Supporting Statement:
Part A. Justification
Circumstances That Make Information Collection Necessary
This information collection is necessary in order to provide the AmeriCorps NCCC with qualified candidates for the AmeriCorps NCCC Team Leader positions. In order to be eligible, applicants are required to complete all sections of the application. Then, they may be considered for an NCCC Team Leader position.
How, By Whom, And For What Purpose the Information is Used
The AmeriCorps NCCC Team Leader Application is used by citizens who are interested in serving as NCCC Team Leaders. It is used by NCCC staff to determine eligibility for NCCC service.
Use of Information Technology
The AmeriCorps NCCC Team Leader Application may be submitted via the MyAmeriCorps web portal. Staff will be notified via email when applications are submitted.
Efforts to Identify Duplication
The AmeriCorps NCCC Team Leader Application requests only the minimum information required for proper management and does not duplicate information requested in other reports or available from other sources.
Efforts to Minimize Burden to Small Organizations
The Corporation is cognizant of the burdens imposed on grantee organizations. We have made every reasonable effort to minimize burden imposed by data collection and to invite suggestions and comments from the broadest possible cross-section of grantees in its information management processes.
Submission requirements proposed will be revised to conform to Corporation-wide policies of semi-annual progress reporting.
Consequences of Less-Frequent Collection
Collection less frequently would reduce agency oversight of programmatic activities with increased likelihood of problems developing.
Less frequent collection would also compromise the Corporation’s ability to capture, aggregate and report performance measures needed to annually report to decision-makers, including the Administration and the Congress, including in support of annual budgets and reporting Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) actual yearly totals.
Special Circumstances
None of the special circumstances apply to this data collection.
Federal Register Notice and Solicitation of Comments
An initial Federal Register was published on November 1, 2007, announcing a 60-day review and comment period on this collection.
Summary of Comments
This comment period ended on December 31, 2007. A total of 0 responses were received.
Decisions to Provide Payments to Respondents
No payments will be provided.
Please know that the responses to this data collection will be used only for purposes of selecting citizens to serve as AmeriCorps NCCC Team Leaders. We will not disclose information that identifies individuals to anyone outside of the AmeriCorps NCCC team, except as required by law.
The information collection and data maintenance process will comply with provision of the Privacy Act, as amended, and applicable sections of OMB Circular A-130, “Management of Federal Information Resources”.
Sensitive Questions
No sensitive questions are included in the data collection instruments.
Estimates of the Information Collection Burden
There are 300 estimated responses. Total aggregate burden on all respondents is estimated at 300 hours. This is a 400 hour decrease in the previously approved data collection burden of 700 hours. AmeriCorps NCCC only expects approximately 300 respondents annually. The per-respondent burden is estimated to be 1 hour. These estimates are based on:
The number of respondents we have had in past years, which is less than 200.
The My AmeriCorps web portal, which will allow respondents to apply to the program online. In order to decrease respondents, applicants will have to search specifically for the Team Leader Application, meaning that it will not be listed with the Corps Member opportunity.
Estimate of Annualized Cost to Respondents
Estimate of annualized cost to respondents is $19.51 per respondent or $5,853.00 for estimated 300 respondents per year (based on the current Independent Sector estimated dollar value of volunteer time).
Cost to the Federal Government
Production and printing costs for the NCCC Team Leader application to use for the next three years is estimated to be approximately $500.00. All other costs are a part of conducting our usual business.
Reasons for Changes in Burden
The burden was changed from previous years due to the release of the My AmeriCorps online portal application system. In previous years, the NCCC Team Leader application was located on the NCCC website, and available for applicants to print and submit via mail. The new My AmeriCorps portal allows applicants to search for the Team Leader listing and submit their applications via the Internet. AmeriCorps NCCC expects that this will increase annual application submissions and reduce the total time necessary to complete an application. We have increased our estimated respondents to 300 and the application should take 1 hour to complete and submit.
Plans for Tabulation and Publication
The Team Leader Application will be available to applicants online and submitted via the My AmeriCorps Web Portal. The hard copy version of the application may also be downloaded from the NCCC website and submitted by mail.
Approval to Not Display Expiration Date
Not applicable.
Exceptions to Certification in Item 19
No exceptions are requested.
Part B is to be completed only if you are conducting surveys
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Supporting Statement: |
Author | acurley |
Last Modified By | lshelton |
File Modified | 2008-06-12 |
File Created | 2008-06-12 |