NHIS 2007 Adult Topical Module

National Health Interview Survey

NHIS NEW 83 C 2008 10-25 Questions

NHIS 2007 Adult Topical Module

OMB: 0920-0214

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Attachment 1. Adult Topical Modules (sample adult)

OMB no. 0920-0214

Expires: 12/31/2009

Notice - Information contained on this form which would permit identification of any individual or establishment has been collected with a guarantee that it will be held in strict confidence, will be used only for purposes stated for this study, and will not be disclosed or released to others without the consent of the individual or establishment in accordance with section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 242m). Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 18 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333. ATTN: PRA (0920-0214).

Topical Module on Asthma

Question ID ACN.100.010

Variable Name AASMHSP

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who had episode of asthma in past year

Question Text DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, have you stayed overnight in a hospital

because of asthma?

FR Instruction: If in hospital for asthma AND other reasons, enter 1.

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto AASMMC]

<2,D,R> [go to AWZMSWK]

Question ID ACN.100.020

Variable Name AASMMC

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ in hospital overnight b/c of asthma, past year

Question Text After (the last time) you left the hospital, did a health professional talk with you about long term management of your asthma?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Still in the hospital


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2, 3,D,R> [go to AWZMSWK]

Question ID ACN.100.030

Variable Name AWZMSWK

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who had episode of asthma in past year

Question Text * Read if necessary: For homemakers, this includes work around the house.

DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, HOW MANY DAYS were you UNABLE to work because of

your asthma?

Answer Codes <000-365> Days

996 Unable to do this activity


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <000-365, 996,D,R> [go to AWZPIN]

Question ID ACN.100.040

Variable Name AWZPIN

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who still have asthma

Question Text Have you ever used a PRESCRIPTION inhaler?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto AASMINST]

<2,D,R> [go to AASMED]

Question ID ACN.100.050

Variable Name AASMINST

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who have ever used prescription inhaler

Question Text Has a health professional shown you how to use your inhaler?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AASMPMED]

Question ID ACN.100.060

Variable Name AASMPMED

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who have ever used prescription inhaler

Question Text Now I'm going to ask you about two different kinds of ASTHMA medicine. One is for quick relief. The other does not give quick relief but protects your lungs AND PREVENTS SYMPTOMS OVER THE LONG TERM.

DURING THE PAST 3 MONTHS, have you used the kind of PRESCRIPTION


relief from asthma symptoms?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto AASMCAN]

<2,D,R> [go to AASMED]

Question ID ACN.100.070

Variable Name AASMCAN

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who have used quick relief inhaler, past 3 mos

Question Text DURING THE PAST 3 MONTHS did you use more than three canisters of

this type of inhaler?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AASMED]

Question ID ACN.100.080

Variable Name AASMED

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who have ever used prescription inhaler

Question Text Have you EVER taken the preventive kind of ASTHMA medicine used

every day to protect your lungs and keep you from having attacks? Include both oral

medicine and inhalers. This is different from inhalers used for quick relief.

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [go to AASMDTP] < 2,D,R> [goto AASWMP]

Question ID ACN.100.090

Variable Name AASMDTP

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who have ever taken preventive asthma medicine

Question Text Are you NOW taking this medication (that protects your lungs) daily or almost daily?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AASWMP]

Question ID ACN.100.100

Variable Name AASWMP

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who still have asthma

Question Text An asthma management plan is a printed form that tells when to change the amount or type of medicine, when to call the doctor for advice, and when to go to the emergency room.

*Read if necessary: include nurses and asthma educators

Has a doctor or other health professional EVER given you an asthma management plan?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AASCLASS]

Question ID ACN.100.110

Variable Name AASCLASS

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who still have asthma

Question Text Have you ever taken a course or class on how to manage asthma yourself?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AAS_REC]

Question ID ACN.105_01.010

Variable Name AAS_REC

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who still have asthma

Question Text Has a doctor or other health professional ever taught you...

...how to recognize early signs or symptoms of an asthma episode?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AAS_RES]

Question ID ACN.105_02.020

Variable Name AAS_RES

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who still have asthma

Question Text * Read if necessary:

Has a doctor or other health professional ever taught you...

...how to respond to episodes of asthma?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AAS_MON]

Question ID ACN.105_03.030

Variable Name AAS_MON

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who still have asthma

Question Text * Read if necessary:

Has a doctor or other health professional ever taught you...

...how to monitor peak flow for daily therapy?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AAPENVLN]

Question ID ACN.107.010

Variable Name AAPENVLN

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who still have asthma

Question Text Has a doctor or other health professional ever advised you to change things in your home,

school, or work to improve your asthma?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Was told no changes needed


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto AAPENVDO]

<2,3, D,R> [go to ULCEV]

Question ID ACN.107.020

Variable Name AAPENVDO

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who been told to change things because of asthma

Question Text How much of this advice did you follow? Would you say none, a little, some, most, or all?

Answer Codes 0. None

1. A little

2. Some

3. Most

4. All


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <0-4,D,R> [go to ULCEV]

Question ID CHS.100.010

Variable Name CASMHSP

Universe-text Sample child <18 who had episode of asthma in past year

Question Text DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, has {S.C. name} stayed overnight in a hospital because of


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto CASMMC]

<2,D,R> [go to CWZMSWK]

Question ID CHS.100.020

Variable Name CASMMC

Universe-text Sample child <18 in hospital overnight b/c of asthma, past year

Question Text After (the last time) {S.C. name} left the hospital, did a health professional talk with you about

long term management of {his/her} asthma?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Still in the hospital


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2, 3,D,R> [go to CWZMSWK]

Question ID CHS.100.030

Variable Name CWZMSWK

Universe-text Sample child <18 who had episode of asthma in past year

Question Text DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, that is since {12-month ref. date}, HOW MANY DAYS of [see fill instructions] did {S.C. name} miss because of {his/her} asthma?

FR Instruction: Enter 995 if child home schooled

Answer Codes <000-365> Days

995 child was home schooled

996 child did not go to day care, preschool, school, or work


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <000-365, 996,D,R> [go to CWZPIN]

Question ID CHS.100.040

Variable Name CWZPIN

Universe-text Sample child <18 who still have asthma

Question Text Has {S.C. name} EVER used a PRESCRIPTION inhaler?


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto CASMINST]

<2,D,R> [go to CASMED]

Question ID CHS.100.050

Variable Name CASMINST

Universe-text Sample child <18 who have ever used prescription inhaler

Question Text Has a health professional shown {S.C. name} how to use {his/her} inhaler? (This includes showing parents for young children).

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to CASMPMED]

Question ID CHS.100.060

Variable Name CASMPMED

Universe-text Sample child <18 who have ever used prescription inhaler

Question Text Now I’m going to ask you about two different kinds of ASTHMA medicine. One is for quick

relief. The other does not give quick relief but protects your lungs AND PREVENTS SYMPTOMS OVER THE LONG TERM.

DURING THE PAST 3 MONTHS, has {S.C. name} used the kind of PRESCRIPTION inhaler

THAT YOU BREATH IN THROUGH YOUR MOUTH, that gives QUICK relief from asthma symptoms?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto CASMCAN]

<2,D,R> [go to CASMED]

Question ID CHS.100.070

Variable Name CASMCAN

Universe-text Sample child <18 who have used quick relief inhaler, past 3 mos

Question Text DURING THE PAST 3 MONTHS did {S.C. name} use more

than three canisters of this type of inhaler?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to CASMED]

Question ID CHS.100.080

Variable Name CASMED

Universe-text Sample child <18 who have ever used prescription inhaler

Question Text Has {S.C.name} EVER taken the preventive kind of ASTHMA medicine used everyday to

protect {his/her} lungs and keep {him/her} from having attacks? Include both oral medicine

and inhalers. This is different from inhalers used for quick relief.

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [go to CASMDTP] < 2,D,R> [goto CASWMP]

Question ID CHS.100.090

Variable Name CASMDTP

Universe-text Sample child <18 who have ever taken preventive asthma medicine

Question Text Is {S.C. name} NOW taking this medication (that protects {his/her} lungs) daily or almost daily?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Question Type Yes/No

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to CASWMP]

Question ID CHS.100.100

Variable Name CASWMP

Universe-text Sample child <18 who still have asthma

Question Text An asthma management plan is a printed form that tells when to change the amount or type of medicine, when to call the doctor for advice, and when to go to the emergency room.

Has a doctor or other health professional EVER given {S.C.name} an asthma management plan?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to CASCLASS]

Question ID CHS.100.110

Variable Name CASCLASS

Universe-text Sample child <18 who still have asthma

Question Text Has {Sample Child’s name} ever taken a course or class on how to manage {his/her} asthma?


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to CAS_REC]

Question ID CHS.100.120_01.010

Variable Name CAS_REC

Universe-text Sample child <18 who still have asthma

Question Text Has a doctor or other health professional EVER taught {S.C. name} or {his/her} parent or guardian...

...how to recognize early signs or symptoms of an asthma episode?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to CAS_RES]

Question ID CHS.100.120_02.020

Variable Name CAS_RES

Universe-text Sample child <18 who still have asthma

Question Text ...how to respond to episodes of asthma?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to CAS_MON]

Question ID CHS.100.120_03.030

Variable Name CAS_MON

Universe-text Sample child <18 who still have asthma

Question Text ...how to monitor peak flow for daily therapy?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to CAPENVLN]

Question ID CHS.100.130

Variable Name CAPENVLN

Universe-text Sample child <18 who still have asthma

Question Text Has a doctor or other health professional EVER advised you to change things in {S.C. name}

home, school, or work to improve {his/her} asthma?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Was told no changes needed


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto CAPENVDO]

<2,3, D,R> [go to CONDT1_1]

Question ID CHS.100.140

Variable Name CAPENVDO

Universe-text Sample child <18 who been told to change things because of asthma

Question Text How much of this advice did you follow? Would you say none, a little, some, most, or all?

Answer Codes 0. None

1. A little

2. Some

3. Most

4. All


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <0-4,D,R> [go to CCONDT1_1]

Topical Module on Cancer Screening

Question ID: NAF.020_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SUN1_SHA

QuestionText: (book) CAN1

When you go outside on a warm sunny day for MORE than one hour, how often do you. . .

Stay in the shade? Would you say (Read categories 1-5). . .

1 Always

2 Most of the time

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

6 Don't go out in the sun

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+

SkipInstructions: <1-6,R,D> [goto SUN1_CAP]

Question ID: NAF.022_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SUN1_CAP

QuestionText: (book) CAN1

*Read if necessary.

When you go outside on a warm sunny day for MORE than one hour, how often do you. . .

Wear a baseball cap or sun visor? Would you say (Read categories 1-5). . .

1 Always

2 Most of the time

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

6 Don't go out in the sun

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+

SkipInstructions: <1-6,R,D> [goto SUN1_HAT]

Question ID: NAF.023_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SUN1_HAT

QuestionText: (book) CAN1 and CAN2

*Read if necessary.

When you go outside on a warm sunny day for MORE than one hour, how often do you. . .

Wear a hat that shades your face, ears AND neck such as a hat with a wide brim all around? Would you say (Read

categories 1-5). . .

*Do not include visors, baseball caps, or hats that do not shade the face, ears and neck. Include safari hats.

1 Always

2 Most of the time

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

6 Don't go out in the sun

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+

SkipInstructions: <1-6,R,D> [goto SUN2_LGS]

Question ID: NAF.024_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SUN2_LGS

QuestionText: (book) CAN1

*Read if necessary.

When you go outside on a warm sunny day for MORE than one hour, how often do you. . .

Wear a long sleeved shirt? Would you say (Read categories 1-5). . .

1 Always

2 Most of the time

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

6 Don't go out in the sun

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+

SkipInstructions: <1-6,R,D> [goto SUN2_LGP]

Question ID: NAF.025_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SUN2_LGP

QuestionText: (book) CAN1

*Read if necessary.

When you go outside on a warm sunny day for MORE than one hour, how often do you. . .

Wear long pants or other clothing that reaches your ankles? Would you say (Read categories 1-5). . .

1 Always

2 Most of the time

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

6 Don't go out in the sun

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+

SkipInstructions: <1-6,R,D> [goto SUN2_SCR]

Question ID: NAF.026_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SUN2_SCR

QuestionText: (book) CAN1

*Read if necessary.

When you go outside on a warm sunny day for MORE than one hour, how often do you. . .

Use sunscreen? Would you say (Read categories 1-5). . .

1 Always

2 Most of the time

3 Sometimes

4 Rarely

5 Never

6 Don't go out in the sun

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+

SkipInstructions: <1-4> [goto SPF] <5,6,R,D> [goto SNNUM]

Question ID: NAF.027_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SPF

QuestionText: What is the SPF number of the sunscreen you use MOST often?

*Read if necessary: If you use more than one or different ones, pick the one used most often.

*Enter '96' if unable to pick the one used most often.

