SOI-308-W&I Market Segmentation Survey; SOI-309-Oversight Board Compliance Survey; SOI-310-Free File Migration Survey; SOI-311-Free File Cog. & Behav Survey; SOI-273-1-TAS Awareness Study (Chnge Rqst)

Cognitive and Psychological Research


SOI-308-W&I Market Segmentation Survey; SOI-309-Oversight Board Compliance Survey; SOI-310-Free File Migration Survey; SOI-311-Free File Cog. & Behav Survey; SOI-273-1-TAS Awareness Study (Chnge Rqst)

OMB: 1545-1349

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SRBI study #3927

W&I Market Segment Survey 2008

July 11, 2008


Hello, this is __________ calling on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service, the federal tax collection agency. The IRS is trying to improve its services by asking customers about their experiences and opinions. This interview is being conducted for the IRS by an independent national research organization, SRBI, so that your answers will be confidential and no personal identifying information will be released to the IRS. (Verify that you are speaking with an adult over age 18)

(If Spanish Speaker responds, hang up and make note for Spanish callbacks)


(If respondent is hesitant, read:)

Your answers will help the Internal Revenue Service reduce the burden on the average taxpayer in preparing and filing their taxes. They will also help the IRS in finding ways to improve the level of service they provide to taxpayers.

(If respondent is still hesitant, read:)

The interview is strictly confidential. We are bound by law not to link the answers you give with any information that could be used to identify you. Neither the IRS nor anyone else will know who you are or what answers you personally provided. We do this so that you can be comfortable in telling us what you really think, not what you think the government wants to hear.

(If respondent is still hesitant, read:)

It doesn't take very long and we can schedule it at a time convenient to you. We need to represent the opinions of busy people like you, as well as people who have more time to present an accurate picture to the IRS of what the public thinks and wants.

(If not familiar with filing taxes, or not adult in household, read:) I need to speak to the adult in the household who is the most familiar with filing taxes. May I please speak to that person?

(If asks about length, read:) The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. However, if you are unable to complete the survey at this time, we can call you back at your convenience.

(If asks how they were selected, read:) You were randomly selected from all households in the U.S. with telephone numbers. The IRS does not know your identity, and we are prohibited from ever disclosing your name or number to the IRS or to anyone else.

(If used a professional preparer to file return, read:) This is an opinion survey about YOUR experiences in preparing and filing your taxes. It's okay if you used a tax professional to help prepare your returns. We need to talk to all kinds of people to get a true picture of what Americans think, not just what "experts" say.

1 Respondent available (Continue)

2 Respondent not available/Not a good time - (Set time to call back)

3 (Soft refusal)

4 (Hard refusal) (Thank and Terminate)

qlang Please enter the language.



S1. We would like to hear your experiences and opinions as a taxpayer.

Continue..................................1 GO TO S1a

No, it’s a bad time….............2 ARRANGE CALLBACK

Want to think about it...…….3 ARRANGE CALLBACK

Refused................................6 RECORD REASON

S1a. Did you or your spouse file a FEDERAL INCOME TAX RETURN this year for income earned in 2006?

Yes, you or spouse filed federal tax return……….1 SKIP TO S1d

No federal income tax return filed for 2007 taxes..2 CONTINUE

Not sure/Refused…….....………………….......... 3 CONTINUE

S1b.Did anyone else in your household file a Federal Income Tax Return this year for income earned in 2007?

Yes, you or your spouse……………….1 SKIP TO S1d

Yes, someone else…………………………2 ASK TO SPEAK TO PERSON; GO TO INTRO2

No, no one did………..……………….…..3 CONTINUE

S1c. Did you not file a federal income tax return this year for 2007 taxes because you….


Got an extension………………………………..1 SCREEN OUT

Were under the income limit for filing………………...2 SCREEN OUT

Were a dependent of someone outside the household……3 SCREEN OUT

Something else (SPECIFY)……………………...4 SCREEN OUT

Not sure/refused……………………………...5 SCREEN OUT

Did file federal tax return………………………...6 SKIP TO S1d


Hello, this is __________ calling on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service, the federal tax collection agency. The IRS is trying to improve its services by asking customers about their experiences and opinions. This interview is being conducted for the IRS by an independent national research organization, SRBI, so that your answers will be confidential and no personal identifying information will be released to the IRS. (Verify that you are speaking with an adult over age 18.)

S1d. (Spanish-speakers only): Is your preferred language Spanish?

  1. Yes (Continue)

  2. No (Switch to English language version)

S1e. (Spanish-speakers only): How well do you read Spanish?

  1. Very well

  2. Well

  3. Not well

  4. Not at all

  5. (DK)

  6. (Refused)

S1f. (Spanish-speakers only): How well do you read English?

  1. Very well

  2. Well

  3. Not well

  4. Not at all

  5. (DK)

  6. (Refused)

S2. Would you say that you are the adult in your household who is most familiar with the preparation and filing of your 2007 federal income tax return (Spanish version, add: and your preferred language is Spanish)?

Yes, most familiar…………..1

Equally familiar…………….2

Not most/equally familiar…..3 ASK TO SPEAK TO THAT PERSON; GO TO INTRO2

S3. Who prepared your taxes? Was it (read 1-10)?

1 You (yourself)

2 A friend or family member (relative)

3 The IRS

4 A volunteer (at a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance or Tax Counseling for the Elderly site where volunteers prepare your taxes)

  1. An independent accountant/CPA

  2. H&R Block

  3. Jackson Hewitt

  4. Other paid professional

  5. (Spanish-only) Notario

  6. (VOL) Someone else

11 (VOL) Don’t Know (Thank, terminate and tally)

12 (VOL) Refused (Thank, terminate and tally)

S4. Which of the following best describes the filing status you used on your return? Please listen to all of the categories before responding. (Read 1-5)

1 Single

2 Married, filing jointly

3 Married, filing separately

4 Head of Household (single with dependent parent or child)

5 Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child

6 (DK)

7 (Refused)

(If self-preparer in S3 and DK/Ref to S4, end interview)

S5. What is the zip code where you lived when you filed your 2007 taxes? (Open-ended and code all five digits of zip code)


99998 (DK) (Ask S5a)

99999 (Refused) (Ask S5a)

(CATI: Check Zip Code against database of valid U.S. Zip Codes; if Invalid Zip Code, Ask S5a; otherwise, go to S6)

S5a. What city and state did you live in when you filed your 2007 taxes?

