1525-0012-0128 Quantitative Consumer Research and 1525-0012-0129 Qualitative Customer Research

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882. Implemented by Sales and Marketing Division.

1525-0025-00128 Instrument Wave 31 CSM Questionnaire

1525-0012-0128 Quantitative Consumer Research and 1525-0012-0129 Qualitative Customer Research

OMB: 1525-0012

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U.S. Mint CSM Tracking Survey Questionnaire


prepared for

The United States Mint

Department of the Treasury

December 16, 2008

Welcome to the U.S. Mint’s customer satisfaction survey.

This survey is designed to help the U.S. Mint understand how it can improve the products and services it provides. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1525-0012-XXX. Your participation in this survey is ENTIRELY VOLUNTARY and should require approximately 20-25 minutes of your time.

All of your responses will be kept completely confidential.

We will not use this information to contact you or attempt to sell you any products or services.

If you have any questions or problems while completing the survey, please call Erik Zimmerman weekdays from 9:00am to 5:00pm at 1-800-342-9102, or send an e-mail to ezimmerman@nationalanalysts.com

Please click the Forward button to begin the survey.

To begin, we will first take a few minutes to familiarize you with our survey.

You will need to use a MOUSE as well as the KEYBOARD, to record your answers and move through the survey.

The survey will NOT ALLOW YOU TO SKIP A QUESTION. If you do not know an exact answer, then please give your best estimate.

Please click on the FORWARD button after you have completed a question to move on to the next screen.

You may click on the BACK button to go back to a previous screen.

You may click on the STOP button to pause the program to take a break. When you re-enter the survey you must use the same Login Number and Password; the survey will return to the screen where you clicked Stop.

If you make a mistake or forget to answer a question, an ERROR message will appear in red at the top of the screen. For example, if you enter a 4 when you were asked to enter a number from 1 to 3, an error message will appear.

Please click the FORWARD button to begin.

Section S: Screening Criteria [note: target 2-3 min]

S-1 To begin, we need to ask a few introductory questions for classification purposes. First, do you or does someone in your household or immediate family work…

Select one answer for each row.



For a market research firm or marketing research department of a company?

For an advertising, sales promotion, or public relations firm?

For an organization that produces, distributes, and sells collectable coins? (e.g., coin dealer)

As a journalist/freelance writer?

Send to terminate screen if “yes” to any.

<page break>

S-2 What is your age in years?

Age (in years)


Send to terminate screen if under 18.

S-3 Have you purchased any coins or other merchandise from the U.S. Mint during the past 12 months?

Select one.



Send to terminate screen if “No.”

S-4 Approximately how many of each of the following items have you bought directly from the U.S. Mint during the past 12 months?

Enter the number you purchased. Your best estimate is fine.

Product Types

Number Purchased from
the U.S. Mint
(Past 12 Months)

Annual Coin Sets

Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Clad Proof Sets™


Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Silver Proof Sets™


Annual 4-Coin Presidential $1 Coin Proof Sets


Annual 14-Coin Clad Proof Set


Annual 14-Coin Silver Proof Set


Uncirculated Sets


American Eagle Coins

American Eagle Silver Proof Coins (1 oz.)


American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark) (1 oz.)


American Eagle Gold Proof Coins

- 1 oz.


- ½ oz.


- ¼ oz.


- 1/10 oz.


- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)


American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.


- ½ oz.


- ¼ oz.


- 1/10 oz.


- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)


American Eagle Platinum Proof Coins

- 1 oz.


- ½ oz.


- ¼ oz.


- 1/10 oz.


- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)


American Eagle Platinum Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.


- ½ oz.


- ¼ oz.


- 1/10 oz.


- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)


American Buffalo Coins

American Buffalo 24K Gold Proof Coins


American Buffalo 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)


First Spouse Coins

First Spouse 24K Gold Proof Coins


First Spouse 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins


Commemorative Coins

- Gold Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets


- Silver Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets


- Clad Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets


Other Coins and Merchandise

Coin Rolls and/or Bags


Bronze Medals


Other U.S. Mint Products (e.g., containers, maps, etc.)



(Auto sum)

At least one row must be > 0

Do not force a “0” into row if not answered.

Display warning “Are you sure you purchased X products (take product name from rows)?”if any of the answers from each row is 20 or more.

S-4b In the past 12 months, have you ordered products from the U.S. Mint using the subscription ordering program (whereby you enroll in the subscription ordering program and identify the specific products you wish to have shipped to you when they are released)?

Check one



<page break>

S-4c Were you aware that the U.S. Mint offered a subscription ordering program?

Check one



Only ask S-4c if S-4b is “no”

S-5 [IF S-4b IS YES, INSERT “Excluding the orders you placed as part of the U.S. Mint’s subscription ordering program”] How many separate times have you placed an order with the U.S. Mint during the past 12 months, divided into each of the following time periods?

Note: If you ordered several items at one time, count that as 1 order.

Enter the total number of separate orders you placed with the U.S. Mint during each time period

Number of Orders Placed…

# Orders

Within the past 60 days


More than 60 days ago, but within the past 6 months


More than 6 months ago, but within the past 12 months


Total orders past 12 months

Auto Sum

If S-4b is “no”, total must be >0, otherwise insert error message “Earlier you indicated that you had purchased items from the U.S. Mint during the past 12 months. Please revise you answers to reflect the number of orders you placed to purchase that merchandise from the U.S. Mint.”

S-6 When was the very first time that you ever purchased coins or other merchandise directly from the U.S. Mint?

