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National Survey of College Graduates
JUSTIFICATION ..............................................................................................................1
Necessity for Information Collection ......................................................................2
Uses of Information .................................................................................................4
Consideration of Using Improved Technology .......................................................5
Efforts to Identify Duplication.................................................................................6
Efforts to Minimize Burden on Small Business ......................................................6
Consequences of Less Frequent Data Collection ....................................................6
Special Circumstances .............................................................................................7
Federal Register Announcement and Consultation Outside the Agency.................7
Payment or Gifts to Respondents...........................................................................10
Assurance of Confidentiality .................................................................................10
Justification for Sensitive Questions......................................................................11
Estimate of Respondent Burden.............................................................................11
Cost Burden to Respondents..................................................................................12
Cost Burden to Federal Government .....................................................................12
Reason for Change in Burden ................................................................................12
Schedule for Information Collection and Publication ...........................................12
Display of OMB Expiration Date ..........................................................................13
Exception to the Certification Statement ...............................................................13
METHODS .......................................................................................................................14
Respondent Universe And Sampling Methods ......................................................14
Statistical Procedures.............................................................................................14
Methods to Maximize Response............................................................................15
Testing of Procedures ............................................................................................18
Contacts for Statistical Aspects of Data Collection...............................................22
NSF Act of 1950
First Federal Register Announcement
Proposed 2008 NSCG Sampling Tallies
NSCG Questionnaire Changes
Survey Mailing Materials
Draft 2008 NSCG Questionnaire
2008 NSCG Incentive Conditioning Experiment
This request is for a three-year reinstatement, with change, of the previously approved OMB
clearance for the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG). The NSCG was last conducted
in 2006. The OMB clearance for the 2006 NSCG expires February 28, 2009.
The NSCG is one of three principal surveys that provide data for the NSF’s Scientists and
Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT). The purpose of the SESTAT database is to
provide information on the entire U.S. population of scientists and engineers with at least a
bachelor’s degree. SESTAT is produced by combining data from the Survey of Doctorate
Recipients (SDR; representing persons in the general U.S. population who have earned a
doctorate in science, engineering, or health (SEH) from a U.S. institution), the National Survey
of Recent College Graduates (NSRCG; representing persons with a recently earned bachelor’s or
master’s degree in SEH from a U.S. institution) and the NSCG (representing all individuals in
the U.S. at the time of the decennial census with a bachelor’s or higher degree in a science or
engineering (S&E) or S&E-related degree, or those who had a bachelor’s or higher degree in
some other field, but had an S&E or S&E-related occupation, including individuals who received
degrees only from foreign institutions). The NSCG population is primarily drawn from eligible
individuals from the decennial census.
The SESTAT integrated database derived from these surveys represents the demographic,
educational, and employment characteristics of college-educated scientists and engineers in the
United States. All three of these surveys are usually conducted every two years. The primary
purpose of the NSCG is to provide information on the U.S stock of scientists and engineers early
in each decade. The panel portion of the SDR also provides information on the stock, while the
new sample in the SDR and the entire NSRCG provide important data on the new graduates with
SEH degrees entering the labor force during each decade. The NSCG constitutes the bulk of the
records in the SESTAT database; accounting for approximately 60% of the records in the
SESTAT system and slightly over 90% of the population estimate for 2006.
The SESTAT integrated database is the only available source that provides detailed information
to support a wide variety of policy and research analyses on SEH personnel. To provide
complete representation of U.S. SEH at all degree levels, SESTAT was designed as a unified
database that integrates information from all three component surveys. The system of surveys,
created for the 1993 survey cycle and developed throughout the 1990s, is closely based on the
recommendations of the National Research Council’s Committee on National Statistics
(CNSTAT) report to NSF1. That report recommended a data collection design based on three
surveys, of which one (the NSCG) would be linked to the decennial Census.
National Research Council. Committee on National Statistics. (1989). Surveying the Nation’s Scientists
and Engineers: A Data System for the 1990s. Washington: National Academy Press.
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The 1993 NSCG served as the baseline survey of the decade of the 1990s and interviewed a large
number of individuals in order to identify those who were scientists and engineers, based on their
education or occupation. Because the decennial census does not collect information on field of
degree, the sample was of all persons with a bachelor’s degree or higher in order to find persons
educated in all fields of science and engineering, and persons educated at foreign universities, as
well as persons working in science and engineering occupations. The 1995, 1997, and 1999
NSCG panel studies followed through the decade individuals identified in the 1993 survey as
having an S&E degree and/or an S&E occupation. The 2003 NSCG, like the 1993 survey, was
the “baseline” survey for this decade and was used as a screener survey to identify those who are
scientists and engineers based on their education or occupation. The respondents to the 2006
NSCG and new science, engineering and health bachelor’s and master’s degree recipients that
responded to the 2006 NSRCG will be contacted in the 2008 NSCG panel survey.
NSF incorporated the lessons learned from 1990s into the sample design and weighting for the
2003 NSCG survey. It also provided NSF with the opportunity to evaluate all aspects of the
design and content of all the surveys contributing to the SESTAT database (described in section
A.8). Changes recommended in this review process were incorporated in the 2003 NSCG to the
extent possible and will continue in the 2008 NSCG. 2008 questionnaire content will not include
any new questions but will include a module of questions that were used in the past. The
changes made to the questionnaire are described with the reasons for these changes in Section
B.4. The 2008 NSCG draft questionnaire is presented as Appendix E.
The National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended by Title 42, United States Code,
Section 1862 requires the National Science Foundation to:
“Provide a central clearinghouse for the collection, interpretation, and analysis of data on
scientific and engineering resources and to provide a source of information for policy
formulation by other agencies of the Federal Government...” (See Appendix A)
In meeting its responsibilities under the NSF Act, the Foundation relied on the National Register
of Scientific and Technical Personnel from 1954 through 1970 to provide names, location, and
characteristics of U.S. scientists and engineers. Acting in response to a Fiscal Year 1970 request
of the House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics (see U.S. Congress,
House of Representatives, 91st Congress, 1st Session, Report No. 91-288), the Foundation, in
cooperation with the Office of Management and Budget and eight other agencies, undertook a
study of alternative methods of acquiring personnel data on individual scientists and engineers.
The President's budget for Fiscal Year 1972, as submitted to the Congress, recommended the
"discontinuation of the National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel in its present
form" and that funds be appropriated "to allow for the development of alternative mechanisms
for obtaining required information on scientists and engineers." The House of Representatives
Committee on Science and Astronautics in its report on Authorizations for Fiscal Year 1972
states that " has no objection to this recommendation...." (See U.S. Congress, House of
Representatives, 92nd Congress, and 1st Session, Report No. 92-204).
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Subsequently, the NSF established and continues to maintain the SESTAT system of surveys, the
successor to the Scientific and Technical Personnel Data System of the 1980s, which was the
successor to the National Register. The Science and Technology Equal Opportunities Act of
1980 directs NSF to provide to Congress and the Executive Branch an “accounting and
comparison by sex, race, and ethnic group and by discipline, of the participation of women and
men in scientific and engineering positions.” The SESTAT database, of which NSCG is the
large majority of records, provides much of the information to meet this mandate.
The longitudinal data from the NSCG provides valuable information on training, careers and
educational development of the Nation’s highly educated science and engineering population.
These data enable government agencies to assess the scientific and engineering resources
available in the U.S. to business, industry, and academia, and to provide a basis for the
formulation of the Nation's science and engineering policies. Educational institutions use NSCG
data in establishing and modifying scientific and technical curricula, while various industries use
the information to develop recruitment and remuneration policies.
