1265-94 TSCA/SNAP Addendum for Significant New Alternatives

Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program (40 CFR part 82, subpart G) (Renewal)

TSCA-SNAP 04.30.08

Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) (40 CFR Part 82, subpart G)(Renewal)

OMB: 2060-0226

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United States


Washington, DC 20460


OMB Control No.: 2060-0226

Expires: 12/31/2010


for Significant New Alternatives

Date of Receipt:

When completed send this form via U.S. mail to: Or via overnight delivery to:

SNAP Document Control Officer SNAP Document Control Officer

Office of Air and Radiation, 6205 J U.S. EPA

U.S. EPA 1310 L St, NW

1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW 10th Floor (MC 6205J)

Washington, DC 20460 Washington, DC 20005

Date 90 Day Review Begins:

Date Review Completed:

PMN Document Control Number

Enter the total number of pages in your SNAP information Notice:

SNAP Document Control No.



This form may be used in conjunction with the Premanufacture Notice for new chemical substances (EPA Form 7710-25 (Rev. 1-19)) to submit chemicals for review under the Significant New Alternatives Policy program as alternatives to Class I and II ozone-depleting substances. In addition to the information provided in the Premanufacture Notice, the Agency is requesting submitters provide information on the following topics. This information will assist EPA in assessing the acceptability of the chemical as an alternative to ozone-depleting substances as required by Section 612 of the Clean Air Act. Please see the Guidance Manual for additional information on overlap between the SNAP and TSCA PMN programs and on completing this form.

To facilitate Agency review of alternatives, both this form and the complete Premanufacture Notice form (including the physical and chemical properties worksheet) must be filled out as completely as possible. Please provide all information requested to the extent that it is known or reasonably ascertainable. Make reasonable estimates if actual data are unavailable.

All submissions must be provided in three complete copies. If information is to be claimed as confidential, all confidential information must be excised from one of the copies which will be placed in the public file; the other two copies must include the confidential material. If no claims of confidentiality are made for the submission, all copies must be identical.

Anyone submitting information must assert a claim of confidentiality at the time of submission for any data which is to be treated as Confidential Business Information (CBI). Substantiation of this claim must also be provided at this time. All information claimed as CBI will be treated in a manner consistent with 40 CFR Part 2, Subpart B. Failure to assert a claim of confidentiality at the time of submission may result in disclosure of the information by the Agency without further notice.

Information submitted as CBI may be accessed by companies designated as Authorized Representatives of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under an EPA contract for the purpose of assisting EPA in the development and implementation of national regulations for the protection of stratospheric ozone, including the development of the SNAP program. These Authorized Representatives may have access to any information received by the Stratospheric Protection Division within the EPA Office of Atmospheric Programs for use in reviewing the need for possible control of any substance, practice, process or activity that may reasonably be anticipated to affect stratospheric ozone. In general, this information will pertain to the feasibility, costs, and environmental and health impacts of using substitutes for Class I and Class II substances. Access to such information is necessary to ensure that these companies can complete the work required by the contract.

Authorized Representatives of the Administrator are subject to the provision of 42 U.S.C. 7414(c) regarding confidential business information as implemented by 40 CFR 2.301(h)



1. (a) Person Submitting Notice (in U.S.)


Name of Authorized Official Title




Mailing Address Telephone & Fax Numbers


Email Address

(b) Agent (if applicable)


Name of Authorized Official Title




Mailing Address Telephone & Fax Numbers


Email Address

(c) Joint Submitter (if applicable)


Name of Authorized Official Title




Mailing Address Telephone & Fax Numbers


Email Address

2. Technical Contact (in U.S.)


Name of Authorized Official Title




Mailing Address Telephone & Fax Numbers


Email Address

3. If you have had a prior communication with EPA concerning this notice, note the date and type of communication (letter, phone, etc.) and the EPA staff person’s name:

Mark (X) if None ________________

Mark (X) this box if this page contains CBI __________


1. Name of chemical (preferably IUPAC nomenclature) and molecular formula.

2. Generic name (if chemical name of substitute is declared Confidential Business Information)

3. End-uses and ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) being replaced:

(a) Describe each industrial sector and end-use that may be reasonably anticipated for the alternative.

