1525-0012-0123, 1525-0012-0124, 1525-0012-0125, 1525-0012-126 Presidential $1 Coin Program and Consumer Research Surveys

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882. Implemented by Sales and Marketing Division.

1525-0012-0124 - Instrument - US Mint $1 Coin Pilot Post test Survey 10_08

1525-0012-0123, 1525-0012-0124, 1525-0012-0125, 1525-0012-126 Presidential $1 Coin Program and Consumer Research Surveys

OMB: 1525-0012

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FIELD FINAL – Nov. 2008

(Columns are ABSOLUTE)

(Revisions from JQA highlighted in yellow)

(6/24 Revisions highlighted in green)

(6/26 Revisions highlighted in pink)

Project Registration #154016



City Center: Government


Pilot {Post test-RDD Phone Sample



Brenda Sonksen, Specwriter

October, 2008


I.D.#: (1-6)


______ ______

____________________________________________ (1161 - 1170)


______ ______

____________________________________________ (1716 - 1721)

(NOTE: All interviews are recorded. The recording begins when the respondent answers the phone. This statement is read after the "Continue" response is entered after the Introduction and before the first question) This call will be recorded for quality assurance.

1 (Continue)

2 (Refused) - (Thank and Terminate) (1984)

We’re conducting a national survey about how specific agencies are performing within the U.S. Government. Response to this survey is voluntary and all responses will be kept completely anonymous. This interview has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget. The valid OMB control number is 1525-0012-xx.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, you are not required to respond to a survey like this one unless you are given a valid OMB control number.

Sa. CENSUS DIVISION: (Code from fone file)

1 New England

2 Middle Atlantic

3 East North Central

4 West North Central

5 South Atlantic

6 East South Central

7 West South Central

8 Mountain

9 Pacific _____(73)

Sb. DENSITY VARIABLE: (Code from fone file)

1 Urban

2 Suburban

3 Rural _____(53)

Sc. SAMPLE TYPE: (Code from fone file)


11 Austin (n=830)

12 Charlotte (n=830)

13 Grand Rapids (n=850)

14 Portland (n=870)


21 Austin (n=170)

22 Charlotte (n=170)

23 Grand Rapids (n=150)

24 Portland (n=130)

______ ______

___________________________________________ (74) (75)

Hello, this is , calling from Gallup on behalf of the U.S. Mint. We’re conducting a survey on coin usage.

May I please speak to the adult, age 18 or over, in this household who most recently celebrated a birthday?

1 Yes, respondent available - (Continue)

7 Respondent not available/ Not a good time - (Set time to call back)

8 (Soft Refusal)

9 (Hard Refusal) - (Thank, Terminate, and Tally) _____(2001)

(If code 21-24 in Sc, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #1)

Sc1. First, to confirm, have I reached you on your cell phone?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2640)

(If code 1 in Sc1, Continue;

Otherwise, Thank and Terminate)

Sc2. For your safety, are you currently driving?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2641)

(If code 1 in Sc2, Set time to call back;

If code 2 in Sc2, Continue;

Otherwise, Thank and Terminate)

Sc3. In addition to a cell phone, do you also have regular landline telephone service in your home?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2642)

(If code 1 in Sc3, Continue;

If code 2 in Sc3, Skip to Sc5;

Otherwise, Thank and Terminate)

Sc4. Do you use that landline telephone to make and receive calls, or is it ONLY used for other purposes, such as connecting to the Internet, connecting to a fax machine, or for business purposes?

1 Use to make and receive calls

2 Only used for fax, etc.

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2643)

(If code 2 in Sc4, Continue;

Otherwise, Thank and Terminate)

Sc5. Is the CELL PHONE I have reached you on mainly used for personal use, or only for business purposes?

1 Personal use

2 Used only for business

3 (BOTH) [Volunteered]

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2644)

(If code 1 or 3 in Sc5, Continue;

Otherwise, Thank and Terminate)

Sc6. Please tell me your age. (Open ended and code actual age)

00 (Refused)



99 99+

______ ______

___________________________________________ (2650) (2651)

(If code 00-17 in Sc6, Thank and Terminate;

Otherwise, Continue)

1. From what you know, are one-dollar coins currently in circulation by the U.S. Mint, or not?

1 Yes, in circulation

2 No, not in circulation

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2401)

(If code 1 in #1, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Read before #9)

2. Can you describe what image or images are featured on one-dollar coins? (Open ended and code) (Probe:) Anything else? (Probe for five responses)

0001 Other (list)

0002 (DK)

0003 (Refused)

