Form Approved
No. 0935-0124 Exp.
Date XX/XX/20XX
Phase II Interest Form
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking an indication of interest from organizations willing to participate in Phase II of the AHRQ Quality Indicators Validation Pilot. The validation pilot is designed to gather evidence on the scientific acceptability of the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) in an effort to consolidate the evidence base of the AHRQ PSI, to improve guidance on the interpretation and use of AHRQ PSI data, and to evaluate potential refinements to the AHRQ PSI specifications.
Phase II of the Validation Pilot will focus primarily on these AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators:
Partner Organizations
As in Phase I, organizations participating in the validation pilot will be asked to 1) apply the AHRQ QI Windows software to an extract of hospital administrative (e.g., UB-04) data; 2) assist in the testing of protocols for case selection and data abstraction tools for additional data collection from medical records; 3) abstract data from medical records of selected patients based on the protocols and tools developed; 4) assist in the testing of a secure data collection application; and 5) report administrative and medical record data for pooled analyses.
The number of records and the amount of data collection required will depend on the interest and capability of the partner organization. Determination of the appropriate level of participation will be made by mutual agreement.
Study Timeline
The study timeline runs from X through Y.
Benefits for Partner Organizations
In addition to contributing to the development of the AHRQ PSI, participants will receive
A certificate of appreciation from the Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and recognition in the AHRQ e-newsletter and other AHRQ QI publications
Training from experts on how to perform and use chart abstraction for quality improvement (including written guidelines, telephonic/e-mail consultation, and “over-reading” of selected records, upon request)
Use of the data collection tools developed for the project to review potentially preventable complications and identify opportunities for quality improvement
Comparative summary data aggregated from all pilot participants
An invitation to one or more web-based conferences where the project investigators will discuss the validation results and implication of those results for quality improvement efforts and comparative reporting initiatives as well as indicator validation
Indicating Your Interest as a Partner Organization
At present, the AHRQ is seeking OMB approval to conduct Phase II of the validation pilot. It is anticipated that organizations selected to participate in the validation pilot must have the capacity to:
apply the AHRQ QI software to a recent extract of acute inpatient administrative data; access medical chart data for identified cases from that extract
provide qualified abstraction personnel (e.g., physicians, nurses, or health information professionals) to collect the data
access coding personnel for clarifying questions that may arise, access an existing IRB and/or Privacy Board for review of and compliance with human subjects and HIPAA privacy and security requirements
participate in training and complete data collection according to the timeline stated in this announcement
Organizations interested in participating in the Validation Pilot should complete the attached form to provide contact information and indicate acknowledgement of these requirements. Completed forms must be returned on or before COB on Z.
Submission of the indication of interest form does not commit the organization to participate or guarantee participation. However, only those organizations that submit the indication of interest form will be considered for participation.
For additional questions on the Validation Pilot, please contact Jennifer Cohen, Validation Pilot Coordinator, at (206) 528-3116 or For questions on the AHRQ Quality Indicators Project, contact Mamatha Pancholi, AHRQ Project Officer, at 301-427-1470 or
Indication of Interest as a Partner Organization
Organization Contact Information
Contact Name: |
Title/Position: |
Department: |
Organization: |
City, State and Zip: |
Contact Phone: |
Contact Fax: |
Contact E-mail: |
Acknowledgement of Participation Requirements
My organization has the following required capacities for participation in this pilot project (check all that apply):
Ability to apply the AHRQ QI Windows software to an extract of acute inpatient administrative data |
Access to medical chart data for identified cases from that extract |
Ability to provide qualified abstraction personnel (e.g., physicians, nurses, or health information professionals) to collect the data from medical records |
Access to coding personnel for clarifying questions that may arise |
Access to an existing IRB and/or Privacy Board for review of and compliance with human subjects and HIPAA privacy and security requirements |
Ability to participate in training and complete data collection according to the timeline stated in the attached announcement |
Instructions for Submitting Completed Forms
Return the completed form via fax, e-mail or regular mail by COB on Z to:
AHRQ QI Validation Pilot
Attn: Jennifer Cohen, Pilot Coordinator
Battelle Memorial Institute
1100 Dexter Ave North, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98109-3598
Fax: (614) 458-6743
For additional information on the AHRQ QI, please visit the AHRQ QI web site at, contact the AHRQ QI Support Team via email at or leave a voicemail at (888) 512 – 6090.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Overview |
Author | Jeffrey Geppert |
Last Modified By | wcarroll |
File Modified | 2008-06-27 |
File Created | 2008-04-08 |