___________________ (OPEN END)

DK (Thank, Terminate and Save Case ID)

Refused (Thank, Terminate and Save Case ID)

S6. Which of the following forms were used to file your 2007 tax return (tax return filed in 2008 for income earned in year 2007)?(Read list)

1 Short form 1040EZ - did not itemize deductions

2 Short form 1040A - did not itemize deductions

3 Long form 1040 WITHOUT other forms or schedules -

did not itemize deductions

4 Long form 1040, WITH other forms or schedules -did itemize deductions

  1. (Long form, don’t remember if had other forms/schedules)

6 (Short form, don’t remember which one)

7 (Don’t know, someone else prepared or filed it)

8 (Refused)

(If code 1, 2, 3, or 6 in S6, Skip to Q1; If code 7 or 8 in S6, skip to S6b;

If code 4 or 5 in S6, Continue;)

S6a. Which of the following form and schedules were filed with your 2007 return? Did you file a (read list):


A. Schedule A for itemized deductions including home mortgage deductions, charitable contributions, and other types of deductions 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

B. Schedule B for interest and dividend income 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

  1. Schedule C, for small business income 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

D. Schedule D, for capital gains or losses 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

  1. Schedule E, for supplemental income, such as rental income, royalties, and trusts

1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

F. Schedule F, for farm income 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

G Form 2106 employee business expenses 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

[Transition text screen] Now . . .

S6b. [CATI: Display schedules not answered ‘yes’ in S6a or code 7 or 8 in S6] Did you report any of the following types of income or losses on your 2007 federal tax return (for income earned in year 2007)? How about income or loss from: (read list)? [CATI: SEPARATE QUESTION FOR EACH ITEM]

    1. Small business you own (Sch C) 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

    2. Rental property (Sch E) 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

    3. Royalties (Sch E) 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

    4. Estate or trust (Sch E) 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

    5. A farm you own (Sch F)

    6. Partnership or S Corporation 1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)


CATI: quota control

Filed Schedules C, E, or F (S6a.C or S6a.E or S6a.F or S6b.a or S6b.b S6b.c or S6b.d or S6b.e = Yes): no more than 560 interviews

Did not file Schedules C, E, or F (all others): no limit


First, I’d like to ask you some questions about how you receive tax-related information.

1b. Where did you actually get general tax information, including information about changes in tax laws for your 2006 federal tax return, as well as forms and publications? (Multiple Response. Probe if necessary; we are looking for location/organization)

1a. Where do you prefer to get general tax information, including information about changes in tax laws? (Select One Only. Probe if necessary; we are looking for location/organization)

  1. IRS direct mailings

  2. IRS web site in English

  3. IRS Web Site Espanol

  4. IRS, telephone contact

  5. IRS, in-person

  6. IRS sponsored tax class or seminar

  7. IRS (unspecificed)

  1. Accountant/tax preparer (H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt)

  2. Employer/Union/Trade Organization

  3. Family/Friend

  4. Library

  5. Notario [CATI: Spanish-only]

  6. Non-IRS Books and Publications

  7. Non-IRS Web site

  8. Post Office

  9. Social/Community Organization (Church/religious group, theaters, community centers/outreach groups, schools)

  10. Tax preparation software (TurboTax, TaxAct, etc)

  11. Other (Do NOT list)

  12. (DK)

  13. (Refused)

4. [CATI: Spanish-only] Did you use the Espanol section of the IRS website to prepare your return?

  1. Definitely not, I’ll always have someone else prepare taxes

  2. Probably not

  3. Maybe not the first year, but sometime

  4. Probably

  5. Yes, definitely

  6. Likely for forms but not for instructions

  7. Likely for instructions but not for forms

  8. (DK)

  9. (Refused)

5. [CATI: Spanish-only] Are you interested in having more tax information available in Spanish on the IRS Web site?



6. [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to Q5), What tax information would you like made available in Spanish on the IRS Web site? (Enter all that apply)


    1. Starting a new business

    2. Xx

    3. Xx

    4. Xx

    5. Other (specify)________________



7. [CATI: If S3=Self-preparers, friends/relatives] How did [you/your friend or relative [CATI: fill from S3] prepare your 2007 federal taxes? By this, we mean filling out the forms and not necessarily the actual filing task. Did [you/your friend or relative [CATI: fill from S3] prepare them (Read list)? [CATI: Single response]

  1. By hand, using IRS tax forms

  2. On the computer, using a purchased computer program (such as TurboTax)

  3. On the computer, using Free File on the IRS Web site

  1. On the computer, using Spanish Free File on the IRS Web site

  2. Both by hand and on the computer using a purchased computer program

  3. Both by hand and on the computer using Free File on the IRS Web site

  1. Both by hand and on the computer using Spanish Free File on the IRS Web site

  2. (DK)

  3. (Refused)

8. [CATI: If S3 is Self-preparer] Did you have your 2006 federal tax return available to you when you prepared your 2007 return?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. (Refused)

9.      Did you apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit, EITC, when you filed your 2007 federal tax return this year?
        1       Yes
        2       No

10.     During the past year the IRS’ Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) advertising campaign was, “I Take Credit”.  Have you seen or heard this advertisement?

1       Yes
2       No     

3       (DK)

4       (Refused)

[CATI: Self preparers, friends/relatives in S3, continue; otherwise, skip to Q12]

11. Please rate your satisfaction with the ease of getting general tax information, including forms or publications? Please rate your satisfaction on a scale of one-to-five where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)



12a. [CATI: English only] Are you aware that you can get help from the IRS in the following ways . . .

1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

a Calling the IRS Toll-Free line?

b Visiting the Local IRS Office (Taxpayer Assistance Center)?

c E-mailing the IRS?

d Sending regular mail to the IRS?

e Visiting the IRS Web site?

f Volunteers trained by the IRS that provide free tax preparation?

g Using an IRS kiosk, which is like an ATM bank machine?

12b. [CATI: Spanish-only] Are you aware that you can get help from the IRS in Spanish by:

a Calling the IRS Spanish Toll-Free line?

b Visiting the Local IRS Office (Taxpayer Assistance Center)?

d Sending regular mail to the IRS?

e Visiting the Espanol section of the IRS Web site?

f Volunteers trained by the IRS that provide free tax preparation?

g Using an IRS kiosk, which is like an ATM machine?

12c. [CATI: Spanish-only] Are you aware that you can get basic tax information, tax forms, instructions, and publications in Spanish from the Espanol section of the IRS Web site?

1 Yes

2 No

12d. [CATI: Spanish-only]Have you used the Espanol section of the IRS web site?

1 Yes

2 No

12e. [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to Q12d) About how many times have you used the Espanol sectionof the IRS Web site?

________- (Enter number; 998=DK, 999=Refused)

12f. [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to Q12d) What information did you get from the Espanol IRS Web site?

