Please note the following definitions prior to completing the survey:
Participant: an eligible individual enrolled in your project.
Teacher of Record (TOR): an individual participant under contract by an eligible school district to teach. (As part of their training, many participants have in-field experiences. “Teachers of Record” are those participants who have primary responsibility for classroom instruction.)
Retained TOR: a TOR who has taught for at least three years in a high-need school in an approved high-need LEA.
Certified Participant: a participant who has received the certification required by the State to teach. (That is, the level of certification that is not dependent on being currently enrolled in a TTT or other alternate route program and is transferable across districts.)
Grantee Information
1.1 Name of grantee:
1.2 Project Title:
1.3 PR/Award Number:
1.4 Type of Grantee:
District/LEA |
Non-profit organization |
Consortium of SEAs |
Consortium of LEAs |
The following questions are intended to gather information about the participants: the participant enrollment goal for each year, the number recruited, and the number enrolled by each participant type. The questions are also intended to collect information on the race/ethnicity and age of the participants. When specified, please provide data on activities conducted in Year 1 (Oct 1, 2006 to Sep 30, 2007), Year 2 (Oct 1, 2007 to Sep 30, 2008) and Year 3 (Oct 1, 2008 to Apr 30, 2009).
Year 1 (Oct 1, 2006 to Sep 30, 2007) |
Year 2 (Oct 1, 2007 to Sep 30, 2008) |
Year 3 (Oct 1, 2008 to Apr 30, 2009) |
How many participants did you set as your goal to enroll? |
How many participants did you recruit (individuals who submitted applications)? |
How many participants did you actually enroll? |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
How many participants did you recruit (individuals who submitted applications)? |
How many participants did you actually enroll? |
How many participants from each race/ethnicity category did you enroll? |
Years 1-3 |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
American Indian or Alaska Native – Male |
American Indian or Alaska Native – Female |
Asian – Male |
Asian – Female |
Black or African American – Male |
Black or African American – Female |
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander – Male |
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander – Female |
Hispanic/Latino – Male |
Hispanic/Latino – Female |
Two or more races – Male |
Two or more races – Female |
White – Male |
White – Female |
Not identified |
Years 1-3 |
How many participants from each age range did you enroll? |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
Age 20-24 |
Age 25-29 |
Age 30-34 |
Age 35-39 |
Age 40-44 |
Age 45-49 |
Age 50-54 |
Age 55+ |
Level and Subject Area Certification
The following questions are intended to gather information about grade level and subject area certification.
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
How many participants are seeking certification in the following subjects? |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
English, Reading or Language Arts |
ESL/Bilingual |
Fine Arts (music, art and speech/theatre) |
Foreign Language |
History, Government, Economics, and Geography |
Mathematics |
Science |
Special Education |
Other (specify): |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
How many participants are seeking certification in the following grades/levels? (If some participants are seeking certification for grades other than those listed (e.g., K-6), please select the category that best fits.) |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
Early Childhood |
Elementary (K-5) |
Middle (6-8) |
Elementary/Middle (K-8) |
High (9-12) |
General (K-12) |
Other (specify): |
Participants: Previous Occupation and Education
The following questions are intended to gather information about participants’ occupations immediately prior to entry in the project. |
1.10 FOR YEARS 1-3…
Years 1-3 |
How many participants worked in the following occupations immediately prior to entry in your project? |
Recent college graduates |
Mid-career professionals |
Paraprofessionals |
Business sector occupation |
Engineer |
Health-field worker |
Human resources |
K-12 school staff |
K-12 school staff, instructional |
K-12 school staff, non-instructional |
Lawyer or legal profession |
Math-related field |
Military service |
Non-profit/community-based occupation |
Production, craft, or repair occupation |
Retired/unemployed |
Science-related field |
Service occupation |
Social worker or counselor |
Technician or research assistant |
Technology sector occupation |
Other (specify): |
Years 1-3 |
What is the highest degree earned by the participants prior to enrolling in the project? Please indicate the number for each category. |
Recent college graduates |
Paraprofessionals |
Mid-career professionals |
No degree |
Associate degree |
Bachelor’s degree |
Master’s degree |
Certificate of advanced graduate studies |
Doctorate or first professional degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., M.D., L.L.B., J.D., D.D.S.) |
Other (specify): |
1.11 FOR YEARS 1-3…
The following questions are intended to gather information about recruiting and enrolling eligible TTT participants to your project.
