CRC APR Instructions

CRC APR Instructions.doc

Research and Research Training Grant Applications and Related Forms

CRC APR Instructions

OMB: 0925-0001

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An Annual Progress Report (APR) for each grant is required each year. The information provided should be consistent with the institution's financial records. Therefore, collaboration among the Principal Investigator/Center Director and appropriate business and financial officers of the host institution in the preparation of the APR is advised.

The Program Director is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the APR and MUST SIGN THE COVER PAGE.

Warning Notice: This is a U.S. Government computer system, which may be accessed and used only for authorized Government business by authorized personnel. Unauthorized access or use of this computer system may subject violators to criminal, civil, and/or administrative action.

All information on this computer system may be intercepted, recorded, read, copied, and disclosed by and to authorized personnel for official purposes, including criminal investigations. Such information includes sensitive data encrypted to comply with confidentiality and privacy requirements. Access or use of this computer system by any person, whether authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to these terms. There is no right of privacy in this system.

Cover Page

The APR for each RCMI CRC grant is due 60 days BEFORE the budget reporting period ends.

All instances of "you" in these instructions refer to the Principal Investigator/Director (PI) who is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the APR and MUST SIGN THE COVER PAGE.

If the reporting period is different from the official budget reporting period provided on the screen, modify the dates to match the period being reported, make any other corrections to the Cover Page, and press "Update".

Note: Changing the reporting dates will affect other parts of the system, e.g. the PHS support selection and the MEDLINE publications retrieved.

If you need to change the Center Director of the to another person currently listed on the Personnel Roster, select that person's name from the drop-down menu. However, if the Director is new to the grant, you need to first add the person's name to the Personnel Roster and then return to the Cover Page and select the new person's name from the drop-down menu.

If you need to change the PI of the grant to another person currently listed on the Personnel Roster, select that person's name from the drop-down menu. However, if the PI is new to the grant, you need to first add the person's name to the Personnel Roster and then return to the Cover Page and select the new person's name from the drop-down menu. The PI must sign the Cover Page that you will mail to NCRR.

If the PI of the grant needs to be changed to another person currently listed on the Personnel Roster, select that person's name from the drop-down menu. However, if the PI is new to the grant, first add the person's name to the Personnel Roster, then return to the Cover Page and select the new person's name from the drop-down menu. The PI must sign the Cover Page that is mailed to NCRR.

Personnel Roster

This roster serves as a reference for identifying subproject investigators and/or personnel benefiting from the Center or who contribute in a substantive way to the scientific development or execution of the program, subprojects, cores, or consortia agreements, whether or not salaries are paid. Therefore, it is important to list all investigators on the roster who will be identified with a subproject.

To add a name, click the "Add" button.

To edit a name, click on the name.

To delete a person(s), check the box(es) and then click on "Delete". You will not be asked to confirm the deletes. Multiple names may be deleted at once. If a person is deleted from this roster, she/he will be removed from every subproject and every funding source attached to the name will be deleted. The Center Director's name cannot be deleted. The name must be removed as Director and then deleted.

CAP/MCAP designation cannot be added to an individual this year. If a person was previously a CAP/MCAP, also check the box next to "Previous?"

No investigator's name should appear more than once. If duplicate names are in the roster because of different spellings, press the "Merge Duplicates" button to combine the person data into one.

If a person was deleted in error, click the "Restore PIs" button and select the name(s) to be restored from the list. This restores only the person information, not any subproject relationships or any funding sources.

Personnel Roster Edit

When editing names on the roster, please provide the requested information as complete and accurate as possible. The name will be used to identify additional PHS funding sources, as well as publications in Medline. If the individual is part of the host-grant, the non-host institution fields should remain empty. Other data elements are defined below.

Restore Roster

If a person was deleted in error, click the "Restore PIs" button and select the name(s) to be restored from the list. This restores only the person information, not any subproject relationships or any funding sources.

Merge Data

No investigator's name should appear more than once. If duplicate names are in the roster because of different spellings, press the "Merge Duplicates" button to combine the person data into one record. Follow the instructions on the screen for combining the data. The degrees, SPIDs, support and publication data will be merged into the roster name selected to be kept. The only data that does not merge is the institutional data.

