Annual IHE Survey for Comprehensive and Targeted MSPs - IHE Partners

NSF Math and Science Partnership Program Monitoring System

Attachment C (IHE Survey for CT)

Annual IHE Survey for Comprehensive and Targeted MSPs - IHE Partners

OMB: 3145-0199

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OMB # 3145-0199

Expires: X/XX/XX

Math and Science Partnership Program

Annual Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Survey

Sponsored by the

National Science Foundation

Conducted by


1650 Research Boulevard

Rockville, Maryland 20850

Privacy Notice

Information from this monitoring system will be retained by the National Science Foundation, a federal agency, and will be an integral part of its Privacy Act System of Records in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and maintained in the Education and Training System of Records 63 Fed. Reg. 264, 272 (January 5, 1998). These are confidential files accessible only to appropriate National Science Foundation (NSF) officials, their staffs, and their contractors responsible for monitoring, assessing, and evaluating NSF programs. Only data in highly aggregated form, or data explicitly requested as "for general use," will be made available to anyone outside of the National Science Foundation for research purposes. Data submitted will be used in accordance with criteria established by NSF for monitoring research and education grants, and in response to Public Law 99-383 and 42 USC 1885c.

Public Burden

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 says we must tell you why we are collecting this information, how we will use it and whether you have to give it to us. The reasons and purpose of this survey are described in the introduction and instructions for this survey and your response is voluntary. Failure to provide full and complete information, however, may reduce the possibility of NSF continuing support for the award or project subject to this monitoring survey. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this survey is 3145-0199. The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is 8 hours per response, depending on individual circumstances. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing the burden should be sent to Suzanne Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer for OMB 3145-0199, NSF/DAS, 4201Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230.

Annual Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Survey

For the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] School Year

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is conducting a survey of its Math and Science Partnership (MSP) projects. The purpose is to assess the overall implementation of the MSP program and to monitor the progress of individual MSP grants. This survey has been designed to collect information about each Institution of Higher Education (IHE) that is serving as a lead, core or supporting partner in the Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Program.


It is recommended that you review the Primer (which can be accessed electronically by clicking on "Help" in the menu on the top of the page) before beginning the survey. The Primer provides general instructions and navigation information.

As you are completing the survey, please click the Save & Continue button after you respond to each item. Once an item or section is saved, you may use the menu below or the Question Guide to return to an item and revise your response. If you exit the system without saving, you will lose any unsaved data.

To print and view completed sections of this survey, click on "Reports" in the menu on the top of the page.

Please complete each of the following sections as they pertain to the following Institution of Higher Education (IHE) by November 12, 2004: [INSERT NAME OF IHE]

Contact Information

IHE Participants in the MSP

MSP-supported Pre-service Courses

Report Status: Not Complete

If you have any questions about how to respond to a particular item you should contact your principal investigator. Questions about how to navigate the system should be referred to:

Robyn Bell
1-800-937-8281, ext. 2908
1550 Research Boulevard
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Contact Information

This section obtains information on the individual who should be contacted for any follow-up questions about this submission.

  1. Provide the following contact information for the individual primarily responsible for completing this survey:

Name: _________________________________________________________________

Title: _________________________________________________________________

Street address: _________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________________________________________

State: _________________________________________________________________

Zip code: _________________________________________________________________

Phone number: _________________________________________________________________

Fax number: _________________________________________________________________

E-mail: _________________________________________________________________

IHE Participants in the MSP

This section is designed to obtain information on the number of individuals at your IHE that participated in your MSP during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year.

1. Indicate the number of IHE individuals who:

  • Were involved in the development and/or delivery of MSP activities during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year (e.g., IHE education faculty who revised a pre-service course to align with state standards, IHE STEM faculty who presented at a professional development seminar).

