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Identifying Information for Possible Direct Payment of Authorized Fees


OMB: 0960-0730

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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 25, 2006 / Notices

information that parallels information in
the record for which notification is
being requested. If it is determined that
the identifying information provided by
telephone is insufficient, the individual
will be required to submit a request in
writing or in person. If an individual is
requesting information by telephone on
behalf of another individual, the subject
individual must be connected with SSA
and the requesting individual in the
same phone call. SSA will establish the
subject individual’s identity (his/her
name, SSN, address, date of birth and
place of birth along with one other piece
of information such as mother’s maiden
name) and ask for his/her consent to
providing information to the requesting
If a request for notification is
submitted by mail, an individual must
include a notarized statement to SSA to
verify his/her identity or must certify in
the request that he/she is the person
claimed to be and that he/she
understands that the knowing and
willful request for, or acquisition of, a
record pertaining to another individual
under false pretenses is a criminal
offense. These procedures are in
accordance with SSA regulations (20
CFR 401.40(c)).

Same as Notification procedures.
Requesters should also reasonably
specify the information they are seeking.
These procedures are in accordance
with SSA regulations (20 CFR

Same as Notification procedures.
Requesters should also reasonably
identify the record, specify the
information they are contesting and
state the corrective action sought, and
the reasons for the correction, with
supporting justification showing how
the record is incomplete, untimely,
inaccurate or irrelevant. These
procedures are in accordance with SSA
regulations (20 CFR 401.65(a)).

sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES


Information in this system is obtained
from claimants, beneficiaries, applicants
and recipients; accumulated by SSA
from reports of employers or selfemployed individuals; various local,
State, and Federal agencies; claimant
representatives and other sources to
support factors of entitlement and
continuing eligibility or to provide leads

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[FR Doc. E6–11782 Filed 7–24–06; 8:45 am]

Privacy Act of 1974; as Amended; New
System of Records and New Routine
Use Disclosures

Social Security Administration

Proposed new system of records
and routine uses.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(4) and
(e)(11)), we are issuing public notice of
our intent to establish a new system of
records entitled Attorney and Eligible
Direct Pay Non-Attorney (EDPNA)
1099–MISC File, hereinafter referred to
as the Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
system of records, and routine uses
applicable to the system of records. We
are also issuing notice that we may
disclose personally identifiable
information from the Attorney/EDPNA
1099–MISC File to consumer reporting
agencies in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552a(b)(12) and 31 U.S.C. 3711(e).
Further, we give notice that we will
disclose the taxpayer identification
numbers (TIN)/Social Security numbers
(SSN) and other information maintained
in this file to employers for the purpose
of reporting and collecting delinquent
debts that may arise out of
representational fee payments made to
representatives. See 31 U.S.C.
7701(c)(3). We invite public comment
on this proposal.
DATES: We filed a report of the proposed
Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
system of records and the applicable
routine uses with the Chairman of the
Senate Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs, the
Chairman of the House Committee on
Government Reform, and the Director,
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) on July 18, 2006. The
proposed Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC
File system of records and the proposed
routine uses will become effective on
August 26, 2006, unless we receive
comments warranting that they not be
ADDRESSES: Interested individuals may
comment on this publication by writing
to the Deputy Executive Director, Office
of Public Disclosure, Office of the
General Counsel, Social Security
Administration, 3–A–6 Operations