Select only one.

Within the past 12 months

13 months to 23 months ago

2 to 5 years ago

6 to 10 years ago

11 to 20 years ago

More than 20 years ago

<page break>

Based on your answers to these questions, you are eligible to participate in our survey.

Please click the Forward button to proceed.

Section 1: Overall Satisfaction and Future Purchase Intent [note: target 1-2 min]

First, we’d like to learn about your overall satisfaction with the U.S. Mint.

Q.1-1 How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the U.S. Mint in terms of its performance as a supplier of coins and coin products, using a scale of 1 to 6, where “1” means “extremely dissatisfied” and “6” means “extremely satisfied?”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Overall U.S. Mint performance as a suppler of coins and coin products

<page break>

Next, we’d like to understand what types of purchases, if any, you expect to make from the U.S. Mint in the future.

Q.1-2a How likely are you to purchase products directly from the U.S. Mint in the next 12 months? Please indicate your likelihood using a scale from 1 to 6 where “1” means “not at all likely to purchase” and “6” means “extremely likely to purchase.”

Not At All Extremely

Likely to Likely to

Purchase Purchase

How likely are you to purchase directly from the U.S. Mint during the next 12 months?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Skip to Q2-1 if answer to Q1-2a= 1

Q.1-2b Based on what you know today, over the next 12 months would you say you are most likely to…?

Please select one.

Future Purchasing with the U.S. Mint (Next 12 Months)

  1. Increase the amount of merchandise you purchase from the U.S. Mint

  1. Purchase about the same amount from the U.S. Mint

  1. Decrease the amount of merchandise you purchase from the U.S. Mint

  1. Stop purchasing from the U.S. Mint altogether

If Q1-2b answer is level 4, skip Q1-3.

Q.1-3 Thinking about the next 12 months, how many do you expect you will purchase from the U.S. Mint in each of the following categories (based on your expectation of product prices)? If you are unsure how many you’re likely to purchase, please make your best estimate.

Enter a number in each row

Product Types

Number Purchased from
the U.S. Mint

(Past 12 Months)

Number you Expect to Purchase from
the U.S. Mint
(Next 12 Months)

Annual Coin Sets

Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Clad Proof Sets™

Value from Q.S-4


Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Silver Proof Sets™

Value from Q.S-4


Annual 4-Coin Presidential $1 Coin Proof Sets

Value from Q.S-4


Annual 14-Coin Clad Proof Set

Value from Q.S-4


Annual 14-Coin Silver Proof Set

Value from Q.S-4


Uncirculated Sets

Value from Q.S-4


American Eagle Coins

American Eagle Silver Proof Coins (1 oz.)

Value from Q.S-4


American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark) (1 oz.)

Value from Q.S-4


American Eagle Gold Proof Coins

- 1 oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- ½ oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- ¼ oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- 1/10 oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

Value from Q.S-4


American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- ½ oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- ¼ oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- 1/10 oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

Value from Q.S-4


American Eagle Platinum Proof Coins

- 1 oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- ½ oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- ¼ oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- 1/10 oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

Value from Q.S-4


American Eagle Platinum Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- ½ oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- ¼ oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- 1/10 oz.

Value from Q.S-4


- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

Value from Q.S-4


American Buffalo Coins

American Buffalo 24K Gold Proof Coins

Value from Q.S-4


American Buffalo 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

Value from Q.S-4


First Spouse Coins

First Spouse 24K Gold Proof Coins

Value from Q.S-4


First Spouse 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins

Value from Q.S-4


Commemorative Coins

- Gold Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

Value from Q.S-4


- Silver Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

Value from Q.S-4


- Clad Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

Value from Q.S-4


Other Coins and Merchandise

Coin Rolls and/or Bags

Value from Q.S-4


Bronze Medals

Value from Q.S-4


Other U.S. Mint Products (e.g., containers, maps, etc.)

Value from Q.S-4



Value from Q.S-4

(Auto sum)

Do not force a “0” into row if not answered.

If any number in column 3 is 100% greater than column 2 (or if column 2 = 0 and column 3 > 0), provide message:

You indicated that you will substantially INCREASE your purchases of the following types of products: 

    (insert list of applicable row headings)

If this is correct, please click OK.  Otherwise, click CANCEL and revise your answer.” 


If any number in column 3 is 50% lower than column 2 (or if column 2 > 0 and column 3 = 0), provide message:

You indicated that you will substantially DECREASE your purchases of the following types of products: 

    (insert list of applicable row headings)

If this is correct, please click OK.  Otherwise, click CANCEL and revise your answer.” 

Section 2: Recent Purchases and Interactions [note: target 4 min]

Next, we’d like to gather information about your interactions or experiences with the U.S. Mint over the past 12 months.

Q.2-1 Which of the following interactions /experiences have you had with the U.S. Mint during the past 12 months?

Answer for each row.

Your Interactions/Experiences with the U.S. Mint (Past 12 Months)




  1. Visited the www.usmint.gov website (to get information, place an order, etc.)

Problems with Orders

  1. Never received specific merchandise that you ordered

  1. Received ordered merchandise, but not within the expected delivery timeframe

  1. Experienced a billing error

  1. Received merchandise that arrived in damaged/poor condition

  1. Received an inaccurate order (wrong items or quantities shipped)

  1. You returned items you had received (i.e., items that were damaged, incorrect item shipped, failed to meet expectations, etc.)

  1. You decided that you WILL return items you are not happy with, but haven’t had a chance to do so yet (i.e., items that were damaged, incorrect item shipped, merchandise failed to meet expectations, etc.)

