1525-0012-0157 United States Mint Promise Testing Survey

1525-0012-0157 US Mint OMB Promise Testing 2011 final.docx

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882. Implemented by Sales and Marketing Division.

1525-0012-0157 United States Mint Promise Testing Survey

OMB: 1525-0012

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United States Mint

Promise Testing

March 2011

Purpose of the Research

In order to increase sales volume in 2011, the United States Mint must revise its existing messaging strategy. Communications will shift from a focus on America the Beautiful Quarters® Program to promoting the six core products: Quarter Proof Set, Silver Quarter Proof Set, Silver Proof Set, Proof Set, Uncirculated Set, and the Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set. The new campaign will be designed to retain existing United States Mint customers and attract coin collectors from competitive brands. Previous campaigns were intended for mass-market appeal and reached a wide-variety of audiences.

This study will explore how to best relate to United States Mint customers by testing messaging claims and evaluating competitive advertisements. The results from the study will allow the United States Mint to effectively connect with key audiences in future communications.

Research Topic Outline

Phase 1: Messaging Claims

The study will test up to 25 potential messaging claims, one of which will be used in future communications materials from the United States Mint. The claims have been developed jointly between the United States Mint and Campbell Ewald. Each claim has been tailored to communicate a unique proposition to the core customer base.

In addition to the claims, several “tie-breaking” questions will be asked to determine: how likely a customer would learn more about the product and how the claim enhanced the customer’s opinion of the United States Mint. These questions will help define the most relevant claim to customers.

(Additional Details in Appendix A)

Phase 2: Competitive Advertising Claims
As communications in 2011 shift to focus on core products and category competition continues to create confusion among customers as to the official United States Mint, a competitive advertising claims study will identify what advertising messaging resonates with potential and current customers. The survey will gather consumers’ opinions regarding current advertising in the marketplace and gather further information regarding the United States Mint’s competitive position.

Survey participants will be shown 8 ads, 2 from the United States Mint and 6 from competitors. Participants will then indicate their interest in the product, brand association, and the likelihood they would consider purchasing the product.

(Additional Details in Appendix B)

Sampling Direction

We will field both phases of the study among respondents from the general United States adult population, current and past United States Mint customers, purchasers of competitive products, and casual pocket change collectors.

1,750 Total Sample (3,500 Total Sample Size – both phases combined)
250 General Market

250 General Market Men Age 55+
250 Existing
United States Mint Customers
250 Lapsed
United States Mint Customers
250 New
United States Mint Customers
250 Purchasers/Collectors of Competitive Products
250 Pocket Change Collectors


Both phases of the study will be an online, quantitative survey distributed by email.

Methods to Maximize Response Rates

Respondents have agreed to answer email surveys in advance and can conveniently answer surveys in accordance to their schedules.


Incentives are awarded in non-monetary points and vary based on the panel provider.

Estimate of the Burden Hours

The collection of information will involve two 20-minute tracking questionnaires with the segmented sample of 1,750 respondents for each phase. Total estimated burden hours are:


Estimated Hours

Phase 1: Messaging Claims


Phase 2: Competitive Advertising Claims




Appendix A

Phase 1: Messaging Claims

The study will use a “serial monadic” design to evaluate reaction to the messaging claims.  Each respondent will be asked to evaluate 24 messaging claims based on purchase consideration and perception of the United States Mint. Using an 11-point scale, each response will be weighted to create a corrected “potential trial percentage” that takes into account the tendency to over-estimate interest/purchase intention in most concept evaluation research.
Example of Serial Monadic Design

A Validated Purchase Probability Scale
Source: Simulated Test Marketing by Clancy, Shulman and Wolf


Certain Will Purchase

99 Chances in 100


Almost Certain Will Purchase

90 Chances in 100


Very Probably Will Purchase

80 Chances in 100


Probably Will Purchase

70 Chances in 100


Good Possibility Will Purchase

60 Chances in 100


Fairly Good Possibility Will Purchase

50 Chances in 100


Fair Possibility Will Purchase

40 Chances in 100


Some Possibility Will Purchase

30 Chances in 100


Slight Possibility Will Purchase

20 Chances in 100


Very Slight Possibility Will Purchase

10 Chances in 100


No Chance Will Purchase

0 Chances in 100


Messaging Claims Questionnaire

lease read each description that follows and answer the two questions below it.


1. Based upon the above statement, how likely would you be to consider purchasing a product from the United States Mint?


Certainly Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Almost Certainly Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Very Probably Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Probably Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Good Possibility Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Fairly Good Possibility Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Fair Possibility Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Some Possibility Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Slight Possibility Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


Very Slight Possibility Will Purchase a United States Mint Product


No Chance Will Purchase a United States Mint Product

2. How did this statement improve your perception of the United States Mint?


Very Much Improved My Perception


Almost Certainly Improved My Perception


Very Probably Improved My Perception


Probably Improved My Perception


Good Possibility Improved My Perception


Fairly Good Possibility Improved My Perception


Fair Possibility Improved My Perception


Some Possibility Improved My Perception


Slight Possibility Improved My Perception


Very Slightly Improved My Perception


Did Not Improve My Perception



Messaging Statements For Phase 1

hank you very much for your time and cooperation.

