Farmers Market Questionnaire

Farmers Market Census Questionnaire

e-version FM Questionnaire

Farmers Market Census Questionnaire

OMB: 0581-0169

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USDA Farmers Markets

Agricultural Marketing Service
Farmers Market Questionnaire

Login Page
(OMB 0581-0169)

Your Market’s Identification Number:

(for example: ZZ99999)

Zipcode of your market:!USDAFarmersMarket/login.html


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EISDA Farmers Markets

USDA a griculturalMarketin
Preliminary Information

Name of Market:

Local Address:
Street name and number (e.g., 999 USDA road):
Location description (e.g,, City Hall parking lot):
Zipcode (re~):
Mailing Address (if different from above):
Line 1: (e,g.,PO Box 999):


- Select a State-

Name of Person Completing Survey:
Title of Person Completing Survey:
Telephone Number (including area code):
Facsimile Number (including area code):
E-mail address (~e~):
Market Website Address:

http ://


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USDA Farmers Markets

A"ricultural Marketing Service
Farmers Market Questionnaire

Section I
Farmers Market Profile
1. Including last season, how many years has this market been in operation?
years (Insert only numbers; e.g., 99)

2. Was this market open year-round last season?
"-~ Yes
, ’ No

If Not open year-round, what were your months of operation?
I Starting Month: -Selecta MonthI

Ending Month: -Select a Month-

3. What were the total sales ($) at this farmers market last season?
.00 (Insert only numbers; e.g., 999999)


Estimate the percentage of retail sales (i.e., direct to consumers) and the percentage
of wholesale sales (i.e., to restaurants, businesses and/or institutions) at this market
last season. (Insert only numbers; e.g., 99)

Retail sales (direct to consumers)

.00 %

Wholesale sales (restaurants, businesses and/or institutions)

.00 %

http :l/ 1 .html


USDA F~nners Markets

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Section II
Information About Farmers Market Producers/Vendors
1. How many producers/vendors participated at this market last season? (Do not count
return visits.)
producers/vendors (Insert only numbers; e.g., 99)

2. How many producers/vendors at this market only sold farm products that they
produced themselves last season? If none, please write "0".
producers/vendors (Insert only numbers; e.g., 99)

3. Did any of the producers/vendors use farmers markets as their only sales outlet for
their farm products last season?
@’ NO
"-" Yes If Yes, please indicate how many producers/vendors.

4. How many producers/vendors used THIS farmers market as their only sales outlet for
their farm products last season? If none, please write "0".
producers/vendors (Insert only numbers; e.g., 99)

Please indicate how many of the producers/vendors at this farmers market had
annual market sales in the following categories. The total number of vendors should
equal your answer to Question 1 above.

$1 - $1,000
$1,001 - $5,000
$5,001 - $10,000
$10,001 -$25,000

$25,001 - $50,000
$50,001 -$100,000


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USDA Farmers Markets

lO0,O01 or more


"Tota~ number o~ producersive~dors

What percentage of your producers/vendors using this market traveled the following
distances to sell at your farmers market last season? (Your answers should add to
0 - 10 miles

.00 %

11 - 20 miles

.00 %

21 - 50 miles

.o0 %

51 - 100 miles

.00 %

i01 miles or more

.00 %
Ye~r tot~

What percentage of producers/vendors at this market belonged to the following
ethnic and racial groups last season? (Your answers should add to 100%.)

Hispanic or Latino

.00 %

Non-Hispanic or Latino

.00 %

American Indian or Alaska Native

.00 %


.00 %

Black or African-American

.00 %

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

.00 %


.00 %
Your tet~h

Which of the following statements about this market was MOST true last season?


We had more demand than supply ~we need more producers/vendors),
We have more supply than demand (we need more customers),
Our supply and demand is roughly equal.

http ://!USDAFarmersMarket/section2 .html


USDA Farmers Markets!section2.html

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1.1SDA Farmers Markets


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Agricultural Marketing Service
Farmers Market Quesbo nacre

Section III
Products Sold at Your Farmers Market
1. Please indicate/check which of the following products were sold at this market last
season. For each product sold, indicate the number of different producers/vendors
that sold the product.