(Enter all that apply)

  1. Forms and publications

  2. Information on how to prepare taxes (besides forms and publications

  3. Refund information

  4. Notice information

  5. Get a Federal Tax ID #

  6. Other (specify)_____________

12g. [CATI: Spanish-only] (If no to Q12d) Why haven’t you used Espanol section of the IRS Web site? (Enter all that apply)

1 I’m not aware of Spanish site

2 I’m not aware that tax info is available in Spanish

3 I prefer to get Spanish information from the English IRS Web site

4 Other (specify)____________________________

12h. [CATI: Spanish-only] Are you aware of the “Where’s My Refund” section of the IRS web site in Spanish?

  1. Yes

  2. No

12i. [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to Q12h) On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied, how satisfied were you with the information received on the “Where’s My Refund in Spanish?”

1 Very dissatisfied……….5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

12j. [CATI: Spanish-only] Are you aware that IRS has a Spanish Toll-free Line?

  1. Yes

  2. No

12k. [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to Q12j) Have you called the Spanish Toll-free Line?

12l.[CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to Q12k)Why did you call the Spanish Toll-free Line?

12j. [CATI: Spanish-only] What other assistance you would like to receive in Spanish?


01 Nothing else

98 DK

99 Refused

Q13 SERIES ASKED ONLY IF A “YES” RESPONSE TO Q12a_a thru Q12a_e OR A “YES” RESPONSE TO Q12b_a thru Q12b_e

My next questions are about any contact you may have had with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the past 12 months, including visiting the IRS Web site.

13. In the past 12 months, did you contact the IRS for any reason, using any of the following methods: (Read list)

1—Yes 2—No 3—(DK) 4—(Ref)

13a ASK IF Q12a_a=Yes or Q12b_a=Yes Call the IRS Toll-Free line [For Spanish: in Spanish]

13b ASK IF Q12a_b=Yes or Q12b_b=Yes Visit the local IRS office[For Spanish: in Spanish]

13c ASK IF Q12a_e=Yes or Q12b_e=Yes Visit the IRS Web site [For Spanish: in Spanish]

13d ASK IF Q12a_d=Yes or Q12b_d=Yes Contact the IRS through regular mail[For Spanish: in Spanish]

13e ASK IF Q12a_c=Yes or Q12b_c=Yes Email the IRS [For Spanish: in Spanish]


Toll-Free [CATI: If Q13a= YES, ask the Toll-Free section]

14a. For which of the following reasons did you call the toll-free line [For Spanish: in Spanish]in the past 12 months? (Read list, Record each YES)

14b. (For each issue mentioned) How many times did you call Toll-Free for this issue?

Note to interviewers: Return prep assistance includes getting information on: which forms to file, record keeping, completing or filing income taxes, how to get help with taxes.

Tax law examples include: figuring out which deductions to take advantage of, figuring out how to file estate taxes, etc.

a. Issue

b. # Times

  • Getting a form or publication

  • Tax return preparation assistance

  • Answering tax law questions

  • Getting payment information

  • Getting information or assistance about resolving a notice (A notice is a letter from the IRS.)

  • Obtain Prior Year Tax Return Information

  • Refund Information

  • Obtain Individual or Employer Tax ID

Other, specify








14c. Was there anything difficult about using the Toll-Free line [For Spanish: in Spanish]?

1 Yes [CATI: Continue]

2 No [CATI: Skip to Q14e]

3 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q14e]

4 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q14e]

14d. [CATI: If Yes to Q14c] What about using the Toll-Free line was difficult for you?  I will read a list of items and you can say yes or no to each one.  What about…?  (Read list and allow respondent to say yes or no to each option [CATI: MULTIPLE-RECORD]

  1. Getting correct answers to your question

  2. Understanding the answer

  3. Ease of getting through on Toll-Free line

  4. Time it took to get the information

  5. Something Else (Please Specify) ______________

  6. (VOL) Don’t Know  

  7. (Refused)

14e. Did you hang up before getting through or before receiving the information you needed?

1 Yes [CATI: Continue]

2 No [CATI: Skip to Q14h]

3 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q14h]

4 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q14h]

14f. How many times did this happen?

________ times

  1. 97+

  2. (DK)

  3. (Refused)

14g. Why did you hang up? (Do not read list) [CATI: Multiple response]

1 Kept getting a busy signal

2 Placed on hold too long

3 Kept getting transferred

4 Couldn’t understand the menu system

5 Too many choices to listen to on the menu system

6 Other

7 (DK)

8 (Refused)

14h. Were you transferred more than once when you called?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

14i. Did you get unclear information (information that was not easy to understand)?

  1. Yes [CATI: Continue]

  2. No [CATI: Skip to Q14k]

  3. (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q14k]

  4. (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q14k]

14j. [CATI: If yes to Q14i] How many times did this happen?

________ times

97 97+

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

14k. If you knew you had to wait [CATI: rotate between 5,10,15] minutes to receive service from a representative on the Toll-Free line, how likely would you be to continue to hold?

    1. Not at all likely

    2. Not very likely

    3. Somewhat likely

    4. Very likely

    5. (DK)

    6. (Refused)

14l. Think about all aspects of using the IRS Toll-Free line [Spanish-only: in Spanish]. Please rate your satisfaction with using the Toll-Free line using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

Field Assistance [CATI: IF Q13b=YES, continue with this section]

15a. For which of the following reasons did you visit a local IRS office in the past 12 months? (Read list, Record each YES)

Note to interviewers: Return prep assistance includes getting information on: which forms to file, record keeping, completing or filing income taxes, how to get help with taxes.

Tax law examples include: figuring out which deductions to take advantage of, figuring out how to file estate taxes, etc.

15b. (For each issue mentioned) How many times did you use the local IRS office for this issue?

a. Issue

b. # Times

  • Getting a form or publication

  • Tax return preparation assistance

  • Answering tax law questions

  • Getting payment information

  • Getting information or assistance about resolving a notice (A notice is a letter from the IRS.)

  • Obtain Prior Year Tax Return Information

  • Refund Information

  • Obtain Individual or Employer Tax ID

Other, specify








15 xx [CATI: Spanish-only] Did you require assistance in Spanish to complete the transaction?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

15xx [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to above ?) Did you receive assistance in Spanish?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

15xx [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to above ?) did you receive assistance from a bilingual assistor, or did you use the over the phone interpreter service?

1 Bilingual assistor

2 Over the Phone interpreter

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

15xx [CATI: Spanish-only] (If 1 in above ?) Please rate your satisfaction with using the bilingual assistor on a scale to 1 to 5 with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied?

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

15xx [CATI: Spanish-only] (If 2 in above ?) Please rate your satisfaction with using the over-the-phone interpreter on a scale to 1 to 5 with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied?

