Current Employment Statistics Report Form — Construction |
U.S. Department of Labor |
START HERE for Report Number reptnum
Different pay schedules for some employees—for example, weekly pay for some and monthly for others? Enter the information for one group in Pay Group 1 on this page and for the second group in Pay Group 2 on the next page. About YOU: If this information is not correct, please tell the data specialist.
Your report # reptnum2 For more information: 1- Data Collection Center |
A. Employees receive pay: (check one) …… Each week Every 2 weeks Twice a month Once a month |
B. Do employees receive commissions? …… Yes No (IF YES) Employees receive commissions: (check one) Each week Every 2 weeks Twice a month Once a month If you checked one of the boxes above, report commissions in Column 4 for the most recent complete period available. Less often than once a month. Enter 0 in Column 4 but include in Gross Monthly Earnings (Column 7) when paid. (IF NO) Enter 0 in Column 4. |
C. Report columns 1-6 for the pay period that includes the 12th of the month |
Report columns 7-8 for the entire previous calendar month |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Employee Count |
Women Employee Count |
Payroll, Excluding Commissions (Whole dollars) |
Commissions Paid at Least Once a Month (Whole dollars) |
Hours, Including Overtime (Whole hours) |
Reason for Large Changes (D1-D2 below) |
Gross Monthly Earnings, previous calendar month (All workers) |
Reason for Large Changes (D1-D3 below) |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
D. Reason for Large Changes: To explain changes of 25% or more, enter numbers from the list below in columns 6 and 8. You may enter one or two numbers into each row.
D1. Changes in Employment (Columns 6 and 8) |
D2. Changes in Pay and Hours (Columns 6 and 8) |
D3. Changes in Gross Monthly Earnings (Column 8 ONLY) |
01 |
Seasonal increase |
08 |
Strike |
20 |
Wage rate decrease |
40 |
Shorter scheduled workweek |
28 |
Stock options exercised and distributed |
02 |
Seasonal decrease |
12 |
Internal reorganization-decrease |
21 |
Wage rate increase |
41 |
Longer scheduled workweek |
29 |
Severance pay distributed |
03 |
More business/expansion |
13 |
Internal reorganization-increase |
25 |
Higher hourly earnings for |
46 |
Workers on unpaid vacation |
30 |
Change in number of pay periods |
04 |
Less business/contraction |
19 |
Employment returns to normal |
piecework or incentive pay |
50 |
Bad weather |
31 |
Bonuses, executive pay, or profit |
05 |
Short-term project starting |
09 |
Temporary shutdown |
26 |
Less overtime pay |
55 |
Return to normal following |
distributions |
06 |
Short-term project ending |
86 |
Permanent shutdown |
27 |
More overtime pay |
bad weather |
93 |
Quarterly or annual commissions paid |
07 |
Layoff |
37 |
Other reason |
32 |
More/fewer commissions paid |
38 |
Other reason, pay or hours |
95 |
Other reason |
Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on Current Employment Statistics Construction
This report is authorized by law 29 U.S.C. 2. We request your cooperation to make the results of this survey comprehensive, accurate, and timely. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, its employees, agents, and partner statistical agencies, will use the information you provide for statistical purposes only and will hold the information in confidence to the full extent permitted by law. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (Title 5 of Public Law 107-347) and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your informed consent. Please note this report is mandatory in North Carolina, under Section 96-4(g) (l) of the North Carolina Employment Security Law; in Oregon, under the Oregon Revised Statute 657.660; in Washington, under the Revised Code of Washington sections 50.12.010, 50.12.070, and 50.12.180; and in South Carolina, under Section 41-29-120 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina (for firms employing more than twenty individuals). Form Approved OMB No. 1220-0011. We estimate that it will take an average of 11 minutes to complete this form each month including time to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather and maintain the necessary data, and complete and review this information. If you have any comments regarding these estimates or any other aspects of this survey, send them to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Division of Current Employment Statistics (1220-0011), 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20212. You are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Attn: Payroll Manager Con_Firm Con_Address Con_City, Con_State Con_Zipcode
Need help with this form? Call 1-dccphone3 Your Report Number: reptnum3
Data Collection Center
Instructions for Completing this Form
Reference Period
Complete form monthly for the pay period checked in Box A that includes the 12th day of the month. If you have a weekly or biweekly pay period and the 12th falls on a Saturday, report for the period ending on the 12th. If the 12th falls on a Sunday, report for the pay period starting on the 12th.
