Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
APPENDIX E: Cruise Ship Passenger Mail Questionnaire
16 U.S.C. 1a-7 authorizes collection of this information. This information will be used by park managers to better serve the public. Response to this request is voluntary. No action may be taken against you for refusing to supply the information requested. When analysis of the questionnaire is completed, all name and address files will be destroyed. Thus permanent data will be anonymous. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Burden estimate statement: Public reporting for this form is estimated to average 25 minutes per response. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to:
Scott M. Gende, Ph.D.
Glacier Bay Field Station
3100 National Park Road
Juneau, AK, 99801
Recently, you visited Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. While you were in Alaska, you were contacted by a survey worker and agreed to complete this mail questionnaire about your experiences during the trip. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note that this questionnaire focuses only on the trip to Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve when you were contacted for this survey. Also, please be sure to read each question carefully before answering it.
IMPORTANT: On the trip to Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve during which you were contacted for this survey, you may have seen a number of different vessels that ranged in size from kayaks to cruise ships. For this survey, the motorized vessels have been grouped into two categories. Below are pictures of ships in each category and their relative size to each other to help you classify the vessels you saw into these categories.
Large cruise
Small cruise ships,
tour boats,
large private
vessels, and
other motorboats
1. Was the trip during which you were contacted your first trip to Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve?
No 1a. Including the trip during which you were contacted, how many times have you visited Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve in the last 10 years?
______ Number of visits to Glacier Bay NPP in last 10 years
2. How important was visiting Glacier Bay National Park in determining your choice of cruises?
Not important
Slightly important
Moderately important
Very important
Extremely important
3. On the trip to Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve during which you were contacted for this survey, which of the following activities did you engage in? (Circle as many numbers as apply.)
Viewing tidewater glaciers
Viewing wildlife
Viewing general scenery
Kayaking or canoeing
Taking photographs
Staying at Glacier Bay Lodge (in park)
Staying at Bartlett Cove campground
Camping in backcountry
Other(please specify) ______________________
The remaining questions ask about the time you spent in Glacier Bay proper. Glacier Bay proper is the part of the park that is north of a line drawn between Pt. Carolus and Pt. Gustavus. Your time in Glacier Bay proper corresponds approximately to the 8 hours when National Park Service interpreters were on board your cruise ship.
4. We are interested in the kinds of weather you experienced during your trip in Glacier Bay proper. Please indicate each type of weather you experienced and then estimate the number of hours that weather was present. (Check as many as apply.)
Sunny and/or partly cloudy About _____ hours OR Don’t remember _____
Cloudy without fog About _____ hours OR Don’t remember _____
Cloudy with fog About _____ hours OR Don’t remember _____
Rain with or without fog About _____ hours OR Don’t remember _____
5. Some possible experiences of people who visit recreation areas are listed below. How important to you was each of the following experiences during the visit to Glacier Bay proper in which you were contacted? (Circle one response for each reason.)
important to you was each experience during this visit to Glacier
Bay proper?
A. Experience the scenic beauty not slightly moderately very extremely
important important important important important
B. Experience tranquility not slightly moderately very extremely
important important important important important
C. Be amazed by nature not slightly moderately very extremely
important important important important important
D. Experience a pristine not slightly moderately very extremely
setting important important important important important
E. Enjoy the sounds of not slightly moderately very extremely
nature important important important important important
F. Experience solitude not slightly moderately very extremely
important important important important important
G. Experience nature not slightly moderately very extremely
untouched by humans important important important important important
H. Have personal experiences not slightly moderately very extremely
with nature important important important important important
I. View wildlife not slightly moderately very extremely
important important important important important
J. Experience nature’s not slightly moderately very extremely
wonders important important important important important
K. be close to nature not slightly moderately very extremely
important important important important important
L. Feel alone with nature not slightly moderately very extremely
important important important important important
M. Experience peace and not slightly moderately very extremely
calm important important important important important
N. Experience the natural not slightly moderately very extremely
sounds important important important important important
6. On the day you were in Glacier Bay proper, how many hours did you spend in places (e.g., on deck, in a room with windows) where you could view the scenery and features of Glacier Bay?
Don’t remember
7. During your time in Glacier Bay proper, did you see or hear large cruise ships (other than the one you were on)?
Don’t know GO TO QUESTION 9
7a. During your time in Glacier Bay proper, how long did you see or hear large cruise ships (other than the one you were on)?