The NSF uses the information to prepare congressionally mandated biennial reports such as
Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering and Science and
Engineering Indicators. These reports enable NSF to fulfill the legislative requirement to act as a
clearinghouse for current information on the S&E workforce.
The Committee for Equal Opportunity in Science and Engineering (CEOSE), an advisory
committee to the NSF and other government agencies, established under 42 U.S.C. §1885c, has
been charged by the U.S. Congress with advising NSF in assuring that all individuals are
empowered and enabled to participate fully in science, mathematics, engineering and
technology. Every two years CEOSE prepares a congressionally mandated report that makes
extensive use of the SESTAT data to highlight key areas of concerns relating to students,
educators and technical professionals.
Congress also created the Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in
Science, Engineering and Technology Development (P.L.105-255, October 1998). In this
legislation, the Commission was mandated to analyze and describe the current status of women,
underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities in the science, engineering, and
technology pipeline from early classroom education through their professional lives in industry,
academe, and government. The final report, Land of Plenty: Diversity as America’s Competitive
Edge in Science, Engineering and Technology (September 2000), made extensive use of the
SESTAT data to answer critical questions on the status of these groups in the workforce.
The importance of information on the scientific and technical workforce to inform public policy
can be seen in discussions of the National Science Board’s Task Force on National Workforce
Policies for Science and Engineering. The taskforce relied heavily on SESTAT data to inform
its deliberations about the S&E workforce and SESTAT data were an integral part of the
taskforce’s final report. (See
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Researchers, policymakers and other users of the data use information from the SESTAT
database to answer questions about the number, employment, education, and characteristics of
the S&E workforce. Because it provides up-to-date and nationally representative data,
researchers and policymakers use the database to address questions on topics such as the role of
foreign-born or foreign-degreed scientists and engineers, the transition from higher education to
the workforce, the role and importance of postdocs, diversity in both education and employment,
the implications of an aging cohort of scientists and engineers as baby boomers reach retirement
age, and information on long-term trends in the S&E workforce.
Data from NSF’s SESTAT component surveys are used in policy discussions of the executive
and legislative branches of Government, the National Science Board, NSF management, the
National Academy of Sciences, professional associations, and other private and public
organizations. Some recent specific examples of the use of the SESTAT data are: the Urban
Institute used the SESTAT data in the evaluation of the NSF’s Louis Stokes Alliance for
Minority Participation Program; the Society of Women Engineers referenced SESTAT data in
their 2006 Literature Review and provides links to the SESTAT database on their website; and
Ph.D. students use the SESTAT workforce data in dissertations.
Data Dissemination and Access
The NSF makes the data from the SESTAT system of surveys available through published
reports, the SESTAT on-line data system, public use files and restricted licenses. The 1993 and
2003 NSCG data are available as a public-use file. The NSCG panel data from all the 1990s and
2000s cycles are also available as a component of the SESTAT data base for each survey year
(1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2003 and 2006) and are available as SESTAT public-use files.
The SESTAT data were used extensively in the latest versions of the congressionally mandated
biennial reports Science and Engineering Indicators, 2008 and Women, Minorities and Persons
with Disabilities in Science and Engineering, 2007.
NSF also used the NSCG and SESTAT integrated data in recent reports such as:
Unemployment Rate of U.S. Scientists and Engineers Drops to Record Low 2.5% in 2006,
March 2008
Why Did They Come to the United States? A Profile of Immigrant Scientists and
Engineers, June 2007
What Do People Do After Earning an Science and Engineering Bachelor's Degree? June
2003 College Graduates in the U.S. Workforce: A Profile, December 2005
All NSF Publications can be accessed on the SRS website at
To provide better accessibility to information for policy makers and researchers, NSF provides
the SESTAT integrated database and the NSCG data on the World Wide Web. The SESTAT on-
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line system allows Internet users to create customized data tabulations with a user-specified
subject area. The SESTAT Home Page can be accessed at
Results from the SESTAT integrated database and NSCG data are routinely presented at the
conferences and professional meetings, such as the annual meeting of the Association for
Institutional Research or the American Educational Research Association.
Since 2005, NSF has distributed over 200 files of the almost decade-old 1993 public-use NSCG
data set and close to 400 files of the 1993 SESTAT integrated database public-use version to
researchers in government, academia, and professional societies. In spite of the age of the data,
the 1993 NSCG data continue to be heavily used because it is the only data set analysts can use
to compare the S&E workforce to the general population of college degree holders in the U.S.
Besides capturing people with degrees earned at U.S. institutions, the NSCG also includes
college degree holders who earned their degrees outside of the United States and who were
residing here at the time of the last census. The 2003 NSCG public-use data also has been
widely distributed to over 380 users. Over 18 licensed users have accessed to the 2003 SESTAT
integrated database micro data file under the licensing agreement with SRS. As previously
noted, over 60% of the records in this file come from the NSCG.
Some of the research from the NSCG and SESTAT licensees resulted in papers such as:
In Search of the Glass Ceiling: Cohort Effects on Women’s Wage, University of
California Santa Barbara, 2005
The Effect of IT on the Publication Gap Between Women and Men in Academia,
University of Missouri St. Louis, 2005
Entrepreneurship and Advanced Technical Knowledge, State University of New York
Buffalo, 2005
Returns to Graduate and Professional Education: The Roles of Mathematical and Verbal
Skills by Major, Iowa State University, 2004
The NSCG data will be collected by the U.S. Census Bureau, under interagency agreement,
using a multi-mode approach; that is, a questionnaire will be mailed to sample persons and the
nonrespondents will be followed up using computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI).
Because the sample contact information will be at least 2-½ years old by the time the survey is
conducted, extra effort will have to be spent to locate respondents. To do this in the most
efficient way, the NSCG will employ nonintrusive locating procedures to find valid mailing
addresses for cases that are identified as nonmailable after the sample is sent through automated
software to check against updates to the National Change of Address (NCOA) database. These
nonintrusive procedures include the use of Internet search engines, and name and address
locating software such as FastData and InfoUSA. Additionally, the Census Bureau has
developed an electronic locating system to improve the efficiency of the locating operation.
The 2008 NSCG will use Census’ state-of-the-art keying system, developed in the Visual
Basics software, to capture mail questionnaire data, which should decrease the time necessary
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for this operation and increase accuracy. The telephone interviewing phase will utilize a
variety of improved technologies. Interviews will be conducted using the computer-assisted
telephone interviewing (CATI) system. Help screens will be displayed with additional
instructions or probes at any given point of data collection. The CATI instrument will be
programmed in Blaise. Case management for the telephone interviews will utilize the Census
Bureau’s advanced WebCATI system. This system allows case workload to be balanced
across the Census Bureau’s three telephone centers and can assign cases to interviewers based
on a variety of skills (e.g. language, refusal conversion expertise). As a result, cases will be
handled in a more efficient and effective manner.
Optical scanning will be used to capture the digital images of the mail questionnaire after keying.
The images will be stored in a database that is accessible to survey staff at their desktops. This
will facilitate easier retrieval of the actual response for use during the data collection of missing
critical items, data reconciliation, and editing stages.
Duplication, in the sense of similar data collection, does not exist. No other data collection
captures all components of scientists and engineers in the United States. There is no similar
information available other than from this survey, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for NSF
since the 1960s. Data from the Current Population Survey, the American Community Survey,
and Decennial Census provide occupational estimates but do not collect information on degree
field for higher education degrees so that these surveys cannot provide information on those with
S&E degrees who are not employed in S&E occupations. Data collected in the past SESTAT
surveys showed that most of those with S&E degrees (about 70%) were not employed in S&E
Not applicable. The NSCG collects information from individuals only.
