8879 IRS e-file Signature Authorization

U.S. Individual Income Tax Return


U.S. Individual Income Tax Return

OMB: 1545-0074

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OMB No. 1545-0074

IRS e-file Signature Authorization



Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service


Declaration Control Number (DCN)

Do not send to the IRS. This is not a tax return.
Keep this form for your records. See instructions.


Taxpayer’s name

Social security number

Spouse’s name

Spouse’s social security number

Part I

Tax Return Information—Tax Year Ending December 31, 2008 (Whole Dollars Only)

Adjusted gross income (Form 1040, line 38; Form 1040A, line 22; Form 1040EZ, line 4)
Total tax (Form 1040, line 61; Form 1040A, line 37; Form 1040EZ, line 11)
Federal income tax withheld (Form 1040, line 62; Form 1040A, line 38; Form 1040EZ, line 7)
Refund (Form 1040, line 73a; Form 1040A, line 45a; Form 1040EZ, line 12a; Form 1040-SS, Part I, line 12a)
Amount you owe (Form 1040, line 75; Form 1040A, line 47; Form 1040EZ, line 13)

Part II


Taxpayer Declaration and Signature Authorization (Be sure you get and keep a copy of your return)

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined a copy of my electronic individual income tax return and accompanying schedules and statements
for the tax year ending December 31, 2008, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. I further declare that the amounts
in Part I above are the amounts from my electronic income tax return. I consent to allow my intermediate service provider, transmitter, or electronic return
originator (ERO) to send my return to the IRS and to receive from the IRS (a) an acknowledgement of receipt or reason for rejection of the transmission,
(b) an indication of any refund offset, (c) the reason for any delay in processing the return or refund, and (d) the date of any refund. If applicable, I authorize
the U.S. Treasury and its designated Financial Agent to initiate an ACH electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit) entry to the financial institution account
indicated in the tax preparation software for payment of my Federal taxes owed on this return and/or a payment of estimated tax, and the financial institution
to debit the entry to this account. I further understand that this authorization may apply to future Federal tax payments that I direct to be debited through the
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). In order for me to initiate future payments, I request that the IRS send me a personal identification number
(PIN) to access EFTPS. This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until I notify the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent to terminate the authorization. To
revoke a payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 1-888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days prior to the payment (settlement) date.
I also authorize the financial institutions involved in the processing of the electronic payment of taxes to receive confidential information necessary to answer
inquiries and resolve issues related to the payment. I further acknowledge that the personal identification number (PIN) below is my signature for my electronic
income tax return and, if applicable, my Electronic Funds Withdrawal Consent.

Taxpayer’s PIN: check one box only
I authorize

to enter or generate my PIN
ERO firm name

Enter five numbers, but

as my signature on my tax year 2008 electronically filed income tax return.

do not enter all zeros

I will enter my PIN as my signature on my tax year 2008 electronically filed income tax return. Check this box only if you
are entering your own PIN and your return is filed using the Practitioner PIN method. The ERO must complete Part III
Your signature ©
Date ©
Spouse’s PIN: check one box only
I authorize

to enter or generate my PIN
ERO firm name

Enter five numbers, but

as my signature on my tax year 2008 electronically filed income tax return.

do not enter all zeros

I will enter my PIN as my signature on my tax year 2008 electronically filed income tax return. Check this box only if you
are entering your own PIN and your return is filed using the Practitioner PIN method. The ERO must complete Part III
Spouse’s signature ©

Date ©

Practitioner PIN Method Returns Only—continue below
Part III

Certification and Authentication—Practitioner PIN Method Only

ERO’s EFIN/PIN. Enter your six-digit EFIN followed by your five-digit self-selected PIN.
do not enter all zeros

I certify that the above numeric entry is my PIN, which is my signature for the tax year 2008 electronically filed income tax return
for the taxpayer(s) indicated above. I confirm that I am submitting this return in accordance with the requirements of the Practitioner
PIN method and Publication 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns.
ERO’s signature ©

Date ©

ERO Must Retain This Form — See Instructions
Do Not Submit This Form to the IRS Unless Requested To Do So
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.

Cat. No. 32778X




Form 8879 (2008)


Purpose of Form
Form 8879 is the declaration document and
signature authorization for an e-filed return
filed by an electronic return originator (ERO).
Complete Form 8879 when the Practitioner
PIN method is used or when the taxpayer
authorizes the ERO to enter or generate the
taxpayer’s personal identification number
(PIN) on his or her e-filed individual income
tax return.
Do not send this form to the IRS.
The ERO must retain Form 8879.

6. Enter the 14-digit Declaration Control
Number (DCN) assigned to the tax return,
after the taxpayer completes Part II. See
Part I of Pub. 1346, Electronic Return File
Specifications and Record Layouts for
Individual Income Tax Returns. Pub. 1346 is
available on the Internet at www.irs.gov.


You must receive the completed
and signed Form 8879 from the
taxpayer before the electronic
return is transmitted (or released
for transmission).

Taxpayer Responsibilities

When and How To Complete
Use this chart to determine when and how to
complete Form 8879.
IF the ERO is . . .