  1. You had some other type of problem with an order (please specify) ________________________[max 200 characters]

Customer Service Interactions

  1. Attempted to contact U.S. Mint customer service by phone for any reason

  1. Attempted to contact U.S. Mint (by phone or mail) to find out about new product information

  1. Attempted to contact U.S. Mint (by phone or mail) to find out the status of an order

  1. Attempted to contact U.S. Mint (by phone or mail) to resolve a problem with billing on an order

  1. Attempted to contact U.S. Mint (by phone or mail) to resolve a problem with merchandise that you received
    (i.e., wrong items or quantity shipped, damaged items)

Q.2-1 Which of the following interactions /experiences have you had with the U.S. Mint during the past 12 months?

Answer for each row.

Your Interactions/Experiences with the U.S. Mint (Past 12 Months)



Phone Calls FROM the U.S. Mint

  1. You received a phone call from the U.S. Mint alerting you about products that were being released

  1. You received a phone call from the U.S. Mint confirming that an order you placed had shipped

  1. You received a phone call from the U.S. Mint alerting you about some type of problem with an order (i.e., that it was being delayed, that your credit card on file had expired, etc.)

  1. You received a phone call from the U.S. Mint for any other reason

E-Mails FROM the U.S. Mint

  1. You received an e-mail containing a U.S. Mint product catalog

  1. You received an e-mail from the U.S. Mint alerting you about products that were being released

  1. You received an e-mail from the U.S. Mint confirming that your order has been shipped

  1. You received an e-mail from the U.S. Mint alerting you about some type of problem with an order (i.e., that it was being delayed, that your credit card on file had expired, etc.)

  1. You received an e-mail from the U.S. Mint for any other reason

Mail FROM the U.S. Mint (not including order shipments)

  1. You received a printed U.S. Mint product catalog

  1. You received a letter/postcard from the U.S. Mint alerting you about products that were being released

  1. You received a letter/postcard from the U.S. Mint confirming that your order has been shipped

  1. You received a letter/postcard from the U.S. Mint alerting you about some type of problem with an order (i.e., that it was being delayed, that your credit card on file had expired, etc.)

  1. You received a letter/postcard from the U.S. Mint for any other reason

Split 2-1 onto two screens

Q.2-2 Which methods have you used to place orders for coins and/or other products directly from the U.S. Mint in the past 12 months?

Select all that apply.

Order Method

Methods used to Order from the U.S. Mint

(Past 12 Months)

Order via the Internet/U.S. Mint website

Order by telephone

Order by mail

Some other method (e.g., fax, Mint location, etc.)

<page break>

Q.2-3 Have you provided your e-mail address to the U.S. Mint and/or signed up to receive e-mails from the U.S. Mint?

Select one.


Check one

Yes, I have signed up to receive e-mail updates from the U.S. Mint

I have given the U.S. Mint my e-mail address when placing an order, but did not sign up to receive e-mail updates

I have not given my e-mail address to the U.S. Mint

If Q2-3 is level 3 (“I have not given my e-mail address to the U.S. Mint”) but Q2-1 is Yes for any of Items #19-#23, please show the following error message:

Earlier you indicated that you had received an email from the U.S. Mint during the past 12 months. Please revise your answer to reflect your current email status with the U.S. Mint.”

NOTE: Questions 2-5 through 2-13 will only be asked as a follow-up for individuals who indicate in Q.2-1 that they have experienced a particular problem or made inquiry to the U.S. Mint

Skip to Q2-6a if row 2 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Q.2-5a Did you use any of the following methods to attempt to contact the U.S. Mint to resolve your most recent problem with merchandise not being received?

Answer for each row.

Methods Used to Contact U.S. Mint to

Resolve Your Problem with Merchandise not being Received



Attempted to resolve a problem with merchandise not being received by telephone

Attempted to resolve a problem with merchandise not being received by mail

Attempted to resolve a problem with merchandise not being received by other method (e.g., fax)

Skip to 2-5f if all rows are “No.”

Q.2-5b Were you able to make contact with someone at the U.S. Mint to resolve your problem with merchandise not being received?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-5a

Success of Contact Attempt to Resolve your Problem with Merchandise not being Received



Were you able to speak with a U.S. Mint representative by telephone?

Was your mail inquiry answered by a U.S. Mint representative?

Were you able to reach someone at the U.S. Mint by the “other method” you used to contact them?

If all rows are “No,” skip to Q2-5e

Q.2-5c Were you able to resolve your problem with merchandise not being received in an acceptable manner?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-5b

Ability to Resolve Your Problem with Merchandise not being Received



Were you able to resolve your problem with merchandise not being received through your telephone inquiry?

Were you able to resolve your problem with merchandise not being received through your mail inquiry?

Were you able to resolve your problem with merchandise not being received through your “other method” inquiry?

Q.2-5d (Intentionally left blank)

Q.2-5e How satisfied were you with the resolution of your problem with merchandise not being received? Please rate your satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “extremely dissatisfied” and 6 means “extremely satisfied.”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Satisfaction with resolution of your problem with merchandise not being received

Q.2-5e2 Please describe why you were dissatisfied with the resolution of your problem with merchandise not being received.

Ask 2-5e2 if 2-5e <3.

Do not force an entry.

Q.2-5f What specific types of coins and other products did you order, but not receive during the past 12 months?

Select all that apply.