Because NSCG is a panel survey, conducting the survey less frequently would make it more
difficult and costly to locate the persons in the sample because of the mobility of the U. S.
population. The results would be a higher attrition rate and less reliable estimates. Also,
government, business, industry, and universities would have less recent data to use as a basis for
formulating the Nation's science and engineering policies.
Expanding the time between interviews would also lessen the accuracy of the recall of
information by the respondents. This would affect the reliability of the data collected and reduce
the quality of the data for all uses, including the congressionally mandated biennial reports
prepared by the NSF.
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Follow-up surveys every two to three years on the same sampled persons are also necessary to track
changes in the science and engineering workforce as there are large movements of individuals
into and out of science and engineering occupations over both business and life cycles. To make
sure of the availability of current national S&E workforce data, the NSCG is conducted and
coordinated with the National Survey of Recent College Graduates and the Survey of Doctorate
Recipients. The degradation of any single component would jeopardize the integrity and value
of the entire SESTAT system of surveys and integrated database.
Not applicable. This data collection does not require any one of the reporting requirements
Federal Register Announcement
The Federal Register announcement for the NSCG appeared on March 7, 2008 (See Appendix
B.) NSF received one public comment in response to the announcement as of the closeout date
of May 6, 2008. The comment came from B. Sachau of Floram Park, NJ, via e-mail on March 7,
2008. Ms. Sachau objected to the information collection. Ms. Sachau had no specific
suggestions for altering the data collection plans other than to discontinue them entirely. NSF
responded to Ms. Sachau on March 21, 2008, describing the program, and addressing the
frequency and the cost issues raised by Ms. Sachau. NSF believes that because the comment
does not pertain to the collection of information on the required forms for which NSF is seeking
OMB approval, NSF is proceeding with the clearance request.
Consultations Outside the Agency
The Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS) within the NSF has responsibility for the
SESTAT surveys. In the early 1990s, SRS initiated and implemented a major redesign of this
system of surveys, and continued to adhere closely to the redesigned approaches in conduct of
the surveys throughout the decade.
As the SESTAT survey system entered the first decade of the 21st century, SRS set a goal to
further improve the efficiency and relevancy of the SESTAT system in meeting the data needs of
policy makers, academic and research communities and industry. In order to accomplish this
goal, SRS carefully planned and engaged in a series of formal and informal evaluations and
assessments of each of the three surveys as well as the system as a whole between May 1999 and
December 2002. These evaluations covered several areas: sampling frame, population
coverage, sample design, survey content, data system design and data dissemination.
After the redesign efforts, SRS began a more systematic set of activities to encourage greater
dissemination of the SESTAT surveys, and to encourage greater use of the data by outside
researchers .
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Meetings and Workshops
Both internal and external consultation took place through a series of meetings and workshops
on various issues related to the SESTAT redesign and survey methodology.
For the 2003 survey round:
SRS hosted a workshop on possible sources of alternate sampling frames for each of the
three SESTAT surveys, including the NSCG, to ensure that current frames were still the
most efficient and cost effective source for the populations of interest. For this
workshop, representatives from the other government agencies and survey firms were
invited to provide input on other potential national frames suitable for the SESTAT
surveys. This workshop confirmed that there were no alternative and better frames than
those used in the 1990s and still available early in the next decade.
SRS convened an expert content panel to provide overall guidance on the review of the
SESTAT questionnaire content and the relevancy of the information collected to meet
policy, research and user needs. The content panel was comprised of experts
knowledgeable about scientific workforce and education issues, and represented
individuals from the private-for-profit industry sector, academia, and non-profit
organizations. The content panel met three times (February 2000, May 2000 and June
2002); each of the meetings included invitees from other federal agencies who either
collect general workforce data, or use the SESTAT data. A report was issued from each
meeting. Feedback from this activity confirmed the importance of the current content of
the SESTAT surveys -- the content panel members did not recommend deleting any
content -- and provided guidance on new content for the upcoming decade.
SRS commissioned the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) of the National
Research Council (NRC) to examine proposed sample design options for the NSCG.
The CNSTAT committee held a two-day workshop on this topic, and issued a report with
recommendations to NSF on the 2003 NSCG sample design. The recommendations
generally were already reflected in the design plan for the surveys.2
For the 2006 and 2008 survey rounds:
SRS hosted the SESTAT Data Collection Contractors Debriefing. All aspects of the
SESTAT data collection were discussed to make improvements on the survey
For the 2008 survey round:
SRS held a SESTAT Methodological Research Conference. This conference was
held to share the results of the methodological research and experiments conducted in
the three 2006 SESTAT component surveys.
National Research Council, Committee on National Statistics. 2003. Improving the Design of the Scientists and
Engineers Statistical Data System. Washington: The National Academies Press.
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SRS held the SESTAT Research Methodology Planning Meeting. This meeting was
conducted to discuss and coordinate possible research experiment ideas for the 2008
SESTAT surveys.
Public Consultations on Redesign
In addition to these meetings and workshops, SRS conducted a series of consultations with the
For the 2003 survey round:
SRS conducted a series of executive interviews with high-level officials in industry,
government and academe to identify the important issues likely to affect the S&E
workforce in the future. The interviews were conducted with eight federal officials; one
state government official; nine senior staff from private, for-profit firms; six senior staff
from non-profit associations or foundations; and one university administrator.
SRS conducted telephone interviews with eleven academic and nonacademic researchers
who had previously used the SESTAT data to determine how well the survey data met
their needs, and to obtain feedback on other useful content areas to include on the surveys
in the future.
SRS conducted a series of five focus groups with different sets of users on all aspects of
the SESTAT survey data. Two of the focus groups were held online, an innovative
approach that was cost saving, as well as providing an immediate transcript. Other focus
groups were conducted in a meeting setting. The focus group participants consisted of:
1) Professional association staff who routinely used the SESTAT data as a national
comparison of their internal data; 2) Researchers who used the data in the past; 3)
Current and past NSF staff who had been data users; 4) Current and past SESTAT
contractor staff who were familiar with the data collection and areas where improvements
could be made; 5) Staff from the NRC who also routinely used scientific workforce data.
SRS commissioned five independent researchers who were familiar with the historical
development of NSF’s workforce data, and had extensively used the SESTAT microdata,
to conduct thorough content reviews and evaluations of the survey data.
Consultations for Outreach and Dissemination
In order to maintain the currency of the SESTAT surveys and to obtain ongoing input from the
public and researchers, SRS has engaged in the following activities.
For the 2008 survey round:
SRS has convened a Human Resources Experts Panel (HREP) in order to help improve
data collection on the science and engineering (S&E) labor force through review and
renewal of the S&E personnel surveys and to promote use of the data for research and
policy analysis purposes. HREP will accomplish its mission by: 1) Suggesting methods
to publicize and promote the data; 2) Providing advice on efforts to improve the
timeliness and accuracy of S&E labor force data; 3) Providing a mechanism for obtaining
ongoing input from both researchers and policy analysts interested in S&E personnel
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data; 4) Providing perspectives on the data needs of decision makers; 5) Identifying
issues and trends that are important for maintaining the relevance of the data; 6)
Identifying ways in which S&E personnel data could be more useful and relevant for
analyses; and 7) Proposing ways to enhance the content of the SRS human resources
surveys. The panel is made up of 15 members who represent the sciences, academia,
business/industry, government, researchers and policy makers. The panel is scheduled to
meet twice a year for 3 years. Two meetings have been held since the panel convened in
In addition to researchers and the public who use the public-use SESTAT, SDR, NSRCG
or NSCG files, there are also individuals who use the restricted-use files under a license.