0004 HOLD

0005 HOLD

0006 Sacagawea/Native American woman with baby

0007 Susan B. Anthony

0008 U.S. Presidents (non-specified)

0009 George Washington

0010 John Adams

0011 Thomas Jefferson

0012 James Madison

0013 Statue of Liberty

0014 James Monroe

0015 John Quincy Adams

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2402 - 2405)

2nd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2406 - 2409)

3rd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2410 - 2413)

4th ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2414 - 2417)

5th ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2418 - 2421)

3. Please tell me, from what you know, whether each of the following images are on one-dollar coins. If you’re not sure, just say so and we’ll move on. How about (read and rotate A-J, as appropriate)?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

A. The American flag _____(2422)

B. (If code 0013 NOT mentioned in #2, ask:) The Statue of Liberty _____(2423)

C. The Liberty Bell _____(2424)

D. The U.S. Capitol _____(2425)

E. The White House _____(2426)

F. U.S. States _____(2427)

G. (If code 0008-0012, 0014, or 0015 NOT mentioned in #2, ask:) U.S. Presidents _____(2428)

H. A Bald Eagle _____(2429)

I. (If code 0006 NOT mentioned in #2, ask:) A Native American Woman _____(2430)

J. (If code 0007 NOT mentioned in #2, ask:) Susan B. Anthony _____(2431)

(Question #4 deleted) HOLD (2432)

[Deleted Note]

(Question #5 deleted) HOLD (2501-


(If code 0008-0012 or 0014-0015 in #2 OR

If code 1 in #3-G, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Read before #9)

6. What do you remember as the distinct characteristics of the one-dollar coin? (Open ended and code) (Probe:) What else? (Probe for five responses)

0001 Other (list)

0002 (DK)

0003 (Refused)

0004 HOLD

0005 HOLD

0006 Golden

0007 Features a President

0008 Has markings along the side

0009 Has Statue of Liberty on it

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2521 - 2524)

2nd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2525 - 2528)

3rd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2529 - 2530)

4th ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2533 - 2537)

5th ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2538 - 2541)

(Question #7 deleted) HOLD (2630-


[Deleted Note]

(Question #8 deleted) HOLD (2433-


(READ:) I am going to read a statement about a new one-dollar coin. Please listen carefully as the questions that follow will be about your opinions on the new coin.

Under the Presidential Coin Act of 2005, the U.S. Mint is producing a new series of one-dollar coins. The series started in February 2007, and a new Presidential one-dollar coin is being minted about every three months that will feature the likeness of a previous President – starting first with George Washington and proceeding chronologically. During an approximate 10-year period, each President will be featured on a dollar coin, but no coin may bear the image of a living former or current President. This program does NOT cost taxpayers any additional money and these coins are circulating currency good for use in commercial transactions.

9. After hearing this description, would you be (read 4-1) to do each of the following if you receive a Presidential one-dollar coin as change? Would you (read and rotate A-B)?

4 Very likely

3 Somewhat likely

2 Not too likely, OR

1 Not at all likely

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

A. Use the Presidential one-dollar coin for purchases _____(2443)

B. Collect the Presidential one-dollar coin _____(2444)

10. What do you think about the idea of having a series of Presidential one-dollar coins? Do you think it is a (read 5-1)?

5 Very good idea

4 Good idea

3 Poor idea

2 Very bad idea, OR

1 It makes no difference to you

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2548)

11. Regardless of how you feel about the Presidential one-dollar coin series, what do you think is the most POSITIVE aspect of the coin? (Open ended and code)

0001 Other (list)

0002 (DK)

0003 (Refused)

0004 Nothing/no positive aspect

0005 HOLD

0006 Good for collectors

0007 Good for children to learn about Presidents

0008 Preserves U.S. history

0009 More durable/last longer than bills

0010 New/different design

0011 More convenient than paper money

0012 Mint will make money

0013 Good for vending machines

0014 Patriotic

0015 Is better for the environment

0016 Is made from 100% recyclable materials

0017 Lasts for decades

0018 Can save our country $5 billion every 10 years

0019 Is accepted at retailers everywhere

0020 Is real U.S. Tender

______ ______

____________________________________________ (2549 - 2552)

(READ:) For the remainder of this survey, I'd like you to think about all one-dollar coins.