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Building, 6401 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21235–6401. All
comments received will be available for
public inspection at the above address.
Christine W. Johnson, Lead Social
Insurance Specialist, Strategic Issues
Team, Office of Public Disclosure,
Office of the General Counsel, Social
Security Administration, Room 3–A–6
Operations Building, 6401 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21235–
6401, telephone: (410) 965–8563, e-mail:
I. Background and Purpose of the
Proposed New Attorney/EDPNA 1099–
MISC File System of Records
A. General Background
Under sections 206(a) and 1631(d)(2)
of the Social Security Act and sections
302 and 303 of the Social Security
Protection Act (SSPA) of 2004 (Pub. L.
108–203), SSA has the authority and
responsibility to determine the
maximum fees that claimants’
representatives may charge and collect
from claimants they represent before
SSA, and to directly pay those fees out
of claimants’ past-due benefits, to
attorney and EDPNA representatives.
SSA is also responsible to directly pay
fees awarded to an attorney by a Federal
court under sections 206(b) and
1631(d)(2) of the Act. Changes in the
Internal Revenue Service Federal
Income Tax Regulations (26 CFR part 1),
promulgated under sections 6041 and
6045 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
require SSA, in the course of its
business, to issue 1099–MISC
information returns for aggregate
payments of $600.00 or more in a
calendar year. The returns must be filed
whether or not the services were
performed for SSA. Therefore,
representatives who meet the
requirements to receive representational
fee payments and do not waive payment
from SSA could meet the reporting
requirement of the IRC. Further, when
the attorney or EDPNA representative
works for an employer (e.g., law firm,
partnership or other business entity)
and we have the employer’s name,
address and EIN information in our file
a 1099–MISC information return will
also be issued to the employer.
Further, the Debt Collection
Improvement Act of 1996, 31 U.S.C.
7701, requires all persons doing
business with a federal agency to
provide TINs/SSNs. A person is
considered to be ‘‘doing business’’ with
an agency if the agency assesses a fee on
the person. Under sections 206(d) and
1631(d)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act



Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 25, 2006 / Notices
(42 U.S.C. 406(d) and 1383(d)(2)(C)),
SSA assesses a fee for determining and
paying the fee each time it directly pays
a representational fee to a claimant’s
representative. Moreover, the
representational fees that SSA directly
pays to representatives are funds
withheld from benefit payments that are
redirected to the representatives from
claimants. Therefore, SSA is ‘‘doing
business’’ with all representatives that it
pays. To this end, pursuant to the Debt
Collection Improvement Act, SSA will
also use the TINs/SSNs maintained in
the Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File for
the purpose of reporting and collecting
any delinquent debts that may arise out
of the representational fee payments
that SSA makes to representatives.
Thus, the proposed Attorney/EDPNA
1099–MISC File will facilitate the
efficient collection and maintenance of
data needed for the verification and
issuance of 1099–MISC information
returns for reporting purposes, as well
as the reporting and collection of
delinquent debts that may arise from
payments to representatives. For
example, the file will maintain the
names of representatives eligible to
receive direct fee payments, TINs/SSNs,
tax mailing address, notice/payment
address, each individual payment
amount, and sanction history as
appropriate. The file will also retain
employer identification data and any
other information required by the
Commissioner for verification and
issuance of 1099–MISC information
returns. The proposed Attorney/EDPNA
1099–MISC File not only responds to the
requirements of the IRC, it also
facilitates accuracy in SSA
recordkeeping and SSA efforts to collect
debts arising out of the direct payment
of representational fees.
B. Collection and Maintenance of Data
in the Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
System of Records

sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

The Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
will maintain identifying information
on all representatives who receive direct
fee payments for services performed for
claimants before SSA and the Federal
courts, and on their employers. See the
‘‘Categories of records’’ section of the
notice below for a full description of the
data that will be maintained in the
system of records.
II. Proposed Routine Use Disclosures of
Data Maintained in the Proposed
Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
System of Records
A. Proposed Routine Use Disclosures
We are proposing to establish the
following routine use disclosures of

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information that will be maintained in
the proposed new Attorney/EDPNA
1099–MISC File system of records:

5. To the Department of Justice (DOJ), a
Court, or Other Tribunal, or Other Party
Before Such Tribunal When

1. To the Office of the President for the
Purpose of Responding to an Individual
Pursuant to an Inquiry Received From
That Individual or From a Third Party
on His or Her Behalf

(a) Social Security Administration
(SSA), or any component thereof; or
(b) any SSA employee in his/her
official capacity; or
(c) any SSA employee in his/her
individual capacity where DOJ (or SSA
where it is authorized to do so) has
agreed to represent the employee; or
(d) the United States, or any agency
thereof, where SSA determines that the
litigation is likely to affect the
operations of SSA or any of its
components is a party to litigation or
has an interest in such litigation, and
SSA determines that the use of such
records by DOJ, a court, or other
tribunal is relevant and necessary to the
litigation, provided, however, that in
each case, SSA determines that such
disclosure is compatible with the
purpose for which the records were
We will disclose information under
this routine use only as necessary to
enable DOJ to effectively represent or
defend SSA, its components or
employees in litigation involving the
proposed system of records or when the
United States is a party to litigation and
SSA has an interest in the litigation.