See reverse side of this form. If your business has more than two pay groups, call the help number shown above for assistance.
Total number of persons in this pay group who worked or received pay for any part of the pay period that includes the 12th of the month.
Include: |
Exclude: |
Executives and their staff |
Outside contractors and their employees |
Full-time and part-time workers |
Pensioners |
Salaried officials of corporations |
Proprietors, owners, or partners of |
Trainees |
unincorporated firms |
Workers on active duty, if |
Workers on active duty, if not receiving |
receiving pay from employer |
pay from employer |
Workers on paid sick leave |
Workers on leave without pay for entire |
Workers on paid vacation |
pay period |
Workers on other paid leave |
Workers on strike for entire pay period |
Unpaid family members |
EMPLOYEE COUNT (Column 1) – construction workers
Number of "All Workers" defined above who are construction workers. "Construction workers" work at the site of construction, or in shops or yards at jobs ordinarily performed by members of the construction trade. Construction workers include working supervisors or group leaders who may be “in charge” of some employees, but whose supervisory functions are only incidental to their regular work.
Include: |
Working in: |
Craft workers |
New construction |
Laborers |
Alterations |
Mechanics |
Remodeling |
Heavy equipment operators |
Demolition |
Apprentices |
Maintenance |
Helpers |
Repair |
Exclude individuals working in: |
Accounting |
Finance |
Professional |
Clerical |
Legal |
Purchasing |
Executives |
Personnel |
Technical |
Number of “All Workers” defined above who are women.
Total gross pay earned during the entire pay period. Report separately for All Workers and for Construction Workers.
Report pay before employee deductions for: |
Taxes |
Bonds |
FICA (Social Security) |
Pensions |
Health insurance |
Unemployment insurance |
Pay deferral plans such as 401K |
Union dues |
(Continued) |
Payroll, EXCLUDING COMMISSIONS (Column 3) (Continued)
Include: |
Exclude: |
Wages and salaries |
Commissions |
Paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, and other paid leave |
Annual pay for unused leave Awards or bonuses not paid each pay period |
Incentive pay |
Employer contributions to pay such as 401K |
Bonuses paid each pay period |
Pay advances, such as vacation pay |
Overtime pay |
advances |
Severance, if paid over multiple |
Payments "in kind" |
pay periods |
Retroactive or back pay |
Severance, if provided as one payment |
Travel or work-related reimbursements |
Commissions (Column 4)
Commissions paid during the period checked in Box B on the reverse side. Report separately for All Workers and for Construction Workers.
Report for the most recent complete period for which commissions are available, which might be different from the pay period that includes the 12th. Enter 0 if none paid for the period or pay group.
Exclude base pay, drawing accounts, or basic guarantees.
Total number of hours for which employees received pay during the entire pay period. Report separately for All Workers and Construction Workers.
Include overtime; stand-by or reporting time; and hours not worked, but for which workers received pay (holidays, vacations, sick leave, etc.).
Report hours for salaried and commission-only employees based on their standard work week.
Do not convert overtime or other premium hours to straight-time equivalent hours.
If employment, payroll, or hours changed by 25% or more, enter one or two numbers from D1 or D2 at the bottom of the reverse side of this form to explain the change. Otherwise leave Column 6 blank.
Gross Monthly Earnings (Column 7)
Total gross wages paid during the entire previous calendar month, before deductions. Report for All Workers.
Include: |
Exclude: |
Earnings from all pay distributed during the previous month, such as: |
Employer contributions to: - 401K or pension plans |
- Payroll |
- Medical insurance accounts |
- Commissions |
- Health insurance accounts |
- Bonuses or awards |
Reimbursements for: |
- Incentive pay |
- Travel expenses |
- Severance pay |
- Work related expenses |
- Stock options exercised |
- Tuition |
If Gross Monthly Earnings changed by 25% or more, enter one or two numbers from D1, D2, or D3 at the bottom of the reverse side of this form to explain the change. Otherwise leave Column 8 blank.