12. In the past 12 months, have you had a one-dollar coin in your possession?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2445)

(If code 2, 8, or 9 in #12, Skip to #14;

Otherwise, Continue)

(Question #12a deleted) HOLD (2446)

12b. Did you USE one of those one-dollar coins to pay for something or make a purchase?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2722)

12c. Thinking again about those coins, what did you do with the one-dollar coins you had in your possession? Did you (read A-C)?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

A. Spend them to pay for something or make a purchase _____(2568)

B. Save them as part of a collection _____(2569)

C. Give them as a gift _____(2570)

(Question #13 deleted) HOLD (2447-


14. These days, would you say that one-dollar coins are (read and rotate 1-2)?

1 Readily available almost anywhere (or)

2 Not readily available (or)

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2463)

(If code 2 in #14, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #16)

15. For each of the following, please tell me whether or not you think you can easily get a one-dollar coin at this location. How about (read and rotate A-F)?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

A. At your bank _____(2464)

B. At your local post office _____(2465)

C. At a retail store _____(2466)

D. At your grocery store _____(2467)

E. In a vending machine _____(2468)

F. From a public transportation clerk or vending machine _____(2469)

16. From what you know, are one-dollar coins accepted by all retailers and businesses, or can they only be used in particular places?

1 Anywhere

2 Only in particular places

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2470)

17. From what you know about vending machines, do all of them accept one-dollar coins, only some, or none of them?

1 All of them

2 Only some

3 None of them

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2471)

[Deleted Note]

(Question #17a deleted) HOLD (2472)

17b. In the past 12 months, has anyone in a bank, store, or retail business tried to hand you a dollar coin?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2571)

(If code 1 in #17b, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #18a)

17c. Did you (read and rotate 1-2)?

1 Ask for a dollar bill (or)

2 Accept the coin (or)

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2572)

(If code 1, 8, or 9 in #17c, Skip to #21;

Otherwise, Skip to #22)

[Deleted Note]

(Question #18 deleted) HOLD (2565)

[Deleted Note]

18a. If someone in a bank, store, or retail business tried to hand you a one-dollar coin, would you be more likely to (read and rotate 1-2)?

1 Ask for a dollar bill (or)

2 Accept the coin

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2573)

HOLD _____(2473-


(If code 1 in #18a, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #22)

(Question #18b deleted) HOLD _____(2475)

[Deleted Note]

(Question #19 deleted) HOLD (2566)

[Deleted Note]

(Question #19a deleted) HOLD _____(2476)

(Question #20 deleted) HOLD _____(2567)

[Deleted Note]

21. What are the reasons you would NOT accept the one-dollar coins? (Open ended and code) (Probe:) What other reasons? (Probe for five responses)

0001 Other (list)

0002 (DK)

0003 (Refused)

0004 HOLD

0005 HOLD

0006 Might confuse them with quarters

0007 Too heavy/too bulky

0008 Less convenient than paper bills

0009 Don’t use cash – just credit cards

0010 Stores might not accept them

0011 HOLD

0012 Want to collect them rather than spend them

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2601 - 2604)

2nd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2605 - 2608)

3rd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2609 - 2612)

4th ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2613 - 2616)

5th ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2617 - 2620)

22. If you wanted to learn more about one-dollar coins and where you can obtain the coins, where would you be most likely to go for that information? (Open ended and code)

0001 Other (list)

0002 (DK)

0003 (Refused)

0004 HOLD

0005 HOLD

0006 Internet, General-other

0007 Internet, U.S. Mint Web site

0008 Bank

0009 TV

0010 Library

0011 Ask your friends

0012 Ask your family

______ ______

____________________________________________ (2477 - 2480)

23. In the past 30 days, do you recall seeing any commercial messages or advertisements about one-dollar coins in your area?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2574)

(If code 1 in #23, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Read before D0)

24. Did you see that message in a full-page ad in the newspaper?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2575)

(If code 1 in #24, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to #26)

25. Did you see any other ads?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2576)

(If code 1 in #25, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Read before D0)

(READ:) For the next few questions I ask, I'd like you to think solely about the commercial or advertisements you saw that were NOT the full-page ads.

26. Thinking about that commercial or advertisement you saw about the one-dollar coin, do you remember if any of the following were in the message? How about (read and rotate A-H)?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

A. Is better for the environment (2577)

B. Is made from 100% recyclable materials (2578)

C. Lasts for decades (2579)

D. Can save our country $5 billion every 10 years (2580)

E. Is accepted at retailers everywhere (2581)

F. Is real U.S. tender (2582)

G. Celebrates our Presidential History (2583)

H. Has a golden eagle on the back (2584)

(If code 1 to ANY in #26 A-H, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Read before D0)

27. Using a scale from one-to-five, where 5 is extremely interested and 1 is not interested at all, after hearing that message, how interested were you in using a one-dollar coin?

5 Extremely interested




1 Not interested at all

6 (DK)

7 (Refused) (2585)

28. Thinking again about that message, can you tell me where you saw or heard it? Was it (read and rotate A-L)?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

A. On television (2586)

B. On the radio (2587)

C. In a magazine (2588)

D. On a Web site (2589)

E. On an Internet search engine like Google or Yahoo! (2590)

F. On an outdoor sign or billboard (2591)

G. In the news (newspaper article, magazine article, TV news reports, etc.) (2592)

H. At your bank or credit union (2593)

I. In a retail store (2594)

28. (Continued:)

J. At a restaurant (2595)

K. From a relative or friend (2596)

L. From a mobile car or truck (2597)


(READ:) I have a few final questions for statistical purposes only.