Product Types

Products that you Ordered but did Not Receive

(Past 12 Months)

Annual Coin Sets

Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Clad Proof Sets™

Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Silver Proof Sets™

Annual 4-Coin Presidential $1 Coin Proof Sets

Annual 14-Coin Clad Proof Set

Annual 14-Coin Silver Proof Set

Uncirculated Sets

American Eagle Coins

American Eagle Silver Proof Coins (1 oz.)

American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark) (1 oz.)

American Eagle Gold Proof Coins

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Platinum Proof Coins

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Platinum Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Buffalo Coins

American Buffalo 24K Gold Proof Coins

American Buffalo 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

First Spouse Coins

First Spouse 24K Gold Proof Coins

First Spouse 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins

Commemorative Coins

- Gold Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

- Silver Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

- Clad Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

Other Coins and Merchandise

Coin Rolls and/or Bags

Bronze Medals

Other U.S. Mint Products (e.g., containers, maps, etc.)

Must select at least one row.

Only show rows selected in S-4

If only 1 item is to be shown, then skip Q2-5f because the answer is implied

Skip to Q2-7a if row 3 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Q.2-6a Earlier you indicated that you had placed an order (or orders) that was (or were) not received in the expected time frame. On how many separate orders did this problem occur in the past 12 months?

Number of Separate Orders that were not

Received in the Expected Timeframe

(Past 12 Months)


Must be 1 or more; must be <= sum in Q.S-5 if S4b is “No”

<page break>

Q.2-6a2 Were you told at the time you ordered the item that the product was not yet available and would be shipped at a future date?

(If Q2-6a>1, Replace with “For how many of these orders were you told at the time you ordered the item that the product was not yet available and would be shipped at a future date?)

Select one answer (Note: If Q2-6a>1, replace grid with numerical grid and autosum total = answer from Q2-6a)

Yes, I was told at the time I placed the order that the item was not yet available and would be shipped at a later date


No, I was not told at the time I placed the order that the item was not yet available and would be shipped at a later date


If “no” to all, skip to Q.2-6a4

Q.2-6a3 And was the product still delayed in arriving (even beyond what was told to you at the time you ordered the item)?

(If Q2-6a2=Yes>1, Replace with “For how many of the [# “yes” from Q.2-6a2] orders where you were told the product was not yet available, was the product still delayed in arriving (even beyond what was told to you at the time you ordered the item)?)

Select one answer (Note: If Q2-6a2=Yes>1, replace grid with numerical grid and autosum total = answer Yes from Q2-6a2)

Yes, it was still delayed beyond what I was told when I ordered the item


No, it arrived within the time frame I was told when I ordered the item


Q.2-6a4 For how many of these order(s) [IF Q.2-6a3 “YES” is >0, THEN INSERT “where you experienced a delay other than what was announced at the time of ordering”] were you notified by the U.S. Mint via a phone call, e-mail or mailing that shipment of your order would be delayed?

Please insert the number of order(s) in the grid for which each situation occurred.

Orders for which you were not told at the time you placed the order that the item was not yet available and would be shipped at a later date

Orders which were still delayed beyond what you were told when you ordered the item

[INSERT # of 2-6A2=No if >0] Order(s)

[INSERT # of 2-6A3=Yes if >0] Order(s)

Yes, I was notified (at a time other than order placement) that the order would be delayed

No, I was not notified that the order would be delayed

[MUST SUM TO 2-6A2 = NO]


If Q2-6a2=No>0 OR 2-6a3=Yes>0 then ask 2-6a4; otherwise skip to instructions before 2-7a

If 2-6a2=No is 0 then do not display that column

If 2-6a3=Yes is 0 then do not display that column

Do not need to insert 0s

2-6a5 For how many of these order(s) was the order late because the shipping carrier tried to deliver your order at a time when no one was available at home?

Orders for which you were not told at the time you placed the order that the item was not yet available and would be shipped at a later date

Orders which were still delayed beyond what you were told when you ordered the item

[INSERT # of 2-6A2=No if >0] Order(s)

[INSERT # of 2-6A3=Yes if >0] Order(s)

Yes, no one was available at home to receive the package

No, I was able to receive the package when it was delivered

[MUST SUM TO 2-6A2 = NO]


If Q2-6a2=No>0 OR 2-6a3=Yes>0 then ask 2-6a5; otherwise skip to instructions before 2-7a

If 2-6a2=No is 0 then do not display that column

If 2-6a3=Yes is 0 then do not display that column

Do not need to insert 0s

2-6a6 Which carrier did the U.S. Mint use to send you your order(s)?

Orders for which you were not told at the time you placed the order that the item was not yet available and would be shipped at a later date

Orders which were still delayed beyond what you were told when you ordered the item

[INSERT # of 2-6A5 Col 1=Yes if >0] Order(s)

[INSERT # of 2-6A5 Col 2=Yes if >0] Order(s)



Don’t Know

[MUST SUM TO 2-6A5 Col 1 = Yes ]

[MUST SUM TO 2-6A5 Col 2 = YES]

If 2-6a5 =Yes >0 in either column then ask 2-6a6

If 2-6a5=Yes is 0 for the first column then do not display that column

If 2-6a5=Yes is 0 for the second column then do not display that column

Do not need to insert 0s

Q.2-6b Please indicate how many of the order(s) that were delayed were delivered in each of the time periods listed.