We will disclose information under
this routine use only in situations in
which an individual may contact the
Office of the President, seeking that
Office’s assistance in a matter relating to
the Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File.
Information will be disclosed when the
Office of the President makes an inquiry
and indicates that it is acting on behalf
of the individual whose record is
2. To a Congressional Office in
Response to An Inquiry From That
Office Made at the Request of the
Subject of a Record
We will disclose information under
this routine use only in situations in
which the individual may ask his or her
congressional representative to
intercede in a matter relating to the
Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File.
Information will be disclosed when the
congressional representative makes an
inquiry and indicates that he or she is
acting on behalf of the individual whose
record is requested.
3. To the Internal Revenue Service and
to State and Local Government Tax
Agencies in Response to Inquiries
Regarding Receipt of Fees Paid in Any
Calendar Year
We will disclose information under
this routine use to the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) and to State and local
government tax agencies, as necessary,
regarding fees paid directly by SSA
beginning calendar year 2007 and
subsequent taxable years, as well as any
other relevant and necessary
information regarding fees paid to the
qualified claimant representatives as
4. To the Internal Revenue Service,
Department of the Treasury, for the
Purpose of Auditing Social Security
Administration’s Compliance With the
Safeguard Provisions of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as Amended
This proposed routine use would
allow the IRS to audit SSA’s
maintenance of earnings and wage
information in the Attorney/EDPNA
1099–/MISC File to ensure that SSA
complies with the safeguard
requirements of the IRC.

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6. To the Department of Justice for
(a) investigating and prosecuting
violations of the Social Security Act to
which criminal penalties attach;
(b) representing the Commissioner; or
(c) investigating issues of fraud or
violation of civil rights by agency
officers or employees.
We will disclose information under
this routine use only as necessary to
enable DOJ to represent SSA in matters
concerning violations of the Social
Security Act, to represent the
Commissioner of Social Security, or to
investigate issues of fraud or violations
of civil rights by SSA officers or
7. To Contractors and Other Federal
Agencies, as Necessary, for the Purpose
of Assisting Social Security
Administration (SSA) in the Efficient
Administration of Its Programs. We Will
Disclose Information Under This
Routine Use Only in Situations in
Which SSA May Enter a Contractual or
Similar Agreement With a Third Party
To Assist in Accomplishing an Agency
Function Relating to This System of
SSA occasionally contracts out certain
of its functions when this would
contribute to effective and efficient
operations. For example, this may




Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 25, 2006 / Notices

include contractors, as authorized by 31
U.S.C. 3718, or Federal agencies that
either operate debt collection centers or
that will assist SSA in collecting debts
through Federal salary, administrative,
and tax refund offset as provided by 5
U.S.C. 3716 and 3720A. The debts
collected will only include those owed
by claimants’ representatives arising out
of excess or erroneous representational
fee payments made by SSA. SSA must
be able to give a contractor or Federal
agency whatever information SSA can
legally provide in order for the
contractor or Federal agency to fulfill its
duties. In situations in which we use
contractors, safeguards are provided in
the contract prohibiting the contractor
from using or disclosing the information
for any purpose other than that
described in the contract.

sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

8. To Student Volunteers, Individuals
Working Under a Personal Services
Contract, and Other Workers Who
Technically Do Not Have the Status of
Federal Employees, When They Are
Performing Work for the Social Security
Administration (SSA), as Authorized by
Law, and They Need Access to
Personally Identifiable Information in
SSA Records in Order To Perform Their
Assigned Duties
Under certain Federal statutes, SSA is
authorized to use the service of
volunteers and participants in certain
educational, training, employment and
community service programs. An
example of such statutes and programs
includes: 5 U.S.C. 2753 regarding the
College Work-Study Program. We will
disclose information under this routine
use only when SSA uses the services of
these individuals, and they need access
to information in this system to perform
their assigned agency duties.
9. To Federal, State and Local Law
Enforcement Agencies and Private
Security Contractors as Appropriate,
Information Necessary
• To enable them to protect the safety
of Social Security Administration (SSA)
employees and customers, the security
of the SSA workplace and the operation
of SSA facilities; or
• To assist investigations or
prosecutions with respect to activities
that affect such safety and security or
activities that disrupts the operation of
SSA facilities.
We will disclose information under
this routine use to law enforcement
agencies and private security
contractors when information is needed
to respond to, investigate, or prevent
activities that jeopardize the security
and safety of SSA customers, employees
or workplaces or that otherwise disrupt

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the operation of SSA facilities.
Information would also be disclosed to
assist in the prosecution of persons
charged with violating Federal or local
law in connection with such activities.
10. To the General Services
Administration and the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) Under 44 U.S.C. 2904 and
§ 2906, as Amended by the NARA Act
of 1984, Information Which Is Not
Restricted From Disclosure by Federal
Law for the Use of Those Agencies in
Conducting Records Management
The Administrator of the General
Services Administration (GSA) and the
Archivist of NARA are charged by 44
U.S.C. 2904 with promulgating
standards, procedures and guidelines
regarding record management and
conducting records management
studies. 44 U.S.C. 2906, as amended,
provides that GSA and NARA are to
have access to federal agencies’ records
and that agencies are to cooperate with
GSA and NARA. In carrying out these
responsibilities, it may be necessary for
GSA and NARA to have access to this
proposed system of records. In such
instances, the routine use will facilitate
11. To Employers To Assist the Social
Security Administration (SSA) in the
Collection of Debts Owed by Claimants’
Representatives Who Received an
Excess or Erroneous Representational
Fee Payment and Owe a Delinquent
Debt to SSA. Disclosure Under This
Routine Use Is Authorized Under the
Debt Collection Improvement Act of
1966 (Pub. L. 104–134) and
Implemented Through Administrative
Wage Garnishment Provisions of This
Act. See 31 U.S.C. 3720D
SSA is obligated to attempt to collect
debts owed to it. Under 31 U.S.C.
3720D, implemented by SSA regulations
(see 20 CFR Part 22, Subpart E), SSA
may issue administrative wage
garnishment orders to the employers of
persons who owe debts to SSA. SSA
will only provide employers with the
minimal information necessary to allow
employers to comply with our orders.

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12. To Employers of Claimants’
Representatives (e.g., Law Firms,
Partnerships or Other Business Entities)
in Accordance With the Requirements
of Sections 6041 and 6045(f) of the
Internal Revenue Code as Implemented
by the IRS Regulations Found at 26 CFR
1.6041–1, and as Necessary To Carry
Out the Attorney/EDPNA Fee Reporting
We will disclose information under
this routine use to employers of
claimants’ representatives in accordance
with the requirements of sections 6041
and 6045(f) of the Internal Revenue
Code as implemented by IRS regulations
found at 26 CFR 1.6041–1, with respect
to issuance of 1099–MISC information
return forms. SSA will only provide
employers with a copy of the 1099–
MISC issued to the employee.
B. Compatibility of Proposed Routine
The Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3))
and our disclosure regulations (20 CFR
Part 401) permit us to disclose
information under a published routine
use for a purpose that is compatible
with the purpose for which we collected
the information. SSA’s regulations at 20
CFR 401.150(c) permit us to disclose
information under a routine use where
necessary to carry out SSA programs.
SSA’s regulations at 20 CFR 401.120
provide that we will disclose
information when a law specifically
requires the disclosure. The proposed
routine uses numbered 1 through 9, 11
and 12 above, will ensure efficient
performance of our functions relating to
the purpose and administration of the
proposed Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC
File; the disclosures that would be made
under routine use number 10 are
required by Federal law. The proposed
routine uses are appropriate and meet
the relevant statutory and regulatory
III. Disclosure to Consumer Reporting
The Privacy Act of 1974, as amended
(5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12)), permits Federal
agencies to disclose certain information
to consumer reporting agencies in
accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3711(e)
without the consent of the individuals
to whom the information pertains. The
purpose of this disclosure is to provide
an incentive for individuals to pay any
outstanding debts they owe to the
Federal government by including
information about these debts in the
records that are identified in the records
relating to those persons maintained by
consumer reporting agencies. This is a
practice commonly used by the private



Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 25, 2006 / Notices
sector. The information disclosed will
be limited to that needed to establish
the identity of the individual debtor, the
amount, status, and history of the debt;
and the agency or program under which
the debt arose.
We have added the following
statement at the end of the routine uses
section of the proposed system of
Disclosure pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
§ 552a(b)(12) may be made to consumer
reporting agencies as defined in the Fair
Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. § 1681a(f)) or
the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966 (31
U.S.C. § 3701, et seq.), as amended. The
disclosure will be made in accordance with
31 U.S.C. § 3711(e). The purpose of this
disclosure is to aid in the collection of
outstanding debts owed to the Federal
government, typically, to provide an
incentive for debtors to repay delinquent
Federal government debts by making these
debts part of their credit records. The
information to be disclosed is limited to the
individual’s name, address, SSN, and other
information necessary to establish the
individual’s identity, the amount, status, and
history of the debt; and the agency or
program under which the debt arose.

sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

IV. Records Storage Medium and
Safeguards for the Proposed Attorney/
EDPNA 1099–MISC File System of
The Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
is a repository for records in paper and
electronic form. Only authorized SSA
personnel who have a need for the
information in the performance of their
official duties will be permitted access
to the information. We will safeguard
the security of the information by
requiring the use of access codes to
enter the computer systems that will
maintain the data, and will store
computerized records in secured areas
that are accessible only to employees
who require the information to perform
their official duties. Safeguards include
a lock/unlock password system,
exclusive use of leased telephone lines,
a terminal-oriented transaction matrix,
and an audit trail. Any manually
maintained records will be kept in
locked cabinets or in otherwise secure
areas. Furthermore, SSA employees
having access to SSA databases
maintaining personal information must
sign a sanction document annually,
acknowledging their accountability for
making unauthorized access to or
disclosure of such information.
Contractor personnel having access to
data in the proposed Attorney/EDPNA
1099–MISC File will be required to
adhere to SSA rules concerning
safeguards, access and use of the data.
SSA personnel having access to the
data on this system will be informed of

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the criminal penalties provided in the
Privacy Act and other statutes for
unauthorized access to or disclosure of
information maintained in this system.
See 5 U.S.C. 552a(i)(1).
VI. Effect of the Proposed Attorney/
EDPNA 1099–MISC File System of
Records on the Rights of Individuals
The proposed Attorney/EDPNA 1099–
MISC File system of records will
maintain only that information that is
necessary for the efficient and effective:
• Verification and issuance of 1099–
MISC information returns to
representatives who receive direct fee
• Issuance of 1099–MISC information
returns to employers of claimants’
• Reporting required by the IRC; and
• Collection or reporting of
delinquent debts that might arise from
payments made to representatives.
Security measures will be employed
that protect access to and preclude
unauthorized disclosure of records in
the proposed system of records.
Therefore, we do not anticipate that the
proposed system of records will have
any unwarranted adverse effect on the
rights of individuals.
Dated: July 18, 2006.
Jo Anne B. Barnhart,

Notice of System of Records Required by
the Privacy Act of 1974

Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File,
Social Security Administration (SSA),
Deputy Commissioner for Budget,
Finance and Management


The Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
is established when claimants’
representatives who are eligible to
receive direct fee payments file a
request for direct payment through the
internet, by mail, or in person and the
information is maintained in the
National Computer Center at SSA
Headquarters. The computerized
records and database are maintained at
the Social Security Administration,
Office of Systems, 6401 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21235.

This system covers only claimants’
representatives who are eligible to

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receive direct payment of
representational fees for representing
SSA claimants at the administrative or
court level in SSA-related matters.

The Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
will maintain the following information:
Names of representatives eligible to
receive direct fee payments, taxpayer
identification numbers (TIN)/Social
Security numbers (SSN), tax mailing
address, notice/payment address, type
of representative (e.g., Attorney or
EDPNA), tax identification number,
court-standing information, sanctionrelated information (e.g., ‘‘Disqualified
or Suspended,’’ and start/stop date of
sanction), signature date on the
Appointment of Representative (Form
SSA–1696–U4) or equivalent written
statement, termination of service date,
business affiliation information (e.g.,
sole proprietor or single-member
Limited Liability Company/Limited
Liability Partnership; or partner or
salaried employee), telephone/fax
numbers, name and address of entity
(e.g., Firm, Other), EIN of entity,
business affiliations, and direct deposit
information. The system will also
contain relevant claimants’ SSNs.

Social Security Administration

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Sections 205, 206, 1631(d)(1) and
1631(d)(2) of the Act, as amended, and
Sections 6041 and 6045 of the Internal
Revenue Code (26 CFR Part 1).

The Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
will ensure appropriate and efficient
collection, maintenance and issuance of
1099–MISC information returns to
representatives eligible to receive direct
fee payments for services rendered to
claimants in proceedings before SSA or
a Federal court. The file will also ensure
issuance of 1099–MISC information
returns to employers of claimants’
representatives when information about
the employer is known. The information
is used throughout SSA for the purpose
of verifying, documenting, and
organizing the information for reporting
purposes. The file will also be used in
determining whether representatives
owe SSA a debt based on an excess or
erroneous fee payment and to assist SSA
in its representative sanction and debt
collection process.
The Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC File
may also be used for quality review,
evaluation, and measurement studies,
and other statistical and research
purposes. Extracts may be maintained as
interviewing tools, activity logs, records
of claims clearance, and records of type
or nature of actions taken.




Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 25, 2006 / Notices


Disclosures may be made for routine
uses as indicated below. However, any
information defined as ‘‘return or return
information’’ under 26 U.S.C. 6103 of
the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) will not
be disclosed unless authorized by the
IRC, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
or IRS regulations:
1. To the Office of the President for
the purpose of responding to an
individual pursuant to an inquiry
received from that individual or from a
third party on his/her behalf.
2. To a congressional office in
response to an inquiry from that office
made at the request of the subject of the
3. To the Internal Revenue Service
and to State and local government tax
agencies in response to inquiries
regarding receipt of fees paid directly by
SSA in calendar year 2007 and
4. To the Internal Revenue Service,
Department of the Treasury, for the
purpose of auditing Social Security
Administration’s compliance with the
safeguard provisions of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
5. To the Department of Justice, a
court, or other tribunal, or other party
before such tribunal when:
(a) Social Security Administration, or
any component thereof;
(b) Any SSA employee in his/her
official capacity;
(c) Any SSA employee in his/her
individual capacity where DOJ (or SSA
where it is authorized to do so) has
agreed to represent the employee; or
(d) The United States, or any agency
thereof, where SSA determines that the
litigation is likely to affect the
operations of SSA or any of its

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is a party to litigation or has an interest in
such litigation, and SSA determines that the
use of such records by DOJ, a court, or other
tribunal is relevant and necessary to the
litigation, provided, however, that in each
case, SSA determines that such disclosure is
compatible with the purpose for which the
records were collected.

6. To Department of Justice for:
(a) Investigating and prosecuting
violations of the Social Security Act to
which criminal penalties attach;
(b) Representing the Commissioner; or
(c) Investigating issues of fraud or
violation of civil rights by agency
officers or employees.
7. To contractors and other Federal
agencies, as necessary, for the purpose
of assisting SSA in the efficient
administration of its programs. We will
disclose information under this routine