SRS has funded two workshops over the past 18 months where a selection of current and
potential future licensees met at NSF to present their research findings to NSF as well as
to the broader research community.
The SESTAT surveys contain a wealth of information on highly-trained individuals in
the U.S. labor force. Over the past several years, there has been a great deal of interest in
leveraging the survey data that are collected with other information on productivity by
some of the same individuals (for example, patenting records or publishing records). In
order to pursue the feasibility of this approach, SRS funded a workshop at NSF that
brought in experts on database matching.
As part of broader SRS activity on innovation, SRS participated in the 2007 Symposium
on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Data. The purpose of the workshop was to present
researchers with information on datasets that could advance research in this area.
Because the NSCG interviews the same individuals over time, NSF is concerned that offering
respondents monetary incentives in one cycle will have an adverse effect on their survey
responses in subsequent survey cycles. To better understand the effect of incentive conditioning,
a $10 prepaid monetary incentive experiment is planned for the sample of panel members who
received a monetary incentive in the previous survey cycle. In addition to an incentive
conditioning experiment, NSF plans to offer a $20 prepaid monetary incentive to a sample of
nonrespondents near the end of the data collection period to minimize potential nonresponse
bias. See sections B.3 and B.4 for details on the incentives.
NSF and the Census Bureau are committed to protecting the anonymity of all survey
respondents. The NSCG data will be collected in conformance with the Privacy Act of 1974,
NSF’s authorizing legislation and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical
Efficiency Act (CIPSEA) of 2002.
As explained in Section B.1, there are two components of the 2008 NSCG sample design. The
first one is the 2003 NSCG respondents from the 2000 decennial census, while the other one is
the “NSRCG panel” respondents subsampled from the 2001, 2003, and 2006 NSRCGs.
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The statement on the questionnaire cover will cite the data collection authority as the NSF Act
and confidentiality assurances under the CIPSEA. The questionnaire cover statement will also
inform the respondents that the data will be used for statistical purposes only, and the voluntary
nature of their response. Two different cover letters will be used for the 2003 NSCG respondent
sample and for the NSCG “NSRCG panel” sample. For the 2003 NSCG respondents, the cover
letter will include additional statements about the Census Bureau’s Title 13 as the data collection
authority and assurances of confidentiality (see Appendix E). The Census Bureau will include
the same appropriate notices of confidentiality and the voluntary basis of the survey in the
introduction to respondents contacted during the CATI phase of the data collection.
NSF and the Census Bureau will operate within the guidelines established by the Privacy Act
to protect respondents’ privacy and the confidentiality of the data collected. The Privacy Act
states that “microdata files prepared for purposes of research and analysis are purged of
personal identifiers and are subject to procedural safeguards to assure anonymity.”
The Census Bureau has demonstrated experience in handling sensitive data. Routine
procedures will be in place to ensure data confidentiality, including the use of passwords and
encrypted identifiers to prevent direct or indirect disclosures of information. Furthermore, the
Census Bureau’s management system is in full compliance with the government’s ADP
systems requirements.
No questions of a sensitive nature are asked in this data collection.
The NSF estimates that it will contact approximately 68,000 sample persons by mail or
computer-assisted interviewing. Based on experience administering the NSCG interviews, the
questionnaire takes an average of 25 minutes to complete. With two modes of data collection, an
overall response rate of about 90 percent is estimated. Based on an estimate of approximately
61,200 completed cases, the total burden hours for the 2008 NSCG are 25,500 for the main data
collection. Additionally, about 100 burden hours are estimated for future testing of methods to
reduce burden and improve utility for the 2010 survey. The total cost to respondents for the
25,600 burden hours is estimated to be $775,424. This estimate is based on an estimated median
annual salary of $63,000 per NSCG respondent. Assuming a 40-hour workweek and a 52-week
salary, this annual salary translates to an hourly salary of $30.29. Salary estimates were obtained
using data from the 2006 NSCG.
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Not applicable. This survey does not require respondents to purchase equipment, software or
contract out services.
The total estimated cost to the Government for the 2008 NSCG is approximately $9.3 million,
which includes survey data collection costs, NSF staff costs to provide oversight and
coordination with the other two SESTAT surveys, and costs associated with the integration of
NSCG data into the SESTAT data system. The cost estimate for data collection is $8,500,000,
which is based on sample size; length of questionnaire; administration; overhead; sample design;
mailing; printing; sample person locating, telephone interviewing; incentive payments, critical
items data retrieval, data keying and editing; data quality control; imputation for missing item
responses; weighting and estimating sampling error; file preparation and delivery; and
preparation of documentation and final reports. The NSF staff costs are estimated at $417,000
(based on $111,104 annual salary of 1.5 FTE for 2.5 years of the 2008 NSCG survey cycle). The
SESTAT integration costs is estimated at $400,000 for the 2008 NSCG survey cycle.
There will not be much change in burden from the 2006 survey because the sample size for the
2008 survey will remain the same at 68,000. The 2008 survey will attempt to interview the same
individuals who responded to the 2006 NSCG, and a subsample of recent graduates who
responded to the 2006 NSRCG. The only change in the burden hours from the 2006 NSCG is
inclusion of additional burden hours required for future tests to improve survey procedures and
NSF does not plan to use any complex analytical techniques in NSF publications using this data.
Normally cross tabulations of the data are presented in NSF reports and other data releases.
The time schedule for 2008 data collection and publication is currently estimated as follows:
Data Collection
Coding and Data Editing
Final Edited/Weighted/Imputed Data File
SESTAT Info Brief
SESTAT Detailed Statistical Tables
SESTAT Integrated Public Use Data File
October 2008 - March 2009
December 2008 - August 2009
November 2009
Spring 2010
Summer 2010
Summer/Fall 2010
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
The OMB Expiration Date will be displayed on the 2008 NSCG questionnaire.
Not Applicable.
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
The sampling frame for the 2008 NSCG will include approximately 75,000 cases that originated
from the 2003 NSCG, the 2001 NSRCG, the 2003 NSRCG, and the 2006 NSRCG.
Individually, these four surveys collected information on degrees earned prior to April 1, 2000,
between April 1, 2000 – June 30, 2000, between July 1, 2000 – June 30, 2002, and between July
1, 2002– June 30, 2005, respectively. Combined, these surveys collected information on
degrees earned prior to June 30, 2005.
The 2003 NSCG cases originated from the 2000 Decennial Census long form sample. The 2003
NSCG sample design can be characterized as a stratified design with probability-proportion-tosize (PPS) systematic selection using the Long Form sampling weight. The 2001, 2003, and
2006 NSRCG cases originated from a two-phase design that sampled postsecondary institutions
and recent cohorts of graduates within the sampled institutions.
To be included in the 2008 NSCG frame, the respondent had to have been living in U.S., have at
least one bachelor’s degree in an science and engineering (S&E) field, or have a least a
bachelor’s degree in a non-S&E field but work in an S&E occupation as of the reference week
of the originating survey, and be under age 76 as of the reference week of the 2008 survey. The
sample universe will cover the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories.
Approximately 68,000 persons will be selected for the 2008 NSCG sample.
The 2008 NSCG sample design will be similar to previous NSCG survey cycles. In the 2008
NSCG sample design, 2006 NSCG respondent cases that originated in the 2003 NSCG, 2001
NSRCG , or 2003 NSRCG will be sampled with certainty. Respondent cases that originated in
the 2006 NSRCG will be sampled using the PPS sample selection methodology.