Current Employment Statistics Report Form — Construction |
U.S. Department of Labor |
Report Number reptnum4
this page is for PAY GROUP 2 ● Use the other page (All Employees in Pay Group 1) if all employees are paid at the same time. ● Use this page only if employees are paid on different schedules—for example, weekly for some and monthly for others. Enter the information for one pay schedule on the previous page (Pay Group 1). This page is for the second group. ● More than two pay groups? Call the number “For More Information” at the right, or the Help number on the reverse side of this form. |
This form requests information for:
Your report # reptnum5 For more information: 1- Data Collection Center |
A. Employees receive pay: (check one) ……… Each week Every 2 weeks Twice a month Once a month |
B. Do employees receive commissions? ……… Yes No (IF YES) Employees receive commissions: (check one) Each week Every 2 weeks Twice a month Once a month If you checked one of the boxes above, report commissions in Column 4 for the most recent complete period available. Less often than once a month. Enter 0 in Column 4 but include in Gross Monthly Earnings (Column 8) when paid. (IF NO) Enter 0 in Column 4. |
C. Report columns 1-6 for the pay period that includes the 12th of the month |
Report columns 7-8 for the entire previous calendar month |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Employee Count |
Women Employee Count |
Payroll, Excluding Commissions (Whole dollars) |
Commissions Paid at Least Once a Month (Whole dollars) |
Hours, Including Overtime (Whole hours) |
Reason for Large Changes (D1-D2 below) |
Gross Monthly Earnings, previous calendar month (All workers) |
Reason for Large Changes (D1-D3 below) |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
All Workers |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Construction Workers |
$ |
$ |
D. Reason for Large Changes: To explain changes of 25% or more, enter numbers from the list below in columns 6 and 8. You may enter one or two numbers into each row.
D1. Changes in Employment (Columns 6 and 8) |
D2. Changes in Pay and Hours (Columns 6 and 8) |
D3. Changes in Gross Monthly Earnings (Column 8 ONLY) |
01 |
Seasonal increase |
08 |
Strike |
20 |
Wage rate decrease |
40 |
Shorter scheduled workweek |
28 |
Stock options exercised and distributed |
02 |
Seasonal decrease |
12 |
Internal reorganization-decrease |
21 |
Wage rate increase |
41 |
Longer scheduled workweek |
29 |
Severance pay distributed |
03 |
More business/expansion |
13 |
Internal reorganization-increase |
25 |
Higher hourly earnings for |
46 |
Workers on unpaid vacation |
30 |
Change in number of pay periods |
04 |
Less business/contraction |
19 |
Employment returns to normal |
piecework or incentive pay |
50 |
Bad weather |
31 |
Bonuses, executive pay, or profit |
05 |
Short-term project starting |
09 |
Temporary shutdown |
26 |
Less overtime pay |
55 |
Return to normal following |
distributions |
06 |
Short-term project ending |
86 |
Permanent shutdown |
27 |
More overtime pay |
bad weather |
93 |
Quarterly or annual commissions paid |
07 |
Layoff |
37 |
Other reason |
32 |
More/fewer commissions paid |
38 |
Other reason, pay or hours |
95 |
Other reason |
Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on Current Employment Statistics Construction
This report is authorized by law 29 U.S.C. 2. We request your cooperation to make the results of this survey comprehensive, accurate, and timely. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, its employees, agents, and partner statistical agencies, will use the information you provide for statistical purposes only and will hold the information in confidence to the full extent permitted by law. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (Title 5 of Public Law 107-347) and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your informed consent. Please note this report is mandatory in North Carolina, under Section 96-4(g) (l) of the North Carolina Employment Security Law; in Oregon, under the Oregon Revised Statute 657.660; in Washington, under the Revised Code of Washington sections 50.12.010, 50.12.070, and 50.12.180; and in South Carolina, under Section 41-29-120 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina (for firms employing more than twenty individuals). Form Approved OMB No. 1220-0011. We estimate that it will take an average of 11 minutes to complete this form each month including time to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather and maintain the necessary data, and complete and review this information. If you have any comments regarding these estimates or any other aspects of this survey, send them to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Division of Current Employment Statistics (1220-0011), 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20212. You are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Attn: Payroll Manager Con_Firm Con_Address Con_City, Con_State Con_Zipcode
Need help with this form? Call 1-dccphone5 Your Report Number: reptnum6
Data Collection Center
Instructions for Completing this Form
Reference Period
Complete form monthly for the pay period checked in Box A that includes the 12th day of the month. If you have a weekly or biweekly pay period and the 12th falls on a Saturday, report for the period ending on the 12th. If the 12th falls on a Sunday, report for the pay period starting on the 12th.
