New Construction Program (Phase 2)

Generic Clearance for Geographic Partnership Programs

3_MTPS User Guide

New Construction Program (Phase 2)

OMB: 0607-0795

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2010 Census
New Construction Program

October 2009

MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) User Guide


U.S. Department of Commerce

Helping You Make Informed Decisions 


Economics and Statistics Administration

United States




Chapter 1
Introduction to the 2010 Census New Construction Program.................................................. 1
The 2010 Census New Construction Program...................................................................................... 1
Defining the Qualifications of New Construction ................................................................................ 2
Background on the Census Bureau’s Address List............................................................................... 2
The Census Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF) ........................................................................... 2
The Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER®) Database ............ 2
New Construction Program Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 3
Census Bureau’s New Construction Program Responsibilities......................................................... 3
Participant’s New Construction Program Responsibilities................................................................ 3
Training and Technical Support............................................................................................................ 3
Schedule................................................................................................................................................ 4
Respondent Burden............................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2
Before You Begin Your Review ................................................................................................... 5
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 5
What is a Housing Unit? (Acceptable for New Construction).............................................................. 5
What is an Other Living Quarters (OLQ)? (Not acceptable for New Construction) ............................ 6
Other Unacceptable Types of Housing Units ....................................................................................... 6
Census Bureau Addresses ..................................................................................................................... 6
Residential and Nonresidential Addresses ........................................................................................ 6
Address Formats................................................................................................................................ 7
City-Style Address Format............................................................................................................. 7
Noncity-Style Address Format ....................................................................................................... 7
Census Tract ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Census Block ........................................................................................................................................ 8
What is Geocoding?.............................................................................................................................. 8
Strategies for Conducting the New Construction Program Review...................................................... 8
Local Address Sources.......................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 3
Census Supplied Materials......................................................................................................... 10
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 10
The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) ............................................................................... 11
The MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT) ..................................................................................... 11
Shapefiles............................................................................................................................................ 11
Other Files and Software .................................................................................................................... 11
Setup File......................................................................................................................................... 11
Readme.txt File ............................................................................................................................... 11
The MTPS New Construction User Guide ...................................................................................... 11
Shapefile User Guide....................................................................................................................... 11
The MTPS New Construction Quick Start Document .................................................................... 11
Zip Software .................................................................................................................................... 12
Adobe® PDF Reader Software ........................................................................................................ 12
Adobe® Flash Software ................................................................................................................... 12


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 4
Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS)
for New Construction Review ................................................................................................... 13
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 13
Installing the MTPS ............................................................................................................................ 13
System Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 13
Installation Procedures .................................................................................................................... 14
Starting the MTPS .............................................................................................................................. 14
MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT) ............................................................................................ 15
Opening the New Construction program in the MTPS....................................................................... 16
Overview of Toolboxes and Buttons .................................................................................................. 17
Main Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Standard Toolbox ............................................................................................................................ 18
Tools Toolbox ................................................................................................................................. 18
Structure Point Selection Toolbox................................................................................................... 19
NC Toolbox..................................................................................................................................... 20
Legend ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Bookmarks....................................................................................................................................... 23
Additional Resources .......................................................................................................................... 24
The MTPS Help Menu .................................................................................................................... 24
New Construction Program RCC Help ........................................................................................... 27
New Construction Technical Help Desk ......................................................................................... 27
New Construction Web Page........................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 5
Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS ..................................................... 28
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 28
The New Construction Address List................................................................................................... 28
Adding Addresses to the New Construction Address List.................................................................. 29
Adding Imagery to the MTPS............................................................................................................. 31
Adding Image Files ......................................................................................................................... 31
TerraServer-USA............................................................................................................................. 32
Submitting New Construction Addresses ........................................................................................... 34
Creating the New Construction Zip File.......................................................................................... 34
Shipping the New Construction Zip File ............................................................................................ 34

Appendices................................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:

Physical Location Description and Street Type Abbreviations.................................... 37
Unit Designation Abbreviations ................................................................................... 38
U.S. Census Bureau Regional Census Centers............................................................. 39
Census Bureau Geographic Hierarchy ......................................................................... 40
Selection Sets................................................................................................................ 41

Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 45

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 1
Introduction to the 2010 Census New Construction Program
The 2010 Census New Construction Program
The Census Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF)
The Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER®) Database
New Construction Program Responsibilities
Census Bureau’s New Construction Responsibilities
Participant’s New Construction Responsibilities
Training and Technical Support
Respondent Burden

The 2010 Census New Construction Program
The United States Census Bureau wants to ensure that the residential address list for 2010 Census
is as complete and as accurate as possible, and to ensure that it accounts for addresses not
identified by other programs. Previous programs have attempted to validate the Census Bureau’s
inventory of residential addresses missing from the list that qualify under the program criteria.
The New Construction program is the final opportunity for you to submit new city-style housing
unit addresses for which basic construction (closing the structure to the elements) has started by
March 1, 2009 and will be completed by Census Day.
The New Construction program is an integral part of the 2010 Census activities that utilizes the
expertise of local governments to improve the accuracy and completeness of the address list used
to take the census.
The Census Bureau invited the highest elected official of your jurisdiction to participate in this
program. New Construction participation allows you to:
• Submit your local address list file of city-style 1 residential addresses only, in a
predefined Census Bureau computer-readable format. (Refer to Chapter 2 for an
explanation of the required format for the address list.)
The New Construction program has been offered to all jurisdictions that have census blocks in
which some or all 2010 Census questionnaires will be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service to
predominantly city-style addresses. For other areas, the Census Bureau will have its employees
deliver questionnaires to the housing units in each census block, add to the Census Address List
where newly built units are missing from the list, and deliver a questionnaire to each new address
(or actually conduct the enumeration at each housing unit) as they complete their assignment. In
this way, these areas also will have accurate address list for the 2010 Census.

A city-style address consists of a house number and street name; for example, 201 Main Street. The address may or may not
be used for the delivery of mail and may include apartment numbers/designations or similar identifiers. See Chapter 2 for a
complete definition.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 1: Introduction to the 2010 Census New Construction Program
In this program, participants can only add housing unit addresses. Participants must do this using
the computer-readable address list file provided by the Census Bureau. This program does not
allow for address deletions and corrections, or for changes to the governmental unit boundaries
shown on the maps. The Census Bureau collects this information through various other
geographic programs and field operations.

Defining the Qualifications of New Construction
New construction is any post address canvassing (March 1, 2010) residential housing unit for
which basic construction will be completed by April 1, 2010. The Census Bureau defines basic
construction as a closed structure, protected from the elements; that is, having a roof, windows,
and doors in place. In addition, the structure must be within the New Construction Program
Review Area shown on the Census Bureau maps you will receive.

