Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-XXXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 22 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN:PRA (0920-XXXX).
1A. Registry name |
1B. Org. Type (Health Department, Contractor, Private or Other Organizational Type) |
1C. Org. Structure (Centralized or Regional) |
1D. Number of Regions (skip if Centralized) |
1E. Primary contact person |
Name |
Telephone |
E Comments: mail |
2A. NPCR Funds |
Type of NPCR funds |
$Amount |
Comments |
Total NPCR federal funding for current year* |
Unobligated NPCR federal funds carried forward from previous year |
Amount of NPCR federal funds unspent for the current year |
Total NPCR funds expended: |
– |
2B. Other Federal Funds |
Source of other federal funds |
$Amount |
Comments |
List other federal funds: |
Total other federal funding for current year** |
– |
Unobligated other federal funds carried forward from previous year |
Amount of other federal funds unspent for the current year |
Total other federal funds expended: |
– |
2C. Non-Federal Funds |
Source of non-federal funds |
$ Amount |
Activity (if applicable) |
Comments |
Total non-federal funds expended: $ |
– |
Total expenditure $ |
– |
* NPCR federal funds are defined as those funds that were awarded directly through the program in the 2060 program announcement. |
** Sources of other federal funding include patterns of care studies, other CDC but non-NPCR funds, and any other federal funding source. |
3A. In-Kind Contributions--Labor |
Source of in-kind contributions (labor) |
$ Amount |
Method used to estimate $ value |
Other Methods/Comments |
Legal advice received from state university |
$1,000.00 |
Estimate |
Total: |
$ – |
3B. In-Kind Contributions--Non Labor |
Source of in-kind contributions (non-labor) |
$ Amount |
Activity |
Method used to estimate $ value |
Other Methods/Comments |
Portion of rent contributed by state health department |
$5,000 |
Market Value |
Total: |
$ – |
Total in-kind contributions $ |
$ – |
Please indicate proportion of time spent on all registry activities regardless of funding source. Refer to Appendix A of user's guide for description of activities. |
Registry Director |
Data Manager |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Surveillance activities |
Management (managing people) |
75% |
Administration (including clerical, logging, mailing, filing) |
Training of registry staff |
Training of others by registry staff |
Database management (including system development and modification) |
10% |
95% |
IT support |
Case ascertainment (including tumor linkage and data item consolidation) |
Death certificated clearance |
Data collection/abstraction |
Quality assurance and improvement |
Developing analytic files |
5% |
Analyzing data and generating reports |
Sharing cases |
Electronic case reporting and data encryption |
Reporting requirements to CDC, NAACCR, and state |
Registry Director |
Data Manager |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Data enhancement and analysis activities |
Automatic casefinding using electronic linkage |
Linking records to other state-wide or national databases |
Geocoding cancer cases |
Implementeing a cancer inquiry response system |
Research studies and advanced analysis using registry data |
10% |
Publication of research studies using registry data |
5% |
Active Follow-up |
100% |
100% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
Comments: |
9A-1. Allocation methodology I |
Y/N |
% Amount |
Fixed dollar amount |
Allocated as a percent of direct cost (indicate %) |
Other: (Specify) |
9A-2. Allocation methodology II |
Y/N |
% Amount |
Fixed dollar amount |
Allocated as a percent of direct cost (indicate %) |
Other: (Specify) |
9B. Types of costs included in the administrative or overhead costs |
Y/N |
$ Amount |
Rent for office space |
if no, provide amount |
(including water, gas, electric, etc) |
Repairs/maintenance |
if no, provide amount |
Network connection/maintenance |
if no, provide amount |
(i.e. internet connection charge) |