See the reverse side of this form. If your business has more than two pay groups, call the help number shown above for assistance.
Total number of persons in this pay group who worked or received pay for any part of the pay period that includes the 12th of the month.
Include: |
Exclude: |
Executives and their staff |
Outside contractors and their employees |
Full-time and part-time workers |
Pensioners |
Salaried officials of corporations |
Proprietors, owners, or partners of |
Trainees |
unincorporated firms |
Workers on active duty, if |
Workers on active duty, if not receiving |
receiving pay from employer |
pay from employer |
Workers on paid sick leave |
Workers on leave without pay for entire |
Workers on paid vacation |
pay period |
Workers on other paid leave |
Workers on strike for entire pay period |
Unpaid family members |
EMPLOYEE COUNT (Column 1) – construction workers
Number of "All Workers" defined above who are construction workers. "Construction workers" work at the site of construction, or in shops or yards at jobs ordinarily performed by members of the construction trade. Construction workers include working supervisors or group leaders who may be “in charge” of some employees, but whose supervisory functions are only incidental to their regular work.
Include: |
Working in: |
Craft workers |
New construction |
Laborers |
Alterations |
Mechanics |
Remodeling |
Heavy equipment operators |
Demolition |
Apprentices |
Maintenance |
Helpers |
Repair |
Exclude individuals working in: |
Accounting |
Finance |
Professional |
Clerical |
Legal |
Purchasing |
Executives |
Personnel |
Technical |
Number of “All Workers” defined above who are women.
Total gross pay earned during the entire pay period. Report separately for All Workers and for Construction Workers.
Report pay before employee deductions for: |
Taxes |
Bonds |
FICA (Social Security) |
Pensions |
Health insurance |
Unemployment insurance |
Pay deferral plans such as 401K |
Union dues |
(Continued) |
Payroll, EXCLUDING COMMISSIONS (Column 3) (Continued)
Include: |
Exclude: |
Wages and salaries |
Commissions |
Paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, and other paid leave |
Annual pay for unused leave Awards or bonuses not paid each pay period |
Incentive pay |
Employer contributions to pay such as 401K |
Bonuses paid each pay period |
Pay advances, such as vacation pay |
Overtime pay |
advances |
Severance, if paid over multiple |
Payments "in kind" |
pay periods |
Retroactive or back pay |
Severance, if provided as one payment |
Travel or work-related reimbursements |
Commissions (Column 4)
Commissions paid during the period checked in Box B on the reverse side. Report separately for All Workers and for Construction Workers.
Report for the most recent complete period for which commissions are available, which might be different from the pay period that includes the 12th. Enter 0 if none paid for the period or pay group.
Exclude base pay, drawing accounts, or basic guarantees.
Total number of hours for which employees received pay during the entire pay period. Report separately for All Workers and Construction Workers.
Include overtime; stand-by or reporting time; and hours not worked, but for which workers received pay (holidays, vacations, sick leave, etc.).
Report hours for salaried and commission-only employees based on their standard work week.
Do not convert overtime or other premium hours to straight-time equivalent hours.
If employment, payroll, or hours changed by 25% or more, enter one or two numbers from D1 or D2 at the bottom of the reverse side of this form to explain the change. Otherwise leave Column 6 blank.
Gross Monthly Earnings (Column 7)
Total gross wages paid during the entire previous calendar month, before deductions. Report for All Workers.
Include: |
Exclude: |
Earnings from all pay distributed during the previous month, such as: |
Employer contributions to: - 401K or pension plans |
- Payroll |
- Medical insurance accounts |
- Commissions |
- Health insurance accounts |
- Bonuses or awards |
Reimbursements for: |
- Incentive pay |
- Travel expenses |
- Severance pay |
- Work related expenses |
- Stock options exercised |
- Tuition |
If Gross Monthly Earnings changed by 25% or more, enter one or two numbers from D1, D1, or D3 at the bottom of the reverse side of this form to explain the change. Otherwise leave Column 8 blank.
BLS 790B Rev June 2007
File Type | application/msword |
Author | MANNING_C |
Last Modified By | yule_j |
File Modified | 2007-06-12 |
File Created | 2006-01-27 |