Closeout Evaluation

Health Hazard Evaluations/Technical Assistance and Emerging Problems

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Closeout Evaluation

OMB: 0920-0260

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Health Hazard Evaluation Survey

Final Report

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducts surveys of people at each work place who were involved in NIOSH evaluations. We use the information from these surveys to improve our procedures and reports and to learn about the effects of NIOSH evaluations in reducing and preventing work-related illness and injury. We are interested in your experiences and thoughts about the NIOSH evaluation now that it is completed. Please help us by filling out this survey form. We will send you another survey in approximately one year, asking about implementation of the recommendations that NIOSH made.

Your responses will be kept in a secure manner according to applicable laws. Our reports will include only summary information and will not identify you in any way.

Please mail completed surveys to NIOSH in the postage paid envelope. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Barbara Jenkins at 513-458-7132.

Thank you!

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0260).


Sections 20(a)(3–6) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 USC 669(a)(6–9), and Section 501(a)(11) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act (30 USC 951(a)(11). The identity of the participant will be protected under provisions of the Privacy Act (5 USC). The voluntary cooperation of the participant is required.

NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Survey: Final Report

This survey asks your thoughts about the recently completed NIOSH health hazard evaluation. Please fill in circles completely like this:

  1. Do you think there is a health hazard at the work place now?

    • no hazard

    • yes, a mild hazard

    • yes, a moderate hazard

    • yes, a severe hazard

    • don’t know

  1. Have any of the recommendations NIOSH made during the site visit(s) or in the report been implemented?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

  1. Do you think NIOSH helped make things better at the work place?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

    • nothing needed to change

  1. If yes to item 3, please describe the positive changes.

  1. After the NIOSH site visit(s), did NIOSH keep you well enough informed?

    • yes

    • no

  1. Did NIOSH issue the final report in a reasonably short time after the site visit(s)?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

  1. Did all affected employees have access to the report?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

  1. Did you read the report?

    • yes

    • no – Skip to question 21, page 3

  1. Did the report address the issues raised in the health hazard evaluation request?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

  1. What is your overall impression of the quality of the NIOSH report?

    • excellent

    • good

    • fair

    • poor

  1. What are your thoughts about this statement?
    The report was helpful.

    • strongly agree

    • mostly agree

    • mostly disagree

    • strongly disagree

  1. What are your thoughts about this statement?
    I understood the report’s technical information.

    • strongly agree

    • mostly agree

    • mostly disagree

    • strongly disagree

  1. How useful to you was the Highlights section of the report?

    • very useful

    • somewhat useful

    • not useful

  1. How useful to you was the Summary section of the report?

    • very useful

    • somewhat useful

    • not useful

  1. How useful to you was the Evaluation Criteria section of the report?

    • very useful

    • somewhat useful

    • not useful

  1. How useful to you was the Recommendations section of the report?

    • very useful

    • somewhat useful

    • not useful

  1. Which of the following best describes what you think NIOSH found?

    • NIOSH found a health hazard

    • NIOSH did not find a health hazard

    • NIOSH did not decide whether there was a health hazard

    • I did not understand the findings

  1. Do you agree with the NIOSH findings?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

  1. On balance, do you think the NIOSH recommendations are appropriate?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

  1. On balance, do you think the NIOSH recommendations are practical?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

  1. What is your overall impression of the NIOSH health hazard evaluation?

    • excellent

    • good

    • fair

    • poor

  1. Would you request a NIOSH health hazard evaluation (again) if you were concerned about a possible health hazard in your work place?

    • yes

    • no

    • don’t know

  1. Please print here any comments that you have about the NIOSH health hazard evaluation.

  1. Did you request the health hazard evaluation?

    • yes

    • no

  1. Which one of the following best describes your position now?

    • no longer associated with the work place

    • management

    • health and safety staff

    • union representative

    • supervisory employee

    • nonsupervisory employee

    • government health/safety agent

    • consultant

    • other – please describe:

    • __________________________

  1. Will you be part of decision-making related to the NIOSH recommendations?

    • yes, and I have final authority

    • yes, somewhat

    • no

  1. One year from now, we will send you one more survey about the NIOSH health hazard evaluation. So that we may contact you again, please make needed corrections to the label below.

  1. Check this box if you would like to receive and respond to the next survey electronically. If we have not included your email address, please write it here:


Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. We appreciate your cooperation. Please send this form in the enclosed envelope to: Barbara Jenkins, NIOSH R-9, 4676 Columbia Parkway,

Cincinnati, OH 45226

Form 2B (9/07) 6

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleNIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Site Visit Followup Survey
Last Modified Bynbr5
File Modified2008-03-24
File Created2008-03-24

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