01-50 1-50

96 More than one, different ones, other

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who use sunscreen at least rarely

SkipInstructions: <1-50> [goto SNNUM] <96, R, D> [goto SPFSCALE]

Question ID: NAF.028_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SPFSCALE

QuestionText: Is the SPF usually 1-14 or 15-50?

1 1-14

2 15-50

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who answered more than one, different ones, or other to SPF number, or did not know or refused

to say the SPF

SkipInstructions: <1,2,R,D> [goto SNNUM]

Question ID: NAF.033_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: SNNUM

QuestionText: DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times have you used any of the following indoor tanning devices---a

sunlamp, sunbed or tanning booth EVEN ONE TIME? Do NOT include times you have gotten a spray-on tan.

*Enter '0' for none.

000 None

001-365 1-365 times

997 Refused

999 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 18+

SkipInstructions: <000-365,R,D> [goto PAPHAD]

Question ID: NAF.130_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: PAPHAD

QuestionText: Have you EVER HAD a Pap smear or Pap test?

*Read if necessary.

A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test for women in which the doctor examines the cervix, takes a cell sample from the cervix with a

small stick or brush, and sends it to the lab.

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+

SkipInstructions: <1> [goto PAP6YR] <2> [goto PAPNOT] <R,D> [goto HYST]

Question ID: NAF.140_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: PAP6YR

QuestionText: How many Pap smears or Pap tests have you had in the LAST 6 YEARS?

*Enter '0' for none.

*Enter '95' for 95 or more exams.

00 None

01-94 1-94 times

95 95+ times

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who have ever had a Pap smear

SkipInstructions: <0-95,R,D> [goto RPAP1_MT]

Question ID: NAF.150_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPAP1_MT

QuestionText: 1 of 2

When did you have your MOST RECENT Pap smear or Pap test?

*Enter month of last Pap smear or Pap test test.

*Enter '96' to go to number and time period format.

01 January

02 February

03 March

04 April

05 May

06 June

07 July

08 August

09 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

96 Time period format

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who have ever had a Pap smear

SkipInstructions: <1-12,D> [goto RPAP1_YR] <R> store "R' in RPAP1_YR [goto RPAP2] <96> store "96" in RPAP1_YR [goto RPAP1N]

Question ID: NAF.150_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPAP1_YR

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter year of last Pap smear or Pap test.

1880-2006 1880-2006

9996 Time period format

9997 Refused

9999 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults age 18+ who answered month of last Pap smear test or didn't know month of last Pap smear test

SkipInstructions: <valid year> if RPAP1_MT=1-12 [goto PAPREAS]; else if RPAP1_MT=D [goto RPAP2] <R,D> [goto RPAP2] IF RPAP1_MT and RPAP1_YR = a future date [goto ERR1_RPAP1_YR]

Question ID: NAF.160_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPAP1N

QuestionText: 1 of 2

When did you have your MOST RECENT Pap smear or Pap test?

*Enter number for time since last Pap smear or Pap test.

*Enter '95' for 95 or more.

01-94 1-94

95 95+

97 Refused

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who selected number and time period format for most recent Pap smear test from the initial month screen

SkipInstructions: <1-95> [goto RPAP1T] <R,D> store "R,D" in RPAP1T [goto RPAP2]

Question ID: NAF.160_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPAP1T

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter time period for time since most recent Pap smear or Pap test.

1 Days ago

2 Weeks ago

3 Months ago

4 Years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who answered 1-95 for number part of this 2 part question

SkipInstructions: <1-3> [goto PAPREAS]; <4> if RPAP1N and RPAP1T GT 5 years from system, fill "5" in RPAP2 [goto PAPREAS]; else [goto RPAP2]

<R,D> [goto RPAP2]

IF [RPAPIN = Number greater than person years old and RPAP1T= 4]] goto ERR1_RPAP1T

Question ID: NAF.165_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPAP2

QuestionText: (book) CAN3

Was it:

*Read answer categories.

1 A year ago or less

2 More than 1 year but not more than 2 years

3 More than 2 years but not more than 3 years

4 More than 3 years but not more than 5 years

5 Over 5 years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who failed to give a complete date in either the month or year format or failed to give a complete date in the number and time period format, or entered years ago in the time period format (excluding those whose last Pap smear test was over 5 years ago)

SkipInstructions: <1-5,R,D> goto PAPREAS

Question ID: NAF.170_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: PAPREAS


What was the MAIN reason you had this Pap smear or Pap test - was it part of a routine exam, because of a

problem, or some other reason?

1 Part of a routine exam

2 Because of a problem

3 Some other reason

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who have ever had a Pap smear or Pap test

SkipInstructions: <1-3,R,D> goto PAPABN

Question ID: NAF.180_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: PAPABN

QuestionText: Have you EVER had a Pap smear or Pap test where the results were NOT normal?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who have ever had a Pap smear or Pap test

SkipInstructions: <1,2,R,D> if (RPAP1_YR lt (system year - 3)) or (RPAP1_YR=(system year - 3) and RPAP1_MT lt system

month) or (RPAP1T=4 and RPAP1N gt 3) or (RPAP2=4,5) goto PAPNOT else goto MDCRECPAP

Question ID: NAF.210_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: PAPNOT

QuestionText: (book) CAN4

What is the most important reason you have [Fill1: NEVER had a Pap smear or Pap test/NOT had a Pap smear or Pap test in the LAST 3 YEARS]?

01 No reason/Never thought about it

02 Didn't need/Didn't know I needed this type of test

03 Doctor didn't order it/didn't say I needed it

04 Haven't had any problems

05 Put if off/Didn't get around to it

06 Too expensive/No insurance/Cost

07 Too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing

08 Had hysterectomy

09 Don't have doctor

10 Had an HPV DNA test

11 Other

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who have never had a Pap smear, or who have not had a Pap smear in the last 3 years

SkipInstructions: <1,2,4-7,10,11,R,D> goto MDRECPAP <8> set HYST=1 and goto MDRECPAP

<3,9> if PAPHAD=1 goto PAPWHEN elseif PAPHAD=2 goto HYST

Question ID: NAF.215_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MDRECPAP

QuestionText: Fill1 (IF PAPHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 3 years from system date)

"Was your most recent Pap smear or Pap test RECOMMENDED by a doctor or other health professional?"

Else (IF PAPHAD=2, or PAPHAD GT 3 years from system date or RPAP2=R,D)

"In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a PAP smear or Pap test?"

1 Yes

2 No

3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who had a doctor, who didn't answer that her doctor didn't recommend a Pap Smear, who haven't had a hysterectomy, and gave a reason for not having Pap test ever/in the last 3 years

SkipInstructions: <1-3,R,D> if PAPHAD=1 goto PAPWHEN

elseif PAPHAD=2 and AGE=18-65 goto HPVHRD

elseif PAPHAD=2 and AGE ge 66 goto HPVHAD

Question ID: NAF.216_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: PAPWHEN

When do you expect to have your next Pap smear or Pap test?

1 A year or less from now

2 1-3 Years from now

3 3-5 years from now

4 More than 5 years from now

5 When doctor recommends it

6 Never, had HPV DNA test

7 Never, had HPV vaccine

8 Never, other reason

97 Refused

99 Don't know

SkipInstructions: <1-8,R,D> if PAPNOT=8 store "1" in HYST

if AGE=18-65 goto HPVHRD; elseif AGE ge 66 goto HPVHAD

endif; elseif PAPNOT=1-7,9-11,R,D goto HYST

Question ID: NAF.220_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: HYST

QuestionText: Have you had a hysterectomy?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 18+ who have not already indicated they have had a hysterectomy

SkipInstructions: <1,2,R,D> [goto HPV Questions]

Question ID NAF.221

Variable Name HPVHRD

Universe-text Sample adults LT 65

Question Text Have you ever heard of HPV? HPV stands for human papillomavirus.

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> goto HPVCAUS

<2,R,D> if SEX=1


elseif SEX=2


Question ID NAF.222

Variable Name HPVCAUS

Universe-text Sample adults LT 65 who have ever heard of HPV

Question Text These next questions are about HPV. Your best guess is fine.

Do you think HPV can cause cervical cancer?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> goto HPVSEXCN

Question ID NAF.223

Variable Name HPVSEXCN

Universe-text Sample adults LT 65 who have ever heard of HPV

Question Text Do you think you can get HPV through sexual contact?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> goto HPVTRET

Question ID NAF.224

Variable Name HPVTRET

Universe-text Sample adults LT 65 who have ever heard of HPV

Question Text Do you think HPV can go away on its own without treatment?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Question Type Yes/No

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> if SEX=2


elseif SEX=1


Question ID NAF.224.010

Variable Name HPVHAD

Universe-text Female sample adults 18-64

Question Text Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had HPV?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> goto SHHPVHRD

Question ID NAF.225

Variable Name SHHPVHRD

Universe-text Sample adults age 18-64

Question Text A vaccine to prevent HPV infection is available and is called the HPV shot, cervical cancer vaccine, or

GARDASIL®. Before this survey, have you ever heard of the HPV shot or cervical cancer vaccine?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Question Type Yes/No

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> if SEX=2


elseif SEX=1 and AGE ge 40


elseif SEX=1 and AGE=18-39

goto next section

Question ID NAF.226

Variable Name SHTHPV

Universe-text Female sample adults age 18-64

Question Text Have you ever received the HPV shot or cervical cancer vaccine?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Doctor refused when asked


Don't know

Question Type Yes/No

Skip Instructions <1> goto SHHPVDOS

<2,3,R,D> goto HPVINT

Question ID NAF.227

Variable Name SHHPVDOS

Universe-text Female sample adults age 18-64 who have had a HPV shot

Question Text How many HPV shots did you receive?

*Enter ‘96’ for all shots.

Answer Codes Integer

Skip Instructions <1-50,96,R,D> if AGE ge 30


elseif AGE=18-29

goto next section

Question ID NAF.228

Variable Name HPVINT

Universe-text Female sample adults age 18+ who have never had a HPV shot or Ref/DK this information

Question Text Would you be interested in getting the HPV vaccine?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> goto HPVCOST

<2,R,D> goto HPVNOT

Question ID NAF.229

Variable Name HPVNOT

Universe-text Female sample adults age 18+ who are not interested in getting the HPV vaccine or who Ref/DK this


Question Text What is the MAIN reason you would NOT want to get the vaccine?

Answer Codes 1. Does not need vaccine

2. Not sexually active

3. Too expensive

4. Too old for vaccine

5. Doctor didn't recommend it

6. Worried about safety of vaccine

7. Don't know where to get vaccine

8. My spouse/family member is against it

9. Don't know enough about vaccine

10. Already have HPV

11. Other


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,4-11,R,D> if AGE ge 30


elseif AGE=18-29

goto next section

<3> goto HPVLOCST

Question ID NAF.229.010

Variable Name HPVCOST

Universe-text Female sample adults age 18+ who are interested in getting the HPV vaccine

Question Text The cost of the vaccine may be about $360-$500. Would you get the HPV vaccine if you had to pay this


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,R,D> if AGE ge 30


elseif AGE=18-29

goto next section

<2> goto HPVLOCST

Question ID NAF.229.020

Variable Name HPVLOCST

Universe-text Female sample adults age 18+ who would not pay $360-500 for the HPV vaccine or for whom the main reason not to get the vaccine was because it was too expensive

Question Text If you could get the HPV vaccine free or at a much lower cost, would you get it?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> if AGE ge 30


elseif AGE=18-29

goto next section

Question ID: NAF.230_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MAMHAD

QuestionText: Have you EVER HAD a mammogram?

*Read if necessary.

A mammogram is an x-ray taken only of the breast by a machine that presses against the breast.

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults age 30+

SkipInstructions: <1> [goto MAMAGE] <2> [goto MAMNOT] <R,D> [goto HRT Questions if 40; else goto next section]

Question ID: NAF.250_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MAM6YR

QuestionText: How many mammograms have you had in the LAST 6 YEARS?

*Enter '0' for none.

*Enter '95' for 95 or more mammograms.

00 None

01-94 1-94

95 95+

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who have ever had a mammogram

SkipInstructions: <0-95,R,D> [goto RMAM1_MT]

Question ID: NAF.260_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RMAM1_MT

QuestionText: 1 of 2

The next few questions are about your recent mammograms. When did you have your MOST RECENT mammogram?

*Enter month of last mammogram.

*Enter '96' to go to number and time period format.

01 January

02 February

03 March

04 April

05 May

06 June

07 July

08 August

09 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

96 Time period format

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who have ever had a mammogram

SkipInstructions: <1-12,D> [goto RMAM1_YR] <R> store "R' in RMAM1_YR [goto RMAM2] <96> store "96" in RMAM1_YR [goto RMAM1N]

Question ID: NAF.260_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RMAM1_YR

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter year of last mammogram.