Fresh fruits and vegetables
Milk and/or dairy products

Meat and/or poultry products
Fish and/or seafood
Herbs, flowers and plants

L~ Honey, nuts, jams, jellies and preserves
Baked goods
Prepared food (for immediate consumption)
Other processed foods

Other 1. Please specify: .
Other 2. Please specify:
Other 3. Please specify:

2. Please indicate the importance of the following reasons why people shopped at
farmers market last season.

Freshness and condition of product
Taste and texture of product
Suppor~ of local agriculture

ht-tp:// .html


USDA Farmers Markets

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Variety of products offered
Access to locally produced food
Ability to know how food products are produced
Other 1. Specify and rate its importance:
Other 2. Specify and rate its importance: .html


USDA Farmers Markets

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Section IV
Specia!ly Labeled Products Sold at Your Farmers Market
1. Were there any organically labeled items available at this farmers market last season?


If No, please go to question 2.
If Yes, please indicate which of the following organically-labeled items were sold at
this market last season, and the number of producers/vendors who sold these

Organic fresh fruits and vegetables

Organic milk and/or dairy products
Organic meat and/or poultry products
Organic herbs, flowers and plants
Organic honey, jams, jellies and preserves
Organic prepared food (for immediate consumption)
Other 1. Please specify:

Other 2. Please specify:
Other 3" Please specify:

2. Do producers/vendors at this market use labels other than organic to sell products?
(~) No

Yes~ which of the following labels do they use?
Pasture-raised / free range
Chemical-free / pesticide-free
Hormone-free / antibiotic-free
Other. Please specify:

http://www.prr.msu.eduJUSDAF armersMarket/section4.html


USDA Farmers Markets

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~D~t~ A ricultural Marketin Service

Section V
Market Operations
Does this market operate in a permanent facility?

’-’ Yes If_. Yes, do you rent or _own the facility?
I(_.) Own the faclty t_) Rent the faclty

How large is the total retail area for this market last season? Please do not include
parking or administrative offices. Please select one of the units of measure below and fill in
the blank.
.00 square feet


.00 acres

(Insert only numbers; e.g., 999)

3. Please indicate the different types of advertising that this farmers market utilized last
season. Then, for each type of advertising used, indicate your assessment of its



4. How much did this farmers market spend on advertising last season?
.00 dollars (Insert only numbers; e.g., 99)

5. Does this market conduct periodic customer surveys to assess customer satisfaction ,html


USDA Farmers Markets

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or preferences?
(~:, Yes_ ~.~) No

6. What was this market’s annual operating budget last season?
$ ....
.00 dollars (Insert only numbers; e.g,, 99)

Was this farmers market economically self-sustaining last season? By self-sustaining
we mean that market income from all sources was sufficient to pay all the costs of
operating the market.
,i~) Yes_ ,i_) No

What sources of revenue did you use to finance your farmers market’s operations last
season? Please indicate the percentage of the operating revenues from each of the
following sources, The percentages should add up to 100%.

Producer/vendor fees


.0o %

State government agency

.00 %

City/county municipal government agency

.00 %

Non-profit organization

.00 %

Farmers market association

.0o %

Trade or business association (e.g., Chamber of Commerce)

.00 %

Other. Please specify: ..............

.00 %

9. Are producers/vendors charged a fee to sell at this market?

~i]:’ No


If Yes, please indicate the types of fees charged to vendors at your farmers
~ Flat rate
L] Percentage of sales
~ Farm inspection fee
[~ Membership fee
~ Other. Please specify:

Did the managers of this market receive a salary last season?

(i[) Yes I If Yes, what was their annual salary last season?


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LISDA Farmers Markets

11. What was your manager’s work schedule last season?
Part-time seasonal

Part-time year-round

Full-time seasonal

Full-time year-round

Did the manager of this market manage other markets?


If Yes, indicate the total number of markets they managed last season,
including this market.

Not including your market’s manager, did this market employ any paid workers last
@ No. If No, please go to question 14.
’-’ Yes. -~f Yes, indicate how many of the following types of employees your market employed
last season?
~.] None


Part-time year-round employees



Full-time seasonal employees



Full-time year-round employees



Part-time seasonal employees

14. Did any volunteers work at this farmers market last season?
(~) NO


"-" Yes If Yes, how many volunteers worked at this market last season?
number of vo unteers

15, Who develops rules, regulations and producer/vendor criteria for this market?
~-! State government agency
~ City, county or municipal government agency
~ Producer/vendor-operated Board of Directors
~ Community association/non-profit organization
~ Market manager
~ Other. Please specify:

