Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan


7 CFR 1944-I, "Self-Help Technical Assistance Grants"

Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan

OMB: 0575-0043

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Affirmative Fair Housing
Marketing (AFHM) Plan Multifamily Housing

U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity

1a. Applicant's Name, Address (including City, State & Zip code) & Phone Number 1c. Project/Contract Number

OMB Approval No. 2529-0013
(exp. 1/31/2010)

1d. Number of Units

1e. Rental Range

1f. Type of Housing

From $



Mixed (Elderly/Disabled)



1g. Approximate Starting Dates (mm/dd/yyyy)
1b. Development's Name, Location (including City, State and Zip code)

1h. Housing Market Area

1i. Census Tract

1j. Managing Agent's Name & Address (including City, State and Zip Code)

2. Type of Affirmative Marketing Area (check all that
a. Plan
____ New
____ Update
Reason for Update:
b. Area
___ White (non-minority) Area ____ Minority Area

3. Direction of Marketing Activity (Indicate which group(s) in the housing market area are least
likely to apply for the housing because of its location and other factors without special outreach

American Indian or Alaskan Native

Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Persons with Disabilities

Families with Children

Other ___________________________ Specify ________________________

___ Mixed Area (with ________ % minority residents)

(e.g. specific ethnic group, religion)
4a. Marketing Program: Commercial Media (Check the type of media to be used to advertise the availability of this housing)


Name of Newspaper, Radio or TV Station



Other (specify)

Group Identification of Readers/Audience

Size/Duration of Advertising

4b. Marketing Program: Brochures, Signs, and HUD's Fair Housing Poster
(1) Will brochures, letters, or handouts be used to advertise?



If "Yes", attach a copy or submit when available.

(2) For development site sign, indicate sign size _______ x _______; Logo type size _______ x _______. Attach a photograph of sign or submit when available.
(3) HUD's Fair Housing Poster must be conspicuously displayed wherever sales/rentals and showings take place. Fair Housing Posters will be displayed in

Rental Office

Previous editions are obsolete

Real Estate Office

Model Unit

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Other (specify)

ref. Handbook 8025.1

form HUD-935.2A (7/2008)

4c. Marketing Program: Community Contacts. To further inform the group(s) least likely to apply about the availability of the housing, the applicant agrees
to establish and maintain contact with the groups/organizations listed below which are located in the housing market area. If more space is needed, attach
an additional sheet. Notify HUD-Housing of any changes in this list. Attach a copy of correspondence to be mailed to these groups/organizations. (Provide
all requested information.)
Name of Group/Organization


Approximate Date

Person Contacted (or to be Contacted)

Address & Phone Number

Indicate the specific function the Group/Organization will
undertake in implementing the marketing program

Method of Contact

5. Future marketing Activities Mark the box(es) that best describe
marketing activities to fill vacancies as they occur after the project has
been initially occupied.

6. Experience and Staff Instructions (See instructions)
Staff has affirmative marketing experience.


Community Contacts


Other (Specify)

Site Signs


On separate sheets, indicate training to be provided to
staff on Federal, State and local fair housing laws and
regulations, as well as this AFHM Plan. Attach a copy
of the instructions to staff regarding fair housing.

7. Additional Considerations Attach additional sheets as needed.

8. Review and Update By signing this form, the applicant agrees to review their AFHM Plan at least every 5 years and update as needed to ensure
continued compliance with HUD's Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Regulations (24 CFR 200.620).
Signature of person submitting this Plan & Date of Submission (mm/dd/yyyy)
Name (type or print)
Title & Name of Company

For HUD-Office of Housing Use Only

For HUD-Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Use Only

Reviewing Official:

Approved ____

Signature & Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Signature & Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Name (type or print)

Name (type or print)


Previous editions are obsolete

Disapproved _____ (Check One)


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ref. Handbook 8025.1

form HUD-935.2A (7/2008)

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3 hours per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing
and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to
complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.

In General: The Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing (AFHM) Plan is used to ensure that insured and subsidized multifamily
housing projects are taking necessary steps to eliminate discriminatory practices and to overcome the effects of past
discrimination involving Federally insured and subsidized housing. No application for any housing project insured or
subsidized under the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) housing programs shall be funded without a
HUD approved AFHM Plan (See the “Applicability” section in the instructions below.) Multifamily housing projects must
have an updated AFHM Plan in effect for the life of HUD’s mortgage insurance. The responses are required to obtain or retain
benefits under the Fair Housing Act, Section 808(e)(5) & (6) and 24 CFR Part 200, Subpart M. The form contains no
questions of a confidential nature.

Applicability: This form is to be completed by all insured or subsidized: multifamily housing projects.
Each applicant is required to carry out an affirmative program to attract prospective tenants of all minority and
non-minority groups in the housing market area regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
disability or familial status, (24 CFR 200.620). Racial groups include White, Black or African American,
American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Other groups in the
housing market area who may be subject to housing discrimination include, but are not limited to, Hispanic or
Latino, persons with disabilities, families with children, or persons with different religious affiliations. The
applicant shall describe in the AFHM Plan the proposed activities to be carried out during advance marketing,
where applicable, and during all rent ups. The affirmative marketing program also should ensure that any
group(s) of persons ordinarily not likely to apply for this housing without special outreach (See Part 3), know
about the housing, feel welcome to apply, and have the opportunity to rent.
Send completed form to: your local HUD Office
Attention: Director, Office of Housing
Part 1-Applicant and Project Identification.
Blocks 1a thru 1f-Self-Explanatory. Block 1g-the
applicant should specify the approximate date for
starting the marketing activities and the anticipated
date of initial occupancy (if unoccupied). Block 1hthe applicant should indicate the housing market
area, in which the housing will be (is) located.
Block 1i - the applicant may obtain census tract
location information from local planning agencies,
public libraries and other sources of census data.
Block 1j the applicant should complete only if a
Managing Agent (the agent can not be the
applicant) is implementing the AFHM Plan.

Part 2-Type of Affirmative Marketing Plan:
Applicants for multifamily housing projects should
indicate the status of the AFHM Plan, e.g. new or
Previous editions are obsolete

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update. Please provide the reason for the current
update. (Section 7 may be used if additional space
is needed.) The AFHM Plan should also indicate the
approximate racial composition of the housing/market
area in which the housing will be (is) located by
checking one of the three choices.
Part 3-Direction of Marketing Activity. Indicate
which group(s) the applicant believes are least
likely to apply for this housing without special
outreach. Consider factors such as rent for housing,
sponsorship of housing, racial/ethnic characteristics
of housing market area in which housing will be (is)
located, disability, familial status, or religious
transportation routes, etc.
Part 4-Marketing Program. The applicant shall
describe the marketing program to be used to attract
all segments of the eligible population, especially
those groups designated in Part 3 of this AFHM
Plan present in the housing marketing area that
are least likely to apply. The applicant shall state:
the type of media to be used, the names of
Ref. Handbook 8025.1

form HUD-935.2A

newspaper/call letters of radio or TV stations; the
identity of the circulation or audience of the media
identified in the AFHM Plan (e.g., White, Black or
African American, American Indian or Alaska
Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific
Islander, Hispanic or Latino, persons with
disabilities, families with children, and religious
affiliation), and the size or duration of newspaper
advertising or length and frequency of broadcast
Community contacts include
individuals or organizations that are well known in
the housing market area or the locality that can
influence persons within groups considered least
likely to apply. Such contacts may include, but
need not be limited to: neighborhood, minority and
women’s organizations, grass roots faith-based or
other community based organizations, labor unions,
employers, public and private agencies, disability
advocates, schools and individuals who are
connected with these organizations and/or are wellknown in the community. Applicants should notify
their local HUD–Office of Housing of any changes
to the list in Part 4c of this AFHM Plan.

implementing the AFHM Plan, and for reviewing
and updating the Plan at least every 5 years. HUD
may monitor the implementation of this AFHM
Plan at any time and request modification in its
format or content, where deemed necessary.
Notice of Intent to Begin Marketing. No later
than 90 days prior to the initiation of rental
marketing activities, the applicant with an approved
AFHM Plan shall submit notice of intent to begin
marketing. The notification is required by the
Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan
Compliance Regulations (24 CFR Part 108.15). It
is submitted either orally or in writing to the Office
of Housing in the appropriate HUD Office servicing
the locality in which the proposed housing will be
OMB approval of the Affirmative Fair Housing
Plan includes approval of this notification procedure
as part of the AFHM Plan. The burden hours for
such notification are included in the total designated
for this AFHM Plan form.

Part 5-Future Marketing Activities. SelfExplanatory.
Part 6-Experience and Staff Instructions.
The applicant should indicate whether
he/she has had previous experience in
marketing housing to group(s) identified as
least likely to apply for the housing.

Describe the instructions and training
provided or to be provided to rental staff.
This guidance to staff must include
information regarding Federal, State and
local fair housing laws and this AFHM Plan.

Copies of any written materials should be submitted
with the AFHM Plan, if such materials are
Part 7-Additional Considerations. In this section
describe other efforts not previously mentioned
which are planned to attract persons least likely to
apply for the housing
Part 8-Review and Update. By signing, the
Previous editions are obsolete

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Ref. Handbook 8025.1

form HUD-935.2A

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title935-2
File Modified2008-07-28
File Created2006-11-02

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