THEN . . .

Not using the Practitioner
PIN method and the
taxpayer enters his or her
own PIN
Using the Practitioner PIN
method and is authorized
to enter or generate the
taxpayer’s PIN

Do not complete
Form 8879.

Using the Practitioner PIN
method and the taxpayer
enters his or her own PIN

Complete Form 8879,
Parts I, II, and III.

Not using the Practitioner
PIN method and is
authorized to enter or
generate the taxpayer’s

Complete Form 8879,
Parts I and II.

Complete Form 8879,
Parts I, II, and III.

ERO Responsibilities
The ERO will:
1. Enter the name(s) and social security
number(s) of the taxpayer(s) at the top of the

Taxpayers have the following responsibilities:
(a) to verify the accuracy of the prepared
income tax return, including direct deposit
information, (b) to check the appropriate box in
Part II to authorize the ERO to enter or
generate their PIN or to do it themselves, (c) to
indicate or verify their PIN when authorizing the
ERO to enter or generate it (the PIN must be
five numbers other than all zeros), (d) to sign
and date Form 8879, and (e) to return the
completed Form 8879 to the ERO by hand
delivery, U.S. mail, private delivery service, or
fax. Your return will not be transmitted to the
IRS until the ERO receives your signed Form
Refund information. You can check on the
status of your 2008 refund if it has been at
least 3 weeks from the date your return was
filed. To check the status of your 2008
refund, do one of the following.
● Go to www.irs.gov and click on “Where’s
My Refund.”
● Call 1-800-829-4477 for automated refund
information and follow the recorded
● Call 1-800-829-1954.

Important Notes for EROs

3. Enter or generate, if authorized by the
taxpayer, the taxpayer’s PIN and enter it in
the boxes provided in Part II.

● Do not send Form 8879 to the IRS unless
requested to do so. Retain the completed Form
8879 for 3 years from the return due date or
IRS received date, whichever is later. Form
8879 may be retained electronically in
accordance with the recordkeeping guidelines
in Rev. Proc. 97-22, which is on page 9 of
Internal Revenue Bulletin 1997-13 at

4. Enter on the authorization line in Part II
the ERO firm name (not the name of the
individual preparing the return) if the ERO is
authorized to enter the taxpayer’s PIN.

● You should confirm the identity of the
taxpayer(s). For additional guidance, see Pub.
1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file
Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns.

5. After completing (1) through (4), give the
taxpayer Form 8879 for completion and
review. This can be done in person or by
using the U.S. mail, a private delivery service,
email, or an Internet website.

● Complete Part III only if you are filing the
return using the Practitioner PIN method. You
are not required to enter the taxpayer’s date
of birth, prior year adjusted gross income, or
PIN in the Authentication Record of the
electronically filed return.

2. Complete Part I using the amounts
(zeros may be entered when appropriate)
from the taxpayer’s 2008 tax return. Form
1040-SS filers leave lines 1 through 3 and line
5 blank.


● If you are not using the Practitioner PIN
method, enter the taxpayer(s) date of birth
and either the adjusted gross income or the
PIN, or both, from the taxpayer’s prior year
originally filed return in the Authentication
Record of the taxpayer’s electronically filed
return. Do not use an amount from an
amended return or a math error correction
made by the IRS.
● Enter the taxpayer’s PIN(s) on the input
screen only if the taxpayer has authorized you
to do so. If married filing jointly, it is
acceptable for one spouse to authorize you to
enter his or her PIN, and for the other spouse
to enter his or her own PIN. It is not
acceptable for a taxpayer to select or enter
the PIN of an absent spouse.
● Taxpayers must use a PIN to sign their
e-filed individual income tax return
transmitted by an ERO.
● Provide the taxpayer with a copy of the
signed Form 8879 for his or her records upon
● Provide the taxpayer with a corrected copy
of Form 8879 if changes are made to the
return (for example, based on taxpayer
● For more information, see Pub. 1345 and
Pub. 1345A, Filing Season Supplement for
Authorized IRS e-file Providers. Also, go to
www.irs.gov/efile and select e-file For Tax
● EROs can sign the form using a rubber
stamp, mechanical device, or computer
software program. See Notice 2007-79 for
more information.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask
for this information to carry out the Internal
Revenue laws of the United States. You are
required to give us the information. We need
it to ensure that you are complying with these
laws and to allow us to figure and collect the
right amount of tax.
You are not required to provide the
information requested on a form that is
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
unless the form displays a valid OMB control
number. Books or records relating to a form
or its instructions must be retained as long as
their contents may become material in the
administration of any Internal Revenue law.
Generally, tax returns and return information
are confidential, as required by Internal
Revenue Code section 6103.
The average time and expenses required to
complete and file this form will vary
depending on individual circumstances. For
the estimated averages, see the instructions
for your income tax return.
If you have suggestions for making this
form simpler, we would be happy to hear
from you. See the instructions for your
income tax return.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2008 Form 8879
SubjectIRS e-file Signature Authorization
File Modified2008-11-04
File Created2008-11-04

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