US Mint Surveys and Focu Groups 1525-0012-0149,-0150,-0151,-0152 and 0153

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882. Implemented by Sales and Marketing Division.

1525-0012-0152 Instrument US Mint Customer Acqusition Survey 10-21-10

US Mint Surveys and Focu Groups 1525-0012-0149,-0150,-0151,-0152 and 0153

OMB: 1525-0012

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United States Mint

New Customer Acquisition Research

Proposed Customer and Non-Customer Research

October 21, 2010

Shape2 Shape1

Note to reader: Bold lines in between questions signify page/screen breaks.


National Analysts, a research and consulting firm, is conducting a research study on behalf of the United States Mint about people's collecting interests and behaviors. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1525-0012-XXX.

Your participation in this survey is ENTIRELY VOLUNTARY and should require approximately 20-25 minutes of your time.


National Analysts Worldwide, a research and consulting firm, is conducting a research study on consumer products.

Your participation in this survey is ENTIRELY VOLUNTARY and should require approximately 20 minutes of your time.


All of your responses will be kept completely confidential.

We will not use this information to contact you or attempt to sell you any products or services.

If you have any questions or problems while completing the survey, please call Jill Weisenfeld weekdays from 9:00am to 5:00pm EDT at 1-800-342-9102, or send an e-mail to

Please click the Forward button to begin the survey.

To begin, we will first take a few minutes to familiarize you with our survey.

The survey will NOT ALLOW YOU TO SKIP A QUESTION. If you do not know an exact answer, then please give your best estimate.

You may click on the STOP button to pause the program to take a break. When you re-enter the survey you must use the same Login Number and Password; the survey will return to the screen where you clicked Stop.

Please click the FORWARD button to begin.

Do not display this line: Section S: Screening Criteria

Programming: Ask All

S-1 First we need to ask a few introductory questions for classification purposes. Do you or does someone in your household or immediate family work…

Select one answer for each row.



For a market research firm or marketing research department of a company?

For an advertising, sales promotion, or public relations firm?

An organization that produces, distributes, or sells collectible coins? (e.g., coin dealer)

As a journalist/freelance writer?


  • Ask each of S-1 through S-4, even if respondent will be terminated based on answer. Terminate after S-4 if “yes” to any.

  • In the entire survey, never allow people to go backwards.

Programming: Ask All

S-1a Have you ever collected, occasionally saved, or sometimes put aside any types of coins

(such as America The Beautiful Quarters, State Quarters, etc.), either for yourself or for others?

Select one.




  • We will "ghost" S1-a until it is activated to appear in the screener, although it may not need to be activated.  We need a minimum of 600 "Yes" answers from e-Rewards respondents (indicated by a "5" in the first digit of the respondent ID) to Q2-1a (which asks "are you a coin saver"). If we are not going to reach this 600 minimum, we will activate S-1a and then terminate those who say “no”.

  • Once S-1a is activated, Q2-1a will also be asked and the respondent will be forced to provide the same answer as given in S-1a with an error message “Previously you indicated that you have collected, occasionally saved, or sometimes put aside any types of coins (such as American The Beautiful Quarters, etc.), either for yourself or for others. Please revise your answer.”

  • Answers will be forced for respondents who do not see S-1a, based on their answer to Q2-1a.

Programming: Ask All

S-1b From which of the following organizations have you ever purchased any collectible coins

or coin-related merchandise (e.g., coin-jewelry, etc.)?




  1. The U.S. Mint

  1. The Franklin Mint

  1. Regional or local coin dealers

  1. Local auction or estate sale

  1. Unicover Corporation

  1. Home Shopping Network

  1. QVC

  1. Other TV shopping program

  1. The American Historical Society

  1. eBay or other Internet auction sites

  1. Antique dealers

  1. Flea markets

  1. Other companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads


  • We will "ghost" S1-b until it is activated to appear in the screener.  We need a minimum of 400 respondents (from e-Rewards) who say "Yes" to any of rows b-m of Q2-3d (which asks about purchasing from United States Mint & competitors). We will activate S-1b and then terminate those who say “no” to all of rows b-m.

  • Once S-1b is activated, Q2-3d will also be asked and the respondent will be forced to provide the same answer as given in S-1b with an error message “Previously you indicated that you have purchased coins or coin-related merchandise (e.g., coin-jewelry, etc.) from …(rows)… Please revise your answer.”

  • Answers will be forced for respondents who do not see S-1b, based on their answer to Q2-3d.

Programming: Ask All

S-2 In the past year, have you sold any coins or other coin-related collectibles for income

purposes, other than to round out a personal collection?

Select one.




  • Terminate after S-4 if “yes”.

Programming: Ask All

S-3 What is your age in years?

Type in a number

Age (in years)



  • Send to terminate screen after S-4 if <18.

Programming: Ask All

S-4 Are you …?

Select one.




  • Check quotas and terminate if over quota.

Based on your answers, you are eligible to participate in our survey.

Please click the Forward button to proceed.

Programming: Ask All

Section 1: Collectibles Behavior, Coin Awareness

Q1-1a Which, if any, of the following types of collectible merchandise do you currently collect (i.e., purchase to build a collection, etc.)?

Type of Collectible



  1. Cards (e.g., baseball cards, etc.)

  1. Coins

  1. Comic books

  1. Decorative plates

  1. Dolls/figurines

  1. Fine art/antiques

  1. Military items/historical memorabilia

  1. Music/movie memorabilia

  1. Sports memorabilia other than cards

  1. Stamps

  1. Other (please specify) _______


  • Must specify if “Other” is yes.

Programming: Ask All

Q1-1b For about how many years have you been collecting …?

Type of Collectible


  1. Cards (e.g., baseball cards, etc.)


  1. Coins


  1. Comic books


  1. Decorative plates


  1. Dolls/figurines


  1. Fine art/antiques


  1. Military items/historical memorabilia


  1. Music/movie memorabilia


  1. Sports memorabilia other than cards


  1. Stamps


  1. Other (please specify) _______



  • Only show rows “yes” in Q1-1a. If none selected in Q1-1a, skip Q1-1b and Q1-1c.

  • Years must be less than level of S-3.

  • Carry over “Other” from Q1-1a

Programming: Ask All

Q1-1c On average, about how much have you spent annually on each of these types of items since you began collecting them?

Please enter a value rounded to the nearest dollar in each space provided.