(b) Identify the ODS and the quantity of substitute needed to replace it for each end-use (replacement ratio).

4. Ozone-depleting Potential (ODP):

(a) Provide the alternative’s 100-year ODP relative to CFC-11, known.

(b) Provide source of ODP or any additional data on the ODP of the alternative (e.g. atmospheric lifetime, chlorine or bromine loading potentials). Reference the source of this information and attach any supporting documentation.

Mark (X) this box if this page contains CBI __________


5. Global-warming Characteristics

(a) Provide the alternative’s GWP relative to carbon dioxide over 100- and 500- year time horizon, if known.

(b) If known, provide the alternative’s expected impact on energy efficiency relative to the ODS it is replacing (e.g. +/- X%). Also include results of any testing or modeling done (both theoretical and actual testing).

(c) Provide source of GWP or any additional data on the GWP of the alternative, such as the atmospheric lifetime, infrared absorption spectrum, and infrared absorption capacity.

6. Flammability Concerns:

(a) Provide the alternative’s flash point, the upper and lower flammability limits (UFL & LFL) in percent by volume, the heat of combustion kJ/kg), maximum pressure (PSI), and maximum rate of pressure rise.

(b) Provide any additional information on flammability concerns. For example, if any abatement techniques are being used to minimize the risks associated with flammable substances or mixtures, detail those techniques below.

7. Cost of Alternative:

(a) Estimate the cost per pound for the alternative chemical. What information was used as the basis for this cost estimate?

(b) Describe any new equipment and use profiles. If retrofitting of existing equipment is required, detail changes in technologies needed to use the alternative and address any materials compatibility issues. Provide information on any new materials, equipment lifetime, changes in labor, and energy costs.

Mark (X) this box if this page contains CBI __________


List below any attachments that complete the responses to the questions on this form or that provide additional information that may assist EPA’s review of the alternative under Section 612 of the Clean Air Act. Also, provide citation for information already submitted to EPA as part of past regulatory and information activities, as well as for other information that could not be included with this submission. If you have attached continuation pages, describe the Part, Section and question number being continued. Attach additional pages if necessary.

Attachment Name

Question #

Number of Pages


Mark (X) this box if this page contains CBI __________


I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that:

1. All information provided in this notice is complete and truthful as of the date of the submission.

2. I am submitting with this notice all test data in my possession or control and a description of all other data known to or reasonably ascertainable by me.

3. If this is a submission of a new alternative, the company name in Part I, Question 1a of this notice:

(a) intends to manufacture, formulate, import, market, or use a new alternative to a Class I or Class II ozone-depleting substance which is identified in Part I, Section B, Question 2.

(b) seeks an acceptability determination on a new alternative(s) to a Class I or Class II ozone-depleting substance, which is identified in Part I, Section B, Question 2.

4. The accuracy of the statements made in this notice reflects my best prediction of the anticipated facts regarding the alternative described herein. Any knowing and willful misinterpretation is subject to criminal penalty pursuant to section 113(c) of the Clean Air Act and 18 U.S.C.§1001.

Signature and Title of Authorized Official (Original Signature Required): Date

Signature of Agent (Where Applicable): Date

For persons filing a SNAP Information Notice, the reporting burden is estimated to average 150 hours per year. For persons filing a TSCA/SNAP Addendum, the reporting burden is estimated to average 46 hours her year. Burden means that total time, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instruction; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Attn: Director, Collection Strategies Division, Office of Information Collection, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Mail Code 2822T, Washington DC, 20460. Please include the EPA Docket ID Number OAR-2004-0077 and OMB Control Number 2060-0226 in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.


EPA Form 1265-07 (Revised 5/2007)

Previous editions are obsolete

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Last Modified Byoap
File Modified2008-04-30
File Created2008-04-30

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