1880-2006 1880-2006

9996 Time period format

9997 Refused

9999 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults age 30+ who answered month of last mammogram or didn't know month of last mammogram

SkipInstructions: <valid year> if RMAM1_MT=1-12 [goto MAMWHER]; else if RMAM1_MT=D [goto RMAM2] <R,D> [goto RMAM2] IF RMAM1_MT and RMAM1_YR = a future date [goto ERR1_RMAM1_YR] IF RMAM1_MT and RMAM1_YR = a date prior to birth date [goto ERR2_RMAM1_YR]

Question ID: NAF.270_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RMAM1N

QuestionText: 1 of 2

When did you have your MOST RECENT mammogram?

*Enter number for time since last mammogram.

*Enter '95' for 95 or more.

01-94 1-94

95 95+

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who selected number and time period format for most recent mammogram from the initial month screen

SkipInstructions: <1-95> [goto RMAM1T] <R,D> store "R,D" in RMAM1T [goto RMAM2]

Question ID: NAF.270_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RMAM1T

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter time period for time since most recent mammogram.

1 Days ago

2 Weeks ago

3 Months ago

4 Years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who answered 1-95 for number part of this 2 part question

SkipInstructions: <1-3> [goto MAMWHER]; <4> if RMAM1N and RMAM1T GT 5 years from system date, fill "5" in RMAM2 goto MAMWHER]; else [goto RMAM2] <R,D> [goto RMAM2] IF [RMAM1N = Number greater than person years old and RMAM1T= 4]] goto ERR1_RMAM1T

Question ID: NAF.275_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: RMAM2

QuestionText: (book) CAN3

Was it:

*Read answer categories.

1 A year ago or less

2 More than 1 year but not more than 2 years

3 More than 2 years but not more than 3 years

4 More than 3 years but not more than 5 years

5 Over 5 years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who failed to give a complete date in either the month or year format or failed to give a complete date in the number and time period format, or entered years ago in the time period format (excluding those whose last mammogram was over 5 years ago)

SkipInstructions: <1-5,R,D> [goto MAMWHER]

Question ID: NAF.310_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MAMREAS

QuestionText: What was the MAIN reason you had this mammogram -- was it part of a routine exam, because of a problem, or some other reason?

1 Part of a routine exam

2 Because of a problem

3 Other reason

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who have ever had a mammogram

SkipInstructions: <1-3,R,D> [goto MDRECMAM]

Question ID: NAF.370_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MDRECMAM

QuestionText: Fill1 (IF MAMHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 2 years from system date)

[Was your most recent mammogram RECOMMENDED by a doctor or other health professional?]

Else (IF MAMHAD=2, or MAMHAD GT 2 years from system date or RMAM2=R,D)

[In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a mammogram?]

1 Yes

2 No

3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who have a doctor and had a mammogram in the past 2 years

SkipInstructions: <1,2,3,R,D> [goto MAMREC]

Question ID: NAF.371_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MAMINFO

QuestionText: Have you ever read or been given conflicting information about whether you should get a mammogram?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+

SkipInstructions: <1>-[goto MAMDELAY] <2,R,D> [goto HRTEVER if age 40+; else goto next section]

Question ID: NAF.372_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MAMDELAY

QuestionText: Did this conflicting information cause you to delay or not get a mammogram in the past year?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 30+ who have read or been given conflicting information on mammograms

SkipInstructions: <12,R,D> [goto HRTEVER if age 40+; else goto next section]

Question ID: NAF.380_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: HRTEVER

QuestionText: Have you EVER taken hormone replacement therapy or HRT for menopause?

*Read if necessary: This is a pill, patch or treatment that gives women more of the female hormone, estrogen.

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 40+

SkipInstructions: <1> [goto HRTNOW <2,R,D> [goto CREHAD]

Question ID: NAF.382_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: HRTNOW

QuestionText: Are you currently taking hormone replacement therapy or HRT for menopause?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 40+ who have ever taken hormone replacement therapy

SkipInstructions: <1,2,R,D> [goto HRTLNG]

Question ID: NAF.385_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: HRTLNG

QuestionText: Some women go on and off hormone replacement therapy.  How long have you taken HRT altogether?

*Read if necessary: Please total all the time you have taken HRT.

1 A year or less

2 More than 1 up to 2 years

3 More than 2 up to 4 years

4 More than 4 up to 8 years

5 More than 8 years

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Female sample adults 40+ who have ever taken hormone replacement therapy

SkipInstructions: <1,2,R,D> [goto CREHAD]

Question ID: NAF.430_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: PSAHAD

QuestionText: The following questions are about men's health.

Have you EVER HAD a PSA test?

*Read if necessary. A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Male sample adults 40+

SkipInstructions: <1> [goto PSAAGE1] <2,R,D> [goto CREHAD]

Question ID: NAF.460_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPSA1_MT

QuestionText: 1 of 2

The next few questions are about your recent PSA tests. When did you have your MOST RECENT PSA test?

*Enter month of last PSA test.

*Enter '96' to go to number and time period format.

01 January

02 February

03 March

04 April

05 May

06 June

07 July

08 August

09 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

96 Time period format

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Male sample adults 40+ who have ever had a PSA test

SkipInstructions: <1-12,D> [goto RPSA1_YR] <R> store "R' in RPSA1_YR [goto RPSA2] <96> store "96" in RPSA1_YR [goto


Question ID: NAF.460_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPSA1_YR

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter year of last PSA test.

1880-2006 1880-2006

9996 Time period format

9997 Refused

9999 Don't know

UniverseText: Male sample adults 40+ who answered month of last PSA test or didn't know month of last PSA test

SkipInstructions: <valid year> if RPSA1_MT=1-12 [goto PSAREAS]; else if RPSA1_MT=D [goto RPSA2] <R,D> goto RPSA2] IF RPSA1_MT and RPSA1_YR = a future date [goto ERR1_RPSA1_YR]

Question ID: NAF.470_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPSA1N

QuestionText: 1 of 2

When did you have your MOST RECENT PSA test?

*Enter number for time since last PSA test.

*Enter '95' for 95 or more.

01-94 1-94

95 95+

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Male sample adults 40+ who selected number and time period format for most recent PSA test from the initial month screen

SkipInstructions: <1-95> [goto RPSA1T] <R,D> store "R,D" in RPSA1T [goto RPSA2]

Question ID: NAF.470_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPSA1T

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter time period for time since most recent PSA test.

1 Days ago

2 Weeks ago

3 Months ago

4 Years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Male sample adults 40+ who answered 1-95 for number part of this 2 part question

SkipInstructions: <1-3> [goto PSAREAS]; <4> if RPSA1N and RPSA1T GT 5 years from system date, fill "5" in RPSA2 [goto PSAREAS]; else [goto RPSA2] <R,D> [goto RPSA2] IF [RPSA1N = Number greater than person years old and RPSA1T= 4]] goto ERR1_RPSA1T

Question ID: NAF.475_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: RPSA2

QuestionText: (book) CAN3

Was it:

*Read answer categories.

1 A year ago or less

2 More than 1 year but not more than 2 years

3 More than 2 years but not more than 3 years

4 More than 3 years but not more than 5 years

5 Over 5 years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Male sample adults 40+ who failed to give a complete date in either the month or year format or failed to give a complete date in the number and time period format, or entered years ago in the time period format (excluding those whose last PSA test was over 5 years ago)

SkipInstructions: <1-5,R,D> [goto PSAREAS]

Question ID: NAF.480_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: PSAREAS

QuestionText: What was the MAIN reason you had this PSA test - was it part of a routine exam, because of a problem, or some other reason?

1 Part of a routine exam

2 Because of a problem

3 Other reason

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Male sample adults 40+ who have had a PSA test

SkipInstructions: <1-3,R,D> [goto MDRECPSA]

Question ID: NAF.485_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MDRECPSA

QuestionText: Fill1 (IF PSAHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 1 years from system date)

[Was your most recent PSA test RECOMMENDED by a doctor or other health professional?]

Else (IF PSAHAD=2, or PSAHAD GT 1 years from system date or PSAM2=R,D)

[In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional that you have a PSA test?]

1 Yes

2 No

3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Male sample adults 40+ who have a doctor and had a PSA test in the past

SkipInstructions: <1,2,3,R,D> [goto MAMREC]

Question ID: NAF.540_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: CREHAD

QuestionText: Have you EVER HAD a sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or proctoscopy? These are exams in which a health care professional inserts a tube into the rectum to look for signs of cancer or other problems.

*Read if necessary.

A proctoscopy is an older exam that used a rigid tube.

*Pronunciation guide: sigmoid-OS-copy, colon-OS-copy, proc-TOS-copy.

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+

SkipInstructions: <1> [goto CRE10YR] <2> [goto CRENOT] <R,D> [goto HFOBHAD]

Question ID: NAF.560_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RCRE1_MT

QuestionText: 1 of 2

When did you have your MOST RECENT exam?

*Enter month of last exam.

*Enter '96' to go to number and time period format.

01 January

02 February

03 March

04 April

05 May

06 June

07 July

08 August

09 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

96 Time period format

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who have ever had a colorectal exam

SkipInstructions: <1-12,D> [goto RCRE1_YR] <R> store "R' in RCRE1_YR [goto RCRE2] <96> store "96" in RCRE1_YR [goto RCRE1N]

Question ID: NAF.560_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RCRE1_YR

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter year of last colorectal exam.

1880-2006 1880-2006

9996 Time period format

9997 Refused

9999 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults age 40+ who answered month of last colorectal exam or didn't know month of last colorectal exam

SkipInstructions: <valid year> if RCRE1_MT=1-12 [goto CRENAM]; else if RCRE1_MT=D [goto RCRE2] <R,D> [goto RCRE2] IF RCRE1_MT and RCRE1_YR = a future date [goto ERR1_RCRE1_YR]

Question ID: NAF.570_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RCRE1N

QuestionText: 1 of 2

When did you have your MOST RECENT exam?

*Enter number for time since last exam.

*Enter '95' for 95 or more.

01-94 1-94

95 95+

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who selected number and time period format for most recent colorectal exam from the initial month screen

SkipInstructions: <1-95> [goto RCRE1T] <R,D> store "R,D" in RCRE1T [goto RCRE2]

Question ID: NAF.570_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RCRE1T

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter time period for time since most recent exam.

1 Days ago

2 Weeks ago

3 Months ago

4 Years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who answered 1-95 for number part of this 2 part question

SkipInstructions: <1-3> [goto CRENAM]; <4> if RCRE1N and RCRE1T GT 5 years from system date but LE 10 years from system data, fill "5" in RCRE2; if RCRE1N and RCRE1T GT 10 years from system date, fill "6" in RCRE2 [goto CRENAM]; else [goto RCRE2] <R,D> [goto RCRE2] IF [RCRE1N = Number greater than person years old and RCRE1T= 4]] goto ERR1_RCRE1T

Question ID: NAF.575_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: RCRE2


Was it: *Read answer categories.

1 A year ago or less

2 More than 1 year but not more than 2 years

3 More than 2 years but not more than 3 years

4 More than 3 years but not more than 5 years

5 More than 5 years but not more than 10 years

6 Over 10 years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who failed to give a complete date in either the month or year format or failed to give a complete date in the number and time period format, or entered years ago in the time period format (excluding those whose last colorectal exam was over 5 years ago)

SkipInstructions: <1-6,R,D> [goto CRENAM]

Question ID: NAF.580_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: CRENAM

QuestionText: For a SIGMOIDOSCOPY, a flexible tube is inserted into the rectum to look for problems. A COLONOSCOPY is SIMILAR, but uses a longer tube, and you are usually given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone else drive you home. A PROCTOSCOPY is an older exam that used a rigid tube. Was this MOST RECENT exam a sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, proctoscopy or something else?

Pronunciation guide: sigmoid-OS-copy, colon-OS-copy, proc-TOS-copy.

1 Sigmoidoscopy

2 Colonoscopy

3 Proctoscopy

4 Something else

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who have had a colorectal exam

SkipInstructions: <1-4,R,D> [goto CREREAS]

Question ID: NAF.590_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: CREREAS

QuestionText: What was the MAIN reason you had this exam - was it part of a routine exam, because of a problem, or some other reason?

1 Part of a routine exam

2 Because of a problem

3 Other reason

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who have had a colorectal exam

SkipInstructions: <1-3,R,D> if CREHAD=2 or last exam was more than 10 years ago [goto CRENOT] else [goto CREREC]

Question ID: NAF.610_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: CREREC

QuestionText: Fill1 (IF CREHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 10 years from system date)

Was your most recent test RECOMMENDED by a doctor or other health professional?

Else (IF CREHAD=2, or CREHAD GT 10 years from system date or RCRE2=R,D)

In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who have a doctor or had a colorectal exam in the past 10 years or refused or didn't know date of most recent colorectal exam

SkipInstructions: <1,2,R,D> [goto HFOBHAD]

Question ID: NAF.620_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: HFOBHAD

QuestionText: The following questions are about the blood stool or occult blood test, a test to determine whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. The blood stool test can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab.

Have you EVER HAD a blood stool test, using a HOME test kit?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+

SkipInstructions: <1> [goto HFOB3YR] <2> [goto HFOBNOT] <R,D> [goto FOBHAD]

Question ID: NAF.640_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RHFO1_MT

QuestionText: 1 of 2

When did you have your MOST RECENT blood stool test using a kit at home?