Merge Data check

Check and make sure the name to be eliminated is the one you truly want to eliminate. It will be permanently deleted.


The Subproject page should list all core and research subprojects conducted at the Center during the reporting period.

Since requests for information addressed to NCRR are usually specified in categorical terms (e.g., research on cardiovascular diseases, women's health issues), please adequately describe research. Information provided about the subproject is used when reporting the program's contributions to specific areas of scientific research. The subproject data provides NCRR staff the information needed to answer frequent questions from other NIH administrators, public health officials, Congress and the public.

To add a subproject, click the "Add" button.

To edit a subproject, click on the SPID (Subproject ID) number.

To delete a subproject(s), check the box(es) and then click "Delete" button.

Delete subprojects that were not active in the current reporting period. The APR system will retain the base SPID information so that it may be restored via the "Restore SPID" button if a subproject is re-activated.

Restore SPIDS

All subprojects previously deleted from the grant, which have not been permanently removed from the archive or restored, may be restored.

The APR system retains the basic SPID information (number, type, title, AIDS flag, abstract) so that it may be restored if needed.

Once restored, all missing information, including investigators, must be added.

Subproject(s) can also be deleted permanently from this archive.

Subprojects Edit

The Subproject page should list all core and research subprojects conducted at the Center during the reporting period.

Since requests for information addressed to NCRR are usually specified in categorical terms (e.g., research on cardiovascular diseases, women's health issues), please adequately describe research. Information provided about the subproject is used when reporting the NCRR program's contributions to specific areas of scientific research. The subproject data provides NCRR staff the information needed to answer frequent questions from other NIH administrators, public health officials, Congress and the public.

Funding and publication information can also be edited through the subproject section. To do so, make sure the personnel roster is complete and both the Federal - PHS support and Publications data have been populated and linked to SPID.


Data elements for subproject reporting are defined below:

Start Date

Long Title

Patient Data

G&M Tracking


Each subproject is automatically assigned a sequential, 4-digit identification number, called the SPID (Subproject ID), which should be maintained for the life of the subproject.

If a subproject exists over multiple years, just modify the subproject information each year the APR is completed. Do not "add" the subproject each year.

Delete subprojects that were not active in the current reporting period. The APR system will retain the base SPID information so that it may be restored via the "Restore SPIDS" button if a subproject is re-activated.


Use a descriptive title of no more than 80 characters, including spaces. Avoid the use of a, an, the, study of, investigation of, role of, evaluation of, research on/in, at the beginning of the title.

This title is made available to the public through the NIH Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP) database.


If this research subproject is AIDS-related, select 'Yes' in the drop-down box. The default is 'No'.


List all investigators associated with the subproject.

Designate one investigator as the Primary Investigator. There can only be one (1) primary investigator and all others are co-investigators.

When editing a subproject, choose 'Add Inv.' to add another investigator.

Subproject Description

Provide a brief summary description of the study in layperson's language including background, rationale for the project, study question(s), design, study population (if applicable), and outcome measures. It may be up to 250 words.

This description should be updated if it becomes inaccurate, but repetition of the previous year's description is expected.

This information will be made publicly available in the NIH Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP) system, so it should contain NO proprietary or confidential material.

Note: When cutting and pasting a description into the NCRR APR Web system, review the saved results for loss of scientific notation and special characters (i.e., superscripts, subscripts, Greek letters, etc.). When using special formatting in a word processor, the word processor inserts hidden codes that are not understood or recognized by the Web browser.

Subproject Progress

Describe the scientific and clinical progress achieved since the previous annual report. This segment of the subproject report will assist the NCRR staff in evaluation of the progress of the Center.

This information will not be released to the NIH CRISP database; however, it is subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.

This field is not mandatory. However, if this field is left blank, then progress must be adequately described in the Subproject Description field.

Add Investigator

Select the investigator's name from the drop-down list and indicate type (primary or co-investigator).

If the name does not appear, click the "Add New Name" link that will go to the Personnel Roster Add screen where the new name can be added.

Published: Abstracts, Books & Journals

The publication list should contain all publications that resulted from the reported year's grant support and/or from the use of the Center's resources, including outside investigators who received benefit (services) from the Center.