Background on the Census Bureau’s Address List
The Census Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF)
In preparation for Census 2000, the Census Bureau created the Master Address File (MAF) by
merging the 1990 Address Control File 2 with the latest version of the U.S. Postal Service’s
(USPS) Delivery Sequence File (DSF) 3 . The MAF is a nationwide database of all addresses
used to support many of the Census Bureau’s operations. Besides containing mailing addresses
and ZIP Codes, an address record in the MAF also contains geographic information about the
location of addresses. In areas where there are noncity-style addresses (e.g., rural route or post
office box number), the address record may contain additional information such as a location
The Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER®) Database
Address records in the MAF are linked to feature segments in the Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER®) database. The TIGER® database includes the
geographic coordinates and names of all streets, water features, and other linear features, and
boundaries for all jurisdictions and statistical areas (census tracts 4 , census blocks 5 , etc.) used
to tabulate decennial census data. The TIGER® database also includes address ranges 6 along
streets that have city-style addresses and the hierarchy of census geographic area codes from
the state level down to individual census blocks (See Appendix D: Census Bureau
Geographic Hierarchy). By linking address records in the MAF to the TIGER® database, the

The 1990 residential address list used to label questionnaires, control the mail response check-in operation, and
determine the nonresponse follow-up workload.
A computerized file containing all delivery point addresses serviced by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). The USPS
updates the DSF continuously as its letter carriers identify addresses for new delivery points or changes in the status
of existing addresses.
A census tract is a small, relatively permanent statistical division of a county or statistically equivalent entity,
delineated for the purpose of presenting Census Bureau statistical data.
A census block is a geographic area bounded by visible features, such as streets, roads, streams, and railroad tracks,
and invisible features, such as the boundaries of governmental units and other legal entities. Census blocks are the
smallest area for which the Census Bureau collects and tabulates statistical information.
Address ranges are the lowest and highest address numbers used to identify structures along each side of a street
segment that has city-style addresses. Usually one side of the street has even numbers and the other side has odd
address numbers.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 1: Introduction to the 2010 Census New Construction Program
Census Bureau is able to identify street segments along which an individual address exists and
determine the geographic code that applies to that address.
The Census Bureau’s Geography Division regularly updates the MAF/TIGER database from
various sources. In addition to the USPS DSF, other sources of updates include current
household surveys, special censuses, and local sources.

New Construction Program Responsibilities
Census Bureau’s New Construction Program Responsibilities
The Census Bureau’s New Construction program responsibilities include:
• Provide the necessary materials to participants.
• Provide technical assistance.
• Process new addresses submitted by participants.
• Conduct a 100% Address Canvassing (field check) operation. The Census Bureau
will visit each census block within your jurisdiction during this operation to
update our address list and validate your New Construction submissions.
Participant’s New Construction Program Responsibilities
As a participant in the New Construction program, your responsibilities include:
• Select your New Construction liaison.
• Sign and return the Registration Form.
• Ensure that everyone working on the New Construction program understands the
procedures for participating in the program, Census Bureau terminology and
• Prepare a strategy to conduct the review of New Construction materials.
• Complete your New Construction updates and submit your updated addresses to
the Census Bureau within 45 calendar days from the receipt of your materials
(feature updates are not part of the New Construction program and will not be

Training and Technical Support
Should you need technical support, please contact your Census Bureau Regional Census Center
toll free at 1-866-511-5822.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 1: Introduction to the 2010 Census New Construction Program

August 2009

New Construction invitation letters and registration
materials were mailed to the highest elected officials
in eligible, active, functioning governments, and a
courtesy copy was mailed to other contacts in the

August 2009–October 2009

Invited governments registered for the New
Construction program.

November 2009–January 2010

The Census Bureau ships New Construction review
materials to each participating government. New
Construction participants update and submit their
addresses to their Census Bureau’s Regional Census

January 2010–May 2010

Census Bureau reviews participant’s New
Construction submissions and updates the
MAF/TIGER database.

Respondent Burden
The Census Bureau estimates that it will take approximately 47 hours to complete the New
Construction review depending on the number of addresses and rate of address growth and change.
This includes the time needed to read the invitation materials and complete the registration forms,
and upon receipt of the New Construction materials, to read the instructions, assemble and review
the New Construction materials, and provide address list additions.
Please send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to:
U.S. Census Bureau
Paperwork Project 0607-0795
4600 Silver Hill Road, Rm. 3K138
Washington, DC 20233
Or you may e-mail comments to; use “Paperwork Project 0607-0795” as
the subject. Please include a copy of your message addressed to
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Census Bureau cannot ask you to respond to a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number. The OMB number is found in the upper right corner of each New Construction

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 2
Before You Begin Your Review
What is a Housing Unit?
What is an Other Living Quarters (OLQ)?
Other Unacceptable Types of Housing Units
Census Bureau Addresses
Residential and Nonresidential Addresses
Address Formats
City-Style Address Format
Noncity-Style Address Format
Census Tract
Census Block
What is Geocoding?
Strategies for Conducting the New Construction Program Review
Local Address Sources

Chapter 2 explains some of the terms and concepts used by the Census Bureau and recommended
strategies for your New Construction review. Refer to the Glossary or visit the Census Bureau’s
Web site at for additional terms and definitions.

What is a Housing Unit? (Acceptable for New Construction)
A single-family house, townhouse, mobile home, trailer, apartment, group of rooms, or a single
room occupied as a separate living quarters or, if vacant, intended for occupancy as a separate
living quarters. A separate living quarters is one in which one or more occupants (or intended
occupants, if vacant) live separate from any other individual(s) in the building and have direct
access to the living quarters without going through another living quarters, such as from outside
the building or through a common hall.
The following types of housing units are acceptable and should be included on your address list:
• Houses, including townhouses, condominiums, and apartments.
• Living quarters within an otherwise nonresidential structure such as an apartment
within a church, school, or business.
• Mobile homes or trailers occupied as separate living quarters, or if vacant,
intended for occupancy as separate living quarters.
• Any housing units under construction that will be habitable (closed to the
elements with final roof, windows, and doors) on Census Day, April 1, 2010.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 2: Before You Begin Your Review

What is an Other Living Quarters (OLQ)? (Not acceptable for New Construction)
A place where people live or stay, in a group living arrangement, that is owned or managed by an
entity or organization providing housing and/or services for the residents. Residency is commonly
restricted to those receiving these services which may include custodial or medical care. This is
not a typical household-type living arrangement and the people living in other living quarters are
usually not related to each other.
Following is a list of example OLQs; however, no OLQs may be added in the New Construction
• Correctional facilities.
• Juvenile facilities.
• Nursing homes.
• Hospitals with long-term care facilities.
• College or university dormitories, fraternities, or sororities.
• Dormitories for workers.
• Religious group quarters.
• Shelters.
• Groups homes. The Census Bureau programs: Group Quarters Validation (GQV) and
Group Quarters Advance Visit (GQAV) will be the mechanisms used to collect group
quarters data.
Note: Housing units and other living quarters can exist within the same structure.

Other Unacceptable Types of Housing Units
Exclude the following unacceptable types of housing units’ and all other living quarters’ addresses
from your address list. Housing units that are:
• Condemned or scheduled for demolition.
• Being converted or remodeled for nonresidential purposes.
• Used solely for nonresidential storage.
• Used solely as offices or businesses in which no one is living.
• Used solely for ceremonial purposes.
• Under construction and will not be habitable (closed to the elements with final
roof, windows, and doors) on Census Day, April 1, 2010.