*Enter month of last test.

*Enter '96' to go to number and time period format.

01 January

02 February

03 March

04 April

05 May

06 June

07 July

08 August

09 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

96 Time period format

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who have ever had a home blood stool test

SkipInstructions: <1-12,D> [goto RHFO1_YR] <R> store "R' in RHFO1_YR [goto RHFO2] <96> store "96" in RHFO1_YR [goto RHFO1N]

Question ID: NAF.640_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RHFO1_YR

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter year of last home blood stool test.

1880-2006 1880-2006

9996 Time period format

9997 Refused

9999 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults age 40+ who answered month of last home blood stool test or didn't know month of last test

SkipInstructions: <valid year> if RHFO1_MT=1-12 [goto HFOBREAS]; else if RHFO1_MT=D [goto RHFO2] <R,D> [goto

RHFO2] IF RHFO1_MT and RHFO1_YR = a future date [goto ERR1_RHFO1_YR]

IF RHFO1_MT and RHFO1_YR = a date prior to birth date [goto ERR2_RHFO1_YR]

Question ID: NAF.650_01.000 Instrument Variable Name: RHFO1N

QuestionText: 1 of 2

When did you have your MOST RECENT blood stool test using a kit at home?

*Enter number for time since last test.

*Enter '95' for 95 or more.

01-94 1-94

95 95+

97 Refused

99 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who selected number and time period format for most recent home blood stool test from the initial month screen

SkipInstructions: <1-95> [goto RHFO1T] <R,D> store "R,D" in RHFO1T [goto RHFO2]

Question ID: NAF.650_02.000 Instrument Variable Name: RHFO1T

QuestionText: 2 of 2

*Enter time period for time since most recent home blood stool test.

1 Days ago

2 Weeks ago

3 Months ago

4 Years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who answered 1-95 for number part of this 2 part question

SkipInstructions: <1-3> [goto HFOBREAS]; <4> if RHFO1N and RHFO1T GT 5 years from system date but LE 10 years from system data, fill "5" in RHFO2; if RHFO1N and RHFO1T GT 10 years from system date, fill "6" in RHFO2 [goto HFOBREAS]; else [goto RHFO2] <R,D> [goto RHFO2] IF [RHFO1N = Number greater than person years old and RHFO1T= 4]] goto ERR1_RHFO1T

Question ID: NAF.655_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: RHFO2


Was it:

*Read answer categories.

1 A year ago or less

2 More than 1 year but not more than 2 years

3 More than 2 years but not more than 3 years

4 More than 3 years but not more than 5 years

5 More than 5 years but not more than 10 years

6 Over 10 years ago

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who failed to give a complete date in either the month or year format or failed to give a complete date in the number and time period format, or entered years ago in the time period format (excluding those whose last home blood stool test was over 5 years ago)

SkipInstructions: <1-6,R,D> [goto MDHFOB]

Question ID: NAF.700_00.000 Instrument Variable Name: MDHFOB

QuestionText: IFill1 (IF HFOBHAD=1 and most recent screening exam LE 1 year from system date)

Was your most recent HOME blood stool test RECOMMENDED by a doctor or other health professional?

Else (IF HFOBHAD=2, or HFOBHAD GT 1 year from system date or RHFO2=R,D)

In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health professional RECOMMENDED that you have a HOME blood stool


1 Yes

2 No

3 Did not see a doctor in the past 12 months

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample adults 40+ who have a doctor and had a home blood stool test in the past 10 years

SkipInstructions: <1-3,R,D> [goto next section]

Child Use of Indoor Sun Tanning Devices

Question ID: CAU.350_00.010 Instrument Variable Name: CSNLAMP

QuestionText: During the PAST 12 MONTHS, has [fill1: SC name] used any of the following indoor tanning devices---a sunlamp, sunbed, or tanning booth EVEN ONE TIME? Do NOT include a spray-on tan.

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample children 14-17

SkipInstructions: <1> [goto CSNNUM] <2,R,D> [goto next section]

Question ID: CAU.350_00.020 Instrument Variable Name: CSNNUM

QuestionText: During the PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times has [fill1: SC name] used the following indoor tanning devices-- a sunlamp, sunbed, or tanning booth? Do NOT include times [fill1: SC name] has gotten a spray-on tan.

001-365 1-365 times

997 Refused

999 Don't know

UniverseText: Sample children 14-17 who have used a indoor tanning device in the past 12 months

SkipInstructions: <1-99,R,D> [goto next section]; {if <100-365> goto ERR1_CSNNUM}

Topical Module on Dizziness, Balance Problems, and Falls

Questions on Health Conditions.

Have you ever had …

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) Low blood pressure

(2) Chronic fatigue syndrome

(3) Low thyroid function or hypothyroidism

(4) Chronic infection

(5) Depression

(6) Generalized anxiety

(7) Panic disorder

(8) Epilepsy or seizures

(9) Cerebral Palsy

(10) Multiple Sclerosis

(11) Muscular Dystrophy

(12) Spinal cord or neck injury

(13) Injury to head or brain

(14) Movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease

(15) Migraine headaches

{Help Screen/FR instruction: migraine is a recurring, moderate to severe headache lasting 4 hours or longer and characterized by throbbing head pain, often greater on one side; may be preceded by a warning (aura) and accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound}

(16) Regular headaches, other than migraine

You just mentioned that you were told by a doctor or other health professional that you had some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia (fy-bro-my-AL-jee-ah). Which of these were you told you had?

*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.

(1) Arthritis

(2) Rheumatoid arthritis

(3) Gout

(4) Lupus

(5) Fibromyalgia

(6) Other joint condition

Questions on Tinnitus (repeated from the 2007 supplement)

Question ID: ACN.412_00.010 Instrument Variable Name: HRTIN

QuestionText: IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been bothered by ringing, roaring, or buzzing in your ears or head that lasts for 5 minutes or more?

*Read if necessary.

Tinnitus (TIN-ih-tus) is the medical term for ringing, roaring or buzzing in the ears or head.

1 Yes

2 No (goto Balance Question #1)

7 Refused

Question ID: ACN.412_00.020 Instrument Variable Name: HRTINLNG Sample Adult

QuestionText: How long have you been bothered by this ringing, roaring, or buzzing in your ears or head?

01 Less than 3 months

02 3 to 11 months

03 1 to 2 years

04 3 to 4 years

05 5 to 9 years

06 10 to 14 years

07 15 years or more

97 Refused

99 Don't know

Question ID: ACN.412_00.030 Instrument Variable Name: HRTINOFT Sample Adult

QuestionText: IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how often have you had this ringing, roaring, or buzzing in your ears or head? Would you say...

*Read categories below.

1 Almost always

2 At least once a day

3 At least once a week

4 At least once a month

5 Less frequently than once a month

7 Refused

9 Don't know

Question ID: ACN.412_00.040 Instrument Variable Name: HRTINMUS Sample Adult

QuestionText: Are you bothered by ringing, roaring, or buzzing in your ears or head ONLY after listening to loud sounds or loud music?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

Question ID: ACN.412_00.050 Instrument Variable Name: HRTINSLP Sample Adult

QuestionText: Are you bothered by ringing, roaring, or buzzing in your ears or head when going to sleep?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don't know

Question ID: ACN.412_00.060 Instrument Variable Name: HRTNPROB Sample Adult

QuestionText: How much of a problem is this ringing, roaring, or buzzing in your ears or head? Would you say it is...

*Read categories below.

1 No problem

2 A small problem

3 A moderate problem

4 A big problem

5 A very big problem

7 Refused

9 Don't know

Questions on Dizziness, Balance Problems, and Falls

  1. Do you use any of the following aids to help you get around?

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) A cane

(2) Crutches

(3) A walker

(4) A wheelchair

(5) A scooter

(6) A brace………………………………. (Go to #2)

(7) Artificial or replacement limbs or joints…………. (Go to #3)

(8) Medically prescribed shoes or orthotics

Answers 1-6, 9, Goto #4

2. What type of brace do you use?

Mark all that apply.

  1. neck

  2. arm

  3. wrist

  4. back

  5. knee

  6. leg

  7. ankle

3. What part or parts is artificial?

Mark all that apply.

  1. arm

  2. leg

  3. hip

  4. knee

  5. other

4. During the past 12 months, have you had a problem with dizziness or balance? Do not include times when drinking alcohol.

Yes………………………………………   1

No………………………………………..   2

REFUSED……………………………….    3

DON’T KNOW………………………….   4

5. During the past 12 months, have you had any of the following problems? Do not include times when drinking alcohol.

FR instruction: If respondent is unable to do this activity for reasons OTHER than dizziness or balance, enter “2”.

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) Muscle weakness that affects walking

(2) Severe fatigue

(3) Drifting to the side when trying to walk straight

(4) Walking through a doorway without bumping into one side

(5) Difficulty walking in the dark

(6) Difficulty walking on uneven ground or surfaces

(7) Difficulty walking with bi- or trifocal or progressive lenses

(8) Blurred or fuzzy vision when moving your head

(9) Fear of heights

(10) Fear of large open spaces

(11) Difficulty walking up a flight of stairs

(12) Difficulty walking down a flight of stairs

(13) Difficulty riding an escalator or moving walkway

(14) Difficulty driving through tunnels

(15) Difficulty driving over bridges

If yes to #4 or #5 (any), goto # 6, otherwise skip to #29 ۞

  1. This next question is about symptoms of dizziness or balance problems. Please tell me if you have had any of these in the past 12 months.

Read if necessary: Do not include times when drinking alcohol.

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1)  A spinning or vertigo sensation, a rocking of yourself or your surroundings

(2)  A floating, spacey, or tilting sensation

(3)  Feeling lightheaded, without a sense of motion

(4)  Feeling as if you are going to pass out or faint

(5)  Blurring of your vision when you move your head

(6)  Feeling off-balance or unsteady

Help Screen or Field Representative (FR) / Interviewer instruction: {“vertigo” is an illusion of rotation or other motion, as if riding a “carousel”}

If respondents say YES in error to a symptom before hearing the one that best fits them, our interviewers are trained to back up and correct the answer

If NO to each of the above six symptoms AND “NO” to question 4, SKIP to Question #29 ۞

If “NO to each of the above 6 symptoms and “YES” to question 4, ask questions 8-30 using the fill {dizziness or balance problem}

If YES to more than one in question 6 goto question #7, else go to question #8

7. During the past 12 months, which ONE of these feelings of dizziness or balance problems {fill options mentioned in #6} bothered you the most?

Options mentioned in question 6 above

FILL OPTIONS: (1) feeling a sense of spinning

(2) floating or spacey feeling

(3) feeling lightheaded

(4) feeling like you are about to pass out

(5) blurred vision

(6) unsteadiness

Ask questions #8 – #30 for most bothersome [or only] feeling.

8. About how old were you when {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling} first happened?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

________________ {1 to 100} years



9. Altogether, about how long have you had the {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Less than 3 months……………………….. 1

3 months to less than 12 months…………. 2

12 months to less than 3 years.......….. 3

3 years to less than 5 years……………….. 4

5 years to less than 10 years......…….. 5

10 years to less than 15 years.............. 6

15 years or more………………………….. 7

REFUSED……………………………….    8

DON’T KNOW………………………….   9

10. During the past 12 months, about how often have you had the {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Almost always……………………………. 1 (if unsteadiness, Go to #15)

3 or more times a day…………………….. 2

Once or twice a day………………………. 3

Several times a week.................................. 4

Once a week……...………………….. 5

Several times a month ............................. 6

Once a month………………………....... 7

Less than once a month….........…….. 8


DON’T KNOW…………………………… 

  1. How long does each spell or bout of {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling} usually last? Do not include nausea or vomiting.

Help Screen or Field Representative (FR) / Interviewer instruction: {Only count the duration of individual spells or bouts, not a whole cluster of them, and don’t include other related symptoms, such as nausea or vomiting.}

Momentary, or less than one minute……… 1

One minute to less than 20 minutes………. 2

20 minutes to less than 4 hours…………… 3

4 hours to less than 24 hours……………… 4

1 day to less than 14 days…………………. 5

2 weeks to less than 3 months…………….. 6

3 months or longer………………………… 7

REFUSED…………………………………  8

DON’T KNOW……………………………  9

  1. Do any of the following usually cause or trigger your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

FR instruction: If respondent is unable to do this activity for reasons OTHER than dizziness or balance, enter “2”.