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

15c. If you knew you had to wait [CATI: Rotate between 10, 30, 60] minutes to receive service from a representative at the local IRS office, how likely would you be to continue waiting?

  1. Not at all likely

  2. Not very likely

  3. Somewhat likely

  4. Very likely

  5. (DK)

15d. Think about all aspects of using the IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center) [CATI: Spanish-only: in Spanish]. Please rate your satisfaction with using the IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center) using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

IRS Web site [CATI: If Q13c=YES, continue with this section]

16a. For which of the following reasons did you use the Web site [CATI: Spanish-only: in Spanish] in the past 12 months? (Read list, Record each YES)

Note to interviewers: Return prep assistance includes getting information on: which forms to file, record keeping, completing or filing income taxes, how to get help with taxes.

Tax law examples include: figuring out which deductions to take advantage of, figuring out how to file estate taxes, etc.

16b. (For each issue mentioned) How many times did you use the IRS Web site for this issue?

a. Issue

b. # Times

  • Getting a form or publication

  • Tax return preparation assistance

  • Answering tax law questions

  • Getting payment information

  • Obtain Prior Year Tax Return Information

  • Refund Information

  • Obtain Individual or Employer Tax ID

Other, specify








16c. Was there anything difficult about using the IRS Web site [For Spanish: in Spanish]?

1 Yes [CATI: Continue]

2 No [CATI: Skip to Q16e]

3 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q16e]

4 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q16e]

16d. What about using the IRS Web site was difficult for you?  I will read a list of items and you can say yes or no to each one.  What about…?  (Read list and allow respondent to say yes or no to each option) [CATI: MULTIPLE-RECORD]

  1. Language problems using/understanding info

  2. Finding the information you needed       

  3. Using the Search Engine (not language related)

  4. Understanding the information  (not language related)

  5. Time you spent 

  6. Something else (Please Specify)

  7. (VOL) Don’t Know

  8. (Refused)

16e. Were you able to obtain the information you were seeking [For Spanish: in Spanish]?

  1. Yes [CATI: Skip to Q16g]

  2. No [CATI: Continue]

  3. (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q16g]

  4. (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q16g]

16f. [CATI: If No to Q16e], How many times did this happen?

________ times

97 97+

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

16g. Did you get unclear information?

  1. Yes [CATI: Continue]

  2. No [CATI: Skip to Q16i]

  3. (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q16i ]

  4. (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q16i ]

16h. [CATI: If yes to Q16f], How many times did this happen?

________ times

97 97+

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

16i. [CATI: For IRS Web visitors who also used TACs or TF (If Q13a=Yes OR Q13b=Yes)] What would further motivate you to use the IRS Web site? (READ LIST) [CATI: Multiple response]

  1. If the information was easier to locate by navigating through the Web site

  2. If the information answered my questions

  3. If the search engine in the IRS Web site was easier to use

  4. Other (specify)__________________________________________

16j. Think about all aspects of using the Web site (Espanol) [CATI: Spanish-only: in Spanish], please rate your satisfaction with using the IRS Web site. Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

Regular Mail [CATI: If Q13d=YES, continue with this section]

17a. For which of the following reasons did you use regular mail [For Spanish: in Spanish] to contact the IRS in the past 12 months? (Read list, Record each YES)

Note to interviewers: Return prep assistance includes getting information on: which forms to file, record keeping, completing or filing income taxes, how to get help with taxes.

Tax law examples include: figuring out which deductions to take advantage of, figuring out how to file estate taxes, etc.

17b. (For each issue mentioned) How many times did you use regular mail for this issue?

a. Issue

b. # Times

  • Getting a form or publication

  • Tax return preparation assistance

  • Answering tax law questions

  • Getting payment information

  • Getting information or assistance about resolving a notice (A notice is a letter from the IRS.)

  • Obtain Prior Year Tax Return Information

  • Refund Information

  • Obtain Individual or Employer Tax ID

Other, specify








17c. Was there anything difficult about contacting the IRS by regular mail [For Spanish: in Spanish]?

1 Yes [CATI: Continue]

2 No [CATI: Skip to Q17e]

3 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q17e]

4 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q17e]

17d. What about contacting the IRS by regular mail was difficult for you?  I will read a list of items and you can say yes or no to each one.  What about…?  (Read list and allow respondent to say yes or no to each option) [CATI: MULTIPLE-RECORD]

  1. Writing a letter

  2. Time it took to receive a reply from the IRS

  3. Getting correct answers to your question

  4. Understanding the answer

  5. Something Else (Please Specify) ______________  

  6. (VOL) Don’t Know

  7. (Refused)

17e. Think about all aspects of contacting the IRS by regular mail [CATI: Spanish-only: in Spanish]. Please rate your satisfaction with contacting the IRS by regular mail using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

Email (IF Q13e=YES, continue with this section)

18a. For which of the following reasons did you send email [For Spanish: in Spanish] to the IRS in the past 12 months? (Read list, Record each YES)

Note to interviewers: Return prep assistance includes getting information on: which forms to file, record keeping, completing or filing income taxes, how to get help with taxes.

Tax law examples include: figuring out which deductions to take advantage of, figuring out how to file estate taxes, etc.

18b. (For each issue mentioned) How many times did you use email for this issue?

a. Issue

b. # Times

  • Getting a form or publication

  • Tax return preparation assistance

  • Answering tax law questions

  • Getting payment information

  • Getting information or assistance about resolving a notice (A notice is a letter from the IRS.)

  • Obtain Prior Year Tax Return Information

  • Refund Information

  • Obtain Individual or Employer Tax ID

Other, specify








18c. Was there anything difficult about contacting IRS by email [For Spanish: in Spanish]?

1 Yes [CATI: Continue]

2 No [CATI: Skip to Q18e]

3 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q18e]

4 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q18e]

18d. What about contacting the IRS by email was difficult for you?  I will read a list of items and you can say yes or no to each one.  What about?  (Read list and allow respondent to say yes or no to each option) [CATI: MULTIPLE-RECORD]

  1. Time it took to receive a reply from the IRS

  2. Getting correct answers to your question

  3. Understanding the IRS’ reply

  4. Something Else (Please Specify) ______________

  5. (VOL) Don’t Know

  6. (Refused)  

18e. Think about all aspects of contacting the IRS by email Spanish-only: in Spanish. Please rate your satisfaction with contacting the IRS by email using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied. Can customers contact the IRS by email in Spanish?

