Consolidated Entry for Mint Surveys & Focus Groups 1525-0012-113 thru 1525-0012-120

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882. Implemented by Sales and Marketing Division.

1525-0012-0115 Instrument-Brand Survey July 08

Consolidated Entry for Mint Surveys & Focus Groups 1525-0012-113 thru 1525-0012-120

OMB: 1525-0012

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FIELD FINAL – November 28, 2007

(Columns are ABSOLUTE)

The Gallup Organization, Inc.

Project Registration #138870

US Mint Brand Survey


City Center: Government

Brand Survey US Mint



November, 2007

n=1,000 RDD


______ (1- 6)


______ ______

(649 - 658)


______ ______

(716 - 721)


1. Nationwide Sample: N=1,000

(NOTE: All interviews are recorded. The recording begins when the respondent answers the phone. This statement is read after the "Continue" response is entered after the Introduction and before the first question) This call will be recorded for quality assurance.

1 (Continue)

2 (Refused) - (Thank and Terminate) (984)

Hello, this is , calling from The Gallup Poll.

We’re conducting a national survey about how specific agencies are performing within the U.S. Government. Response to this survey is voluntary and all responses will be kept completely anonymous. This interview has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget. The valid OMB control number is 1525-0012-xx.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, you are not required to respond to a survey like this one unless you are given a valid OMB control number.

S2. Of the adults age 18 or older in your household, I need to speak to the one who had the most recent birthday. Would that be you, or someone else in your household?

1 Yes, respondent available - (Continue)

4 No – (Ask to speak to correct person and reset to Introduction)

5 No such person in household - (Thank and Terminate)

7 Respondent not available - (Set time to call back)

8 (Refused) - (Thank and Terminate) _____(1002)

1. I’d like to start by asking how much you know about a few Federal Government agencies. Please let me know if you feel like you know a lot, some, not much at all. Let’s start with (READ AND ROTATE):

1 A lot

2 Some

3 Not much at all

7 (DK)

8 (Refused)

A. Passport Office

B. State Department

C. Bureau of Engraving and Printing

D. US Mint

E. Federal Reserve

F. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

2. Do you know the name of the agency in the Federal Government that produces US Coins? (Open ended and code) ALLOW ONE RESPONSE

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



06 US Mint

07 Federal Reserve (or “the Fed”)

08 Bureau of Engraving and Printing

09 US Treasury

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1309) (1310)

3. Do you know the the name of agency in the Federal Government that prints dollar bills? (Open ended and code)

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



06 US Mint

07 Federal Reserve (or “the Fed”)

08 Bureau of Engraving and Printing

09 US Treasury

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1309) (1310)

4. Do you know the name of the agency in the Federal Government that regulates the money supply? (Open ended and code)

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



06 US Mint

07 Federal Reserve (or “the Fed”)

08 Bureau of Engraving and Printing

09 US Treasury


1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1309) (1310)

5. Do you know the name of the name of the agency in the Federal Government that oversees Fort Knox? (Open ended and code)

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



06 US Mint

07 Federal Reserve (or “the Fed”)

08 Bureau of Engraving and Printing

09 US Treasury


11 Department of Defense

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1309) (1310)

6. Next, I’m going to list several Federal Government agencies. I’d like you rate how good of a job each of them are doing. Please use a scale of ‘1’ to ‘5’ where ‘5’ is excellent and ‘1’ is poor. (read and rotate A-E)

5 Excellent




1 Poor

7 (DK)

8 (Refused) _____(1303)

A. U.S. Mint

B. U.S. Treasury

C. US Passport Office

D. Bureau of Engraving and Printing

E. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

F. United States Postal Services (USPS)

ASK 7 ONLY IF Q6A is NOT a ‘5’

7. Why would you not give the US Mint a ‘5’ on this question? (open end and code)

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1309) (1310)

2nd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1311) (1312)

8. Do you know if the Mint…..? (ROTATE 1-2)

1 Uses taxpayer dollars to fund their services

2 Finances their services themselves without taxpayer money

7 (DK)

8 (Refused)

9. I’m going to read seven statements. Can you tell me which of them are the main functions of the U.S. Mint—there may be more than one? Please answer yes or no to each. Does the US Mint (read and rotate A-E)?

1 Yes

2 No

7 (DK)

8 (Refused)

A Make coins for circulation

B Make coins for collectors

C Make dollar bills

D Provide revenue to the government

E Control the money supply

F Make coins for special government occasions (e.g. Congressional medal of honor, etc.)