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) Turning your head side to side

(2) Looking up or down

(3) Rolling over in bed

(4) Getting up after sitting or lying down

(5) Standing or being on your feet for a long time

(6) Riding in a car, bus, airplane, boat, or train

(7) Walking down a grocery store aisle

(8) Hearing loud sounds

(9) Blowing your nose

(10) Prescription medicine or drugs

(11) Over the counter medicine such as aspirin, Tylenol, or Advil

(12) Eating too much salt

(13) Certain foods or drink, such as chocolate, coffee, or alcohol

13. Do any of the following problems happen around the same time as your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) Nausea or vomiting

(2) Motion sickness or discomfort

(3) Difficulty rolling over in bed

(4) Hearing loss in one or both ears

(5) Tinnitus

(6) Ear ache or pain

(7) Fullness or pressure in the ear without pain

(8) Sinus congestion

(9) Migraine headache

(10) Headache, other than migraine

(11) Neck pain

(12) Blurred or double vision

(13) Loss of vision or blacking out

(14) Sweats or sweating

(15) Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

(16) Difficulty speaking or slurred speech

(17) Difficulty swallowing

(18) Numbness in your face, hands, or feet

(19) Weak or clumsy arms or legs

(20) High level of stress

(21) Anxiety

(22) Depression

Ask #14 for every yes response in #13

14. Do you have [fill response from #13 above] only when you have the {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}, or do you have it regardless?

(1) Around the same time [just before, during, or following]

(2) I have this regardless

15. Have you ever gone to a hospital emergency room about your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Yes………………………………………   1 (Go to #16)

No………………………………………..   2 (Go to #17)

REFUSED……………………………….    3

DON’T KNOW………………………….   4

16. During the past 5 years, about how many times have you gone to a hospital emergency room about your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

None/zero………………………………... 1

1 time……………………………………. 2

2 times…………………………………… 3

3-4 times………………………………… 4

5-9 times………………………………… 5

10-14 times……………………………… 6

15 or more times………………………... 7

REFUSED……………………………….    8

DON’T KNOW………………………….   9

17. Have you EVER seen a doctor or other health professional, except for an emergency room physician, about your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Yes………………………………………   1 (Go to #18)

No………………………………………..   2 (If No to #15, Go to #26; Else Go to #19)

REFUSED……………………………….    3

DON’T KNOW………………………….   4

18. Which of the following types of doctors or health professionals have you seen about your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) Family doctor or general practitioner

(2) Cardiologist or doctor of internal medicine

(3) Ear, nose, and throat doctor

(4) Neurologist

(5) Eye doctor, optometrist or ophthalmologist

(6) Dentist, orthodontist, or oral surgeon

(7) Gynecologist or OB/GYN

(8) Psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker

(9) Chiropractor

(10) Osteopath or doctor of osteopathy

(11) Occupational therapist, physical therapist or rehabilitation specialist

(12) Nurse or nurse practitioner

(13) Nutritionist or dietitian

(14) Foot doctor

(15) Radiologist or technician for MRI, CAT scan or ultrasound

(16) Some other health professional

19. During the past 5 years, about how many times have you gone to a doctor or other health professional about your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

None……………………………………... 1

1 time……………………………………. 2

2 times…………………………………… 3

3-4 times………………………………… 4

5-9 times………………………………… 5

10-14 times……………………………… 6

15 or more times………………………... 7

REFUSED……………………………….    8

DON’T KNOW………………………….   9

20. How long ago did you FIRST see a doctor or other health professional, including emergency room physicians, about your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Less than 12 months …………..………   1

12 months to less than 3 years………….   2

3 years to less than 5 years.………………..  3

5 years to less than 10 years ……………… 4

10 years to less than 15 years .…………….. 5

15 or more years ……………………. 6

REFUSED ……………………………….  7

DON’T KNOW …………………………..   8

21. In total, about how many separate doctors, emergency room physicians, or other health professionals have you EVER seen concerning your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

1 ………………………………………… 1

2 ………………………………………… 2

3 to 4 …………………………………… 3

5 to 9 ……………………………………. 4

10 to 14 …………………………………. 5

15 or more………………………………. 6

REFUSED ……………………………….  7

DON’T KNOW …………………………..   9

22. Do you feel that any of these doctors or other health professionals have helped your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Yes………………………………………   1 (Go to #23)

No………………………………………..   2 (Go to #24)

REFUSED……………………………….    3

DON’T KNOW………………………….   4

23. About how long was it between the first time you saw a doctor or other health professional about your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling} until you began to be helped by treatments or advice you received?

Please tell me the number of days, weeks, months, or years.

  __________ (number) days, or

__________ (number) weeks, or

__________ (number) months, or

__________ (number) years

24. Did any of the doctors or health care professionals tell you the cause or give you a diagnosis for your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Yes………………………………………   1 (Go to #25)

No………………………………………..   2 (Go to #26)

REFUSED……………………………….    3

DON’T KNOW………………………….   4

25. What did the doctor(s) or health care professional(s) tell you was the cause or causes of your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling}?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply. Read list if necessary.

  1. Antibiotics given through a needle or tube (I.V.)

  2. Arthritis

  3. Brain tumor

(4) Cogan's syndrome or Sjogren's syndrome

(5) Loose or dislodged crystals in your ear or BPPV (benign positional vertigo)

(6) Diabetes

(7) Head or neck trauma or concussion

(8) Heart disease

(9) Inner ear infection

(10) Ménière’s disease

(11) Migraine headaches

(12) Neurological or muscular conditions (such as M.S. or M.D.)

(13) Side effect of medicines or drugs

(14) Stroke

(15) TMJ or Temporal mandibular joint disorder

(16) Other health problem(s)

26. Have you ever taken or tried anything to treat your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling} such as physical therapy, certain exercises, avoiding certain foods, taking medicines, surgery, or wearing magnets or wristbands?

Yes ……..………………………………..    1 (Go to #27)

No …….………………………………….   2 (Go to #28)

REFUSED …………..…………………..    3

DON’T KNOW ………………………….   4

27. What treatments have you tried?

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) Exercises or physical therapy

(2) Head rolling maneuver by a doctor or therapist (Epley maneuver)

(3) Steroid injections into the ear

(4) Gentamicin injection into the ear

(5) Ear surgery

(6) Head or neck surgery

(7) Bed rest for several hours or days

(8) Psychiatric treatment

(9) Chiropractic treatment or manipulation

(10) Acupuncture

(11) Massage therapy

(12) T’ai Chi, Yoga, or Qi Gong

(13) Hypnosis

(14) Low salt diet

(15) Avoiding or cutting back on certain foods or drink such as chocolate, coffee, or alcohol

(16) Quitting or reducing use of tobacco or cigarettes

(17) Prescription medicine or drugs

(18) Over the counter medicine such as aspirin, Tylenol, or Advil

(19) Herbal remedy such as feverfew leaf, ginger, or gingko biloba

(20) Meniette™ device, air pressure pulses in ear

(21) Wearing acupressure wristband or Sea-band™

(22) Wearing magnets

(23) Mouth guard

28. During the past 12 months, has your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling} gotten worse, stayed the same, improved somewhat, or improved greatly?

Gotten worse …………………………… 1

Stayed the same ………………………... 2

Improved somewhat …………………… 3

Improved greatly ……………………….. 4

REFUSED …………..…………………..    5

DON’T KNOW ………………………….   6

۞ 29. Do you now take any medicines on a regular basis for any health problems or conditions?

Yes ……..………………………………..    1 (Go to #30 if have dizzi-ness or balance problem; otherwise Go to #37 ◘ )

No …….………………………………….   2 (Go to #31 if have dizzi-ness or balance problem, otherwise go to #37 ◘ )

REFUSED …………..…………………..    3

DON’T KNOW ………………………….   4

30. Do any of your medicines cause your {fill most bothersome [or only] feeling} to get worse?

Yes …………………………………... 1

No …….....…………………………... 2

REFUSED …………..…………………..    4

DON’T KNOW ………………………….   5

 Ask questions #31 – #37 for any DIZZINESS OR BALANCE problems.

31. Does/do your dizziness or balance problem(s) prevent you in any way from doing things you otherwise could do?

Yes …….………………………………..    1 (Go to #32)

No ……………………………………….   2 (Go to #33)

REFUSED ……..………………………..    3

DON’T KNOW………………………….   4

  1. Have your dizziness or balance problem(s) caused you to change or cut back on any of the following activities?

FR instruction: If respondent is unable to do this activity for reasons OTHER than dizziness or balance, enter “2”.

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) Work or school

(2) Driving a motor vehicle

(3) Riding in a car, bus, airplane, boat, or train

(4) Exercising or taking walks

(5) Standing or being on your feet for 30 minutes or longer

(6) Walking down a flight of stairs

(7) Walking or climbing up 10 steps without resting

(8) Going outside your home to shop, movies, sporting, or other events

(9) Participating in social activities such as visiting friends, attending clubs and meetings, or going to parties.

(10) Bathing yourself, dressing yourself, feeding yourself, or going to the toilet

33. Have you EVER missed any days from work or school because of your dizziness or balance problem(s)?

Yes ……..………………………………..    1 (Go to #34)

No …….………………………………….   2 (Go to #36)

Doesn’t work or go to school..................... 3 (Go to #36)

REFUSED …………..…………………..    7

DON’T KNOW ………………………….   9

34. During your entire life, about how many days of work or school have you missed because of your dizziness or balance problem(s)?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

Please tell me the number of days, weeks, months, or years.

  __________ (number) days, or

__________ (number) weeks, or

__________ (number) months, or

__________ (number) years

35. During the past 12 months, how many days of work or school have you missed because of your dizziness or balance problem(s)?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

Please tell me the number of days, weeks, or months.

__________ zero or no days

  __________ (number) days, or

__________ (number) weeks, or

__________ (number) months

36. During the past 12 months, how much of a problem was your dizziness or balance condition?  Would you say it was no problem, a small problem, a moderate problem, a big problem, or a very big problem?

No problem ………..……………..……..    1

A small problem …………......………….    2

A moderate problem …………….……...     3

A big problem ……….………………….   4

A very big problem ……………………..   5

REFUSED …….………………………..    6

DON’T KNOW………………………….   7

◘ 37. Have you ever taken or had any of the following medications or treatments for ANY health conditions or problems?

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) Antibiotics given through a needle or tube (IV)

(2) Antibiotics injected into the ear

(3) Diuretics due to water retention

(4) Antivert™ (Meclizine) for dizziness, nausea, or vomiting

(5) Medicines or patches for motion sickness, nausea, or vomiting

(7) Medicines for anxiety

(8) Chemotherapy drugs

(9) X-ray, MRI, or CAT scan of the head

38. Have any of your biological, that is, BLOOD relatives such as parents, brothers, sisters, or children had a problem with dizziness, balance, or falling, NOT related to aging?

Yes………………………………..    1

No………………………………….   2

REFUSED………………………..    3

DON’T KNOW………………….   4

The next questions are about Falls or Falling. by falls or falling, we mean unexpectedly dropping to the floor or ground from a standing, walking, or bending position.

39. During the past 5 years have you fallen at least one time?

Yes………………………………..    1

No………………………………….   2 (Go to END of section)

REFUSED………………………..    3

DON’T KNOW………………….   4

40. During the past 5 years, did any of your falls occur just before or around the time you were having any of the following dizziness or balance problems?

[Computer will only display options respondent said they had previously]

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

(1) feeling a sense of spinning

(2) a floating or spacey feeling

(3) feeling lightheaded

(4) feeling like you are about to pass out

(5) blurred vision

(6) unsteadiness

41. During the past 12 months, have you fallen at least once a month on average?

Yes………………………………..    1 (Go to #42) No………………………………….   2 (Go to #43)

REFUSED………………………..    3

DON’T KNOW………………….   4

42. During the past 12 months, about how many times per day, week, or month have you fallen?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

Please tell me how many times per day, per week, or per month.

  __________ (number) days, or

__________ (number) weeks, or

__________ (number) months

If Question #42 is answered, SKIP Question #43.

43. During the past 12 months, about how many times have you fallen?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

0 or no times ………………………… 1

1 time…………………………………. 2

2 times………………………………… 3

3–4 times……………………………… 4

5–7 times………………………………. 5

8 or more……………………………. 6

REFUSED…………………………….. 8

DON’T KNOW……………………….. 9

44. During the past 12 months, did you have an injury as a result of a fall? For example, with a bruise, cut or wound, sprain, dislocation, fracture, broken bones, back pain, head or neck injury.

Yes………………………………..    1

No………………………………….   2 (Go to #46)

REFUSED………………………..    3

DON’T KNOW………………….   4

45. During the past 12 months, how many days of work or school did you miss because of injury from falls?

If UNSURE, estimate as best you can.

Please tell me the number of days, weeks, months, or years.

__________ zero or no days

  __________ (number) days, or

__________ (number) weeks, or

__________ (number) months, or

46. Have you fallen during the past 12 months due to any of the following reasons?

Please say yes or no to each.