Type of Collectible

Average Annual Expenditure

  1. Cards (e.g., baseball cards, etc.)

$ _______

  1. Coins

$ _______

  1. Comic books

$ _______

  1. Decorative plates

$ _______

  1. Dolls/figurines

$ _______

  1. Fine art/antiques

$ _______

  1. Military items/historical memorabilia

$ _______

  1. Music/movie memorabilia

$ _______

  1. Sports memorabilia other than cards

$ _______

  1. Stamps

$ _______

  1. Other (please specify) _______

$ _______



  • Only show rows “yes” in Q1-1a. Carry over “Other” from Q1-1a.

  • Allowable range 0-$99,999 in each row, with error message (“The allowable range in … is $0-$99,999. Please revise your answer.”). Warning text if answer over $999 (“You have indicated that you spent $... on … If this is correct, press “OK”, otherwise click “CANCEL” and adjust your answer.”).

  • Carry over “Other” from Q1-1a

Programming: Ask All

Q1-2a Using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “strongly disagree” and 6 means “strongly agree”, please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding ______XXXXX_____ collecting.

Rate each item from 1-6.

Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Collecting XXXXX [would make me] makes me feel like I spend my money on something that will retain its value

  1. Collecting XXXXX is a good way to make money (a good investment)

  1. XXXXX make great gifts

  1. Collecting XXXXX is an interesting/exciting hobby for me

  1. A XXXXX collection is something significant to pass on to children or grandchildren

  1. I consider XXXXX to be works of art, like paintings or sculpture

  1. XXXXX collecting provides a good opportunity to "connect" with other family members or acquaintances

  1. I sometimes [would be] am self-conscious or embarrassed to tell others about my interest in collecting XXXXX

  1. I [would] enjoy the fun of "hunting" for rare, hard-to-find items to fill in my XXXXX collection

  1. Collecting XXXXX is a good way for me to get "in touch" with my country's history

  1. Collecting XXXXX [would make] makes a positive statement about who I am

  1. I [would enjoy] enjoy having collectible XXXXX for their sheer beauty/artwork

  1. It [would give] gives me a feeling of satisfaction/accomplishment as I work towards completing my XXXXX sets

  1. Collecting XXXXX is a positive activity in which to invest my time/energy

  1. XXXXX collections [would be] are fun to display to guests

  1. My primary motivation for collecting XXXXX [would be] is to make money by eventually selling them

Do Not Display Row - Section 2: Coin Collecting Behaviors, Attitudes, and Motivations

Programming: Ask All

Q2-1a Now we would like to spend some time talking about coins and coin collecting.

Have you ever collected, occasionally saved, or sometimes put aside any types of coins (such as America The Beautiful Quarters, State Quarters, Presidential $1 Coins, etc.), either for yourself or for others?

Select one.




  • If no, skip to 2-2a.

Programming: Ask if yes to 2-1a

Q2-1b-1 Have you collected, occasionally saved, or sometimes put aside any type of coins (such as American The Beautiful Quarters, State Quarters, Presidential $1 Coins, etc.), either for yourself or for others, in the last 2 years?

Select one.




  • If yes, skip to 2-1c.

Programming: Ask if No to 2-1b-1

Q2-1b-2 Why have you not collected/saved any coins recently (in the past 2 years)?

Select all that apply.

  1. I lost interest in coin collecting

  1. The financial resources I have available for coin collecting have decreased

  1. I now have less opportunity to connect with others who are interested in coins

  1. Other (specify) ______________________


  • Ask if no to 2-1b-1

  • Allow for 150 words in text box.

Programming: Ask if yes to 2-1b-1

Q2-1c Are the coins you collect, occasionally save, or put aside for yourself, for others (e.g., gifts), or both?

Select one.

For myself

For others



  • Ask if yes to 2-1b-1

Programming: Ask if yes to 2-1b-1

Q2-1d Which of these activities, if any, have you ever done to collect or save coins?

Select one in each row.




  1. Gone to banks/bank tellers for “new” (uncirculated) coins

  1. Taken coins out of general circulation (from pocket/purse) and saved them

  1. Acquired/been given coins from relatives or friends

  1. Other (specify) _____________________________________


  • Ask if yes to 2-1b-1

  • Randomize order of a-c

Programming: Ask if yes to 2-1b-1

Q2-1e Which of these activities, if any, have you done within the last 2 years to collect or save coins?

Select one in each row




  1. Gone to banks/bank tellers for “new” (uncirculated) coins

  1. Taken coins out of general circulation (from pocket/purse) and saved them

  1. Acquired/been given coins from relatives or friends

  1. Other (specify) _____________________________________


  • Ask if yes to 2-1b-1

  • Only show rows “yes” in Q2-1d

  • Same order as 2-1d

  • Carry over “Other” from Q2-1d.

Programming: Ask All

Q2-2a Using a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means “strongly disagree” and 6 means “strongly agree”, please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding coin collecting.

Rate each item from 1-6.

Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Collecting coins makes [would make] me feel like I spend my money on something that will retain its value

  1. Collecting coins is a good way to make money (a good investment)

  1. Collectible coins make a great gift to mark the birth of a new baby

  1. Collectible coins make great holiday and/or birthday gifts

  1. Collecting coins is [would be] an interesting/exciting hobby for me

  1. Giving collectible coins (or passing along a coin collection) to children/grandchildren will help create a lasting memory of me

  1. I consider coins to be works of art, like paintings or sculpture

  1. Coin collecting provides [would provide] a good opportunity to "connect" with other family members or acquaintances

  1. I enjoy [would enjoy] the fun of "hunting" for rare, hard-to-find coins in my collection

  1. Collecting coins is [would be] a good way for me to get "in touch" with my country's history

  1. Collecting coins makes [would make] a positive statement about who I am

  1. I enjoy [would enjoy] collecting coins for their sheer beauty/artwork

  1. It gives [would give] me a feeling of satisfaction/accomplishment as I work towards completing my coin sets

  1. A coin collection is[would be] something interesting to display to guests

  1. My primary motivation for collecting coins is [would be] to make money by eventually selling them

  1. My own interest in collecting coins is on the rise

  1. Coin collecting is [would be] an interesting topic to learn more about

  1. Coin collecting shows [would show] other people I care about collecting things that last

  1. I would be highly interested in coins that feature my favorite celebrities/athletes (e.g., Elvis or Michael Jordan)

  1. I like to look at the inscriptions/details on my pocket change

  1. (ghosted)

  1. (ghosted)

  1. I am quite interested in American history

  1. I am quite interested in foreign coins

  1. I am quite interested in military history (e.g., battles, etc.)

  1. The artwork/themes/subjects depicted on coins are very relevant to my personal culture/heritage

  1. I found the 50 State Quarters to be highly interesting

  1. I find the Presidential $1 coin series depicting U.S. Presidents highly interesting

  1. I find (or would find) a series of coins depicting U.S. National Parks / Sites highly interesting



  • Insert parenthetical italics text for non Coin Savers (those saying “No” in Q2-1a)

  • Display on 2 screens, cut at p

  • Not random

Programming: Ask All

Q2-3a What organizations or sources, if any, are you aware of that offer collectible coins for sale?