Phone Service |
if no, provide amount |
(i.e. local phone service, long distance or cell phone charges) |
Shared office equipment |
if no, provide amount |
Other costs: |
Specify: |
provide amount |
Total program administrative or overhead costs |
10A. Abstracts vs. Incidence Cases (Data consolidation effort)* |
Number of Abstracts/Cases |
Comments |
Total number of incident cases (unique person cancer combinations) |
Total number of abstracts received including non-reportable cases |
#DIV/0! |
* Please report abstract and incidence cases diagnosed in 2003. |
10B. Total Number of CTRs at Reporting Hospitals |
Number of CTRs |
Comments |
Number of CTRs at Hospital sites |
10C. Quality of Facility Reporting (Overall accuracy rate) |
% of Facilities |
Comments |
Proportion of facilities passing automated edits 100% |
97- 99% |
90-96% |
80-89% |
50-79% |
<50% |
TOTAL % (must equal 100%) = |
0% |
10D. Methods of Data Reporting or Collection |
% of Reports |
Comments |
Paper |
Diskettes |
Web-based |
Other Electronic linkages |
TOTAL % (must equal 100%) = |
0% |
10E. Data Collection Process |
% |
Comments |
% of data abstracted directly from hospital records by central cancer registry staff or hired contractors. |
10F. Reporting non-resident cases and data-exchange caseload |
% |
Comments |
Collecting and reporting non-resident cases? (yes or no) |
If yes, total number of cases exchanged |
Drop Down Box Categories |
Registry activities: |
Management |
Administration |
Training of registry staff |
Training of others by registry staff |
Database management |
IT support |
Case ascertainment |
Death certificated clearance |
Data collection/abstraction |
Quality assurance and improvement |
Developing analytic files |
Analzying data and generating reports |
Sharing cases |
Reporting requirements to CDC, NAACCR, state |
Electronic case reporting and data encryption |
Automatic casefinding using electronic linkage |
Linking records to other state-wide or national databases |
Geocoding cancer cases |
Implementing a cancer inquiry response system |
Research studies and advanced analysis using registry data |
Publication of research studies using registry data |
Active follow-up |
In-Kind--Labor: |
IT Support |
Other Staff Time (Supervisors, Administrative Staff etc.) |
CTR Services |
In-Kind-- Non Labor: |
Computer and Other Electronics |
Furniture |
Office Supplies |
Value Estimation Method for In-Kind Contribution: |
Market value |
Estimate |
Other |
Cost calculation method |
Actual |
Estimate |
Other |
Consultants: |
Epidemiologist (masters) |
Epidemiologist (Ph.D) |
Statistician (masters) |
Statistician (Ph.D). |
Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR) |
IT Specialist |
Registry Program Structure: |
Health Department |
Private or Other Organizational Type |
Health Department w/ Contractor |
Registries |
Alabama |
Alaska |
Arizona |
Arkansas |
California |
Colorado |
Delaware |
District of Columbia |
Florida |
Georgia |
Idaho |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Kansas |
Kentucky |
Louisiana |
Maine |
Maryland |
Massachusetts |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
Mississippi |
Missouri |
Montana |
Nebraska |
Nevada |
New Hampshire |
New Jersey |
New York |
North Carolina |
North Dakota |
Ohio |
Oklahoma |
Oregon |
Pennsylvania |
Rhode Island |
South Carolina |
South Dakota |
Tennessee |
Texas |
Vermont |
Virginia |
Washington |
West Virginia |
Wisconsin |
Wyoming |
Organization Structure |
Centralized |
Regional |
Travel Categories |
Annual conferences (NAACCR/CDC meetings, etc.) |
Training |
Other |
Fee Categories |
Training |
Conference |
Other |
Software Packages |
Rocky Mountain Cancer Data System |
ELM (Premier) |
CansurFacs |
OncoLog |
Other |
Dichotomous Responses |
yes |
no |
Color Coding in the Cost Assessment Tool |
Enter values or text here |
Select from drop down boxes |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Norma Divito |
Last Modified By | arp5 |
File Modified | 2008-04-15 |
File Created | 2008-04-15 |