OMB Control No: 0560-0120
ICR Reference No:
Status: Historical Active
Previous ICR Reference No: 200506-0560-005
Agency/Subagency: USDA/FSA
Agency Tracking No:
Title: Warehouse Regulations Under
the United States Warehouse Act
Type of Information Collection:
Revision of a currently approved collection
Common Form ICR: No
Type of Review Request: Regular
OIRA Conclusion Action: Approved
without change
Conclusion Date: 12/07/2008
Notice of Action (NOA)
Date Received in OIRA:
Terms of Clearance:
Inventory as of this Action
Previously Approved
Expiration Date
36 Months From Approved
Time Burden (Hours)
Cost Burden (Dollars)
Abstract: This information collection is
required for licensing under the USWA and provides information for
issuance of licenses or approval to determine if warehouse operator
meets required standards and continues to meet once licensed or
Authorizing Statute(s): US Code:
USC 241-256 Name of Law: USWA
Citations for New Statutory
Requirements: None
Associated Rulemaking
Stage of Rulemaking:
Federal Register Citation:
Not associated with rulemaking
Federal Register Notices &
60-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
73 FR
30-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
73 FR
Did the Agency receive public comments on
this ICR? No
Number of Information Collection (IC) in this
ICR: 1
IC Title
Form No.
Form Name
Warehouse Regulations
Under the United States Warehouse Act
WA-140, WA-460-3, WA-460-12, WA-85, WA-308, WA-372, WA-225,
WA-407, WA-460-6, WA-561, WA-580-1, WA-460-1, WA-50, WA-51-2,
WA-53, WA-81, WA-82, WA-105, WA-125, WA-125ER, WA-302, WA-303,
WA-400, WA-401, WA-562, WA-83, WA-570, WA-580, WA-460-5A, WA-222,
WA-408, WA-460-4, WA-470, WA-490-1, WA-470-4 , WA-139, WA-470-5A,
WA-62, WA-70, WA-87, WA-88, WA-90, WA-91, WA-460-9, WA-460-5-Nuts,
WA-470-1, WA-470-2, WA-220, WA-221, WA-237, WA-460, WA-470-6,
WA-470-7, WA-405, WA-406, WA-460-7, WA-460-8, WA-460-11-Coffee,
WA-460-13, WA-80, WA-460-2, WA-402, WA-84, WA-403, Wa-404, WA-490,
WA-470-3, WA-470-5, WA-470-8, WA-89, WA-141
Application for
License or Modification of License for the Conduct of a Public
Warehouse ,
Statement Supplement , Applicaton for a License to
Inspect, Classify, Sample, and or weigh Agricultural Products under
the US Warehouse Act , Bond to Cover Lost Paper
Warehouse Receipts under the U.S. Warehouse Act , Recept Signature Authority
, Warehouse Operator's Bond
, Rider to Warehouse Operator's
Bond ,
Warehouse Operator's
Irrevocalble Letter of Credit , Warehouse Operator's Bond
, Power of Attorney (To sell
Securities) ,
Coroperate Power
of Attorney ,
Receipt for
Obligor on Return of Securities , Receipt for Eligible Securities
Accepted as Security , Consent of Surety to Changes
, Corporate Signature
Resolution ,
Agreement to
Indemnify ,
Returned and
Destroyed Receipt Record , Memorandum of Adjustments ,
Memorandum of
Adjustments - Electronic Response , Certificate of Loss of Canceled
Or Uncanceled Warehouse Receipt , Agreement to Assume Agricultural
Product Storage Obligations , Agreement with Respect to
Agricutlural Product Storage Obligations , Examination Report ,
Examination Report ,
Report of Individual Buildings , Warehouse Operator's Statement
and Examiner's Comparison of Obligated Stocks , Order for Printing U.S.
Warehouse Receipt Forms , Examination Report ,
Original and/or
Amendment Examination Report , Warehouse Operator's Statement
and Examiner's Comparison , Schedule of Charges , Original Warehouse Examination
Report (Processed Commodities) , Subsequent Examination
Report , Inventory Adjustment Notice
, Port Terminal
Inspection Checklist , Transloading Inspection
Checklist , Addendum to the Terms and
Conditions of the Licensing/Provider Agreement , Liscensing Agreement for Cotton
Warehouse Operators , Licensing Agreement for Grain
and Rice Warehouse Operators , Licensing Agreement for Wool
, Lice nsing
Agreement for Tobacco , Licensign Agreement for Nut
Warehouse Operators , Licensing Agreement for Dry
Edible Beans , Licensing Agreement for
Sweeteners , Licensing Agreement for
Cottonseed , Provider Agreement to
Electronically File and Maitain Warehouse Receipts and US Warehouse
Act Documents ,
Addendum to the
Provider Agrement to Electronically File and Maintain Cotton
Warehouse Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maintain Grain Warehouse
Receipts and US Warehouse Act Documents , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maintain Wool Warehouse
Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Tobacco Warehouse
Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Nut Warehouse
Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maitain US Warehouse Wool Act
Inspection and/or Weight Certificates , Addendum tot he Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain US Warehouse Act
Tobacco Inspection and/or Weight Cerfificates , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maintain US Warehouse Act Nut
Inspection and/or Weight Certificates , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maintain US Warehouse Act
Peanut Inspection and/or Weight Certificates , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maintain US Warehouse Act Bean
Inspection and/or Weight Certificates , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maintain US Warehouse Act
Sweetner Inspection and/or Weight Certificates ,
Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maintain US Warehouse Act
Cottonseed Inspection and/or Weight Certificates , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Peanut Warehouse
Receipts and US Warehouse Act Documents , Addenum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Dry Edible Bean
Warehouse Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Sweetener Warehouse
Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronicially Fiel and Maintain Cottonseed Warehouse
Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Rice Warehouse
Receipts ,
Addendum to the
Provider Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Coffee
Warehouse Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Cocoa Warehouse
Receipts ,
Addendum to the
Provider Agreement to Electronically Fiel and Maintain Orange Juice
Warehouse Receipts , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain US Warehouse Act
Cotton Classification Certificates , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain US Warehouse Act
Cotton Weight Certificates , Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electroincally File and Maintain US Warehouse Act
Grain Inspection and/or Weight Certificates , Provider Agreement to
Electronically File and Maintain Other Electronic Documents
, Addendum to the Provider
Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Other Documents
ICR Summary of Burden
Total Approved
Previously Approved
Change Due to New Statute
Change Due to Agency Discretion
Change Due to Adjustment in
Change Due to Potential Violation of
the PRA
Annual Number of Responses
Annual Time Burden (Hours)
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars)
Burden increases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: Yes
Burden Increase Due to: Miscellaneous
Burden decreases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: No
Burden Reduction Due to:
Short Statement: The previous number of burden
hours requested was 10,626 as compared to the burden hours
requested in this package of 10,211 hours for the difference of
minus 415 hours. This decrease is considered an adjustment with
many licensed entities have combined thereby making the operation
more efficient to run with less reporting requirements. Three new
forms are added to this information collection.
Annual Cost to Federal Government: $440,216
Does this IC contain surveys, censuses, or employ
statistical methods? No
Is the Supporting Statement intended to be a Privacy
Impact Assessment required by the E-Government Act of 2002?
Is this ICR related to the Affordable Care Act [Pub. L.
111-148 & 111-152]? Uncollected
Is this ICR related to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act, [Pub. L. 111-203]?
Is this ICR related to the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)? Uncollected
Is this ICR related to the Pandemic Response?
Agency Contact: Mary Ann Ball 202-720-4283