Please list any organizations in the spaces below. If you are not aware of any please indicate in the check-box below.

______________________ _____________________

______________________ _____________________

______________________ _____________________

______________________ _____________________

______________________ _____________________

______________________ _____________________

I am not aware of any organizations that offer collectible coins for sale


  • Display 12 lines for respondent to enter answers.

  • Do not allow “I am not aware” box to be checked if there is text on any line.

Programming: Ask All

Q2-3b Which, if any, of the following sources of coins or collectible items have you heard of?




  1. The U.S. Mint

  1. The Franklin Mint

  1. Regional or local coin dealers

  1. Local auction or estate sale

  1. Unicover Corporation

  1. Home Shopping Network

  1. QVC

  1. The American Historical Society

  1. eBay or other Internet auction sites

  1. Antique dealers

  1. Flea markets

  1. Other TV shopping program

  1. Other companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads


  • Randomize order; l always second to last, m always last. Retain same order in 2-3c to 2-3e, and 2-4a.

Programming: Ask All

Q2-3c Which, if any, of the following organizations have you ever contacted (e.g., called, visited their website, gone in person) regarding coins or coin-related merchandise (e.g., coin jewelry, etc.)?




  1. The U.S. Mint

  1. The Franklin Mint

  1. Regional or local coin dealers

  1. Local auction or estate sale

  1. Unicover Corporation

  1. Home Shopping Network

  1. QVC

  1. The American Historical Society

  1. eBay or other Internet auction sites

  1. Antique dealers

  1. Flea markets

  1. Other TV shopping program

  1. Other companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads


  • Same order as 2-3b.

  • Only show rows “yes” in 2-3b

Programming: Ask All

Q2-3d From which of the following organizations have you ever purchased any collectible coins or coin-related merchandise (e.g., coin-jewelry, etc.)? Please only answer if you are sure that you have purchased from the source.  

Do not say yes if you have only received a gift from the organization (but didn’t make the purchase yourself).




  1. The U.S. Mint

  1. The Franklin Mint

  1. Regional or local coin dealers

  1. Local auction or estate sale

  1. Unicover Corporation

  1. Home Shopping Network

  1. QVC

  1. The American Historical Society

  1. eBay or other Internet auction sites

  1. Antique dealers

  1. Flea markets

  1. Other TV shopping program

  1. Other companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads


Programming: Ask if any rows “yes” in Q2-3d

Q2-3e From which of the following sources have you purchased any collectible coins or coin-related merchandise in the last 2 years?




  1. The U.S. Mint

  1. The Franklin Mint

  1. Regional or local coin dealers

  1. Local auction or estate sale

  1. Unicover Corporation

  1. Home Shopping Network

  1. QVC

  1. Other TV shopping program

  1. The American Historical Society

  1. eBay or other Internet auction sites

  1. Antique dealers

  1. Flea markets

  1. Other companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads


  • Only show rows “ever purchased,” in 2-3d.

  • Sources appear in same order as 2-3b.

  • If answer “No” to all, skip to 2-4a.

Programming: Ask if any rows “yes” in Q2-3e

Q2-3f For each source listed, how did you primarily make your purchases in the last 2 years?

Select one in each row.


Purchase Method





  1. The U.S. Mint

  1. The Franklin Mint

  1. Regional or local coin dealers

  1. Local auction or estate sale

  1. Unicover Corporation

  1. Home Shopping Network

Don’t allow

  1. QVC

Don’t allow

  1. Other TV shopping program

Don’t allow

  1. The American Historical Society

  1. [Ebay/Internet auction sites removed intentionally]

  1. Antique dealers

  1. Flea markets

  1. Other companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads


  • Only show rows “purchased last 2 years,” in 2-3e.

  • Sources appear in same order as 2-3b.

  • Allow only 1 response per row.

Programming: Ask if any rows “yes” in Q2-3e

Q2-3g Approximately how much have you spent in total on coins and coin-related merchandise from each of these sources in the last 12 months?

Please enter a value rounded to the nearest dollar in each space provided.


$ Spent Last 12 Months

  1. The U.S. Mint


  1. The Franklin Mint


  1. Regional or local coin dealers


  1. Local auction or estate sale


  1. Unicover Corporation


  1. Home Shopping Network


  1. QVC


  1. Other TV shopping program


  1. The American Historical Society


  1. eBay or other Internet auction sites


  1. Antique dealers


  1. Flea markets


  1. Other Companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads



  • Only show rows “purchased last 2 years,” in 2-3e.

  • Sources appear in same order as 2-3b.

  • Allowable range 0-$99,999 in each row, with error message (“The allowable range in … is $0-$99,999. Please revise your answer.” ). Warning text if answer over $999 (“You have indicated that you spent $... on … If this is correct, press “OK”, otherwise click “CANCEL” and adjust your answer.”).

Programming: Ask All

Q2-4a [IF HAVE NOT PURCHASED COINS IN PAST (Q2-3d “no” to all), INSERT - “If you were to purchase collectible coins in the future”] Which of the following organizations would you consider as a source for buying coins?

Check one for each row.


Would Consider

Would not Consider

  1. The U.S. Mint

  1. The Franklin Mint

  1. Regional or local coin dealers

  1. Local auction or estate sale

  1. Unicover Corporation

  1. Home Shopping Network

  1. QVC

  1. Other TV shopping program

  1. The American Historical Society

  1. eBay or other Internet auction sites

  1. Antique dealers

  1. Flea markets

  1. Other companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads


  • Same order as 2-3b.