Statements to be asked in randomly rotated order are:


The Official United States Mint

There are a lot of companies that present themselves as “The Mint,” but there’s only one way to tell if you’re dealing with the official United States Mint - look for the United States Mint logo or the United States Department of Treasury seal.

Preserving American History

The United States Mint has been capturing the history of America in coinage since its birth. From Presidents and landmarks to states and national parks, each coin has something important to teach us about this great land of ours.

Not Repackaged

While other “mints” may take circulating coins from banks and repackage them, when you buy from the United States Mint you know you are getting pristine collector coins in their original cases from the authentic mint that produced them.

Legal Tender

Only law has entrusted the United States Mint entrusted to produce coins to be used as our nation’s currency. They also are the only ones who can mint a higher quality proof version of their coins for the collector with mirror-like finishes and richer detail.

Look for the “S” Mark

Unlike the coins currently made for circulation, the United States Mint has a special way of distinguishing most of the proof and silver proof coins they mint especially for collectors—they put an “S” mark on the face of the coin. It means that coin came from the United States Mint at San Francisco, the primary facility responsible for providing vividly detailed, mirror-like finish collectible proof coins.

Next Generation

Sharing collector coins from the United States Mint creates a special bond between one person and another. These beautiful heirlooms are designed to last and be passed down from one generation to another.

Marks a Special Occasion

Marking a special day this year will last forever when it’s commemorated by special 2011 collector coins from the United States Mint. Years after celebrating a graduation, special birthday or milestone, you’ll remember that day with a coin from the United States Mint.

High Quality Coins

For more than two centuries, engravers at the United States Mint have used their unique skills and eye for detail to create tiny works of art. Now the ultimate expression of their art comes in the form of a proof set, which is untouched by human hands, double-struck for rich detail, digitally mastered and encased for protection.

Connecting America Through Coins

Coins from the United States Mint are part of the fabric of our nation - a common language of America, the lifeblood of commerce, connecting us all. United States Mint coins bridge generation to generation, and bring us together in many ways: to make a wish, to show that the Tooth Fairy visited, or in a coin toss to help make a decision.

Make occasions even more special with a proof coin version from the United States Mint.

Your Coins, Your Self

Collector coins from the United States Mint can be collected to tell the story of your life. Because every coin has a date or depicts something of meaning to you, you can collect your life and times in coins.

Stress-Free” Collecting

An annual subscription from the United States Mint is the best method to stay current with all of your favorite products. Subscribers are informed about collector coin releases and are among the first to be shipped coins directly from the United States Mint.

No Middleman

Buying collector coins from the United States Mint means you’re buying directly from the official source, in its best possible form, at the best possible price. There’s no middleman involved to alter the coin or its packaging and mark up the price; no re-selling of our identical product at a higher cost; no compromising of the product because it’s been handled by multiple people.

There’s Only One United States Mint

There are many companies who are trying to disguise themselves as the United States Mint. These companies come up with official sounding names, or put pictures of the Capitol in their ads to make it appear they represent the government…but they’re not. There is only one United States Mint, and the way to tell is to look for both the United States Mint logo and the U.S. Department of Treasury seal.

It’s All About the Coin
No one knows more about both collectible and circulating coins than the United States Mint. They make them, sell them, and package them to highlight the true beauty of the coin. No wonder that for the true numismatist, there is no better source than the United States Mint for building their collection.

Authentic Coins from the Authentic Source

There are a number of coin companies that call themselves mints and claim to make “coins,” but only the United States Mint can produce legal tender coins that are true U.S. currency. Each authentic U.S. coin includes the inscription, “E Pluribus Unum,” meaning “Out of Many, One” – similar to how the United States Mint stands out from the other “mints.”

Coins for the People

When our founding fathers wrote the constitution, they realized the critical need for a respected monetary system and established the United States Mint in 1792. To this day, the United States Mint produces legal tender coins for commerce and collecting. Make sure you collect a piece of our nation’s heritage with a collector coin from the true authentic source.

Coins Connect

Collector coins from the United States Mint are an ideal way to share common interests. Whether it is learning the states or Presidents with a grandchild or commemorating an occasion with someone special, collector coins help to connect us to each other – a shared legacy between our family’s generations and our country’s history.

Silver Proof Coins made of 90% silver

The United States Mint Silver Proof Coins made of 90% silver; a higher grade metal than standard proof coins. These precious metal coins have a mirror-like finish and exquisite detail.