Census Bureau Addresses
Residential and Nonresidential Addresses
The Census Bureau divides all addresses into two use types, residential and nonresidential.
Residential addresses are addresses of housing units and/or living quarters where one or more

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 2: Before You Begin Your Review
people could live. Nonresidential addresses are addresses of a structure or unit within a
structure that do not serve as a residence, such as commercial establishments, schools,
government offices, and churches.
Some structures can contain both residential and nonresidential units, even though they have a
single address. For example: an apartment over a store, or a home with an office.
Address Formats
City-Style Address Format
The Census Bureau refers to housing units and other living quarters addresses that have a
house number and street name address, for example, 212 Elm Street or 137 Clark Ct., Apt.
316, as city-style addresses. In some instances, the house number may also include an alpha
character such as 35A or W9254. These addresses are used for mailing or to provide
location for emergency services, such as police, fire, and rescue (E-911 addresses).
City-style addresses for housing units in multi-unit structures, such as apartment buildings,
contain a unit designator, for example, Apt 101 or Suite D, or a location designator such as
“rear” or “basement” (See Appendix B: Unit Designation Abbreviations). The Census
Bureau and the USPS treat these unit designators as part of the housing unit address, and
they are included in each affected census address record.
Noncity-Style Address Format
The Census Bureau classifies addresses that do not include a house number and/or a street
name as noncity-style addresses. Noncity-style addresses do not include a complete house
number and street name address. The majority of noncity-style addresses are located in the
more sparsely settled areas of the United States; however, they may exist in small- or
medium-sized towns as well. Frequently used noncity-style mailing addresses include:
• General delivery.
• Rural route and box number.
• Highway contract route and box number.
• Post Office box only delivery.
Noncity-style addresses often do not follow any numeric sequence, and may not be
associated with the name of the street or highway on which they are located. For this
reason, the Census Bureau uses different methods to compile the list of addresses for
inclusion into the address list, such as location descriptions (BRICK HSE w/ATTACHED
GARAGE ON RIGHT), structure points (geographic coordinates), and census geographic
codes (state code, county code, census tract number, census block number).

Census Tract
Census tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or statistically
equivalent entity, delineated for presenting Census Bureau statistical data.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 2: Before You Begin Your Review
The proposed criterion for Census tracts for the 2010 Census is that they contain a minimum of
1,200 people with an optimal population of 4,000.
Census tract boundaries are delineated with the intention of being stable over many decades, so
they generally follow relatively permanent visible features. However, they may follow
governmental unit boundaries and other non-visible features in some instances. Census tract
boundaries never cross state or county (or statistically equivalent entity) boundaries.
Each census tract is uniquely numbered within a county and contains numerous census blocks.

Census Block
A Census block is an area bounded by visible features such as streets, roads, streams, and railroad
tracks and nonvisible features such as the boundaries of governmental units and other legal
entities. A block is the smallest geographic area for which the Census Bureau collects and
tabulates statistical data.
Census blocks may look like a city block or may be large and irregularly shaped, depending upon
features. The boundary of a state or a county is always a block boundary.
Census blocks are numbered within census tracts and are unique to the census tract to which they
belong. Census block numbers consist of 4-digits, and may include a single alpha character suffix
reflecting a boundary change or added feature (e.g. 3001A and 3001B).
Note: The 2010 Census New Construction Program addresses are coded to current census

What is Geocoding?
In order to process your address submissions, the Census Bureau requires the inclusion of census
geographic code information. This link to census geography is referred to as geocoding.
Geocoding places an individual address in its correct geographic location, which includes the
correct state, county, census tract, and census block codes.
Because the Census Bureau counts people where they live, census geographic code information, or
geocode, supports the systematic collection of data that allows Census enumerators to locate an
address. They are also important in allocating data from questionnaire responses to the correct
location. You must include census geographic code information for the Census Bureau to
process your address submissions. The Census Bureau will not accept addresses without
census geographic codes (geocodes) including the state, county, census tract, and census
block codes. The MTPS will not allow the user to add an address without a geographic code.
Consequently, the MTPS automatically adds the geocoding information for the block selected on
the map when an address record is added to the address list.
You can find these census geographic codes on your New Construction materials.

Strategies for Conducting the New Construction Program Review
You must decide for yourself how to conduct the New Construction program review. Consider
your available time, the information you have readily available, and the staff and computer
resources you have.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 2: Before You Begin Your Review

Local Address Sources
There are many possible sources of local address information. The following list provides
suggestions for local address source materials:
• New housing construction or building permits include units that are under construction
only if final roof, doors, and windows will be in place on Census Day, April 1, 2010.
• E-911 address files.
• Housing occupancy permits.
• Planning or zoning records.
• Local utility records.
• Drivers’ license files.
• Annexation records.
• Assessment or taxation files.
• Voter registration files.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 3: Census Supplied Materials

Chapter 3
Census Supplied Materials
The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) Version 5.2
The MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)
Other Files and Software
Setup File
Readme.txt File
The MTPS New Construction User Guide
Shapefile User Guide
The MTPS Quick Start Document
Zip Software
Adobe® PDF Reader Software
Adobe® Flash Software

The Census Bureau supplies the following materials:
i) One (1) MAF/TIGER Partnership Software CD:
• The MTPS Application.
ii) One (1) or more data CDs that may contain the following information:
• Address list template.
• Shapefiles.
• Setup File.
• Readme.txt File.
• The MTPS New Construction User Guide.
• Shapefile User Guide.
• The MTPS Quick Start Document.
• Zip Software.
• Adobe® PDF Reader Software.
• Adobe® Flash Software.
The number of data disks depends on the size of your jurisdiction.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 3: Census Supplied Materials

The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS)
The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) is user friendly Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) software, written specifically for Census geographic program participants, that is ready to
load with the address list template and shapefiles for your jurisdiction.
Note: The licensing agreement for the MTPS prohibits the distribution of the software to anyone
outside Census Bureau programs. Do not distribute the software beyond your New Construction

The MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)
The MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT) is a step-by-step guide that helps you learn how to
use the MTPS for your New Construction review. We strongly advise you to review the CBT
before you begin using the application. It is accessible after you load the application software and

Shapefiles contain the location and attributes of physical features. They are created using the
Census Bureau’s MAF/TIGER database and allow participants to submit digital updates to map
features. Shapefiles require the use of a GIS application such as the MTPS. No feature updates
will be accepted for the New Construction program.

Other Files and Software
Setup File
The setup file contains the geographic information that the MTPS requires in order to load the
data disk(s).
Readme.txt File
The readme.txt file contains descriptive information about the software and the files, and
provides instructions on how to use them.
The MTPS New Construction User Guide
This is a step-by-step guide to learn how to use the MTPS for your New Construction review.
Shapefile User Guide
This guide provides instructions and examples on how to use Census supplied shapefiles for
your New Construction updates.
The MTPS New Construction Quick Start Document
This document offers the quickest way to install and begin using the MTPS. However, it is
recommended that users consult the MTPS New Construction User Guide for more


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 3: Census Supplied Materials
Zip Software
Although Zip software is included, the MTPS will Zip your files for you. Encryption is not
required for the New Construction program.
Adobe® PDF Reader Software
Adobe® PDF Reader Software allows you to view Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF)
files. The New Construction User Guide and the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software User
Guide are in Adobe® PDF format.
Adobe® Flash Software
Adobe® Flash Player is software that allows you to view Web content created by Flash. This
content may be interactive such as menus that slide, or it may consist of complex applications,
games, or animations. Many Web browsers (Internet Explorer, for example) install Flash
Player automatically. The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software Computer Based Training (CBT)
is in Flash format. If the CBT does not run on your Web browser, you may need to install the
Adobe® Flash player included on your MTPS Data CD.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 4
Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction Review
Installing the MTPS
System Requirements
Installation Procedures
Starting the MTPS
MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)
Opening the New Construction program in the MTPS
Overview of Toolboxes and Buttons
Main Menu
Standard Toolbox
Tools Toolbox
Structure Point Selection Toolbox
NC Toolbox
Additional Resources
The MTPS Help Menu
New Construction Program Help Desk
New Construction Technical Help Desk

The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) is user friendly software designed to read New
Construction data disks and record address additions in a format ready to be submitted to the
Census Bureau. This chapter will guide you through setting up the MTPS, and present a brief
overview of the New Construction program in the MTPS.