The targeted overall weighted response rate on the 2008 NSCG is 90 percent. The initial survey
year weighted response rates for the 2003 NSCG, the 2001 NSRCG, 2003 NSRCG, and 2006
NSRCG were 73 percent, 79 percent, 68 percent, and 66 percent, respectively (these are the four
sampling frame source surveys for the 2008 NSCG). Only the respondents in the previous
survey cycle were followed in the 2006 NSCG and together achieved an 87 percent response
rate. The plan for maximizing the response rate is presented in Section 3.
The 2008 NSCG sample will be stratified by frame source (2003 NSCG, 2001 NSRCG, 2003
NSRCG, and 2006 NSRCG), demographic group, highest degree type, highest degree field,
occupation, and sex. The demographic group is a composite variable recording disability status,
citizenship, and race/ethnicity. As noted above, 2006 NSCG respondents from the 2003 NSCG,
2001 NSRCG, and 2003 NSRCG will be sampled with certainty. Approximately 50% of the
respondents to the 2006 NSRCG will be included in the 2008 NSCG sample. The sample
allocation of the 2006 NSRCG portion is designed to bring the sampling weights of these cases
in line with the weights of cases from the 2001 NSRCG and the 2003 NSRCG.
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
The 2006 NSRCG portion of the 2008 NSCG will be selected using sampling strata based on a
multi-way cross of the stratification variables. (See Appendix C for the 2008 NSCG sampling
strata.) The 2008 NSCG sample size and sample design ensure NSF will maintain the ability to
produce the small demographic/degree field estimates that are needed for the Congressionally
mandated report on Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science and
Engineering (See 42. U.S.C., 1885d).
Estimates from the 2008 NSCG will be based on standard weighting procedures. As was the
case with sample selection, the weighting adjustments will occur separately for cases from each
originating survey. Each case will have a base weight defined as the probability of selection
into the 2008 NSCG sample. This base weight will reflect the differential sampling across
strata. Because the 2003 NSCG, 2001 NSRCG, and 2003 NSRCG respondents to the 2006
NSCG will be selected for sample with certainty, the base weight will be equal to the final
weight from the previous survey cycle. Base weights will be adjusted for nonresponses. After
weights are adjusted for nonresponses, weights will then be raked to ensure that the original
sampling stratum totals agree with the population totals.
Replicate Weights. A set of replicate weights based on the successive difference and jackknife
replication methods will also be constructed. The entire weighting process applied to the full
sample will be applied separately to each of the replicates to produce a set of replicate weights
for each record.
Standard Errors. The successive difference and jackknife replication methods will be used to
estimate the standard errors of the 2008 NSCG estimates as in the past. The variance of a
survey estimate based on any probability sample may be estimated by the method of replication.
This method requires that the sample selection, the collection of data, and the estimation
procedures be independently carried through (replicated) several times. The dispersion of the
resulting estimates then can be used to measure the variance of the full sample.
Maximizing Response Rates
In order to maximize the overall survey response rate, NSF and the Census Bureau will
implement procedures such as conducting extensive locating efforts and follow-up telephone
interviews for nonrespondents to the mail questionnaire. The contact information obtained from
the 2006 NSCG and 2006 NSRCG for the sample members and for the people who are likely to
know the whereabouts of the sample members will be used to locate the sample members in
The Census Bureau will use a combination of locating and follow-up methods similar to the
procedures used for the 2006 NSCG to maximize the survey response rate. The Census Bureau
will utilize all of the available locating tools and resources to make the first contact with the
sample person. The Census Bureau will use the U.S. Postal Service (USPS)'s automated
National Change of Address (NCOA) database to update addresses for the sample. The NCOA
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
incorporates all change of name/address orders submitted to the USPS nationwide, which is
updated at least biweekly.
Prior to mailing the questionnaires, the Census Bureau’s National Processing Center will engage
in locating efforts to find good addresses for problem cases. The questionnaire mailings will
utilize the “Return Service Requested” option to ensure that the postal service will provide a
forwarding address for any undeliverable mail. The locating efforts will include using such
sources as educational institutions and alumni associations, Directory Assistance for published
telephone numbers, Phone Disc for unpublished numbers, FastData for address searches, and
local administrative record searches such as researching motor vehicle department records.
Private data vendors also maintain up to 36-month historical records of previous address
changes. The Census Bureau will utilize these data vendors to ensure that the contact
information is up-to-date.
Incentive plan in 2008
To increase the response and minimize potential bias, a $20 prepaid monetary incentive will be
offered to a sample of nonrespondents near the end of the data collection. The NSF conducted
several incentive experiments in the 2006 NSCG which found that an incentive offered to a
sample of late respondents, including refusals at the end of the field period significantly
improved their response rate compared to those who were not offered an incentive3.
The refusals in the survey are likely to remain as nonrespondents without an offer of incentive.
Incentives are effective in increasing the survey response rate, which in turn help to minimize
possible nonresponse bias in the final survey estimates.
We propose to follow the same procedures used in the 2006 survey by offering a $20 prepaid
incentive to the late respondents as a gaining-cooperation strategy. The sample selected to
receive the incentive will be determined after implementation of the incentive conditioning
experiment and the standard survey data collection protocols.
The overall survey response rates and the number of respondents at three months prior to the end
of the field period will be analyzed by sampling cell. The overall strategy would be to give all
nonrespondents a probability of receiving an incentive. A greater probability of selection for
receiving an incentive will be given to cases in those cells where the number of completed cases
is low, in order to improve the survey estimates.
We will examine each sampling cell, and apply the following allocation formula to determine the
number of cases in each sampling cell that will receive the incentive.
See Kinnaman, Deborah, “Results of 2006 NSCG and NSRCG Postpaid Incentives Experiments”, U.S. Bureau of
the Census Memo to the National Science Foundation, December 2007.
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
nh = n ∗
ph =
a ,b =
∑h=1 r b
, here a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0 .
is the number of incentives allocated to sampling stratum h
number of incentives available (based on budget) for this survey
nonresponse rate for stratum h before the incentives are issued
number of respondents before the incentives are issued
total number of sampling strata
parameters used to determine whether ph or rh should be given more weight.
NSF will ensure that all nonrespondents have a 0.25 up to 1.0 probability of receiving the
incentive. The final determination of the incentive distribution will be made in consultation with
the SRS Chief Statistician. The incentive will be offered via U.S. Priority Mail with a paper
questionnaire and during the telephone contacts of sample members in the incentive group. The
date of this incentive offer would likely be in early January 2009, which is about two months
prior to planned survey field closeout.
Dealing with Issues of Nonresponse Bias
Traditionally, the response rate on the first postcensual survey is lower than the subsequent
follow-up surveys due to various reasons. The 1993 NSCG weighted response rate was 80
percent but subsequent surveys had response rates far above 90 percent. The NSCG weighted
response rate was 73 percent in 2003 and 87 percent in 2006.
NSF was concerned with the lower than expected NSCG response rate in 2003, and took several
measures to evaluate and address potential nonresponse bias in the 2003 data. NSF asked the
Census Bureau to conduct a detailed nonresponse bias analysis. NSF also contracted an
independent analysis of the 2003 NSCG data, which identified significant differential response
rates by age of sample members where younger age groups were much more likely to be
nonrespondents to the survey than older age groups.
The Census Bureau issued nonresponse reports on unit and item nonresponse rates in the 2003
and 2006 NSCG data by various respondent and nonrespondent characteristics and data
collection stages. Results from the nonresponse research and analysis were used extensively in
the nonresponse weighting adjustments to reduce the nonresponse bias in the 2003 and 2006
NSCG data. Careful selection of factors for constructing the weighting classes were done to
reduce possible nonresponse bias. Weights were also adjusted to control distributions for some
variables to known totals from the sample frame.