Quality Proof Finish

Only the United States Mint creates proof sets that are the highest quality coins produced for collectors. Proof coins are untouched by human hands, have a mirror-like background and frosted foreground to produce a cameo effect to capture the beauty of the coin’s design.

Honoring the Presidents

Only the United States Mint produces the collectible Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set™ honoring past Presidents of the U.S. in the order in which they served. Each year four new coins will be released.

Honoring our National Parks and Sites

Following the historic series of quarters featuring the country’s 50 states and territories, the United States Mint is now producing the collectible America the Beautiful Quarters Proof Set™ featuring our nation’s parks and sites on legal tender, proof quality quarters. Each year five coins will be released in the order the national sites were established until the final coin in 2021.

Capturing that Special Memory in Coins

Only the United States Mint produces the collectible America the Beautiful Quarters Proof Set™ featuring our nation’s parks and sites on legal tender, proof condition coins. A great way to help remind you of that special family trip or help celebrate your state’s important destination, these works of art feature each national park or site in fine detail.

Get Every Coin Issued in 2011

Only the United States Mint can offer you all 28 coins issued in 2011 straight from the production floors, 14 from the United States Mint at Denver and 14 from the United States Mint at Philadelphia. These coins are minted in uncirculated condition with a brilliant finish.

Appendix B

Phase 2: Competitive Advertising Claims

Methodology – Ad Testing

The study will use a mix of traditional multiple-choice questions and the serial monadic design to gather feedback on how competitive and United States Mint advertisements are viewed by potential and current customers. Using an 11-point scale, each response will be weighted to create a corrected “potential trial percentage” that takes into account the tendency to over-estimate interest/purchase intention in most concept evaluation research.
Each participant will be asked to respond to 6 questions for all 8 advertisements (randomly displayed). After viewing and responding to all 8 advertisements, question #7 will be asked once.

Example of Serial Monadic Design

A Validated Purchase Probability Scale
Source: Simulated Test Marketing by Clancy, Shulman and Wolf


Certain Will Purchase

99 Chances in 100


Almost Certain Will Purchase

90 Chances in 100


Very Probably Will Purchase

80 Chances in 100


Probably Will Purchase

70 Chances in 100


Good Possibility Will Purchase

60 Chances in 100


Fairly Good Possibility Will Purchase

50 Chances in 100


Fair Possibility Will Purchase

40 Chances in 100


Some Possibility Will Purchase

30 Chances in 100


Slight Possibility Will Purchase

20 Chances in 100


Very Slight Possibility Will Purchase

10 Chances in 100


No Chance Will Purchase

0 Chances in 100

Competitive Advertising Claims Questionnaire

Please read each advertisement and answer the questions that follow it.


  1. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest, how likely do you feel the product in this ad is from a reputable source?

Extremely likely from a reputable source


Very likely from a reputable source


Moderately likely from a reputable source


Slightly likely from a reputable source


Not at all likely from a reputable source


  1. Is the brand described in the advertisement you just read associated with the United Stated government?



Don’t know

  1. Does this advertisement describe a genuine United States Mint product?



Don’t know

  1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, how likely are you to consider purchasing the product described in the advertisement?

Certainly Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Almost Certainly Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Very Probably Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Probably Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Good Possibility Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Fairly Good Possibility Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Fair Possibility Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Some Possibility Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Slight Possibility Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


Very Slight Possibility Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement


No Chance Will Consider Purchasing The Product Described In The Advertisement (Skip to question 6)


  1. What are the top THREE reasons you would consider purchasing the item shown in the advertisement?
    (PROGRAMMER: Up to THREE items may be selected, fewer (BUT AT LEAST ONE) are acceptable.)

I believe the product is authentic.

The product connects with me personally.

I would like the free gift advertised with the product.

I believe the offer is a good value.

The information provided made me want to learn more.

I like the engraving/artwork/design on the coin.

The theme/topic of the coin is interesting to me.

The price of the product is attractive to me.

The product is associated with the United States government.

If I don’t act immediately, I will lose out on this offer.

The offer makes collecting easy.

Other (Write-in) _____________________________________________

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, how believable is the message contained in this ad?

Extremely believable


Very believable


Moderately believable


Slightly believable


Not at all believable




  1. Please select the THREE items below that are most important to you when considering buying specific coin sets. [PROGRAMMER: Up to THREE items may be selected below, fewer (BUT AT LEAST ONE) are acceptable.]

Exclusively (only) minted in 2011

Digitally mastered for extreme detail

Reflective, mirror-like finish

Laser frosted

Double-struck for vivid details

The ultimate collector edition

Unmatched detail not found in circulation

There is only one United States Mint

From the official United States Mint

Untouched by human hands

Coins placed in protective packaging

Legal tender

Certificate of Authenticity

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation


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File Created2021-02-04

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