Please note that you are encouraged to base your responses to questions 2.2, 2.3, and 2.8 on your project evaluation.
2.1 Did you use the following recruitment strategies to attract the individuals who enrolled in your project?
Yes |
No |
Advertisements at local schools |
Advertisements at universities |
Banners/billboards |
Collaboration with districts or other partners |
Community meetings |
E-mail distribution lists or mailing lists |
Face-to-face events in school districts |
Face-to-face events/presentations at universities |
Flyers/brochures |
Internet ads and internet job boards |
Job fairs |
Leads from state employment offices or industry human resources offices |
Newspaper, magazine, or professional journal advertisements |
Promotional items (e.g., pens, tote bags) |
Referrals from current or past TORs |
School district websites |
TTT project website |
TV and radio advertisements |
TV, radio, or newspaper coverage |
Word of mouth |
Other (specify): |
2.2 Please rank the top three recruitment strategies that you found to be most effective in attracting the individuals who enrolled in your project.
There will be three pull-down boxes (Top recruitment strategy, #2 recruitment strategy, #3 recruitment strategy) with the following responses:
Advertisements at local schools
Advertisements at universities
Collaboration with districts or other partners
Community meetings
E-mail distribution lists or mailing lists
Face-to-face events in school districts
Face-to-face events/presentations at universities
Internet ads and internet job boards
Job fairs
Leads from state employment offices or industry human resources offices
Newspaper, magazine, or professional journal advertisements
Promotional items (e.g., pens, tote bags)
Referrals from current or past TORs
School district websites
TTT project website
TV and radio advertisements
TV, radio, or newspaper coverage
Word of mouth
Other (specify):
2.3 Please provide the number of enrolled participants who were recruited through each of these top three strategies.
#1 recruitment strategy:
#2 recruitment strategy:
#3 recruitment strategy:
2.4 Please provide your best estimate of the total monetary costs (across the first three years) associated with each of these top three recruitment strategies.
#1 recruitment strategy:
#2 recruitment strategy:
#3 recruitment strategy:
2.5 Please indicate the recruitment strategy that you found to be least effective in attracting individuals to enroll in your project.
There will be one pull-down box with the following responses:
Advertisements at local schools
Advertisements at universities
Collaboration with districts or other partners
Community meetings
E-mail distribution lists or mailing lists
Face-to-face events in school districts
Face-to-face events/presentations at universities
Internet ads and internet job boards
Job fairs
Leads from state employment offices or industry human resources offices
Newspaper, magazine, or professional journal advertisements
Promotional items (e.g., pens, tote bags)
Referrals from current or past TORs
School district websites
TTT project website
TV and radio advertisements
TV, radio, or newspaper coverage
Word of mouth
Other (specify):
2.6 Does your project provide financial incentives to its participants?
Yes |
No |
(If “no”, respondent can skip the next question). |
2.7 The TTT authorizing legislation stipulates that projects can use TTT grant funds to provide “scholarships, stipends, bonuses, and other financial incentives, that are linked to participation in activities that have proven effective in retaining teachers in high-need schools operated by high-need local educational agencies, to all eligible participants, in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per participant.” Please enter the number of participants that received each of the following types of financial incentives and enter the amount per participant spent on each of the following types of financial incentives.