In 2008, further assessment will be made of the extent of remaining bias by comparing weighted
estimates for the survey sample that can be observed in the sample frame (e.g. degree field,
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
degree level, and gender) to estimates for the population that the weighted sample is intended to
Because data from all three SESTAT surveys are combined into a unified data system, the
surveys must be closely coordinated to provide comparable data from each survey. Most
questionnaire items in the three surveys are the same.
Although there will be no new questions in the 2008 NSCG questionnaire, all content items in
the SESTAT questionnaires have undergone an extensive review and testing before they were
included in the final version. The changes made in the questionnaires are a result of a variety of
activities that included extensive review of the entire content in each of the SESTAT survey
questionnaires and additional research on specific items to provide more information before a
final decision was made on placement and wording of the item in the questionnaires. Content
evaluation and testing activities for the 2003 and 2006 surveys included:
External and internal consultation with questionnaire design experts on questionnaire
layout and formatting to improve user-friendliness and minimize respondent reporting
External consultation on improving the messages in the survey contact materials; and
A two-stage pretest of the survey questionnaires consisting of mail and telephone.
All of these activities contributed to the development of the questions in the NSCG
Survey Questionnaire Review and Research
The SESTAT survey questionnaire items are divided into two types of questions: core and
module. Core questions are defined as those considered to be the base for all three SESTAT
surveys. These items are essential for sampling, respondent verification, basic labor force
information, and/or robust analyses of the science and engineering workforce in the SESTAT
integrated data system. They are asked of all respondents each time they are surveyed, as
appropriate, to establish the baseline data and to update the respondents’ labor force status and
changes in employment and other demographic characteristics. Module items are defined as
special topics that are asked less frequently on a rotational basis of the entire target population or
some subset thereof. Module items tend to provide the data needed to satisfy specific policy,
research or data user needs.
After identifying the core and module items that would be included in the SESTAT surveys, SRS
reviewed and identified content items needing improvement, and engaged in research to craft
new questions. SRS conducted separate studies on six core items, and one study on a module for
the 2003 survey questionnaires. The core item research covered the following topics on the
SESTAT questionnaires: employer’s main business, academic positions, academic institutions,
work activities, marital status, and degrees earned abroad.
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
The core item research resulted in some wording changes to those questions on the SESTAT
questionnaires, and a revision of how the occupation code frame is presented. The 2008 NSCG
questionnaire will not include new questions not previously fielded before.
For 2008, the NSCG questionnaire content will be revised from 2006 as follows:
Survey reference date changed from April 1, 2006 to October 1, 2008.
Removed a 2006 module on collaborative activities (it has not yet been decided if this
will be rotated back in at a future time).
Rotated in a module on second job (status, job description, job category, relatedness of
second job to highest degree), which was asked in 1993-1999.
Rotated in a module on respondent’s and spouse’s areas of technical expertise, which was
asked in 1993-2003.
A complete list of questions proposed to be added, dropped, or modified in the 2008 NSCG
questionnaire is included in Appendix D.
The 2008 NSCG questionnaire retains all content changes that were tested and implemented for
the 2006 SESTAT questionnaires. In 2005, SRS conducted an extensive pretest under a generic
clearance (OMB No. 3145-0174) that consisted of two phases: (1) two rounds of in-depth
cognitive interviews, and (2) a small-scale field test of the mail questionnaires.
Pretest Phase I – Cognitive interviews
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (MPR) and the U.S. Census Bureau (Survey Research
Division) were contracted to conduct in-depth cognitive interviews on the 2006 NSCG and the
other two SESTAT survey questionnaires. Cognitive interviews were conducted in two waves,
with the waves being scheduled during the same time period at MPR and the Census Bureau.
MPR tested the full-length questionnaires for the three surveys, while the Census Bureau was
asked to focus on the employment section of the NSCG. In addition to the questionnaires, the
cognitive interviews were also used to test improvements to the cover letters for the 2006 survey
The first round of cognitive interviews was conducted between February 2 and February 25,
2005. During this period MPR and Census Bureau each interviewed 30 respondents. The
second round of cognitive interviews was conducted between March 25 and May 2, 2005. MPR
interviewed 40 respondents (28 in-person and 12 via telephone) and the Census Bureau
interviewed 30 respondents. Based on the results of the cognitive interviews, MPR and NSF
worked together to develop a series of experiments to test in the mail portion of the pretest.
Pretest Phase II – Mail Field Test
The field test consisted of two mailings of NSCG and the other two SESTAT surveys with a
reminder postcard in between; no further nonresponse follow-up was conducted due to time
constraints. The NSCG mail pretest included a sample of 1,500 selected from a commercial list
of 5,000 names of bachelor’s degree holders with address, sex, age, and occupation information,
and between the ages of 21 and 75. To mimic the proportion of science and engineering cases
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
from the 1995 NSCG, MPR selected 15 percent of the cases from computer occupations, 20
percent from engineering occupations, and 65 percent from other occupations for a total of 1,500
sample members. Each sample member was randomly assigned to one of four control or
experimental groups.
Pretest questionnaires were mailed on June 24, 2005 using first class mail. Although mailing a
reminder was not part of the original pretest plan, a postcard reminder was sent to all nonrespondents because of the low response (12 percent) to the first mailing. The postcard was
mailed on July 20, 2005, and provided an additional boost of about 2 percentage points to the
response rate for a 14 percent cumulative overall response rate from all three SESTAT surveys
to the first mailing. A second mailing was sent on August 3, 2005 with a cover letter urging
participation with a “respond by” date in a Priority Mail envelope. Mail returns were accepted
until August 26, 2005. Final response rate to the NSCG mail pretest was about 25%. Final
response rate for respondents from all three surveys was 27 percent.
The primary goal of the field pretest was to test the various recommended questionnaire changes
from the cognitive interviews. Specific test conditions were incorporated to obtain research data
that might further improve the questionnaires. These are described below:
1) Testing the placement of the sample person’s name and address label on the
questionnaire (front versus back cover).
2) Testing the Field of Study and Job Category Code Lists in a new format.
3) Testing a different approach to “anchoring” the reference date in the employment
4) Testing a new wording and format of the principal employer type question.
In addition, the experimental versions of the questionnaires had small wording and formatting
changes for some questions of interest such as work activity categories, employer name and
location, supervising, etc. The control versions of the questionnaire retained the same wording
for most questions of interest and Field of Study/Job Category Code Lists used in 2003. Testing
the label placement by the presence versus absence of the content changes created a two-by-two
design, shown in table below.
Mail Pretest Design
Content, Anchor, and Code List
Old Content
New Content
Questionnaire Version 1 Questionnaire Version 3
Questionnaire Version 2
Questionnaire Version 4
The mail pretest also included testing of a new 2006 module on the method and means of
collaboration; using “Yes/No” response options in a few remaining questions with the “Mark All
That Apply” response options used in 2003; moving the part-time employment questions to a
different section and revising the work-related training reasons to fine tune the measurement of
the concepts for these two items.
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
Based on the mail pretest results, decisions were made to keep the sample person’s name and
address labels on the front cover of the questionnaire; use the revised wording and format of the
employer sector question; use the new Field of Study/Job Category Code Lists; no longer use the
‘Mark All That Apply’ response option; not use the reference week “anchoring” question but use
consistent question wording in all references to the principal job.
