12/18/07 Case identificaton number _______________
Interviewer ID ________________
Respondent Line Number ________________
S/Pr _________
for Split-sample Field Test
at the Hagerstown Telephone Center
I am going to ask a few questions about work-related activities LAST WEEK.
By last week, I mean the week beginning on Sunday, January/February _______, and ending on Saturday, January/February_____.
LF1 Last week, did you do any work for either pay or profit?
☐ Yes - Go to LF3
☐ No - Go to LF2
☐ Retired - Go to LF4
☐ Don’t know - Go to LF4
☐ Refused - Go to LF4
LF2 Last week, were you temporarily absent from a job?
☐ Yes - Go to LF3
☐ No - Go to LF5
☐ Retired - Go to LF4
☐ Don’t know - Go to LF-4
☐ Refused - Go to LF-4
LF3 How many hours per week do you usually work at your job?
☐ _______ hours - Go to LF4
☐ Hours vary - Go to LF4
☐ Don’t know - Go to LF4
☐ Refused - Go to LF4
LF4 During the last four weeks, have you been actively looking for work?
☐ Yes - Go to V1
☐ No - Go to V1
☐ Retired - Go to V1
☐ Don’t know - Go to V1
☐ Refused - Go to V1
V1. This month we have some additional questions concerning voting and registration.
In any election, some people are not able to vote because they are sick or busy or have some other reason, and others do not want to vote. On November 7, 2006, there were general national elections for political offices such as senators, congressman, and governors. Did you vote in the election held on Tuesday, November 7, 2006?
☐ Yes - Go to V3
☐ No - Go to V2
☐ DK - Go to V2
☐ Refused - Go to V2
V2. Were you registered to vote in the November 7, 2006 election?
☐ Yes - Go to V6
☐ No - Go to V6
☐ DK- Go to V6
☐ Refused - Go to V6
V3. Did you vote in person or did you vote by mail?
☐ In person
☐ By mail
☐ Don’t know
☐ Refused
V4. Was that on election day or before election day?
☐ On election day
☐ Before election day
☐ Don’t know
☐ Refused
V6. How long have you lived at this address?
☐ Less than 1 month
☐ 1-6 months
☐ 7-11 months
☐ 1-2 years
☐ 3-4 years
☐ 5 years or longer
☐ Don’t know
☐ Refused
Q1.* In any election, some people are not able to vote for various reasons. Thinking about elections for LOCAL government officials since November 2006, have you voted in all of them, most of them, some of them, or none of them?
☐ All o f them
☐ Most of them
☐ Some of them
☐ None of them
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Lead-in - The next set of questions are about people’s involvement and communication within their communities.
Q2.* During
a TYPICAL MONTH, when communicating with family or friends, how often
politics discussed -- basically every day, a few times a week, a few
times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day
☐ A few times a week
☐ A few times a month
☐ Once a month
☐ Not at all
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Q3.* I
am going to read some ways that people get news and information.
Please tell me how often you did
each of the following during a TYPICAL MONTH:
(a) Read a newspaper in print or on the Internet - basically every day, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day ☐ A few times a week ☐ A few times a month ☐ Once a month ☐ Not at all ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
(b) Read news magazines such as Newsweek or Time, in print or on the Internet - basically every day, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day ☐ A few times a week ☐ A few times a month ☐ Once a month ☐ Not at all ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
c) Watch the news on television or get news from televison internet sites - basically every day, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day ☐ A few times a week ☐ A few times a month ☐ Once a month ☐ Not at all ☐ DK ☐ Refused
(d) Listen to the news on the radio or get news from radio internet sites - basically every day, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day ☐ A few times a week ☐ A few times a month ☐ Once a month ☐ Not at all ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
(e) Obtain news from any other Internet sources that we have not previously asked about such as blogs, chat rooms, independent news services, etc - basically every day, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day ☐ A few times a week ☐ A few times a month ☐ Once a month ☐ Not at all ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
Q4. I am going to read a list of things some people have done to express their views. Please tell me whether or not you have done any of the following in the last 12 months, that is between January 2007 and now:
(a) Contacted or visited a public official - at any level of government - to express your opinion?
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
(b) Attended a meeting where political issues are discussed?
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
c) Bought or boycotted a certain product or service because of the social or political values of the company that provides it?
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
(d) Taken part in a march, rally, protest or demonstration?
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
(e) Showed support for a particular political candidate or party by distributing campaign materials, fundraising, making a donation or in some other way? |
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Q5.* The next questions are about the groups or organizations in which people sometimes participate. I will read a list of types of groups and organizations. Please tell me whether or not you participated in any of these groups during the last 12 months, that is between January 2007 and now:
a) A youth, parent, education or school-support organization?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
b) A neighborhood, ethnic, or political organization?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
c) A service or civic organization such as Goodwill, American Legion, or Lions Club?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
d) A labor union or professional, trade, farm or business association?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
e) A sports or recreation organization?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
f) An arts, cultural or hobby organization?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
(g) A church, synagogue, mosque or other religious institutions or organizations, NOT counting your attendance at religious services.
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
(h) Any other type of organization that I have not mentioned?
☐ Yes Probe: What type of organization? ______________________
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Q6. In the last 12 months, between January 2007 and now, have you been an officer or served on a committee of any group or organization?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Q7. In the last 12 months, between January 2007 and now, have you attended a meeting of any group or organization?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ DK
☐ Refused
(Do not ask Q8 for one person households.)
Q8.* During
a TYPICAL MONTH, how often did
eat dinner with any of the other members of your household -
basically every day, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a
month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day
☐ A few times a week
☐ A few times a month
☐ Once a month
☐ Not at all
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Q9*. During
a TYPICAL MONTH, how often, if at all, did
communicate with friends or family by Email or on the Internet -
every day, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a month or
not at all?
