain activities that they know are sensitive. For example, personal activities that are recorded using a verbatim rather than a precode. This might be an interviewer instruction rather than something in the instrument.

The following fields from the Section 4 Diary should be retained in the module:


  • ROWNUM – original row number from the diary table




If a case does not meet the criteria (i.e. there are not 3 activities that qualify for selection) then the well-being questions will be asked of the remaining qualifying activities. There must be at least 1 qualifying activity to proceed with these questions. If no activities qualify, such as when all activities are refusals or reported as sleeping, then the well-being module questions will begin with the health status questions.


Universe: All

Screen Name: ADD3_INTRO

Question text:

Now I want to go back and ask you some questions about how you felt yesterday. We’re asking these questions to better understand people’s health and well-being during their daily lives. As before, whatever you tell us will be kept confidential.

The computer has selected 3 time intervals that I will ask about.

  1. Enter 1 to Continue

Valid values: 1 [go to FQ]

Universe: ADD3_INTRO = 1

Screen Name: FQ

Between [FILL 1: Starttime of Episode] and [FILL 2: Stoptime of Episode] yesterday, you said you were [FILL 3: activity]. [FILL 4: The next set of questions asks how you felt during this particular time.

Please use a scale from 0 to 6, where a 0 means you did not experience this feeling at all and a 6 means the feeling was very strong. You may choose any number 0,1,2,3,4,5 or 6 to reflect how strongly you experienced this feeling during this time.]

1. Enter 1 to Continue

Valid values: 1 [go to FQA]

Fill instructions:

  1. Fill 1 – display the episode start time for the first selected episode. Include a.m. or p.m.

  2. Fill 2 - display the episode stop time for the first selected episode. Include a.m. or p.m.

  3. Fill 3 - display the activity description for the first selected episode.

  4. Display fill 4 only the first time the screen is displayed. The second & subsequent times, display only the first sentence of the first paragraph (do not include “The next set of questions asks how you felt during this particular time” and do not include the “Please use a scale” paragraph).

Special instructions:

  1. Display the 3 selected activities in chronological order in the form pane. Display the activity description, the start time, and the stop time; these fields should all be grayed out.

  2. Randomly assign a value to determine the order of the question fills in FQA – FQE . MEANING is always the “meaningful” question. This order should be the same for all 3 activities, and the ORDER1-5 fields need to be retained for processing.

    1. Assign a value 1 – 5 and store in ORDER1.

    2. The value assigned to ORDER1 is no longer eligible; randomly assign one of the remaining values and store in ORDER2.

    3. The values assigned to ORDER1, ORDER2 are no longer eligible; randomly assign one of the remaining values and store in ORDER3.

    4. The values assigned to ORDER1, ORDER2, ORDER3 are no longer eligible; randomly assign one of the remaining values and store in ORDER4.

    5. The values assigned to ORDER1, ORDER2, ORDER3, ORDER4 are no longer eligible; randomly assign one of the remaining values and store in ORDER5.

Universe: FQ = 1

Screen Name: FQA

Question text:


From 0 to 6, where a 0 means you [FILL1] and a 6 means you were [FILL2] did you feel during this time?


From 0 to 6, how [FILL3] did you feel during this [FILL4: time?/time, if any?]

* 0 – did not experience the feeling at all

* 6 – feeling was extremely strong

Valid values: 0 – 6, D, R

Fill instructions:

  1. If ADD3ROWNUM = 1, then fill SCREEN 1 wording. Else, when ADD3ROWNUM = 2 – 3, fill SCREEN 2 wording.

  2. If ORDER1 = 1, FILL1 = “were not happy at all”; FILL2 = “very happy, how happy”

  3. If ORDER1 = 2, FILL1 = “were not tired at all”; FILL2 = “very tired, how tired”

  4. If ORDER1 = 3, FILL1 = “were not stressed at all”; FILL2 = “very stressed, how stressed”

  5. If ORDER1 = 4, FILL1 = “were not sad at all”; FILL2 = “very sad, how sad”

  6. If ORDER1 = 5, FILL1 = “did not feel any pain at all”; FILL2 = “in severe pain, how much pain”

  7. If ORDER1 = 5, display the interviewer instruction “*Read if Necessary: Pain includes both physical pain and mental pain.”

Skip instructions:

1. If entry = 0 – 6, D,R go to FQB.

Special instructions:

  1. If ORDER1 = 1, store FQA in out variable HAPPY for this activity.

  2. If ORDER1 = 2, store FQA in out variable TIRED for this activity.

  3. If ORDER1 = 3, store FQA in out variable STRESS for this activity.

  4. If ORDER1 = 4, store FQA in out variable SAD activity.

  5. If ORDER1 = 5, store FQA in out variable PAIN for this activity.

Universe: FQA = 0 – 6,D, R

Screen Name: FQB

Question text:


From 0 to 6, where a 0 means you [FILL1] and a 6 means you were [FILL2] did you feel during this time?