Yes No

  1. You tripped or stumbled

  2. You slipped

  3. You hurried too much

  4. You were not paying attention

  5. You had nothing to hold onto

  6. You blacked out or fainted

  7. You lost your balance

  8. You were knocked over by someone or something

  9. You were doing sports or exercise

  10. You had a problem with hearing

  11. You had a problem with vision

  12. You were getting up after sitting or lying down

  13. You were walking up or down stairs

  14. You had slow reactions or reflexes

  15. You had weakness or numbness in one or both legs

  16. You had not eaten recently or you had low blood sugar

  17. You had a problem with medicine(s)

  18. You drank too much alcohol

  19. You had a problem using a walker, cane, or other aid

  20. You had a problem with shoes, sandals, or socks

  21. You had a health condition

  22. Some other reason

── END of Section ──

Topical Module on Heart Disease



About how long has it been since you had your blood pressure

checked by a doctor, nurse, or health professional?

@NO Number @TP Time Period

(0) Never

(1-94) 1-94 (1) Days

(95) 95+ (2) Weeks

(97) Refused (3) Months (7) Refused

(99) Don’t know (4) Years (9) Don’t know

<Never>, goto ACN.020.030; else goto ACN.020.020



At that time, were you told that your blood pressure was high,

normal, or low? (H)

(1) Not told

(2) High

(3) Normal

(4) Low

(5) Borderline

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know



About how long has it been since you had your blood cholesterol

checked by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional?

@NO Number @TP Time Period

(00) Never

(1-94) 1-94 (1) Days

(95) 95+ (2) Weeks

(97) Refused (3) Months

(99) Don't know (blind) (4) Years

<Never>, goto next set of questions; else goto ACN.020.040



Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional

that your blood cholesterol level was high? (H)

(1) Yes

(2) No

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know


ACN.031.010 Which of the following would you say are the symptoms that someone may be having a

heart attack? I am going to read a list. Please say yes or no to each one.

1)Yes 2)No 7)Refused 9)DK

>AHA_JAWP< Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back

>AHA_WEA< Feeling weak, lightheaded or faint

>AHA_CHE< Chest pain or discomfort

>AHA_ARM< Pain or discomfort in the arms or shoulder

>AHA_BRTH< Shortness of breath


ACN.031.020 If you thought someone was having a heart attack, what is the BEST thing to do right away? FR: SHOW FLASHCARD A3

(1) Advise them to drive to the hospital

(2) Advise them to call their physician

(3) Call 9-1-1 (or another emergency number)

(4) Call spouse or family member

(5) Other

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know


ACN.031.040 Have you ever received formal training or certification in CPR for adults?

(1) Yes (ACN.031.050)

(2) No (next set of questions)

(7) Refused (next set of questions)

(9) Don’t know (next set of questions)


ACN.031.050 How long ago was this?

(1) 1 year or less

(2) More than 1 year but not more than 2 years

(3) More than 2 years but not more than 5 years

(4) More than 5 years

(7) Ref

(9) DK


CHECK ITEM PAF01. Refer to SEX and HYPEV in Adult Core, Conditions, Section II, ACN.010.

If SEX eq <2> and HYPEV eq <1> [goto HYPPREG] else if SEX eq <1> and HYPEV eq <1>[goto HLOSWGT] else [goto NAF_BEGIN]


PAF.010 These next questions are about health conditions.

Earlier you mentioned that you had been told you had high blood pressure. Was this only during pregnancy?

(1) Yes (NAF_BEGIN)

(2) No (PAF.020)

(7) Refused (PAF.020)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.020)



PAF.020 These next questions are about health conditions.

Earlier you mentioned that you had been told that you had high blood pressure. Because of your high blood pressure, has a doctor or other health professional EVER advised you to go on a diet or change your eating habits to help lower your blood pressure?


Because of your high blood pressure, has a doctor or other health professional EVER advised you to go on a diet or change your eating habits to help lower your blood pressure?

(1) Yes (PAF.030)

(2) No (PAF.050)

(7) Refused (PAF.050)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.050)


PAF.030 Did you EVER follow this advice?

(1) Yes (PAF.040)

(2) No (PAF.050)

(7) Refused (PAF.050)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.050)


PAF.040 Are you NOW following this advice?

(1) Yes (PAF.050)

(2) No (PAF.050)

(7) Refused (PAF.050)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.050)


PAF.050 Because of your high blood pressure, has a doctor or other health professional EVER advised you to cut down on salt or sodium in your diet?

(1) Yes (PAF.060)

(2) No (PAF.080)

(7) Refused (PAF.080)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.080)


PAF.060 Did you EVER follow this advice?

(1) Yes (PAF.070)

(2) No (PAF.080)

(7) Refused (PAF.080)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.080)


PAF.070 Are you NOW following this advice?

(1) Yes (PAF.080)

(2) No (PAF.080)

(7) Refused (PAF.080)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.080)


PAF.080 Because of your high blood pressure, has a doctor or other health professional EVER advised you to exercise?

(1) Yes (PAF.090)

(2) No (PAF.110)

(7) Refused (PAF.110)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.110)


PAF.090 Did you EVER follow this advice?

(1) Yes (PAF.100)

(2) No (PAF.110)

(7) Refused (PAF.110)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.110)


PAF.100 Are you NOW following this advice?

(1) Yes (PAF.110)

(2) No (PAF.110)

(7) Refused (PAF.110)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.110)


PAF.110 Because of your high blood pressure, has a doctor or other health professional EVER advised you to cut down on alcohol use?

(1) Yes (PAF.120)

(2) No (PAF.140)

(7) Refused (PAF.140)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.140)



PAF.120 Did you EVER follow this advice?

(1) Yes (PAF.130)

(2) No (PAF.140)

(7) Refused (PAF.140)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.140)


PAF.130 Are you NOW following this advice?

(1) Yes (PAF.140)

(2) No (PAF.140)

(7) Refused (PAF.140)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.140)


PAF.140 Was any medicine EVER prescribed by a doctor for your high blood pressure?

(1) Yes (PAF.150)

(2) No (NAF_BEGIN)

(7) Refused (NAF_BEGIN){blind}

(9) Don’t Know (NAF_BEGIN){blind}


PAF.150 Are you NOW taking any medicine prescribed by a doctor for your high blood pressure?

(1) Yes (NAF_BEGIN)

(2) No (PAF.160)

(7) Refused (PAF.160)

(9) Don’t Know (PAF.160)


PAF.160 Did a doctor advise you to stop taking the medicine?

(1) Yes

(2) No)

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t Know

[goto NAF_BEGIN]

Topical Module on Immunization

SHINGLES – Males and Females 50+

Q01. Shingles is an outbreak of a rash or blisters on the skin that may be associated with severe pain. The pain is generally on one side of the body or face. Shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus. A vaccine for shingles has been available since May 2006. Have you ever had the Zoster or Shingles vaccine, also called Zostavax®?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don’t know

TD/TDAP – All adults 18+

Q01. Have you received a tetanus shot in the past 10 years?

1 Yes


7 Refused [SKIP BEYOND Q03]

9 Don’t know [SKIP BEYOND Q03]

Q02. Was your most recent tetanus shot given in 2005 or later?




9 Don’t know [SKIP BEYOND Q03]


If R’s age <65 then Q03

Else skip beyond Q03


There are currently two types of tetanus shots available today. One is the Td or tetanus-diphtheria vaccine and the other is called Tdap or Adacel. They are similar except the Tdap shot also includes a pertussis or whooping cough vaccine. Thinking back to your most recent tetanus shot, did the doctor tell you the vaccine included the pertussis or whooping cough vaccine? The shot is often called Tdap or ADACEL.

1 Yes – included pertussis

2 No – did not include pertussis

3 Doctor did not say

7 Refused

9 Don’t know

HEPATITIS A – All adults 18+

Q01. The hepatitis A vaccine is given as a two dose series routinely to some children starting at 1 year of age, and to some adults and people who travel outside the United States. Although it can be given as a combination vaccine with hepatitis B, it is different from the hepatitis B shot, and has only been available since 1995. Have you ever received hepatitis A vaccine?

1 Yes

2 No [SKIP TO Q03]

7 Refused [SKIP TO Q03]

9 Don’t know [SKIP TO Q03]

Q02. How many hepatitis A shots did you receive?

___ (# of hepatitis A shots)

3 All shots

7 Refused

9 Don’t know

Q03. Has a doctor or other health professional ever told you that you had any kind of chronic, or long-term liver condition?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don’t know

Q04. Have you ever traveled outside of the United States to countries other than Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand or Canada, since 1995?

1 Yes

2 No

7 Refused

9 Don’t know

Section name: Child HPV

Question ID CHP.010

Variable Name CHPVHRD

Universe-text Female sample children 8+

Question Text A vaccine to prevent human papillomavirus or HPV infection is available and is called the HPV shot, cervical cancer vaccine, or GARDASIL®. Before this survey, have you ever heard of the HPV shot or cervical cancer vaccine?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [goto CSHTHPV]

Question ID CHP.020

Variable Name CSHTHPV

Universe-text Female sample children 8+

Question Text Did [fill: SC name] ever receive the HPV shot or cervical cancer vaccine?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Doctor refused when asked


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto CSHHPVDS] <2,3,R,D> [goto CHPVREC]

Question ID CHP.030

Variable Name CSHHPVDS

Universe-text Female sample children 8+ who have received the HPV vaccine or shot

Question Text How many HPV shots did [fill: SC name] receive?

*Enter ‘96’ for all shots.

Skip Instructions <1-50,96,R,D> [goto next section]

Question ID CHP.040

Variable Name CHPVREC

Universe-text Female sample children 8+ who have not received an HPV vaccine or shot

Question Text If [fill: SC name]'s doctor recommended the HPV vaccine,

would you have her get it?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [goto CHPVCOST] <2> [goto CHPVNOT] <R,D> [goto next section]

Question ID CHP.050

Variable Name CHPVNOT

Universe-text Female sample children 8+ who would not get the HPV vaccine if her doctor recommended it

Question Text What is the MAIN reason you would not want [fill: SC name] to get the vaccine?

Answer Codes 1. Does not need vaccine

2. Not sexually active

3. Too expensive

4. Too young

5. Doctor didn't recommend it

6. Worried about safety of vaccine

7. Don't know where to get vaccine

8. My spouse/family member is against it

9. Don't know enough about vaccine

10. Already has HPV

11. Other


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,4-11,R,D> [goto next section] <3> [goto CHPVLOC]

Question ID CHP.060

Variable Name CHPVCOST

Universe-text Female sample children age 8+ whose respondent would be interested in getting the HPV vaccine for her

Question Text The cost of the vaccine may be about $360-$500. Would you have [fill: SC name] get the

vaccine if you had to pay this amount?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,R,D> [goto next section]; <2> [goto CHPVLOC]

Question ID CHP.070

Variable Name CHPVLOC

Universe-text Female sample children age 8+ whose respondent would not pay $360-$500 for the HPV vaccine or for whom the main reason not to get the vaccine was because it was too expensive

Question Text If [fill: SC name] could get the vaccine free or at a much lower cost, would you have her get it?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [goto next section]

Topical Module on Oral Health

Section name: Adult Oral Health

Question ID AOH.010

Variable Name OCOND

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text How would you describe the condition of your mouth [if LUPPRT = 2,R,D, fill: and teeth]?

Would you say very good, good, fair or poor?

Answer Codes 1.Very good

2. Good

3. Fair

4. Poor


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-4,R,D> [go to OBTWS]

Question ID AOH.020

Variable Name OBTWS

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Would you say the condition of your mouth and teeth is better than, the same as or not as good as other people your age?

Answer Codes 1.Better


3.Not as good


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-3,R,D> [go to OEMB]

Question ID AOH.030

Variable Name OEMB

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, how often have you been self-conscious or embarrassed

because of your teeth, mouth or dentures? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely or never?

Answer Codes 1. Often





Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-4, R,D> and ADENLONG = 1 [go to OREAS_1];

else if <1-4, R,D> and ADENLONG ne 1 [go to OREAS_4]

Question ID AOH.040_1

Variable Name OREAS_1

Universe-text Sample adults 18+, seen a dentist, past 6 mos

Question Text I am going to read you a list of reasons people get dental care. Please tell me how many hours of work or school you have missed IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS.

. . . For emergency dental care where you saw the dentist within 24 hours or as soon as was


Answer Codes 1. Less than 1 hour

2. 1 hour, less than 3 hours

3. 3 hours, less than 5 hours

4. 5 hours, less than 7 hours

5. 7 or more hours

6. Doesn't go to work or school


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1-6, R, D> [go to OREAS_2]

Question ID AOH.040_2

Variable Name OREAS_2

Universe-text Sample adults 18+, seen a dentist, past 6 mos

Question Text *Read if necessary: I am going to read you a list of reasons people get dental care. Please tell me how many hours of work or school you have missed IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS.

. . . For planned routine dental or orthodontic care

Answer Codes 1. Less than 1 hour

2. 1 hour, less than 3 hours

3. 3 hours, less than 5 hours

4. 5 hours, less than 7 hours

5. 7 or more hours

6. Doesn't go to work or school


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1-6, R, D > [go to OREAS_3]

Question ID AOH.040_3

Variable Name OREAS_3

Universe-text Sample adults 18+, seen a dentist, past 6 mos

Question Text *Read if necessary: I am going to read you a list of reasons people get dental care. Please tell me how many hours of work or school you have missed IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS.