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use only in situations in which SSA
may enter a contractual or similar
agreement with a third party to assist in
accomplishing an agency function
relating to this system of records.
8. To student volunteers, individuals
working under a personal services
contract, and other workers who
technically do not have the status of
Federal employees, when they are
performing work for the Social Security
Administration (SSA), as authorized by
law, and they need access to personally
identifiable information in SSA records
in order to perform their assigned
9. To Federal, State and local law
enforcement agencies and private
security contractors as appropriate,
information necessary:
• To enable them to protect the safety
of Social Security Administration
employees and customers, the security
of the SSA workplace and the operation
of SSA facilities; or
• To assist in investigations or
prosecutions with respect to activities
that affect such safety and security or
activities that disrupts the operation of
SSA facilities.
10. To the General Services
Administration and the National
Archives and Records Administration
under 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906, as
amended by the NARA Act of 1984,
information which is not restricted from
disclosure by Federal law for use by
those agencies in conducting records
management studies.
11. To employers to assist the Social
Security Administration (SSA) in the
collection of debts owed by claimants’
representatives who received an excess
or erroneous representational fee
payment and owe a delinquent debt to
SSA. Disclosure under this routine use
is authorized under the Debt Collection
Improvement Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 104–
134) and implemented through
administrative wage garnishment
provisions of this Act (31 U.S.C. 3720D).
12. To employers of claimants’
representatives (e.g., firms, partnerships
or other business entities) in accordance
with the requirements of sections 6041
and 6045(f) of the Internal Revenue
Code as implemented by IRS regulations
found at 26 CFR 1.6041–1, and as
necessary to carry out the Attorney/
EDPNA Fee reporting program.

Disclosure pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552a(b)(12) may be made to consumer
reporting agencies as defined in the Fair
Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C.
1681a(f)) or the Federal Claims
Collection Act of 1966 (31 U.S.C. 3701,

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et seq.), as amended. The disclosure will
be made in accordance with 31 U.S.C.
3711(e). The purpose of this disclosure
is to aid in the collection of outstanding
debts owed to the Federal government,
typically, to provide an incentive for
debtors to repay those delinquent debts
by making the debts part of their credit
records. The information to be disclosed
is limited to the individual’s name,
address, SSN, and other information
necessary to establish the individual’s
identity; the amount, status, and history
of the debt; and the agency or program
under which the debt arose.

Under the Debt Collection
Improvement Act of 1996, 31 U.S.C.
7701, each Federal agency must require
all persons doing business with that
Federal agency to provide their TINs/
SSNs. A person is considered to be
‘‘doing business’’ with an agency if the
agency assesses a fee on the person.
Under sections 206(d) and 1631(d)(2)(C)
of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
406(d) and 1383(d)(2)(C)), SSA assesses
a fee each time it directly pays a
representational fee to a claimant’s
representative. Further, the
representational fees that SSA directly
pays to representatives are funds
withheld from benefit payments that are
redirected to the representatives from
claimants. Therefore, SSA is ‘‘doing
business’’ with all representatives to
whom it pays fees. Pursuant to the Debt
Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31
U.S.C. 7701(c)(3), SSA gives notice that
it intends to use the TINs/SSNs for the
purpose of collecting or reporting any
delinquent debts that arise out of the
representational fee payments that SSA
makes to representatives. SSA will only
disclose TINs/SSNs when necessary to
facilitate debt collection or reporting as
indicated by Federal statute or

Records are maintained in both
electronic and paper form.

Records are retrieved by SSN or
alphabetically by the representative’s

Attorney/EDPNA 1099–MISC files are
protected through limited access to SSA
records. Access to the records is limited
to those employees who require such
access in the performance of their



Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 25, 2006 / Notices
official duties. All employees are
instructed about SSA confidentiality
rules as part of their initial orientation
Safeguards for automated records
have been established in accordance
with the Systems Security Handbook.
For computerized records electronically
transmitted between SSA’s central office
and field office locations (including
organizations administering SSA
programs under contractual
agreements), safeguards include a lock/
unlock password system, exclusive use
of leased telephone lines, a terminaloriented transaction matrix, and an
audit trail. Access
foia/bluebook/app_g.htm for additional
information regarding the safeguards
SSA employs to protect its paper and
automated records.