From 0 to 6, how [FILL3] did you feel during this [FILL4: time?/time, if any?]

* 0 – did not experience the feeling at all

* 6 – feeling was extremely strong

Valid values: 0 – 6, D, R

Fill instructions:

  1. If ADD3ROWNUM = 1, then fill SCREEN 1 wording. Else, when ADD3ROWNUM = 2 – 3, fill SCREEN 2 wording.

  2. If ORDER1 = 1, FILL1 = “were not happy at all”; FILL2 = “very happy, how happy”

  3. If ORDER1 = 2, FILL1 = “were not tired at all”; FILL2 = “very tired, how tired”

  4. If ORDER1 = 3, FILL1 = “were not stressed at all”; FILL2 = “very stressed, how stressed”

  5. If ORDER1 = 4, FILL1 = “were not sad at all”; FILL2 = “very sad, how sad”

  6. If ORDER1 = 5, FILL1 = “did not feel any pain at all”; FILL2 = “in severe pain, how much pain”

  7. If ORDER1 = 5, display the interviewer instruction “*Read if Necessary: Pain includes both physical pain and mental pain.”

Skip instructions:

  1. If entry = 0 – 6, D, R go to FQC.

Special instructions:

  1. If ORDER2 = 1, store FQB in out variable HAPPY for this activity.

  2. If ORDER2 = 2, store FQB in out variable TIRED for this activity.

  3. If ORDER2 = 3, store FQB in out variable STRESS for this activity.

  4. If ORDER2 = 4, store FQB in out variable SAD activity.

  5. If ORDER2 = 5, store FQB in out variable PAIN for this activity.

Universe: FQB = 0 – 6,D, R

Screen Name: FQC

Question text:


From 0 to 6, where a 0 means you [FILL1] and a 6 means you were [FILL2] did you feel during this time?


From 0 to 6, how [FILL3] did you feel during this [FILL4: time?/time, if any?]

* 0 – did not experience the feeling at all

* 6 – feeling was extremely strong

Valid values: 0 – 6, D, R

Fill instructions:

  1. If ADD3ROWNUM = 1, then fill SCREEN 1 wording. Else, when ADD3ROWNUM = 2 – 3, fill SCREEN 2 wording.

  2. If ORDER1 = 1, FILL1 = “were not happy at all”; FILL2 = “very happy, how happy”

  3. If ORDER1 = 2, FILL1 = “were not tired at all”; FILL2 = “very tired, how tired”

  4. If ORDER1 = 3, FILL1 = “were not stressed at all”; FILL2 = “very stressed, how stressed”

  5. If ORDER1 = 4, FILL1 = “were not sad at all”; FILL2 = “very sad, how sad”

  6. If ORDER1 = 5, FILL1 = “did not feel any pain at all”; FILL2 = “in severe pain, how much pain”

  7. If ORDER1 = 5, display the interviewer instruction “*Read if Necessary: Pain includes both physical pain and mental pain.”

Skip instructions:

  1. If entry = 0 – 6, D, R go to FQD.

Special instructions:

  1. If ORDER3 = 1, store FQC in out variable HAPPY for this activity.

  2. If ORDER3 = 2, store FQC in out variable TIRED for this activity.

  3. If ORDER3 = 3, store FQC in out variable STRESS for this activity.

  4. If ORDER3 = 4, store FQC in out variable SAD activity.

  5. If ORDER3 = 5, store FQC in out variable PAIN for this activity.

Universe: FQC = 0 – 6,D, R

Screen Name: FQD

Question text:


From 0 to 6, where a 0 means you [FILL1] and a 6 means you were [FILL2] did you feel during this time?


From 0 to 6, how [FILL3] did you feel during this [FILL4: time?/time, if any?]

* 0 – did not experience the feeling at all

* 6 – feeling was extremely strong

Valid values: 0 – 6, D, R

Fill instructions:

  1. If ADD3ROWNUM = 1, then fill SCREEN 1 wording. Else, when ADD3ROWNUM = 2 – 3, fill SCREEN 2 wording.

  2. If ORDER1 = 1, FILL1 = “were not happy at all”; FILL2 = “very happy, how happy”

  3. If ORDER1 = 2, FILL1 = “were not tired at all”; FILL2 = “very tired, how tired”

  4. If ORDER1 = 3, FILL1 = “were not stressed at all”; FILL2 = “very stressed, how stressed”

  5. If ORDER1 = 4, FILL1 = “were not sad at all”; FILL2 = “very sad, how sad”

  6. If ORDER1 = 5, FILL1 = “did not feel any pain at all”; FILL2 = “in severe pain, how much pain”

  7. If ORDER1 = 5, display the interviewer instruction “*Read if Necessary: Pain includes both physical pain and mental pain.”