. . . For tooth whitening or other cosmetic procedures

Answer Codes 1. Less than 1 hour

2. 1 hour, less than 3 hours

3. 3 hours, less than 5 hours

4. 5 hours, less than 7 hours

5. 7 or more hours

6. Doesn't go to work or school


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1-6, R, D > [go to OREAS_4]

Question ID AOH.040_4

Variable Name OREAS_4

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text *Read if necessary: I am going to read you a list of reasons people get dental care. Please tell me how many hours of work or school you have missed IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS.

. . . For taking someone else to a dental appointment

Answer Codes 1. Less than 1 hour

2. 1 hour, less than 3 hours

3. 3 hours, less than 5 hours

4. 5 hours, less than 7 hours

5. 7 or more hours

6. Doesn't go to work or school


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1-6, D, R > and if LUPPRT =2 [go to OPROB_01];

else if <1-6, D, R > and LUPPRT ne 2 [go to OPROB_08]

Question ID AOH.050_1

Variable Name OPROB_01

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have not lost all lower and upper teeth

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . A toothache or sensitive teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Question Type Yes/No

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_02]

Question ID AOH.050_2

Variable Name OPROB_02

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have not lost all lower and upper teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Bleeding gums

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_03]

Question ID AOH.050_3

Variable Name OPROB_03

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have not lost all lower and upper teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Crooked teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1, 2, R, D> [go to OPROB_04]

Question ID AOH.050_4

Variable Name OPROB_04

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have not lost all lower and upper teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Broken or missing teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_05]

Question ID AOH.050_5

Variable Name OPROB_05

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have not lost all lower and upper teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Stained or discolored teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_06]

Question ID AOH.050_6

Variable Name OPROB_06

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have not lost all lower and upper teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Loose teeth not due to an injury

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_07]

Question ID AOH.050_7

Variable Name OPROB_07

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have not lost all lower and upper teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Broken or missing fillings

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_08]

Question ID AOH.055_1

Variable Name OPROB_08

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following problems that lasted more than a day? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Pain in your jaw joint

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_09]

Question ID AOH.055_2

Variable Name OPROB_09

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems that lasted more than a day? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Sores in your mouth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_10]

Question ID AOH.055_3

Variable Name OPROB_10

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems that lasted more than a day? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Difficulty eating or chewing

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_11]

Question ID AOH.055_4

Variable Name OPROB_11

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems that lasted more than a day? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Bad breath

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OPROB_12]

Question ID AOH.055_5

Variable Name OPROB_12

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you had any of the following

problems that lasted more than a day? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Dry mouth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> and([OPROB_1 =1 or OPROB_2 =1 or OPROB_3 =1 or OPROB_4 =1 or OPROB_5 =1

or OPROB_6 =1 or OPROB_7 =1 or OPROB_8 =1 or OPROB_9 =1 or OPROB_10 =1 or

OPROB_11 =1 or OPROB_12 =1]) [go to ODENT1] else if <1,2,R,D> and ((OPROB_1 or OPROB_2 through _12) ne 1) [ go to OCEXAM]

Question ID AOH.060

Variable Name ODENT1

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS did you see a dentist or a medical doctor for any of the

problems with your mouth or teeth?

*Read if necessary: Include all types of dentists such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all

other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1> [go to ODENT2]

<2> [goto ONODEN_1]

<R,D> [goto OINT_1]

Question ID AOH.070

Variable Name ODENT2

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have at least one problem with mouth or teeth and saw a doctor or dentist

Question Text Which one did you see?

* Code as dentists for all types such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental

specialists, as well as dental hygienists.

Answer Codes 1.Dentist




Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,3, R,D> [go to OINT_1]

<2> [go to ONODEN_1]

Question ID AOH.080_1

Variable Name ONODEN_1

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t you see a dentist for the problems with your mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . You didn’t think it was important

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to ONODEN_2]

Question ID AOH.080_2

Variable Name ONODEN_2

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t you see a dentist for the

problems with your mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . The problem went away

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to ONODEN_3]

Question ID AOH.080_3

Variable Name ONODEN_3

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t you see a dentist for the

problems with your mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . You couldn’t afford treatments or you didn’t have insurance

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to ONODEN_4]

Question ID AOH.080_4

Variable Name ONODEN_4

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t you see a dentist for the

problems with your mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . You didn’t have transportation

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to ONODEN_5]

Question ID AOH.080_5

Variable Name ONODEN_5

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t you see a dentist for the

problems with your mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . You were afraid to see a dentist

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to ONODEN_6]

Question ID AOH.080_6

Variable Name ONODEN_6

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t you see a dentist for the

problems with your mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . You were waiting for an appointment

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to ONODEN_7]

Question ID AOH.080_7

Variable Name ONODEN_7

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t you see a dentist for the

problems with your mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

. . . You didn’t think a dentist could fix the problem

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OINT_1]

Question ID AOH.090_1

Variable Name OINT_1

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text Did the problems with your mouth or teeth interfere with any of the following. Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Your job or school

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Doesn't go to work or school


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-3, R,D> [go to OINT_2]

Question ID AOH.090_2

Variable Name OINT_2

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: Did the problems with your mouth or teeth interfere with any of the

following. Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Sleeping

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OINT_3]

Question ID AOH.090_3

Variable Name OINT_3

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: Did the problems with your mouth or teeth interfere with any of the

following. Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Social activities such as going out or being with other people

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OINT_4]

Question ID AOH.090_4

Variable Name OINT_4

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: Did the problems with your mouth or teeth interfere with any of the

following. Please say yes or no to each.

. . . Your usual activities at home

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OCEXAM]

Question ID AOH.100

Variable Name OCEXAM

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Have you ever heard of an exam for oral or mouth cancer?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OCTONG]

Question ID AOH.110

Variable Name OCTONG

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Have you ever had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor, dentist or other health

professional pulls on your tongue,

sometimes with gauze wrapped around it, and feels under the tongue and inside the cheeks?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to OCNECK]

Question ID AOH.120

Variable Name OCNECK

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Have you ever had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor, dentist or other health

professional feels your neck?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1> or OCTONG=1 [goto OCEXWHEN]

else <2,R,D> and OCTONG ne 1 [goto next section]

Question ID AOH.130

Variable Name OCEXWHEN

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have had oral cancer exam

Question Text When did you have your most recent oral or mouth cancer exam?

Was it within the past year, between 1 and 3 years ago, or over 3 years ago?

Answer Codes 1.Within past year

2.Between 1 and 3 years ago

3.Over 3 years ago


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2> [go to OCEXCHCK]

<3,R,D> next section

Question ID AOH.140

Variable Name OEXCHECK

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have had oral cancer exam with last 3 years

Question Text Did you have your most recent oral cancer exam during a routine check-up or

because you were having a specific problem?

Answer Codes 1.Part of a routine check-up

2.For a specific problem


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R, D> [go to OCEXPROF]

Question ID AOH.150

Variable Name OCEXPROF

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ have had oral cancer exam with last 3 years

Question Text What type of health care professional performed your most recent oral cancer exam?

Answer Codes 1.Doctor/physician

2.Nurse/nurse practitioner

3.Dentist (include oral surgeons)

4.Dental Hygienist



Don't know

Skip Instructions <1-5, R,D > [go to next section]

Section name: Child Oral Health

Question ID COH.010

Variable Name COCOND

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text How would you describe the condition of [fill: S.C. name]'s mouth and teeth? Would you say

very good, good, fair or poor?

Answer Codes 1.Very good

2. Good

3. Fair

4. Poor


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-4,R,D> [go to COBTWS]

Question ID COH.020

Variable Name COBTWS

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text Would you say the condition of [fill: SC name]'s mouth and teeth is better than, the same as or

not as good as other people [fill: her or his] age?

Answer Codes 1.Better


3.Not as good


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-3,R,D> [if AGE GE 6 go to COEMB;

if AGE < 6 and CDENLONG = 1 go to COREAS_1;

else go to COPROB_1]

Question ID COH.030

Variable Name COEMB

Universe-text Sample children 6-17

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, how often was [fill: she/he] self-conscious or embarrassed

because of [fill: her/his] teeth or mouth? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely or never?

Answer Codes 1. Often

2. Sometimes

3. Rarely

4. Never


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-4,R,D> [if CDENLONG = 1 go to COREAS_1;

if AGE LE 15 and CDENLONG NE 1 go to COPROB_1;

if AGE GE 16 and CDENLONG NE 1 go to COREAS_4;

else goto COPROB_1]

Question ID COH.040_1

Variable Name COREAS_1

Universe-text Sample children 1-17, seen a dentist, past 6 mos

Question Text I am going to read you a list of reasons people get dental care. Please tell me how many hours of school [fill1: or work] [fill: SC name] has missed IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS for each one.

...For emergency dental care where [fill: SC name] saw the dentist within 24 hours or as soon as was possible

Answer Codes 1. Less than 1 hour

2. 1 hour, less than 3 hours

3. 3 hours, less than 5 hours

4. 5 hours, less than 7 hours

5. 7 or more hours

6. Doesn't go to school [fill1: or work]


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1-6,R,D> [go to COREAS_2]

Question ID COH.040_2

Variable Name COREAS_2

Universe-text Sample children 1-17, seen a dentist, past 6 mos

Question Text *Read if necessary: I am going to read you a list of reasons people get dental care. Please tell me how many hours of school [fill1: or work] [fill: SC name] has missed IN THE PAST 6

MONTHS for each one.

...For planned routine dental or orthodontic care

Answer Codes 1. Less than 1 hour

2. 1 hour, less than 3 hours

3. 3 hours, less than 5 hours

4. 5 hours, less than 7 hours

5. 7 or more hours

6. Doesn't go to school [fill1: or work]


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-6,R,D> [if AGE LE 5 go to COPROB_1;

else go to COREAS_3]

Question ID COH.040_3

Variable Name COREAS_3

Universe-text Sample children 6-17, seen a dentist, past 6 mos

Question Text *Read if necessary: I am going to read you a list of reasons people get dental care. Please tell me how many hours of school [fill1: or work] [fill: SC name] has missed IN THE PAST 6

MONTHS for each one.

...For tooth whitening or other cosmetic procedures

Answer Codes 1. Less than 1 hour

2. 1 hour, less than 3 hours

3. 3 hours, less than 5 hours

4. 5 hours, less than 7 hours

5. 7 or more hours

6. Doesn't go to school [fill1: or work]


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1-6,R,D> [if AGE GE 16 go to COREAS_4;

else go to COPROB_1]

Question ID COH.040_4

Variable Name COREAS_4

Universe-text Sample children 16-17, seen a dentist, past 6 mos

Question Text Please tell me how many hours of school [fill1: or work] [fill: SC name] has missed IN THE

PAST 6 MONTHS for each one.

...For taking someone else to a dental appointment

Answer Codes 1. Less than 1 hour

2. 1 hour, less than 3 hours

3. 3 hours, less than 5 hours

4. 5 hours, less than 7 hours

5. 7 or more hours

6. Doesn't go to school [fill1: or work]


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1-6,R,D> [go to COPROB_1]

Question ID COH.050_01

Variable Name COPROB_01

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...A toothache or sensitive teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to COPROB_02]

Question ID COH.050_02

Variable Name COPROB_02

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill: S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Pain in [fill: her/his] jaw joint

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COPROB_03]

Question ID COH.050_03

Variable Name COPROB_03

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Sores in [fill: her/his] mouth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COPROB_04]

Question ID COH.050_04

Variable Name COPROB_04

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Bleeding gums

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COPROB_05]

Question ID COH.050_05

Variable Name COPROB_05

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Crooked teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COPROB_06]

Question ID COH.050_06

Variable Name COPROB_06

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Broken or missing teeth other than losing baby teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to COPROB_07]

Question ID COH.050_07

Variable Name COPROB_07

Universe HHSTAT4 = 'C' and AGE <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Stained or discolored teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to COPROB_08]

Question ID COH.050_08

Variable Name COPROB_08

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Loose teeth not due to an injury or losing baby teeth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COPROB_09]

Question ID COH.050_09

Variable Name COPROB_09

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Decayed teeth or cavities

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COPROB_10]

Question ID COH.050_10

Variable Name COPROB_10

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Broken or missing fillings

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COPROB_11]

Question ID COH.050_11

Variable Name COPROB_11

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Bad breath

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COPROB_12]

Question ID COH.050_12

Variable Name COPROB_12

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, has [fill S.C. name] had any of the

following problems? Please say yes or no to each.

...Dry mouth

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [if [COPROB_01 =1 or COPROB_02 =1 or COPROB_03 =1 or COPROB_04 =1 or

COPROB_05 =1 or COPROB_06 =1 or COPROB_07 =1 or COPROB_08 =1 or COPROB_09 =1 or

COPROB_10 =1 or COPROB_11 =1 or COPROB_12 =1 go to CODENT1;

else [go to next section]

Question ID COH.060

Variable Name CODENT1

Universe-text Sample children <18 have at least one problem mouth or teeth

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS did [fill S.C. name] see a dentist or a medical doctor for any of the problems with [fill: her or his] mouth or teeth?