Installing the MTPS
System Requirements
Before initializing the installation process, make sure your system meets the following
minimum system requirements:
• Microsoft Windows® 2000
• 128 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
• 10 GB free space on hard drive (80 GB recommended)
• CD-ROM or DVD-ROM with read/write capability
• Adobe® Flash Player (For use with the MTPS CBT. If not already installed, install
from the MTPS Program CD.)
Note: This version is compatible with Microsoft Windows® 2000, XP, and Vista. The MTPS is
not compatible with Apple® computers.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
Installation Procedures
To install the MTPS, please follow these instructions:
1) Start Windows.
2) Insert the Program CD into your CD-ROM drive.
3) If the Installation Program automatically starts, skip to Step 5. If the Installation Program
fails to begin on its own, select the Run command from the Start menu. Type the
location of your CD-ROM drive and the word “setup” (for example, type “d:\setup”).
4) Click OK. The installation program will appear on your screen.
5) On the Welcome Screen, click Next.
6) On the Select Installation Type window, accept the default option, “Install MAF/TIGER
Partnership Software and Data for a Single User.” Click Next.
7) Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation. Accept all default settings.
8) When prompted, insert the first Data CD into your CD-ROM drive. (Most data sets will
fit on one (1) CD.) Click OK.
9) If asked on a following window, select “Yes, I want to restart my computer now.”
Click Finish to complete the setup.

Starting the MTPS
To Start the MTPS, please follow these instructions:
1) Select Programs from the Start menu.
2) Select MAF/TIGER Partnership Software > MAF/TIGER Partnership Software 5.5.
3) When prompted, select New Construction from the available program list.
4) Update your New Construction participant information, if necessary.
5) Select one of two options:
• To complete the training on the CD-ROM, select “Run the MAF/TIGER
Partnership Software Computer Based Training.” (Please refer to the
Completing the MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT) section below.)
-OR• To launch the application, select “Go directly to the MAF/TIGER Partnership
Software program.”

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction

MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)
The MTPS CBT is a self-paced tutorial that provides instructions on how to use the MTPS
application for several Census Bureau geographic programs.
The opening screen shows a total of nine (9) tutorials:

1) Three (3) General Skills tutorials:
• Basic Skills.
• Additional Skills.
• Editing Linear Features, Area Features, and Landmarks.
2) Six (6) tutorials specific to Census Bureau geographic programs:
• New Construction (New Construction).
• LUCA Feedback (Local Update of Census Addresses Feedback and Appeals).
• BAS (Boundary and Annexation Survey).
• PSAP (Participant Statistical Area Programs).
• VTD/BBSP (Voting Districts/Block Boundary Suggestion Program).
• SDRP (School District Review Program).
Note: This user guide provides instructions for the NC module of the MTPS only.
In the future, if you elect to participate in LUCA, LUCA FB, BAS, PSAP, VTD/BBSP, or SDRP,
you will have the option to use the MTPS for these programs.
Note: All of the examples shown in this user guide and in the MTPS CBT were created with
fictitious data that are not applicable to your jurisdiction, and do not contain any Title 13

2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction

Opening the New Construction program in the MTPS
1) Open the MTPS application. If you have other MTPS data on your computer, the
Program Selection box will open. If not, the New Construction program will open
automatically by default.

2) Select New Construction, and click OK.
3) This will display the NC toolbox and two (2) windows:

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
a) NC Map – The map is primarily used as a visual reference for the user. Features on
the map cannot be updated; however, structure points may be added to the map for
ease of geocoding. The map will be useful in determining what block and tract
the added addresses are in, and which blocks are available for address additions.
b) NC Address List – (Address List will be blank.) The address list will be the primary
means for adding New Construction addresses. The address list template is linked
to the map. If you are working from the map, selecting a block on the map
automatically selects and displays the corresponding records on the address list,
and vice versa. Note: No information in the New Construction program is Title
13 sensitive.

Overview of Toolboxes and Buttons
The MTPS has several toolboxes, each of which contains many buttons. This section is an
overview of the toolboxes and their respective functions. Keep in mind that you will not need to
use all of them. Chapter 5 describes in more detail how to use the toolboxes and buttons required
to complete your New Construction additions. For more information on any of these toolboxes
and buttons, refer to the MTPS Help section.
Main Menu
The system loads this menu by default when you open the MTPS, and the Main Menu remains

Select Map on the Main Menu to access:
• Layers: to add, hide, drop, or move map layers.
• Scale: to modify the map scale displayed on the computer screen.
• Previous Scale: to return the map to the extent that was used before the most recent
• Initial Scale: to return the map to its initial extent.
• Locator: to create a window that shows your location within the overall area.
• Bookmarks: to create and manage bookmarks.
Select Selection on the Main Menu to access:
• Settings: to change the status and labels of map layers.
• Select: to build queries by Condition, List, Value, or Location.
Select Tools on the Main Menu to access:
• Imagery: to load aerial images, topographic maps, or urban color images from
TerraServer USA toolbox.
• Export: to convert features to a different geographic format.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
Select New Construction on the Main Menu to access:
• New Construction Toolbox: to show or hide the NC Toolbox.
• Default Display: to restore the computer screen to the original layout when the MTPS is
• Verification Toolbox: to validate your addresses.
• Report New Addresses: to create a Zip file of your additions.
• Update Address Data: to import an address list.
• Update User Information: to make changes on the participant’s information window.
Standard Toolbox
The Standard Toolbox is used to perform general tasks. This toolbox is loaded by default
when you open the MTPS and remains open. It is located, by default, directly below the Main
Menu, and can be docked and undocked.

• Target Layer: to set the layer that is going to be edited.
• Dataview: to see a table of selected records.
• Map Layers: to add, hide, drop, or move map layers.
• Legend: to show or hide the map legend.
• Layer Style: to change layer symbols.
• Automatic Labels: to create label styles.
• Map Scale: to set the scale of the map on the computer screen.
• Bookmarks: to add and manage bookmarks, respectively.


• Tools Toolbox Button: to show or hide the Tools Toolbox.
• Selection Toolbox Button: to show or hide the Structure Point Selection Toolbox.
Tools Toolbox
The Tools Toolbox is used to navigate the map. This toolbox is loaded by default when you
open the MTPS. (If you close the Tools toolbox accidentally, you can open it again by
selecting Tools from the menu toolbar on the main menu then clicking on Toolbox.)

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
• Zoom In/Zoom Out: Zoom in or out on an area of the map, respectively.
This function is linked to the map labels. The farther you zoom in, the more labels you
will see.
• Pan: Used to navigate around the map.
Note: Every time you open the MTPS, the map will display the geographic extent you viewed
before closing the application.
• Previous Scale: to return to the previous scale and extent.
• Initial Scale: to return to the initial scale and extent.
• Information: to display fields of selected address records.
Select a feature to display
its attributes. Select these buttons to display multi-layer and multi-layer area
information, respectively.


• Measure: to measure length or distance

; area or size.

Note: The Tools Toolbox will disappear from the screen when the address list window is
active. It will reappear when the Map window is active.
Structure Point Selection Toolbox
The Structure Point Selection Toolbox allows a user to select a structure point, or multiple
structure points, and see them in the address list. Use the button found in the Standard Toolbox
to turn it on and off.
Note: The New Construction program does not provide structure points. This section applies
to those participants who add addresses using structure points, or have imported their own
structure points.