To generate a list of NCRR-cited publications from the NIH/NLM MEDLINE system, press the MEDLINE button when the Personnel Roster is complete. The system will use the criteria below to search MEDLINE for authors that match the names in the current Personnel Roster and pull out the publications that cite an NCRR grant number.

1. The publication is a 'Journal'.
2. The publication cited an 'RR' grant number.
3. The publication was published during the reporting period of the Grant.
4. NAME MATCH: last name, full first name, middle name (if it exists in both the Roster and MEDLINE).

If a name is added to the Personnel Roster after the MEDLINE button has been hit, the system will automatically search for that person's publications and add them to the list. The new publications can be found by sorting on the Created date.

The MEDLINE button should not be hit again unless it is to recall publications that were accidentally deleted. If the MEDLINE button is hit again, the system will rerun the MEDLINE search using the above criteria. All publications that had previously been entered manually will remain.

Remember it is important to carefully review this data and add/edit/delete where necessary. Enter other publications that the MEDLINE search has not retrieved. Please indicate those publications that acknowledge the resource's contribution. Identify whether the publication is a book, journal article or abstract. Select SPID(s), if applicable, associated with the publication. Mark Center authors with an asterisk (*) after their name in the Reference box. The standard bibliographical format of author names, title, journal, pages, date should be in the Reference box.

The In Press articles from your previous year's APR are carried forward to this year's Published section. Review these as well. If not yet published, please delete or move back to the In Press section. To move back to In Press, select 'Yes' from the In Press drop-down on the edit page; the system will automatically move them to the In Press page.

The total numbers of books, journal articles and abstracts that are published will be generated and shown on the Resource Summary Publication/Support page.

Published: Abstracts, Books & Journals Edit

Provide any updates to the Reference and related publication information.

Please indicate those publications that acknowledge the resource's contribution. Identify whether the publication is a book, journal article or abstract.

Select SPID(s), if applicable, associated with the publication.

Mark Center authors with an asterisk (*) after their name in the Reference box.

The standard bibliographical format of author names, title, journal, pages, date should be in the Reference box.

Medline Matched Publications

This is a list of publications selected from MEDLINE via the Personnel Roster name match. However, these publications have dates outside the reporting period shown on the cover page.

If a name is added to the Personnel Roster after the MEDLINE button has been hit, the system will automatically search for that person's publications and add them to this list if they are outside the reporting period.

Publications can be selected by clicking in the select box. When the Done button is hit, the publications will move to the Published list where the data can be edited for citation, pub type and reference.

In Press: Abstracts, Books & Journals

The In Press publications list should contain all publications that are currently In Press that resulted from the reported year's grant support and/or from the use of the Center's resources, including outside investigators who received benefit (services) from the Center.

In Press articles are listed separately from Published articles because In Press articles are not released under the Freedom of Information Act.

Please indicate those In Press publications that acknowledge the resource's contribution. Identify whether the publication is a book, journal article or abstract. Select SPID(s), if applicable, associated with the publication. Mark Center authors with an asterisk (*) after their name in the Reference box. The standard bibliographical format of author names, title, journal, pages, date should be in the Reference box.

The In Press articles from your previous year's APR are carried forward to this year's Published section. Review these as well. If not yet published, please delete or move back to the In Press section. To move back to In Press, select 'Yes' from the In Press drop-down on the Published edit page; the system will automatically move them to the In Press page.

The total numbers of books, journal articles, and abstracts that are "In Press" will be generated and shown on the Resource Summary Publication/Support page.

In Press: Abstracts, Books & Journals Edit

Provide any updates to the Reference and related publication information.

Please indicate those In Press publications that acknowledge the resource's contribution. Identify whether the publication is a book, journal article or abstract.

Select SPID(s), if applicable, associated with the publication.

Mark Center authors with an asterisk (*) after their name in the Reference box.

The standard bibliographical format of author names, title, journal, pages, date should be in the Reference box.

Non-Federal Support

Report information on the sources of Non-Federal support for the investigators conducting research projects at this resource. Non-Federal Support is funding that is not received from the U.S. Federal Government, such as funds received from foundations, research institutes, industry, professional and voluntary associations or societies, state, county, city, etc.