Programming: Ask All

Q2-4b [IF HAVE NOT PURCHASED COINS IN PAST (Q2-3d “no” to all), INSERT “If you were to purchase collectible coins in the future”] Which of the following organizations would be your first choice as a source for buying coins?

Check one.


1st Choice

  1. The U.S. Mint

  1. The Franklin Mint

  1. Regional or local coin dealers

  1. Local auction or estate sale

  1. Unicover Corporation

  1. Home Shopping Network

  1. QVC

  1. Other TV shopping program

  1. The American Historical Society

  1. eBay or other Internet auction sites

  1. Antique dealers

  1. Flea markets

  1. Other companies or mints offering coins in direct mail/newspaper/magazine ads


  • Only show rows “would consider” in 2-4a. If “would consider” is no for all rows in 2-4a, ask question with all rows shown. If only 1 row selected in 2-4a, count that row as the answer to 2-4b and do not ask 2-4b.

  • Same order as 2-4a.

Programming: Ask Mint Customers

Q2-5a Which of the following types of U.S. Mint products have you ever purchased?

Product Types

Select all that you

have ever purchased

Annual Coin Sets

  1. Proof Sets/Quarters Proof Sets/Presidential $1 Coin Proof Sets

  1. Silver Proof Sets

  1. Uncirculated Sets

Other Coins and Merchandise

  1. Coin Rolls/Bags

  1. American Eagle Silver Proof or Uncirculated Coins

  1. American Eagle Gold or Platinum Proof or Uncirculated Coins

  1. American Buffalo Gold Proof or Uncirculated Coins

  1. Commemorative Coins

  1. Medals

  1. Other U.S. Mint Products (e.g., containers, maps, etc.)


  • Ask U.S. Mint Customers ( “yes” in 2-3d to “U.S. Mint” row a) Only

Programming: Ask Recent Mint Customers

Q2-5b Approximately how much, in total, have you spent with the U.S. Mint during the past 12 months on orders for each of the following items?

Please enter a value rounded to the nearest dollar in each space provided.

Your best estimate is fine.

Product Types

Total Purchases from U.S. Mint

(Past 12 Months)

Annual Coin Sets

  1. Proof Sets/Quarters Proof Sets/Presidential $1 Coin Proof Sets

$ _______

  1. Silver Proof Sets

$ _______

  1. Uncirculated Sets

$ _______

Other Coins and Merchandise

  1. Coin Rolls/Bags

$ _______

  1. American Eagle Silver Proof or Uncirculated Coins

$ _______

  1. American Eagle Gold or Platinum Proof or Uncirculated Coins

$ _______

  1. American Buffalo Gold Proof or Uncirculated Coins

$ _______

  1. Commemorative Coins

$ _______

  1. Medals

$ _______

  1. Other U.S. Mint Products (e.g., containers, maps, etc.)

$ _______


(Auto sum)


  • Ask (“Yes” to 2-3e row a) Only

  • Only show rows “yes” in 2-5a

  • Insert a warning in 2-5b, triggered if the autosum in 2-5b is more than $100 away from 2-3g.  "You indicated previously that your spending over the last 12 months with the U.S. Mint was __(2-3g row a)_____. Are you sure ___(autosum in 2-5b)____ is correct?”

  • Allowable range 0-$99,999 in each row, with error message (“The allowable range in … is $0-$99,999. Please revise your answer.”). The sum of the rows cannot be over $99,999 Warning text if answer over $999 (“You have indicated that you spent $... on … If this is correct, press “OK”, otherwise click “CANCEL” and adjust your answer.”).

  • For SSI panelists in 2-5b (identified by a 5 in the 1st digit of the ID), we need to place them into one of the 3 spending quota bins. The survey is basing quotas for Mint customers (900) off of the ISMINT flag, not the userids.

Programming: Ask Coin Purchasers/Savers

Q2-6a Which of the following types of coins or coin-related merchandise have you ever purchased, collected, occasionally saved, or put aside?

Select one in each row

Coin Type



Official U.S. Currency

  1. Pennies (e.g., Wheat pennies, etc.)

  1. Nickels (e.g., Westward Journey nickels)

  1. Dimes (e.g., Mercury dimes, etc.)

  1. Quarters (America The Beautiful Quarters, 50 State Quarters, Greetings from America Quarters, Bicentennial, etc.)

  1. Silver dollars or half dollars

  1. Presidential $1 coins

  1. Commemorative coins (e.g., picturing Benjamin Franklin, etc.)

  1. Gold and/or platinum coins

  1. Other official U.S. currency

NOT Official U.S. Currency

  1. Other commemorative coins not from the U.S. Mint (e.g., commemorating a sports team series, etc.)

  1. Special collectible foreign coins or foreign coin sets

  1. Other not official U.S. currency

Coin-related Merchandise

  1. Coin-related jewelry

  1. Coin storage/collecting aids (maps for quarters, collectible coin storage boxes)

  1. Books or magazines about coin collecting


  • Ask if (”Yes” in Q2-1a) OR (“Yes” to any in Q2-3d)

Programming: Ask Coin Purchasers/Savers

Q2-6b Which of the following types of coins or coin-related merchandise have you purchased, collected, occasionally saved, or put aside in the last 2 years?

Select all that apply

Coin Type



  1. Official U.S. Currency

  1. Pennies (e.g., Wheat pennies, etc.)

  1. Nickels (e.g., Westward Journey nickels)

  1. Dimes (e.g., Mercury dimes, etc.)

  1. Quarters (America The Beautiful Quarters, 50 State Quarters, Greetings from America Quarters, Bicentennial, etc.)

  1. Silver dollars or half dollars

  1. Presidential $1 coins

  1. Commemorative coins (e.g., picturing Benjamin Franklin, etc.)

  1. Gold and/or platinum coins

  1. Other official U.S. currency

NOT Official U.S. Currency

  1. Other commemorative coins not from the U.S. Mint (e.g., commemorating a sports team series, etc.)

  1. Special collectible foreign coins or foreign coin sets

  1. Other not official U.S. currency

Coin-related Merchandise

  1. Coin-related jewelry

  1. Coin storage/collecting aids (maps for quarters, collectible coin storage boxes)

  1. Books or magazines about coin collecting


  • Ask if (”Yes” in Q2-1a) OR (“Yes” to any in Q2-3d)

  • Show only rows “yes” in 2-6a. If “No” to all in 2-6a, skip.

Programming: Ask Coin Purchasers/Savers

Q2-7a For approximately how many years have you been saving/collecting coins or coin-related merchandise?