Skip instructions:

  1. If entry = 0 – 6, D, R go to FQE.

Special instructions:

  1. If ORDER4 = 1, store FQD in out variable HAPPY for this activity.

  2. If ORDER4 = 2, store FQD in out variable TIRED for this activity.

  3. If ORDER4 = 3, store FQD in out variable STRESS for this activity.

  4. If ORDER4 = 4, store FQD in out variable SAD activity.

  5. If ORDER4 = 5, store FQD in out variable PAIN for this activity.

Universe: FQD = 0 – 6,D, R

Screen Name: FQE

Question text:


From 0 to 6, where a 0 means you [FILL1] and a 6 means you were [FILL2] did you feel during this time?


From 0 to 6, how [FILL3] did you feel during this [FILL4: time?/time, if any?]

* 0 – did not experience the feeling at all

* 6 – feeling was extremely strong

Valid values: 0 – 6, D, R

Fill instructions:

  1. If ADD3ROWNUM = 1, then fill SCREEN 1 wording. Else, when ADD3ROWNUM = 2 – 3, fill SCREEN 2 wording.

  2. If ORDER1 = 1, FILL1 = “were not happy at all”; FILL2 = “very happy, how happy”

  3. If ORDER1 = 2, FILL1 = “were not tired at all”; FILL2 = “very tired, how tired”

  4. If ORDER1 = 3, FILL1 = “were not stressed at all”; FILL2 = “very stressed, how stressed”

  5. If ORDER1 = 4, FILL1 = “were not sad at all”; FILL2 = “very sad, how sad”

  6. If ORDER1 = 5, FILL1 = “did not feel any pain at all”; FILL2 = “in severe pain, how much pain”

  7. If ORDER1 = 5, display the interviewer instruction “*Read if Necessary: Pain includes both physical pain and mental pain.”

Skip instructions:

  1. If entry = 0 – 6, D, R go to MEANING.

Special instructions:

  1. If ORDER5 = 1, store FQE in out variable HAPPY for this activity.

  2. If ORDER5 = 2, store FQE in out variable TIRED for this activity.

  3. If ORDER5 = 3, store FQE in out variable STRESS for this activity.

  4. If ORDER5 = 4, store FQE in out variable SAD activity.

  5. If ORDER5 = 5, store FQE in out variable PAIN for this activity.

Universe: FQE = 0 – 6, D, R

Screen Name: MEANING

Question text:

From 0 to 6, how meaningful to you was this time?

* 0 – did not experience the feeling at all

* 6 – feeling was extremely strong

Valid values: 0 – 6, D, R

Skip instructions:

  1. If entry = 0 – 6, D, R go to INTERACT.

Universe: MEANING = 0 – 6,D, R

Screen Name: INTERACT

Question text:

Were you interacting with anyone during this time, including over the phone?

*Read if Necessary: Interacting means communicating or responding to someone in some way. Examples include things like talking to someone, e-mailing or texting someone, listening to a conference call, or playing a game like tennis or chess.

1. Yes

2. No

Valid values: 1 - 2, D, R

Skip instructions:

  1. If entry = 1 - 2, D, R and there are remaining activities in the grid, return to FQ. Continue in this sequence until the grid is full for all 3 activities.

  2. If this is the last question for last activity, go to PAIN1.

Universe: INTERACT = 1 – 2, D, R AND the grid is full (affect questions have been asked for all activities)

Screen Name: PAIN1

Question text:

Did you take any pain medication yesterday, such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen or prescription pain medication?

*Interviewer instruction: If the respondent mentions a drug, code as a yes. For example, Tylenol and Aleve are both pain medications.

1. Yes

2. No

Valid values: 1 - 2, D, R [go to HEALTH1]

Universe: PAIN1 = 1 – 2, D, R

Screen Name: HEALTH1

Question text:

Finally, I have a couple of questions about your health. Would you say your health in general is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?

  1. Excellent

  2. very good

  3. good

  4. fair

  5. poor

Valid values: 1 - 5, D, R [go to HEALTH2]

Universe: HEALTH1 = 1 – 5, D, R

Screen Name: HEALTH2

Question text:

In the last five years, were you ever told by a doctor or other health professional that you have

hypertension, also called high blood pressure, or borderline hypertension?

1. Yes

2. No

Valid values: 1 - 2, D, R [go to HEALTH3]

Universe: HEALTH2 = 1 – 2, D, R

Screen Name: HEALTH3

Question text:

When you woke up yesterday, how well-rested did you feel? Did you feel very rested, somewhat

rested, a little rested, or not at all rested?

1. Very

2. Somewhat

3. A little

4. Not at all

Valid values: 1 - 4, D, R [go to THANKYOU]

- 11 -

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleRound 2 Well-Being Module
AuthorLAN User Support
Last Modified Bymontc001
File Modified2009-04-09
File Created2009-03-10

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