Total Time Required to Receive Delayed Merchandise Orders

(Past 12 Months)

Orders for which you were not told at the time you placed the order that the item was not yet available and would be shipped at a later date

Orders which were still delayed beyond what you were told when you ordered the item

[INSERT # of 2-6A2=No if >0] Order(s)

[INSERT # of 2-6A3=Yes if >0] Order(s)

Within 1 week of placing the original order

More than 1 week, but up to 2 weeks after placing the original order

More than 2 weeks, but up to 4 weeks after placing the original order

More than 4 weeks after placing the original order

Never received it at all (or still waiting for it after 4 weeks)

[MUST SUM TO 2-6A2 = NO]


Ask 2-6b if 2-6a2=No >0 or 2-6a3 = Yes >0 ; otherwise skip to instructions before 2-7a

If 2-6a2=No is 0 then do not display that column

If 2-6a3=Yes is 0 then do not display that column

Do not need to insert 0s

Q.2-6c Which of the specific types of merchandise were included in this (these) delayed orders in the past 12 months?

Select all that apply.

Product Types

Products that you Ordered and Received Late

(Past 12 Months)

Annual Coin Sets

Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Clad Proof Sets™

Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Silver Proof Sets™

Annual 4-Coin Presidential $1 Coin Proof Sets

Annual 14-Coin Clad Proof Set

Annual 14-Coin Silver Proof Set

Uncirculated Sets

American Eagle Coins

American Eagle Silver Proof Coins (1 oz.)

American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark) (1 oz.)

American Eagle Gold Proof Coins

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Platinum Proof Coins

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Platinum Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Buffalo Coins

American Buffalo 24K Gold Proof Coins

American Buffalo 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

First Spouse Coins

First Spouse 24K Gold Proof Coins

First Spouse 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins

Commemorative Coins

- Gold Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

- Silver Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

- Clad Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

Other Coins and Merchandise

Coin Rolls and/or Bags

Bronze Medals

Other U.S. Mint Products (e.g., containers, maps, etc.)

Must select at least one row

Only show rows selected in S-4

If only 1 item is to be shown, then skip Q2-6c because the answer is implied

Q.2-6d How did the fact that these orders were late impact you?

Select all that apply

It didn’t really create a problem for me, I just would have liked to get it earlier

I had to take the time to follow up with the U.S. Mint to determine when I would receive my order

It caused me to be concerned (but I did not follow up) about where my product was and if/when I would receive it

It was a gift item and I couldn’t give it to the intended recipient on time

Because it was late I had to purchase a similar item elsewhere

Other (specify)

Skip to Q2-8a if row 13 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Q.2-7a Which methods did you use to attempt to contact the U.S. Mint to resolve a billing problem the last time you did so?

Answer for each row.

Methods Used to Contact U.S. Mint to Resolve a Billing Problem



Attempted to resolve a billing problem by telephone

Attempted to resolve a billing problem by mail

Attempted resolve a billing problem by other method

Error message if all rows are “No”

Q.2-7b Were you able to make contact with someone at the U.S. Mint to resolve this billing problem?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-7a

Success of Contact Attempt Regarding Billing Problem



Were you able to speak with a U.S. Mint representative by telephone?

Was your mail inquiry answered by a U.S. Mint representative?

Were you able to reach someone at the U.S. Mint by the “other method” you used to contact them?

If all rows are “No,” skip to Q2-7e

Q.2-7c Were you able to resolve the billing problem in an acceptable manner?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-7b

Ability to Resolve Billing Problem



Were you able to resolve your billing problem through your telephone inquiry?

Were you able to resolve your billing problem through your mail inquiry?

Were you able to resolve your billing problem through your “other method” inquiry?

Q.2-7d (Intentionally left blank)

Q.2-7e How satisfied were you with the resolution of your billing problem? Please rate your satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “extremely dissatisfied” and 6 means “extremely satisfied.”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Satisfaction with resolution of your billing problem

Q.2-7e2 Please describe why you were dissatisfied with the resolution of your billing problem.

Ask 2-7e2 if 2-7e <3.

Do not force an entry.

Skip to Q2-9a if row 4 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Skip to Q2-9a if row 13 answer in Q2-1 is “Yes” in all cases where row 4 answers are “Yes.”

Q.2-8a Earlier you indicated you had experienced a billing error, but also indicated that you did not contact the U.S. Mint about the problem. Is this correct?

Select one

Correct, I did experience a billing error, but chose not to contact the U.S. Mint about it

Incorrect, I actually did contact the U.S. Mint to resolve the problem

If answer provided is “Incorrect,…” force answer in row 13 of Q2-1 to “Yes” where corresponding answer in row 4 of Q2-1 is “Yes,” then Skip to Q2-9

<page break>

Skip to Q2-10a if row 14 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Q.2-9a Which methods did you use to attempt to contact the U.S. Mint to resolve a problem with merchandise that was received the last time you needed to do so?

Answer for each row.

Methods Used to Contact U.S. Mint to Resolve a Problem with Merchandise that was Received



Attempted to resolve a problem with merchandise that was received by telephone

Attempted to resolve a problem with merchandise that was received by mail

Attempted to resolve a problem with merchandise that was received by other method

Error message if all rows are “No”

Q.2-9b Were you able to make contact with someone at the U.S. Mint to resolve a problem with merchandise that was received?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-9a

Success of Contact Attempt to Resolve a Problem with Merchandise that was Received



Were you able to speak with a U.S. Mint representative by telephone?

Was your mail inquiry answered by a U.S. Mint representative?

Were you able to reach someone at the U.S. Mint by the “other method” you used to contact them?