Number of participants receiving this incentive |
Amount per participant spent on this incentive |
Bonuses |
Books and materials |
Computers |
Scholarships |
Stipend allowances |
Tuition and Fees |
Other (specify): |
2.8 Please rank the top three project features that attracted participants to your project.
There will be three pull-down boxes (most important feature, 2nd most important feature, 3rd most important feature) with the following responses:
Ability to have employment and benefits while pursuing licensure/certification
Ability to practice teaching in one school (for paraprofessionals)
Availability of classes in the evening or on the weekend
Availability of online courses
Ease of use
Fast-track program (i.e., shortened time period of the program)
Guarantee of employment during or after completion of program
Incentives provided (e.g., bonuses, scholarships, stipend allowances)
Location of TTT project (e.g., proximity to home)
Receiving support while obtaining a BA (for paraprofessionals)
Support provided to obtain certification (e.g., preparation for teacher assessments)
Support provided while teaching (e.g., induction programs, mentoring, seminars, meetings)
Teaching placement in a high-need school or with an economically disadvantaged student population
TTT project reputation for high quality teacher preparation
Other (specify):
The following questions are intended to gather information about the eligibility requirements used to determine candidates’ enrollment into your project (includes requisite content knowledge, skills, and commitment to teach in high-need schools in high-need LEAs).
3.1 Rate the importance of each of the following selection criteria in choosing participants for your project according to the scale provided.
Very Important |
Moderately Important |
NA/ Not Considered |
Competency assessment |
CSAP scores |
Evidence of commitment to teaching in a high-need district |
Grade point average (indicate minimum): |
Interview performance |
Major field of study prior to entry |
Oral communication skills |
Overall academic course record |
Praxis I scores |
Praxis II scores |
Recommendations from professors or employers |
Relevant work experience |
SAT/ACT scores |
Securing a teaching position prior to starting program |
Written communication skills |
Other (specify): |
Please choose the three most important criteria that your project used to select participants.
There will be three pull-down boxes (Most important criteria, 2nd most important criteria, 3rd most important criteria) with the following responses:
Competency assessment
CSAP scores
Evidence of commitment to teaching in a high-need district
Grade point average (indicate minimum):
Interview performance
Major field of study prior to entry
Oral communication skills
Overall academic course record
Praxis I scores
Praxis II scores
Recommendations from professors or employers
Relevant work experience
SAT/ACT scores
Securing a teaching position prior to starting program
Written communication skills
Other (specify):
3.3 Did the selection criteria change over the course of the project? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, what changes were made? |
3.4 Did the selection process change over the course of the project? |
Yes |
No |
If yes, what changes were made? |
Note: The following question will only be included in the surveys administered to the interim projects.
3.5 What changes, if any, will you make in selecting participants in the future, and why? |
Preparation: The following questions are intended to gather information about how your project provides an accelerated route to certification, integrates coursework and field experience, adapts to participants’ learning needs, and yields highly qualified teachers that are prepared to teach in high-need schools in high-need LEAs. |
Length of preparation program:
4.1 On average, how many months does it take for each participant to become a Teacher of Record once he/she in enrolled into your project?
Number of months for recent college grads: |
Number of months for mid-career professionals: |
Number of months for paraprofessionals: |
4.2 On average, how many months does it take for a participant to become certified once he/she is enrolled into your project?
Number of months for recent college grads: |
Number of months for mid-career professionals: |
Number of months for paraprofessionals: |
Certification only |
Certification and credit towards a master’s degree |
Certification and a master’s degree |
Other (specify): |
Note: The following question will only be included in the surveys administered to the interim projects.
4.4.a How many participants earned a master’s degree as a result of taking part in your project during its first three years?
Number of individuals: |
Note: The following question will only be included in the surveys administered to the final projects.
4.4.b How many participants earned a master’s degree as a result of taking part in your project during the full project performance period?
Number of individuals: |
Preparation: Activities |
Did you use the following activities in preparing your participants as TORs?