16. Do any of the following restrictions apply to this farmers market?
I .html


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,USDA Farmers Markets

Agricultural producers are only allowed to sell farm products they
~roduce themselves at this market

(~) Yes _ ’:i~) No

Producers are allowed to resell other producers’ farm products

Yes_ (]) NO

Producers can sell farm products from outside the local area

Yes_ ~ ~ No

The range of items that can be sold at this market is limited (e.g., sales
of meat, eggs, fish/seafood are prohibited)

Yes_ ’’ No

Product mix at this market is controlled by limiting producers/vendors
of the same item

17, Which of the following operational issues do you believe are in need of improvement
at this market? Please indicate the importance of these issues

Customer number (low attendance)
Low sales per producer/vendor
Access to public restrooms
Development of business plan for market
Liability insurance coverage
Parking for customers
Tenant agreements/relationships with market
Utilities (e.g., electricity, water)
Certified processing/kitchen facilities
Waste management
Other. Please specify and rate its importance:
Other. Please specify and rate its importance:

18. Which of the following types of market assistance would most help this market’s
producers/vendors increase their sales to consumers? Please indicate the importance
of these types of assistance.

Research on local customer demographics and
Improvements in layout of facility
Renovation of aging facility


Training on how to better target consumers
Training on business plan development
Support/funding for producer/vendor advertising and sMarket/section5 .html


~USDA Farmers Markets

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Training on merchandising/retail displays
Support/funding for local food promotion campaigns
Other. Please specify and rate its importance:
Other. Please specify and rate its importance: .html


.USDA Farmers Markets

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Section VI
Nutrition, Food Stamps and Food Gleaning Programs
1. Did any of the producers/vendors at this market participate in the Women, Infants,
and Children (WIC) Farmers Market Nutrition program last season?

Yes >>

If Yes, please indicate the number of producers/vendors that participated
in the WIC program last season.
If Yes, what was the total value of WIC Farmers Market Nutrition program
sales last season?
.00 total value of WIC Farmers Market Nutrition program sales

2. Did any of the producers/vendors at this market participate in the Senior Farmers
Market Nutrition program last season?

(~) No
’ ’ Yes >>

If Yes, please indicate the number of producers/vendors that participated
in the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition program last season.
If Yes, what was the total value of Senior Farmers Market Nutrition
program sales last season?
.00 total value of Senior Farmers Market Nutrition program sales

3. Did any of the producers/vendors at this market accept food stamps using electronic
benefits transfer (EBT) technology last season?

If Yes, please indicate the number of producers/vendors that accepted
food stamps using electronic benefits transfer (EBT) technology last
If Yes, what was the total value ($) of EBT sales at this market last
,00 total value of EBT program sales

Did any of the producers/vendors at this market participate in a food "gleaning" or


. USDA Farmers Markets

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donation program last season?
(~> No
Yes ~

If Yes, please indicate the number of producers/vendors that participated
in a food "gleaning" or donation program during last season,
If Yes, please estimate the total value of the food "gleaned" or donated
last seaso.,
.00 total total value of food "gleaned" or donated


, USDA Farmers Markets

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~SDA ~ ricultural Marketin Service
~ Farmers Market Questionnaire .....................

Section VII
Information About Farmers Market Customers
1. On average, how many customers patronized this market weekly last season?
customers (Insert only numbers; e.g,, 99)

2. What was the total number of customers who patronized this farmers market last
customers (Insert only numbers; e.g., 99)

3. Last season, what percentage of your customers traveled the following distances to
this farmers market? Please indicate the percentage of customers that traveled
different distances. The total should add up to 100%.
0 - 5 miles

.00 %

6 - 10 miles

.00 %

11 - 20 miles

.00 %

21 - 50 miles

.00 %

51 miles or more

.o0 %

4. USDA plans to repeat this survey again. What types of additional information do you
recommend that we collect from Farmers Markets in our next survey?


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.USDA Farmers Markets

Thank you for taking the time to register for
the USDA Farmers Market inventory!!!
If you accidentally hit the submit button before completing your form, or if you manage
another farmers market that need to be registered, please Iogin back to the inventory
form at:

If you encountered any technical problems when completing the registration form, please
contact us at
Ed Mahoney and Carla Barbieri
Michigan State University

http :// SDAFarmersMarket/thankyou.hhnal


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