If all rows are “No,” skip to Q2-9e

Q.2-9c Were you able to resolve a problem with merchandise that was received in an acceptable manner?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-9b

Ability to Resolve a Problem with Merchandise that was Received



Were you able to resolve your problem with merchandise that was received through your telephone inquiry?

Were you able to resolve your problem with merchandise that was received through your mail inquiry?

Were you able to resolve your problem with merchandise that was received through your “other method” inquiry?

Q.2-9d (Intentionally left blank)

Q.2-9e How satisfied were you with the resolution of your problem with merchandise that was received? Please rate your satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “extremely dissatisfied” and 6 means “extremely satisfied.”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Satisfaction with the resolution of your problem with merchandise that was received

Q.2-9e2 Please describe why you were dissatisfied with the resolution of your problem with merchandise that was received.

Ask 2-9e2 if 2-9e <3.

Do not force an entry.

Skip to Q2-11a if row 5 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Skip to Q2-10b if total of Q.S-5 =1

Q.2-10a Earlier you indicated that you had received merchandise that was damaged or in poor condition. On how many separate orders did this problem occur in the past 12 months?

Number of Separate Orders for which Received
Merchandise was Damaged or in Poor Condition
(Past 12 Months)


Must be 1 or more; must be <= sum in Q.S-5

Q.2-10b What specific types of merchandise did you get that was damaged or in poor condition in the past 12 months?

Select all that apply.

Product Types

Specific Items that were Damaged or in Poor Condition
(Past 12 Months)

Annual Coin Sets

Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Clad Proof Sets™

Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Silver Proof Sets™

Annual 4-Coin Presidential $1 Coin Proof Sets

Annual 10- or 14-Coin Clad Proof Set

Annual 10- or 14-Coin Silver Proof Set

Uncirculated Sets

American Eagle Coins

American Eagle Silver Proof Coins (1 oz.)

American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark) (1 oz.)

American Eagle Gold Proof Coins

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Platinum Proof Coins

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Eagle Platinum Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

- 1 oz.

- ½ oz.

- ¼ oz.

- 1/10 oz.

- 4-coin set (including 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., 1/10 oz.)

American Buffalo Coins

American Buffalo 24K Gold Proof Coins

American Buffalo 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

First Spouse Coins

First Spouse 24K Gold Proof Coins

First Spouse 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins

Commemorative Coins

- Gold Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

- Silver Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

- Clad Commemorative Coins or Commemorative Coin Sets

Other Coins and Merchandise

Coin Rolls and/or Bags

Bronze Medals

Other U.S. Mint Products (e.g., containers, maps, etc.)

(Must select at least one row.)

Only show rows selected in S-4

If only 1 item is to be shown, then skip Q2-10b because the answer is implied

Skip to Q2-12a if row 6 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Skip to Q2-11b if total of Q.S-5 =1

Q.2-11a Earlier you indicated that you had received an inaccurate order (wrong merchandise, wrong quantities) during the past 12 months. On how many separate orders did this problem occur in the past 12 months?

Number of Separate Orders that were Inaccurate
(Past 12 Months)


Must be 1 or more; must be <= sum in Q.S-5

Q.2-11b What was the specific nature of the problem or problems you experienced?

Select all that apply

Specific Problems with Inaccurate Orders

(Past 12 Months)

Select All That Apply

Did not receive all the items I ordered

Received extra quantities of items that I did not order

Must select at least one row

Q.2-11c (Intentionally left blank)

Skip to Q2-13a if row 11 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Q.2-12a Which methods did you use the most recent time you attempted to contact the U.S. Mint to find out about product or program information?

Answer for each row.

Methods Used to Contact U.S. Mint about Product or Program Information



Attempted to contact by telephone

Attempted to contact by mail

Attempted to contact by other method (e.g., fax)

Error message if all rows are “No”

Q.2-12b Were you able to make contact with someone at the U.S. Mint to find out about product or program information?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-12a

Success of Contact Attempt about Product or Program Information



Were you able to speak with a U.S. Mint representative by telephone?

Was your mail inquiry answered by a U.S. Mint representative?

Were you able to reach someone at the U.S. Mint by the “other method” you used to contact them?

If all rows are “No,” skip to Q2-12e

Q.2-12c Were you able to obtain the product or program information you were seeking?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-12b

Ability to Obtain Product or Program Information



Were you able to obtain the product or program information you were seeking by your telephone inquiry?

Were you able to obtain the product or program information you were seeking by your mail inquiry?

Were you able to obtain the product or program information you were seeking by your “other method” inquiry?

If all rows are “No,” skip to Q2-12e

Q.2-12d Do you believe the product or program information you were given was accurate?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-12c

Accuracy of New Product or Program Information



Was the product or program information you received in response to your telephone inquiry accurate?

Was the product or program information you received in response to your mail inquiry accurate?

Was the product or program information you received in response to your “other method” inquiry accurate?

Q.2-12e How satisfied were you with the handling of your product or program information inquiries? Please rate your satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “extremely dissatisfied” and 6 means “extremely satisfied.”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Satisfaction with handling of your product or program information inquiries

Q.2-12e2 Please describe why you were dissatisfied with the handling of your product or program information inquiries.

Ask 2-12e2 if 2-12e <3.

Do not force an entry.

Skip to Q2-14a if row 12 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

Q.2-13a Which methods did you use to attempt to contact the U.S. Mint to find out about the status of an order the last time you did so?

Answer for each row.