Yes |
No |
Case study analysis |
Classroom observations |
Classroom simulations |
Independent learning activities |
In-person courses |
In-person discussions |
Internship/field experience |
Journal writing |
Large group activities |
Lectures from instructors |
Lesson planning |
Networking activities |
Online courses |
Online discussions |
Portfolio development |
Small group activities |
Student presentations |
Summer institute |
Other (specify): |
4.6 Please rank the top three activities that you found to be most important in preparing participants as TORs?
There will be three pull-down boxes (Most important activity, 2nd most important activity, 3rd most important activity) with the following responses:
Case study analysis
Classroom observations
Classroom simulations
Independent learning activities
In-person courses
In-person discussions
Internship/field experience
Journal writing
Large group activities
Lectures from instructors
Lesson planning
Networking activities
Online courses
Online discussions
Portfolio development
Small group activities
Student presentations
Summer institute
Other (specify):
4.7 Please select the activity that was the least important in preparing participants as TORs?
There will be one pull-down box with the following responses:
Case study analysis
Classroom observations
Classroom simulations
Independent learning activities
In-person courses
In-person discussions
Internship/field experience
Journal writing
Large group activities
Lectures from instructors
Lesson planning
Networking activities
Online courses
Online discussions
Portfolio development
Small group activities
Student presentations
Summer institute
Other (specify):
We would like to know the order in which participants complete activities that prepare him/her for certification eligibility. Please indicate the order in which the activities listed below occurred. For example, if Orientation occurred first and the summer institute/session occurred second, place checks next to them under Activity #1 and #2, respectively. Additionally, you can indicate that certain activities (e.g., Coursework and Participants observe classrooms) occurred at the same time by placing checks next to both activities in the same column. You do not need to use all of the columns if many of your activities occurred simultaneously. Completing a BA will apply only to paraprofessionals, but please indicate where it occurs along the timeline.
E |
Certification |
NA – This was not employed |
Activity #1 |
Activity #2 |
Activity #3 |
Activity #4 |
Activity #5 |
Activity #6 |
Activity #7 |
Activity #8 |
Activity #9 |
Activity #10 |
Orientation |
Summer institute/ session |
Coursework |
Participants observe classrooms |
Early field experience (a school/classroom placement other than student or practice teaching) |
Student teaching |
Placement as a teacher of record |
Supervisors/mentors observe participants in their classrooms |
Complete BA (for paraprofessional only) |
Other (specify): |
Other (specify): |
Preparation: Coursework |
4.9 Did you offer the following courses/topic areas to participants?
Course/topic area: |
Yes |
No |
Assessment |
Classroom organization/management |
Crisis intervention |
Ethics |
Human/child development |
Instructional strategies |
Learning theory |
Legal issues |
Record-keeping/grading |
Standards |
Subject matter content (e.g., math, science, history) |
Teaching in urban/rural classrooms |
Technology in the classroom |
Time management |
Working with diverse populations |
Other (specify): |
Yes |
No |
If yes, what is the total number of semester hour credits (units) that a participant in your project needs to complete to be eligible for certification?
Semester hour credits (units): |
4.11 Please report the percentage of courses that were offered online and in-person.
Delivery method |
Percentage of courses offered |
Online |
In-person |
4.12 Please report the percentage of all courses that were offered by your project that were held on weekends, in the evening, and during the summer (the percentages do not have to sum to 100%).
Time of Course |
Percentage of courses offered |
On weekends |
Directly after school |
In the evening |
During the summer |
Preparation: Changes to the Preparation Process |
4.13 Did the process of preparing TORs change over the course of the project?
Yes |
No |
If yes, what changes were made?
4.14 What changes, if any, will your project make to prepare participants in the future, and why?
The following questions are intended to gather information about how your project identifies the needs of eligible partner LEAs and works with these LEAs to hire qualified TORs in high-need schools.
LEAs Served
Does your grant serve only one district/LEA?
Yes |
No |
If yes to 5.1:
5.1.a How many participants have been placed in the district/LEA served by your grant?
Number of participants placed: |
5.2.a Did your project partner with other organizations?
Yes |
No |
If yes, please list the organizations that you partnered with and indicate the role they played in your project’s recruitment, selection, preparation, placement, certification, and support/retention activities by checking the boxes in the appropriate columns next to their names:
Partnering organization |
Recruitment |
Selection |
Preparation |
Placement |
Certification |
Support/ Retention |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
If no to 5.1:
5.1.b FOR YEARS 1-3, list the names of the partner LEAs served by your grant. In addition, next to each name indicate the number of participants that were placed in each LEA.