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)


19. [CATI: If yes to 13a, b, c, d, OR e] Did you contact the IRS for any other reasons that we have not discussed? (If yes) What other reasons?______________________________________________


ASK Q20 IF Q12a_f=Yes OR Q12b_f=Yes, ELSE SKIP TO Q21

20. Did you get free tax preparation help for your 2007 taxes from volunteers trained by the IRS [For Spanish: in Spanish]?

    1. Yes [CATI: Continue]

    2. No [CATI: Skip to Q21]

20a. Was there anything difficult about using the free tax preparation services provided by volunteers trained by the IRS [For Spanish: in Spanish]?

1 Yes [CATI: Continue]

2 No [CATI: Skip to Q20c]

3 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q20c]

4 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q20c]

20b. What about getting free tax preparation help from volunteers was difficult for you?  I will read a list of items and you can say yes or no to each one.  What about…?  (Read list and allow respondent to say yes or no to each option) [CATI: MULTIPLE-RECORD]

  1. Travel time to get to the free volunteer tax prep site

  2. Wait time, or time standing in line, to reach a representative

  3. Getting correct answers to your question

  4. Understanding the answer 

  5. Privacy/being in a public place      

  6. Something Else (Please Specify) ______________  

  7. (VOL) Don’t Know

  8. (Refused)

20c. Think about all aspects of getting free tax preparation help from volunteers [CATI: Spanish-only: in Spanish] while preparing your 2007 taxes, please rate your satisfaction with getting free tax preparation services from volunteers. Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

20d. How likely would you be to recommend getting free tax preparation help from volunteers who are trained by the IRS, if a friend or family member should ask? Would you be:

  1. Very UNlikely

  2. Somewhat UNlikely

  3. Somewhat likely

  4. Very likely

  5. (DK)

  6. (Refused)

21. [CATI: Spanish-speakers only] The IRS offers services in Spanish. Were you able to get assistance in Spanish when needed?

1 Yes [CATI: Skip to Q23]

2 No [CATI: Continue]

3 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q23]

4 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q23]

22. [CATI: Spanish-speakers only: If no to Q21] Why were you NOT able to get assistance in Spanish? [MULTIPLE RECORD]

  1. I had an interpreter

  2. No one available

  3. I speak English well enough to conduct my business

  4. Other (specify)

  5. (Refused)

Cross-Channel Interactions (ALL RESPONDENTS)

23. If an IRS kiosk, which is like an ATM bank machine, was in a local IRS office, would you consider using it to (Read list, Record each YES): [CATI: Multiple response]

  1. Make a payment

  2. File a simple tax return such as 1040 EZ where just income and income tax withholdings are reported, or

  3. Would you not consider using a kiosk?

  4. (Do not read) (DK)

  5. (Do not read) (Refused)

24. How likely would you be to consider using a computer or phone line at a local IRS office, instead of talking to a customer service representative? A representative would still be available if you had questions. Would you be . . .

  1. Very UNlikely

  2. Somewhat UNlikely

  3. Somewhat likely

  4. Very likely

  5. (DK)

  6. (Refused)

25. [CATI: For non-IRS Web visitors who used TACs (Q13b=Yes) or TF (Q13a=Yes)] What are the main reasons you visited a local office or used the toll-free line instead of visiting the IRS Web site to get information from the IRS? [CATI: Multiple response] [READ LIST]

1 You don’t have Internet access

2 You are used to going to local IRS offices

3 You are used to calling the Toll-Free line

4 You don’t believe you can get your questions answered by using the IRS Web site

  1. You did try to use the IRS Web site

  2. You weren’t aware of the IRS Web site

  3. The letter you received from the IRS said to call a telephone number

  4. The letter you received from the IRS said to go to a local office

  5. Something else (specify)

  6. (Refused)

Which tax-related activities would you perform in the future using the IRS Web site ( [CATI: Multiple response] [READ LIST, Record each YES]

  1. Get an IRS form or publication

  2. Get help preparing a federal tax return or form (tax return prep assistance)

  3. File a federal tax return or form

  4. Find an answer to a tax law question

  5. Find out where to send payments (payment information)

  6. Set up a payment plan (payment information)

  7. Make a payment

  8. Get information on or respond to a letter or notice received from the IRS

  9. Obtain prior year’s tax return information

  10. Get information about a refund

  11. Obtain individual tax ID number or employer ID number

  12. Something else (specify)_____________________

  13. None – I would not complete any of these activities using the IRS Web site

  14. (DK)

  15. (Refused)


27. If you were able to review your federal tax return information online through a secure link on the IRS Web site, how likely would you be to use this service? Would you be . . .

  1. Very UNlikely

  2. Somewhat UNlikely

  3. Somewhat likely

  4. Very likely

  5. (DK)

  6. (Refused)


64. During the past two years, did you contact the IRS more than once to get help about the same topic? This includes visiting the IRS Web site to get information on the same topic.

1 Yes - [CATI: Continue]

2 No [Skip to next section]

3 (DK) [Skip to next section]

4 (Refused) [Skip to next section]

65. What was your most recent topic about? (Prompt if necessary) [CATI: Multiple Response]

  1. Forms and Publications

  2. Return Preparation Assistance

  3. Tax Law Questions

  4. Payments

  5. Response to IRS Notice

  6. Prior Year Return Information/transcripts

  7. Refund Information

  8. Application for an Individual Tax ID Number or Employer ID Number

  9. Other (specify_____________)

  10. (DK)

  11. (Refused)

[CATI: If respondent mentions more than one issue in Q65, randomly select one issue, and display the following text]

For these next questions, please think about your contact with the IRS regarding [CATI: Display issue]

66. How many times have you had contact with the IRS about [CATI: Display issue]? (code actual number of times)

_________ times

97 97+

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

67. Which of the following methods have you used to contact the IRS about [CATI: Display issue]? Was it (Read list)? [CATI: multiple response]

  1. By calling the Toll-Free phone line

  2. By visiting an IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center)

  3. By sending regular mail to the IRS

  4. By sending email to the IRS

  5. By visiting the IRS Web site

  6. or, some other way

  7. (DK)

  8. (Refused)

68 [CATI: Display issue; one response] How did you contact the IRS most recently about this same topic?

  1. By calling the Toll-Free phone line

  2. By visiting an IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center)

  3. By sending regular mail to the IRS

  4. By sending email to the IRS

  5. By visiting the IRS Web site

  6. or, some other way

  7. (DK)

  8. (Refused)

69. What could the IRS have done to help you resolve the [CATI: display topic] topic on the first try? (Prompt if necessary)

  1. Given me the correct information the first time

  2. Provide consistent information

  3. Put the information online so I could use the IRS Web site to resolve the issue

  4. Other (specify)________________________

  5. (DK)

  6. (Refused)

70. Was your issue (Read list)?

  1. Completely resolved

  2. Partly resolved

  3. Not resolved at all

  4. (DK)

  5. (Refused)


My next questions are about the completing and filing of your 2007 taxes.