Only report sources of support that are directly related to the research project supported by the Resource. If a funding source provides multiple years of funding that overlap the APR reporting period, only report the most relevant year for the funding source, e.g. the one with the most months active during the reporting period.

Multiple SPIDs can be associated with a funding source.

Non-Federal Support Edit

Report information on the sources of Non-Federal support for the investigators conducting research projects at this resource. Non-Federal Support is funding that is not received from the U.S. Federal Government, such as funds received from foundations, research institutes, industry, professional and voluntary associations or societies, state, county, city, etc.

Only report sources of support that are directly related to the research project supported by the Resource. If a funding source provides multiple years of funding that overlap the APR reporting period, only report the most relevant year for the funding source, e.g. the one with the most months active during the reporting period.

Multiple SPIDs can be associated with a funding source.

Data elements for reporting Non-Federal Support are defined below:

Investigator Name

Select the Name of the Investigator for whom Funding Support is to be added.

Source Type

Select the type of Non-Federal Support to be edited.

Org Name

Please provide the organization's name.


Indicate the full grant or contract number, if known. This field is not required.

Total Funds

Indicate the total (direct and indirect) funds awarded for that grant or contract in the year with the most active months during this reporting period. This field is not required, but will default to $0.


Select the SPID numbers (if applicable) that are supported with this funding source. If the funding source did not support a specific SPID, then leave this area blank. Only the SPIDs associated with the selected investigator will be shown in the subproject selection box.

Federal - Non-PHS Support

Report information on the sources of Federal Non-PHS support for the investigators conducting research projects at the resource.

Only report sources of support that are directly related to the research project supported by the Resource. If a funding source provides multiple years of funding that overlap the APR reporting period, only report the most relevant year for the funding source, e.g. the one with the most months active during the reporting period.

Federal Non-PHS Support is funding received from the U.S. Federal Government, but not a subsidiary of the Public Health Service. Examples of Non-PHS agencies include Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), National Science Foundation (NSF).

Multiple SPIDs can be associated with a funding source.

Federal - Non-PHS Support Edit

Report information on the sources of Federal Non-PHS support for the investigators conducting research projects at the resource.

Only report sources of support that are directly related to the research project supported by the Resource. If a funding source provides multiple years of funding that overlap the APR reporting period, only report the most relevant year for the funding source, e.g. the one with the most months active during the reporting period.

Federal Non-PHS Support is funding received from the U.S. Federal Government, but not a subsidiary of the Public Health Service. Examples of Non-PHS agencies include Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), National Science Foundation (NSF).

Multiple SPIDs can be associated with a funding source.

Data elements for reporting Federal Non-PHS Support are defined below:

Investigator Name

The name of the investigator cannot be changed when editing the support.


Please select the agency's abbreviation from the drop-down list. For example: DOD=Department of Defense; DOE=Department of Energy, etc.


Indicate the full grant or contract number, if known. This field is not required.

Total Funds Provided

Indicate the total (direct and indirect) funds awarded for that grant or contract in the year with the most active months during this reporting period. This field is not required, but will default to $0.


Select the SPID number (if applicable) that is supported with this funding source.

Federal - PHS Support

Report information on the sources of support for the investigators conducting research projects at the resource. If a funding source provides multiple years of funding that overlap the APR reporting period, only report the most relevant year for the funding source. Multiple SPIDs can be associated per funding source.

Do not enter information until the data has been populated. When the Personnel Roster is complete, press the "Populate" button. The system will generate a list of NIH and other PHS support from the NIH IMPAC II System (NIH's funding database). The list can then be modified by adding or deleting support information.

Federal PHS Support is funding that is received from the US Federal Government and is a subsidiary of the Public Health Service. Those agencies are the: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and all of its Institutes and Centers (NCI, NHLBI, NIAID, etc.), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Federal - PHS Support Edit

Do not enter information until the data has been populated. When the Personnel Roster is complete, press the "Populate" button. The system will generate a list of NIH and other PHS support from the NIH IMPAC II System (NIH's funding database). The list can then be modified by adding or deleting support information.