LEA Name |
Number of participants placed |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
5.2.b Did your project partner with organizations other than the LEAs in which you placed participants (you listed these LEAs in the previous question)?
Yes |
No |
If yes, please list the organizations, other than the LEAs listed in the previous question, that you partnered with and indicate the role they played in your project’s recruitment, selection, preparation, placement, certification, and support/retention activities by checking the boxes in the appropriate columns next to their names:
Partnering organization |
Recruitment |
Selection |
Preparation |
Placement |
Certification |
Support/ Retention |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
Total Number of TORs Placed by Grade/School Level
5.3 FOR YEARS 1-3, indicate the total number of TORs placed in all your partner LEAs by grade/school level.
Grade/school level |
Number of TORs placed |
Elementary (PreK-5) |
Middle (6-8) |
High (9-12) |
Total Number of TORs Placed by Subject Area
5.4 FOR YEARS 1-3, indicate the total number of TORs placed in all your partner LEAs by subject area.
Subject Area |
Number of TORs placed |
Elementary Education |
English, Reading or Language Arts |
ESL/Bilingual |
Fine Arts (music, art and speech/theatre) |
Foreign Language |
History, Government, Economics, and Geography |
Mathematics |
Science |
Special Education |
Other (specify): |
Difficulties Encountered
5.5 How much did the following factors contribute to difficulties that you encountered placing participants?
Factor |
Contributed greatly to difficulties |
Contributed somewhat to difficulties |
Did not contribute to difficulties |
Competition from traditionally trained teachers |
District budget cuts |
Lack of available positions |
Lack of confidence in alternatively trained teachers |
Lack of eligible schools |
Locations of the eligible schools |
Participants’ subject matter specialties did not align with LEA needs |
Other (specify): |
Support: The following questions are intended to gather information about the mentoring and other supports your project provides to TORs so they will remain as teachers in high-need schools in high-need districts for at least three years. |
6.1 How often did your TTT project offer the following types of support to participants after they became Teachers of Record?
Type of Support |
Not offered |
Once or twice a semester |
Once or twice a month |
Once or twice a week |
Almost daily |
Common planning times |
Content coach |
Email contact |
E-mentoring |
Financial support (specify): |
Induction program |
Informal help (e.g., with lessons plans) |
Learning community/study groups |
Meetings with other participants for peer support |
Meetings with project-provided supervisors |
Observations |
Site-based mentoring |
Subject matter/Certification support |
Team teaching |
Telephone calls |
Workshops/Professional development |
Other (specify): |
6.2 What was the duration (or planned duration) of the following types of support provided by your TTT project to participants after they became Teachers of Record?
Type of Support |
Not offered |
1 year |
2 years |
3 years |
Common planning times |
Content coach |
Email contact |
E-mentoring |
Financial support (specify): |
Induction program |
Informal help (e.g., with lessons plans) |
Learning community/study groups |
Meetings with other participants for peer support |
Meetings with project-provided supervisors |
Observations |
Site-based mentoring |
Subject matter/Certification support |
Team teaching |
Telephone calls |
Workshops/Professional development |
Other (specify): |
6.3 Please rank the top three types of support provided by your TTT project that you found to be most effective in retaining Teachers of Record at high-need schools in high-need LEAs?
There will be three pull-down boxes (Most effective type of support, #2 type of support, #3 type of support) with the following responses:
Common planning times
Content coach
Email contact
Financial support (specify):
Induction program
Informal help (e.g., with lessons plans)
Learning community/study groups
Meetings with other participants for peer support
Meetings with project-provided supervisors
Site-based mentoring
Subject matter/Certification support
Team teaching
Telephone calls
Workshops/Professional development
Other (specify):
6.4 Please select the type of support provided by your TTT project that you found to be least effective in retaining Teachers of Record at high-need schools in high-need LEAs?