30a. How was your federal tax return filed this year? Was it (Read list as necessary)?

1 Filed by regular mail

2 Filed electronically (e-file)

3 Delivered in person

4 Not sure, filed by someone else

5 (DK)

6 (Refused)

ASK IF Q30a=2 (filed electronically)

Q30a.1 How did you electronically file your federal tax return this year?

    1. By computer using a “Free-File” option through with no cost

    2. By computer with a fee using software like TurboTax

    3. Not sure how\filed by your tax preparer

    4. (DK)

    5. (Refused)

30b. [CATI: If Q30a = 2 (e-filed)] Did you sign your return (read list):

  1. Electronically (with a personal ID number)

  2. On a form or paper

  3. Another way

  4. (DK)

  5. (Refused)

(Don’t ask if Q30a=4,5,6)

31a. Did you (Insert answer from Q30a if Q30a=1 thru 3) in the previous year?

  1. Yes [CATI: Skip to Q32]

  2. No [CATI: Ask Q31b]

  3. (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q32]

  4. (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q32]

31b. [CATI: If ‘No’ to Q31a] What is the main reason you changed the way you filed your tax return this year? [SINGLE RESPONSE]

  1. New computer access/computer programs

  2. IRS Free-file options

  3. Advertising

  4. Change in tax preparer

  5. Word of mouth

  6. Other (specify)

  7. (DK)

  8. (Refused)

33. [CATI: If Q30a is 1, 3, 4, 5, or 6] Were you aware that your return could have been filed electronically?

1 Yes [CATI: Continue]

2 No [CATI: Skip to Q29]

3 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q29]

4 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q29]

  1. [CATI: If Q30a=1 or 3] What is the primary reason that your return was not filed electronically? (Prompt if necessary)

  1. Like paper filing

  2. Cost

  3. Don’t trust e-filing

  4. [CATI: Non self-preparer in S3]The option was not offered to you

  5. [CATI: Self-preparer in S3] No access to Internet/computer

  6. Did not know about it/Never thought about it

  7. Too hard/complex

  8. Don’t trust IRS security with my personal information

  1. Owed money to the IRS

  2. Other (specify)__________________

  3. (DK)

  4. (Refused)

35. [CATI: If Q30a=1 or 3 (Didn’t efile but aware of efile)] I’m going to read three statements to you. Please state how strongly you agree using a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree

Strongly disagree Strongly agree


    1. Saving the American public millions of dollars by filing electronically would encourage you to use e-file.

    2. Helping the environment through reducing paper usage and filing electronically would encourage you to use e-file.

    3. Getting your refund faster by filing electronically would encourage you to use e-file.

IF Q30a.1=1, SKIP TO Q36

29. Are you aware of the IRS “Free-File” option, where some taxpayers can file the federal return electronically at no cost, through

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

12M. [CATI: Spanish-only] Are you aware that you can Free-File in Spanish from the Espanol section of

1 Yes

2 No

Xx [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to above?) Have you used the Spanish-language Free-File section of the IRS Web site?

1 Yes

2 No

Xx [CATI: Spanish-only] (If yes to above?) On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied, how satisfied are you with the Spanish-language Free File section of the IRS Web site?

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

36 [CATI: IfQ30a.1 = 1 (used Free File) OR Q29 = 1 (aware of Free File)] How did you first learn about Free-File?

  1. Don’t remember

  2. Billboard

  3. Cinema, movie theater

  4. Friend, family, colleague

  5. Internet

  6. Magazine

  7. Newspaper

  8. Poster, brochure, flyer

  9. Public transportation (bus, train, etc)

  10. Radio

  11. Television

  12. Other

  13. (Refused)

37: [CATI: For non-Free-Filers. If Q30a.1 is NOT 1 (did not use free file) AND Q29=1 (aware of Free File)]

Why did you not use Free-file?

1 Income not qualified

2 Wasn’t aware of or don’t understand what “Free File” is

3 Instructions too confusing on IRS Web site

4 Difficult to use on 3rd party Web site

  1. Don’t have confidence in ‘Free File’

  2. Don’t trust the IRS security with my personal information\

  3. Refund anticipation loan provides faster refund

  4. Don’t trust Free-File

  5. Other (specify)________________________________

  6. (DK)

  7. (Refused)

38. I will now ask about preparing and filing your return. Please use a scale of one-to-five where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied. How satisfied were you with (read list)?

  1. 1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused) 8 (Not applicable)

[CATI: Non self-preparers S3 answer Q38a-38d]

A. The tax advice provided by the person who prepared your taxes

B. The accuracy of the person who prepared your taxes

C. The knowledge of the person who prepared your taxes

D. The time it took that person to prepare your taxes after you provided all the necessary information

[CATI: Self-preparers S3 answer Q38e-38g]

E. The time you spent completing your federal tax return

  1. The ease of understanding what materials and documents to include with your federal tax return

  2. The ease of understanding where to send your return

  3. [CATI: If e-file through Internet with fee in Q30a.1=2] The amount of money you spent to file your federal tax return electronically

  4. [CATI: If free-file in Q30a.1=1] Ease of using Free-File through the IRS Web site

[CATI: Please split the Non self-preparers randomly into 2 groups. One group will answer Q39a1 and the other Q39a2]

39a1. [CATI: Non self-preparers S3] Taking all factors into account, please rate your overall satisfaction with the person who completed your return. (If necessary repeat scale)

39a2. [CATI: Non self-preparers S3] Taking all factors into account, please rate your overall satisfaction with the filing process (the actual filing task) of your federal return . (If necessary repeat scale)

39b. [CATI: Self-preparers S3] Taking all factors into account, please rate your satisfaction with preparing and filing your federal return. (If necessary repeat scale)

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

40. [CATI: Self-preparers S3] Please tell us what you believe the IRS could do to improve the process of completing and filing your return.



The following questions relate to the economic stimulus package that was applied to 2007 federal taxes for some taxpayers.

xx. How did you hear about the economic stimulus package? (Mention all that apply)

1 Letter or postcard from IRS

2 Accountant/tax professional

3 Tax software

4 Friend or family member

5 Newspaper, TV, or radio advertising

6 (Do not read) I did not hear about the economic stimulus package

7 (DK)

8 (Refused)

2. (For those who received an IRS letter or postcard) How satisfied were you with the clarity of the information from the IRS about what to do to receive the stimulus payment?