The information contained in the
Attorney and Eligible Direct Pay NonAttorney (EDPNA) 1099–MISC File will
be retained for 3 years. An SF–115,
Request for Records Disposition
Authority must be written and
presented to the National Archives and
Records Administration for approval
since there are no existing schedules
that cover these records. None of the
information contained in this database
may be destroyed/deleted prior to the
approval of the disposition schedule.
All records must be definitively
destroyed in accordance with their
appropriate retention schedules.

sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES


An individual can determine if this
system contains a record about him/her
by writing to the system manager(s) at
the above address and providing his/her
name, SSN or other information that
may be in the system of records that will
identify him/her. An individual
requesting notification of records in
person should provide the same
information, as well as an identity
document, preferably with a
photograph, such as a driver’s license or
some other means of identification. If an
individual does not have any
identification document sufficient to
establish his/her identity, the individual
must certify in writing that he/she is the
person claimed to be and that he/she
understands that the knowing and
willful request for, or acquisition of, a
record pertaining to another individual

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Same as Notification procedures.
Requesters also should reasonably
specify the record contents they are
seeking. These procedures are in
accordance with SSA regulations (20
CFR 401.40(c)).

Deputy Commissioner for Budget,
Finance and Management, 6401
Security Boulevard, Baltimore,
Maryland 21235.

VerDate Aug<31>2005

under false pretenses is a criminal
If notification is requested by
telephone, an individual must verify
his/her identity by providing identifying
information that parallels information in
the record to which notification is being
requested. If it is determined that the
identifying information provided by
telephone is insufficient, the individual
will be required to submit a request in
writing or in person. If an individual is
requesting information by telephone on
behalf of another individual, the subject
individual must be connected with SSA
and the requesting individual in the
same phone call. SSA will establish the
subject individual’s identity (his/her
name, SSN, address, date of birth, and
place of birth, along with one other
piece of information such as mother’s
maiden name) and ask for his/her
consent to providing information to the
requesting individual.
If a request for notification is
submitted by mail, the representative
must include a notarized statement to
SSA to verify his/her identity or must
certify in the request that he/she is the
person claimed to be and that he/she
understands that the knowing and
willful request for, or acquisition of, a
record pertaining to another individual
under false pretenses is a criminal
offense. These procedures are in
accordance with SSA regulations (20
CFR 401.40(c)).


Same as Notification procedures.
Requesters also should reasonably
identify the record, specify the
information they are contesting, and
state the corrective action sought and
the reasons for the correction with
supporting justification showing how
the record is untimely, incomplete,
inaccurate, or irrelevant. These
procedures are in accordance with SSA
regulations (20 CFR 401.65(a)).

Information in this system of records
is obtained from claimant
representatives or SSA records (e.g., the
Master Beneficiary Record,
Supplemental Security Income Record,
Numident Record).

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[FR Doc. E6–11784 Filed 7–24–06; 8:45 am]

Federal Highway Administration
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions
on Proposed Highway in Rhode Island
Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of Limitation on Claims
for Judicial Review of Actions by FHWA
and Other Federal Agencies.

SUMMARY: This notice announces actions
taken by FHWA and other Federal
agencies that are final within the
meaning of 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). The
actions relate to a proposed highway
project, Improvements to the U.S. Route
6/Route 10 Interchange in Providence
County in the State of Rhode Island.
Those actions grant licenses, permits,
and approvals for the project.
DATES: By this notice, the FHWA is
advising the public of final agency
actions subject to 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). A
claim seeking judicial review of the
Federal agency actions on the highway
project will be barred unless the claim
is filed on or before January 25, 2007.
If the Federal law that authorizes
judicial review of a claim provides a
time period of less than 180 days for
filing such claim, then that shorter time
period still applies.
Lucy Garliauskas, Division
Administrator, Federal Highway
Administration, 380 Westminster Mall,
Providence, Rhode Island 02903; e-mail:;
telephone: (401) 528–4544. The FHWA
Rhode Island Division Office’s normal
business hours are 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
(Eastern Time). You may also contact
Mr. Edmund T. Parker, Jr., P.E., Rhode
Island Department of Transportation,
Two Capitol Hill, Providence, Rhode
Island 02903; telephone: (401) 222–
2023, extension 4100.
hereby given that the FHWA and other
Federal agencies have taken final agency
actions by issuing licenses, permits, and
approvals for the following highway
project in the State of Rhode Island:
Improvements to the U.S. Route 6/Route
10 Interchange in Providence County.
The project would involve
reconstruction of the U.S. Route 6/Route
10 Interchange on new location,



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2009-04-16
File Created2006-07-24

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