G Maintain and protect the Nation's gold and silver assets

10. [(If code 2, 7, or 8 in 9A, 9B, 9F or 9G in #5, read:) Actually,/(If code 1 in 9A, 9B, 9F or 9G in #5, read:):) You are correct] the Mint makes coins for circulation, for collectors and for special government occasions. They also maintain and protect the Nation’s gold and silver assets as well as provide revenue for the government. Can you tell me to what extent knowing that the Mint performs each of these tasks makes you view the Mint more favorably? Thinking about READ AND ROTATE A-E, would you say you would be much more favorable, somewhat more favorable, no change in your opinion, somewhat less favorable or much less favorable.

  1. Much more favorable

  2. Somewhat more favorable

  3. No change in opinion

  4. Somewhat less favorable

  5. Much less favorable

7 (DK)

8 (Refused) _____(1303)

A Make coins for circulation

B Make coins for collectors

C Make coins for special government occasions (e.g. Congressional medal of honor, etc.)

D Maintain and protect the Nation's gold and silver assets

E Provides revenue for the government

READ: Continuing to think about the U.S. Mint…

11. Can you tell me to what extent each of the following words and statements describes the Mint? Please use a scale of ‘1’ to ‘5’ where ‘5’ is it describes them perfectly and ‘1’ is it does not describe them at all. How about (READ AND ROTAE A-H, then read I-K to those that apply)

5 Describes The Mint perfectly




1 Does not describe The Mint at all

7 (DK)

8 (Refused) _____(1303)

A. Trustworthy

B. High quality

C. Innovative

D. A model government agency

E. Offers products that are good value for the money

F. Strong Integrity

G. Educates the public about coin collecting

H. Easily accessible to the public

IF S1=2-9 Continue, else skip to Q12

I. Contributes to our community

J. Employs people here in our community

K. Is a good place to work

12. Thinking about the products that the U.S. Mint sells, such as US Mint Proof Sets, do you know if those products are available to anyone or only available to coin collectors?

1 They are available to anyone

2 They only available to coin collectors

7 (DK)

8 (Refused)

13. Lastly, if you could give ONE recommendation to the U.S. Mint to better serve the American public what that be? (Open ended)

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)

04 Nothing


______ ______

___________________________________________ (2121) (2122)

14. Do you purchase SPECIAL COLLECTORS COINS, for example, proof sets or uncirculated coins, to collect for yourself or someone else?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused) _____( )


(READ:) Finally, I would like to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only.

D1. GENDER: (Code only, Do not ask)

1 Male

2 Female _____(1317)

D2. Including yourself, how many members of this household are age 18 or older? (Open ended and code actual number)

97 97+

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

______ ______

___________________________________________ (1318) (1319)

D3. Please tell me your age. (Open ended and code actual age)

00 (Refused)

99 99+

______ ______

___________________________________________ (1320) (1321)

D4. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused) _____(1322)


D5. Which of these groups best describes your racial background? (Read 06-10, then 01)? (Allow three responses)

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



06 White

07 Black or African-American

08 Asian (If necessary, read:) includes Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Asian Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, other Asian)

09 American Indian or Alaskan Native

10 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

11 (Hispanic)

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1323) (1324)

2nd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1325) (1326)

3rd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1327) (1328)

D6. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Open ended and code)

1 Less than high school graduate

2 High school graduate

3 Some college or trade/technical/vocational training beyond high school

4 College graduate

5 Postgraduate work/degree

6 (Don’t know)

7 (Refused) _____(1329)


D7. Is your total annual household income, before taxes, over or under $45,000?

(If Under, ask:) Is it over or under $35,000?

(If Under, ask:) Is it over or under $25,000?

(If Under, ask:) Is it over or under $15,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $55,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $75,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $100,000?

01 Under $15,000

02 $15,000 to $24,999

03 $25,000 to $34,999

04 $35,000 to $44,999

05 $45,000 to $54,999

06 $55,000 to $74,999

07 $75,000 to $99,999

08 $100,000 or over

09 (DK)

10 (Refused)

______ ______

___________________________________________ (1330) (1331)

D8. How many different phone NUMBERS do you have coming into your household, not including lines dedicated to a fax machine, modem, or used strictly for business purposes? Do not include cellular phones. (Open ended and code)

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five or more

6 (DK)

7 (Refused) _____(1332)



Again, this is _____, with the Gallup Organization of _____. I would like to thank you for your time. Our mission is to "help people be heard" and your opinions are important to Gallup in accomplishing this.


©The Gallup Organization 02/04/21

Mint Brand Survey

File Typeapplication/msword
Authorjeannie weisbrook
Last Modified Byypollard
File Modified2008-07-10
File Created2008-07-10

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