Federal PHS Support is funding that is received from the US Federal Government and is a subsidiary of the Public Health Service. Those agencies are the: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and all of its Institutes and Centers (NCI, NHLBI, NIAID, etc.), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Data elements for reporting Federal-PHS Support are defined below:

Investigator Name

Select the Name of the Investigator for which you wish to add Funding Support.


Please select the agency's abbreviation. For example: NCRR=National Center for Research Resources.


Indicate full grant or contract number. Nothing else should be in this field.

Total Funds Provided

Indicate total (direct and indirect) funds awarded to investigators for that grant or contract in the most recent year. This field is not required, but will default to $0.


Select the SPID number (if applicable) that is supported with this funding source.

Resource Summary - Subprojects

Information provided in this table is by Subproject Type and summarizes the information submitted through the subproject screens.

Validate this information and correct any discrepancies through the individual subprojects.


The number subprojects currently entered into the system.


The number of people on the personnel roster associated with subprojects (SPIDs). If the investigator is associated with SPIDs in more than one type of subprojects, the investigator is counted in each type. However, each unique investigator is counted only once in the Total. Therefore, it is possible for the Total not to be the sum of the separate types.


The number of publications currently in the system as PUBLISHED. Publications without a subproject cannot be broken down by Type; thus they only appear in the Total column.

In Press

The number of publications currently in the system as IN PRESS. Publications without a subproject cannot be broken down by Type; thus they only appear in the Total column.

Subproject(s) for Total % AIDS of CRC Dollars

This figure represents the total percentage of the total awarded dollar amount that was allocated to the individual AIDS subprojects.

Subproject(s) for Total % Non-AIDS of CRC Dollars

This figure represents the total of the percentages entered on each subproject. This must be 100% to finalize and submit your Annual Progress Report.

Subproject(s) for Total % CRC Dollars

This figure represents the total of the percentages entered on each subproject. This must be 100% to finalize and submit your Annual Progress Report.

Resource Summary - Administrative

Enter the number of full-time equivalents in the following categories: Program Direction, Administration, Nutrition and Dietary Support, Informatics and Bioinformatics, Biostatistician, Nursing, Research Subject Advocacy, and Other.

Resource Summary: Publication/Support

This page summarizes the publications and support information submitted through the respective screens. Data cannot be entered on this page. Please validate this information and correct any discrepancies through the appropriate pages.

Clinical Statistics - Census Data

Since this section contains very specific programmatic data, please refer to the Annual Report Program (ARP) FAQ. GCRCs are required to complete this section; however this section is optional for the RCMI CRCs. However RCMI CRCs should be aware of these requirements.

Clinical Statistics - Patient Care Computation

New instruction

Clinical Statistics - Other Credits and Other Costs

Since this section contains very specific programmatic data, please refer to the Annual Report Program (ARP) FAQ. GCRCs are required to complete this section; however this section is optional for the RCMI CRCs. However RCMI CRCs should be aware of these requirements.

Clinical Statistics - Ancillary & Core Lab

Since this section contains very specific programmatic data, please refer to the Annual Report Program (ARP) FAQ. GCRCs are required to complete this section; however this section is optional for the RCMI CRCs. However RCMI CRCs should be aware of these requirements.

Clinical Statistics - CAP/MCAP

Since this section contains very specific programmatic data, please refer to the Annual Report Program (ARP) FAQ. GCRCs are required to complete this section; however this section is optional for the RCMI CRCs. However RCMI CRCs should be aware of these requirements.

Clinical Statistics - Medical Students

Since this section contains very specific programmatic data, please refer to the Annual Report Program (ARP) FAQ. GCRCs are required to complete this section; however this section is optional for the RCMI CRCs. However RCMI CRCs should be aware of these requirements.

Clinical Statistics - CReFF

The GCRC Advisory Committee may approve the use of up to $100,000 of GCRC grant funds to support pilot studies with a limit of $20,000 for one-year renewable projects. CReFF eligibility for candidate investigators is limited to junior faculty, (defined as being equal to or less than assistant professors) or senior faculty only where they have a change in career path. In either case, recipients are required to submit final reports. Requests for CReFF funds are to be reviewed first by the GCRC Advisory Committee (GAC) and then by NCRR.