☐ Basically every day
☐ A few times a week
☐ A few times a month
☐ Once a month
☐ Not at all
☐ DK
☐ Refused
(a) During
talk with any of the neighbors in the 10 or 20 households that live
nearest to you?
□ Yes - Go to Q10b
□ No - Go to Q11
☐ DK - Go to Q11
☐ Refused - Go to Q11
(b) During
a TYPICAL MONTH, how often did
talk with any of those neighbors - basically every day, a few times a
week, a few times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day
☐ A few times a week
☐ A few times a month
☐ Once a month
☐ Not at all
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Q11.* During
a TYPICAL MONTH, how often did
and your neighbors do favors for each other? By favors we mean such
things as watching each other’s children, helping with
shopping, house sitting, lending garden or house tools, and other
small acts of kindness - basically every day, a few times a week, a
few times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day
☐ A few times a week
☐ A few times a month
☐ Once a month
☐ Not at all
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Q12a*. About how many CLOSE FRIENDS do you have, if any? These are people you feel at ease with, can talk to about private matters, or call on for help.
Number —>__ __ (If “0,” Go to Q13)
☐ DK (Go to Q13)
☐ Refused (Go to Q13)
Q12b. How many of these close friends completed high school?
Number —>__ __ ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
Q12c. How many have a college degree?
Number —>__ __ ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
Q12d. How many are of a different race than you? |
Number —>__ __ ☐ DK ☐ Refused |
Q13.* Now I’d like to ask a question about how you view other people generally, that is, those people OTHER THAN your immediate family and close friends. Would you say that you cannot be too careful in dealing with people or that most people can be trusted?
☐ You cannot be too careful in dealing with people
☐ Most people can be trusted
☐ It depends
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Q14. Do you think that most people would try to take advantage of you if they got a chance, or would they try to help?
□ Most people would try to take advantage of you if they got a chance
□ They would try to help
□ DK
□ Refused
Q15. Would you say that most of the time people try to be helpful or that they are mostly looking out for themselves?
□ Most of the time people try to be helpful
□ They are mostly looking out for themselves
□ DK
□ Refused
Q16.* Now I’d like to ask a question about donations to charitable organizations. Charitable organizations focus on areas such as religious activity, poverty and disaster relief, health care and medical research, education, arts, and the environment.
During the past 12 months, did you or anyone in your household donate money, assets, or property with a combined value of more than $25 to charitable organizations?
□ Yes
□ No
□ DK
□ Refused
Lead-in: That concludes the main interview. Now I would like to finish by asking a few followup questions that will be helpful to us in making improvements to our survey.
●If Q5a through Q5h has an entry of “yes” in any item, ask:
RD1. Earlier we talked about different types of groups and organizations in which people participate. During the last 12 months, that is between January 2007 and now, about how many groups and organizations would you say you belonged to or donated money to?
Number —> _ _
☐ DK
☐ Refused
RD2*. In a TYPICAL MONTH, how often do you participate in group and organization-related activities - - basically every day, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a month or not at all?
☐ Basically every day
☐ A few times a week
☐ A few times a month
☐ Once a month
☐ Not at all
☐ DK
☐ Refused
● Ask all respondents
RD3a. Earlier in the interview we asked about your participation in local elections since November 2006. To the best of your knowledge, how many local elections have been held in your area since November 2006?
Enter number —>_ _ (Go to RD3b)
□ DK (Go to RD4)
□ Refused (Go to RD4)
RD3b. How confident are you of your answer, very confident, somewhat confident, or not confident at all?
□ Very confident
□ Somewhat confident
□ Not confident at all
□ DK
□ Refused
● Ask all respondents:
RD4. Now I would like to ask a few other questions about how you view other people generally, that is, those people OTHER THAN your immediate family and close friends.
(a) How much do you agree with the following statement: “You cannot be too careful in dealing with people.” Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with that statement?
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Somewhat agree
☐ Neither agree nor disagree
☐ Somewhat disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ DK
☐ Refused
(b) How much do you agree with the following statement: “Most people can be trusted.” Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with that statement?
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Somewhat agree
☐ Neither agree nor disagree
☐ Somewhat disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
□ DK
□ Refused
RD5. (RE-READ PART (a). In your own words what is that question asking?
☐ DK
☐ Refused
RD6. When answering that question, were you thinking about strangers, people you know or people in general?
☐ Strangers
☐ People you know
☐ People in general
☐ DK
☐ Refused
RD7. (RE-READ PART (b). In your own words what is that question asking?
☐ DK
☐ Refused
RD8. When answering that question, were you thinking about strangers, people you know or people in general?
☐ Strangers
☐ People you know
☐ People in general
☐ DK
☐ Refused
RD9. What was your overall opinion about ALL of the survey questions you were asked?
☐ DK
☐ Refused
RD10. Did you find any of the questions sensitive or offensive?
☐ Yes - Go to RD11
☐ No - Go to RD12
☐ DK - Go to RD12
☐ Refused - Go to RD12
RD11. Which questions seemed sensitive or offensive?
☐ DK
☐ Refused
RD12. Did you find any of the questions difficult to answer?
☐ Yes - Go to RD13
☐ No - End interview
☐ DK - End interview
☐ Refused - End interview
RD13. Which questions seemed difficult to answer?
☐ DK
☐ Refused
Thank you very much for participating in this survey. The information you provided will help us improve the questions we use in Census Bureau surveys.
File Type | application/octet-stream |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |