
FR Appendices (A-D).doc

Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999


OMB: 0581-0186

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NOTE: The following Appendices will not appear in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Appendix A - Cattle Mandatory Reporting Forms.

The following 7 forms referenced in Subpart B Part 59 visually represent the mandatory cattle and boxed beef market information that is required to be reported to the Agricultural Marketing Service.


LS-113 Live Cattle Daily Report (Current Established Prices)

LS-114 Live Cattle Daily Report (Committed and Delivered Cattle)

LS-115 Live Cattle Weekly Report

LS-117 Cattle Premiums and Discounts Weekly Report

LS-131 Cow/Bull Plant Delivered Bids (Dressed Basis)

LS-132 Live Cow/Bull Daily Purchase Report

LS-126 Boxed Beef Daily Report

Appendix B - Swine Mandatory Reporting Forms.

The following 3 forms referenced in Subpart C of Part 59 visually represent the mandatory swine market information that is required to be reported electronically to the Agricultural Marketing Service.


LS-118 Swine Prior Day Report

LS-119 Swine Daily Report

LS-120 Swine Noncarcass Merit Premium Weekly Report

Appendix C - Lamb Mandatory Reporting Forms.

The following 6 forms referenced in Subpart D of Part 59 visually represent the mandatory lamb market information that is required to be reported electronically to the Agricultural Marketing Service.


LS-121 Live Lamb Daily Report (Current Established Prices)

LS-123 Live Lamb Weekly Report

LS-124 Live Lamb Weekly Report (Formula Purchases)

LS-125 Lamb Premiums and Discounts Report

LS-128 Boxed Lamb Report

LS-129 Lamb Carcass Report

Appendix D –- Mandatory Reporting Forms Guideline.

The following mandatory reporting form guidelines will be used by persons required to report electronically transmitted mandatory market information to the Agricultural Marketing Service.

The first 10 fields of each mandatory reporting form provide the following information: identification number (plant establishment number or importer ID number), company name (name of parent company), plant street address (street address for plant), plant city (city where plant is located), plant state (state where plant is located), plant zip code (zip code where plant is located), contact name (the name of the corporate representative contact at the plant), phone number (full phone number for the plant including area code), reporting date (date the information was submitted (mm/dd/yyyy),and reporting time, if applicable (the submission time corresponding to the 10:00 a.m. and the 2:00 p.m. reporting requirements). The reporting time requirement is only applicable to forms LS-113 Live Cattle Daily Report (current established prices), LS-114 Live Cattle Daily Report (Committed and Delivered Cattle), LS-126 Boxed Beef Daily Report, LS-131 Cow/Bull Plant Delivered Bids (Dressed Basis)(10:00 a.m. submission only), LS-132 Live Cow/Bull Daily Purchase Report, and LS-119 Swine Daily Report.

(a) Cattle Mandatory Reporting Forms. (See Appendix E for samples)

  1. LS-113 – Live Cattle Daily Report (current established prices).

  1. Lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot to the packer.

  2. Source (12). Enter ‘1’, domestic, if cattle were purchased inside of the 50 States, or ‘2’, imported, if cattle were purchased outside of the 50 States.

  3. Purchase type code (13). Enter the code that describes the type of purchase.

  4. Class code (14). Enter the code that best describes the type of cattle.

  5. Selling basis (15a-b). For 15a, enter ‘1’ if cattle were purchased on a live basis or ‘2’ if cattle were purchased on a dressed basis. For 15b, enter ‘1’ if cattle are shipped on an FOB feedlot basis or ‘2’ if cattle are delivered at the plant.

  6. Head count (16). Enter the quantity of cattle in the lot in number of head.

  7. Estimated average weight (17). Enter the estimated average weight of the lot in pounds.

  8. Average price (18). Enter the price established on that day for the lot in dollars per hundredweight.

  1. For negotiated purchases, enter the price that was agreed upon. .

  2. For formula purchases, enter the base price when established (with estimated grading information if not yet known). Then enter the final net price with all actual grading information when it is known.

  3. For forward contract purchases, enter the base price when established (with estimated grading information if not yet known). Then enter the final net price paid on the contract with actual grading information..

  4. For negotiated grid purchases, enter the base price when established (with estimated grading information if not yet known). Then enter the final net price with all actual grading information.

  1. Percent Choice or better (19). Enter the percentage of the number of cattle in the lot of a quality grade of Choice or better.

  2. Classification code (20). Enter the code which best describes the quality of the majority of the cattle in the lot.

  3. Dressing percentage (21). Enter an average dressing percentage for the cattle in the lot. For negotiated purchases, enter an estimate. For all other purchase types, enter the actual average dressing percentage.

  4. Origin (22). Enter the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the State in which the cattle were fed to slaughter weight. For imported cattle enter “CN” for Canada.

  5. Premiums and discounts paid (23a-h). Enter the total net value of the adjustment for the lot (in dollars per hundredweight) for any premiums associated with weight, quality, yield or other expressed as a positive value and for any discounts associated with weight, quality, yield or other expressed as a negative value in parenthesis.

  6. Terms of Trade (24a-d).

  1. Packer financing (24a). Enter ‘1’ (yes) or ‘2’ (no) in response to: “Did packer provide financing agreement or arrangement with regards to the cattle?”

  2. Delivery location (24b). Enter ‘1’ if delivery terms specify producer location, ‘2’ if they specify packer’s plant location.

  3. Delivery Date (24c). Enter ‘1’ if producer sets date of delivery for slaughter unilaterally; otherwise enter ‘2’ for packer.

  4. Delivered (24d). Enter ‘1’ if negotiated purchased cattle are to be delivered for slaughter 14 or less days from the committed, purchased, or priced date. Enter ‘2’ if they are to be delivered for slaughter between 15 and 30 days from the date the cattle were committed, purchased, or priced.

(2) LS-114 – Live Cattle Daily Report (committed and delivered cattle)

  1. Lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot to the packer.

  2. Purchasing basis (12). Enter ‘1’ if cattle are delivered or ‘2’ if cattle are committed.

  3. Source (13). Enter ‘1’, domestic, if cattle are purchased within the 50 States or

2’, imported, if cattle are purchased outside of the 50 States.

  1. Purchase type code (14). Enter the code that best describes the type of purchase.

  2. Class Code (15). Enter the code that best describes the type of cattle in the lot.

  3. Selling basis (16). Enter ‘1’ if cattle were purchased on a live basis or a ‘2’ if cattle were purchased on a dressed basis.

  4. Head count (17). Enter the quantity of cattle in the lot in number of head.

Origin (18). Enter the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the State in which the cattle were fed to slaughter weight. For imported cattle, enter “CN” for Canada.

(ix) Terms of Trade (19a-d). Enter when applicable, otherwise leave blank.

  1. Packer financing (19a). Enter ‘1’ (yes) or ‘2’ (no) in response to: “Did packer provide financing agreement or arrangement with regards to the cattle?”

  2. Delivery location (19b). Enter ‘1’ if delivery terms specify producer location, ‘2’ if they specify packer’s plant location.

  3. Delivery Date (19c). Enter ‘1’ if producer sets date of delivery for slaughter unilaterally; otherwise enter ‘2’ for packer.

  4. Delivered (19d). Enter ‘1’ if negotiated purchased cattle are to be delivered for slaughter 7 or less days from the committed, purchased, or priced date. Enter ‘2’ if they are to be delivered for slaughter between 8 and 14 days from the date the cattle were committed, purchased, or priced.

(3) LS-115 -- Live Cattle Weekly Report

  1. Packer-Owned lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot of packer-owned cattle to the packer.

  2. Packer-Owned source (12). Enter ‘1’, domestic, if packer-owned cattle are from within the 50 States or ‘2’, imported, if cattle are from outside of the 50 States.

  3. Packer-Owned head count (13). Enter the quantity of packer-owned cattle in the lot in number of head.

  4. Packer-Owned actual carcass weight range (14). Enter the actual average carcass weight of the lot in pounds.

  5. Packer-Owned average dressing percentage (15). Enter the average dressing percentage of the lot of packer-owned cattle.

  6. Percentage yield grade 3 or better (16). Enter the percentage of packer-owned cattle in the lot of a yield grade of 3 or better.

  7. Quality grade percentage (17). Enter the percentage of packer-owned cattle in the lot of a quality grade of Choice or better.

  8. Prior week slaughtered cattle head counts () (18-25). Enter the total number of head of cattle slaughtered for the prior week that were purchased through forward contracts, the total number of head for cattle purchased through formula arrangements, the total number of head of cattle purchased through negotiated cash, and the total number of head purchased through negotiated grids, categorized by domestic or imported sources. Enter this information once per each week’s submission.

  9. Forward contract purchases lot identification ()(26). Enter code used to identify forward contracted cattle to the packer.

  10. Forward contract purchases head count (27). Enter quantity of forward contracted cattle in the lot in number of head.

  11. Forward contract purchases basis level (28). Enter the agreed upon adjustment to a future price to establish the final price of the forward contracted cattle in dollars per one hundred pounds.

  12. Forward contract purchases delivery month (29). Enter the delivery month of the cattle purchased through forward contracts as a 3-letter abbreviation.

  13. Forward contract purchases delivery year (30).

  14. Forward contract purchases basis level month (31). Enter the basis month which the contract was based off of. Use 3-letter abbreviation.

(4) LS-117 –- Cattle Premiums and Discounts Weekly Report.

  1. Enter the premiums and discounts (in dollars per hundredweight) expected to be in effect for the current slaughter week for each applicable category of premium and discount (11-34). For ‘other’ categories (35-39), provide a brief description of the basis for the premium/ discount along with the value of the premium/discount. Enter negative values in parenthesis.

(5) LS-131 – Cow/Bull Plant Delivered Bids

Enter the plant delivered bids the plant expects to have in effect for that day in dollars per cwt. For each category.

(6) LS-132 -- Live Cow/Bull Daily Purchase report.

  1. Lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot to the packer.

  2. Source (12). Enter ‘1’, domestic, if cattle were purchased inside of the 50 States, or ‘2’, imported, if cattle were purchased outside of the 50 States.

  3. Purchase type code (13). Enter the code that describes the type of purchase.

  4. Class code (14). Enter the code that best describes the type of cattle.

  5. Selling basis (15a-b). For 15a, enter ‘1’ if cattle were purchased on a live basis or ‘2’ if cattle were purchased on a dressed basis. For 15b, enter ‘1’ if cattle are shipped on an FOB feedlot basis or ‘2’ if cattle are delivered at the plant.

  6. Head count (16). Enter the quantity of cattle in the lot in number of head.

  7. Estimated average weight (17). Enter the estimated average weight of the lot in pounds.

  8. Average price (18). Enter the price established on that day for the lot in dollars per hundredweight.

(I) For negotiated purchases, enter the final net price that was paid.

(II) For formula purchases, enter the base price when established (with estimated grading info if not yet known). Then enter the final net price with all actual grading information when it is known.

(III) For forward contract purchases, enter the base price when established (estimated grading info if not yet known. Then enter the final net price paid on the contract with actual grading information.

  1. For negotiated grid purchases, enter the base price when established (estimated grading info if not yet known). Then enter the final net price with all actual grading information.

  1. Classification code (19). Enter the code which best describes the quality of the majority of the cattle in the lot.

  2. Origin (20). Enter the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the State in which the cattle were fed to slaughter weight. For imported cattle enter “CN” for Canada.

  3. Premiums and discounts paid (21a-f). Enter the total net value of the adjustment for the lot (in dollars per hundredweight) for any premiums associated with weight, quality, yield or other expressed as a positive value and for any discounts associated with weight, quality, yield or other expressed as a negative value in parenthesis.

(7) LS-126 –- Boxed Beef Daily Report. For lots comprising multiple items, provide information for each item in a separate record identified with the same lot identification or purchase order number.

  1. Lot identification or purchase order number (11). Enter code used to identify the lot to the packer.

  2. Destination (12). Enter ‘1’, domestic, for product shipped within the 50 States; or ‘2’, exported, for product shipped overseas; or ‘3’ ,exported, for product shipped NAFTA (Canada or Mexico).

  3. Purchase type code (13). Enter the code corresponding to the sale type of the lot of boxed beef.

  4. Delivery period code (14). Enter the code corresponding to the delivery time period of the lot of boxed beef.

  5. Refrigeration (15). Enter ‘1’ if the product is sold in a fresh condition or ‘2’ if the product is sold in a frozen condition.

  6. Class code (16). Enter the code that best describes the class of cattle from which the boxed beef was produced.

  7. Classification code (17). Enter the code corresponding to the grade of the boxed beef.

  8. Beef cut (18a-b). Enter the numerical code corresponding to the Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) (3 to 4 characters)(18a) or the internal corporate descriptor used to identify the product (18b). Descriptors must be entered consistently for all submissions.

  9. Trim spec code (19). Enter the code corresponding to the trim level of the boxed beef.

  10. Weight (20). Enter the code corresponding to the relative weight of the product. Where weight is a factor, enter ‘1’ to signify the lighter weight range, ‘2’ to signify the middle weight range, or ‘3’ to signify the heavier weight range. Where weight is not a factor, enter ‘4’ to signify all weights or mixed.

  11. Total product weight (21). Enter the total weight of the boxed beef cut in the lot in pounds.

  12. Price (22). Enter the price received for each boxed beef cut in the lot in dollars per one hundred pounds, FOB Plant basis.

  13. USDA Certified schedule code (23). Enter the code for the USDA Certified Program schedule, if applicable (e.g. G1, G2, etc.); otherwise leave blank.

  14. Branded product code (24a-b). Enter the quality grade code (24a) and the yield grade code (24b) that best describes the brand. Leave blank if not applicable.

(b) Swine Mandatory Reporting Forms. (see Appendix E for samples)

  1. LS-118 -– Swine Prior Day Report.

  1. Slaughtered swine lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot of slaughtered swine to the packer.

  2. Slaughtered swine class code (12). Enter the code that best describes the type of slaughtered swine in the lot.

  3. Slaughtered swine purchase type code (13). Enter the code that describes the type of purchase for the slaughtered swine in the lot.

  4. Slaughtered swine head count (14). Enter the quantity of slaughtered swine in the lot in number of head.

  5. Slaughtered swine base price (15). Enter the base price established on that day for the lot of slaughtered swine in dollars per one hundred pounds.

  6. Slaughtered swine average net price (16). Enter the average net price established on that day for the lot of slaughtered swine in dollars per one hundred pounds.

  7. Slaughtered swine average live weight (17). Enter the average live weight of the lot of swine in pounds if slaughtered swine were purchased on a live basis, otherwise leave blank.

  8. Slaughtered swine average carcass weight (18). Enter the average carcass weight of the lot of slaughtered swine in pounds.

  9. Slaughtered swine average sort loss (19). Enter the average sort loss for the lot of slaughtered swine in dollars per one hundred pounds.

  10. Slaughtered swine average backfat (20). Enter the average backfat measurement for the lot of slaughtered swine in inches rounded to the nearest tenth of an inch.

  11. Slaughtered swine average loin depth (21). Enter the average loin depth measurement for the lot of slaughtered swine in inches rounded to the nearest tenth of an inch.

  12. Slaughtered swine average lean percentage (22). Enter the average lean percentage for the lot of slaughtered swine.

  13. Purchased swine lot identification (23). Enter code used to identify the lot of purchased swine to the packer.

  14. Purchased swine ownership code (24). Enter code which best describes the source of the purchased swine whether packer-owned, purchased from another packer, or all other swine.

  15. Purchased swine class code (25). Enter the code that best describes the type of purchased swine.

  16. Purchased swine purchase type code (26). Enter the code that describes the type of purchase for the purchased swine.

  17. Purchased swine head count (27). Enter the quantity of purchased swine in the lot.

  18. Purchased swine average live weight (28). Enter the average live weight of the lot of swine in pounds if swine were purchased on a live basis, otherwise leave blank.

  19. Purchased swine base price (29). Enter the base price established on that day for the lot of purchased swine in dollars per one hundred pounds.

  20. Purchased swine origin (30). Enter the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the State in which the swine were fed to slaughter weight.

  21. Scheduled swine (31-44). Enter the number of head of purchase commitment swine that were scheduled for delivery for each of the next 14 days. Enter the total quantity currently scheduled for each day at the time of reporting for each submission.

  1. LS-119 –- Swine Daily Report.

  1. Purchased swine lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot of purchased swine to the packer.

  2. Purchased swine purchase type code (12). Enter the code that describes the type of purchase for the swine in the lot.

  3. Purchased swine average live weight (13). Enter the average live weight of the lot of swine in pounds if swine were purchased on a live basis, otherwise leave blank.

  4. Purchased swine class code (14). Enter the code that best describes the type of swine in the lot.

  5. Purchased swine head count (15). Enter the quantity of swine in the lot in number of head.

  6. Purchased swine base price (16). Enter the base price established on that day for the lot of swine in dollars per one hundred pounds.

  7. Purchased swine origin (17). Enter the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the State in which the swine were fed to slaughter weight.

  8. Packer-sold swine purchases (18-25). Enter the best estimate of the total number of packer-sold swine expected to be purchased throughout the reporting day for each purchase type and the total number of packer-sold swine purchased up to that time of the reporting day for each purchase type.

  9. All other swine purchases (26-33). Enter the best estimate of the total number of all other swine expected to be purchased throughout the reporting day for each purchase type and the total number of all other swine purchased up to that time of the reporting day for each purchase type.

  1. LS-120 –- Swine Noncarcass Merit Premium Weekly Report.

Enter the standard noncarcass merit premiums used during the prior slaughter week (11-15) in dollars per hundredweight. If a range of standard noncarcass merit premiums was used, enter the low side of the range (a) and the high side of the range (b). If only one value was used, enter the same number in (a) and (b). If no value for the specified merit was used, leave blank. For ‘other’ categories (16-20), provide a brief description of the basis for the premium along with the value of the premium.

(c) Lamb Mandatory Reporting Forms. (See Appendix E for samples)

  1. LS-121 -- Live Lamb Daily Report (current established prices).

  1. Lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot to the packer.

  2. Source (12). Enter ‘1’, domestic, if lambs were purchased inside of the 50 States, or ‘2’, imported, if lambs were purchased outside of the 50 States.

  3. Purchase type code (13). Enter the code that describes the type of purchase.

  4. Class code (14). Enter the code that best describes the type of lambs.

  5. Selling basis (15a-b). For 15a, enter ‘1’ if lambs were purchased on a live basis or ‘2’ if lambs were purchased on a dressed basis. For 15b, enter ‘1’ if lambs are shipped on an FOB feedlot basis or ‘2’ if lambs are delivered at the plant.

  6. Head count (16). Enter the quantity of lambs in the lot in number of head.

  7. Weight range (17a & 17b). Enter the lowest (17a) and highest (17b) weights for lambs in the lot in pounds.

  8. Estimated average weight (18). Enter the estimated average weight of the lot in pounds.

  9. Average price (19). Enter the price established on that day for the lot in dollars per hundredweight.

  1. For negotiated purchases, enter the final (net) price paid.

  2. For formula purchases, enter the net price.

  3. For forward contract purchases, enter the final (net) price paid

  1. Percent Choice or better (20). Enter the percentage of the number of lambs in the lot of a quality grade of Choice or better.

  2. Classification code (21). Enter the code which best describes the quality of the majority of the lambs in the lot.

  3. Dressing percentage (22). Enter an average dressing percentage for the lambs in the lot. For negotiated purchases, enter an estimate. For all other purchase types, enter the actual average dressing percentage.

  4. Origin (23). Enter the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the State in which the lambs were fed to slaughter weight. Enter “CN” if lambs originate from Canada.

  5. Pelt Code (24). Enter the code that best describes the type of pelt for the majority of lambs in the lot.

(xv)Premiums and discounts paid (25a-f). Enter the total net value of the adjustment for the lot (in dollars per hundredweight) for any premiums associated with weight, quality, or yield expressed as a positive value and for any discounts associated with weight, quality, or yield expressed as a negative value in parenthesis.

(2) LS-123 -- Live Lamb Weekly Report.

  1. Packer-Owned lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot of packer-owned lambs to the packer.

  2. Packer-Owned source (12). Enter ‘1’, domestic, if packer-owned lambs are from within the 50 States or ‘2’, imported, if lambs are from outside of the 50 States.

  3. Packer-Owned head count (13). Enter the quantity of packer-owned lambs in the lot in number of head.

  4. Packer-Owned actual carcass weight range (14a & 14b). Enter the lowest (14a) and highest (14b) actual carcass weights for lambs in the lot in pounds.

  5. Packer-Owned actual average carcass weight (15). Enter the actual average carcass weight of the lot of packer-owned lambs in pounds.

  6. Packer-Owned average dressing percentage (16). Enter the average dressing percentage of the lot of packer-owned lambs.

  7. Percentage yield grade 3 or better (17). Enter the percentage of packer-owned lambs in the lot of a yield grade of 3 or better.

  8. Quality grade percentage (18-). Enter the percentage of packer-owned lambs in the lot of a quality grade of Choice or better. .

  9. Prior week slaughtered lambs head counts () (19-24). Enter the total number of head of lambs slaughtered for the prior week that were purchased through forward contracts, the total number of head for lambs purchased through formula arrangements, and the total number of head of lambs purchased through negotiated cash, categorized by domestic or imported sources. Enter this information once per each week’s submission.

  10. Forward contract purchases lot identification (25). Enter code used to identify forward contracted lambs to the packer.

  11. Forward contract purchases head count (26). Enter quantity of forward contracted lambs in the lot in number of head.

  12. Forward contract purchases basis level (27). Enter the agreed upon adjustment to a future price to establish the final price of the forward contracted lambs in dollars per one hundred pounds.

  13. Forward contract purchases delivery month (28). Enter the delivery month of the lambs purchased through forward contracts as a 3-letter abbreviation.

(3) LS-124 -– Live Lamb Weekly Report (formula purchases).

  1. Lot identification (11). Enter code used to identify the lot to the packer.

  2. Source (12). Enter ‘1’, domestic, if lambs are purchased within the 50 States or ‘2’, imported, if lambs are purchased outside of the 50 States.

  3. Head count (13). Enter the quantity of lambs in the lot in number of head.

  4. Total pounds (14). Enter the total quantity of lambs in the lot in pounds.

  5. Weighted average carcass price (15). Enter the average weighted average carcass price for the lambs in the lot in dollars per hundredweight.

  6. Range of prices paid (16a-b). Enter the lowest (16a) and the highest (16b) prices paid for the lambs in the lot in dollars per hundredweight.