3. (For those who received an IRS letter or postcard) How satisfied were you with the clarity of information from the IRS about the amount of the stimulus payment you would receive?  

4  Did you receive a stimulus payment?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

5. (If received a payment), Please use a scale of one-to-five where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied and tell me how satisfied you were with the accuracy of the amount that you received?

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

6. (If received a payment), Using the same 1 to 5 scale, how satisfied were you with timeliness of the payment?

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)


Q14a=7 and Q15a=7 and Q16a=6 and Q17a=7 and Q18a=7 (Refund Information)], skip to Q43

IF Q14a NE 7 and Q15a NE 7 and Q16a NE 6 and Q17a NE 7 and Q18a NE 7 (‘No’ to Refund in Q14-Q18 series), ASK Q43a

IF Q14a=7 or Q15a=7 or Q16a=6 or Q17a=7 or Q18a=7 (Refund Information), ASK Q43b

43a In the last 12 months, did you contact the IRS about a refund from ANY tax year?

Yes SKIP TO Q43c


43b You said earlier that you contacted the IRS about a refund by [display channel(s) Qs14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Did you also contact the IRS about a refund from any tax year in the last 12 months through (LIST NON-MENTIONED CHANNELS FROM Q14-18 REFUND)

Yes ASK Q43c


43c Did you: [CATI: SEPARATE QUESTION FOR EACH ITEM](Read all categories if “Yes” to Q43a. IF “Yes” to Q43b, read only Non-mentioned channels for Q14–Q18 refund categories)

43d1-5. [CATI: For each channel with yes in Q43c] how many times did you (channel) about a refund in the past 12 months?



(Don’t read)

Not Sure

(Don’t read)


How many times?


Call the IRS toll-free number







Visit the local IRS office







Visit the IRS Web site







Send regular mail to the IRS







Send email to the IRS






I will now ask you some questions about getting your refund from the IRS for your 2007 federal tax return.

43. Did you owe money to the IRS or did you expect a refund from the IRS for your 2007 Federal income taxes?

1 Owed money

2 Expected refund

3 (Neither)

4 (DK)

5 (Refused)

44. Are you aware that you can track the status of your refund on the IRS Web site?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

Xx Did you get a tax refund anticipation loan or other kind of rapid refund this year with the assistance of your return preparer?  A tax refund anticipation loan is an immediate loan, typically facilitated by your tax preparer, against your anticipated tax refund.

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

[CATI: If yes to above ?] Would you still have taken that loan if you could have expected to receive your refund from the IRS in about three days?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

46.[CATI: If expected refund in Q43] Have you received your refund for your 2007 tax return yet? (If respondent answers that he/she was expecting a refund, but it was withheld for any reason, code as a "no")

1 Yes

2 No

3 (VOL) applied to prior year balance/estimated tax SKIP TO NEXT SECTION

4 (DK)

5 (Refused)

ASK Q47 IF Q43=2 (expected refund) AND [Q14a=7 or Q15a=7 or Q16a=6 or Q17a=7 or Q18a=7 (Refund Information) or Q43a = yes or Q43b = yes]

47. If you contacted the IRS about your 2007 refund, how many weeks did you wait after filing your tax return before you contacted the IRS? This includes checking the “Where’s my refund?” section of the IRS Web site. (code actual number of weeks)

_________ weeks

  1. Did not contact the IRS about refund

  2. 97+

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

48.CATI: If Q46=2, 4, or 5 ASK: How did you request to receive your refund? [PROMPT IF NECESSARY]

If Q46=1 ASK: How did you receive your refund? [PROMPT IF NEECESSARY]

  1. Direct deposit

  2. Paper check

  3. Refund anticipation loan

4 (DK) [CATI: Skip to Q50]

5 (Refused) [CATI: Skip to Q50]

49. [CATI: If No Direct Deposit in Q48] Why didn’t you request to receive your refund through direct deposit to your bank account? (Multiple Response) [PROMPT IF NECESSARY]

1 Wanted to See Check/Have Check in Hand

2 Do Not Want IRS to Access your Bank Account

3 Do Not Want IRS to Have your Bank Account Number

4 Don’t trust the idea of direct deposit

5 Have No Bank Account

6 Not Aware of Direct Deposit Option

7 Didn't want/need to

8 Forgot/never thought about it

9 Didn't want charged for that

10 Always do it that way/prefer mail

11 Get a faster refund/pick up myself/through preparer

12 Other

13 (DK)

14 (Refused)

50. [CATI: If expected refund in Q43] Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of getting your refund from the IRS on a scale of one-to-five where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied. How satisfied were you with (read list)?

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused) 8 (Not applicable)

  1. [CATI: If received refund in Q46] The time it took to receive your refund from the IRS

  2. [CATI: If received refund in Q46] The accuracy of your refund

  3. [CATI: If received refund in Q46] The IRS’s explanation of any adjustments to your refund

  4. [CATI: If not “96” in Q47] The ease of making contact with the IRS about your refund

  5. (If not “96” in Q47, ask:) Getting a clear answer to your questions when contacting the IRS about your refund

51. [CATI: If received refund in Q46] Taking all factors into account, please rate your satisfaction with getting your refund from the IRS for the 2007 tax season? (If necessary, repeat scale)

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)


My next questions are about notices.

52. In the past 12 months, have you received a notice in the mail from the IRS about any federal return that you filed? ? A notice is a letter from the IRS.

1 Yes [CATI: Continue]

2 No [CATI: Skip to next section]

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

53. In the past two years, have you received a similar notice about previous returns filed?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

54. Why are you continuing to receive similar notices>?

Now, we’re going to ask about your contact in the past 12 months about any notices you’ve received.

55. In the past 12 months, how did you handle notices received? Did you (Read list and check all that apply)

  1. Contact IRS about the issue yourself WITH questions (Continue)

  2. Contact IRS about the issue yourself WITHOUT questions (Continue)

  3. Have someone else handle it

4 Did nothing regarding the notice

54. Why did you contact the IRS? (READ AS NECESSARY, Multiple Response).

1The notice asked me to contact IRS.
2I didn’t understand the notice.
3The information in the notice was incorrect.
4I contacted them about another matter beside what was in the notice.
6 (DK)
7 (Refused)

56a1-4. Did you:


56b1-4. [CATI: For each channel with yes in Q53a]how many times did you (channel) about notices in the past 12 months?



(Don’t read)

Not Sure

(Don’t read)


How many times?