Methods Used to Contact U.S. Mint to Find Out Status of an Order



Attempted to find out order status by telephone

Attempted to find out status on www.usmint.gov website

Attempted to find out order status by mail

Attempted to find out order by other method (e.g., fax)

Error message if all rows are “No”

Q.2-13b Were you able to make contact with someone at the U.S. Mint to find out about the status of your order?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-13a

Success of Contact Attempt Regarding Order Status



Were you able to speak with a U.S. Mint representative by telephone?

Were you able to access the order tracking information on the www.usmint.gov website

Was your mail inquiry answered by a U.S. Mint representative?

Were you able to reach someone at the U.S. Mint by the “other method” you used to contact them?

If all rows are “No,” skip to Q2-13e

Q.2-13c Were you able to obtain the order status information you were seeking?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-13b

Ability to Obtain Order Status Information



Were you able to obtain the order status information you were seeking by your telephone inquiry?

Were you able to obtain the order status information you were seeking at the www.usmint.gov website?

Were you able to obtain the order status information you were seeking by your mail inquiry?

Were you able to obtain the order status information you were seeking by your “other method” inquiry?

If all rows are “No,” skip to Q2-13e

Q.2-13d Do you believe the order status information you were given was accurate?

Display only rows corresponding to selections in Q2-13c

Accuracy of Order Status Information



Was the order status information you received in response to your telephone inquiry accurate?

Was the order status information you received from the www.usmint.gov website accurate?

Was the order status information you received in response to your mail inquiry accurate?

Was the order status information you received in response to your “other method” inquiry accurate?

Q.2-13e How satisfied were you with the handling of your order status information inquiries? Please rate your satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “extremely dissatisfied” and 6 means “extremely satisfied.”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Satisfaction with handling of your order status information inquiries

Q.2-13e2 Please describe why you were dissatisfied with the handling of your order status information inquiries.

Ask 2-13e2 if 2-13e <3.

Do not force an entry.

Skip to Q3-1 if row 10 answer in Q2-1 is “No.”

2-14a On the most recent occasion when you contacted the U.S. Mint via phone, how long did you have to wait until a customer service representative answered?

Select One

No wait, my call was answered right away

Less than 30 seconds

Between 30 seconds to just under 1 minute

1 minute to just under 2 minutes

2 minutes to just under 3 minutes

3 minutes to just under 5 minutes

5 minutes to just under 10 minutes

10 minutes or more

<page break>

2-14b Thinking again about this most recent call with the U.S. Mint, were you…

Select One

Placing an order?

Calling about something else?

2-14c Was this a call you made to place an order during the first few days that the product was available?

Select One



Don’t Remember

Ask 2-14c if 2-14b is placing an order

2-14d How dissatisfied or satisfied were you on this most recent call?

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Satisfaction with this most recent call

<page break>

2-14e How dissatisfied or satisfied were you on this most recent call with the customer service representative’s…

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

U.S. Mint Customer Service Representative’s…

Overall knowledge

Ability to answer your questions



2-14f Do you feel that it was the representative or the U.S. Mint policies that led to your dissatisfaction?

Select One

Customer service representative

U.S. Mint policies

Ask 2-14f if 2-14d <3.

2-14g Please describe why you were dissatisfied with the handling of this most recent call.

Ask 2-14g if 2-14d <3.

Do not force an entry.

Section 3: General Satisfaction [note: target 4 min]

Next we would like to learn about your level of satisfaction with certain aspects of the U.S. Mint’s products and services.

Q.3-1 Please rate your satisfaction with the U.S. Mint in each of the following product-related areas using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “extremely dissatisfied” and 6 means “extremely satisfied.” Please rate each item.

If you have no knowledge of a particular area, please select “Not Sure.”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Not Sure

1 2 3 4 5 6


Product Quality

  1. Overall product quality

  1. Product authenticity

  1. Quality of Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Clad Proof Sets™

  1. Quality of Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Silver Proof Sets™

  1. Quality of Annual 14-Coin Clad Proof Set

  1. Quality of Annual 14-Coin Silver Proof Set

  1. Quality of Uncirculated Sets

  1. Quality of American Eagle Silver Proof Coins

  1. Quality of American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

  1. Quality of American Eagle Gold Proof Coins

  1. Quality of American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

  1. Quality of American Eagle Platinum Proof Coins

  1. Quality of American Eagle Platinum Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

  1. Quality of American Buffalo 24K Gold Proof Coins

  1. Quality of American Buffalo 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins

  1. Quality of Bag and Roll Products

  1. Quality of Annual 4-Coin Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set

  1. Quality of First Spouse 24K Gold Proof Coins

  1. Quality of First Spouse 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins

  1. Quality of “Other Products”

Artwork/Designs of U.S. Mint Numismatic Coins

  1. Artwork/designs Overall

Packaging of U.S. Mint Products

  1. Packaging Overall

Pricing of U.S. Mint Products

  1. Overall product pricing

  1. Price for shipping

  1. Price for Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Clad Proof Sets™

  1. Price for Annual 5-Coin 50 State Quarters Silver Proof Sets™

  1. Price for Annual 14-Coin Clad Proof Set

  1. Price for Annual 14-Coin Silver Proof Set

  1. Price for Uncirculated Sets

  1. Price for American Eagle Silver Proof Coins

  1. Price for American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

  1. Price for American Eagle Gold Proof Coins

  1. Price for American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

  1. Price for American Eagle Platinum Proof Coins

  1. Price for American Eagle Platinum Uncirculated Coins (with ‘W’ mint mark)

  1. Price for American Buffalo 24K Gold Proof Coins

  1. Price for American Buffalo 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins

  1. Price for Bag and Roll Products

  1. Price for Annual 4-Coin Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set

  1. Price for First Spouse 24K Gold Proof Coins

  1. Price for First Spouse 24K Gold Uncirculated Coins

  1. Price for “Other Products”

Product Selection from U.S. Mint

  1. Breadth of product types available

  1. Availability of coin collecting/display aids (e.g., storage containers, quarters’ maps, etc.)

  1. Availability of educational materials (e.g. history of coins, etc.)

  1. Availability of youth-oriented products (youth collectors’ set, etc.)

  1. Availability of products and presentation materials suitable for gift-giving

Q.3-2 Next, we would like you to indicate your level of satisfaction with the following service-related items. Please use a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “extremely dissatisfied” and 6 means “extremely satisfied.” Please rate each item.