D0. Do you purchase SPECIAL COLLECTORS COINS, for example, proof sets or uncirculated coins, to collect for yourself or someone else?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2626)

(If code 11-14 in Sc, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to D2)

D1. Please tell me your age. (Open ended and code actual age)

00 (Refused)



99 99+

______ ______

___________________________________________ (2701) (2702)


D2. How many adults, age 18 or older, currently reside in your household? Please do not count students living away from home or boarders. (Open ended and code actual number)

0 None



7 7 or more

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2704)

D3. Are there any children living in your household under 18 years of age?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2703)

D4. ETHNICITY: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish background?

1 Yes, Hispanic or Latino origin or descent

2 No not of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2705)


D5. What is your race? The U.S. census categories are American Indian or Alaska native, Asian, Black or African-American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or White. You may provide more than one answer, if appropriate. (If necessary, read 06-07, then 09-11, then 01) (Allow three responses)

01 Some other race (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



06 White

07 African-American/Black

08 (Hispanic)

09 American Indian or Alaska Native

10 Asian

11 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2706) (2707)

2nd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2708) (2709)

3rd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (2710) (2711)

[Deleted Note]

(Questions D6 and D7 deleted) HOLD (2712-


D8. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Open ended and code)

1 Less than high school graduate (0-11)

2 High school graduate (12)

3 Some college

4 Trade/Technical/Vocational training

5 College graduate

6 Postgraduate work/Degree

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2718)


D9. What is your current marital status? (Read 1-6)

1 Married

2 Living with a partner

3 Separated

4 Divorced

5 Widowed

6 Never married

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2714)

D10. Which of the following best describes your current employment status? (Read 1-6)

1 Employed full-time

2 Employed part-time, but not a full-time student

3 A full-time student

4 Retired

5 A homemaker

6 Not employed

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2715)

(Question D11 deleted) HOLD _____(2719)


D12. Is your total annual household income, before taxes, over or under $35,000?

(If Under, ask:) Is it over or under $25,000?

(If Under, ask:) Is it over or under $5,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $50,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $75,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $100,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $150,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $200,000?

00 Under $5,000

01 $5,000 to $24,999

02 $25,000 to $34,999

03 $35,000 to $49,999

04 $50,000 to $74,999

05 $75,000 to $99,999

06 $100,000 to $149,999

07 $150,000 to $199,999

08 $200,000 or more

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

______ ______

___________________________________________ (2716) (2717)

D12a. PUBLIC TRANSIT: In the last 30 days, have you taken some form of public transportation?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2598)

(If code 1 in D12a, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to D13)


D12b. Would you say you are a (read 1-3) user of public transportation?

1 Frequent

2 Occasional, OR

3 Infrequent

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2599)

D13. GENDER: (Code only; Do NOT ask)

1 Male

2 Female _____(2720)

[Deleted Note]

(Question D14 deleted) HOLD (2721)

[Deleted Note]

(Question D15 deleted) HOLD (2801-


If code 21-24 in Sc


D16. How many different residential phone NUMBERS do you have coming into your household, not including lines dedicated to a fax machine, modem, or used strictly for business purposes? Do not include cellular phones. (Open ended and code)

0 Zero/None

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five or more

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2719)



D17. Is this a cell phone-only household without any telephone landlines?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) (2645)

D18. Currently, do you use just one cell phone to make and receive calls, or do you use more than one? (Open ended and code) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: If more than one, probe for number used)

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five or more

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2646)

D19. Are you the only person who uses this cell phone, or do other people in your household also receive calls on it? (If others receive calls, ask:) Including yourself, how many people use this phone? (Open ended and code)

1 Respondent is only user

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five

6 Six

7 Seven or more people use phone

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____(2647)



Again, this is _____, with Gallup of _____. I would like to thank you for your time. Our mission is to "help people be heard" and your opinions are important to Gallup in accomplishing this.

INTERVIEWER I.D. #: _____(1571-



6/24/08 Revised: Wording in Introduction

6/26/08 Revised: Wording in Introduction


US Mint Pilot Pretest RDD-Cell Phone 0806


US Mint Pilot Posttest-RDD Survey


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleRoughly how much money do you think you personally will spend on holiday gifts this Christmas season
AuthorGallup User
Last Modified Bykchiarello
File Modified2008-10-14
File Created2008-10-14

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