Survey Contact Materials
The cover letters for the 2008 NSCG questionnaire will be developed based on the results from
the 2003 NSCG Cover Letter research which tested the impact of different cover letters. This
research showed a marginal response increase with the new “altruistic” cover letter overall and
“authoritative” cover letter was found to be effective among respondents in some fields. These
two types of cover letter will be used again as the main letters to the sample members in 2008
(Appendix E).
Questionnaire Layout
SRS has previously engaged the services of Dr. Don Dillman to further improve the visual
presentation of the 2003 and 2006 SESTAT questionnaires. An SRS staff member with expertise
in visual design theory was also involved in this process. The suggested revisions to the
questionnaires included the standardization and consistent use of formatting, placement of
instructions, and placement of privacy act notices. Also revised were the items that include a
format that requires the respondent to review a long list of items before reporting a response to
make the selection process easier for the respondents.
2006 Survey Methodology Tests
Postpaid Incentive Experiment
In 2006, the Bureau of the Census conducted a postpaid incentive experiment in the NSCG. This
experiment was designed to increase the response rate of the late respondents who were either
classified as refusals (both soft and hard), targeted nonrespondents (NSCG “RCG panel” sample
cases had significantly lower response rate than the 2003 NSCG decennial cases), and elusive
nonrespondents (contact information confirmed to be correct but cannot reach the sample
person) by offering a postpaid monetary incentive in the form of an unactivated $20 VISA gift
card. Once the interview was completed, the respondents were told that the gift card would be
activated within two business days. This unactivated card was included in the final
questionnaire mailing and also offered during the CATI calls to the incentive treatment group of
respondents. There was also a control group that did not receive an incentive.
The experiment found that the incentive increased the response rate about 17% for previous
NSCG refusal cases, 14% for targeted nonrespondents, and 11% for elusive nonrespondents.
The differences in the response rates between the incentive and control groups were statistically
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
Reminder Experiment
This experiment tested four different means of reminding mail recipients to return their
questionnaires. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the best reminder method for
the 2006 NSCG. The methods tested were the traditional Dillman postcard reminder method, a
letter reminder, an automated telephone reminder, and an email reminder. The experiment
showed that no one reminder method was more effective than any other at increasing response
rates. The 2008 NSCG will use postcard, email and telephone reminders through the data
collection phase because each reminder had an immediate effect in boosting the survey responses
when administered.
Due Date Contact Experiment
This experiment tested whether a request to “Please complete and return within two weeks” (due
date) notice encourages a faster survey response than “Return as soon as possible” statement
typically used in the survey contact materials. An increase in early response by mail would
decrease the follow up workload and thus survey cost. Four groups consisted of due date notice
only on the envelope; due date notice on the cover letter only; due date notice on both the
envelope and cover letter; and the control group that had “return as soon as possible” notice.
The experiment showed that the group with the due date notice on both the envelope and cover
letter had the highest early response rate of all groups. The NSCG will include the due date
notice on both the envelope and cover letters in 2008.
Survey Methodology Tests to be Undertaken
As described in Section A, to better understand the effect of incentive conditioning on the survey
panel, a monetary incentive experiment is proposed for the sample members who received a
monetary incentive in the 2006 survey round. The 2006 NSRCG panel sample in the 2008
NSCG, who received $5 or $10 prepaid incentives with the first questionnaire mailing in 2006,
will be split into treatment and control groups where only the treatment group will again receive
a $10 prepaid incentive with the first questionnaire mailing. The incentive experiment is
designed to determine if the previous incentive receipt has any negative effect on the subsequent
survey participation when no incentive is offered. Details on the incentive conditioning
experiment plan are in Appendix G
NSF plans to conduct additional methodological tests in the current and future rounds of the
survey to reduce burden and increase utility of the survey under the burden hours in this survey
clearance for the next survey cycle. Proposals for these additional tests are still under
consideration. These will be submitted for OMB approval prior to implementation.
Chief consultant on statistical aspects of data collection is John M. Finamore (301) 763-5992,
Demographic Statistical Methods Division, Census Bureau. The Demographic Statistical
Methods Division will manage all sample selection operations at the Census Bureau. At NSF the
contacts for statistical aspects of data collection are Stephen Cohen, SRS Chief Statistician (703)
292-7769, and Kelly Kang, NSCG Project Manager (703) 292-7796.
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
2008 NSCG Incentive Conditioning
Proposal for the 2008 NSCG Incentive Conditioning Experiment
Providing incentives has been shown to increase survey response rates and is used often in survey
research. However there could be unintended consequences to the use of incentives, particularly
when the same respondents are interviewed subsequent times. Respondents could develop an
expectation of payment for participation in the survey (Singer, VanHoewyk and Maher, 1998).
Cotterchio and Krieger (1998) found that cash incentives improved response rates to their main
study. In a follow-up study, however, response rates for those who received an incentive during the
first study were lower than for those who did not receive an incentive during the first study. They
purport that the study subjects may have expected to receive an incentive for participation and when
no incentive was provided for the second part of the study, were less likely to participate.
Singer, VanHoewyk and Maher (1998) found that while respondents who had previously been
given an incentive were more likely to agree with the statement that “people should be paid for
doing surveys like this,” they were more likely to participate in a later round of the survey even
without an incentive payment.
As stated by Singer, Groves and Corning (1999), if a respondent has an expectation of payment for
survey participation, a violation of that expectation by the survey organization could lead to
reluctant participation or refusal to participate. In a 1996 study that looked at respondents’ opinions
about differential incentives, they found no significant difference in willingness to participate in
future survey rounds between those who thought differential incentives were unfair and other
During previous rounds of the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) and National Survey
of Recent College Graduates (NSRCG), some respondents have been provided monetary incentives
for their participation.
Since the NSCG has never included an experiment to measure the effect of incentive conditioning
and since outside research conducted has not reached a consistent conclusion on the conditioning
effect of incentives, we would like to evaluate this effect on the 2008 NSCG sample. In general, we
hope to learn whether participation in future rounds of the survey is impacted by previous
experience receiving an incentive. In particular, we would like to answer the following question:
If a person receives an incentive in the initial year to complete a survey, does not receiving
an incentive in a subsequent year negatively affect their response propensity?
To gain a better understanding of the response behaviors related to incentives, additional questions
we would like to answer through this research include the following:
If a person receives an incentive in the initial survey year to complete a survey, will they
respond more favorably to an incentive in a subsequent year than someone who had not
received an incentive in the initial year?
Are incentives more effective the initial time they are used than if they are given in
subsequent years?
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
We will attempt to answer these questions through the comparisons listed in the methods section.
The 2008 NSCG Incentive Conditioning Study will have four treatment groups. In the 2006
National Survey of Recent College Graduates (NSRCG) a sample of cases in traditionally low
responding majors were randomly assigned to receive a $5 or $10 prepaid incentive.
Cases will be selected from 2006 NSRCG cases that were eligible for the 2006 prepaid incentive
study that either did or did not receive a prepaid incentive. Cases that were eligible for the 2006
NSRCG postpaid incentive study will not be eligible for the 2008 NSCG incentive conditioning
study. Additionally, cases that do not have a valid address as of the 2008 NSCG data collection
planning period will be ineligible. The 2006 NSCG incentives and no incentives cases will each be
split into two groups for 2008: incentive and no incentive.
Breaking the study cases out this way will create the following 2 by 2 factorial design with four
treatment groups.