Enter a number of years.



  • Ask if (”Yes” in Q2-1a) OR (“Yes” to any in Q2-3d)

  • Must be less than level selected in S-3, otherwise insert error.

Programming: Ask Mint Customers

Q2-7b-1 For approximately how many years have you been purchasing coins from the U.S. Mint?

Enter a number of years.



  • Ask U.S. Mint Customers (2-3d row a “Yes”) only

  • Must be less than level selected in S-3, otherwise insert warning text. Does not need to be less than 2-7a since you can purchase US Mint coins for others and not “save/collect” them.

  • If answer is less than 10, skip to Q2-8a.

Programming: Ask Mint Customers

Q2-7b-2 Over the time in which you have been purchasing U.S. Mint coins, which of the following best describes your purchase history?

Check one.

  1. Continuously (nearly every year)

  1. Intermittent (may have stopped for a few years and then started again)


  • If row a, skip to Q2-8a.

  • Ask U.S. Mint Customers (2-3d row a “Yes”) only

Programming: Ask Intermittent Mint Customers

Q2-7b-3 You mentioned that you stopped purchasing from the U.S. Mint in the past, but began purchasing again. What inspired you to start purchasing from the U.S. Mint again?


  • 500 characters max.

  • Ask if Intermittent Mint Customer (2-7b-2 is row b) only.

Programming: Ask Mint Customers

Q2-8a To what extent did each of the following factors play a role in your initial decision to start purchasing coins from the U.S. Mint?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All” and 6 means “Played a Very Substantial Role.”

Not at Played a Very

All Substantial Role

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. My level of interest in U.S. history increased

  1. I learned about the increase in value of specific types of coins/sets

  1. I visited the U.S. Mint in person

  1. Saw documentary/informational show on the U.S. Mint

  1. I became interested in the subject matter of a particular type/set of U.S. Mint coins

  1. I had more free time to devote to coin collecting

  1. I saw U.S. Mint advertising that increased my awareness/interest

  1. Visited a coin dealer

  1. I read a book or magazine about coin collecting

  1. Read an article about coins, etc., in the newspaper

  1. Received a special U.S. Mint coin/set as a gift

  1. Received a collectible coin (taken from a bank or circulation) as a gift

  1. Went to a coin show

  1. I wanted to diversify my financial investment options

  1. Saw a rare coin display (e.g., in a museum)

  1. A family member or friend increased my level of interest in U.S. Mint coins

  1. I inherited a coin collection (e.g., from a relative, etc.)

  1. I was exposed to (or participated in) a coin collecting club


  • Randomize order

  • Ask U.S. Mint Customers ( “yes” in 2-3d to “U.S. Mint”) only

Programming: Ask Tenured Mint Customers

Q2-8b Earlier, you indicated you spent approximately $__[INSERT ANSWER FROM 2-5b, if

2-5b not asked then fill in 0] over the past 12 months with the U.S. Mint. How has your

annual spending with the U.S. Mint changed over time? Approximately how much have you spent per year during each of the following time frames

Past 12 months

$__[INSERT ANSWER FROM 2-5b, if 2-5b not asked then fill in 0]

Annual average the first few years I purchased from the U.S. Mint


Highest annual amount ever


Lowest annual amount ever



  • Only ask U.S. Mint Customers ( “yes” in 2-3d to “U.S. Mint”) who have been customers over 1 yr (as per 2-7b-1)

  • If Q2-7b1 <= 3, display only rows 1-2. If Q2-7b1 > 3, display all of rows 1-4.

  • Row 4 must be <= row 3 AND <= row 1 AND <=row2

  • Row 3 must >= row 1 and >=row2

Programming: Ask Some Mint Customers (based on spend)

Q2-8c-1 To what extent have each of the following factors played a role in causing you to increase your purchasing levels/amounts from the U.S. Mint (relative to when you started purchasing from the U.S. Mint)?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All” and 6 means “Played a Very Substantial Role”.

Not at Played a Very

All Substantial Role

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. My level of interest in U.S. history increased

  1. I learned about the increase in value of specific types of coins/sets

  1. I visited the U.S. Mint in person

  1. Saw documentary/informational show on the U.S. Mint

  1. I became interested in the subject matter of a particular type/set of U.S. Mint coins

  1. I had more free time to devote to coin collecting

  1. I saw U.S. Mint advertising that increased my awareness/interest

  1. Visited a coin dealer

  1. I read a book or magazine about coin collecting

  1. Read an article about coins, etc., in the newspaper

  1. Received a special U.S. Mint coin/set as a gift

  1. Received a collectible coin (taken from a bank or circulation) as a gift

  1. Went to a coin show

  1. I wanted to diversify my financial investment options

  1. Saw a rare coin display (e.g., in a museum)

  1. A family member or friend increased my level of interest in U.S. Mint coins

  1. I inherited coins (e.g., from a relative, etc.)

  1. I was exposed to (or participated in) a coin collecting club

  1. I became aware of a broader set of products that they had to offer

  1. I grew more interested in precious metal (e.g. gold, platinum, silver) coins

  1. I started buying coins/sets as gifts for others

  1. I started viewing coins as more of an attractive investment option

  1. My desire to eventually pass along my U.S. Mint coin collection increased

  1. I developed friendships/associations with other coin collectors

  1. My interest was increased through U.S. Mint newsletters/information

  1. My interest was increased through coin collecting periodicals/magazines I received

  1. The financial resources I could devote to coin collecting increased

  1. The ability to buy and sell U.S. Mint coins on the Internet increased my interest/purchasing


  • Randomize order

  • Ask “yes” in 2-3d to row a. Additionally, Q2-8c-1 is only asked to those whose answer to row 2 of Q2-8b is $100 less than either row 1 or row 3 of Q2-8b OR is $25 less and 50% less than either row 1 or row 3 of Q2-8b

Programming: Ask Mint Customers who are not spending at their peak level (based on 2-8b)

Q2-8c-2 To what extent have each of the following factors played a role in causing your current purchasing levels/amounts from the U.S. Mint to be lower than your maximum annual level/amount?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All” and 6 means “Played a Very Substantial Role”.