• Select by Pointing: to begin selecting structure points individually using a pointer.
• Select by Circle: to select a group of structure points within a circle.
• Select by Shape: to select a group of structure points using a freehand polygon.
• Select by Condition: to select a group of structure points based on a given criteria.
• Clear Selection: to clear the current selection.
• Create New Selection: to create a new selection group, while retaining previous selection


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
• Selection Settings: to view and change settings related to your selection capabilities.
• Zoom to Selection: to zoom to a map extent which shows all of the selected structure
points in the selection group.
• Show One Set/All Features: use this button to show or hide all of the structure points, or
just those that are in the selection.
• Selection Target: to choose which selection group to view.
• Scale Selection: to choose whether to stay at the current scale or change scales when
zooming to new selection.
• Zoom to Record: to zoom to a single record in the selection.
Note: The Structure Point Selection Toolbox is not necessary for the completion of the New
Construction Program. Consequently, the uses of selection sets are not covered in depth
in this user guide. However, you may refer to Appendix F: Selection Sets for a brief
walkthrough of selection sets.
NC Toolbox
The NC Toolbox is used for creating the address list. It is loaded by default when you open the
MTPS. (If you close the NC Toolbox accidentally, you can load it again by selecting NC on
the Main Menu, and then selecting NC Toolbox.)

• Pick Block: to select a block on the map.
When a block is selected, its
corresponding State Code (S), County Code (C), Tract Number (T), and Block Number
(B) will be displayed in the NC Toolbox.
You may also use the dropdown menu next to each letter to select a particular block.
You may also select to check the “One block only” box. While checked, the address list
will only display addresses added to the currently selected block. By unchecking the box,
you will see all of the added addresses in the address list.
• Zoom to Block: after a block is selected, click this button to zoom to the full extent of the
selected block.
• Zoom to Entire Map: click this button at any time to return to the full extent of the
geographic map.
• Create a Block Layout: use this button to create a print file for the current block that is

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
• Create a Multiple Block Layout: use this button to create a print file for the current
block that is selected and its adjacent blocks.
• Add a New Address: use this button to add a new address record to the address list. The
address will be geocoded to the block that is numbered in the NC toolbox.
• Delete an Address: use this button to delete the selected address record in the address
• Copy Address Record: use this button to create a copy of an address record in the
address list.
• Multiple Copies of an Address Record: use this button to create multiple copies of an
address record in the address list.
• Select Structure Point: use this button to select a structure point and the corresponding
record(s) in the address list.
(Note: you may add and then select structure points
you’ve added, however, the Census Bureau will not be providing and structure points.)
• Add Structure Point: use this button to add a structure point to the map and a
corresponding address record to the address list.
• Add Multi-unit Structure Point: use this button to add a multi-unit structure point to the
map and corresponding address records to address list.
• Move Structure Point: use this button to move a structure point on the map. If the
structure point is moved to a new block, the corresponding address record(s) in the
address list will be regeocoded to reflect the new location.
• Delete Structure Point: use this button to delete a structure point and corresponding
address record(s) in the address list. If it is a multi-unit structure point, all address
records associated with that structure point will be deleted.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
The MTPS Map Legend is a very simple legend. It describes the various symbols and colors
used for representation on the map. For the New Construction program, it is suggested to pay
particular attention to the following legend items: Map Layers, Block Eligibility, and Structure
Point Type.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
The MTPS allows you to save a particular map extent as a bookmark, so that it is easy to access
and view at any time. There are two ways to create a bookmark:
1) Click on the Add Bookmark button in the Standard Toolbar.
-OR2) Click Bookmarks from the Map menu.

When the Create Bookmark window appears, type a name in the space provided, and click


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
To access the bookmarks you’ve created, select Map from the Main Menu, then Bookmarks,
then Bookmarks again. Select the bookmark you wish to display.

Additional Resources
The MTPS Help Menu
The MTPS Help Menu provides a variety of options for finding information on a particular
topic. Select Help from the Main Menu to open the help window which contains a right and
left pane. The left pane gives you three search options, while the right displays the help section
welcome screen. The welcome screen contains two links to quick help:
1) MTPS Basic Skills Help: This link allows the user to access introductory directions
on how to use the MTPS.
2) MTPS Census Program Help: This link allows the user to access a list of census
program links. Each link leads the user to a screen describing the selected program.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
For more refined help topics, choose from one of the three tabbed options in the left pane:
1) Contents: This option allows you to see general help topics with more refined topics
listed within each general topic. By clicking on a general topic a list of more refined
topics will appear underneath. Continue selecting until you find the topic you are looking
for. Help information will be displayed in the right pane.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
2) Index: This option allows the user to see a list of help topics arranged alphabetically.
Scroll through the list until you find what you are looking for, and then highlight the
topic. Help information will be displayed in the right pane.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 4: Setting up the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) for New Construction
3) Search: This option allows the user to type a keyword into the search box, or select a
keyword from one of the two lists located beneath the search box. After making a
selection, the help information will be displayed in the right pane. The first time the
Search option is used, you will receive a “Find Setup Wizard” pop-up. Select the default
selections, and click Finish on the final page.

New Construction Program RCC Help
If you have questions concerning the New Construction geographic program, please call your
local Regional Census Center toll free at 1-866-511-5822.
New Construction Technical Help Desk
If you have questions concerning the MTPS and the electronic data, please call the New
Construction Help Desk toll free at 1-866-919-5822.
New Construction Web Page
For additional information about the New Construction program, please visit the New
Construction website at


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 5
Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS
The New Construction Address List
Editing the New Construction Address List
Submitting New Construction Addresses
Creating the Report New Construction Addresses File
Shipping the New Construction Zip File

This chapter provides instructions on completing the New Construction Program. It will discuss
multiple ways to add addresses to the New Construction Address List, and how to submit your
New Construction addresses after completion.
Note: The New Construction Program only accepts city-style addresses.

The New Construction Address List
The New Construction Address List will appear at the bottom of the screen when the New
Construction program opens in the MTPS. The address list will contain no addresses. As the
program title states “New Construction,” the user will only be able to add addresses to this list.

The address list contains nine (9) fields as described below:
1) Entity ID: a unique identification number (maximum character length of 12) assigned by
the Census Bureau to each entity. The table below describes how each is created:
Figure 5.1: Entity Identification Codes.


Entity Identification Code

Minor Civil
Division (MCD)

ST + (2 numeric)
CO + State (2 numeric) + County (3 numeric)
PL + State (2 numeric) + FIPS Place (5 numeric)
MC + State (2 numeric) + County (3 numeric) +
FIPS MCD (5 numeric)



2) State: 2-digit current state code for your jurisdiction. This field is editable.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 5: Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS
3) County: 3-digit current county code for your jurisdiction. This field is editable.
4) Tract: Census tract numbers contain up to a 4-digit number followed by a decimal point
and a 2-digit number for suffixed tracts, e.g., 1234.01. For census tracts without a suffix,
the number will contain a decimal point with zero fill, e.g., 4567.00. This field is
5) Block: Census block numbers contain a 4-digit number plus one alpha character, if
applicable, e.g. 3001A. This field is editable.
6) House #: Housing unit or other living quarters assigned house number, which can contain
numbers, letters, hyphens, or other characters e.g., 2718, 1002-3. This field is editable.
7) Street Name: Full street or road name, including any necessary prefixes or suffixes. For
example: Census Drive, or NW Decennial Lane E. This field is editable. (See
Appendix A: Physical Location Description and Street Type Abbreviations, for
acceptable abbreviations.)
8) Apartment/Unit #: Apartment or unit number, if applicable. This field may contain
apartment unit numbers (e.g., 101 or 101A), location (e.g., rear or basement), or trailer lot
number. This field is the only field that is not required to have data yet allows the record
to remain an acceptable address. This field is optional for data entry. (See Appendix B:
Unit Designation Abbreviations, for acceptable abbreviations. “*” (asterisk) is not an
acceptable character for this field.)
9) ZIP Code: 5-digit ZIP Code for city-style mailing addresses. This field is editable.
Note: All fields in the address list must be populated with the exception of the Apartment/Unit #.