*Read if necessary: Include all types of dentists such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all

other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1> [go to CODENT2]

<2> [go to CONODEN_1]

<R,D> [go to COINT_1]

Question ID COH.070

Variable Name CODENT2

Universe-text Sample children <18 who have seen a doctor or dentist for mouth or teeth problem

Question Text Which one did [fill S. C. name] see?

*Code as dentist: orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.

Answer Codes 1. Dentist

2. Medical Doctor

3. Both


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,3,R,D> [go to COINT_1] <2> [go to CONODEN_1]

Question ID COH.080_1

Variable Name CONODEN_1

Universe-text Sample children <18 didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t [fill: SC name] see a dentist for the problems with

[fill: his/her] mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

...You didn’t think it was important

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to CONODEN_2]

Question ID COH.080_2

Variable Name CONODEN_2

Universe-text Sample children <18 didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t [fill: SC name] see a dentist

for the problems with [fill: his/her] mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

...The problem went away

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to CONODEN_3]

Question ID COH.080_3

Variable Name CONODEN_3

Universe-text Sample children <18 didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t [fill: SC name] see a dentist for the problems with [fill: his/her] mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

...You couldn’t afford treatments or [fill S.C. name] didn’t have insurance

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to CONODEN_4]

Question ID COH.080_4

Variable Name CONODEN_4

Universe-text Sample children <18 didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t [fill: SC name] see a dentist

for the problems with [fill: his/her] mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

...No transportation was available

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to CONODEN_5]

Question ID COH.080_5

Variable Name CONODEN_5

Universe-text Sample children <18 didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t [fill: SC name] see a dentist

for the problems with [fill: his/her] mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

...[fill S. C. name] was afraid to see a dentist

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to CONODEN_6]

Question ID COH.080_6

Variable Name CONODEN_6

Universe-text Sample children <18 didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t [fill: SC name] see a dentist for the problems with [fill: his/her] mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

...[fill: SC name] was waiting for an appointment

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to CONODEN_7]

Question ID COH.080_7

Variable Name CONODEN_7

Universe-text Sample children <18 didn't see a dentist for problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, why didn’t [fill: SC name] see a dentist

for the problems with [fill: his/her] mouth or teeth? Please say yes or no to each.

...You didn’t think a dentist could fix the problem

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to COINT_1]

Question ID COH.090_1

Variable Name COINT_1

Universe-text Sample children <18 have at least one problem mouth or teeth

Question Text Did the problems with [fill S. C. name]'s mouth or teeth interfere with any of the following?

Please say yes or no to each.

...School or school activities

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Doesn't go to school


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-3,R,D> [if AGE = 14-17 go to COINT_2; else go to COINT_3]

Question ID COH.090_2

Variable Name COINT_2

Universe-text Sample children 14-17 have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: Did the problems with [fill S. C. name]'s mouth or teeth interfere with any of the following? Please say yes or no to each.


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No

3. Doesn't work


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1-3, R,D> [go to COINT_3]

Question ID COH.090_3

Variable Name COINT_3

Universe-text Sample children <18 have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: Did the problems with [fill S. C. name]'s mouth or teeth interfere with any of the following? Please say yes or no to each.


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to COINT_4]

Question ID COH.090_4

Variable Name COINT_4

Universe-text Sample children <18 have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: Did the problems with [fill S. C. name]'s mouth or teeth interfere with any of the following? Please say yes or no to each.


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [go to COINT_5]

Question ID COH.090_5

Variable Name COINT_5

Universe-text Sample children <18 have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: Did the problems with [fill S. C. name]'s mouth or teeth interfere with any of the following? Please say yes or no to each.

...Social activities such as going out or being with other people

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [go to COINT_6]

Question ID COH.090_6

Variable Name COINT_6

Universe-text Sample children <18 have at least one problem with mouth or teeth

Question Text *Read if necessary: Did the problems with [fill S. C. name]'s mouth or teeth interfere with any of the following? Please say yes or no to each.

...[fill S. C. name] 's usual activities at home

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

Skip Instructions <1,2, R,D> [if AGE GE 4 go to CMHCOPY;

else go to CSHFLUYR]

Section Name Family Health Insurance

Question ID FHI.249_02

Variable Name PRDNCOV

Universe-text All private health insurance plans

Question Text Does [fill 1: ^HIPNAM1 or ^HIPNAM2, or ^HIPNAM3, or ^HIPNAM4 or Plan 1 or Plan 2 or Plan 3 or Plan 4] pay for any of the costs for dental care?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions Loop through from FHICCI8 for any other private plans. When roster is exhausted, goto

STNAME1 to see if the family fits into the universe for this question.

Topical Module on Vision

Question ID ACN.440.010

Variable Name VIM_DREV

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had...

Diabetic retinopathy?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [go to VIMLS_DR] [2,R,D> [goto VIM_CAEV]

Question ID ACN.440.020

Variable Name VIMLS_DR

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ told they have diabetic retinopathy

Question Text Have you lost any vision because of

diabetic retinopathy?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [goto VIM_CAEV]

Question ID ACN.440.030

Variable Name VIM_CAEV

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had...


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [go to VIMLS_CA] [2,R,D> [goto VIM_GLEV]

Question ID ACN.440.040

Variable Name VIMLS_CA

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ told they have cataracts

Question Text Have you lost any vision because of


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Question Type Yes/No

Skip Instructions [1,2,R,D> [goto VIM_GLEV]

Question ID ACN.440.050

Variable Name VIM_GLEV

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had...


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [go to VIMLS_GL] [2,R,D> [goto VIM_MDEV]

Question ID ACN.440.060

Variable Name VIMLS_GL

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ told they have glaucoma

Question Text Have you lost any vision because of


Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> [goto VIM_MDEV]

Question ID ACN.440.070

Variable Name VIM_MDEV

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had...

Macular Degeneration?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1> [go to VIMLS_MD] <2,R,D> if VIM_CAEV=1 [goto VIMCSURG]; else goto VIMGLASS]

Question ID ACN.440.080

Variable Name VIMLS_MD

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ told they have macular degeneration

Question Text Have you lost any vision because of

Macular degeneration?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,R,D> if VIM_CAEV=1 [goto VIMCSURG]; else [goto VIMGLASS]

Question ID ACN.440.090

Variable Name VIMCSURG

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ ever had cataracts

Question Text Have you ever had cataract surgery?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1, 2,D,R> [go to VIMGLASS]

Question ID ACN.440.100

Variable Name VIMGLASS

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Do you currently wear eyeglasses or contact lenses?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,> [go to VIMREAD]

<2,D,R> [go to AVISREH]

Question ID ACN.440.110

Variable Name VIMREAD

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ wear glasses or contacts

Question Text Do you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to read books or newspapers, write, tasks that require you to see well close up such as cooking, sewing or fixing things?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to VIMDRIVE]

Question ID ACN.440.120

Variable Name VIMDRIVE

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ wear glasses or contacts

Question Text Do you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to drive, read road and street signs, watch TV, or see things in the distance?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1,2,D,R> [go to AVISREH]

Question ID ACN.440.130

Variable Name AVISREH

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who have trouble seeing

Question Text Do you use any vision rehabilitation services, such as job training, counseling, or training in daily living skills and mobility?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVISDEV]

Question ID ACN.440.140

Variable Name AVISDEV

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who have trouble seeing

Question Text Do you use any adaptive devices such as telescopic or other prescriptive lenses, magnifiers,

large print or talking materials, CCTV, white cane, or guide dog?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions if ABLIND = 2 then <1 2,R,D> [goto AVDF_NWS]; else goto AVISEXAM]

Question ID ACN.441_01.010

Variable Name AVDF_NWS

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who are not blind

Question Text (CARD A6) Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, how difficult is it for you...to read ordinary print in newspapers?

Answer Codes 0.Not at all difficult

1.Only a little difficult

2.Somewhat difficult

3.Very difficult

4.Can't do at all because of eyesight

6. Do not do this activity for other reasons


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVDF_CLS]

Question ID ACN.441_02.020

Variable Name AVDF_CLS

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who are not blind

Question Text (CARD A6) Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, how difficult is it for you...

To do work or hobbies that require you to see well up close such as cooking, sewing, fixing things around the house or using hand tools?

Answer Codes 0.Not at all difficult

1.Only a little difficult

2.Somewhat difficult

3.Very difficult

4.Can't do at all because of eyesight

6. Do not do this activity for other reasons


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVDF_NIT]

Question ID ACN.441_03.030

Variable Name AVDF_NIT

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who are not blind

Question Text (CARD A6) Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, how difficult is it for you...to go down steps, stairs or curbs in dim light or at night?

Answer Codes 0.Not at all difficult

1.Only a little difficult

2.Somewhat difficult

3.Very difficult

4.Can't do at all because of eyesight

6. Do not do this activity for other reasons


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVDF_DRV]

Question ID ACN.441_04.040

Variable Name AVDF_DRV

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who are not blind

Question Text (CARD A6) Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, how difficult is it for you...to drive during daytime in familiar places?

Answer Codes 0.Not at all difficult

1.Only a little difficult

2.Somewhat difficult

3.Very difficult

4.Can't do at all because of eyesight

6. Do not do this activity for other reasons


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVDF_PER]

Question ID ACN.441_05.050

Variable Name AVDF_PER

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who are not blind

Question Text (CARD A6) Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, how difficult is it for you...to notice objects off to the side while you are walking along?

Answer Codes 0.Not at all difficult

1.Only a little difficult

2.Somewhat difficult

3.Very difficult

4.Can't do at all because of eyesight

6. Do not do this activity for other reasons


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVDF_CRD]

Question ID ACN.441_06.060

Variable Name AVDF_CRD

Universe-text Sample adults 18+ who are not blind

Question Text (CARD A6) Even when wearing glasses or contacts lenses, because of your eyesight, how difficult is it for you...To find something on a crowded shelf?

Answer Codes 0.Not at all difficult

1.Only a little difficult

2.Somewhat difficult

3.Very difficult

4.Can't do at all because of eyesight

6. Do not do this activity for other reaons


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVISEXAM]

Question ID ACN.442.010

Variable Name AVISEXAM

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text When was the last time you had an eye exam in which the pupils were dilated? This would have made you temporarily sensitive to bright light.

Answer Codes 1. Less than one month

2. 1-12 months

3. 13-24 months

4. more than 2 years

5. Never


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVISACT]

Question ID ACN.442.020

Variable Name AVISACT

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text Outside of work, do you participate in sports, hobbies, or other activities that can cause eye

injury? This includes activities such as baseball, basketball, mowing the lawn, wood working, or working with chemicals?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto AVISPROT]

Question ID ACN.442.030

Variable Name AVISPROT

Universe-text Sample adults 18+

Question Text When doing these activities, on average, do you wear eye

protection always, most of the time, some of the time, or none of the time?

Answer Codes 1.Always

2. Most of the time

3.Some of the time

4.None of the time


Don't know

Skip Instructions <1 2,R,D> [goto LUPPRT]

Section Name Child Conditions, Limitations, Health Status

Question ID CHS.270.010

Variable Name CVISTST

Universe-text Sample children <6

Question Text Has {S.C.name} EVER had {his/her} vision tested by

a doctor or other health professional?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

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<2,R,D> [go to IHSPEQ]

Question ID CHS.270.020

Variable Name CVISLT

Universe-text Sample children <6 ever had vision tested

Question Text When was {his/her} vision last tested?

Answer Codes 1.in the last 12 months

2.in the last 13-24 months

3.over 24 months


Don't know

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Question ID CHS.270.025

Variable Name CVISGLAS

Universe-text Sample children <18

Question Text Does {S.C. child} wear eyeglasses or contact lenses?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

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<2,R,D> [go to CVISACT ]

Question ID CHS.270.030

Variable Name CVISDIST

Universe-text Sample children <18 wear glasses or contact lenses

Question Text Does {S.C. Name} wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to read road and street signs, see the

blackboard, play sports, watch TV, or see things in the distance?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

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Question ID CHS.270.035

Variable Name CVISREAD

Universe-text Sample children <18 wear glasses or contact lenses

Question Text Does {S.C. Name} wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to read books, write, play hand-held

games, to do other things that require {her/him} to see well up close?

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

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Question ID CHS.270.040

Variable Name CVISACT

Universe-text Sample children 6-17

Question Text Does {S.C name} participate in sports, hobbies, or other activities that can cause eye injury?

This includes activities such as baseball, basketball, soccer and mowing the lawn.

Answer Codes 1. Yes

2. No


Don't Know

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Question ID CHS.270.050

Variable Name CVISPROT

Universe-text Sample children 6-17 participate in sports that cause eye injuries

Question Text When doing these activities, on average, does {he/she} wear eye protection always, most of the time, some of the time, or none of the time?

Answer Codes 1.Always

2.Most of the time

3.Some of the time

4.None of the time


Don't know

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