Not at Played a Very

All Substantial Role

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. My level of interest in U.S. history decreased

  1. I had less time to devote to coin collecting

  1. I wanted to diversify my financial investment options

  1. I bought less coins/sets as gifts for others

  1. I viewed coins as less of an investment option

  1. My desire to pass along my U.S. Mint coin collection decreased

  1. My friendships/associations with other coin collectors decreased

  1. The financial resources I could devote to coin collecting decreased

  1. I became less satisfied with U.S. Mint products

  1. I felt I was spending too much on coins

  1. I’ve become frustrated by the increase in the number of products the U.S. Mint offers

  1. U.S. Mint has eliminated products I wanted to buy

  1. Difficulty getting access to products I wanted to buy

  1. Poor U.S. Mint customer service

  1. Poor communications from the U.S. Mint regarding product availability and release dates


  • Randomize order

  • yes” in Q2-3d row a. Additionally, Q2-8c-2 is only asked to those whose answer to row 1 of Q2-8b is $100 less than either row 2 or row 3 of Q2-8b OR is $25 less and 50% less than either row 2 or row 3 of Q2-8b

Programming: Ask Not-Mint Customers

Q2-8d-1 To what degree has each of the following factors contributed to your not purchasing any collectible coins or coin-related products from the U.S. Mint?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All a Barrier” and 6 means “Has Been a Major Barrier.”.

Not at Has Been a

All a Barrier Major Barrier

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. I know very little about collectible coins

  1. I don’t see any point to ever pay over “face value” for a coin

  1. I wasn’t aware I could purchase coins from the U.S. Mint

  1. I do not know how to contact the U.S. Mint

  1. I’m not familiar with the types of items the U.S. Mint offers for sale

  1. I fear I might overpay for products or buy something that isn’t worth much

  1. Overall, I feel coin collecting is boring

  1. I do not enjoy building collections of items (of any kind)

  1. I am uninterested in the subject matter of collectible coins

  1. I have no time for collecting coins

  1. I need to see/handle an object in person before I buy it

  1. Coin collecting is too expensive for me

  1. I do not think coins make a good investment

  1. I do not feel that coins make good display items

  1. I do not feel that coins make good gifts

  1. I did not even know that collectible coins existed

  1. I have no interest in coin collecting


  • Randomize order

  • Ask all who are NOT U.S. Mint Customers (“No” in Q2-3d row a) only

Programming: Tie-Breaker for Q2-8d-1

Q2-8d-2 Which of these would you say is the most important barrier that has prevented you from purchasing from the U.S. Mint?

Please select one.

  1. I know very little about collectible coins

  1. I don’t see any point to ever pay over “face value” for a coin

  1. I wasn’t aware I could purchase coins from the U.S. Mint

  1. I do not know how to contact the U.S. Mint

  1. I’m not familiar with the types of items the U.S. Mint offers for sale

  1. I fear I might overpay for products or buy something that isn’t worth much

  1. Overall, I feel coin collecting is boring

  1. I do not enjoy building collections of items (of any kind)

  1. I am uninterested in the subject matter of collectible coins

  1. I have no time for collecting coins

  1. I need to see/handle an object in person before I buy it

  1. Coin collecting is too expensive for me

  1. I do not think coins make a good investment

  1. I do not feel that coins make good display items

  1. I do not feel that coins make good gifts

  1. I did not even know that collectible coins existed

  1. I have no interest in coin collecting


  • Show only if a tie exists in 2-8d-1 for biggest barrier. Force respondent to select exactly one.

Programming: Ask Non-Mint Coin Purchasers

Q2-8e-1 Earlier you indicated you have purchased coins from other sources, but not the U.S. Mint. To what degree have each of the following factors contributed to your purchasing from other sources instead of the U.S. Mint?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All a Reason ” and 6 means “Has Been a Major Reason”

Not at Has Been a

All a Reason Major Reason

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. I wasn’t aware I could purchase coins from the U.S. Mint

  1. I do not know how to contact the U.S. Mint

  1. I’m not familiar with the types of items the U.S. Mint offers for sale

  1. I need to see/handle an object in person before I buy it

  1. Coins from other sources make better investments than U.S. Mint coins

  1. U.S. Mint coins are too expensive for me

  1. Coins from other sources are more interesting than U.S. Mint coins

  1. Coins from other sources are more attractive to display than U.S. Mint coins

  1. Coins from other sources are better made than U.S. Mint coins

  1. Coins from other sources are easier to buy and/or sell

  1. Coins from other sources make better gift items

  1. I do not trust the authenticity/quality of U.S. Mint coins


  • Randomize order

  • Ask Coin Purchaser who are NOT U.S. Mint purchasers (“No” in 2-3d row a, AND “Yes” in 2-3d to any row except for row a) only

  • If more than 1 row is tied for highest rating, ask Q2-8e-2

Programming: Tie-Breaker for Q2-8e-1

Q2-8e-2 Which of these would you say is the most important barrier that has contributed to your purchasing from other sources instead of the U.S. Mint?

Choose one

  1. I wasn’t aware I could purchase coins from the U.S. Mint

  1. I do not know how to contact the U.S. Mint

  1. I’m not familiar with the types of items the U.S. Mint offers for sale

  1. I need to see/handle an object in person before I buy it

  1. Coins from other sources make better investments than U.S. Mint coins

  1. U.S. Mint coins are too expensive for me

  1. Coins from other sources are more interesting than U.S. Mint coins

  1. Coins from other sources are more attractive to display than U.S. Mint coins

  1. Coins from other sources are better made than U.S. Mint coins

  1. Coins from other sources are easier to buy and/or sell

  1. Coins from other sources make better gift items

  1. I do not trust the authenticity/quality of U.S. Mint coins


  • Show only if a tie exists in 2-8e-1 for biggest barrier. Force respondent to select exactly one.

Programming: Ask All

Q2-8f Please indicate whether or not, to the best of your knowledge, each of the following coin or coin-related products is offered for sale by the United States Mint.




  1. 50 State Quarters

  1. American the Beautiful Quarters

  1. Presidential $1 Coins

  1. Special commemorative coins

  1. Antique U.S. coins

  1. Painted, gold-plated, or colorized U.S. coins such as colorized State Quarters

  1. Collectible Presidential bronze medals

  1. Coin jewelry and other coin-related gift items

  1. American Buffalo Coins

  1. American Eagle Silver, Gold, and Platinum coins

  1. Annual U.S. Proof coin sets


  • Ask All

DO NOT DISPLAY LINE - Section 3: Coin Purchasing Interest and Past Experiences/Exposures

Programming: Ask All

Q3-1a Several different types of products that are available from the U.S. Mint are shown on

this page. Please take a moment to read the descriptions provided, and for each, please

indicate the degree to which you would be likely to consider purchasing them, either for

yourself, or as a gift for someone else, in the next few years.