Adding Addresses to the New Construction Address List
There are two ways to add addresses to the New Construction Address List. The first requires the
use of the map and structure points. The second requires the use of the address list directly and the
map as a reference tool. Both will be described in detail in this section, but it is up to the user to
decide which to use, or a combination of both.
To add an address record to the address list using structure points, follow these steps:
1) Find the block you need to add an address record to. You can do this by panning around
the map

and zooming in

to see block numbers, or by selecting a specific block

from the dropdowns

and clicking Zoom to

2) Once zoomed to the block of your choice, click the Add Structure Point
add one address, or Add Multi-unit Structure Point
at the same location (e.g. a new apartment building).

button to

button for multiple addresses

3) Click on the map where you would like the address to be located.
4) If you added a single structure point, then the address list will have a new address record
with the corresponding Entity ID, State, County, Tract, and Block fields already
populated. Manually type in the House #, Street Name, Apartment/Unit # (if applicable)
and ZIP code to complete the address record.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 5: Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS
If you added a multi-unit structure point, then a window will appear, allowing you to
enter in the number of units, and the address information for the structure point.

When the information in the pop-up is complete, click OK.
The address list will automatically add an address record for each of the apartments or
units. (For example, the information above has 5 units; the address list will add 5 address
records. All of the address records will have all of the address list fields populated with
the same information, except for Apartment/Unit #, which may have to be entered
manually. See Appendix B: Unit Designation Abbreviations, for acceptable
To add an address record to the address list directly, follow these steps:
1) Select the Census Block that needs a new address record. Use the dropdowns next to each
category to select the desired block.
2) Click on the Add Address button.
3) An address record is added to the address list with the corresponding Entity ID, State,
County, Tract, and Block fields already populated.
4) Manually type in the House #, Street Name, Apartment/Unit # (if applicable) and ZIP
The user can edit an address that he/she entered, at any time. If the address is associated with a
tool to move the structure point to a
structure point, you may use the Move Structure Point
new location. All addresses in the address list associated with that structure point will be
regeocoded to reflect the change in location. If not, the fields can be manually updated by clicking
on the cell and correcting the information.
If an address needs to be deleted, select the address record from the address list and click the
Delete Address button.
Point button

If you need to delete a structure point, click the Delete Structure

, and then select the appropriate structure point.

Note: If you delete a Multi-unit Structure Point, ALL address records associated with that
structure point will be deleted from the address list. (See Appendix B: Unit Designation
Abbreviations, for acceptable abbreviations.)

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 5: Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS
After you have added all the new addresses to the address list, select Verification Tool from the
New Construction menu in the Main Menu; a box will appear notifying you of how many, if any,
addresses still need information in necessary fields.

Perform a final review of your added addresses, edit where necessary, and then proceed to
Submitting New Construction Addresses.

Adding Imagery to the MTPS
Aerial images can be useful tools when adding addresses to your New Construction Address list.
Using imagery can make the placement of structure points simpler and more accurate. There are
two ways to display imagery in the MTPS: images files and TerraServer-USA.
Adding Image Files
Follow these steps to add your own saved satellite images, photographs, or scans as a map
1) After you have opened the MTPS, and the map is displayed, click the Map Layers button
located in the Standard Toolbox.
2) The Layers window will open. Select Add Layer.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 5: Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS
3) When the File window opens, browse to the location of your saved images, and choose the
file type. Select the image you wish to display and click Open.

4) Click Close in the Layers window, and your image will be displayed.
If you do not have your own saved files, and are connected to the internet, you may add aerial
images, topographic maps, and urban color images from TerraServer-USA.
1) From the Main Menu, select Tools, then Imagery, then TerraServer USA Toolbox to
open the TerraServer-USA toolbox.

2) Choose the imagery type from the ‘Method’ dropdown menu.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 5: Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS

3) Click the Get Image button.
4) The image will download and be added to your map automatically. The TerraServer-USA
toolbox will also close automatically. The time it takes to download an image is
dependent on the selected resolution and your internet connection speed.

Note: Participants are not provided imagery for their jurisdiction. Additionally, the choice to use
imagery to complete the New Construction program is up to the discretion of the participant.
Internet imagery may or may not be up to date and it is the participant’s full responsibility to
determine the usefulness of collected imagery.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Chapter 5: Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS

Submitting New Construction Addresses
Creating the New Construction Zip File
After you are satisfied with the added addresses to the address list, you will need to create a Zip
file of the address list and burn the data to a CD for submission to the Census Bureau. Follow
these steps to create the Zip file and burn the data to two (2) CDs:
1) Select New Construction > Report New Addresses from the Main Menu.
2) The MTPS will display the following window, click OK.

Note: If you want to review your address list after creating the Zip file, make sure you
have Zip software (i.e., WinZip) installed on your computer, then use Windows Explorer
to open the Zip file and extract its contents to a folder on your computer. At this point
you will be able to view New Construction Address List file in pipe delimited form.
3) Make two (2) CDs of the New Construction Zip File:
• Return one (1) CD to the Census Bureau.
• Keep one (1) CD as a backup copy for your records until the completion of the New
Construction program.

Shipping the New Construction Zip File
The Census Bureau has particular guidelines when accepting mail; please follow these
directions when shipping your CDs:
1) Double wrap all address materials.
2) Address all envelopes, mailing boxes, mailing tubes, etc., to your Regional Census Center.
You can find a list of the Census Bureau’s Regional Census Centers’ addresses on the
back cover, and in Appendix C: U.S. Census Bureau Regional Census Centers.
3) The Census Bureau has provided you a FedEx envelope in which to return your New
Construction submission. We have included in your package a FedEx billable stamp so
you can ship your updates to your Regional Census Center at no cost to your government.
The Census Bureau uses FedEx because it costs less than Business Reply mail service
from the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and includes shipment tracking. If you do not know
a location for a FedEx drop off, please call 1-800-GOFEDEX. The gray portion of the
billable stamp is the receipt for your records. The white portion should be peeled from
the label and adhered to the envelope. To ensure that the package was received by the

2010 Census New Construction Program


Chapter 5: Completing the New Construction Program in the MTPS
Census Bureau, please save the gray portion as it contains the tracking number (12 digit
number on the bottom right corner).”
4) If FedEx service is not available in your area, please use a shipping company that provides
tracking services such as the USPS or United Parcel Service (UPS).
Contact your Census Bureau Regional Census Center toll free at 1-866-511-5822 if you have
any questions about submitting your materials for the New Construction program.