Call the telephone number listed in the notice







Visit the local IRS office regarding the notice (Taxpayer Assistance








Send regular mail to the IRS regarding the notice







Send email to the IRS regarding the notice






IRS Telephone Number: [CATI: If yes to Toll-Free in Q56a1, continue; otherwise, skip to Q56d]

56c. Were you able to resolve the issue in your notice(s) when you called the telephone number listed in the notice?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

Local IRS Office (Taxpayer Assistance Center): [CATI: If yes to IRS office (TAC) in Q56a2, continue; otherwise, skip to Q56e]

56d. Were you able to resolve the issue in your notice when you visited the local IRS office (Taxpayer Assistance Center)?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

Regular mail: [CATI: If yes to Regular mail in Q56a3, continue; otherwise, skip to Q57]

56e. Were you able to resolve the issue in your notice(s) when you used mail correspondence?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

57. Now, about your most recent notice. What was your most recent notice about?

  1. Error on return: Under-reported income

  2. Failure to file a return

  3. Failure to make payment

  4. Failure to sign

  5. Error on return: Inadequate withholdings

  6. Other (specify)_______________________

  7. (DK)

  8. (Refused)

58a. Was the most recent notice: (read list)?

  1. Resolved in your favor

  2. Resolved, but not in your favor

  3. Not resolved

  4. (Do not read) Resolved, but unsure in whose favor

  5. (Do not read) (DK)

  6. (Do not read) (Refused)

58b. [CATI: If Q58a=1 or 2 or 4 (resolved)] Did you agree with the resolution of the most recent notice?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. (DK)

  4. (Refused)

58c. [CATI: If Q58a=1 or 2 or 4 (resolved)] Approximately, how many months after you received the most recent notice were you informed that the issue was resolved (code actual number of months)

_________ months

96 96+

97 (VOL) Never informed

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

59. [CATI: If Q58a=1 or 2 or 4 (resolved)] Approximately, how many hours did you spend trying to resolve the issue in your most recent notice?

________ hours

97 97+

  1. (DK)

  2. (Refused)

60. Who prepared the return that led the IRS to issue the most recent notice? Was it (read list)

  1. You

  2. A tax professional

  3. The IRS

  4. (Do not read) Other (specify)_________________

  5. (Do not read) (DK)

  6. (Do not read) (Refused)

61. [CATI: If Q58a=3 (not resolved)] Why was your issue NOT resolved?

___________________________________ [CATI: Open-end for pretest; develop categories later]

62. Which of the following do you think will help the IRS improve the notices process? Please listen to all five options and then choose what you feel are the top two improvement areas [CATI: Rotate items a-d]

The IRS should . . .

  1. offer online tools to resolve issues

  2. issue notices more quickly

  3. acknowledge information was received

  4. process information more quickly

  5. do something else (specify)____________________________

  6. (VOL) Don’t Know/No second option

63. Thinking about all aspects of your most recent experience with an IRS notice, including understanding the notice, the internal IRS coordination, resolving the issue, and time spent, please rate your satisfaction with resolving your notice using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)


71a [CATI: Spanish-only] Now I have a question for you about your overall tax experience. Considering all factors we have talked about, please rate your OVERALL satisfaction with the Spanish-language assistance you received from the IRS for your 2007 federal taxes. On a scale of one-to-five where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied, please indicate your level of satisfaction.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

71b. [CATI: Ask All] Now I have a question for you about your overall tax experience. Considering all factors we have talked about, please rate your OVERALL satisfaction with filing your 2007 federal taxes on a scale of one-to-five where 1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied.

1 Very dissatisfied……………5 Very Satisfied 6 (DK) 7 (Refused)

72. What could the IRS have done to improve your experience with your 2007 taxes?


  1. Gave response

  2. No suggestions for improvement


I have a few questions for classification purposes only.

D1. Do you use a computer at home?

1 Yes

2 No

3 (DK)

4 (Refused)

D2. Do you access the Internet (Read list. Record each YES. Multiple response):

  1. From home,

  2. from work,

  3. from school,

  4. from a library or public access area, OR

  5. from somewhere else (specify)__________

  6. No Internet Access

  7. (VOL) Cell phone

  8. (VOL) Don’t Know/Refused

D3. Excluding cell phones, business phones, a fax machine, or modem, how many different phone NUMBERS do you have for your household?

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five or more

6 (DK)

7 (Refused)

D4. What is your age? (code actual age)

_________ years

97 97+

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

D5. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

1 Grade school

2 Some High School

3 High School Diploma/GED

4 Some College, Associate’s Degree, or Technical/Vocational Degree

5 College Degree (Bachelor’s Degree)

6 Graduate Study (Master’s or Doctoral Degree)

7 (Refused)

D6. Do you have any of the following disabilities? (Read list, if resp offers HAVE NO DISABILITY, enter code 4) [CATI: Enter all that apply]

1 A sensory disability like seeing or hearing

2 A physical disability, besides seeing or hearing

3 Or a mental disability

4 (VOL) Has NO disabilities

5 (Refused)

D6a. [CATI: If any disability mentioned] Does your disability prevent you from going outside from your home?

1 Yes

2 No

D7. What is your employment status? (Read list) [CATI: One response]

1 Work full-time

  1. Work part-time

  2. Retired

  3. Full-time student

  4. Unemployed, looking for work

  5. Employed in the home

  6. Other

  7. (Refused)

D8. Did you report having any dependents on your 2007 tax return?

1 Yes

2 No


D9. What is the total income before taxes that you reported on your 2007 tax return?


  1. Less than $20,000

  2. $20,000 to less than $35,000

  3. $35,000 to less than $50,000

  4. $50,000 to less than $75,000

  5. $75,000 to less than $100,000

  6. $100,000 or more

  7. (DK)

  8. (Refused)

D10. (Spanish-speakers only) What is your country of origin?

  1. Argentina

  2. Columbia

  3. Cuba

  4. Dominican Republic

  5. Ecuador

  6. El Salvador

  7. Guatemala

  8. Honduras

  9. Mexico

  10. Nicaragua

  11. Puerto Rico

  12. Spain

  13. United States

  14. Venezuela

  15. Other (Please specify)

  16. (DK)

  17. (Refused)

D11. Gender:(Code only, Do not ask)

1 Male

2 Female

Again, this is _____, with SRBI. I would like to thank you for your time.

The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that the IRS provide an OMB control number for all public information requests. The OMB Control Number for this study is 1545-1349. Also, if you have any comments regarding the time estimates associated with this study or suggestions on making this process simpler, please write to the Internal Revenue Service.

Would you like to have the address? (If yes, read following)

Tax Products Coordinating Committee

Room #IR-6406

1111 Constitution Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20224


IRS W&I Market Segment Satisfaction 2007


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleIRS W&I Segment Survey 2006
AuthorElaine Lowitz
Last Modified Bymdsloa00
File Modified2008-07-16
File Created2008-07-16

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