_____ Number of hours saw or heard large cruise ships in Glacier Bay (Please list partial hours as ¼, ½, etc.)
Don’t know/Don’t remember
8. How did hearing or seeing a large cruise ship (other than the one you were on) affect each of the following aspects of your experience in Glacier Bay proper? (Circle one response for each aspect of your experience.)
How did hearing or seeing a large cruise ship (other than the one you were on) affect each of the following aspects of your experience?
A. Experience the scenic beauty Detracted Detracted No Added Added
greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
B. Experience tranquility Detracted Detracted No Added Added
greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
C. Be amazed by nature Detracted Detracted No Added Added
greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
D. Experience a pristine Detracted Detracted No Added Added
setting greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
E. Enjoy the sounds of Detracted Detracted No Added Added
nature greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
F. Experience solitude Detracted Detracted No Added Added
greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
G. Experience nature Detracted Detracted No Added Added
untouched by humans greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
H. Have personal experiences Detracted Detracted No Added Added
with nature greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
I. View wildlife Detracted Detracted No Added Added
greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
J. Experience nature’s Detracted Detracted No Added Added
wonders greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
K. Be close to nature Detracted Detracted No Added Added
greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
L. Feel alone with nature Detracted Detracted No Added Added
greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
M. Experience peace and Detracted Detracted No Added Added
calm greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
N. Experience the natural Detracted Detracted No Added Added
sounds greatly somewhat effect somewhat greatly
9. During your time in Glacier Bay proper on this trip, you may have seen or heard different kinds of motorized craft. For each type of craft, please indicate if you heard or saw it during your time in Glacier Bay proper. Then, report the total time you heard or saw that type of craft and how many different craft of that type you saw or heard. (Please do not include your own vehicle.)
During your time in Glacier Bay proper… |
Type of craft |
Did you hear or see? (Circle one for each type) |
Total hours heard or seen (Report partial hours as ¼, ½, etc.) |
Number of craft heard or seen |
A. |
Motorized water craft other than large cruise ships |
Yes No Don’t know |
______ Total hrs Don’t know |
______ # of craft Don’t know |
B. |
Propeller-driven airplanes |
Yes No Don’t know |
______ Total hrs Don’t know |
______ # of craft Don’t know |
C. |
Helicopters |
Yes No Don’t know |
______ Total hrs Don’t know |
______ # of craft Don’t know |
10. During the trip in which you were contacted, how did seeing or hearing (other than the large cruise ship you were on) each type of motorized craft affect your enjoyment of Glacier Bay proper?
How did seeing or hearing the following vehicles affect your enjoyment of Glacier Bay proper?
A. Large cruise ships (other Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
than the one you were on) see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
B. Motorized water craft Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
other than large cruise see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
C. Propeller-driven Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
Airplanes see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
D. Helicopters Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
11. During your trip to Glacier Bay proper, did you visit Margerie/Grand Pacific tidewater glaciers?
Don’t remember GO TO QUESTION 12
11a. At any time while you were at the Margerie/Grand Pacific tidewater glaciers, did you see one or more other water or air craft present (besides your own)?
Don’t remember GO TO QUESTION 12
11b.Please indicate how many of each type of craft was present (excluding your own cruise ship) while you were at the Margerie/Grand Pacific tidewater glaciers.
_____ Large cruise ships (other than the one you were on)
_____ Motorized water craft other than large cruise ships
_____ Kayaks
_____ Propeller-driven airplanes
_____ Helicopters
11c. How did the presence of each type of craft affect your enjoyment of the Margerie/Grand Pacific tidewater glaciers?
How did the presence of each type of craft affect your enjoyment of Margerie/Grand Pacific glaciers?
A. Large cruise ships (other Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
than the one you were on) see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
B. Motorized water craft Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
other than large cruise see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
C. Kayaks Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
D. Propeller-driven Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
Airplanes see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
E. Helicopters Did not Detracted Detracted No Added Added
see greatly somewhat Effect somewhat greatly
12. During your trip to Glacier Bay proper, which of the other tidewater glaciers, if any, did you visit?
Did not visit any other tidewater glaciers.
Johns Hopkins
Other (please specify)__________________________________
Don’t know/Don’t remember
13. During your trip to Glacier Bay proper, how did large cruise ships (other than the one you were on) affect your viewing of land animals (e.g., bear, moose, etc.)? (Check all that apply.).