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All Likely” and 6 means “Extremely Likely”.

Not at Extremely

All Likely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6

a.      An Annual U.S. Mint Proof Set®

Proof coins are extraordinarily well crafted and have a polished or mirror-like appearance. The United States Mint Proof Set contains all 14 circulating coins in stunning proof condition displayed in three protective lenses. Each of these coins bears the “S” mint mark of the United States Mint at San Francisco. Price: $31.95


Image not actual size

b.       An Annual U.S. Mint Uncirculated Coin Set®

The United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set contains two folders of 14 coins each, one with coins from the United States Mint at Denver and the other with coins from the United States Mint at Philadelphia, for a total of 28 coins. Each folder includes uncirculated versions of the following 2010-dated coins. Price: $31.95


Image not actual size

c.     An American Eagle Silver Proof One Ounce Coin

The American Eagle Proof Coins are collector versions of the official U.S. Mint American Eagle Bullion Coins. A full-length figure of Liberty in full stride is featured on one side, and an eagle holding a shield and olive branch is featured on the other. The coin is packaged in an attractive velvet case. (1.5” diameter)

Shape6 Shape7

Images not actual size

d.      An American Eagle Gold Proof One Ounce Coin

A full-length figure of Liberty is featured on one side, and an eagle in flight is featured on the other. The coin is packaged in an attractive velvet case. (1.5” diameter) Price: $1,585.00

Shape8 Shape9

Images not actual size

e.        A  Beginners Set such as the Collecting America's Coins: Beginner Basics 


To highlight the coin manufacturing process, this set includes a one-cent blank, a pair of circulating one-cent coins, a pair of satin-finish uncirculated dimes and a proof-condition half-dollar. The booklet also briefly discusses the history, design and manufacturing processes that have contributed to American coinage.


Image not actual size

f. A Commemorative Proof Silver Dollar coin depicting an important American icon, such as Abraham Lincoln.  The coin is packaged in an attractive velvet case. (1.5” diameter) Price: $43.95


Images not actual size

g. A Bronze Medal depicting an important part of U.S. history or heritage, such as Yosemite National Park Centennial. (3” diameter) Price: $38.00


Images not actual size

h. A military themed Commemorative Silver Dollar coin, such as the American Veterans Disabled for Life Proof Silver Dollar. The coin is packaged in an attractive velvet case. (1.5” diameter) Price: $43.95


Images not actual size

i.        Any other U.S. Mint Products


  • Randomize except for i last.

Programming: Ask All

Q3-1b Overall, how likely are you to consider purchasing any types of collectible coins or coin

products (from any source) during the next few years

Not at Extremely

All Likely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6

a. …For yourself

b. …For someone else (as a gift)


  • Don’t randomize order of a,b

  • If rows “a” and “b” are <3, skip to Q3-2

  • If only row “b” is <3, skip to Q3-1e

Programming: Ask All

Q3-1c To what degree would you be likely to consider giving coins as gifts for each of the

following types of occasions?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All Likely” and 6 means “Extremely Likely”.

Not at Extremely

All Likely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Birthday

  1. Year-end holiday gift

  1. Other holiday gift

  1. Wedding/anniversary

  1. Birth of child

  1. Graduation


  • Randomize order; c should follow b

Programming: Ask All

Q3-1d To what degree would you be likely to consider purchasing coins to give as gifts

to each of the following types of recipients?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All Likely” and 6 means “Extremely Likely”.

Not at Extremely

All Likely Likely

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Child, grandchild

  1. Parent or grandparent

  1. Other relative

  1. Spouse/significant other

  1. Friend

  1. Co-worker

  1. Business associate (in another company)


  • Randomize order

Programming: Ask All

Q3-1e To what degree are each of the following types of themes/topics of interest to you for

coins (for example, themes that could be put on coins similar to the 50 State Quarters®

idea, or on special commemorative coins that you might like to purchase)?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All Appealing” and 6 means “Extremely Appealing”.

Not at Extremely

All Appealing Appealing

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Military history

  1. Political history

  1. Popular figures/entertainers

  1. Nature

  1. Sports

  1. Science/technology/inventions

  1. Fine arts


  • Randomize order

Programming: Ask All

Q3-1f If you were to consider the purchasing of a coin or coin product, how important would each of the following considerations be in influencing your decision to buy or not buy?

Rate each item from 1-6, where 1 means “Not at All Important” and 6 means “Extremely Important”.

Not at Extremely

All Important Important

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. The historical relevance of the coin

  1. The packaging and/or inserts accompanying the coin

  1. The place the coin was made (e.g., U.S. Mint, etc.)

  1. The person, place, event, or object featured on the coin

  1. The ability to sell the coin for profit in the future

  1. The rarity of the coin

  1. Whether or not the coin is a “Proof” coin

  1. The source from which I am purchasing the coin (e.g., direct from the U.S. Mint, from a coin dealer, etc.)

  1. The coin’s brightness/polished appearance

  1. The quality/appeal/beauty of the artwork on the coin

  1. The coin’s metal content (e.g., gold, silver, etc.)


  • Randomize order

Programming: Ask All

Q3-2 Please indicate which of the following is true or false with respect to you.

Check one for each row.



  1. I have a close relative or friend who is a serious collector

  1. I have looked for coins on the Internet

  1. I have read about the increase in value of specific types of coins/sets

  1. I have visited the U.S. Mint in person

  1. I have seen a documentary/informational show on the U.S. Mint

  1. I have seen U.S. Mint advertising

  1. I have visited a coin dealer

  1. Have read a book or magazine about coin collecting

  1. Have read an article about coins, etc., in the newspaper

  1. Have gone to a coin show

  1. Have seen a rare coin display (e.g., in a museum)

  1. Have inherited coins (e.g., from a relative, etc.)

  1. Have participated in a coin collecting club

  1. I have received U.S. Mint catalogs/newsletters/information

  1. I set aside/collected coins as a child

  1. Received a special U.S. Mint coin/set as a gift when I was a child (under 18)

  1. Received a collectible coin (taken from a bank or circulation) as a gift when I was a child (under 18)

  1. Received a special U.S. Mint coin/set as a gift when I was an adult

  1. Received a collectible coin (taken from a bank or circulation) as a gift when I was an adult


  • Randomize order, except the last 4 rows always appear in the same order

Programming: Ask Non-Coin Collectors

Q3-3a Why have you never chosen to collect or set aside coins?