2008 Incentive Status (factor B)
(factor A)
Group 1: (Yes, Yes)
Group 2: (Yes, No)
Group 3: (No, Yes)
Group 4:(No, No)
Group 1 – Received an incentive in 2006, and will receive an incentive in 2008 (Yes, Yes)
Group 2 – Received an incentive in 2006, but will receive no incentive in 2008 (Yes, No)
Group 3 – Received no incentive in 2006, but will receive an incentive in 2008 (No, Yes)
Group 4 – Received no incentive in 2006, and will receive no incentive in 2008 (No, No)
With this design, a two way ANOVA will be used to analyze the data. A graphic for the resulting
response rates for the four treatment groups will be made to help in visualizing the effects (see
graphic 1 below as an example). This will allow us to study the main effects, make group
comparisons, and study the interaction. A few examples of the comparisons of interest are:
Main effects:
Group 1 (Yes, Yes) + Group 3 (No, Yes) vs Group 2 (Yes, No) + Group 4 (No, No)
Group 1 (Yes, Yes) + Group 2 (Yes, No) vs Group 3 (No, Yes) + Group 4 (No, No)
Group Comparisons:
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
Group 1 (Yes, Yes) vs. Group 2 (Yes, No) – If a person receives an incentive in the initial
survey year to complete a survey, how will receiving or not receiving an incentive in a
subsequent year affect their response tendency?
Group 2 (Yes, No) vs. Group 4 (No, No) – How will receiving or not receiving an incentive
in the initial survey year affect a person’s response tendency if they do not receive an
incentive in a subsequent year?
[Group 1 (Yes, Yes) - Group 2 (Yes, No)] vs. [Group 3 (No, Yes) - Group 4 (No, No)] –
What is the relative effect of incentives when they are offered a second time versus the first
time they are offered?
Red/Blue line for 2006 Yes/No Incentive Status
Response Rate
2008 Incentive Status
Cases assigned to receive an incentive in 2008 will have a prepaid $10 incentive gift card
included in the initial questionnaire mailing. We will provide $10 because we do not want to
provide a lower incentive to those who received $10 in the 2006 NSRCG. Cases assigned not to
receive an incentive will receive the same initial questionnaire mailing as the main group of NSCG
cases that were not eligible for this study. All of the cases in the study will start in the mail data
collection mode and will follow the same mailing procedures as the main NSCG cases. At the start
of the Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) nonresponse follow-up, these cases will be
moved into the CATI data collection phase along with the other NSCG cases.
One study limitation is that we are restricted to those who have received a prepaid incentive in a
previous survey round. Due to the prepaid incentive study design from the 2006 NSRCG, we are
limited to those NSRCG respondents who are in traditionally low responding majors. As a result,
the incentive conditioning study findings may not be generalizable to the entire NSCG target
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
Another limitation is that during the 2006 NSRCG, prepaid incentives were provided in either $5 or
$10 amounts. Due to sample size limitations, we will put both of these groups into the same group
of people who received an incentive in 2006. Respondents could possibly receive a greater
incentive than they did in 2006, which could cause differences in response rates.
Sample Size Calculations
The sample size for each treatment group was calculated based on the minimum number of cases
needed in each treatment to detect a 10% difference in response rate. The sample size formula was
as follows:
n ≥ (Zα*/2+ Zβ)2
p1 (1 − p1 ) + p 2 (1 − p 2 )
n = sample size for a single treatment group
α* = alpha level adjusted for multiple comparisons
Zα*/2 = critical value for set alpha level assuming a two-sided test
Zβ = critical value for set beta level
p1 = proportion for group 1
p2 = proportion for group 2
δ = minimum detectible difference
Since there are seven comparisons included in this study (one main comparison and six
supplemental comparisons), the alpha level used in the sample size calculations was adjusted for
multiple comparisons. Using the Bonferroni adjustment, the Census Bureau standard alpha level of
0.10 was decreased to account for the seven comparisons. Therefore, the alpha level in the sample
size calculations was 0.10/7 = 0.014.
The beta level was included in the formula to inflate the sample size in order to decrease the
probability of committing a type II error. Committing a type II error, claiming there was no
difference in response rates across mode groups when a difference was present, would be
detrimental to the purpose of this study. With this in mind, the beta level was set to 0.90.
The estimated response rate for the groups was set to 0.50 for the sample size calculations. Setting
the estimated response rate at this value was a conservative approach that maximized the sample
size. The final term needed for the sample size calculation was the desired minimum detectible
difference. We would like to be able to detect a 10% difference in response rate of any comparison.
Using the values discussed above, the sample size calculation was as follows:
(0.50(1 − 0.50) + 0.50(1 − 0.50))
= 697.13
n ≥ (2.452 + 1.282)2
(0.1) 2
This sample size tells us that in order to consider a 10% difference in response rate in any
comparison as statistically significant, we need at least 698 sample cases in each of the four
treatment groups. The following tables show that there will be an adequate number of cases
available to achieve our sample sizes.
The eligible cases for the 2008 NSCG incentive conditioning study are cases that were eligible for
the 2006 NSRCG prepaid incentive but not eligible for the 2006 NSRCG postpaid incentive. Cases
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
eligible for the postpaid incentive were refusals or late responders. Excluding these cases will help
simplify our design and analysis since we will be dealing with cases that are not late responders and
have not received multiple incentives. Additionally, cases with bad addresses will be ineligible for
the study. Table 1 provides a breakdown of the cases considered for the 2008 NSCG Incentive
Conditioning Study. The highlighted rows in the table identify the cases that are eligible for the
Table 1. Number of Eligible Cases for 2008 NSCG Incentive Conditioning Study
2006 Prepaid
Eligible for 2008 Incentive Conditioning Study
Ineligible – Part of 2006 NR Incentive
Ineligible – Part of 2006 Refusal Incentive
Ineligible – Bad Address
Eligible for 2008 Incentive Conditioning Study
Ineligible – Part of 2006 NR Incentive
Ineligible – Part of 2006 Refusal Incentive
Ineligible – Bad Address
Eligible for 2008 Incentive Conditioning Study
For the 2008 NSCG incentive conditioning study there are four treatment groups.
We will split the group that received a 2006 NSRCG prepaid incentive (1,891 cases) into
two groups: one that will receive an incentive and one that will not receive an incentive as
part of the 2008 NSCG.
We will split the group that did not receive a 2006 NSRCG prepaid incentive (2,732 cases)
into two groups: one that will receive an incentive and one that will not receive an incentive
as part of the 2008 NSCG.
As derived using formula (1), the sample size for each of the four treatment groups will be at least
698 cases. Using the figures from Table 1, there is an adequate number of cases eligible for the
study to ensure at least 698 cases in each treatment group. The table below documents the eligible
number of cases and the number needed for this incentive conditioning study.
Table 2. 2008 NSCG Incentive Conditioning Study Sample
Cases Eligible for 2008
NSCG Incentive
Conditioning Study
Sample Needed
Extra Cases
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
Cotterchio, Michelle and Nancy Kreiger (1998). “The Effect of Financial Incentives on
Participation in Future Research.” Epidemiology, 9(2): 216.
Singer, Eleanor, Robert M. Groves and Amy D. Corning (1999). “Differential Incentives: Beliefs
About Practices, Perceptions of Equity, and Effects on Survey Participation.” Public
Opinion Quarterly, 63: 251-260
Singer, Eleanor, John Van Hoewyk and Mary P. Maher (1998). “Does the Payment of Incentives
Create Expectation Effects?” Public Opinion Quarterly, 62: 152-164.
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2008 NSCG OMB Supporting Statement
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - 2008 NSCG OMB Support Stmt July 25 2008 w App G and Incentive Plan_FINAL.doc |
Author | srstmp1 |
File Modified | 2008-07-28 |
File Created | 2008-07-25 |