Program Description - Research Highlights

Summarize at least three of the Resource's research subprojects that illustrate the value and effectiveness of this Resource. Describe accomplishments in terms of their contributions to new knowledge and their significance to actual or potential improvements of health.

Program Description - Equipment Purchase

During the reporting period, for each equipment purchase costing more than $5,000, enter the name of the equipment, the item's cost, and a brief justification for the purchase.

Program Description - Research Highlights

These highlights serve many purposes. They are used to illustrate research accomplishments to administrative and Congressional officials during budget formulation. They also may be the basis for press releases and as examples of the kinds of research supported, or specific problems being addressed.

Each highlight should be understandable to the informed layperson. Include all of the elements of a good report: who, what, when, where, and why. The highlight page should contain the following elements: Title, Narrative Text, SPID(s), and Publications.

If the text has graphics in it, press the "Upload Graphics" button and follow the instructions for uploading a file. If a file is uploaded, include the reporting period, grant number, and the name of the Resource (i.e., 09/01/2004 - 08/31/2005 P41 RR 000954 A Resource for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry at Washington University).

Research Highlights Edit

Edit Research Highlights.

Program Description - Patient Data

This section summarizes patient data by ethnicity and gender. All annual reports submitted in 2003 and beyond should use the new reporting categories for race and ethinicity. The patient data must be submitted using Microsoft Access 97 and must conform to the following data structure:


Research Highlights Publications

Select publications from the list to associate with the Highlight and click "Done".

Program Description - Committee Members

Click the 'Add' button to either add a new committee name or designate committee members for any external or internal groups that advise the Principal Investigator on the directions of research and/or priorities.

Committee Members Edit

If the committee member is listed on the Personnel Roster, this will modify the roster information as well. Indicate the person's area of expertise, voting status, and whether or not that person serves as committee chair.

Program Description - Edit Committee Name

Modify the Committee Name and/or Type.

Submit APR

When the final version of the APR is ready to submit, press the "Submit" button. The system will identify any errors that need to be fixed; click on the underlined text to access the screen with missing or incorrect information. The percentages not equaling 100% will go to the summary page so that all percentages can be reviewed for appropriate modifications.

After correcting the errors, press the "Done" button. By pressing the "Done" button, you are locking your APR and sending this final version to NCRR. AFTER PRESSING THE "DONE" BUTTON, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE ANY CHANGES IN YOUR APR.

The Principal Investigator/Director is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the APR and MUST SIGN THE COVER PAGE.

MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: After all APR data is entered into the Web-based system, please print, sign the face page, and send the FINAL original (1) and two (2) copies with all related materials, including uploaded files, and one (1) set of significant publications to:

Director, Office of Grants Management
National Center for Research Resources
National Institutes of Health
1 Democracy Plaza, Room WS-1043, MSC 4874
6701 Democracy Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20892-4874 (for regular or US Postal Service Express mail)
Bethesda, MD 20817 (for other courier/express mail delivery only)

Phone Number: (301) 435-0844

PHS 2590 - Non-competing Grant Progress Report

PHS 2590 is also due 60 days before the beginning of the next budget period and is required in order to receive a notice of grant award. However, PHS 2590 should not be sent to NCRR. Effective October 1, 2004, per NIH Guide Notice OD-04-063, send PHS 2590 to the following address:

Division of Extramural Activities Support, OER
National Institutes of Health
6705 Rockledge Drive, Room 2207, MSC 7987
Bethesda, MD 20892-7987 (for regular or US Postal Service Express mail)
Bethesda, MD 20817 (for other courier/express mail delivery only)

Phone Number: (301) 594-6584

On the Progress Report Summary page (Form Page 5) of PHS 2590, include the statement “See Annual Progress Report (APR) as submitted to NCRR.”

Print APR

A copy of the APR may be printed at any time. However, the word "DRAFT" will be placed on the APR if it has not yet been submitted. Any files that were uploaded (Organizational Chart and/or graphics) must be printed separately and added to the end of the hard copy of the report.

PC Specific

This provides instructions on icons you will see in the Crystal Reports java based viewer and export processes.

Macintosh Specific

This provides instructions on icons you will see in the Crystal Reports DHTML viewer and export processes.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAPR Home
Last Modified Bycurriem
File Modified2007-09-14
File Created2007-09-14

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