Other large cruise ships blocked my view of land animals.
Other large cruise ships made land animals move to where I could easily see them.
Other large cruise ships made land animals move to where I could not easily see them.
Other large cruise ships had no effect.
Don’t know/Don’t remember
14. During your trip to Glacier Bay proper, how did large cruise ships (other than the one you were on) affect your viewing of marine animals (e.g., whales, sea lions, etc.)? (Check all that apply.)
Other large cruise ships blocked my view of marine animals.
Other large cruise ships made marine animals move to where I could easily see them.
Other large cruise ships made marine animals move to where I could not easily see them.
Other large cruise ships had no effect.
Don’t know/Don’t remember
15. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
A. Large cruise ships in Glacier Bay proper Strongly Strongly
are majestic. disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
B. Large cruise ships provided a sense of Strongly Strongly
scale when viewing scenery in disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
Glacier Bay
C. Large cruise ships are a good way for a Strongly Strongly
large number of people to visit disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
Glacier Bay proper
D. It is inappropriate for large cruise ships Strongly Strongly
to be in Glacier Bay proper disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
16. On the trip to Glacier Bay proper during which you were contacted for this survey, a variety of events may have occurred. For each event below, please indicate if it occurred and then circle how it affected your trip enjoyment of Glacier Bay proper.
Did it occur? |
How did the event affect your trip enjoyment of Glacier Bay proper?
Experiences with haze. |
A. . |
Haze from other large cruise ship’s exhaust affected my views in some manner. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
B. . |
Haze from small cruise ship or tour boat exhaust affected my views in some manner. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
C. |
Haze from unidentified vessel affected my views in some manner. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
Experiences with public address systems |
D. |
Heard sound from other large cruise ships’ public address systems. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
E. |
Heard sound from small cruise ship or tour boat public address system. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
F. |
Heard sound from unidentified public address system. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
Experiences with engine sounds |
G. |
Heard other large cruise ships’ engines. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
H. |
Heard engines of boats other than large cruise ships. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
I. |
Heard propeller-driven airplanes. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
J. |
Heard helicopters. |
Yes No |
Detracted greatly |
Detracted somewhat |
No effect |
Added somewhat |
Added greatly |
17. Based on your trip experience cruising in Glacier Bay proper, how likely would you be to recommend that a friend or family member visit Glacier Bay on a cruise ship?
Very likely to recommend visiting Glacier Bay on a cruise ship.
Somewhat likely to recommend visiting Glacier Bay on a cruise ship.
No opinion
Somewhat unlikely to recommend visiting Glacier Bay on a cruise ship.
Very unlikely to recommend visiting Glacier Bay on a cruise ship.
18. How did your experience (or lack of it) with each of the following types of craft affect whether you would recommend that a friend or family member visit Glacier Bay proper on a cruise ship?
How did your experience (or lack of) with each craft affect whether you recommend others to visit Glacier Bay on a cruise ship?
A. Large cruise ships (other A lot Somewhat No Somewhat A lot
than the one you were on) less likely less likely Effect more likely more likely
B. Motorized water craft A lot Somewhat No Somewhat A lot
other than Large less likely less likely Effect more likely more likely
cruise ships
C. Propeller-driven A lot Somewhat No Somewhat A lot
airplanes less likely less likely Effect more likely more likely
D. Helicopters A lot Somewhat No Somewhat A lot
less likely less likely Effect more likely more likely
19. Overall, how would you rate the time you spent cruising in Glacier Bay proper during your trip? (Check one box.)
Extremely poor
Very poor
Very good
Extremely good
20. Are you: (Check one box.)
21. What year were you born?
19 ___ ___
22. What is the highest level of formal schooling you have completed? (Circle the appropriate number.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24+
(Elementary thru High School) (College/Vocational) (Graduate/Professional)
23. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
YES – Hispanic or Latino
NO – Not Hispanic or Latino
24. What is your race? (Check one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
25. Please use the space below to write any other comments you care to make about the positive or negative aspects of your trip to Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve or about National Park Service management of the area.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Appendix D—Corridor User Mail Questionnaire |
Author | Swanson |
Last Modified By | mmcbride |
File Modified | 2008-04-07 |
File Created | 2008-04-07 |