2010 Census New Construction Program


2010 Census New Construction Program


Appendix A: Physical Location Description and Street Type Abbreviations

Full Name
Alternate Route
Boarded Up
County Highway
County Road
Four-Wheel Drive Trail
General Delivery
Highway Contract Route
Post Office Box
Rural Route
Star Route
State Highway
State Road
State Route
Township Highway
Township Road


CO Hwy

2010 Census New Construction Program

Appendix B: Unit Designation Abbreviations

Mobile Home


2010 Census New Construction Program


Appendix C: U.S. Census Bureau Regional Census Centers
U.S. Census Bureau Regional Census Centers
Toll Free 1-866-511-5822
Atlanta RCC: Geography

Detroit RCC: Geography

285 Peachtree Center Avenue NE

300 River Place Drive, Ste. 2950

Marquis II Tower, Ste. 1000

Detroit, MI 48207-4184

Atlanta, GA 30303-1230

(313) 396-5002

(404) 332-2711

Boston RCC: Geography

Kansas City RCC: Geography

1 Beacon Street, 7th Floor

2001 NE 46th Street, Ste. LL100

Boston, MA 02108-3107

Kansas City, MO 64116-2051

Charlotte RCC: Geography

Los Angeles RCC: Geography

3701 Arco Corporate Drive, Ste. 250

9301 Corbin Avenue, Ste. 1000

Charlotte, NC 28273

Northridge, CA 91324-2406

Chicago RCC: Geography

New York RCC: Geography

500 West Madison Street, Ste. 1600

330 West 34th Street, 13th Floor

Chicago, IL 60661-4555

New York, NY 10001-2406

Dallas RCC: Geography

Philadelphia RCC: Geography

2777 N Stemmons Freeway, Ste. 200

1234 Market Street, Ste. 340

Dallas, TX 75207-2514

Philadelphia, PA 19107-3780

Denver RCC: Geography

Seattle RCC: Geography

6950 W Jefferson Avenue, Ste. 250

19820 North Creek Parkway N, Ste. 100

Lakewood, CO 80235-2032

Bothell, WA 98011-8227

(617) 223-3600

(704) 936-4200

(312) 454-5600

(214) 267-6920

(720) 475-3600


(816) 994-2020

(818) 717-6701

(212) 971-8800

(215) 717-1000

(425) 908-3010

2010 Census New Construction Program

Appendix D: Census Bureau Geographic Hierarchy

Diagram illustrating the legal and statistical entities for which the Census Bureau tabulates data
during the 2010 Census.

2010 Census New Construction Program


Appendix E: Selection Sets
Creating a Selection Set
Saving a Selection Set
Deleting a Selection Set
A Selection Set is a group of features from a single map layer that you can highlight on the map in
order to display only the records that meet a certain condition (e.g., only address records that were
added as structure points). The MTPS allows you to create, update, and delete new geographic
layers that contain only the features you select using the Selection toolbar and the Selection Sets
dialog box. You can save selection sets to store them in the file so you can use them when you
open it again.
Creating a Selection Set
1) Choose the layer whose structure points you want to select from the drop-down list on the
Standard toolbar.

2) Click Structure Point Selection Toolbox from the Standard Toolbox.

3) Click the Select by Pointing
button to select a map feature by pointing to it. Click on a
single feature on the map. The MTPS selects the features and highlights the result on the map:


2010 Census New Construction Program

button to select a map feature by drawing a circle
• Click the Select by Circle
around it. Draw a circle to select all features inside it. The MTPS selects the features
and highlights the result on the map.
• Click the Select by Shape
button to select a map feature by drawing a shape
around it. Draw a shape to select all features inside it (double-click at the end to finish
your sketch). The MTPS selects the features and highlights the result on the map.
Note: Selecting by circle or by shape will only select map features that are completely contained
within the shapes.
Note: To deselect a structure point, hold the ‘CTRL’ key on the keyboard and click the structure
point you want removed from the selection. For more Selection Set options please search the
Help menu.
• Click the Clear Selection

button to clear all selected features on the active selection set.

• Click the Create New Selection

• Click the Selection Settings

button to add more selection sets:

button to symbolize the selection sets:

2010 Census New Construction Program


• The Selection Sets have a default name of “Selection x,” but you can rename them by
selecting the Selection and then clicking the Rename button and typing in a new name.

• Click the Style button to customize the display style:

• Click Apply, then click OK to save the Selection Set.
Saving a Selection Set
When you close the MTPS session, all the selection sets are saved so you can access them again.
The MTPS also saves the style settings of the Selection Set(s).
Deleting a Selection Set
• Click the Selection Settings

button to display the Selection Sets dialog box.

• Choose the Selection Set you want to delete.


2010 Census New Construction Program

• Click Drop Set. The MTPS prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the Selection

• Click Yes to delete the Selection Set. The MTPS deletes the Selection Set and updates the
Selection toolbar and map legend accordingly.
• Close the Selection Sets dialog box.
Note: You cannot delete the default selection set named “Selection.”

2010 Census New Construction Program


Address Range – The lowest and highest address numbers used to identify structures along each side of a
street segment that has city-style addresses. Usually one side of the street has even address numbers
and the other side has odd address numbers.
Boundary – A line, either invisible or coincident with a visible feature that identifies the extent of a
geographic entity, such as a census tract, city, or county.
Census Bureau Address List – A nationwide list of all housing unit and group quarters addresses known
to the Census Bureau. In addition to the mailing address and ZIP Code, the address list may identify
the location of each housing unit and group quarters.
Census Block – A geographic area bounded by visible features, such as streets, roads, streams, and
railroad tracks, and invisible features, such as the boundaries of governmental units and other legal
entities. A census block is the smallest area for which the Census Bureau collects and tabulates
statistical information. Census blocks are numbered within census tracts and are unique to the census
tract to which they belong.
Census Block Number – A 4-digit number, plus 1 alpha character block suffix, if applicable, used by the
Census Bureau to identify each census block. Census blocks are numbered uniquely within each
census tract. Suffixes, such as 2011A and 2011B, reflect boundary changes and added features.
Census Bureau Map – Any map produced by the Census Bureau. A Census Bureau map displays
geographic entities used in a Census Bureau sponsored census or survey for which the Census Bureau
tabulates data.
Census Tract – A small, relatively permanent statistical division of a county or statistically equivalent
entity, delineated for the purpose of presenting Census Bureau statistical data. Census tracts never
cross the boundary of a county or statistically equivalent entity, but may split other geographic entities;
e.g., minor civil divisions and places.
Census Tract Number – Unique numbers to identify census tracts within a county or statistically
equivalent entity. Census tract numbers contain up to a 4-digit number followed by a decimal point
and a 2-digit number for suffixed tracts, e.g., 1234.01. For census tracts without a suffix, the number
will contain a period with zero fill, e.g., 4567.00. Leading zeros are not shown on Census Bureau
Chief Executive/Highest Elected Official – The person most responsible for the governmental activities
of a local government. This person receives the New Construction Program invitation letter, and must
designate a New Construction liaison, if desired.
City-style Address – An address that consists of a house number and street name; for example, 201 Main
Street. The address may or may not be used for the delivery of mail and may include apartment
numbers/designations or similar identifiers.
Confidentiality – The guarantee made by law (Title 13, United States Code) to individuals who provide
information about themselves or their business to the Census Bureau. This item refers to the Census
Bureau’s promise of nondisclosure of that information to others.