  7. Range of premiums and discounts paid (17a-b). Enter the lowest (17a) and the highest (17b) premium and discount paid for the lot of lambs in dollars per hundredweight. Enter negative values in parenthesis.

  8. Weighted average of premiums and discounts paid (18). Enter the weighted average of the premiums and discounts paid for the lot of lambs in dollars per hundredweight. Enter negative values in parenthesis.

(4) LS-125 –- Lamb Premiums and Discounts Weekly Report.

Enter the premiums and discounts (in dollars per hundredweight) expected to be in effect for the current slaughter week for each applicable category of premium and discount (11-32). For ‘other’ categories (33-37), provide a brief description of the basis for the premium/ discount along with the value of the premium/discount. Enter negative values in parenthesis.

(5) LS-128 –- Boxed Lamb Daily Report. For lots comprising multiple items, provide information for each item in a separate record identified with the same lot identification or purchase order number.

  1. Lot identification or purchase order number (11). Enter code used to identify the lot to the packer.

  2. Destination/Source (12). Enter ‘1’, domestic, for product originating within the 50 States or ‘2’,imported, for product originating from outside of the 50 States.

  3. Sale type code (13). Enter the code corresponding to the sale type of the lot of boxed lamb.

  4. Delivery period code (14). Enter the code corresponding to the delivery time period of the lot of boxed lamb.

  5. Refrigeration (15). Enter ‘1’ if the product is sold in a fresh condition or ‘2’ if the product is sold in a frozen condition.

  6. Classification code (16). Enter the code corresponding to the grade of the boxed lamb, if applicable.

  7. Lamb cut (17a-b). Enter the numerical code corresponding to the Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) (3 to 4 characters)(17a) or the internal corporate descriptor used to identify the product (17b). Descriptors must be entered consistently for all submissions.

  8. Weight (18). Enter the code corresponding to the relative weight of the product. Where weight is a factor, enter ‘1’ to signify the lighter weight range, ‘2’ to signify the middle weight range, or ‘3’ to signify the heavier weight range. Where weight is not a factor, enter ‘4’ to signify all weights or mixed.

  9. Total product weight (19). Enter the total weight of the boxed lamb cut in the lot in pounds.

  10. Price (20). Enter the price received for each boxed lamb cut in the lot in dollars per one hundred pounds, FOB Plant basis.

  11. USDA Certified schedule code (21). Enter the code for the USDA Certified Program schedule, if applicable (e.g. CL, etc.); otherwise leave blank.

  12. Branded product code (22a-b). Enter the quality grade code (22a) and the yield grade code (22b) that best describes the brand. Leave blank if not applicable.

(6) LS-129 –- Lamb Carcass Report. For lots comprised of distinct carcass weight range categories with different prices, provide information for each weight range in a separate record identified with the same lot identification or purchase order number.

  1. Lot identification or purchase order number (11). Enter code used to identify the lot to the packer.

  2. Transaction type code (12). Enter the code corresponding to the transaction type of the lot of carcass lamb.

  3. FOB Plant Price (13). Enter the price received for the lamb carcasses in dollars per one hundred pounds, FOB Plant basis.

  4. Number of carcasses (14). Enter the total number of lamb carcasses in the lot.

  5. Classification code (15) Enter the corresponding USDA quality grade code.

  6. Yield grade code (16). Enter the corresponding USDA yield grade code.

  7. Estimated carcass weight range (17a-b). Enter the lowest (17a) and highest (17b) weights (in pounds) that best describes the majority of the lamb carcasses in the lot.

  8. Delivery period code (18). Enter the code corresponding to the time period the lamb carcasses will deliver.

  9. Transaction basis (19). Enter ‘1’ for purchased carcasses or ‘2’ for sold carcasses.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAppendix D –- Mandatory Reporting Forms Guideline
Last Modified Bympish2
File Modified2007-07-12
File Created2007-07-12

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