  • Ask only those who answered “No” to 2-1a, and selected “no” Q3-2 row q.

  • Limit answer to 500 characters.

Programming: Ask Lapsed Coin Collectors

Q3-3b You indicated earlier that you collected coins as a child, but have not done so recently. What caused you to stop collecting coins?


  • Ask only those answered who answered “No” to 2-1b, but yes to Q3-2 row q.

  • Limit answer to 500 characters.

DO NOT DISPLAY ROW: Section 4-1: Purchasing/Communications Channels and Spending Potential

Programming: Ask All

Q4-3a Thinking about advertisements and solicitations for all types of products, how often do you usually make purchases (or take action) in response to:

Select one for each type.




Nearly Always

  1. Postal mail solicitations

  1. E-mail solicitations

  1. Telephone solicitations

  1. Newspaper advertisements

  1. Magazine advertisements

  1. Radio advertisements

  1. Television advertisements

  1. Web advertisements


  • Show all rows

  • Same order as 4-2a

Programming: Ask All

Q4-4a In general, for some type of collectible product (like coins or something else I might wish

to collect) I would be most likely to respond to something I saw in …?

Select only one

  1. A letter sent to me in the mail

  1. An ad received via E-mail

  1. A short article in the newspaper

  1. An advertisement in the newspaper

  1. A short article in a magazine

  1. A magazine advertisement

  1. A radio advertisement/announcement

  1. A short TV news piece

  1. A TV advertisement

  1. A short news piece on the Internet

  1. An Internet banner advertisement


  • Randomize

Programming: Ask All

Q4-5 Some people think about coin collecting as a hobby while others consider it an

investment. How do you feel about coin collecting?

Select only one

  1. It is primarily a hobby

  1. It is primarily an investment

  1. It is equal parts hobby and investment


  • Randomize

Programming: Ask All, text based on hobby vs. investment question

Q4-6h How much are you likely to spend on a hobby, like coin collecting, in a year?

Q4-6i How much are you likely to spend on an investment, like coin collecting, in a year?

Q4-6b How much are you likely to spend on something that is both a hobby and an investment, like coin collecting, in a year?

Please enter a dollar amount below.



  • Ask Q4-6h of those who said “hobby” in Q4-5.

  • Ask Q4-6I of those who said “investment” in Q4-5

  • Ask Q4-6b of those who said both in Q4-5

  • Error message if over $99,999. Warning message if over $999. Same text as other warning/error messages.

Programming: Ask All

Q4-9 Which of the following types of magazines or periodicals do you read, at least occasionally?

Select one per row


Read at Least Occasionally

Do Not Read

  1. Automotive

  1. Business or personal finance

  1. Hobbies or collecting

  1. Educational, science, or nature

  1. Entertainment

  1. Fashion

  1. Home and garden

  1. News

  1. Sports

  1. Family or parenting

  1. Popular culture

  1. Computers/technology


  • Randomize

Programming: Ask All

Q4-10a Do you have access to cable channels on TV?



Programming: Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q4-10c Which of the following types of TV shows do you watch at least occasionally?

Select one per row


Watch at Least Occasionally

Do Not Watch

  1. Financial news

  1. General news

  1. Auto-racing (e.g., NASCAR)

  1. Golf

  1. Other sports

  1. Infomercials

  1. Shows about antiques/collectibles

  1. History/documentaries

  1. Primetime comedy/drama

  1. Daytime talk show

  1. Daytime drama

  1. Public broadcasting (PBS)


  • Randomize, except c,d,e.

DO NOT DISPLAY ROW - Section 5: Additional Demographic Information

Programming: Ask All

We just have a few demographic questions for classification purposes.

Q5-1 What is your marital status?

Select one

Single, never married


Living with significant other

Separated, divorced, widowed


  • Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q5-2 What is the highest level of education you have attained?

Select one

Grade school (8th grade or less)

Some high school

High school graduate

Some college, no degree

Vocational training/2–year college

4-year college/bachelor’s degree

Post-graduate training/degree


  • Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q5-3 How would you describe the area in which you live?

Select one





  • Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q5-8 Which of the following categories best describes your total household income before

taxes in 2009? Your best estimate is fine.

Select one.

Less than $20,000

$20,000 to $29,999

$30,000 to $39,999

$40,000 to $49,999

$50,000 to $74,999

$75,000 to $99,999

$100,000 $149,999

$150,000 or more


  • Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q.5-9a. Are you Hispanic or Latino?




  • Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q.5-9b. Do you consider yourself to be…

American Indian or Alaska Native?


Black or African American?

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander?


Other (Specify) ________________


Programming: Ask All

Programming: Ask All

Q5-4 Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

Select one.

Full time

Part time


Not employed/student


  • If retired or not employed skip to 5-6

Programming: Ask If Employed

Q5-5 Which of the following best describes your occupation?

Select one

Managerial or professional

Technical, sales, or administrative

Service occupations

Precision products, crafts or repairs

Operators, fabricators, or laborers

Farming, forestry, or fishing



  • Ask if Q5-4 is Row 1 or Row 2

Programming: Ask All

Q5-6a Do you have any children under age 18 currently living in your household?




  • If no, skip to 5-7a

Programming: Ask If Have Children

Q5-6b Are any of these children in the following age or school ranges?

Select all that apply

Newborn to three years

Preschool or kindergarten

Grade school (elementary/middle school)

High school


  • Ask if Q5-6a is Row 1 “Yes”

Programming: Ask If Have Children

Q5-7a Do you have any grandchildren?




  • Ask All

Programming: Ask If Have Grandchildren

Q5-7b Are any of these grandchildren in the following age or school ranges?

Select all that apply

Newborn to three years

Preschool or kindergarten

Grade school (elementary/middle school)

High school

18 years of age or older


  • Ask if Q5-7a is Row 1 “Yes”


Programming: Ask All

Q.5-10. Would you be willing to consider participating in future research studies on coins?



[IF NON-CUSTOMER SAMPLE, INSERT “According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1525-0012-XXX.”]


  • Insert text above for Non-Customer Sample

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleNote to reader: Bold lines in between questions signify page/screen breaks
AuthorAdine Frank
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-02-04

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