2010 Census New Construction Program

County – The primary legal division of most states. Most are governmental units with powers defined by
state law.
Delivery Sequence File (DSF) – A computerized file containing all delivery point addresses serviced by
the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). The USPS updates the DSF continuously as its letter carriers identify
addresses for new delivery points or changes in the status of existing addresses.
Enumeration – The process of interviewing people and recording the information on census forms.
Feature – Any part of the landscape, whether natural (such as, a stream or ridge) or artificial (such as a
road or power line). In a geographic context, features are any part of the landscape portrayed on a
map, including nonvisible boundaries of legal entities, such as city limits or county lines.
Federal Information Processing Standards Codes (FIPS Codes) – A standardized set of numeric or
alphabetic codes issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to ensure
uniform identification of geographic entities through all federal government agencies. The entities
covered include: states and statistically equivalent entities, counties and statistically equivalent
entities, named populated and related location entities (such as places and county subdivisions), and
American Indian and Alaska Native areas.
Geocodes – Codes that place an individual address in its correct geographic location, which includes the
correct state, county, census tract, and census block code.
Geographic Information System (GIS) – A computer system for the storage, retrieval, and maintenance
of information about the points, lines, and areas that represent the streets and roads, rivers, railroads,
geographic entities, and other features on the surface of the Earth-information that previously was
available only on paper maps.
Governmental Unit – A geographic entity established by legal action for the purpose of implementing
specified governmental functions. Most governmental units provide a number of general government
services and raise revenues (usually through taxing authority).
Housing Unit – A single-family house, townhouse, mobile home, trailer, apartment, group of rooms, or a
single room occupied as a separate living quarters or, if vacant, intended for occupancy as a separate
living quarters. A separate living quarters is one in which one or more occupants (or intended
occupants, if vacant) live separate from any other individual(s) in the building and have direct access
to the living quarters without going through another living quarters, such as from outside the building
or through a common hall.
Jurisdiction – The geographical area in which a governmental unit exists and has control of as
recognized by the Census Bureau.
Layer – A group of geographic objects that are a like. Often a group of associated shapefiles are
combined into a layer.
Legal Boundary – The legally defined boundary of a governmental unit, usually referring to a county,
minor civil division, or incorporated place. The legal boundary identifies the area within a local
government's jurisdiction, and thus bounds the area of New Construction responsibility.

2010 Census New Construction Program


New Construction Liaison – Also known as the program primary liaison or designated liaison. A person
voluntarily appointed by the chief executive/highest elected official of each jurisdiction to review the
Census Bureau’s Address List and maps against local records to identify differences.
MAF/TIGER Database – The Census Bureau’s nationwide geographic database, which integrates the
Master Address File (MAF) and Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing
(TIGER®) files.
MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) – A GIS application provided by the Census Bureau that
has customized functionality required by Census Bureau geographic partnership programs.
Master Address File (MAF) – A nationwide database of all addresses to support many of the Census
Bureau’s operations. Besides containing mailing addresses and ZIP Codes, a MAF record also
contains geographic information about the location of addresses.
Metadata – Describes the details of data content for GIS files.
Minor Civil Division (MCD) – A type of governmental unit that is the primary governmental or
administrative subdivision of a county. MCDs are identified by a variety of terms, such as town (in 8
states), township, and/or district, and include both functioning and nonfunctioning governmental
Noncity-style Address – An address that does not have a house number and/or street name or may not
include a complete house number and street name address. This includes rural route and box number
address and highway contract route addresses, etc., which may include a box number, post office
boxes and drawers, and general delivery.
Nonresidential Address – An address of a structure or unit within a structure that does not serve as a
Occupied Housing Unit – A housing unit is classified as occupied if it is the usual place of residence of
the individual or group of persons living in it at the time of enumeration or if the occupants are only
temporarily absent; for example, away on vacation. Occupied rooms or suites of rooms in hotels,
motels, and similar places are classified as housing units only when occupied by permanent residents,
that is, individuals for whom the facility is their usual place of residence.
Other Living Quarters (OLQ) – A place where people live or stay, in a group living arrangement, that is
owned or managed by an entity or organization providing housing and/or services for the residents.
This is not a typical household-type living arrangement. These services may include custodial or
medical care as well as other types of assistance, and residency is commonly restricted to those
receiving these services. People living in other living quarters are usually not related to each other.
Other living quarters include, but are not limited to, correctional facilities, juvenile facilities, nursing
homes, hospitals with long-term care facilities, college or university dormitories, fraternities,
sororities, dormitories for workers, religious group quarters, shelters, and group homes.
Place – A concentration of population either legally bound as an incorporated place or identified by the
Census Bureau as a census designated place.
Residential Address – An address of a housing unit and/or other living quarters where one or more
people could live.


2010 Census New Construction Program

Regional Census Center – One of twelve Census Bureau offices constructed specifically for the 2010
Census. Each is responsible for the field operations within its region.
Selection Set – A group of features from a single map layer that you can highlight on the map in order to
display only the records that meet a certain condition (e.g., only address records that were added as
structure points).
Shapefile – Data set used to represent geographic features such as streets and boundaries. Shapefiles can
represent point, line, or area features and require GIS or mapping software.
Street Segment – The portion of a street or road between two features that intersect that street or road,
such as other streets or roads, railroad tracks, streams, and governmental unit boundaries. The Census
Bureau records the known address ranges for every street segment with city-style addresses.
Structure Point – A dot on a Census Bureau map, used to show the location of one or more living
quarters. A 4-digit number plus 1-digit alpha character is assigned within a census block to each
structure point. Structure points are stored in the TIGER® database.
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER®) Database – A computer
database that contains a digital representation of all map features (streets, roads, rivers, railroads, lakes,
and so forth) required to support Census Bureau operations, the related attributes for each, and the
geographic identification codes for all entities used by the Census Bureau to tabulate data for the
United States, Puerto Rico, and Island Areas.
U. S. Census Bureau – An agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The U.S. Census Bureau
is the country's preeminent statistical collection and dissemination agency. It publishes a wide variety
of statistical data about people and the economy of the nation. The Census Bureau conducts
approximately 200 annual surveys and conducts the decennial census of the United States population.
Vacant Housing Unit – A habitable structure containing living quarters that is not occupied. New
housing units not yet occupied are classified as vacant housing units if construction has reached a point
where exterior windows and doors are installed and final usable floors and a roof are in place. Vacant
units are excluded if open to the elements, or if there is positive evidence, such as a sign on the house,
that the housing unit is to be demolished or has been condemned.

2010 Census New Construction Program


U.S. Census Bureau Regional Census Centers
Toll Free 1-866-511-5822
Atlanta RCC: Geography

Detroit RCC: Geography

285 Peachtree Center Avenue NE

300 River Place Drive, Ste. 2950

Marquis II Tower, Ste. 1000

Detroit, MI 48207-4184

Atlanta, GA 30303-1230

(313) 396-5002

(404) 332-2711

Boston RCC: Geography

Kansas City RCC: Geography

1 Beacon Street, 7th Floor

2001 NE 46th Street, Ste. LL100

Boston, MA 02108-3107

Kansas City, MO 64116-2051

(617) 223-3600

(816) 994-2020

Charlotte RCC: Geography

Los Angeles RCC: Geography

3701 Arco Corporate Drive, Ste. 250

9301 Corbin Avenue, Ste. 1000

Charlotte, NC 28273

Northridge, CA 91324-2406

(704) 936-4200

(818) 717-6701

Chicago RCC: Geography

New York RCC: Geography

500 West Madison Street, Ste. 1600

330 West 34th Street, 13th Floor

Chicago, IL 60661-4555

New York, NY 10001-2406

(312) 454-5600

(212) 971-8800

Dallas RCC: Geography

Philadelphia RCC: Geography

2777 N Stemmons Freeway, Ste. 200

1234 Market Street, Ste. 340

Dallas, TX 75207-2514

Philadelphia, PA 19107-3780

(214) 267-6920

(215) 717-1000

Denver RCC: Geography

Seattle RCC: Geography

6950 W Jefferson Avenue, Ste. 250

19820 North Creek Parkway N, Ste. 100

Lakewood, CO 80235-2032

Bothell, WA 98011-8227

(720) 475-3600

(425) 908-3010

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorJohn Caha
File Modified2009-10-09
File Created2009-10-09

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