If you have no knowledge of a particular area, please select “Not Sure.”

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

Not Sure

1 2 3 4 5 6


U.S. Mint Communications

  1. Communications overall

  1. Types/content of communications sent to you

  1. Timeliness of communications about new product availability

  1. Accuracy of information on new products, product changes, etc.

  1. E-mail product notifications

  1. Product brochures

  1. Product notifications

  1. Subscription notifications

  1. Annual United States Mint catalog

  1. Coins Online” newsletter

U.S. Mint Ordering Process

  1. Ease of the ordering process – Internet

  1. Ease of the ordering process – telephone

  1. Ease of the ordering process – mail

  1. Clarity of information on products/prices

  1. Accurate representation of products

  1. Subscription ordering program

U.S. Mint Customer Service

  1. Overall customer service

  1. Service staff knowledge of product line

  1. Service staff courtesy

  1. Speed of problem resolution

  1. Adequacy/fairness of problem resolution

  1. Service staff responsiveness to telephone inquiries

  1. Wait time required to speak to a service representative

U.S. Mint Order Fulfillment

  1. Overall order fulfillment performance

  1. Timeliness of receiving order

  1. Accuracy of orders

  1. Packing of materials when shipped

  1. Condition of merchandise when delivered

3-2a Please describe why you are dissatisfied with the “Coins Online” newsletter.

Ask 3-2a if 3-2 item 10 <3.

Do not force an entry.

Q.3-2b How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the printed U.S. Mint product catalog?

Extremely Extremely

Dissatisfied Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6

Overall design

Presentation of products

Information about the products

Ask 3-2b only if Q2-1 row 24 is “Yes.”

Q.3-3. For which, if any, of the following occasions have you given U.S. Mint coins or coin products as a gift in the past 12 months?

Select All That Apply




Mother’s Day

Father’s Day

Birth of a child


Christmas/Year-End Holidays

Other (Specify)_______________________________________________________

I have not given U.S. Mint coins or coin products as gifts in the past 12 months

Do not allow last row to be selected with any other row.

Q.3-4. How likely are you to give U.S. Mint coins or coin products as a gift in the next 12 months on each of the following occasions? Please use a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “not at all likely” and 6 means “extremely likely.”


Not at All Extremely

Likely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6




Mother’s Day

Father’s Day

Birth of a child


Christmas/Year-End Holidays

Other (Specify)____________________________________

If response is <3 for either row 1 or row 8,” ask Q3-4b

Q3-4b. Why are you not likely to buy U.S. Mint coin or coin products within the next 12 months for a [birthday and/or Christmas/year-end holidays]?

If row 1 is <3 then insert birthday in question stem

If row 8 <3 then insert Christmas/year-end holidays in question stem

If both row 1 and row 8 <3 then insert birthday and/or Christmas/year-end holidays in question stem

Do not force an entry.

Section 5: Demographic Information

Q.5-1. What is the highest level of education you have attained?

Select only one row

Grade school (8th grade or less)

Some high school

High school graduate

Some college, no degree

Vocational training/2 –year college

4-year college/bachelor’s degree

Post-graduate training/degree

Q.5-2. Do you have any children under age 18 currently living in your household?



If no, skip to 5-4

Q.5-3. Are any of these children in the following age or school ranges?

Select all that apply

Newborn to three years

Preschool or kindergarten

Grade school (elementary/middle school)

High school

Q.5-4. Do you have any grandchildren?



If No, Skip to Q.5-6

Q.5-5. Are any of these grandchildren in the following age or school ranges?

Select all that apply

Newborn to three years

Preschool or kindergarten

Grade school (elementary/middle school)

High school

18 years of age or older

Q.5-6. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?




Not employed or student

Q.5-7. Are you Hispanic or Latino?



Q.5-8. Do you consider yourself to be…

American Indian or Alaska Native?


Black or African American?

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander?


Other (Specify) ________________

Q.5-9. What is your gender?



Skip to Q.5-11 if Q.5-6 is Row 3 or 4

Q.5-10. Which of the following best describes your occupation?

Managerial or professional

Technical, sales, or administrative

Service occupations

Precision products, crafts or repairs

Operators, fabricators, or laborers

Farming, forestry, or fishing

Other (Specify) _____________________________

Q.5-11 Which of the following categories best describes your total household income before taxes in 2007? Your best estimate is fine.

Less than $10,000

Between $10,000 to $19,999

$20,000 to $29,999

$30,000 to $39,999

$40,000 to $49,999

$50,000 to $74,999

$75,000 to $99,999

$100,000 or more

<page break>

Thank you for participating in this survey.

Please press the STOP button to finish the survey.


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorEmma Sanders
Last Modified ByAdine Frank
File Modified2008-12-16
File Created2008-12-16

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