There will be one pull-down box with the following responses:
Common planning times
Content coach
Email contact
Financial support (specify):
Induction program
Informal help (e.g., with lessons plans)
Learning community/study groups
Meetings with other participants for peer support
Meetings with project-provided supervisors
Site-based mentoring
Subject matter/Certification support
Team teaching
Telephone calls
Workshops/Professional development
Other (specify):
6.5 How did your project assess the effectiveness of the Teachers of Record? (Check all that apply.)
Assessment of TOR portfolios |
Observations of TORs |
TORs’ course data (e.g., grades, test performance) |
Other (specify): |
Support: Mentoring |
Did the following types of individuals provide mentoring to your project’s participants?
Yes |
No |
Experienced teachers at the participants’ schools |
Experienced teachers employed by your project |
Project supervisors/staff |
Retired teachers |
University staff/professors |
Other (specify): |
6.7 Were the following criteria used for choosing mentors?
Yes |
No |
A master’s degree in education |
NBCT/other teaching honors |
Previous teaching experience in high-need schools |
Subject area expertise |
5 years teaching experience (Veteran teacher) |
Other (specify): |
6.8 Did the mentors your project employed receive training prior to providing support to the Teachers of Record?
Yes |
No |
6.9 If yes, what is the average number of hours of training the mentors received?
Hours: |
6.10 Were the following incentives or supports provided by your project for its mentors?
Yes |
No |
Free courses for university credit |
Mentor training |
Resources/materials for mentoring |
Seminars for professional development units |
Stipend allowances |
Substitutes for mentor |
Other (specify): |
6.11 Did the mentors provide the following types of support to your project’s participants?
Yes |
No |
Conducted classroom observations and provide feedback |
Facilitated networking for the participants |
Provided assistance with classroom management |
Provided assistance with lesson plans |
Provided general guidance |
Provided guidance related to school culture, practices, or policy |
Provided support related to the certification process |
Other (specify): |
6.12 Were the following topics covered in your project’s professional development workshops?
Topic area: |
Yes |
No |
Assessment |
Certification preparation |
Classroom organization/management |
Crisis intervention |
Ethics |
Human/child development |
Instructional strategies |
Learning theory |
Legal issues |
Record-keeping/grading |
Standards |
Subject matter content (e.g., math, science, history) |
Teaching in urban/rural classrooms |
Technology in the classroom |
Time management |
Working with diverse populations |
Other (specify): |
The following questions are intended to gather information about how your project retained its participants. |
7.1 Please rank the three project features that are most effective in retaining participants in your program.
There will be three pull-down boxes (Most effective feature, second most effective feature, third most effective feature) with the following responses:
Guarantee of employment during or after completion of program
Incentives provided (e.g., bonuses, scholarships, stipend allowances)
Location of the TTT project (e.g., proximity to home)
Method and delivery of preparation (e.g., online or evening coursework)
Support provided to obtain certification (e.g., preparation for teacher assessments)
Support provided while teaching (e.g., induction programs, mentoring, professional development seminars, meetings)
Teaching placement in a high-need school or with an economically disadvantaged student population
TTT project reputation for high quality teacher preparation
Other (specify):
7.2 Which of the following reasons are most often given by TTT participants for not completing their teaching assignments and leaving the TTT project? Please rank the top three reasons that participants give.
There will be three pull-down boxes (Top reason for leaving, #2 reason for leaving, #3 reason for leaving) with the following responses:
Administration related issues
Colleague related issues
Issues with parent/teacher relationships
Lack of opportunity for advancement
Lack of prestige
Low salary
Physical conditions of the school building
Professional development issues (e.g., lack of time or opportunities)
Student related issues
Support systems (e.g., lack of support from colleagues or outside networks)
Working conditions (e.g., too many non-teaching duties)
Other (specify):
Paperwork Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1855-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average ____ hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4537. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., LBJ Room 4W302, Washington D.C. 20202-2800.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Participants |
Author | WestEd Staff |
Last Modified By | Tomakie.Washington |
File Modified | 2009-01-23 |
File Created | 2009-01-23 |