  • Were recipients of MSP activities during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year (e.g., IHE STEM faculty who received professional development, pre-service students who enrolled in/completed an MSP-revised pre-service course)

NOTE—individuals who developed/delivered MSP activities and were also recipients of MSP activities should be counted under both columns. However, no individual should be counted more than once in each column.

Number of IHE individuals involved in the development and/or delivery of MSP activities

Number of IHE individuals who were recipients of MSP activities

IHE STEM faculty (tenure track)

IHE STEM faculty (non-tenure track)

IHE education faculty (tenure track)

IHE education faculty (non-tenure track)

IHE administrators with or without instructional/research responsibilities (e.g., deans, department chairs)

K-12 teachers in residence

MSP liaisons/coordinators

STEM undergraduate students

Pre-service undergraduate and alternative certification students

Graduate students (including doctoral candidates)

Postdoctoral students

Other (specify):

MSP-supported Pre-service Courses

This section obtains information about each MSP-supported pre-service undergraduate or graduate course/seminar that was developed or offered at your IHE during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year. For the purpose of this collection, MSP-supported refers to the following types of contributions:

  • MSP funds were used to develop a new pre-service course/seminar

  • MSP funds were used to modify or enhance a pre-existing pre-service course/seminar

To add an MSP-supported course, click on the Add Course button below.

To provide information on a course listed below, click on the link in the matrix (in the column titled Name of Course/Seminar)

Name of Course/Seminar

Number of Course/Seminar


Information Complete?

(from Item 1)

(from item 2)

(from item 3)

(yes or no)

  1. Provide the name of the MSP-supported undergraduate or graduate course/seminar:

  1. Provide the number (e.g., MATH210) of the MSP-supported undergraduate or graduate course/seminar:

  1. Provide the department for the MSP-supported undergraduate or graduate course/seminar:

  1. What was the nature of MSP’s contribution to this course during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year? (Check all that apply for the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year)

  • A new course/seminar was developed using MSP funds

  • A pre-existing course/seminar was modified or enhanced using MSP funds

  • Other (specify): ______________________________________________________________

  1. What subject matter does this course cover? (check all that apply)

  • Astronomy

  • Atmospheric Sciences

  • Biological Sciences

  • Chemistry

  • Computer Science

  • Education (specify area of education) ______________________

  • Engineering

  • Geosciences

  • Mathematical Sciences

  • Ocean Sciences

  • Physics

  • Other (specify): ______________________________________

  1. What was the level for this course? (check one response)

  • Undergraduate

  • Graduate

  1. Provide a brief description (i.e., 250 words or less) of the purpose and scope/content of this course:

  1. Were any pre-service students enrolled in this course during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year? (check one response)

  • Yes (complete Q9)

  • No, course still under development (end of section)

  • No, course was fully developed, but not offered during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year (end of section)

  • ­No, other (specify): ___________________________________________ (end of section)

  1. How many pre-service students took this course/seminar during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year? (Provide this information for all pre-service students who were enrolled in all sections of this course during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year.)

Total Number of Pre-service students enrolled in all sections of the course during the [INSERT SCHOOL YEAR] school year





Not Reported



or Latino

Race Not Reported1

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


More than One Race Reported

SUB-TOTAL: Hispanic or Latino

(auto total)

NOT Hispanic or Latino


Ethnicity NOT Reported2

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


More than One Race Reported

SUB-TOTAL: Non-Hispanic or Latino

(auto total)

Neither Race nor Ethnicity Reported3

1 Use “Race Not Reported” to provide information about Hispanic or Latino students for whom race is not reported or unknown.

2 Use “NOT Hispanic or Latino OR Ethnicity NOT Reported” to provide race information for those students (1) that are not Hispanic or Latino, or (2) for whom ethnicity is not reported or unknown.

3 Use “Neither Race nor Ethnicity Reported” for those students for whom both race and ethnicity are unknown.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleInformation about Progress on Annual
AuthorRobyn Bell
Last Modified Bynsfuser
File Modified2008-06-09
File Created2008-06-09

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